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04x10 - Forty Tons of Trouble

Posted: 09/08/22 08:11
by bunniefuu
afternoon, ladies and gentlemen...

and welcome to
Brotherhood Raceway Park.

This is the first day of qualifying
for the pro-gas eliminators.


And the winner of this first
qualifier, with an ET of 9.86 seconds...

and a top speed of
144.23 miles per hour...

Is Tony Brecher in his
Camaro pro-gas eliminator.

WOMAN: All right.
- Wrench.

Look, Jerry, I think they're gonna
get a ticket for overtime parking.

JERRY: Yeah. Not for speeding
in that crate, that's for sure.

Hey, go do your test run. You guys
need all the practice you can get.

again, the first call for

B-stock in lane four,
B-stock in lane three...

and N-stock in lane two.

Who are those characters?

One of the pro-gas
team we've gotta b*at.

Is that the old fuel
carburetor you're working on?

Harlan, why are you
working on the old carbs?

New set hadn't come in yet.

We all chipped in for
a new set weeks ago.

These are sh*t.

They're costing 20 percent of
my power every time I take it out.

That's not gonna bring us a
win no matter what you do.

I don't want that.

Come on, you can't
drive with those, can you?

Of course, I don't tell
you how to drive, do I?

Harlan, Harlan, he apologizes.

Didn't wanna offend your
mechanical eminence.

Let me take you back to the three-way,
boys, where you're appreciated.

official stand in 15 minutes.

Once again, drivers...

Now, remember, if I'm spotted,
I'm gonna make a run for it.

You'll be watching.

Pick me up.



Where are you
going with the loader?


WOMAN: Hey! MAN: Hey!




L.A. 15, Mary 5.
Any units in position?

I'm southbound on Fairborn
towards Hewitt Avenue.

I'm running interference
for a runaway grader.


Let's go.


No breaks. It won't stop.

PONCH: You okay?
GETRAER: You all right?

I'm fine, fine. I stopped
it, didn't I? Huh?

You sure did. Ha-ha-ha.

Boy. Jon, look what
you did to the building.

Yes, something I wanted to do all
my life. Beautiful, wasn't it? Huh?

- Your something else, partner.
- You guys.

Wow, partner.

Can I drive her back?

It's my only loader.

- Don't drive it back, have it hauled back.
- Great.

I'll come back
and take the report.

I can go with her now if
you wanna stay and clean up.

Ponch, uh, I need your help.


ANNOUNCER: Hitting up the
rubber on those big racing slicks...

Is Jim Scotty Jones in his
pro-gas eliminator, Bonanza.

He's getting ready
for his first trial run.

Looks like trouble on the
tracks for Jim Scotty Jones.

There's smoke coming out
from the car in all directions.

As you know, these cars are finely tuned
and running very exotic fuel mixtures.

When you're running on a ragged
engine like that, you can blow at any time.

Looks like the truck is
pulling up to the car now.

The crew will be checking
out Jim Scotty Jones.

Jones is out of the
car, and he's okay.

The pistons, man. We're sunk.

It's no big deal. We'll
just get another set.

Fly-cut racing pistons?

You know how much we paid for
them? What are we gonna use for money?

Who said anything about money?


Right in the stock room,
shelves on the left, you got it?

- You sure about this?
- Yeah.

I saw them when I
bought the pushrods.

It's a box marked
"super duty pistons."

The rings are on a
shelf right above it.

Grab some extra stuff
to help cover our tracks.

Reading up on hot rods here.

How's it going? Everything okay?

Yeah. Before it's too late, we can go
home and change, come back and help out.

No thanks, I can't
handle the help I have.

Ad in this magazine.

Fella's selling a
'69 Hemi Super Bee.

Four on the floor, Dana 60,
Cragar Super Sport mags.


Only 6600.

I may invest.

A car like this could win
some big prize money.

Grossie, when we all chipped
in to buy this Corvette...

you flat refused to join us.

Didn't want a thing
to do with dragsters.

I thought it was impractical.

But it seems there's a
lot of big money to be won.

Hey, Grossie, we're
not in it for the money.

