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04x07 - The Ski Weekend

Posted: 09/09/22 11:31
by bunniefuu
♪ To the b*at of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born ♪

♪ He's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two ♪

♪ They got nothin'
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the world ♪

♪ Everybody's got ♪

♪ A special kind of story ♪

♪ Everybody finds
a way to shine ♪

♪ It don't matter that you got ♪

♪ Not a lot... So what? ♪

♪ They'll have theirs
and you'll have yours ♪

♪ And I'll have mine ♪

♪ And together we'll be fine ♪

♪ 'Cause it takes
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the
world, yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent
strokes to move the world ♪

Don't worry, adelaide.
Arnold's all packed and ready.

Listen, please thank your sister

For inviting him
down to your farm.

It'll be good for him to learn
where chickens really come from.

He thinks they come
from the colonel.


Dad, why do we have to lug
kimberly's stuff downstairs?

She's going skiing, not us.

Come on. You can do a
favor for your little sister.

She'll be thankful when she doesn't
have to lug all that gear down

At 5:00 in the morning.

How are you supposed
to ski in these things?

You can't even walk in 'em!
I feel like son of bigfoot!

It gets a lot easier after
you've had a few lessons.

You guys ever been skiing?

Not, there weren't
many ski lodges in harlem.

But we had fun
playing in the snow.

Didn't we, willis?

We sat on a garbage can
lid, and when a cop rode by,

We'd grab the tail of his horse.

That sounds like
a terrific ride.

It was. But you had to
know when to let go.

I bet you guys can learn to ski.

You both roller skate.
Skiing shouldn't be too tough.

I had a hard time teaching
arnold how to roller skate.

He feel down so many times
we called him "gravel buns."

If I fell down that much skiing,
they'd call me "frozen buns."

Listen. I'll take you
guys skiing sometime.

Oh, by the way,
arnold, adelaide called.

I told her you'd be
all packed and ready.

Right! Man, I can't wait
to get down on that farm

And get up with the roosters!

Arnold, roosters
get up really early.

Not mine.

I'll set him for 10:00.

Hey, dad, everybody's got
something to do this weekend but me.

How 'bout taking me skiing?

I'm afraid it's impossible
at the last minute, willis.

You have to make
reservations, rent ski equipment.

But I promise you...
Another time we'll do it.


Hi, there, honey! Hi, kimberly.

Hey, what's my ski
stuff doing down here?

I brought it down for you.

You went into a woman's
room without asking?

I didn't go into a woman's room.

I went in your room.

He just wanted to
save you the trouble

Of lugging all that stuff
down tomorrow morning, honey.

Well, thanks,

But it's still an
invasion of my privacy.

I'm 16 now and I'm entitled
to be treated like an adult,

Not like some little kid.

Well, I am letting you
go away for the weekend

Alone with your
friend michelle, aren't i?

Doesn't that show that I'm not
treating you like a little kid?

Yeah. I guess so.

Hey! Don't forget your long
johns. It gets cold up there.

Yeah, I'll pack some
extra pampers, too, dad.

That's funny. Would
you look silly in pampers.

On second thought, you
might look good in 'em.

[Doorbell rings]

I got it.

Oh, hi, michelle. Hi, willis.

Come on in. Thanks.

Hi, mr. Drummond.

Hi there, michelle.

Here's the wax you
wanted for your skis.

Oh, great, thanks.
All set for our trip?

I'm really looking
forward to it.

Oh, me, too.

I can't wait to go schussing
down those slopes.

By the way, girls,
be very careful.

You know you can
get hurt skiing.

This time you'll be on your own.

Kimberly's the only
little girl I got, michelle.

I don't want anything
to happen to her.

Oh, daddy, come on.
There you go again.

We're not gonna be alone up
there. They've got ski patrols.

Sure, so they can take
you right to the hospital

When you break your leg.

Thanks, willis. I needed that.

Now, don't you worry,
mr. Drummond, we'll be fine.

And I will be extra-careful
driving up there.

How long have you
been driving, michelle?

Oh, I'm a good
driver, mr. Drummong.

Well, I even had
driver's education.

Oh? How long have you
been driving, michelle?

Almost three months. Oh, boy.

He's nice, kimberly,
but doesn't it bug you

That he treats you like a child?

Yes, but what can I do?
He's overprotective.

It's a wonder he's letting
you out for the weekend.

No, it isn't.

All I had to do is hold my
breath until I turned blue.

Well, I'm sure glad
he isn't tagging along.

It'd sure k*ll the romance.

Romance? You think we'll meet
some guys out on the slopes?

