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05x02 - Watt a Way to Go

Posted: 09/08/22 07:29
by bunniefuu
Previously on
hill street blues.

Stan jablonski never
cold-cocked no woman.

Tomorrow, celestine gray
will be the fourth execution

In the state
since august, 1983.

If tony had used this,
he wouldn't be dead,

And you wouldn't
have this job.

I'm looking for
sergeant bates.

Oh, sergeant bates
is back on the street.

Oh. Well, I'm with
the victims' aid bureau.

I really can't remember
the license number.

It, uh,
it was metallic blue.

It was gray.

We're from out of town.

We don't have
to mince words, rikers.

You talking smack?
Soda? What?

It's all over.
It's a stick of dead meat.

They gonna fry me, lady.

Frank, I'm just
leaving harrisville.

- Could I come over?
- Sure. I'd like that.

[Cops chatter]

--Legal technicalities,
at 2205 hours this evening,

Celestine grey pays
the ultimate penalty.

At harrisville state prison.

As a resting precinct,

We may or we may not,
in the course of the day,

Be subject to citizens

And press individuals exercising

Their first amendment rights

Concerning this event.

Hey, sarge. The execution
gonna be on tv?

Sure, larue. They're gonna
run instant replays

On the 11 o'clock news.

Our undercover at
the hotel stratford

Is established.
We're inesfensus.

Also got the wheels turning
on a major drug buy.

Best case, we're gonna
clean out the addict.

Maybe pop a few
absentee landlords.

Detectives larue,

Belker, garibaldi, and mayo.

Lieutenant calletano
are working.

Oh. Item nine.

You'll note,
on the board downstairs,

A list of appointments for

Patrol car
pesticide washdowns.

That stuff stinks.

This is not optional.

Unit out of south ferry
jumped the sidewalk last week.

Cleaned out
a chandelier establishment.

Involved officers
wrote up the cause

As pest distraction.

Two-inch silverfish
went up a guy's nose.

[Cops laugh]

Final note.

to officer renko

On the birth of
a brand new baby daughter.

[Cops cheer]

Mama and baby
are doing just fine.

And papa's busted schnoz

Oughta mend
in a week or two.

Looks like me and you
just went a couple rounds

With sugar ray leonard,
don't it there, sarge?

I don't take your reference.

My beak and your eyeball.

Your face and my rear-end.

[Cops "ooh"]

Lieutenant horvath
and me are quits.

Okay, let's get out there.
Let's do it to them

Before they do it to us.

What the heck
is wrong with you?

I don't understand why--
I was making a joke--

Um, uh, officer coffey?

Can I see you for a second?

Your personnel update
for your sergeant application.

Is that right?

Last name, "coffey."
First name, "josephina."

Sex, female. Race, black.

Hey, I was just having
a little fun, sarge.

You know, trying to improve
the odds a little bit.

But you're not black.
You're not a woman.


So this is wrong.

- Yeah.
- Jablonski's no fanatic

For affirmative action,

But this here's only
gonna buy you a jackpot.

- I'll do it over.
- Why don't you do it over?

Oh, isn't she cute?

Look at that.
Just like her mama.

See the little fat cheeks--

She's gonna have
an innie, too, I think.

- Captain.
- Andy.

She's a knockout.

So's your nose.

- Natalie.
- Yeah?

Where is mr. Snips
with my reading material?

The prince? The prince
has not yet arrived.

The prince?

- Good morning, captain.
- Good morning.

Very persuasive, mayo.

I've had enough
from you, renko!

Take it easy, lieutenant!

I'm just trying to point out
this here to execution annie.

I'm telling you,
I don't wanna hear it.

Henry. Henry.

You know, there's something
foul in this station.

I'm getting out of here.
Let's get out of this

Damn place.

What's a matter, henry?

Rachel. My kid's
asleep in the next room.

What happened?

4:00 This morning,
she was att*cked.


[Police radio]
armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store.

Corner of people's drive

And 124th street.

- Hi.
- Hi.

What's henry upset about?

- How do you feel?
- Tired. Happy we talked.

So am i. Would you
give that to leo, please?

I'm almost embarrassed.

