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07x21 - The Good Nephew

Posted: 09/08/22 15:21
by bunniefuu

mr. Lansing.

So good of you to visit, sir.

Oh, and who
might this be?

It's your son,
isn't it?

Those blazing,
deep-set eyes

That fine,
aquiline nose--

He's the spitting
image of you, sir.

He's not my son,

Of course not, sir.

He should be
so lucky.

I want you all
to meet my nephew.

Stand up straight.

Andrew j. Lansing iii.

Say hello to all
the nice people, andrew.


Enough chitchat.

Andrew, do me a favor.

Go to the men's room
and fetch me some tissues.

One or two-ply, sir?

Any ply. Just go.

So, uh, you
met my nephew.

He's really something,
isn't he?

Oh, sir, he is quite
the young man.

He's an idiot, fontana--

A bad seed,
a plugged nickel.

But I promised my
dear, departed sister

I would look after him
when she was gone.

Oh, andrew's
mother's dead?

What dead?

She's departed.

She left home.
She ran away.

The kid drove her crazy.

But I couldn't abandon him.

You take one look
at his odd-shaped head...

I thought it was his haircut,
but it's his head.

Your heart melts
when you look at him.

I know what you mean, sir.

It's like a pea
or a small almond.

In any case...

I have attempted over the years

To find a place for andrew
in every one of our departments

But let's just say his...
His bud refuses to bloom.

So I was wondering,

That you could help
my almond-headed nephew

With some
type of job

Here at fyi.


Gee, um, mr. Lansing

We would love
to take andrew on

But, gosh darn it

We just don't have
any openings at the moment.


(Murphy screaming)


Oh, melba, you wouldn't
happen to know

Who rigged my
phone to shock me

When I picked it up, would you?

Your phone?

A, a... Shock? I, uh...


Okay, it was me,

I'm sorry.

I just love practical jokes.

You know what?

I love them too.

How about

We pull off a practical
joke together?

Why don't you
collect your things

Get in the elevator

Go down to personnel

And tell them
you've been fired?

Oh! That's a good one!

Wish me luck.

Stan, hi.

Murphy, am I to understand

That you're in need
of a new secretary?

Because I know a perfect
candidate for the job.

The network is finally taking
an interest in my happiness.

Who is this crackerjack
you've got lined up for me?

Meet your new
secretary, murphy--

My nephew.

Stand like a person.

Andrew j. Lansing iii.

Say hello to the
nice lady, andrew.


What are you doing
with tissues?

You're a secretary.

Thank you, murphy.

You've been a big help.

Stan, is this really
such a good idea?

I've been known

To be hard on secretaries

And you never know...

Ba-ba-ba... Trust me.

This is a perfect match.

He's fantastic.
He's great. He's...

Were you the one who
loved to fly kites?

When I was eight, sir.

He loves kites.
You love kites.

Kites in common.

You'll get
along great.

Thank you again, murphy.

Andrew, if you
screw this one up

You're dead in my eyes.

Yes, uncle stan.

If I may, miss brown

I will make you
a solemn vow.

I will swear to you
on my mother's grave...

Andrew, your mother's not dead.

Yes, she is--
uncle stan told me.

Anyway, you have
my assurance

I will be better
than any secretary

You have ever had.

Andrew, you might want
to aim a little higher.

Okay, here's
your first assignment.

File this for me.

Nothing would give me
greater pleasure.

oh, god.

You know who that so-called
nephew is, don't you?

He's a spy.

He's going to report
everything we do

Back to mr. Lansing.

Miles, really, a spy?

Even if he is,
why should we worry?

We've got
nothing to hide.

Frank, thanks for
the tip about the phone

In the xerox room.

I see how you can rack up
$ , in calls.

The pea-head has to go.

What I want
to know is

When exactly did fyi become
the network's employment agency?

First it was dan rather's
bumbling aunt sissy

Then connie chung's
oafish nephew wilbur

And who could forget
andy rooney's son chip?

