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04x09 - Burial Ground

Posted: 09/09/22 11:33
by bunniefuu
♪ Now the world don't move ♪

♪ To the b*at of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born ♪

♪ He's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along came two ♪

♪ They got nothing
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the world ♪

♪ Everybody's got a
special kind of story ♪

♪ Everybody finds
a way to shine ♪

♪ It don't matter that you got ♪

♪ Not a lot ♪

♪ So what? ♪

♪ They'll have theirs
and you'll have yours ♪

♪ And I'll have mine ♪

♪ And together we'll be fine ♪

♪ 'Cause it takes
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the world ♪

♪ Yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the world ♪

Gee, adelaide, it's so nice and
quiet here without the boys.

Hey, maybe I can talk dad into

Taking them to his new project

With him every day.

Talk him into takin' me, too.

You? Adelaide, what
could possibly interest you

At a construction site?

Construction workers.

Here we are.

Hi. Hi.

You like my new hat?

Yeah, you look real
cute in it, arnold.

Dad's foreman gave it to me.

How come willis didn't get one?

You don't need a hard hat

If you've got a hard head.

Arnold, how would you
like a dent in that hat

That goes clear down
to your toes? Heh.

All right, cool it, guys.

Look what I found.

What'd you call it, dad,

An artificial fat?

No, it's an artifact...

That means any object
made by human hands.

Oh, in that case, I've got a
meatloaf artifact for dinner.

Hey, arnold, let
me see your rock.

Sure. It's not a rock.

It's a bear's head, see?

Yeah. Hey, I wonder
if it's valuable.

Hey, maybe it's one of
those things that you find

And suddenly, you're rich.

Hey! Wouldn't
that be great, dad?

Between you and me,

We'd be a 2 millionaire family.

Listen, don't forget to
mention me in your will, big bucks.

Arnold, I wouldn't spend your
million too fast if I were you.

Are you saying
this is worthless?

No, not if you wanna
start a rock garden.

[Doorbell rings]

Oh, excuse me.

Hello. Hello.

Is this the drummond residence?

Yes, it is.

Forgive me for
dropping in like this.

But it's important that I
speak to mr. Drummond.

My name is john longwalker,

And I'm chief of the
oswego indian tribe.

I'm philip drummond. I'm
chief of the drummond tribe.

White man speak
with funny tongue.

It's very nice to meet you.

Come into my teepee.

Oh, thank you.

This is my family.

My young son arnold,
his brother willis,

And my daughter kimberly.

Hi. Hi. John: hello.

Are you a real indian chief?

Well, that's what it
says on my credit cards.

Well, if you are, where
are your feathers?

Oh, I don't wear my feathers

When I drive my taxi.

In some neighborhoods,

I'm liable to get plucked.

Ha ha ha. Well, what can we
do for you, mr. Longwalker?

Well, a member of my tribe

Who works at your
construction site

Mm-hmm. Told me
that one of your boys

Found a stone carving of a bear.

Oh, that's me.

The boy, not the bear.

Well, arnold, did the carving
look anything like this?

That's exactly the same...

Only bigger, see?

Ooh. Why, this is fantastic.

It's a genuine oswego carving.

You mean... Is it valuable?

Oh, very valuable.

Dad! You were wrong!
I'm gonna be filthy rich!

Yeah, up until now,
you've only been filthy.

You'd better watch it, willis,

Or arnold might cut
you out of his will.

Arnold, I didn't mean the carving
was valuable in a monetary sense.

But in a historical sense.

Poor arnold. He's lost 2
fortunes in the last 5 minutes.

You mind if I borrow
this for a few days

If I promise to return it?


Well, since you found it,

I brought something
along I'd like you to have.


Oh, wow.

Cool. That's nice. John: there.

This is fantastic!

Hey, thanks, chief.

That's very nice of
you, mr. Longwalker.

Hey, does this make me
a member of your tribe?

Well, if you'd like,

You can consider yourself
an honorary member.

Hey, I'd love that.

First we have to perform
a ceremonial dance.

Now just follow me.




Oh, that's very good,
arnold, very good.

Now all you need
is an indian name.

You mean like
chief sitting bull?

How about chief lotta bull?

Willis, would you
like to have your afro

Parted by a tomahawk?

Arnold, you name should
capture your personality.

Hey, I've got it.

I've got the perfect name.

How about this?

Little big cheeks.

I think that's perfect.

All right. Little big cheeks
who found lost bear.

All right. Well,
now that I'm an indian,

Will you teach me
how to hunt and fish?

Why? Aren't there any
supermarkets around here?

Thanks again, arnold, for
letting me borrow the carving.

I'm going to call a
special meeting tonight

Of the tribal council

To show it to the elders.

You can't imagine what
this means to our tribe.

What exactly does it mean?

Well, mr. Drummond,
for many years

We've been searching for
our ancient burial ground.