Clock's running
on celestine grey,

And I'm happier than
I've been in four months.

Where does it stand?

The governor's aide
is ducking my calls.

Jerry fuchs's man
is trying to run down

The supreme court justice
who takes appeals

- From our district.
- Is he getting warm?

The justice is moutain-climbing
in new hampshire.

Jerry's man feels
that he's somewhere

In the western part
of the state.

Frank, I could use
uninterrupted access

To a phone.

- Dial away.
- I'll reimburse.

Central county still hasn't
figured out how to bill.

- Frank?
- Uh, just two minutes, please.

I'm due in court. Frank.

Am I wrong, or was my office
not told yesterday

To prepare for large-scale
junkie busts this a.m.?

- Yes.
- Yes, we were.

We were asked
to allocate manpower

To process those arrests.

And to obtain warrants
based on... Absentee landlords.

Irwin. The possibility

Of a large-scale drug buy
came up all of a sudden.

It was too tempting for larue
and washington to back out.

We're delaying
the other operation

So as not to jeopardize
their undercover.

I took guys off two on-goings
to move on this, frank.

Well, keep 'em on.
The buy may come

As early as this afternoon.

We'll-- we'll bust
the junkies

And the landlords
right after.

- Better coordination.
- Better coordination.

Oh, excuse me, sir.

I wanted to ask you
about a situation

Where a dead body was
heaved out of a window.

Uh, call me later,

But, I mean, wouldn't that be
some sort of a crime?

Uh, I'd need the details.

No one said he'll be back?

Could you ask him
to call me, please?

As soon as he can?
It's important.

Thank you.

How's rachel?


They don't even know
it happened.

He had a knife.

Said he'd k*ll her and them
if she made a sound.

Who's handling it
in midtown?

- Nobody.
- What do you mean?

Nobody's handling it.
She won't file a report.

It's just
a first reaction.

She says she won't go
through the legal wringer.

Says she's been
assaulted enough.

No assignments today, okay?

Any way you want it.

[Sire blares]

- How are you?
- I'm all right. How are you?

We're the fimpels.
Any messages?

None today.


Oh, uh,
just one second, honey.

Be right with you.
We have some errands to run,

Then we'll be leaving.
What's your checkout time?

Approximately one.

Oh, well.

We should be out
long before then.

- That's fine.
- Gabe.
- Yeah?

That large person
is wearing my dress.

- Pretty color.
- Not the same style, gabe.

One of my actual dresses
that was stolen today.

You guys understand,
it's just to get acquainted.

He wants it that way too.

Okay, he's set up
with my product,

And I look at his
presidents collection.

See you upstairs at 11.

Man, it's gonna be
a real pleasure

- Putting that dude away.
- Lower your voice.

Neal, mick's
kind of like water.

Seeking its own level.

A child, robert.

A beautiful little child.

A sweet little child.

- She's mighty cute.
- Mm-hmm.

It puts everything
in perspective, robert.

Sergeants can...

Yell at you for
no apparent reason.

Lieutenants can manhandle you
in the corridors.

Nice to see you in
a good mood again, renko.

- On the other hand--
- mm-hmm.

Paternity is
yet one more argument

- For a promotion.
- Preach it.

Homicide detectives, robert.

- They work in suits and ties.
- Yes, they do.

They get to
scenes of v*olence

After the fact.

They work in safety.

- Safety?
- Safety.

Where are you gonna find
a safe place?

You busted up your face
in a maternity ward.

unit 2202, respond.


Domestic disturbance.
1706 Hurdle. Apartment three.

2202 Copy.

- 1706 Hurdle.
- Got it.

[Siren blares]

A little more rapido, renko?

This speed is prudent.


Yeah, I'm gonna slap you!

Yeah, you
and everybody else!

Police officers.
Open up the door, mr. Turner.

Get back over here.

The man is allegedly dusted,

Open up.

Jermaine says go away.

Nobody's going
anywhere, ma'am.

You okay?

You gotta go--

Open up the door,
mr. Turner!

I said beat it, man!

- Do you wanna get it?
- No, sir, I do not.

I'll k*ll her!