It's a hobby we can
all enjoy together.

Oh, I get it.

You guys are doing a
number on me, right?

Asking me to forget about
this '69 Hemi Super Bee...

and join your Corvette hobby group
as a contributing member, aren't you?


They aren't?

Yeah. No, Grossie.

Well, you can keep the
magazines if you'd like.

He knows there's no big prize
money in pro-gas competition.

Grossie feels left out.

He just wanted to join in on
the fun with the car. He's late.

- He knows he's late.
- Late?

I'm glad you said that.

I've gotta go. I've got a
business appointment.


Officer Poncherello.

Come in.

Miss Kohl, make it Ponch.

Ponch, make it Paula.

All right, very well.

Like I said on the phone, I need some
more information for my incident report.

Oh, and I was so glad you called. I
wanted to thank you for what you did today.

Thank you. All right.

Wow, this is lovely.

- This is nice.
- Thank you.

I should've guessed.


I know you have an appointment.

But I thought you'd
have a drink with us first.

MAN: What went wrong?

No excuses.

If the Army taught me anything
at all, it taught me no excuses.

I fouled it up.

So, what do we tell the buyer?

He's waiting for a loader.

Don't tell them nothing till I
see if I can find another one.

He also wants two D8 Cats.

Now, why don't you just load this one
up and drive it down to the harbor, huh?

Now? But what if
the heat's on, Sarge?

Better they
shouldn't find it here.

On the highway, you're
just innocent truckers.

You don't have to
have proof of ownership.

All you gotta have is an export
declaration. I'll make that up right now.

I don't know, maybe...

Maybe we ought to move on.

That was awful close today. This is
the longest we've worked one area.

Look, the guy is gonna pay us 5000 bucks
for a loader and another 10 for a D8 Cat.

If I can find them before
he leaves the country.

Give me a chance. It's
only a couple of days, huh?



- Yes, sir.
- Thank you.

I wish I could be more helpful.

I think the guy was picked
up by a brown or a tan van.

I know it wasn't one of my men.

I know them all. I had to talk
them into working for a woman.

Look, this was your first job. Do
you have any professional enemies?


Nobody thought I'd get
this far, including my parents.

I had to fight a lot of fights to get where
I am, but no, nobody's tried to stop me.

Would losing a loader do it?

Stop me? Mm...

No, but it sure would've hurt. I
mean, there are better ways to stop me.

I really would be in a lot of trouble if
you two guys hadn't come around today.

Hey, we just did what any
quick-witted, strong, dashing...

handsome, dedicated
highway patrolmen would do.


Thank you for the
dinner. I didn't expect it.

Yeah, me neither. I expected
to take you out to dinner.

I even had my car washed.
You're gonna love my car.

- Well, I really have work to do.
- Well, if you ever need any help...

Excuse me. Call me?

If you can't find me, of course.

It's a promise.

PONCH: Good night.
PAULA: Good night.

Everything fit?

Ha-ha-ha. Perfect, man.
This baby is gonna fly.

With the extra boxes we took to
make it look good, it looks good.

Nothing we need for
stuff we sure can't sell.

Tires we need.

That stuff, we're
bringing it up to buy tires.

Z-Gate Shifter
install converter.

And that's a tunnel ram, four-barrel
carbs. Some special order, man.

This stuff's worth bucks.

You didn't read this, did you?

'56 Vette. Harlan
Arliss, CHP. Will call."

- CHP?
- Highway Patrol?

That's for that Vette
those cops are running.

We don't sell
none of this stuff.

We don't mention it to anyone.

I understand.

After all, you guys have been
working on that dragster for weeks.

- For months.
- Hey, I understand.

You and the sarge have it split seven ways,
and seven's a lucky number, I understand.

We did invite you to join
us, Grossie, remember?

And I'm too late, I understand.

You divided all the
work, the cost. It wouldn't

be fair for me to
share in the winnings.

- Can I have your attention, please?
- Or even share in the fun.

- Friendship, togetherness.
- I'll be brief this morning.

- The thrill of victory.
- Grossman.

I understand.

I had a meeting with the captain
this morning on a ring of thieves...

who are stealing construction equipment
in our very city for the past three months.