I'm positive.

My boyfriend ron is
meeting me up there,

And he's bringing along
his friend tony martino!

Tony martino?

Student body president
of marshall academy,

Editor of the yearbook,
mr. Everything?

That's him.

I hardly noticed him.

Oh, boy, did I have
a crush on him.

Who didn't? And now it seems
that he has a thing for you.

For me? You're kidding!

Wow. I never even
thought he noticed me.

Well, sure, I've met him at parties
and we've danced and talked,

But I never thought
he was very interested.

Well, you'll get to see just
how interested he is this weekend.

Oh, really? Are they
staying close by?

Oh, real close.

In the same lodge? Closer.

How much closer?

In the same room!

As ours?

That's close, all right.

So what do you think?

I think you're crazy!

Why? You just got
through telling me

How much you like tony.

Well, I do. I also
really like giraffes,

But that doesn't mean
I want one in my room.

Well, I mean, i-i
hardly know tony.

Well, you can fix
that on the weekend!

But I mean... I've never had that
kind of a relationship with a boy.

I guess girls like me are
becoming an endangered species.

Well, look, uh,

You don't have to do
anything you don't want to.

But... Don't you think it's time
you at least considered it?

Well, what if my
father found out?

He'd have a heart att*ck!
Right after he kills me.

What do you want, willis?

I gotta get a snack to
hold me over till dinner.

We're having a private
conversation. Do you mind?

No, I don't mind.
Go right ahead.

I'll chew real loud so I
won't hear what you're saying.

Will you please get
outta here, willis?

Ok. All right.

I can take a hint.

That wasn't a hint.
It was a thr*at!

I can take that, too!

Kimberly, it is time you
stopped being daddy's little girl.

I know.

You're really
putting me on the spot.

I told ron and tony you would
definitely be with us this weekend.

Don't you think you
should have asked me first?

Well, I thought you
would be flattered

That tony wanted to be with you.

It'll be a wonderful experience.

Yeah, but, michelle, I don't
know if I'm ready to experience

That experience.

Aren't you a little curious?

To tell you the truth,
I think about it a lot.

See? You're
preoccupied with sex.

It's better that being
occupied with sex!

[Telephone rings]


Hi. Is this kimberly?


Tony martino.

Oh, hi, tony!

It's tony!

Yes, tony?

I thought I should touch base
with you about this weekend.

Oh. Well, i, uh...

I don't think I'm gonna be
able to make it this weekend.

Oh, no. What's the problem?

Well... I... I just
don't think i...


Actually, tony, I think you
should just get somebody else.

But I really wanna
see you this weekend.

We'll have a great time.

And no strings, ok?

Uh, i... I don't think so.

Kimberly, could you
clear this up for me?

Oh! Sorry, I didn't see you on
the phone. I'll wait. Go ahead.

Hold on a second.
What is it, dad?

Do you know anything about
this bill from belle's boutique?

Yeah, that's a sweater I bought for
this weekend. You said I could charge it.

Oh. Right. Forgot all about it.

By the way, be sure to leave
the number of the ski lodge.

And call me when you get there

So I know you arrived safely.

Yes, daddy.

And listen, it might not hurt

To take along some
cough medicine. Why?

In case you start coughing.

Can you believe that? He won't
stop treating me like a baby!

Well, if you want to be
treated like a grown-up,

You have to start
acting like one.


You know, you're
absolutely right?

Hey, I'm sorry about
that, tony. You still there?

That's ok. You were
saying about your problem?

Well, actually, it is
no longer a problem.

I am definitely going, tony.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Hey! Terrific! I'm really
looking forward to it.

Yeah. Me, too. Bye-bye.

Well, congratulations, kimberly.

You've come a long way, baby.

Yeah. But how much
further am I gonna go?

Well, I guess it's time
for me to get going.

Honey, it's gonna
be a long drive.

Are you sure you won't
have some breakfast?

I really don't have time, dad.

Michelle's gonna
be here any minute.

Ask her to come up. We'll
give her some breakfast, too.

I'm really not
very hungry, daddy.


Is there anything wrong?

Why should there
be anything wrong?

I don't know. You just seem
a little nervous, that's all.

I think I know what it is.

You do?

You're worried because this
is gonna be your first time.

But how did you...

It's nothing to be ashamed of.

Everybody's nervous
the first time. I know I was.

You were?

Oh, sure. Your first
weekend away on your own,

It's bound to do that to you.

Oh, right! Yeah.

Dad, I feel so much better now.

Thanks, really. I gotta go.

Can you wait a second? Willis
wants to say good-bye to you.