You just take it easy
there, pal.

I mean it, man.

[Turner mutters]

Let's get
out of here, renko.

All right, we're gonna go
and reconsider this.

Okay, buddy?

You think
I'm kidding, huh?

Get out of here! Get out!

2202. A 1013. 1706 Hurdle.

Copy, 2202.

You all right?

I think I just
refractured my snooter.

This frig is definitely nuts.
Probably dusted.

Got a longrifle
and a handgun up there--

Excuse me just a moment.

Could you please
get the press corps

The hell behind our van?

Folks, we need you to stay
to the rear of this vehicle.

Come on. Let's go.


What'd I tell you?

- Did we have full evacuation?
- Everybody's out.

Miles was hit by
a ricochet, lieutenant.

- Is he all right?
- Well, it's a flesh wound

To the upper right eye.
He seems okay.

Ah, jeez.

Is it your sense that
this woman is at risk?

She was beat up pretty badly.
He looked crazy enough

- To do anything.
- And he's refused
to communicate?

- Yeah.
- Well, I'm not inclined

To waltz with him.

Prepare to deliver c.s.

C.s. Ready, sir.

Support units,
trained on the window.

Trained and ready, sir.

- Don't do it!
- Ready?


He's trapped.

Support units, fire.
Take him out.

- Ceasefire.
- Got you,
you son of a bitch!

I appreciate this, sid.

I'll get another day off
next week, lieutenant.

Just tell me, lieutenant.
Someone comes home,

We leaving through the door
or the window?

It's my ex-wife's apartment.
She was att*cked

And won't press charges.



If this guy's on file,
he's popped.

We're talking some pressure.

You won't demonstrate
the other hand.

The other hand
was holding a knife.

Josephine coffey.

Really subtle.

I'm gonna tell you
something, luce.

I'm off the

Well, he may not be a bing-bong.
I think he's a jerk.

Hey, he could've
ranted and raved.

Which would've
just got my back up.

He could've
put in your jacket.

Yeah, but what does he do?

He calmly points out

In a completely
nonjudgmental way,

You are not black.
You are not a woman.

I'm telling you. I think
the guy may be a genius.

Unit 2203.
Robbery reported.

113 North fisher.

Unit 2203 responding.

[Man shouts]

$80 Does not even--
I need my money!

[Man shouts]

Come out here!

What's going on?

Calm it down.

Look, a thief comes here.
So this turkey clerk

Just slams down the window.
So the guy robs all of us.

- I--
- hey, hey, take it easy.

Oh boy, garibaldi.

- Look.
- Hello, officers.

They're the people
from yesterday.

Ms. Fimpel, right?

We were robbed again.

I mean, it's the second time
it happened, you know?

This has been
the worst experience

Of our lives.

Here in the background,
as turner falls,

An e.a.t. Marksmen leaves an
angry footnote to the incident.

Got you,
you son of a bitch!

It looks as if
we ex*cuted him.

I saw no culpable behavior
out there, frank.

The man had a hostage.
He was laying down deadly fire.

An officer had been wounded.

Yeah, but there's one spot.

There, right there.

Now, there he looks
completely defenseless.

And then foster
sh**t him in cold blood.

That's slow-motion, frank.

It makes it seem like
more time has elapsed

- Than it actually did.
- He dropped his w*apon.

Are you asking me if I thought
the man gave up slowly, frank?

The answer is yes.

Do I wish he hadn't
shouted what he did

After the man fell?

I'd prefer not having
23-year-olds in my unit, yes.

But the fact is,
up to that point,

I had given those
ceasefire orders.

[Knock on door]

They, uh, get that stuff

On the air real quick,
don't they, sir?

It's pretty
dramatic footage.

Tv stations are
making the most of it.


It's all over the place.

Howard hunter's briefing me
right now, sir.

Damn you,
you son of a bitch!

He says it's very misleading.

Yeah, they've already phoned.
They're on their way up.


Internal affairs
is on its way up

To interview you.

Any weapons discharged,
it's standard procedure.

Okay, but let's
at least acknowledge

That the tapes exist,
and that they appear to show

Questionable conduct.