Now, some of us were involved
with the attempt to steal a loader.

- Baker, do you have anything more on that?
- We have a new idea.

We'll talk to you
about it after briefing.


Vehicles such as these
are usually parked at the site.

They look a lot alike, they don't
carry any plates, no pink slip.

And there's no
watchmen usually on duty.

The loader thing happened
in broad daylight, remember?

Yeah, that works on big jobs.

The normal activity tends to
obscure the thieves' activity.

So be alert. All
agencies are cooperating.

Take all the help you
can get. Okay, that's it.


I have an assignment
for every officer here.

- If I may have your permission, sergeant.
- Oh, by all means.

My fellow victims, and
you are my fellow victims.

For which of us does not have at
heart the honor of CHP Central...

and which of us has not reposed high
hopes for our drag racing entry, The Chip?

GETRAER: Yeah, what
point are you making, Harlan?

Some lowlife rat fink broke
into the auto supply house...

and stole our tunnel ram,
our dual-quad intake...

and both carbs we had ordered.

Okay, lieutenant, thank you.

We'll check back with you.

L.A.P.D.'s got 17 open files
on auto supply store burglaries.

Still working on this one.

Well, I guess we can all chip
in for another set of carburetors.

You couldn't get the order filled
in time. It's a special assembly.

It's gotta be
tooled in New York.

Well, what are we gonna
do, skip the big race?

Aah! Every path has its puddle.

I'll just do the best I
can with the old parts.

Are you sure your lady
contractor will cooperate?

Oh, yes, yeah, she's a businessperson.
I'll approach her with logic.

How much money will you need?

If you could ask the captain, it's a good
way to catch a thief, you know what I mean?

If we buy a used machine,
then we can get our money back.

Baker, you're beginning to frighten
me. You sound just like Poncherello.

- How much money?
- Twenty five thousand only.

Oh. You're crazy.
You're out of your mind.

That's exactly what the
captain's gonna say to me.

"Joe, you're crazy.
You're out of your mind."

You want me to stop
repairs on the loader?

Yeah, and put out the word that
you'd like to buy a used one real fast.

You think that if they'd stolen mine,
they might try to sell it back to me.

Well, no, they'd probably tried to
sell yours a thousand miles away.

But if they're in the export business,
they're probably in the import business.

Therefore, they'd try to sell you one
that they've stolen from another state.

We could backtrack,
get the chain of evidence,

then we'll put them
away, don't you see?

I understand your logic, I
don't think you understand mine.

What I'm building here is
my future, my reputation.

Now, I have to fulfill this contract.
Everything depends on that.

All right, you don't understand.
There's no risk involved here.

If my sergeant gives me permission,
we'll provide the money for the buy.

But I can't afford the time. I do
need a loader. I need that one.

I need it repaired
as soon as possible.

I can't just let it sit
there while I'm off

playing some game with
an unknown thief and a cop.

I guess I thought
that we were...

Well, I mean, a nice cop,
don't misunderstand me.

Oh, I don't.

Well, I did. But...

Look, I have to
take care of myself.

Okay, I got that
perfectly straight.

Thank you.

ANNOUNCER: Remember,
folks, next week will be

the last chance to
qualify for our winner...

Hey, Harlan.

Finished my shift
and I checked out.

Got nothing better to do.

I'm an outsider. I'm not
a member of the group.

But I do have our
best interests at heart.

Yeah, I understand.

Is now moving into the staging
area for his first qualifying run today...

since his repairs of the
blown engine yesterday.

He's getting ready. He's
moving up to the tree.

There he goes.

Jim Scotty Jones moving
out in the Bonanza.

It looks like he's blown a tire,
folks. The car is all over the track.

Somehow, he's managing
to keep it in control.

His pit crew jumped into
their truck and is racing out...

to make sure that
Scotty's all right.

Jim Scotty Jones, the veteran
driver here at Brotherhood Raceway...

has been having an incredible streak
of bad luck here in this meet this week.

He started with a blown engine yesterday,
and it looks now like a blown front tire.

Time will only tell
as to whether...