According to the legend
handed down by the elders,

It is located by the
river of the wide waters

Where the trees touch the sky.

Oh, that's so beautiful.

Just like a poem.

Now that description
fits the site

You intend to build
on, mr. Drummond.

I'm sure it's our
ancient burial ground.

You are? Why, that's wonderful.

Well, then you'll understand if we'll
have to ask you to stop construction.

I beg your pardon?

Well, obviously, you won't build

On our ancient burial ground.

Yeah, dad. You
wouldn't wanna build

On top of a cemetery, would you?

Why not? The tenants
wouldn't object.

Mr. Longwalker, I can't stop

A multi-million dollar
government project

Just because of a
legend and a rock.

But you haven't even
laid the foundation yet.

Oh, no. But I can't break my
contract with the government.

I have a commitment
to suppliers.

I have an obligation
to investors.

Not to mention a couple of
hundred workers on the job.

Some of whom, as you
happen to know, are indians.

He's got a good point.

Do you wanna see your
people out of work?

Of course not.

But they know that
our right to that ground

Is more important
than other things.

Now if necessary, we'll go
to court and get an injunction

To force you to stop.

An injunction?

Other tribes have gotten
them in cases like these.

Mr. Longwalker,

Please don't back me
into a corner on this.

Because if you do,

I will have to
come out fightin'.

Oh, mr. Drummond,

When it comes to being
backed into a corner,

You're talking to people
that have been there

For a long, long time.

Well, hang in there,
little big cheeks.

Good day, mr. Drummond.

Good day.

Arnold, exactly where
did you find that carving?

Oh, near a bush. I
went behind it to...

Well, there it was.

Well, what's the difference
where he found it?

Well, it's just possible

That one of the indian workers

Accidentally dropped it there.

In that case, it means

That it wasn't dug
out of a burial ground.

That makes sense.

Why should you have
to stop construction?

We're all behind you, dad.

What you mean, "we," paleface?

Hey, yi, yi, yi, yi, yi,

Hey, yay, yay, yay,

Hey, yay, yay, yay!


Hey, arnold,

Can you take a break before
it starts rainin' in here?

Kimberly, you'd
better be nice to me

Or I'll get the great
spirit to ruin your crops.

Hey, yay, yay, yay!

Hey, yay, yay...

Arnold, arnold,
arnold, arnold...

Stop it! Come on!
Will you knock it off?!

Man, I cannot...

Hey, what is all the
commotion in here?

Dad, I'm tryin' to
get the great spirit

To help chief longwalker
get his land back.

He's the underdog.

Well, I'm the underdad.

You wouldn't wanna ruin
my project, would you?

No. But what about my tribe?

My heart belongs to you.
But my cheeks belong to them.

Arnold, your people don't
stand a chance in court.

The judge works for
the same government

That ripped off the
indians in the first place.

Now, willis, the judge isn't
responsible for history,

And hopefully things
are different these days.

[Doorbell rings]

I'll get it.

Hi, bill.

Hi, cliff. Listen, I
only have a minute.

I've got a cab waiting. I brought
you the engineering changes.


Oh, you met my sons
down at the work site.

I'd like you to meet
my daughter kimberly.

Hi, kimberly. Hi.

Mr. Hammer is with

The general services

He's the vice president
in charge of red tape.

Ha ha. I have also brought
you some good news.

Yeah? The judge
denied the indians

Their injunction.

Well, that's a relief.

What'd I tell you?

Oh, willis, don't be so cynical.

Daddy, I'm really glad
things turned out that way.

Thanks, honey.

But what about my people?

The indians bite the dust again.

Mr. Hammer, you mean the indians

Aren't gonna get their
burial ground back?

Arnold, they have no real
proof it was ever theirs.

Well, what about the bear
carving and the legend?

What if it's true?

We'll cross that legend

When we come
to it, huh? [Laughs]

Well, did longwalker
take the news very hard?

No, he was perfectly calm.

He thanked the judge and said
he was goin' on a hunger strike.

A hunger strike?

Until his people "regain
their lands," as he put it.

Good for the chief.

That sounds serious, dad.

Y-you mean, he's not
gonna eat anything?

So he says.

Not even a snack in-between
not eating anything?

How do we handle
this one, cliff?

Well, there's only one way.

The government will
not be blackmailed.

So what happens
to longwalker now,

It's his own responsibility.

Listen, I've gotta get goin'.

I'll see you guys. Nice
meeting you, kimberly.

Nice meeting you, too. Bye-bye.

Philip: thanks, cliff.

Yeah, I'll talk to
you tomorrow, phil.

But dad, what are
we gonna do now?

We can't let my
chief starve to death.

Oh, arnold, he'll give up

Once he sees it's not working.

No way. Chief
longwalker's no quitter.

Maybe not, willis.