How someone that young
could have that much

To complain about
is beyond me.

Relax. By the time

I finish with him, he'll be
begging his uncle to fire him.

Mission accomplished,
miss brown.

What may I do for you next?

Okay, andrew,
here's what I need.

I want you to watch
all years of fyi

And write down
the number of times

I used the word "the."

Then go to the
library of congress

And write down
any references

To the names jones,
smith or johnson

Indicating date of
birth, place of birth

And any biographical

Consider it done,
miss brown.

Wow. This is the first time

I've had to wake somebody up
to fire them.

Oh, andrew?

Oh, good morning, miss brown.

I can explain.

Sleeping on the job,
unless done by me

Is simply unforgivable.

I'm afraid I'm going
to have to fire you.

I understand, miss brown.

Well, here are

The first three boxes of
the material you requested

From the library
of congress.

You'll find the rest
in your office.

Oh, and I reviewed
all the fyi tapes

And you've used
the word "the"

, Times.

Andrew... Andrew...

I'm not going
to sugarcoat this--

I am very disappointed.

But I'll overlook
your transgression

Major though it was--
and it was major--

But you mess up again

I'll be all over
your sorry butt.

As well you should be.

I called the
computer department

And told them you would be
unable to attend their class.

How'd you get me
out of it?

It wasn't difficult

Given your recent bout
with carpel tunnel syndrome.

Not bad, andrew.

Not bad at all.

Merely doing my job, miss brown.

Bobby, could you
call your contact

At the russian embassy

And see when I
can talk to him?

Okay, I'll get to it.

Excuse me.

You'll get to it?

The lady asked you
to make a call.

Move. Move. Move!

It's okay, andrew.

He doesn't have

To do it this second.

Yes, miss brown.

Not that it would have been

So horrible if he had.

You wouldn't even know
you'd fired him.

I didn't fire him.


I didn't fire him.

In fact, I can't believe
I'm saying this

But I think andrew
might even be... The one.


You think andrew's
the one?


Have you taken leave
of your faculties?

You deserve better.

Hey, you don't
know him like I do.

He's good to me.

He makes me happy.

I'm beginning
to think

You don't want
to see me happy.

Here we are,
miss brown.

I got these especially for you,
fresh out of the oven.

Thank you, andrew.

Hmm... Those do
look pretty g...

Is your name miss brown?

Okay, people!

Let's get to work.

Stan lansing, our
beloved network president

Doesn't line our pockets
with gold

So we can stand around

Now, where are we
on stories for next week?


I'm researching
a piece on fungus

In frozen yogurt.

"Is it a tasty treat
or just a coneful of death?"

What do I know, but I
hear america shrugging.

Shrug, shrug, shrug.

Frank-o, what
have you got?

Well, I just got a tip

About this shady
congressional sting operation

That's about to go down.

these mining companies

Have been making payoffs...



That's my story.

You stole my
shady sting story.

Give it back,
you thief.

Shut up, andrew.

Shutting up,
miss brown.

Miles, I've been working
on that story for weeks.

Tell frank he
can't do it.

If you're so far ahead

Why haven't you
done the story yet?

Hold it! It sounds like you both
have a legitimate claim

So I want you to settle this
between yourselves.

Good idea.

Frank, I'm doing the story.

There. It's settled.

Rather fairly,
I'd say.

You're both a couple
of stories ahead.

Why don't you both
go after it

And see who gets
the story first?

No way!
Forget it!

Good. Then it's settled.

Weeks of work
go down the toilet

Because frank
is too selfish

Too egotistical
to just roll over

And give me
everything I want.

Why didn't he
just roll over?

Andrew, someone
should teach frank

That sometimes it's
in his own best interest

To just back off.

You're right, miss brown.

Someone should teach frank
exactly that.

I don't mean to
rattle you, miles

But nobody
can find frank.

mcgovern, mcgovern...

