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04x01 - Go-Cart Terror

Posted: 09/08/22 08:04
by bunniefuu
Hey, there you go, Ponch.
Sale starts tomorrow.

That's where you can
get your new refrigerator.

I'll look. I can wait a while.

What? I thought yours broke
down. What are you using now?

I'm sharing with Elizabeth down the
hall. She lets me use her refrigerator...

I let her come over and play
backgammon, watch my TV, dance with her.

Ah, things have a way of
working out for you, don't they?

Chub. Chub, come on.

What have you been doing?

What have I been doing?
Heh. Watching cops.

It's Sunday, all the
stores are closed.

What happens if one of them comes
over and asks us what we're doing?

If they see us, they
think we belong here.

That's why we put the
lettering on the truck.

Mike, this is my last
job, I'm telling you.

I mean, if we were stealing small stuff
at night, okay, but this, I... I... I...

- Okay, but get going!
- Shh!

The more we work, the
sooner we get out of here.

[MOUTHING] Thank you.

Hi, Ponch. Hi, Jon.


Are you all right, Pam?

Gosh-darn water.

I slipped.


Hey, how about that elbow?
Can you move your arm?

I'm sorry, Officer Baker.

I'm sorry, Pam.

Who's the other guy?

I... I don't know. I
never saw his face.



The cops are coming.

We set off a silent alarm.

Cops do not answer silent
alarms with their sirens.

Where's your head?

Get in, will you?



Couldn't catch him, huh?

Ever try to
outmaneuver a go-kart?

I didn't even get
a good look at him.

Where's Pam?

Uh, Duffy helped her
take the bicycle home.

That's the kid who stopped.

I'm really sorry. I... I knew I
shouldn't drive in the street.

Who's the guy I chased?

I don't know. I... I,
uh, never saw his face.

I was working on this in the
driveway and he came by.

He did a couple of doughnuts in the
street and he hollered things at me.

Finally, I just took after him.

What if Pam had been
lying in the middle of

the street when you
came around that corner?

Well, I'm glad she wasn't.

Yeah, well, for a guy
who's trying to make a

go-kart racing team,
that wasn't very smart.

Duffy, you better push
that thing on home, huh?

Yes, sir.

Three other kids lining up for the
team live within two miles of here.

Yeah, I'm gonna go by Pam's
house. I'll check on Fritz Milton.

All right, I'll meet you there.

I'm gonna check on the
Jones kid and Wayne Barn.


The VIN is

It's 23101 VN. Okay?

Doesn't anyone
take notes anymore?

After a while you
don't have to, sarge.

You develop a good memory.

That's why you forgot to, uh, pick
up the jail forms yesterday, right?

Heh. He said a good
memory, sarge, not a great one.

Okay, okay. Look, humor
me, will you, please?

Take notes.

Slauson off-ramp will
be closed for two days.

Traffic in that area
is gonna be a mess.

"Be a mess."

Got it.


Ah, it's gonna be one
of those days, hm?

Watch for suspicious trucks at
stores that aren't open for business.

Yesterday, someone ripped off an
appliance store at National and Concord.

Hey, that's, uh, Price
Bros. Appliances.

That truck had Price
Bros. lettering on it.

It did?

Oh, well, heh, actually, I was
in hot pursuit at the time, so...

Yeah, I read your report.

Hot pursuit of a kid
in a go-kart, right?

- A go-kart. One of ours.
- Attaboy, Ponch. Go for it.

-Yeah, leave the biggies
to us. BONNIE: Ha-ha.

Okay, okay. Ponch, slowly. Um, you thought
you saw the truck that robbed the store?

Sure, trucks are always
delivering to stores that are closed.

- You thought it was delivering?
- He thought it was delivering because...

Baker, please, huh?


A green and white
5-ton Chevy truck.

It had the Price
Bros. name on it.

Hey, how was I to
know? It looked legit.

I thought it was delivering.

Okay. At least we know, uh,
something we didn't know before.