I'd urge you to be prepared
for a rigorous interrogation.

We're not gonna have
an electronic lynching here,

Are we, captain?

Would you excuse us
for a minute, foster?

Uh, yes, sir.

What the hell's
the matter with you, howard?

Well, we don't exactly
seem to be

Closing ranks
behind our man.

Nobody's gonna lynch foster,

And nobody's
gonna sell him out.

But there's also gonna be
no stonewalling here.

At minimum, what I hear
between the lines from you

Is that his behavior
was problematic.

Which is no justification
for a media crucifixion.

That's a separate problem.

Let's establish
what the man did.

I'll write up my statement.

I think that's a good idea.

Couple of business passes,

Rachel, there's
more to it than that.

I didn't break into your room.


of course, not for clemency.

But did you say course has
optimism on the short stay?

Let me ask you
a question, mr. Laren.

Did you even bring up
celestine's case

With the governor?

I know you have to look at
the large canvas.

Thanks for your efforts.

N.g., Ms. Davenport?

N.g. With the governor.

Hey, believe me,
my manchester guy's

Gonna find this justice.
He knows new hampshire

Like the back of his hand.

Meanwhile, how about
we open up a second front?


How about a guy having pizza
with celestine grey

Halfway across the city,
when the sister was att*cked.

- What's his name?
- Sonny franks.

Why didn't he come forward
before this?

No one gave him
a private request before.

That's suborning perjury,
mr. Fuchs.

Come on. Call me jerry.

What would be criminal,
ms. Davenport,

Is if I didn't report to you
every single possibility

My operatives uncover.

Besides which,
will take a whole day

To knock the story down.

I take that as a no?
We stay on the one front?

Just the one front.

You got a problem, sergeant?

Thought you used to be
a pretty good cop.

Get ready,
you won't believe this.

Sarah and I
were robbed again.

Um, wondering if I could
complete these people's

Robbery report now,
mrs. Furillo?

- Sergeant.
- --Sent you wireless--

This man is making
an emergency phone call.

And I've got
to call my office

To clear putting them up
for another night.

We didn't even get out
of the telegram office.

So I'm afraid you're
just going to have to be

Satisfied with waiting
until I'm done.

Well, we didn't ask
to get robbed, dennis!

Or maybe you'd like to

A little pop
in the kazoo, huh?

Come on, slugger.

I'm not exactly positive
what you're referring to,

But sure. Sure.

Ladies first, mrs. Furillo.

Little poppo in the snootski
wouldn't do her no harm.

Yeah, I said
"all right," dennis.

Best to betsy.

Dennis says they're
at their credit limit.

- How about my father?
- Yeah, that's a good idea.

You wanna call him?

Listen, I'm pretty sure
we could get you extended

At the hotel another night.

I'm sorry.
It's the best I can do.

Okay. But I'm not
setting foot out of that room

Until we go
to pick up the money.

Plus, I want
a police escort.

Young fella
don't got no memory

Of where this place
used to be.

It's a dump now.

Them elevators?

They relieve theyself
in there.





Yes. Thank you.

Look at you.

And look at this fella.


Hey, did you
relieve yourself in there?

Fella may have
relieved hisself in there.


Heli-cat, copy.

Who you talkin' to, there?

Nothing. It's a ham radio.

Well, good for you.

Hope it keeps you
out of trouble.

- Mike, I'll be in room 306.
- Right.

Yes, sir.

Eat poison and die.

- Hiya, big-time.
- Hey, no time to party.

- Police. You're under arrest.
- For what?

Bill of stolen property.

Come on. Wait!
Wait, let me talk first, huh?

Sorry, I'm a little late, ray.
Manage a hotel,

Your schedule's
not your own.

Yeah, can't be any picnic

Keeping up a swell joint
like this.

You bring the stuff,
mr. Rikers?

As soon as I see a polaroid
with you and some currency.


Nice likeness.

Eh, like that
you don't sample it, ray.

Wise man.

Is that sweet? Is that
maraschino cherry or what?

Very good.

Four kilos?

Correcto. I need 125 units.

That's acceptable.

Bing-bing. Don't chew
your cabbage twice,

Do you, my friend?

