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04x14 - The A-Team Is Coming, the A-Team Is Coming

Posted: 09/07/22 13:24
by bunniefuu
That's Katrina Karpov.

The star of
the Russian ballet.

Katrina? Where is she?

Welcome to freedom.

I hope all of you
will be all right.

How is Ivan gonna
start World w*r Ill?

By stealing Abraxas.

It appears that the A-Team
has jumped sides...

and gone to work
for the Russians.

From here on out,
it's sh**t to k*ll.

You're not gonna get away
with this, you commie flake.

(male narrator) In 1972,
a cr*ck commando unit...

was sent to prison
by a m*llitary court...

for a crime
they didn't commit.

These men promptly escaped...

from a maximum-security

to the Los Angeles

Today, still wanted
by the government...

they survive
as soldiers of fortune.

If you have a problem,
if no one else can help...

and if you can find them...

maybe you can hire
the A-Team.

[g*n f*ring]

Don't move!

We're here--
I know what you're here for.

Three cases of Uzis,
10,000 rounds of a*mo...

three grenade launchers
and two anti-t*nk weapons.

I want to inspect
the weapons Mr. Ross.

Yeah? I want to
inspect the cash.

There should be
$100,000 in there.

I want to try it.

N[orchestral music playing]

Get out of the way, pal.



Is that the hottest broad
you've ever seen, or what?

I'm appalled that
in the presence...

of one of nature's
most perfect creations...

that you can display the crass
behavior of a drunken salesman...

at an aluminum siding
convention in Atlantic City.

Listen, pal, all I said was
she's one red-hot bimbo.

Just be quiet.


[audience applauding]

[audience cheering]

Sasha sends his regards.
He'll see you soon.

[pulley squeaking]

So my critical friend, how did
you like the performance?

[speaking Russian]

Yes, I would like to ask a question
to one of your typical performers.

[audience continues cheering]

Ask him, would he like to sell
aluminum siding in this country?


Katrina? Where is she?

[yelling in Russian]

(tour manager)
Katrina. I want her.


Hey, pal, you can't treat a
member of 66 like this...

just because you're
from out of town.

[people chattering]

[speaking Russian]

[yelling in Russian]

Nyet, comrades!

[tires screeching]

Welcome to freedom.

[car honking]

Well, the pen is mightier than the
sword, but it's no match for a g*n.

Nice job, B.A.

Now, let's get rid of this
wreck and get back to the van.

You can take off your tutu, darling.
Welcome to America.

Here's your dance bag.

(Hannibal) I'm sorry you had to
go through all this, Katrina.

[door closing]
It was wonderful.

Somehow I thought...

a candlelight dinner might
be more to your liking.

It was like James Bond, no?

You know, Katrina,
I have to agree with you...

from the standpoint
of entertainment...

on the Murdock scale of one to
ten, I'd have to give it a nine.

A nine? Let me see you
drive like that!

But, I never give a ten. Never,
never, never, never, never.

I mean, there's no such thing
as perfection in the arts, B.A.

This is a ten on B.A.'s scale.
Ten being total pain.

Come on, guys.

You'll be in close quarters
here for four days.

I have to wait to see
my brother for four days?

Well, we have to make sure
Sasha isn't being followed.

They know you have
a brother in this country.

Let's settle in,
it's been a long day.

Lieutenant, you take the first
watch in here with Katrina.

Murdock, you and B.A. and I'll
split it up after that.

Pleasant dreams, guys.


Hannibal, don't you think
it is a bit of a mistake...

to let Face stay in
there with Katrina?

I mean, isn't that like giving
the henhouse keys to the fox?



we must all deal
with our own weaknesses.

Yes, the old tragic flaw.

The cornerstone
of Greek drama from...

Euripides to the latter
episodes of Mister Ed.

Two points.

I am bored.

Well, I...

I have heard so much
about American men.

I'm dying to try one on.

I think you mean, try one out.



How you say,
"Take off all your clothing"?

Actually, you got that
just right.

You know, your English
isn't that bad.

