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05x01 - Long, Long Way From Home

Posted: 09/09/22 07:13
by bunniefuu
[Silver] Karate is more than a sport.


[Silver] Within every punch and kick

lies centuries of tradition.

It has a rich past.

And now we want you

to become part of its future.

- [grunting]

- [Silver] Welcome to Cobra Kai.


[Silver] While our martial arts

date back hundreds of years,

our dojo is committed

to providing state-of-the-art training.

But a dojo is more than mats and machines.

It's about the students.

At Cobra Kai,

we transform kids into champions.

We are proud to be the home of the first

female All Valley Tournament champion,

Tory Nichols.

[Tory yells]

[Silver] At Cobra Kai,

we believe anyone can be a winner.


All you need is the right teacher.

- [all] Yes, Sensei!

- [Silver] You can be one of our students.

Sign up now

at our new flagship dojo in Encino,

with more locations opening soon.

It's a new era at Cobra Kai.

Come join us.

[all] Yes, Sensei!

[dramatic music plays]

[dramatic music plays]

[dramatic music fades]

[tranquil music plays]


Ah, good morning, Amanda-san.

[Amanda] This is not okay, Daniel.

It is crazy enough you flew him here.

You didn't tell me

he was gonna be living with us.

You definitely didn't say

anything about him being a nudist.

[sighs] He's not a nudist.

He's just a man of routine.

In Okinawa, he'd start every morning

bathing in his local hot spring.

So let's get him a membership to the YMCA.

There are places he can be naked

that aren't our backyard.

- I can't believe this is happening.

- It won't happen again. I

I'm not talking about the pool.

I'm talking about all of this.

You said the All Valley was the end of it.

Sam and Tory had their match.

Nobody got hurt.

Kreese even went to jail.

It's a karate miracle!

This should be over.

I know, but with Terry Silver in charge

and Cobra Kai expanding,

they're more of a thr*at than ever.

If I don't do something,

it's only a matter of time

before he's brainwashed

all the kids in the Valley.

I'm not worried about all the kids

in the Valley. I'm worried about our kids.

[sighs] I promise you, Amanda,

I will not put our kids in danger.

How can you keep that promise, Daniel?

Because of Chozen. That's why he's here.

It's summer, Daniel.

Call me crazy, but I thought

we'd be having Mai Tais by the pool,

not watching your Okinawan assassin

use it as his training ground.

[soft music plays]

- [women speak Spanish]

- Oh, no, no. No, gracias. No.


- [Miguel] Oh. No.

- [man speaks Spanish]


[soft music continues]

Oi! You need some help, mate?

Uh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. I'd love some help.

Uh, my phone's out of service.

Uh, do you think you could help me

get to 137 Avenue Santurce?

Oh! You're in luck. I can show ya.

- All right.

- [man] Yeah. Easy.

- Thank you, guys.

- All right.

It is right here.

- X marks the spot.

- Awesome.

- Yeah.

- Perfect. Thank you, guys.

No worries. Not easy

to find your way around here.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Actually, you don't mind

giving me some pesos, do you?

Just 'cause it's my map and all.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. H-How many?

Oh. Well, five bucks sound fair?

- Yeah, that sounds more than fair.

- [man] Great.

- All right. There you go.

- Thanks, brother.

- How much you wanna pay for the bag?

- The bag?

[tense music plays]


- Okay, give me back my bag.

- [man] Uh-uh.

I just figure a reward might be in order.

Since we found your bag and all.

[tense music continues]

Okay. Uh

- H-How much are you thinking?

- How much you got?


There you go.

[tense music continues]

[whistles] Want that?

A little something for you.

What? You didn't think

I'd take all your money?

What kind of monster do you think I am?

[man chuckles]

Oh, and hey.

Welcome to Mexico.

Yeah, thanks.

[upbeat music plays]

Woo! ♪

[Johnny] All right. Gracias.

[upbeat music plays]

Got us some choice supplies

for the next leg of our road trip.

- Mexican Cokes.

- I think here they're just Cokes.

[Johnny] Mexican candy.


And just picked up this badass cell phone.

It's got 60 minutos on it.

That's, like, 300 American minutes.

And I got you a little something

to say, "Welcome to Mexico."

Don't tell me it's offensive.

We bought it in Mexico. It's their idea.

And here.

Gift number two.

Turn it around.

[Johnny laughs]

Isn't that great?

I got one for me too.

What are we actually doing here?

Don't say it's a father-son bonding thing.

We could've done that 500 miles ago.

All right, look.

This is a father-son bonding thing.

There's something to take care of first.

[Daniel] Everyone, gather around.

It's great to see you all back here.