Four o'clock here
good for the transfer?

- My place, your people?
- Four o'clock.

Cuatro horas, en la tardes.

Henry, why are you
doing this to me?

Because pretending that
something did not happen

Is not going
to make it go away.

Don't you lecture me!
Don't you dare!

I know exactly
what happened.

A man came into my bedroom.

He put a knife to my throat,

And he threatened
to k*ll our children

Unless I had sex with him.

Now you would know
exactly what he made me do?

- No.

I will not let that animal

Violate my life any more
than he already has.

What about the next woman
he r*pes?

And the one after that?

Don't put that guilt on me.

I have children. A job.

A man who cares about me.

I won't let what happened to me
become the topic

Of snide gossip.

You know who the guy is,
you can put him away.

For god's sake.

Let someone else be a hero.

You do the right thing now.

It doesn't have to be
someone else.

Maybe, if I still had
a husband in bed beside me,

This never
would have happened.

Oh boy.

No-- please, just...

Please, just leave me alone.

[Rachel sobs]

We've cleared on on-site
witness statements, captain.

E.a.t.-Er and civilian.

How does it look?

Two questionable aspects
in the cop's behavior.

He may have fired late, and
the shouting was inflammatory.

Regarding the first,
all statements agree.

No one discharged his w*apon
after the ceasefire was given.

Regard to the second,

There's no indication that
foster's shouting

affected the incident.

So you're gonna clear?

Ballistic and forensic reports
will take three or four days.


But foster doesn't have
three or four days.

Lieutenant hunter's
concerned about the effect

The television tapes
might have.

There's really no way
to issue any faster, sir.

Also, I'll say that, uh,

Even though he's not
guilty of any wrongdoing,

I think the cop
showed a very poor

Situational response.

Thanks very much
for moving so fast.

Thanks for your cooperation,

Well, officer foster,

Bend over
and kiss your butt goodbye.

Let him know
the preliminary findings.

Cold comfort for a man
about to endure

Press vilification and damage
the rest of his life.

Well, I'm gonna do my best
to minimize that, howard.

But we can't shield foster
from the fact

That his conduct stank.

It's either
you're gonna bust him,

Or he's gonna get over it.


Justice refused to stay.

Does that exhaust
grey's options?

This was his last chance.

He's going to be ex*cuted.

I feel like it's my fault.

That's crazy.

You've been a bearcat.

He k*lled that woman.

If anyone
deserves executing,

Probably he does.

But at that arraignment
two years ago,

Celestine grey could've had

The same deal
gerald chapman got.

If I'd been less busy
fuming at you and busier

Being his advocate,
he could've been the one

To roll and plead.


No, it's the truth, frank.

And I've gotta live with it.

Would you drive up with me?

I'm an invited guest
to this.

- Yes.
- Ms. Davenport?

Would you supervise
an intake interview?

We got a pretty agitated guy.


Mr. Hanley.

Captain, I'm still
working on my story.

Are you aware
that the supreme court

Turned down grey's
last appeal?


No comment. May I talk to you
for a minute?

Close it for me,
would you, please?

I want you to write
a story on ed foster.

Ed "got you,
you son of a bitch" foster?

That's the headline,
not the story.

There's no malice in foster.

He's a decent young man
who may make a decent cop.

Did you say a story
or a p.r. Piece?

A story.

All I know is I form
my own impressions, captain.

I hope those
impressions include

How it can ruin
a young cop's life

To have the cameras rolling
when he shouts

The wrong thing
in the heat of the moment.

Am I hearing foster's been
cleared of everything

- But bad language?
- That's not for attribution.

But off the record,
that's how it lays out.

That's how it lays out.
He's been cleared

By e.a.t.-Er as well as
civilian witnesses.

How can I use it?

Just quote
a department source.

This doesn't commit me
to a puff piece.


Thanks, captain.

Captain, excuse me.
We got something I think

You oughta hear.

My client claims to know
of officers at risk.

He'll trade particulars
for immunity.

You'd better move, too.

Let's hear it.

That good enough?

These guys at the hotel,
they're looking at a jackpot.