But he can't defy
the law, either.

Listen, boys,

I appreciate your
sympathy for the indians.

But the court has
made a decision.

And now I have to
live up to my contract.

There's nothing
I can do about it.

Maybe not, dad. But there's
something we can do about it.

Arnold, are you with me?

You know it, bro.


Dad, as of right now,

Arnold and I are going
on a hunger strike, too.

What you talkin' about, willis?

Willis, that's ridiculous.

You're joking.

You're not joking.

You can't force us to eat.

And what's so ridiculous about
standing up for minority rights?

Right, arnold?

Right, willis.

Dinner's ready, g*ng.

Oh, great. I'm starved.
What are we having?

Meatloaf, mashed
potatoes and gravy,

And, for dessert,
apple pie a la mode.

Willis, can we start
that hunger strike

Right after dinner?

Willis, I can't take this
hunger strike any longer.

Why doesn't dad give the
indians back their burial ground?

I gotta eat somethin'
or else I'm gonna cr*ck.


I'm gettin' weaker...

And weaker...

I think I'm gonna faint.

Well, you sure don't
have far to fall.

Come on, arnold. All
you missed was dinner.

Get a hold of yourself.

Willis, there's nothin'
left for me to get a hold of.

Well, look, arnold,

We have to stay on
this hunger strike

As long as your chief does.

It's not the hunger
strike that's bothering me.

It's the not eating.

Look, arnold, it's
hard on me, too.

You know, my stomach thinks
my mouth went on vacation.

The only way we can
make our point with dad

Is if we see this thing through.

Now come on, you can do it.

You're a tough little kid.

Yeah. Yeah, that's right.

I'm tough.

Yeah, you got guts.

Yeah, guts.

And you in this
to the bitter end.

Yeah, the bitter end.

Even if we don't eat
for a whole week.

You just lost me.

Come on, arnold. You gotta be
prepared to put up a good fight.

I know I am.

Well, while you're fightin',

I'm gonna be wrestlin' with
a ham and cheese sandwich.

Ok, go ahead and have
your sandwich, you quitter.

And try not to feel
too bad about being

A rat fink cop-out who
let down your own tribe.

Willis, if you're trying
to make me feel guilty,

It's workin'.

Good morning.

Good morning. Good morning, dad.

Mr. Drummond,
should I set a place

For willis and
arnold just in case?

What's the point?
They won't eat.

Oh, yes, they will.

Once they get a
whiff of this food,

That hunger strike
will be over fast.

Arnold! Willis!

What do you want, dad?

I want you to come down
and have your breakfast.

I told you, we're not eating
any food. Right, arnold?

[Reluctantly] right.

Well, I want you
down here anyway.

This family sits
together at meal times.

How are you boys doing?



Who needs any food?

Aren't you even a
little bit hungry?

No way. We can go without
food as long as we have to.

Right, arnold?

Arnold, am I right?

Sure, willis, about what?

Oh, those pancakes
look terrific.

Well, here you go, dad.

Thanks, honey.

Oh, dad. Try some
of these sausages.

Oh, they smell so good,
they make your mouth water.

Mmm, mmm, mmm. Please.


Hey, arnold, um,
would you pass me

The maple syrup, please?


Mmm. Oh, I bet these
are gonna be great.

Mmm. [Clicks tongue]


Daddy, these
pancakes are delicious.

Scrumptious. The best
adelaide ever made.

Fluffy. Mm-mmm.

Lip-smacking good.

Dad, and this syrup,

Mm, just like
grandma used to make.

Kimberly, isn't
the sausage good?

So crisp and flavorful.

It's downright yummy.

You want a taste, arnold?

Don't weaken, arnold.

You want me to stick
a gag in your mouth?

Yeah, and put a
little jam on it.

Hey, boy, how about
a bowl of sweety-o's?

No, adelaide, I told you
we're not having any food.

This isn't food. Read the label.

It's all chemicals.

She's got a point there, willis.

Arnold, I told you
we're not going to cheat.

Come on, you guys.

Your hunger strike is
going to ruin my appetite.

And it's certainly not
going to influence me.

If you really cared
about the indians,

You'll stop your construction

And give them back
their burial ground.

I do care.

There's just nothing
dad can do about it, willis.

Well, we think he can.

Look, I sympathize with
your feelings, fellas.

But my hands are tied.

Look if there was
anything dad could do,

He would do it.

Wouldn't you?

Kimberly, don't you desert me.

[Doorbell rings]

Excuse me.

Eat up, boys.

Good morning, phil.

Good morning, cliff.

Sorry to barge
in on you like this.

No problem. What's up?

A problem.

Have a seat.

Longwalker wasn't satisfied
with just a hunger strike.

He and his tribe have
set up a blockade.

What do you mean? Where?

Across the main road
to the construction site.

There's marchers, picket
signs, the whole thing.