It would take more
for the exec producer

Of two prime-time
network news shows

To get-- how did you
put it? Rattled?

Tell them to check
frank's dressing room.

Sometimes he hides there
behind his clothes.

They did. He's not there.

There's a big mirror in the
lobby he likes to look in.

He's not there either.

Oh, god, we can't find frank!

Hey, miles, good news.

Thank god!
You found frank!

Found frank? No.

Buried him?
Yes, indeedy-do.

I cracked the story.

Isn't that great?

Great? I smell
a humboldt.

It's all lined up

Thanks in no small part
to andrew here.

I had nothing to do
with it, miss brown.

It was all you--
you, you, you.

Two minutes to air.

But we are undergoing
a major crisis here.

We can't find frank.

do that funny dance.

Get a load of this.

Isn't that a scream?

You wouldn't believe
what just happened.

I'm tracking down my source
on my sting operation

When, blam! All of my tires
go out at once.

Can you believe that?

I am this close
to breaking that story.

I'm glad you're okay.

Thank heaven
you're not hurt.

One minute to air.

Okay, people, we
got a show to do!



Stick to your story

But you don't need such
an elaborate excuse.

There's no shame in
losing a story to me.

Many have.
Many more will.

I'm telling the truth.



All four tires?

Pity about the car, frank.


You know what I think?

I think andrew
sabotaged my car

So that murphy could
beat me out of that story.

Frank, why don't you
accept defeat

And get on with your life?

Do you really
expect us to believe

That that wormy guy

Actually broke
into your garage

And fiddled
with your tires

Just so murphy could
win some stupid story?

Let's settle, people!

It probably is
a little far-fetched.

Guess I'm just being
a little paranoid.

And we are live

In five, four,
three, two...

Good evening,
and welcome to fyi.

For your information
tonight, frank fontana

Reports on the
spreading threat

Of international

I'll get out my violin.

If it's not here by : ,
you'll wish you were never born.

Yoo-hoo. Where do you
think you're going, hon?

I have to ask murphy something.

I'm afraid miss brown is busy.

She's not. She's there.

Like I said-- she's busy.

Now, if you'd like to make
an appointment with miss brown

Maybe I could squeeze
you in around : .


you little...

Good day.

Go on. Shoo!

He wouldn't let you
near her, would he?

I told you there was
something fishy going on here.

Jim, tell her
what happened.

Yesterday, murphy remarked

How much better
my parking space was than hers.

I pull into the parking garage
this morning, and lo and behold

There was andrew
in my spot

Blacking out my name

And stenciling
murphy's over it.

So help me, if I
ever catch him alone

I swear...

Oh, dear lord.

What if that monster
can read lips?

I turned down a $
expense request

From murphy
this week.

Well, somehow
she ended up

Getting reimbursed

And the exact amount

Was deducted
from my paycheck.

I'm afraid, frank.

Hi, guys.
How's it going?

Oh, things
are going, uh...

Uh, murph...

Actually, I wondered
if we could talk to you.

Yeah. Alone?

Anything you have
to say to me

You can say in
front of andrew.

I'm that loyal.

Well, it's kind of personal.

What's the big deal?

There's nothing...

If you don't mind

I have a lot
of work to do.

Okay, andrew.

Well, I hope
you're happy.

You've hurt
his feelings.


(Clears throat)

Slugger, it's about andrew.

Oh, no, not this again.

Look, andrew is a good, kind,
trustworthy assistant.

What problem could you
possibly have with him?

He slit my tires.
He took my
parking space.

He wouldn't
let me see you.
He scares me.

I know what this is about.

Frank, you're trying
to get back at me

For beating you out
on that story.

And the rest of you?
You're jealous.

You're jealous

Because I have
a better secretary than you.

I hate to disturb
this important discussion.

There's a slight problem
with your sting story.

How slight?

My uncle stan
just k*lled it.

What?! He spiked
my sting story?

Come on, andrew.

It's time to have
a little talk with uncle stan.

Oh, about
the lipreading thing...