There's going to be
a drug sale in the room

Your detectives
are undercover.

- And?
- And it's gonna be
a robbery.

Rikers hired two of my buddies
to bust in.

I was gonna take it down
a little early.

Then I thought I spotted
these hidden cameras.

- When?
- Four o'clock.

Way to wait, tino.

I couldn't
get representation.

Phone belker.
Then get over there.

On the way.

Don't k*ll us, fellas.
Don't k*ll us, all right?

Hey, lighten up.
Nobody's gonna get k*lled

As long as
everybody behaves.

I don't wanna die.
Can you believe this?

Sort of.

- Oh man.
- What?

- Pigs.
- Get out of here.

I'm telling you.
It's both ends of the hall.

- What's going on?
- What?

- Oh man, you're cops!
- Hey, if we were--

What am i? What is this?
What am i?

An unknowing
go-between here?

- Are you kidding me, man?
- Easy. Easy.

Let's everyone stay calm.

All right, that's it.

You'll never make it.
Don't be foolish.

We're out of here, man.
We're getting out of here.

Hey, you ain't getting
no place, slick.

We got cops in the hall.
Cops downstairs.

Yeah? We got one too.
Right here.

We got a hostage, man,
we're walking.

I'm going with you.

Don't sh**t! Don't sh**t!
They got lieutenant calletano!

We got a hostage, man.
We're walking.

Think, rikers. Call it off.

You'll never make
the front door, rikers.

It's you! Look at you!
You people were all over.

You're not that stupid, are you?
You don't wanna die, do you?

Uh, excuse me, uh, hi.
Could you--

Shut your mouth.

Drop your w*apon.

- Oh, lord!
- You don't move, rikers.

Yo, let's work something out
here, huh, people?

Drop 'em!

Hands going up. All right?


I'm willing to pay... To pay.

You okay, lieutenant?

I'm all right.
I'm all right.

If I could only get
a glass of water.

My heart is pounding.

All right. Take it easy.

This is just terrible.
This is the most terrible thing.

There are those
two officers again.

Hi, folks.

You know, gabe.
You know what disturbs me?

Do you know what
disturbs me particularly?

Why don't you come over
and sit down?

- Come on, sit down.
- You know what--

Do you know what
disturbs me, gabe?

It's seeing that person
in my dress.

In addition
to everything else,

To have to watch
my stolen dress

In front of me.

Hey, they's talking to you,

Just what is
the lady's problem?

I want

My dress back.

We want our dress back,

Give her her dress back.


Give it to her.

And just what
am I supposed to wear?


I'd rather die.

Do you mean that?

Go upstairs, jerry, and get
my yellow frock, please?

Getting out of here--

--Be cool, man!

What's the deal?

- You're under arrest.
- Aah!

Hey! You just bought yourself
a brutality rap, sucker.

Is that so? In for a penny,
in for a pound!



Is that the knife
you used, james?

Is that the knife you held
to her throat?

While you r*ped her?
Is this what you were gonna

- k*ll the kids with
if she resisted?
- I don't know

What you're talking about, man.
I didn't do no r*pe--

And you know what, james?

You're gonna
get away with it.

Ain't that something?

You're gonna get away with it
because she won't charge.

Ah, you's crazy, man.

You got that exactly right,
james-- I am crazy!

Because that was my wife!

Those were my kids
in the next room!

You're damn right
I'm crazy, james!

Run! Go ahead.

Get up. Run!

I run, you k*ll me.

I may k*ll you anyway.

No, man, don't k*ll me.

No, man,
please don't k*ll me.

How does it feel,
james, huh?

How does it feel
to be that scared?

I'm sorry, man.

Get up.

Get up!

You're under arrest.

You have the right
to remain silent.

If you give up the right
to remain silent,

Anything you say
can and will be used

Against you
in a court of law.

You have the right
to an attorney.

You have the right
to have your attorney

Present during questioning.

James fitzsimmons.

Warrants on failure
to appear and as*ault.

The charges are resisting.

- Possession with intent.
- A little slower, lieutenant.

Possession of
a concealed w*apon.

How about a little
compression, lieutenant?

Someone'll have to try
all those counts.