All right, those not
taking notes, take note.

A green and white Chevy 5-ton.

Okay, that's it. Frank, John.

I hear some kid in a go-kart
got away from you. Is that true?

- Oh, boy.
- Was he one of our kids?

We're not sure. We still have a few
mavericks who haven't come around.

I thought you had that
go-kart situation under control.

We did... We do. We think.

Well, if you have any
trouble, let me know.

Certain parties have
a sporting interest in

our team beating the
Fire Department team.

Harlan, it's not our
team, it's the kids'

team, that's the point.
We're only advisers.

Right, strictly unofficial. But
look, the Fire Department's...

making it sound like all we do
around here is run a go-kart club.

So look, for the good of the department,
boys, make it work, huh? Or pull out of it.

Sergeant, what if
they do pull out?

Then cancel my bet with the fire
chief and give him back his money.

HARLAN: I should
have thought of that.

Slide over.

If I come out running,
drive out of here fast.

Mike, let the collection
agency take the truck! Mike!

The keys are in the
ignition of that truck.

There's a dozen $500
typewriters in there.

Back up. If anybody
follows me, block them.




Hey! Hey, wait a minute,
wait a minute! Wait,

wait, wait! Hey, come
back with my stuff!

Get the police. Call the police.


DISPATCHER: All units in position,
10851 from Ozzie's Office Equipment.

1801 West Carrington.

Vehicle is a '77 pickup with
Ozzie's name on the doors.

Occurred three ago,
no direction given.

Fantastic. Fantastic.


15, 7 Adam in pursuit
of the 851 suspect.

Eastbound Carrington
85th, headed for the I-5.

15, 7 Charles. Northbound 405.



You all right there?


We'll back you,
Bonnie. Run and brake.

L.A. 15, Mary 3, we got a mole pull
1180, uh, Foothill west and Mission.

Rolling 1141, 1185.

DISPATCHER: 10-4, Mary 3.

Typing paper?

GETRAER: I spoke to
Ozzie Ozeray, the proprietor.

He packed it in typewriter
boxes for the move.

Ha. The thief must have thought he had
a few thousand bucks worth of typewriters.

It's entirely possible that the truck that
blocked the alley was in on the caper.

Front license plate
was missing, but Ozzie

described it as a green
and white Chevy truck...

- probably 5-ton.
- The Price Bros.' appliance truck.

He didn't see any
lettering on it, but, uh,

lettering can be washed
off or painted over.

Well, at least two guys,
one of them may be hurt.

He's hot too. Grand theft
auto, felony hit-and-run.

They hit on stores
running special sales...

stock reduction, going
out of business, whatever.

- Could be a couple of women.
- What?

- It's hard to resist a good sale.
- Ha.


- All right. We all got paperwork to do.
- Yeah, and we got a go-kart meeting at 4.

Now, about the kid
who got away from me.

He's not gonna be
busted for what he did

last Sunday. But
before he tries it again...

I think it's the purpose of your club to
reach out there and get the message to him.


- Duffy.
- Well, my dad says...

that, uh, if we go back to bugging
the neighborhood like before...

we could lose our sponsors.

He ought to pay
to fix Pam's bike.

If he doesn't cool it, he's
gonna get himself k*lled.

And if he gets caught, he
could be in real trouble, right?

Maybe go to jail.

No, we don't put
kids in jail, Wayne.

But arrested? Yes.

And trouble with the
juvenile authorities? Yes.

Go-kart impounded? Yes.

Now, last Sunday, Duffy here
turned around and came back.

That took some guts.

It might take some guts for
the other kid to come forward...

but that's what he ought to do.


Okay, uh, Duffy got
suspended last Sunday...

and what he did was
good, he came back.

I think we should
vote that Duffy's okay.

Reason I'm talking to you is because
we're talking to the parents of kids...

and Wayne's mom
and dad aren't here.

There are times when I think
he's more mine than theirs.