Sorry, stan.

I demand to know
why you k*lled my piece.

Kids today--
no manners.

Do me a favor,

Tell mrs. O'brien

Those funny bocce ball
stories you have--

It fell on your foot,
you hurt yourself...

All right, murphy,
since you asked

It was brought to my attention

During one of
my very bad rough cuts

Of the new comedy series,
blarney stone, p.i.

That you employed some
very underhanded methods

In procuring your sources
and documents for your story.

Stan, I assure you

I did nothing underhanded
in getting that story.

You'll be pleased to know

Andrew helped me
nail it down.

Once again, I had
nothing to do with it.

It was all you.

You, you, you.

Wait a minute.

You didn't promise
a secret service agent $ ,

To look at classified documents?


Or thr*aten to expose

Some postal worker's
marital infidelities?

Absolutely not.

Andrew, back me up here.

She had nothing to do
with any of those things.

Well, then, who did?

Well, maybe
it was frank.

Frank wouldn't do that.

Would corky?


All right.

I admit it.
It was me!

I did those things!

I'm sorry, miss brown.

You did those things?

I'm afraid I did,
miss brown.

And frank's tires?

Miles' paycheck?

Jim's parking space?

Andrew, why?

We had a good thing going.

Please try
to understand.

I really needed
this job to work out.

I would have done
anything for you.

I would have
k*lled for you.

You didn't, did you?

No, but when
jeannie in travel

Bumped into you
in the elevator

And didn't even
say "excuse me"

I could have.

I don't believe it, stan.

Assure you

I knew nothing
about any of this.


I knew about
miles' paycheck

And jim's
parking space.

Other than that,
I didn't know anything.

It's not about
you, murphy.

It's about my nephew.


Yes, uncle stan?

Threatening lives?

Illegally entering
government facilities?

My boy, you've bloomed!

I thought
you were

Just some moron

With some questionable
genetic heritage

But today, young man,
you're a real lansing!

Oh, uncle stan!

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

I'm not a touchy-feely
kind of uncle.

Maybe we'll get our mitts
and throw the ball around.

You're the one who liked
to play catch, weren't you?

When I was .

He loved to play catch
with me.

Let's discuss your
new responsibilities.

Mrs. O'brien, will you
show murphy out?

Whoa. Andrew
is still my secretary.

Granted, I don't approve
of his methods

But that doesn't mean that,
toned down, he still can't be

A very valuable
and perfectly legal asset to me.

From now on,
there will be nothing

But tough love
for you, young man.

Come on. I am going
to scare you straight.

Wait, wait.
What are you..?

Are you out
of your mind here?

This boy is not
a secretary.

With his skills,
I need him by my side.

Maybe he can find a way

To boost this network's
sagging ratings.

I know, I know.

We could work on our shows
and make them better

But that takes

So much time and money.


What I want from you
is ten ways to take downer.

Maybe you can get
to rosemary clooney's nephew

With the perfect head.

no paper trail.

Come on, twinkle toes.

Stan, you're not going
to take andrew away from me.

He brought me fresh doughnuts.

No one ever brought me
fresh doughnuts.

Don't worry, murphy.

I'll get you a secretary
from the pool.

Oh, no, not the pool.

Anything but the pool.

Don't get crazy.

I'll give you mrs. O'brien
as a loaner.

I'll take my chances
with the pool.

Thanks for coming
up, murphy.

Don't let the doorknob
hit you on the way out.

Move, move, move!

Pipe down. I need her
for one more year.

Piping down,
uncle stan.

Bar... Barry...
Listen to me, barry.

Are you going to buy the network
or not?

Because if you're not

I've got to dump
a whole lot of stock in a hurry.

Hold on a minute.

Andrew, did you
find a way

To help our thursday
night lineup?

Everything's taken care of,
uncle stan.


Hey, what's the deal
with these brakes?!

And why do they
call them brakes?

They don't break anything.

And why do they call it..?