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05x08 - Taikai

Posted: 09/09/22 07:18
by bunniefuu
Distinguished members of the Sekai Taikai,

I thank you for gracing us

with your presence.

Sensei Silver. I'm Gunther Braun.

I speak for the Sekai Taikai.

As you know,

our admission process is quite rigorous.

Despite your overtures,

we cannot guarantee admission.


But I assure you,

Cobra Kai is worthy of entry.

As you can see,

our dojo is state-of-the-art.

And our senseis are second to none.

Very impressive.

But there are many impressive dojos

in the world.

It's a shame

more people haven't heard of them.

But that's where we can

help each other out.

Corporate sponsorships. Broadcast rights.

I have the resources and the connections

to make the Sekai Taikai

a household name all across America.

It's a huge market.

One you've never been able to tap.

Until now.

Karate gave my life structure,

function, purpose,

and it's doing the same for my students.

I only want to spread its lessons further.

Give every kid the chance

to learn and grow through karate.

Just like I did.

Thank you for your generosity,

but this review is entirely

about the quality of your students.

That won't be a problem.

Our dojo is the best in the Valley.

That's not true.

- And who are you?

- I'm Sensei Daniel LaRusso.

Two-time All Valley champion.

Sensei Johnny Lawrence.

Also two-time champion.

Chozen Toguchi. Master sensei.

Amanda LaRusso,

karate adjacent.

Cobra Kai isn't the only dojo

in the Valley.

So you represent another dojo?

Not just any dojo.

We have champions

from the past two All Valleys.

You led us to believe

that your dojo had all the titles.

Honesty isn't exactly

Cobra Kai's strong suit.

Our dojo is truly unique.

We've combined our different styles

to train our students

into the best fighters I've ever seen.

They deserve a sh*t at your tournament

just as much as Cobra Kai.

The other dojo

wants to prove their worth.

Combining styles

is unorthodox,

but I am curious.

My apologies

for this inappropriate

yet entertaining disruption.

But may I remind our guests

that they haven't traveled all this way

to consider anyone but the very best.

No, we have not.

Now that we're here,

we'll determine that for ourselves.

We will see what your dojo has to offer.

And yours.

We expect a comprehensive exhibition

of your training methods

and your students' abilities.

And then we will see

if either dojo

is worthy of the Sekai Taikai.

Thank you very much.

You won't be disappointed.

Well, as they say,

the more the merrier.

May the best dojo win.

We will.

And when we do,

I'm gonna shove that ponytail up your ass.

You can translate that.

Okay. All right.

I agreed to train your students

under the condition you would pave the way

for my family's teachings

to emerge from the shadows.

And yet, your petty rivalry

is standing in the way.

I have no rivalry with them.

They're beaten.

This is a last, desperate gasp of breath.

Then we must suffocate them.

I will continue to train your students

so they are fully prepared.

And might I suggest next time,

you are prepared too.

This thing's

gonna be on TV.

There's corporate sponsors.

- We're gonna make a fortune.

- I don't think we're getting paid.

I mean, not directly,

but we're gonna be Insta-famous.

Gonna get me

one of those branded partnerships.

You can put yourself

through college with one of those.

I never even thought about college.

As long as we make sure Cobra Kai wins.

How much longer

do I have to stay at the dojo?

I know how difficult it is

to be behind enemy lines,

but I need you there for a little longer.

What's wrong?

Don't worry about it.

Elevate your kicks. Aim higher.

Did you catch that video I sent you

of last year's Sekai Taikai?

- Who knew people could kick that high?

- Or that hard.

Dude, seriously.

That's why it's the biggest

competition in the world.

Last year's winners did

a car commercial in Taiwan.

Imagine being in a commercial.

What would you do with all that money?

Buy a yacht with a hot tub.

Fill it up with Smarties and hotties.

All right, all right.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Remember, Cobra Kai is gonna do

everything they can to get a spot.

And if they win this time,

kids all over the world

are gonna have to deal with the same crap

you guys have gone through.

But if we win,

we can show the world how to stop them.

First you must prove

you can compete with best.

To do that,

you have to be better than the best.

Which is why we're gonna

kick your asses into high gear.

Sensei Lawrence,

Sensei Toguchi and I

are gonna get you ready

for the presentation.

Come on. Let's get warmed up.

Go! Move those asses.

Hey. How are you feeling?

Good. Great. Why?

I just want you to know

I'm not gonna force you to compete.

I made that mistake in the All Valley.

Not gonna do it again.

No worries. I-I'm pumped, actually.

Everything okay with, uh

Uh, yeah.

Things were tough at first,

but I'm glad that we're still friends.