Your shoulders
are not that bad.

I think I take a bath...

and slip into
nothing more comfortable.

You mean something more...

But I get the idea.

When I return
you wear nothing, no?

Nothing, yes.

Yeah. Yes.

[door closing]

[crickets chirping]

[door closing]

Sorry, pal.

No, I don't believe it.

Dimitri Shastovich,
right here in our living room.

What? They've got you baby-sitting
ballerinas now, Dimitri?

What can I say, it's been very
slow for me since Vietnam.

But I must say, you three
are looking very well.

How long has it been?

Don't get him started, Hannibal.
He can outtalk Murdock.

Hannibal, it's just coffee.

(Hannibal) You set us up, Dimitri.
What's going on?

You mean you knew all along?

Had a pretty good idea.

Your little phone call
confirmed it.


I'm afraid it's going
to be a long story.

I knew it. That's why
he brought the coffee.

Don't get him started,

You'd better condense it
to 25 words or less...

otherwise, B.A.'s gonna wanna
shut your mouth permanently...

and I'm not sure
I can stop him.

All right.

I have reason to believe
that one of my countrymen...

within 36 hours will commit
act of terrorism...

which will bring our two
countries on to brink of w*r.

Nuclear w*r.

I have been sent
by my government...

to stop this from happening.

So, on behalf of people...

of the Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics...

we would like to hire A-Team.

Soviet colonel, whose plan to att*ck
West was vetoed by Kremlin...

decided to go ahead
with plan...

went underground
in Los Angeles...

to create terrorism...

and possibly trigger
World w*r Ill.

Why don't your people
grab him?

A full-scale Soviet
operation would be stopped.

They would be picked up. lam under deep
cover and I have very little time.

There's something you're
not telling us, Dimitri.

It shows in your eyes.

Ivan Padavich.


Ivan the Terrible.

That's is another reason
that I come to you.

You know him.
You know how he thinks.

You fought
against him in Vietnam.

You remember what he did to
that village in the Delta.

He's not a soldier,
he's a butcher.

If he's in this country,
we've gotta get him.

Hannibal, I don't wanna
work for this sucker.

But I hate Padavich even more.

You know, Colonel, this
jumped off the Art page.

It's a banner headline,
four columns.

You said it.
And the key question?

How is Ivan gonna
start World w*r Ill?

By stealing Abraxas.

A super satellite which can
destroy 80% of Russian missiles.

Why the heck can't you just
contact the boys in Washington?

They would not even
acknowledge its existence.

We do not know where it is.

We don't even know
what it looks like.

But sources tell us that it
will be moved within two days.

This w*apon is so secret...

your government chooses to
relocate it every two months.


Padavich must have
gotten to someone...

who not only knew
where it was...

but how to
make it operational.

But he must move in 36 hours.

We'll want files on Ivan and
all of his known associates.

I cannot help you.
lam not even in the country.

But if you need some help
you go to Soviet Embassy.

[all exclaiming]

Then we are on the same side.
For now.

Here is floor plan of Embassy.

You've certainly
come prepared.

I anticipate.

All right,
here is main entrance.

Here is Consulate General
Zamyatin's office.

Here is file room.

This is Padavich in Russian.

What's this small room here?
It's infirmary.

How are you feeling, Murdock?
I'm fine, why--

[Murdock chattering]

Downwind! Downwind!


[alarm ringing]

[man speaking Russian]

[Murdock groaning]

Freeze! Don't move!

(Murdock) What are you
looking for, a unicide?

I'm a victim of gravity.

Shut off those bells!

Halt! Where are you going?

That's our glider, that's our pilot.
What is this?

I think this is
the Russian Consulate, Coach.

Gee. Murdock really went off
course, when he broke that strut.

[g*n cocking]
He could be hurt.

Comrade, you don't mind
if I call you comrade, do you?

Good. Listen, you see
with the crosswind...

(Zamyatin) Who are you?
What are you doing here?

Get your hands off that equipment.
Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh!

Coach. Coach.

Einstein was right,
the strut broke.