Did you dig that power?
What did you do to her?

You okay, man?
You almost wrecked it.

Scotty, that was
our last set of tires.

Hey, man, I thought I was gonna
get airborne, man. She really moves.

She ain't gonna move
nowhere on the rims, man.

All right, relax.

Tires. I told you I know a
place where we can get tires.

MAN: This is it.
- I thought you said a tire store?

A place, I said.

Ambex tires.

They moved the shop to a different
location. They use this place for storage.

I gave my information to the
Los Angeles Police Department.

I didn't know the Highway
Patrol had detectives.

- Only in auto theft.
- Ah.

And these are auto parts
that were stolen, so...

well, you can see
how logical that is.


Okay, here's what they got.

They got a Z-Gate shifter,
here, serial number 305...

Let's get to the tunnel ram
and the four-barrel carbs.

No problem.

Tunnel ram.

Okay, 76312 UX.

Union, X-ray.

Okay, uh, 91065 quicksilver.

- Quicksilver?
- Q.


- Whatever.
- Okay, go on.

DISPATCHER: 4-59, silent
alarm. Ambex Tire Storage, 15311.

Are units responding? Identify.

Fifteen, 7 Adam.

Monarch from 81st.

MAN: Whoo!


BARICZA: Anyone hurt there?

- You sent for us.
- Sarge?

Oh, it's you two.

I wonder if you have any idea
how much trouble you've caused me.

Twenty-five thousand
dollars for a stolen loader?

And I told you that
when I asked the captain

for the money, he
would say that I was...

Crazy and that
you lost your mind.

Yeah, well, he's crazy.

He's lost his mind.

He approved the 25,000.

Well, don't you get the picture?

You can go ahead.

Well, actually,
sarge, uh, you see...

Paula Kohl has turned us down.

She wouldn't dare.

Excuse me, sarge?

- Ponch, Jon.
- Hi, Grossie.

Hey. You know what this is?
It's a list of stolen auto parts.

Four of the burglaries of auto
parts stores have been recent.

And in each case, one or two of
the items, the ones I've underlined...

have been high-test parts like you'd
use in a competition car, say a dragster?

Including carbs
and a tunnel ram.

Our tunnel ram.

I mean, you know,
your tunnel ram.


I'm not giving up.

I figure we each stake out a store
that hasn't been hit yet, okay? Then...

We're gonna drop
this Paula Kohl plan?

Let us talk it over later, okay?

Okay, I stake out a store
that hasn't been hit yet.

You get on the phone
and give this to L.A.P.D.

It's their job.

- But it's our dragster.
- Grossman.

Okay, your dragster.

See, Paula doesn't wanna play
cops and robbers, and I'm a cop.

But she did say
I was a nice cop.

Yeah, but now that we have the money, that
puts a whole new complexion on the deal.

For us. But, I mean, what else can I
say to her? I was fair, honest, logical.

Just like you would be
with any businessperson.

Ah. Businesswoman, Jon.

That's where you
made your mistake.

Business, yes, but a
woman appreciates a little...

You know.



Special attention?

- Right.
- Good luck.

Your car is beautiful. You
keep it just like it's new.

Yeah, it's a chariot
for a princess.

Actually, I just had the car painted
and waxed, and the upholstery is new.

Things have
happened to this car.

I've had it rebuilt
a couple of times.

- You mean, accidents?
- Not traffic accidents.

I'm a very careful
driver. It's in my nature.

Oh, don't take me
home. Make a right here.

- Where would you like to go?
- To the construction site.

- Tonight?
- Yeah, the dinner was wonderful.

You really made me feel elegant.
But now, I have to take a little nap.

See, I pay a guy to stand watch just
till midnight, then I have to takeover.

I've got clothes at the site.

Not very romantic, huh?

It's the company that counts.


You gotta get a regular
watchman, Paula.

It's too expensive.

You know, in this state alone...

your industry had over a
thousand vehicles stolen last year.

That's $80 million worth.

Most of them were unguarded.

But you don't wanna
talk about business.

No, but I suspect that you do.

Me? No. I would like to get my hands
on the guy that went for your loader.