All right. Good to hear.

How sweet. Is this

what fatherly advice sounds like?

Come on, we're just talking.

Relax. I'm messing with you.

I'm glad you ironed out your sh*t.

With you on the same team, we have a sh*t.

What do you say?

Are you ready

to show the world who's boss?

Our students start with basic movements.

We use chores to create muscle memory.

Once they have that down,

they can master their defense.

Show me sand the floor!

Only after they master their defense,

do we teach offense.

But with a badass twist.

Show them the screaming eagle.




And I don't care where I'm going ♪

At Cobra Kai,

we don't believe in baby steps.

We throw our students

straight into the fire. Kenny Payne.

Only started training with us this year.

Now look at him


What a rocker ♪

Blue-eyed m*rder in a size five dress

Change ♪


And ya hit the ground runnin' ♪

Ain't nothin' stays the same ♪


Yeah, ya hit the ground runnin' ♪

Our Okinawan style of karate

has been handed down

from generation to generation,

going back 400 years.

Shrimpo Sensei.

Loved fishing, loved sake bombs.

One day,

strong wind, strong sun

Okay, the point of the story is

that our dojo is steeped in rich history.

- That's right.

- There's an old saying.

To solve the problems of the present,

we must always

Look to the future.

Other dojos may be set in their ways.

Cobra Kai is on the cutting edge.

We use the latest technology

for maximum performance.

Unchained ♪

- Very good. Keep your left foot planted.

- Yes, sir.

No fancy crap here.

Our dojo is old school.

We don't spoil our students.

We make 'em earn things the hard way.

Call that a kick? Harder!

Change, nothing stays the same ♪


Yeah, ya hit the ground runnin' ♪


Uh, hey, look, man, I'm sure

this probably all seems weird to you,

but sometimes you have to train

outside the box to get to another level.

Some people use the latest high-tech junk

to get there,

and some people need to run

up a mountain in the snow and yell.


Rocky Balboa is my hero.

No sh*t! Mine too.

His victory over Russia effectively

restored my fractured homeland.

- You get it.

- I do.

- Show me more.

- Yes, sir.

Comin' up ♪


Change, ain't nothin' stays the same ♪


Yeah, ya hit the ground runnin' ♪

Change, ain't nothin' stays the same ♪


Yeah, ya hit the ground runnin' ♪

Change, ain't nothin' stays the same ♪


Yeah, ya hit the ground runnin' ♪

Change, ain't nothin' stays the same ♪

Unchained ♪

Thank you for your presentation.

Your style is quite unique.

Not to mention your facilities.

They're certainly one of a kind.

Having reviewed both dojos,

it's clear that one could not be

more different than the other.

Yet both are equally impressive.

So the only way to determine which dojo

can gain entry into the Sekai Taikai

is to see how your students fare

in direct competition.

Each dojo will select two fighters.

One male, one female.

Each will fight tomorrow afternoon

in separate three-point matches.

After those fights,

the organizers will decide

which dojo, if any,

shall make the world stage.

- Good luck to all.

- Yeah.

Auf Wiedersehen.

- Well, could've been worse.

- At least we still have a sh*t.

- Only one thing to do now.

- We have to prepare to fight.

This is bigger than the All Valley.

Much bigger.

So we need our best.


Looks like you're gonna have

a rematch against LaRusso.

You ready?

Yes, Sensei.



Ready to take on

whomever they pick as their top fighter?

- Yes, Sensei.

- You better be.

Because the fate of this dojo

rests in your fists.

They're expecting me to fight,

but if I win, it helps Cobra Kai.

So what do I do?

You do what's right for you.

- What's that supposed to mean?

- You said it.

Winning gives you new opportunities.

What the hell are you talking about?

The plan was to stop Silver

and get you out.

We're not doing

anything like that anymore.

Nothing we do is gonna get me out of here.

I've been helping you this whole time.

Keeping secrets from everyone I know.

And what? Now you're just done?

I've put you through enough.

The best thing you can do right now

is look after yourself.

Screw this.

This is what I get

for putting my trust in anyone.

I'm always the one

picking up the pieces.

Okay, who's ready for round two?

Okay. Jesus Christ

- Wow, you guys can take down a pizza.

- The honeys love a man that can eat.

What honeys? Our dojo has more sausage

than this pizza.

- We not enough for you, penis breath?

- Definitely not.

We have a choice to make,

and it's not gonna be easy.

You're all badass fighters, but only

one of you can get on the mat tomorrow.

Hawk's the current All Valley champ.

But it could've gone either way.

Diaz is last year's champ.

That could've gone either way too.