Schrodinger, Heisenberg...

they didn't know what
they were talking about.

[sobbing] That's why I
was out of the zone.

I can't believe it.

The final round of Point Dume
National Gliding Championships.

And we're stuck
with a broken strut.

You see, infinity is
like an envelope...

you can stretch it
across your eyes...

put a light behind it,
but you can never...

see the light because
it won't travel fast enough.

Yes, he's delirious. He needs medical
attention, Let's get him out of here.

Nyet. He cannot leave.

This is Soviet property.
He will be detained.

Oh, give me a break.

I mean, look at him.
Does he look like a spy?

Why, he's the living

[screaming] of the
flying all-American boy.


He will be detained
along with his equipment.

(Zamyatin) Come with me.
Get hold of our lawyer.

Have him contact the State Department.
Right, Coach.

Kepler was right...

semi-permeable gases are
much stronger downwind.

You see?

[camera clicking]

All the talk about gas, we're
forgetting about the unified theory.

We have the strong force
and a weak force...

and there's gravity and
there's electromagnetism.

We can't forget about that.

[birds chirping]

Make sure he's an expert.

Be sure you get all the bone
in the back of his neck.

[machine beeping]

It's for the glider.

This is an outrage. The State
Department will hear about this.

I have sent for a doctor.

And you will remain here,

until we are satisfied
that this is all an accident.

Let me tell you
something, pal.

President Reagan is a big
supporter of hang gliding.

You could be starting an
international incident here.

I will take my chances.

You come with me.

[machine beeping]

I want a report of this
as soon as possible.

This has got to be...

the most aerodynamic

Okay, boys.



But my body is
aerodynamically perfect...

and this is the only
launchpad in 30 miles.

Strip-search them again. If
they are clean, cut them free.

How are you, son?

Now you see,
he's got brain damage.

Oh, get out, you two,
I never want to see you again!

Get out of here!

[Murdock screaming]

Was investigation fruitful?

Yeah, we got this on Padavich,
but we can't read it.

[speaking in Russian]

Contact this man named Bertka.

His credentials for being
a radical is quiet extensive.

Try this on him.

It's a variation of
sodium pentothal.

It's not only truth serum...

but, if induced, can also
cause temporary amnesia.

Peppermint, my favorite flavor.
Be careful.

If you use too much,
act like laughing gas.

(Katrina) Shasti, are
you ready to go now?


What's going on?

lam afraid she must
turn herself in to Consulate.

Short defection, huh?

No, Face, that's not the way
it happened at all.

She was kidnapped by the CIA.

She was tortured, escaped and then ended
on the front steps of the Consulate.

(Hannibal) What will
they do to her, Dimitri?

Well, since she is
star of ballet troupe...

I do not feel she will suffer
any consequences.

Can you guarantee that?

Yes, I can.

Listen, I'm sorry
about last night.

So am I.

[door opening] Well, I
hope you'll be all right.

Face, the clock's ticking.

I hope all of you
will be all right.

[door closing]

[clock ticking]

Once we've penetrated
the perimeter...

we'll proceed to
the centermost building here.

There we'll place a single expl*sive
charge at the centre of the steel door.

(Bertka) The fuse will
be set for six seconds.

Once the door is blown, we'll take
our positions here, here, and here.

Situated in these positions...

we should be able to
hold the entire area secure.

Very good. White team.

White team will proceed...

into the structure
and liberate this corridor.

Nyet. Nyet.

[g*n cocking]

The only way we succeed...

is if we all carry out the plan precisely.
There can be no mistakes.

All personnel will be
taken here and neutralized.

At which point, my team...

Red team...

moves into
the central chamber...

and gains control of Abraxas.


I want you to go over every detail
of phase two in your minds.

We are less than 24 hours
away from attacking.


Remember, tomorrow
you're meeting Panchow.

He is the key.

With him, we can bring
this country to its knees.

You can trust me, Mikhail.
I know.

[clock ticking]

Bull Fulbright.
I'm Lean. SIA.

In charge of
special operations...

in covert anti-radical
procedures, West Coast.