I hate a guy who'd
rip off a pretty lady.

Just a contractor, Ponch.

Ah, but it's not
just the big outfits.

I care more about the little guys, the
ones who have gone out of business...

because these g*ons have
ripped off their equipment.

You care too, right?

Hey, but we don't
have to talk about it.

- Look, I thought maybe we could...
- Jon Baker put you up to this, didn't he?

The lovely evening and
all the flattering attention?

Well, I know it was...

Ponch, appearances
deceive. I am a little guy.

I bid this job so low that I can't
even afford to waste one single nail.

I sold my house and
everything in it to finance this.

As of next week,
that trailer is my home.

So either I finish this job on time
and on budget, or I'm wiped out.

And I haven't even
been eating that well

lately, so I really did
appreciate the dinner.

But you can just tell Jon
Baker that his little plan fell flat.

Hey, hold it.

I didn't think I could
persuade you to help

us, but I could've
talked to you anywhere.

I don't ask a woman for
a date unless I want to.

Okay, so you've had your date,
and now, you've got your answer.

Look, we didn't know you
were in financial trouble.

But we can finance the phony
buy. The money's been approved.

You were victimized, Paula.

People in your position
would be anxious to cooperate.

Yeah, but what if I do and you
fail? Then they come after me.

A little vandalism, a little arson, a
little sabotage, and I'm up a wall.

It's always the next guy,
the next, and the next.

Okay, let the next guy fight his
own fight, and you fight yours.

Just don't involve
me. Excuse me.

Could you help
me with the chain?

PAULA: How was everything?
MAN: Fine. No problems.

PAULA: No signs of anything
strange? MAN: Nothing at all.

- Good night.
- Good night.

Thank you. I'll see
you tomorrow night.

I didn't ID the
vehicles in the yard.

They'd come back clean. Window
dressing, to make it look legit.

Any investigation, if they're
crooks, they'd pack up and skip.

We're simply soliciting aggravation if
we involve Paula Kohl against her will.

We won't. They will if they're
setting up for another hit.

If. If the van Ponch tailed
is the one she observed.

And according to your
reports on the loader caper...

she's not even sure
the van was part of it.

But I'm sure of
what I saw last night.


Well, between losing you
off the patrol for a day or two...

and giving you 25,000 to play
with, I mean, the choice is obvious.

Keep all appropriate agencies
informed and don't try to be heroes.

Joe, we never try to be.

Fifteen, 7 David.

This is special unit one
southbound Stewart from Stockton.

You sure you wanna hit
this place again so soon?

Listen, man, that D8 Cat
is worth 10 grand to us.

You just honk if
there's any trouble, huh?

Police. Sit still, put
your hands on the wheel.


Hey, police. Halt!



Just take it easy. You
may have a concussion.

No, I'm okay. Let me
up. I'm okay. I'm okay.

- All right, all right.
- I'm okay.

- You sure?
- Yeah. Really.

All right.

Stop. Hey, this is
my personal car.



Don't just stand there,
get me out of here!

BAKER: Are you okay?

k*lled my car!

Hey, have I got great news.

Grossman, the
man k*lled his car.

PONCH: Don't you care if I'm hurt?
- Are you hurt?

- No.
- Wanna hear the good news?

Is Ponch all right?
Oh, Ponch, your car.

- He k*lled it.
- I don't understand what happened.

Remember what you
said about the next guy?

You were the next guy.
This is what happened.

And you fought the battle.

Our battle, like you said,
without involving you.

Look, I'm sorry. I
said I was wrong.

Paula, maybe you better
go see a doctor, huh?

Hey, Paula, we got them all.
Your job is safe. Good luck.

- That was charming. Ahem.
- Logical.

It's about the dragster,
you know. The good news.

What? You find the
tunnel ram for the dragster?

How do you know that?

- A tunnel ram?
- Twin carbs?

- Hey, Grossie.
- Hey.

Ladies and gentlemen...

it's time for the first semifinal
event in the pro-gas elimination.

Coming on the track
now is Frank Poncherello

driving his pro-gas
Corvette, The Chip.