Even though Hawk injured Robby

in the semis,

Hawk didn't have to fight in the semis

this year. Diaz booked it to Mexico.

Point being you're all deserving.

LaRusso, Chozen and I

are having a hard time

deciding which of you

should go up against Cobra Kai.

Maybe we should flip a coin.

- How would that work? There's three of us.

- So we'll flip three coins.

We don't need to flip any coins.

We already made up our minds.

Yeah. We talked about it,

and there's only one choice.

- It should be Hawk.

- He b*at me fair and square.

I bowed out of the last tournament.

He deserves to represent us.

Wow. It's an honor I don't take lightly.

I'm prepared for the challenge.

All right. We'll train tonight.

Uh, what about Sam? Where's she?


Looking unbeatable. Let's not overdo it.

That's enough for tonight.

Are you sure?

I-I can go again.

Must rest. Save for tomorrow. Hm?


You're sharper than ever. Okay?

The student is surpassing the teacher.

You got this.

Tory won't know what hit her.

Thanks. But, uh,

that's not really the problem.

I guess I wasn't expecting

to be back so soon.

After the tournament,

when you closed the dojo,

I was angry.

But then I started to think

that maybe it was for the best.

That I needed a break.

And now being back here and training

with everybody has been so great.

I just

I'm back in this winner-takes-all match.

It feels like I'm right where I started.

Me against Tory.


fight not against opponent.

Many years ago,

your father and I had big fight.

You know story.

I wanted to prove

I was better.

Better fighter.

Better man.

He was definitely one hell of a fighter.

But I was fighting against.

Your father was fighting for.

Fighting for friends.

For village. For

For Miyagi-san.

For my senseis.

And for you, Sam.

For you.

Go on. You're missing the pizza party.

We'll see you at home.

Burning the midnight oil?

I don't think

I'll be able to sleep tonight.

Figured I might as well

get some extra practice in.

You've got pre-fight jitters.

Whoever they put up, I'll be fighting

someone with way more experience.

- He'll be bigger, stronger than me.

- Hey. Don't count yourself out.

Before I started training

in the Way of the Fist,

know what they used to called me?


- Really?

- Oh, yeah.

Didn't let it stop me.

You're on your way

to becoming one of the best.

LaRusso, Lawrence,

Diaz, Keene,

they've all had their time in the sun.

Now it's your turn.

Let me show you something.

My master taught me this years ago.

I've made a few tweaks.

I call it the Silver b*llet.

- That's good.

- You like that, huh?

If you strike

with the right speed and trajectory,

right between the ribs,

you can cause your opponent

significant damage.

Literally take their breath away.

But, Sensei, you already get a point

for hitting the chest.

Why go for extra damage?

Because the shortest distance

to victory in a fight

is to take out your opponent

with one sh*t.

Show me again.

Look at this place.


Whoa. It's like a Cobra starship.

They even got a smoothie bar. No fair!


Come here.

You b*at the LaRusso girl before.

Make this fight quick.


That's some messed up sh*t.

You training the kid who bullied me.

- Heard you're doing the bullying now.

- He deserves everything that comes to him.

Don't think you believe that.

I know how things can start from nothing

and get bigger and bigger

until all you feel is hate.

I've been there.

But I'm telling you,

it is so much better to let that hate go.

You and Anthony might actually get along

if you got to know each other.

Yeah, right.

He made my life a living hell.

He's the reason

I came to you in the first place.

You know what?

You're lucky you're not on the mat today.

Guess Hawk will have to do.

Don't worry. I'll shut him up.

Don't go too hard on him.

You remember what it's like to be

in Cobra Kai. It's not Kenny talking.

It's Silver.


Thank you, Sensei Silver, for offering

to host these matches in your dojo

on such short notice.

Offering or demanding?

We do have actual

tournament regulation mats here,

so it really was the only option.

We'll begin with the boys.

We have invited a local referee

to ensure impartiality.

First to three points wins.

Time to begin.

Eli Moskowitz and Kenny Payne,

please take the mat.

Face me.


Face each other.




Point! 1-0, Payne.

Ready? Fight!

- Yes!

- Out of bounds.

- No point.

- What? What, are you serious?

Ref, that's horseshit.

He made contact in bounds!

No point. Back on the line.

Ready? Fight!

Come on.

Illegal strike.

That's a warning.

- Turn and kneel.

- Warning? He should be disqualified.

It's fine. He just caught me off-guard.

Are you sure, Eli?

No more Eli.

It's time to uncage the Hawk.

Get back on the line.




2-0, Payne.


Hawk. What's wrong?

I can't Can't Can't breathe.