You know, we had one goal

going into the All Valley.

b*at Cobra Kai.

We walked away with a first-place trophy

thanks to Eli.

- [applause]

- [boy] Woo!

As far as the rest of the tournament,

well, it just didn't go our way.

We said we'd close our dojo if we lost.


that's what we're going to do.

As of today,

I am shutting down Miyagi-Do Karate.

- What?

- Wait. Mr. LaRusso

I know that's not

what you were hoping to hear,

but with everything going on at Cobra Kai,

continuing to operate Miyagi-Do

only leaves a target on your backs.

Guys, I have to keep you safe, okay?

Just remember what you've learned.

This dojo may be closing,

but Miyagi-Do lives

inside each and every one of you still.

Great. Guess I'm getting a summer job.


Dad, this can't be your plan.

I know you're disappointed.

I just wanna make things right.

This wouldn't be happening

if I hadn't lost to Tory.

This is all my fault.

No, Sam. It's mine.

With Johnny gone, it's on me to fix this.

I reached out to Chozen because

this isn't about a tournament anymore.

This is real life.

- But, Dad, I can fight.

- This isn't your fight, Sam.

I know firsthand that Silver isn't afraid

of putting kids in harm's way.

I have to keep all of you out of it.

So, please, just

Just trust me on this.

[somber music plays]

[somber music fades]

[indistinct chatter]

[relaxing music plays]

[man 1] Hey, gracias, Hector!




[men speak Spanish]


[in Spanish] Hey! Section's closed.

The boss is busy.

Pueblo, let the boy through.

Hello, son. I haven't seen you

around here before.

I just got into town.

My name is Miguel Diaz.

Well, then it's a pleasure

to meet you, Miguelito.

Uh, my mother is Carmen Diaz.

Your old lady sounds hot.


She's from Ecuador.

What is this?

Is something wrong with your head?

- Pueblo, get this guy out of here.

- Come on.

- [dramatic music plays]

- [Pueblo groans]

[both grunt]


[man 2] You gonna let him

b*at you up, cousin?

You're brave, Miguelin.

You want a beer?

I want answers.

Carmen and Rosa Diaz.

You knew when you lived in Guayaquil.


Dude thinks he's the boss.

[tense music plays]

Look, man.

I'm not the guy you're looking for.

And honestly, I've never known

a f*cking Carmen.

Now if you don't f*ck off,

all these guys you see here

are gonna b*at the sh*t out of you.

So go to f*cking hell.

[Miguel] Sorry, uh

Okay. I'm leaving, sir.

Get up, damn Pueblo.

You're being dramatic, man.

g*dd*mn stupid idiot.

[Robby in English] You've got

to be kidding.

You have every right to be upset.

How could you take me to Mexico and not

mention once we're coming to get Miguel?

"Robby, let's go to Mexico.

Come back with some stories."

I wasn't bullshitting you.

I wanna fix our relationship.

When I heard Miguel was in trouble,

I had to do something.

I just couldn't leave you at home.

I'm done doing that.

- Besides, I need your help to find Miguel.

- My help? Do you even have a plan?

Yeah, of course I do.

Miguel's looking for Hector Salazar.

I know where the kid gets off the bus.

That's our first stop.

When we get there,

what do you plan on doing?

I'll ask around if anyone saw Miguel.

- That's the big plan?

- Of course not.

We come up dry,

I'll check the Mexican phone book.

Oh my God. You drove me over

a thousand miles to check a phone book?

Might as well

put Miguel's face on a milk carton.

They still do that?

I could be at home with Tory.

Coming with you was a mistake.


All right. I'm sorry, okay?

I thought this trip

would help you and Miguel.

When we get to the bus station, if you

wanna buy a ticket home, you can.

I don't want you to go home, but

- [Robby] Dad, watch out!

- sh*t!

[brakes squeal]

[air hisses]

[Silver] We're just as proud to announce

we'll soon be opening Cobra Kai franchises

throughout the entire Valley,

so every one of you young men

and women here

can be part of our championship dojo.

- And

- This is what we're up against.

Terry Silver.

This is how everyone sees him.

As some kind of philanthropist

out to save the kids of the Valley.

That's why you're here.

I tried to stop Cobra Kai on my own.

Nothing's worked.

There's only one way to end this.

We have to cut the head off the snake.

Hai, Daniel-san. I can do that.


Hey, whoa. No. No, no.

I didn't mean literally cut his head off.

They are not for cutting.

They are for blocking, and stabbing,

and clawing, and gouging.

Still, please, put 'em away

before Amanda sees them.

What I meant was we need

to expose Silver for who he really is.