Well, I suppose I
shouldn't say that.

They love the boy. They
give him everything they can.

Oh, yeah. From where this time?

In Spain.

They're working on their book about
some ancient caves in the mountains there.

They say they'll fly right
home if there's any real trouble.

Well, a go-kart in the streets is
trouble. I mean, it's a rolling death trap.

When I write to them, do I say that
Wayne is the boy you were chasing?

Please, tell me the truth.

Well, we don't know
who the boy was.

But perhaps you could
remind his folks that

a kid can get scared
and lonely in a crowd...

when he's only 14 years old.

WAYNE: All in
favor, raise your hand.

KID: Aye.
- All right, meeting adjourned.

All right, cookies and
milk in the kitchen.

If any of you needs a ride home, go
on out to my station wagon out front.

Duffy wouldn't talk about going
back to what they did before...

unless he knew it was
somebody in the club.

Norma thinks he was working in the
garage, but she was at church at the time.

If that was a jacket,
it was just the right

color. And if it was
meant to be hidden...

Well, that happened on
Sunday. That's a thing of the past.

The whole idea is for
them to develop, uh,

their own sense of
community responsibility.

Maybe what I said in
the meeting will do it.

Let's give him until
tomorrow after school.

PONCH: They ought to
be home from school now.

I'm gonna go see Wayne.

Wayne! Hey, Wayne, wait!



Ponch! I'll help, I'll help.

Go to the motorcycle.

Grab the microphone,
press the thumb button.

Say who you are, tell them there's
a car over the side of Lincoln Lake.


All right. All right.

We gotta get you
breathing, baby. Come on.


All right.

That away, that away, thataway.

Listen to me, listen
to me, listen to me.

Can you understand me?

Get me out of here. Get me out!

Hold it, hold it, hold it.

Calm down now. I got you.
It's okay. Just calm down.

Calm yourself, okay?
Just calm yourself.

My foot is caught.

In the safety strap, I know.

Now, listen.

Listen to me.

Find your leverage with
your other foot. Okay?

Get your leverage.

All right? Keep your
head above water.

I'm gonna untangle you.

All right?

You got it?

All right.


- All right.
- I can't swim, I can't swim.

All right, all right. All right, listen
to me. Just listen, honey, listen.

All you gotta do is take
a deep breath and hold it.

A deep breath and
hold it, and I'll do the rest.

Okay? Can you do
that? Can you do that?

All right. All right, now.

Just relax. Try to relax
and let's just do it. Okay?

On three. All right?

One, two, three.



BONNIE: Come on. I got you.

Put your arm on my shoulder.

You're okay. You're okay.

Lay down.

- One victim?
- Yeah.

BONNIE: Are you okay?
- I think so.


Thanks for coming back, Wayne.

That took some guts.

I didn't have guts last Sunday.


Leave him alone for a while.

Well, you saved the lady's life.

She's fine. Shocked, but
no injury. Who's the kid?

Wayne Barn.

Our best driver.

LA. 15, 7 Mary 4.

There's one unit for
traffic control and 1185.

-Tow truck is on its way.
I'll wait for it. BONNIE: Okay.

I guess I'm in a lot
of trouble now, right?

Yes, you are, Wayne.

You let a lot of people down.

Yeah, I know.

Who knows?

Maybe now my mom
and dad will come home.

Come on.

Ponch, how did you find time in
an afternoon to take your bath?

-Hilarious, Jerry,
hilarious. JERRY: Ha-ha-ha.

Speaking of taking a
bath, is that what our

go-kart team is gonna
do without Wayne Barn?

Hey, come to the
practice. Kids are doing fine.

They're terrific, Harlan, and
you can put that in the bank.

Yeah, every potter
praises his own pot.

Louder if it's cracked.

How's the kid? How's Wayne?

He's all right. Norma's going
from here to pick him up.

I wanted you to know
that I cabled his parents.

His... His father
is flying home.