Can you continue?

Where's the medic?

That's a forfeit. Winner, Payne.


Can you breathe?

I think he's okay.

Just got the wind knocked out of him.

Looks like you got a new name.


Come on.

We begin our girls' fight.

Samantha LaRusso and Tory Nichols,

please take the mat.

Where is she?

- Dude, she was here, like

- I don't know. I mean, she was just here.

What do you mean you don't know?

What happened to Nichols?


Hey. They're fighting dirty.

This is dangerous.

You don't have to do this.

I know. But I can handle it.

This is for all of us.

Tory Nichols?

Tory's not here. Something happened.

She's not out there.

We need a female fighter.

We have one.

I'll let him know.

Miss Lee.

Yes, Sensei.

Are you ready?

Ready to

You want me to fight Sam LaRusso?


I want you to defeat her.

Or are you too afraid?

No, Sensei.

Then show me.

Face me. Bow.

Face each other. Bow.



No point. That's shoulder. No point.

- What?

- What?

Keep fighting.

It's okay.

Point. 1-0, Lee.

There was no contact.

Time out. Go to your sensei.

I blocked that!

And I got her below the shoulder.

All right, look.

Not every point is gonna go our way.

Those calls put me down a point.

I should be up one!

- If I lose the match because of it

- Sam.

You're the better fighter.

Everyone knows it.

The ref might not be doing you any favors,

but you've got us in your corner.

All of us.

Referee is moron.

Must not leave room for error.

He's right.

You make every point undeniable.

Do your best.



Point, LaRusso. 1-1.

Ready? Fight!


Point. 2-1, LaRusso.



- Yes!

- Yes!

Yes, Sam!

Point. Winner, LaRusso.

Let's go!

I am so proud of you, Sam.

That was incredible.

- Crazy tough.

- Crazy tough. It's all you.


You did it!

I'm sorry, Sensei.

You apologize for what?

I didn't win.

And whose fault is that?

Your leader failed you and your teammates

by disappearing.

- I'm sure Tory had a good reason.

- It does not matter.

If she is not ready to lead,

then I must make sure you are.

We have reached an agreement.

As expected, we were impressed

with the skills, precision and discipline

of the new Sekai Taikai qualifier

Cobra Kai.


As for our other dojo,

we admired your unusual mix of styles

and underdog spirit

and we think you could be

a unique addition to the competition.

Therefore, we've decided that your dojo

has also qualified.


Congratulations, gentlemen.

And welcome to the Sekai Taikai.

We just need your dojo's name.

We are Miyagi-Do.


we are Eagle Fang.

Well, which is it?

To be honest,

it's not just one or the other.

We represent two opposing philosophies

coming together and finding common ground

when none seemed possible.

That's right.

If I can change, and you can change,

everybody can change.

- He gets it.

- I do.

Nevertheless, we still need

one name to enter.

You don't have to decide now,

but we need an answer soon.

For now, congratulations, everyone,

and welcome to the Sekai Taikai.

Maybe one day we'll both win.

We've all earned this.

Each and every one of you

brought your A-game.

Could not be more proud.

With this tournament in our future,

we've got a lot of work to do.

But tonight

Tonight, go celebrate!

Hey, listen.

I told your mom I'd take her and Rosa

out to dinner and a movie,

so you guys are on your own

if you wanna host that celebration.

What, uh, happened to the green?

Uh, didn't really work for me,

so, still, uh, figuring it out.

Dude, this is insane.

How did everyone find out about this?

Moon invited a ton of people

from East Valley.

Guess the word got out.

Hey. Came to party with us

'cause we got into the Sekai Taikai?

I have no idea what you just said.

We came to drink.

- The Sekai Taikai

- Penis breath, grab the girl a cup.

Anyways, let me introduce you

to the baddest badass at the party.

We used to whisper ♪

If only just ♪

We used to lose

All of the blood inside of us ♪

Full moon and a deep blue river valley ♪

- Thank you.

- You're welcome.

I don't care about who you know ♪

All I know is we've got potential ♪

Light the flame, now we're on our way ♪

Spark it up like it's our last day ♪

We can let the people talk, talk ♪

We can walk ♪

I'll take you higher ♪

Yeah, we could set this place on fire ♪

Can't see the stars

We're burning brighter ♪

Oh sh*t! Major party foul, Sam!

Never been into material things ♪

The finer things

The diamond rings, no ♪

I don't wanna ♪

Wait. No.


Wait up! Hey, Sam!

Swimming deep in these violet skies ♪


- What are you doing here?

- I'm not here to fight.

I came to talk.

About what?

You didn't lose the All Valley.