Well, what brings the company
down here to my shore?

In the past 24 hours...

there's been a defection
of a Russian ballerina...

[typewriter keys clicking] that
ended in a KGB sh**t-out...

and a dramatic rise in intelligence
reports on the movements of radicals.

Sounds to me like you had
a very busy morning.

I'm just dying to know how I fit
into your commie mumbo jumbo.

Routine surveillance photos...

taken in front of
the Russian Consulate.

Smith and Peck.

I thought that might
pique your interest.

It appears the A-Team has jumped sides
and gone to work for the Russians.

Traitors, huh? I love it.

There's somethings, Lean,
that never change.

All right, from here on out,
it's sh**t to k*ll.

Thank you.

(Bertka) Hey, what's going on?
Who are you guys?

Gas company.

We just found a leak
underneath this building...

and three dead bodies, so get
out of here, all of you.

[people murmuring]

Leak? I don't smell anything.

You don't smell--


Listen, I tell you,
I wish I had a nickel...

for every poor slob
who never smelled anything.

Gas is like a ghost.

Floating through the air,
eating up oxygen and bam!

And there you are, lying on the
floor with your eyes bulging...

purple lips.

Can you tell me
where the meter is?

Nine times out often times
that's the culprit.

Sure, it's out here.


We're looking for
Mikhail Padavich.

Can you tell us where he is?

You guys look like mosquitoes.

He's wigging out on us. You gave
him too much of that stuff.

I expected more
from a fellow journalist.

What? Have you forgotten
the five W's?

What, where, when, where...

Where is Padavich?


Pull around the back. Bertka
will unlock the door. Go now!

That's Ivan, let's go.

I have to be at the Malibu
Ranch Market by 5:00.

A dozen oranges.

Move to the next stand,
three tomatoes.

No more, no less. Then a bouquet
of flowers... Sounds like a code.

And that's how you find
the big cheese.

[machine g*n f*ring]


[tires screeching]

[shells clinking]

(Murdock) Bertka was babbling
some kind of code...

before Padavich
burst in on us.

He said something about later this
afternoon at the Malibu Ranch Market.

Yeah, then a shopping list.
Oranges, tomatoes, flowers.

You remember that Cong captain that
we captured in the Nui Kto mountains?

Oh, yeah.

Ivan was an advisor
in his company.

Precisely. Remember
when we interrogated Ivan...

he told us how he made contact with
people that he met for the first time?

Always in a public place...

and usually
in the village market.

And they had a little charade worked
out where the contact would go...

from booth to booth and he'd buy
particular items in a certain order.

That way Ivan could identify the contact
and see if he was being followed.

We got to get to this guy
before Padavich does.

I was sent to meet you.
Shall we?

Okay, you talk...

and you'll live,
it's as simple as that, pal.

[people chattering]

Who are you, anyway?

I am deaf, I cannot hear.

Come on, we gotta
tell Murdock.

You know, you're
very easy to spot...

and you're quite unaware
of the fact that...

you too are being watched.

Mr. Panchow?
Please, please, not the name.

Not the name.

I hope that your...

associates are capable
of executing their duties...

better than you.

Follow me,
but not to close to my heels.

[van horn honking]

You must be deaf.

I don't believe it.
Dimitri Shastovich.

We didn't even think
he was in the country.

Who's the skinny broad?

Unless I've missed my guess,
that's Katrina Karpov...

the star of the Russian ballet
who defected yesterday.

They must have
made her change her mind.

[tires screeching]

You know, Shastovich goes back
a long ways with your A-Team.

Shastovich. Shastovich.

Isn't that the name of the guy they
captured during the bank robbery in Hanoi?

Yeah, they tried to bring
him back as a prisoner.

But he never got there.
That's the guy.

At their trial, Smith claimed they were
on a ridge just north of the DMZ...

when Shastovich bolted and jumped
about 10 feet onto some rocks.

Broke both legs.

With the enemy
on their trail...

there was no way
to carry him out.

Or maybe they just let him go.