He is there in the semifinals with
Tommy Johnson in his Corvette, The b*llet.

This should be
a hot race, folks.

And here we go
with the first semifinal.

The cars are at the starting
line, Poncherello is staged.

Johnson is moving up now.

And he is staged.

And the winner in this first
semifinal with an ET of 9.37 seconds...

and 146.18 miles per
hour is Frank Poncherello.

Hey, Ponch. Yeah, Ponch.

- All right.
- And he moves into the finals.

And on the track now, it's the Bonanza
driven by veteran, Jim Scotty Jones.

Scotty has been turning fast
times in his last few months...

in spite of a blown engine
earlier in the competition.

He is teamed with Spider
Smith at the wheel of a Charger.

Spider Smith was
last year's champion.

You can bet he's going to
try to hang on to that trophy.

Both cars are staging now.

Go on. Go on. Go on.

And he does it.

Scotty Jones is the winner,
with an ET of 9.45 seconds.

Hey, come on.

Grossie, where did
you find the tunnel ram?

A guy from Fresno had it.

You see, I made a list of the
stolen parts with the serial numbers.

Hey, I see you guys did all
right, huh? You're in the finals.


Grossie, I see they
let you in on the fun.

- Where did you get the tunnel ram?
- Remember my list of stolen parts?

I got the serial number,
wired New York...

and found out the maker
shipped one to Fresno.

Hey, Jon, Bar.

You got a look at the guys who
ripped off that Ambex tire place?

- Not really. Why?
- I don't think so. Why?

That Bonanza crew. New tires.

The racer and the truck?

- Hey, guys, remember my list?
- Hey, that's not the truck we chased.

You were chasing a stolen.
L.A.P.D. recovered it yesterday.

- I went there.
- What?

- Went where?
- Ambex.

I'm checking out
stolen racing stuff.

Ambex loses racing tires.

So I go get the serial
numbers. What else?

I'd say, check the
stuff in their pit.

Go. Come. Stay.

Big deal.

this is a big one, folks.

The final event in the super
stock pro-gas eliminator.

It's Frank Poncherello in The
Chip running head-to-head...

with Scotty Jones at
the wheel of the Bonanza.

But where's the Bonanza?

Last call for Scotty Jones' Bonanza
in the staging area now, please.

Last call for Scotty Jones.

Okay, the Bonanza is on the track
now, and it's a tense moment, folks...

as both of these drivers prepare
themselves for this last run.

A final word from a crew member,
and they're just about ready to go.

This is it, folks.

This is the big one.

Poncherello is on the tracks, heating
up the rubber on those big racing...

Don't forget that these super
stock pro-gas eliminators...

are putting out 450 horsepower.

Wait a minute. There seems to
be a problem at the starting line.

Scotty Jones is pulling
back from the start.

Now, Poncherello
is doing the same.

Something is wrong with the
start. Please check with the drivers.

The Bonanza seems to
be leaving the race track.



PONCH: He's in the
car. I whipped him, man.

I passed him. I b*at him.

- Hands down, right? You saw it?
- Yeah, I saw enough.

Frank, I've known you to pull
some utterly foolhardy stunts...

but this, this?

What am I gonna do about you?

Well, you can call somebody
to tow me. I ran out of gas.

Get out of the car.

Put your hands on your head.




Folks, I gotta get
back to the office.

But before I go...

Frank, your car was on official
business, so the department will repair it.

All right.

We don't like to, but it's—-

- Logical.
- Charming.

I'd also like to thank Paula Kohl
for throwing this victory party as well.

All right, Paula.

Even though, even though
the victory was by default...

over a car built
mostly of stolen parts.

Oh, and the new
owners move in tomorrow.

So try not to spill anything
on the carpet, please?

Hey, a little bit of
dragster club business.

Now, we all know that Artie
Grossman would like to get in the club.

So all in favor
of letting him in?

- Uh... Yeah, okay. Okay.
- All right. Yay!



Well, it's unanimous,
Grossie. You're in.


Just as soon as
you take care of this.

Yeah, sure. What is it?

It's a bill from New York.

They won't ship the tunnel ram
and carbs until you pay $1200.57.