And somebody'd better do it.

Did we talk to the wrong guy
here, frank?

Tell henry to throw in
his parking tickets, too.

Captain. Excuse me, captain?

The guy that owns stratford.

Repositions, captain.

That hotel is
a corporate investment.

How in hell would we know what
goes on there from day to day?

No sale. We've pursued
civil remedies

With you people for three years,
and you've set up

One corporate roadblock
after another.

- Now you're gonna go away.
- I don't believe this.

Take the hint. Henry?

Lifted a clean print
in rachel's apartment.

He's the guy.

Rachel's decided
to press charges?


What else do we have on him?

Felony warrants.

He was holding
when I took him.

He had a switchblade.

He'll go away for a while.

Can't believe how much
I wanted to k*ll him.

I can believe it.

Not for deterrence.
Not for justice.

For vengeance.

Giving me a little problem
with celestine grey.

I know capital punishment
is wrong if you feel it's wrong.

The gospel
according to goldblume.

Always trust your heart.

But if I go
just with my feelings,

I got blood up to my elbows.

It's a minor inconsistency.


Nice job.

Thank you.

I have been hyperventilating
ever since I came back.

Is there any particular reason
you wanted this assignment?

To show that
I'm still a vital

And vigorous cop.

From downtown.

An invitation
to enter retirement.

- Oh yeah. I got one too.
- Really?

Sure. It's an a*t*matic.
The computer kicks it out

To everyone just before
full pension

I never want to go
on another undercover.

You gold-bricking, foster?

The watch is not over.

I'm sorry, sir. I was off.

We can fudge for 15 minutes.

I understand
you did an interview.

- Yes, sir.
- How did it go?

Uh, okay, I guess.

He seemed like an okay guy.

Well, on balance,
things are looking up, huh?

My mother called before.

They showed the tape
in portland.

I guess they're gonna
show it everywhere.

I see.

She, uh, she wanted--

She wanted to know
I could ever do such a thing.


They want us
to protect them, foster,

But they're a little squeamish
about chapter and verse.

I just shouldn't
have shouted.

I shouldn't've
yelled what I did.

Well, in a perfect world,
you wouldn't have.

But you were adrenalized.
In the fray.

And you did shout it.

What you have to decide
is whether that moment

Is going to defeat you.

Well, it seems like
it already has.

I mean, it seems like...

That tape...

Is how people are always
gonna think about me.

You're not the first to have

A moment of weakness,

People can be more forgiving

Than you can imagine.

But you have to be able
to forgive yourself.

I don't know if I can.

I don't know
if I'm good after this.

Come on, don't let it
whip you, son.

Just swallow what's bitter
in the cup

And move on.

And be a man.

Will you please
just excuse me, sir?

- Ed.
- Please, please.

Just leave me alone.

I'll be up in a minute.


Ms. Davenport?

I wish we could've
turned things around for you.

- Thanks for your efforts.
- Well, that's what
you hired us for.

- Going up to the execution?
- Yes.

Uh, can I take
30 seconds here?

I was wondering if you could
give us a report card.

Say if you'd
be able to recommend

Fuchs security
for more work?

Offering to provide
perjuring witnesses

Is something I'd advise against
in the future, mr. Fuchs.

Hey, you don't have to
tell me that twice.

- Frank!
- Jerry.

You going up
for the execution?

- That's right.
- I admire that, frank.

You go the distance.
The full nine innings.

Leo, I'm signed out
to harrisville state prison.

Any word on officer mullans?

He's out of recovery, sir.
Doing well.

So you would call that
around a "b", then?

Somewhere around a "b."

Well, that's passing
with room for improvement.

Drive safely.

Rachel. Please.

Annie is inside, and josh
is coming home any minute.

I'm not gonna say anything.

who's here?

It's daddy.

- Hi, daddy.
- Heya, sweetheart.

[Henry growls]

You're a day early.

Just thought I'd come by,
talk to mom for a second.

- What's wrong?
- Nothing.

Nothing's wrong.
What's wrong with you?

Just the way you sounded.


You never met
a grouch before?

- Annie, check the chicken.
- Okay.

You helping mom cook?