Then his students will see the light.

The problem is

Silver may be crazy, but he's not dumb.

He always thinks two moves ahead.

You have to be careful with this guy.

No, Daniel-san.

He must be careful with this guy.

[suspenseful music plays]

Take me to Terry Silver.

[suspenseful music continues]

[breathes heavily]


[grunts and groans]


[Sam yells]

[breathes heavily]



[breathes heavily]

- [Sam yells]

- [referee] Point. Winner.

[tense music plays]

[cell phone buzzes]

- Miguel?

- Hey, Sam.

Where are you?

Are you okay? I kept calling and, and

Yeah, look, I-I just didn't want anyone

to know where I was until I found my dad.

Did you find him?

Well, that's That's actually

why I'm calling right now.

The process has been

harder than I expected

That's why you're calling?

Your mom is so worried. You left without

telling anyone where you were going.

Well, I knew if I told you,

you'd try to stop me.

Because we care about you.

Miguel, what you're doing

is really dangerous.

Your mom and grandma left Ecuador

to get away from your dad.

They probably did it for a good reason.


- I

- [dumpster lid slams]

[Sam] Gonna ask

what happened at the tournament?

You knew what it meant

for me to face Tory.

You're not gonna ask if I won or lost?

Sam, h-how are you making this

about you right now?

I'm not. I I just thought

you'd be in my corner.

Okay, well, what about my corner?

You You have no idea.

There are more important things

than karate.

Yeah, there are.


[in Spanish] Hector!

What are you doing? That's Rogelio's job.

[in English] What?

[in Spanish] He's really tired. He just

had a baby. We have to give him a break.

Sometimes you're too nice, Hector.

- [indistinct chatter in Spanish]

- [laughter]

[in English] Dad?

[emotional music plays]

Where did LaRusso hide the lug wrench?

- I lived in here, remember?

- Of course I remember.

How the hell'd you get this car anyway?

I went looking for you.

After you went missing,

me and LaRusso tried to find you.

We found this hunk of junk instead.

We found some pissant driving it.

We chased him to a chop shop.

Ended up fighting

the douchebags that stole it.

I had no idea.


I know I haven't been there for you,

Robby. More times than I can count.

But I've also failed Miguel.

Hell, I'm the reason

he ran off in the first place.

I'm out here trying to fix my mistakes

so I don't have to live with regret.

If you're serious about making things

right, you can start by helping Miguel.

I know you have regrets

when it comes to him.

[emotional music plays]

I'm gonna call Carmen. I'll be right back.

Finish taking these off.

- Johnny. Are you at the bus station yet?

- [Johnny] Uh

We had car trouble.

Be there in a few hours.

Any updates? Hear from Miguel?

No, but I did hear from Sam.

Miguel called her. He's okay.

All right. That's great.

Did she say where he's going?

All Sam knows is

that Miguel hasn't found Hector. Yet.

I feel sick to my stomach

with Hector having no idea he has a son

and Miguel not answering my calls.

Maybe I should come down there.

No, there's no reason

to put yourself in danger.

Who knows what Hector could do

if he sees you again.

It's under control.

I'll find him, I promise.

- It's gonna be okay.

- Okay.

[dramatic music plays]

[Daniel] Look at that line.

You'd think he's

giving away Teslas or something.

Picked a good location too.

Lots of foot traffic.

Welcome to Cobra Kai.

This is what I was afraid of.

Cobra Kai's enlisting kids who have

no idea what they're getting into.

[tense music plays]


Daniel-san, look.


[speaks Japanese]

What? What is it?

I have seen these moves before.

[Daniel] You have? Where?

Kim Sun-Yung.

Excuse me. My name is Terry Silver.

My master is Kim Sun-Yung of South Korea.

My teacher sends his respects.

Wait. That's a real person?

I thought it was just mumbo-jumbo

Silver came up with.

No. He's very real.

My uncle Sato did not speak much

of Kim Sun-Yung,

but I know he had much anger towards him.

Sounds like Sato.

I don't think I ever remember

Mr. Miyagi mentioning Kim Sun-Yung.

Well, Miyagi-san left Okinawa

before World w*r II.

Kim Sun-Yung became known

during Korean w*r.

He taught many American soldiers.

Makes sense. Kreese and Silver

are w*r buddies. What did he teach them?

Uh, Kim Sun-Yung

was a master of Tang Soo Do,

but that is not what he taught.

His style was, um, controversial.

What was controversial about it?

I will demonstrate.

[tense music plays]



[clears throat]

Kim Sun-Yung's style

is based on deception.

No honor. No mercy.

You could've just told me.

If Silver is student of Master Kim,

we must be careful.