Norma, that... That's not
enough. I mean, the kid has a need.

- What's his parents' address?
- Hey, come on, don't land on Norma.

We're not landing on
Norma. She's a fine, fine lady.

But it's gonna go
better for Wayne in court

if his father and
mother care to be there.

And they're gonna get a cable
from me that says exactly that.

Norma, look.

You know Ponch, he just ruined a
$40 tailored shirt diving into that lake.

But he is dead right,
you're carrying too much.

It's not your
burden, it's theirs.

MIKE: Can you paint
that on the truck?

That ASAP?

After today you wanna try again?

After today we've
got to try again.

We owe 3000 bucks.

One good load of stereos
is worth twice that much.

Mike, let them take the truck.

Let's go back to pumping gas.

We were happy pumping gas.

You were happy pumping gas.

You wanna go back? Go back. I'll
do it with nothing painted on the truck.

All right, I'll paint it on
the side of the truck.

But, Mike, this
is the last time.

One good haul and we're in
the business free and clear.

This baby is ours.

Now, relax.


KID: Come on, come on, come
on! Let's go, Pam. Come on!


- Not bad at all.
- Caspar, you're early.

- We have the track for 20 more minutes.
- You haven't got secrets.

I already know I'm
faster than you are.

It's not you that's faster, it's the kids.
And if they're faster, I know you're not.

- Faster than who?
- Uh, Ponch, it doesn't matter.

Hey, wait a minute,
he says he's faster.

- Faster than who?
- Ponch, it doesn't matter.

Now, wait a minute,
yes, it does matter.

Let's find out.

Are you challenging me?

No, you challenged me.

- No, he didn't.
- Yes, he did.

Oh, boy.

-Here we go. KID:
Come on, come on.

Let's go.

One, two, three, go!

Come on, go!


Go, go, Ponch, full swing!

Come on! Come on!

- What happened?
- Way to go.

- You blew off the track.
- What are you doing out there?

Hey, I was driving for the
psychological advantage.

Now they're overconfident.

BAKER: Hey, Ponch.


Wayne's problem is
causing a little trouble.

Three sponsors
already canceled out.

If only I had told the truth in the first
place, none of this would've happen.

Duffy, look, you learned
your lesson, Wayne too.

But, I mean, Wayne wasn't
gonna stop until he stopped himself.

That's what I told
the other sponsors.

I mean, the kids have learned.

And they've worked things out.

But they said just wait and see.

Bottom line is, the club can't even
afford to pay its own share of the cost.

The cost of what, the race?

It's the episode at the lake.

- Hey, I'm willing to pay it myself.
- It's not the race, it's the club.

That's right. And, Duffy,
what is the club all about?

Well, uh, obey the law,
tell the truth, be responsible.


You want the race, you want the
club, nobody's gonna bail you out.

You need some money?
You figure out a way to raise it.

You guys, Pam, Fritz.

Maybe a yard sale.


Mow some lawns.

No, no. No, no way.
It's their thing, they do

it on their own. No
interference, we butt out.

It's the kids' thing.
Is that agreed?

- Right.
- Okay.


BONNIE: Howdy, Ponch. Hi.
- Hi.

- Ponch, this is Bob.
- Hi, how are you?

- So, what are you doing here anyway?
- I'm supervising.

-You weren't supposed to
come. Nobody was. BONNIE: Heh.

- This is my neighbor, Elizabeth.
- Hi.

-Hi. PONCH: Oh,
and, uh, Julie...

- She's with Harlan.
- Harlan?

Yeah. Hey, how are you?

Harlan! Harlan!

Harlan! Stop it!

Harlan! Harlan! Harlan!
Oh, my God! Stop!

Harlan! Harlan!


- Ah. All muddy.
- No problem!

HARLAN: Oh, no!

-No' No' .. A -Aah! ah!

GETRAER: There you go.

- There's no more water.
- Hey, Marie.

Hey. Okay, how about that?


You said none of
the guys were coming.