Yep. Hot shot chicken.

You should stay.

What's that?

My friend's
coming over. Jack.


Yeah, she doesn't like him.

We arrested the guy, rache.

I am not going to testify.

We charged on other crimes.

For what it's worth,
I just wanted you to know

That he was off the street.

Here's a counseling service.

You're covered
on my benefits.

Talk to somebody, rache.

Maybe later.

You can't carry
the whole weight by yourself.

It's a little late for you
to be worrying

About my burdens.

I'm sorry I bullied you.
I got a little crazy.

I nearly k*lled the guy,

I wish you had.

Annie? Come say bye
to daddy.

Rachel, I'm sorry.

[Henry growls]

Movies tomorrow?

- Pick you up at six?
- Okay.

You sure you don't wanna
stay for dinner?

Eh, don't be
such a troublemaker.


- Bye-bye.
- Bye.

Hug for josh.

Gerald, you were
celestine's partner.

You did the crime together.

I'm begging you
to search your memory

One last time.
Is there any assertion at all

From your testimony that
convicted celestine,

Which you would
want to change now?

You saying
I perjured myself before?

Or are you asking me
to perjure myself now?


It's got to be
one of them two.

See, I've studied my law books
now, you know, man?

Become the jailhouse lawyer
all like that.

Get the library hours.

And you wouldn't want
to jeopardize your privileges.

Even to save
celestine's life.

There you go again.

Wanting me
to perjure myself.

You might've forgotten

You might've remembered
something now.

Hey, it's the way it was.
We did that nun.

I did her, and he did her.

That's where it's at, ma'am.


Now the man say
somebody gotta be

Pushing up daisies for her.

And it's not
going to be you.

It's your system, lady.

I can live with it.

[Knocks on door]

Did you think of anyone else
for me to call?

Jackie marsh.


My cousin might know
where he's living at.

What message?

Say goodbye.

Celestine, maybe another lawyer
could've done better for you.

I got no complaints.

Maybe you could've gotten
a plea bargain

Instead of gerald. I...

If it's true, I apologize.

I put myself here.

Wait-- wait a second.

There's still some time,

But your lawyer
has to go outside.

- I want her to stay.
- We have to get you ready.

But I want my attorney present.

She's gonna be present, but she
has to be in another room.

- What's he doing?
- He's gonna be with us.

pay attention to me.

Pay attention to me,

We're gonna walk in there.

Then we'll still have
several minutes.

Why don't you go ahead?

Ernie. Can I have a tonic?

Drinking to forget.

I used up my alcohol quota
between when I was 15 and 34.

Yeah, I think
I used my quota

Plus my next incarnation.

Hey, you don't believe
in any of that, do you?

Like, reincarnation
or anything?

Not really.


Like, not like astrology
or anything?

I read my horoscope
in the paper.

Can't hurt, right?

Could I buy you a drink?

I still get
a vicarious thrill.

- Thanks.
- Again, for the lady.

...celestine grey, died

In the electric chair
at 10:04 pm

God, they did it.
They k*lled him.

- Who?
- The man who
k*lled that nun.

They electrocuted him.

Oh yeah.

So, uh... What do you
think about that?

Well, I don't think
it solves anything.

Amen to that.

You against
capital punishment?

Absolutely. Hey,
what does it solve?

Ernie? Give me a newspaper.

Let me show you something.


That's me.

I caught a little
flak for it at work,

But I figure you stand up
and be counted.

My name's
cathleen mcconnell.

Pleased to meet you,
cathleen mcconnell.

Pleased to meet you,
henry goldblume.

We offer this prayer

For celestine grey.

In the name of the father
and the son and the holy spirit.

Lord jesus christ,

You took our weaknesses
upon yourself.

And bore our sufferings
in your passion and death.

Hear this prayer for
our suffering brother,

Celestine grey.

Here where he took life,

We ask you to forgive him.

And to strengthen
his hope for salvation.

As we ask you to strengthen
and forgive those

Who have taken life
from him.

You who are the redeemer
of all men.

And who live
and reign forever.

- Amen.
- [All] amen.

In the name of the father
and the son and the holy spirit.