All direct att*cks will be recognized.

I don't want to att*ck him.

I want to expose him.

To catch serpent,

you must think like serpent.

We will use his style against him.

How will we do that?

[tense music crescendos]

[upbeat music plays]

[chatter in Spanish]

[upbeat music continues]

Ah. [roars]


[melancholy music plays]

Hey. Uh, hola.

[in Spanish] My name is Miguel.

And you? Your name?

[woman] Luis!

[melancholy music continues]

[indistinct chatter]

[woman laughs]

[Johnny] The bus leaves from here. Si?

- Here, yes.

- Okay. Thank you.

All right, the next bus leaves

in a few hours.

This'll buy your ticket.

This is for some drinks and snacks.

Where are you going?

Ticket guy thinks

he saw Miguel talking to these surfers.

I'm gonna ask around.

Sorry I dragged you into this, Robby.

- English?

- Australian.

Good enough. I'm looking for a kid.

Seventeen, Ecuadorian.

Slight build, but we're working on that.

- Seen him?

- I gave him directions, yeah.

Great. Can you tell me which way he went?

Might be easier if I show ya.

Got a map.

Here we go. So

Turn around.

He was heading here.

X marks the spot.

[dramatic music plays]

That's a bad idea.

[Johnny grunts]

[man groans]

All right, what's the scam?

Give me some bum address,

try to steal my wallet?

No, the address is real.

[chuckles] As for your money,

I'm gonna end up with it either way,

so we can do it the easy way

or the fun way.

Listen, assh*le,

you have five seconds

to tell me which way that kid went,

or I'm gonna take that surfboard

and shove it so far up your ass

your friends are gonna be surfing you.

- [chuckles] Okay.

- [Johnny] All right?

- The fun way. Good.

- [Johnny] Yeah, the fun way.


[Australian] Would you look

at that? [grunts]

[upbeat music plays]


- [man yells]

- [Johnny yells]



- [man groans]

- [Australian grunts]

[upbeat music continues]

[Robby grunts]

[Johnny grunts]

[upbeat music fades]

[Johnny] Adios, dickheads.

[upbeat music plays]

[dramatic music plays]


- [Miguel gasps]

- [car horn honks]


[in Spanish] Hey, thank you so much.


What you did was just incredible.


It was nothing.

I was here at the right time.

Where's your accent from?

I'm American.


[in English] Entonces we are lucky

our paths crossed.

I-I guess so.

[in Spanish] You saved my son.

You're a hero.

How can I repay you?


Please have dinner with us.

- [in English] No.

- Hey. Please, we insist.

It's the least we can do.

- Okay. Okay.

- [Hector chuckles]

Oh, uh, I'm I'm Hector Salazar.

Uh, Miguel.

It's wonderful to meet you.

- It's It's nice to meet you too.

- [Hector chuckles]


This is strange.

I feel like,

uh, we've met somewhere before.

[chuckles] I don't think we have.

[Hector laughs]

Well, maybe you're a stranger,

but tonight, you're family. Okay?

- Okay. All right.

- Okay. Vamos. Come on.

[Miguel] Vamos. Okay.

Thanks again.

[Miguel] Of course, of course.

[hopeful music plays]

This trip was a disaster from jump.

You're right.

It was a mistake to bring you.

No, it wasn't.

Okay, I mean, some of it was.

Technically, you kidnapped

and transported a minor across the border.

But we got a good story out of it.

Yeah, we did.

Your bus'll be here soon. You should go.

This is my mess to clean up.

You're right. But

But I'm gonna stay.

[hopeful music plays]

You're trying to make things right.

I wanna help you.

At least now we know where we're going.

X marks the spot, right?

- All right.

- [both laugh]

[Johnny] All right.

[Silver] Today is a turning point

at Cobra Kai.

[sinister music plays]

[Silver] Our competition

has closed up shop

and the Valley now looks to us

to lead the way.

[sinister music continues]

[Silver] We have a long road ahead.

This is just the beginning.

Right now, we're strangers.


[Silver] But I can tell you,

we won't be strangers for long.

This is the start of something special.

[sinister music continues]

[Silver] For everyone else,

it's summer vacation.

But for us,

the real work is about to begin.

[sinister music continues]

Cobra Kai now has more students

than ever before.

That means we'll need more senseis.

I'm gonna ask you

to do more than what's expected.

[tense music plays]

Which means I'm going to pay

more than what's expected.

But first,

you must prove yourself

in the way of the fist.

[tense music continues]

It's time to see if you're worthy.

[man] Hai!

Welcome to Cobra Kai.

[tense music crescendos]

[theme music plays]