Your crews haven't been able to
get any equipment or supplies in.

Some of the indians are
lying down on the ground

In front of your bulldozers.

All right. Way to go, chief.

Right on, chief.

Well, dad, it does show

The chief's got a
lot of character.

What do we do now?

It sounds as if he's
got us stopped cold.

Not for long. I need your
signature on this complaint.

We can force
longwalker and his people

Out of there in no time.

What do you mean, force them?

He means they'll get
beaten up and tear gassed,

And if that's not enough,
then they'll get rough.

Dad, does there really
have to be any v*olence?

Well, not if I can help it.

Cliff, there's gotta
be a better way.

Do I have to remind you, phil,

That we both have got a
lot at stake in this project?

Now this is no time
to get squeamish.

I'm not getting squeamish.

Right. Dad hasn't
got a squeam in him.

Cliff, why don't we get
together with longwalker,

Talk it over, and try to
avoid a confrontation?

[Doorbell rings]

Mr. Drummond. Mr. Longwalker.

Hey, chief. Hello.

[Door closes]

I appreciate your
coming, mr. Longwalker.

Kids, time to disappear.

Dad, we'd like to stay.

Right. If you don't mind.

Well, there's no need

For you kids to get involved.

We're already involved.

Arnold and I are
on a hunger strike.

Well, all right.

I'm very proud of
you, my little brave.

Thanks. But if I have
to starve much longer,

I'm gonna be on my way to
that happy huntin' ground.

I don't mind if they
stay, mr. Drummond.

Cliff, what do you
feel about that?

It's all right with me.

Let's just get this
thing over with.

Mr. Longwalker,
would you have a seat?

Thank you.

Chief, let me say right off

That I wanna do
whatever I can do

To avoid a confrontation here.

But don't think for a minute

That we approve of
your kind of resistance.

It is illegal, and
we are prepared

To do everything in our power

To clear you and
your people out.

Chief, if you got a peace pipe,

You'd better use it fast.

I'm sorry, arnold.
I don't smoke.

That stuff'll k*ll you.

Lying down in
front of a bulldozer

Isn't exactly good
for your health, either.

Our medicine man's
covered by blue cross.

Look, chief, I realize
that you think

You're doing what's right.

But I just can't agree
with your methods.

You wanna leave
everything up to the courts.

Well, isn't that the
function of the court...

To settle disputes
according to the law?

And they reject a legend
handed down for generations?

They sneer at tribal relics?

None of that is
evidence of anything.

It is to me. What we pass down
from generation to generation

In word and song

Is as valid as your
history books.

Dig deeper at the site.
See what you turn up.

The government doesn't
care what turns up.

They don't care?

That figures.

General custer
hated indians, too.

And remember what
happened to him?

Uh, look, cliff,

I do happen to care
what might be on that site.

How about this, chief?

Supposing we do dig
deeper and we find nothing.

Would you back off?

Of course. But
what if we're right

About it being
our burial ground?

Then you've opened
up a pandora's box, phil.

The whole project
would be ruined.

Not necessarily.

There must be a
solution to this.

Something that
will satisfy both...

Hey. Wait a minute.

How's this for a compromise...

Supposing we put the
building on columns?

Here, let me... Let me try
and sketch this for you.

See? The building
will be on stilts.

That way, it will be
standing over the burial site.

That way, we can preserve
the sacred ground.

And we could open up
the inside up to the sky

With an atrium or a courtyard

For an indian museum.

What do you think
of that, chief?

There's only one thing I
don't like about that idea.

What's that?

That I didn't think of it.

That was terrific, dad.

Great idea.

Hey, dad, you must be the one

Who put the pow in pow-wow.

What do you say, cliff?

What about the cost
of adding the museum?

That's not covered
by our contract.

Well, my company will
pick up the tab for that.

It's deductible.

Think about it, cliff.

Either way, you're gonna
get your office building.

And for settling a
potentially expl*sive situation

Without v*olence,

You might even
get a commendation.

And you'll have 3 kids who
really think you're the greatest.

Well, that's an
offer I can't refuse.

Ok, chief, it's a deal.

All right! All right! Great!

Well, I guess you can call off

Your people and your
hunger strike now, chief.

Yes. As a wise man once said,

There's a time to fast
and a time to gorge.

Who was the wise man?


Well, what are we waitin' for?

Let's get in that kitchen
and start gorging.

♪ Now the world don't move ♪

♪ To the b*at of just one drum ♪

♪ What might be right for you ♪

♪ May not be right for some ♪

♪ A man is born ♪

♪ He's a man of means ♪

♪ Then along come two ♪

♪ They got nothin'
but their jeans ♪

♪ But they got
diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent strokes ♪

♪ To move the world ♪

♪ Yes, it does ♪

♪ It takes diff'rent
strokes to move the world ♪

♪ Mm ♪