I said all of the guys said
none of the guys are coming.

All right? Come on.

-Let me go! Let go of
me! GETRAER: Attention!

-Let go! Let go!
GETRAER: Attention!

May I remind you, good people, that CHP's
contribution to this little enterprise...

is we pay for the water.


Meeting dismissed.

Hey, sarge. How come
you're the only one

not covered with mud
and soaked to the skin?


Jon, I'm the sergeant.

Uh, off duty, of course.




- Go! Come on!
- Go, go, go!

- All right.
- Come on. Let's go.

- Come on.
- We lost two, we gotta win.

- We'|| win, we'll win. Come on!
- Come on!


HARLAN: Come on!

Ho-ho! Ho-ho!

Okay! Yeah!

Go, come on.

Okay, folks, the official winner
for the fourth match race today...

is Ted "Smoky" Snyder with
the third fastest time of the day.

That gives him 3
points for first place, 2

points for, uh, Fritz
Milton for second place.

That puts the Fire Department
three match races to one.

Eleven points to 9 for the CHP.

Stay around for the main
event and get your refreshments.

Excuse me.


Officer Baker,
this is my parents.

MR. BARN: Hi. Officer Baker.
MRS. BARN: Nice meeting you.

- Hey, Wayne's here.
- Wayne.

- Wayne. How are you doing? All right.
- All right.

Pam, here's the $26 for your
bike from my own allowance.

- From now on, I work for my money.
- Can you drive?

- My kart's qualified.
- Yeah, take Jonesie's car.

No, I don't deserve to
drive. It's part of my sentence.

Besides, it's not
whether you win or lose.

It's how you drive the tires
off the Fire Department turkeys.

ALL: Yeah!

My mom and dad are waiting.

- Good luck. All right?
- Yeah.

- We'll win here, Wayne.
- Yeah, have fun.

I guess I'm not too popular
with Mr. and Mrs. Barn, huh?

Oh, truth is, Poncherello,
they think you're quite a man.

If I were a few years younger,
I'd be chasing you myself.


All right.


- Come on! Go!
- Go! Go!

- Okay, let's go!
- All right!



- Come on! Come on!
- Go!

Come on, keep it
up, let's go! Come on!

- Whoo!
- All right! Ha!


The winner for 3 points
is Pam Farley, CHP.

Second place for 2
points is Duffy Wells, CHP.


One point for third place is
Smoky Snyder, Fire Department.

And the winner
of the meet is, uh...

Is, uh...

Excuse me. The winner of
the meet is CHP, 14 to 12. Hey!


No way!

Pfft. Stereos?

The sale must have
been a success.

You said a whole
truckload of stereos.

Knock it off, will you, Chub?
That was two days ago.

Mike, let's face it.

We're no good at this.

- There's some furniture, let's get that.
- Furniture?

Do you know what you can get
for furniture? Five years in prison.

I can't live like this.

Get the furniture.

Uh, LA. 15, 7 Adam, there's a warehouse
running a sale not open for business.

Uh, 15101 Budlong. I'm gonna check it out.
I'll be away from the radio for a couple.

DISPATCHER: 10-4, 7 Adam.



- There's a cop out front. A real live cop.
- What?

Listen to what I'm telling
you. There's a cop out front.

MIKE: This is unbelievable.



15, 7 Adam, the 459 suspects
are leaving the warehouse...

in a green and white
5-ton, ASAP logo.

DISPATCHER: 10-4, 7 Adam.


Adam. Westbound I-10 at Arlington.

How about an assist?

Mary 3 and 4 in position to
back you up at Valley overpass.


BAKER: Freeze! Get out of the
truck. PONCH: Everybody down. Move!

BAKER: Put your hands on your head.
PONCH: Put your hands on your head.

All right, get on
your bellies. Move.

MIKE: Okay, Chub, now say it.

I have nothing to
say to you, Michael.

Anything else in there?

Yeah, a little refrigerator.