Willis, come on, move it!

I'm moving it as fast as I
can without waking it up.

Your sister wants to get moving.

She's got a big
weekend ahead of her.

Have a great time, kimberly.

Well, thanks a lot, willis.

I didn't expect you to get
up at 5:00 in the morning.

Who's up?

Listen, I heard the ski report.

It sounds like there's gonna be

An awful lot of snow up there.

Daddy, uh, you need
snow for skiing.

That's why they don't hold

The winter olympics in hawaii.

And... And honey,

Don't take any chances,
please. Take care.


Bye-bye, daddy.


Man, that was some good-bye.

She's just going
away for the weekend.

She's not joining
the hare krishnas.

How would you like to go skiing?

I'd love to...

Right after I go sleeping.

No, wait! You said
you'd never been skiing.

But, dad, you said
we couldn't go.

Did I say that?
Don't listen to me.

You worried about
kimberly getting hurt?

Did you see the way she
clung to me just now,

As though she didn't
really wanna go?

Aw, dad, kimberly's capable
of taking care of herself.

She's responsible.
She's sensible.

She's 16.

Right! Get packed.

Oh! Wow. Oh, hey.
This is terrific!

Look, it's even got a fireplace.

Hey, how ya doin', big fella?

This must be the bedroom...

All right! Ha! Twin beds!

Where are the guys gonna sleep?

[Laughs] oh, no, kimberly,

I love your sense
of humor. [Chuckles]


We'll take the bedroom, okay?

Okay with us.

Well, good. Let's go
hang up our stuff.

I love it up here.
And don't worry.

- I always come prepared.
- Prepared?

Trail mix.

Raisins, sunflower
seeds, macadamia nuts...

And vitamin e.

It's my own recipe!

Nothing like it for a quick
energy boost when you need it.

Well, I guess one of us could
sleep on the couch tonight,

And you could
sleep on the floor.

Look, you can have one of
these real nice, soft cushions...

Oh, my god! What's the matter?

Well, th-that's a bed!


Kimberly, you know what
I'd like to do right now?


Get out on those slopes while
there's still some snow left.

Hey, that's great! I was
just going to suggest that.

We got all afternoon to ski,
and then we got all night to...

Watch tv!

Well, oh! I think
I've about had it.

Me, too. I'm bushed.


See you guys later.

But what's the
hurry? It's only 5:00.

Oh, gee, is it that late?

I can hardly keep my eyes open.

Me, too.

Well, what do you say
we order some dinner?

You do that.

Heh heh.

Well, I guess that leaves
just you and me, huh?



If there's one thing I love to
snuggle up to, it's a fireplace.

I wish I were a fireplace.

Don't you touch me!

Touch you?

If I was any further
away from you,

I'd need a road map to find you.

You said on the telephone
that there'd be no strings.

And I meant it. I'm not
gonna try anything.

You're not?

Will you make up your mind?

Oh, look, if I could
make up my mind,

I wouldn't be acting like this.

What's the problem?

Look, I'm really sorry, tony,

It's just that this whole
weekend is throwing me.

Well, at first, I didn't know
you guys were coming up,

And then, when
michelle finally told me,

I didn't level with my father.

And we don't know
each other very well.


Well, maybe this
wasn't such a hot idea.

Maybe you girls should've
come up here by yourselves.

No. I really did wanna
spend time with you

And get to know you better.

You know, I never forgot that
time we danced at that party.

Neither have i.

You know what I was dying to do?

Get you to call me afterwards.

Why didn't you?

Well, I was so excited, I'd
forgotten my phone number.

Too bad.

You know...

I thought you were
really pretty that night.

And tonight?

You're even prettier.

It's those blue eyes of yours,

They're just so darn...


Well, your eyes
aren't so bad, either.

You know what we oughta do?

Pretend you gave me your
phone number that night

And we've known each other...

A long, long time.

Long time, no see.





You know what I'm thinking?

Yes, I do.

So am i. So please
stop thinking it.

Where are you going?

Uh, I'm gonna bury
myself in a snowbank.

Tony, are you angry?

No. No, why should I be angry?

You're angry.

You bet I am...

At myself.

When I think of
all the other girls

I could've brought up here,

And I had to get stuck with
somebody I really care about.

[Knock on door]

Yeah? Come on in.

I thought I heard the door slam.

Where'd tony go?

He left.

What happened?

Nothing. That's why he left.

Oh, michelle, I feel
like such a fool.

Oh, hey, come on.

I bet tony will never
wanna speak to me again.

Now, don't be silly.

[Knock on door]

See? He's back already.