[clock ticking]

That's close enough, B.A.

[g*n cocking]

[g*n fires]

Welcome Mr. Panchow. Are you
through with your parlor games?

We have a lot of work to do.

You just take
care of the laser...

we'll handle the rest.

He lost his hearing
several years ago...

but he can read lips
quite well, now.

[speaking Russian]

Let's go.

Looks like Russian,
spelled phonetically.


Dimitri, I need a translation.

It's phonetic. Sounds like...

Yucca Yar...

Sierra Doroga...

pyatt mele posle Acton.

It's Yucca Canyon, Sierra
Highway, five miles past Acton.

Got you.

Let's go.

In an hour
Abraxas will be ours.

Then this world will be
a different place. Let's go.

Stick to this ridge
and stay above them.


Or I'll drop you
where you stand.

You're not gonna
believe this, General.

[birds chirping]

This time, Smith,
I truly got you.

A half a dozen men being led
by a Russian m*llitary expert.

They're trying steal
something called Abraxas.


What do you know about Abraxas?
That it's a laser.

But it won't be ours very
long, if we don't move fast.

Forget it, Smith.
We got your man, Shastovich.

We know you're
working for the Russians.

We're not working for the Russians.
We are working with them.

That's a subtle distinction.

Not really. Shastovich
came to us for help...

to stop a Russian colonel
who's gone over the edge...

and wants to start
World w*r Ill.

That's ridiculous.
Maybe not.

Abraxas is the code name for a k*ller
satellite that's located not far from here.

When the system is in place, it's
capable of destroying 80%...

of Russia's missiles while
they're still in outer space.

And we have a man, who has
infiltrated the radicals.

So, what's it gonna be,

Okay, Smith, it's your show.
No way, Lean.

I'll leave two men here,
to take care of these people.

We're gonna go in and get
those clowns ourselves.

We'll go as a unit.
Under one condition.

When this is over, you drop your
weapons and you surrender to me.

[birds chirping]


[g*ns f*ring]

[Hannibal chattering]

I'll take the right.

Count to two and then you take the left.
You got it.

Let's go.

Get in, come on.

[machine g*ns f*ring]

[alarm blaring]

Who are you?

A man with many friends
and they're all outside.

Take your men and join Bertka,
hold them off.

You're gonna have to
carry this out of here.

[machine g*ns f*ring]


Put it there. You are going to
drive this through the wall.

Man, I'm in
the risk pool already.

They're gonna
cancel my policy.

Shut up. Do as I say.

[alarm continues blaring]





Are you all right, Colonel?
Yeah, I'm all right.

How about you?

Well, I won't be doing
my jeté for this week.

I twisted my knee, I think.


Tie that creep to a tree
and then take off.

We'd give ourselves up,

but remember what
Ulysses Grant once said...

"There are no promises in w*r,
just strategies."

I thought you'd feel that way, Colonel.
I'm glad you understand.

You know what
General Fulbright says?

[g*ns cocking]

"The opera ain't over
till the fat lady sings."

It's ironic, huh, guys?

Every time we try to serve our
country, we end up behind bars.

Yeah, thanks to Dimitri.

I don't think he sold us out, B.A.
He's not the type.

So how does it feel to heave the
A-Team's duffel bag under your bunk?

Piece of cake.

I don't understand Becker's problem
trying to run these clowns down.

[machine g*ns f*ring]

Drop your weapons!

You're not gonna get away
with this, you commie flake.

Do not intend to.

15 minutes. My men and I
will surrender our weapons.

But if you try to stop the A-Team
from escaping before then...

I will k*ll you.

That is promise.

Nice working with you,

Now what's
gonna happen to you, Dimitri?

Diplomatic immunity.

They put me on plane,
send me back to Soviet Union.

I'll retire in dacha
outside of Moscow...

and write my memoirs.

Too bad nobody's ever gonna
get to read them.

Might be the story
of the century.

Why don't you do it for me, my friend?
You are a journalist.


thank you, Colonel.
Sure pal.

Here, have a cigar.