Go easy on him.


Hi, honey! Hello!

We decided to drive
up and surprise you.

Are you surprised?

That's one way to put it.

So, where are you staying?

Right here in this hotel.

Did you get a room?
Yeah, we lucked out.

Is it nice? Fine.

I'd love to see it.
Let's go right now.

It's not ready yet.

So, how was your drive up?

Honey, it's getting
cold out here.

Well, come on in.

Thanks. Thanks.

Oh, there's michelle. Hi.

Hi, michelle. Mr. Drummond. Hi.

Am I starving. I'm hungry, too.

Why don't we call room service,

Have them send
something in here?

Oh, great idea.

To this room?

Unless they wanna
serve it out in the snow.

Willis, order, uh,
some steak sandwiches,

Some milk, and a beer.

Sure. I'll get a beer
for you, too, dad.

Room service, please.

[Knock on door]


Oh, wow. That's what
I call room service.

We'll have 2 steak
sandwiches, a milk, and a beer.

Come on, kimberly.

And make it... Oh, listen.

Make that with fries,
too. Thanks a lot.

How could he have
gotten up here that fast?

Uh... Uh...

Well, it must be the cold air.

I mean, cold air
makes you move fast.

He certainly wasn't
dressed like a waiter.

Oh, well, it's very
casual up here.

I mean, the help dresses
any way they'd like.


You see what I mean?

We've already ordered,

Thank you very much.

What's going on in here?


Kimberly's just entertaining
her brother and her father.

How did you want
those sandwiches, ma'am?

Forget it, tony. He knows.

Knows? What's to know?

He knows she came up here to
spend the weekend with you, turkey.

I will talk to you
two guys later.

Right now, I'd like to
speak to my daughter alone.

Yes, sir, mr. Drummond.
Whatever you say.

We'll be right in here.

Hey, listen, I'm gonna go, too.

I'm gonna go out
to the bunny slope

And check out the bunnies.

Kimberly, I am shocked.

Now, daddy, I know
what you're thinking,

And you're right. I
shouldn't have done it.


But you're wrong! I didn't!

Nothing happened, daddy!

I wish I could believe that.

See that?

You don't trust me!

You make me feel
like I just wanna

Break out and do
something crazy!

Like this, or join the army!

Ok, I'll drive you to
the recruiting office.

I was wrong to permit you

To come up here
in the first place.

Only because you
still think I'm a baby!

I was concerned about
you being on your own.

Nothing like this
even entered my head.

You get packed. I'm
taking you straight home.

No, you're not.

It's time you
started trusting me.

I'm gonna stay
here with michelle,

And the boys can go and
get themselves another room.

Kimberly, I am your father.

You are my father, but I
am not your baby daughter!

Daddy, you've gotta
start trusting me.

I mean, you can't treat
me like an infant forever.

I can't take it anymore.

I'm sorry, honey.

I didn't realize you felt
so strongly about it.

I do trust you.

I guess maybe I have been

A little overprotective lately.

A little?

All right, a lot.

But it's hard to let go.

I guess it's just...
The mother in me.

Daddy, I know I did wrong.

And I know it hasn't
been easy for you

To raise 3 kids by yourself...


2 Kids... And one young lady.

Oh, thanks for that.

Hi, dad. This is old macarnold.

Hi, arnold. How are
things down on the farm?

Fine. How are things
with you city slickers?

We're ok.

Are you enjoying the
fresh air down there?

Yeah, except the air's not
too fresh around the barn.

Have you learned to milk a cow?

Not yet, but I've been
practicing on a rubber glove.

Look, I hope you're not any
trouble to adelaide and her sister.

Remember to say,
"please" and "thank you,"

And at meals, don't reach for
seconds until you've been asked.

Is it all right if I hint?

No, it is not.

Yes, I do consider banging
your fork on your plate a hint.

Hey, dad, let me talk to him.

Uh, just a minute, arnold.

Willis wants to talk to you.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Hi, arnold. Man, you missed
a lot of excitement today.

You know, me and dad

Went up to the ski lodge
to surprise kimberly,

But we got surprised instead.

She was up there with a guy.

What you talkin' about, willis?

You heard me.

Kimberly was up
there with a guy.

Give me all the details.

No, I'm sorry, arnold.
You're too young.

Willis, you always say that.

By the time I'm old enough

To find out what I'm
too young to know,

I'll be so old, I won't remember

What I was supposed to find out.

♪ Now, the world don't move ♪

♪ To the b*at of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born,
he's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two ♪

♪ They got nothin'
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the
world, yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes
to move the world, mmm ♪