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05x11 - Concours d'Elegance

Posted: 09/09/22 16:05
by bunniefuu
Okay, that's it!

[tires screeching]

Must be better ways
to b*at the cost of living.

I can think of several.

But none of them
would be honest.


You know, now that
I've had this baby a week

I'm almost tempted to keep it.

Or maybe I should give
it to you, Wilton.

It's worth every penny
I owe you.

You forget I'm not one of you
megabuck millionaires.

I need money,
cash, green stuff.

Can you relate to that?


Hey! Hey, you!

Hey, stop!
That's my car!

Who is that?

I don't know
and I don't like it.

[dramatic music]

[sirens wailing]

[horn blaring]

Are you aware we got cops
behind us?

[siren wailing]

You're gonna wreck this car
before you can sell it!

No, I'm not, and I won't be
caught and questioned, either.

[tires screeching]


[siren wailing]

You should have stopped.

Where are the cops?

I don't see them.

I think they stopped.

That's just the break we needed!

[intense music]

[theme music]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[instrumental music]

[music continues]

Now, remember, we're into
the school holidays now.

Be alert for any
25 658 violations

the usual joyriding
and g*ng activities.

Uh, Baker, Poncherello,
in my office.

The rest of you,
get some fresh air.

What does he mean, fresh air?

You know, that stuff they have
in the high Sierras.

I think, he meant fresh smog.

Maybe he's thinking about
issuing oxygen bottles.

You guys are gonna
get it, right?

Now, what makes you think that?

Oh, come on!

The way Getraer said,
"In my office."

I heard about that Auburn
that got away.

- Really?
- Come on.

That Auburn that got away
from you--

The hit and run stopped us.

Yeah, we want it for that

but we have
a small complication.

We got a report
from Santa Barbara PD

that it or one like it
was recently stolen up there.



'We have no stats
on the stolen'

but the license plate
you guys were chasing today

came back, Anthony Chadway,
Malibu Estates.

Sounds like upper atmosphere.

The Chadwayfamily

So I'm sending
in the first team.

'Don't mess it up, okay?'

They haven't made
an Auburn since 1935!

It must be worth a fortune!

I mean, stolen
and it got away?

Well, why would that
bother you, Harlan?

Well, I thought Baker
and Poncherello were in trouble.

- No.
- Yeah, well..

Okay, if that's your decision.

[instrumental music]

See, there is an easier way
to make a living!

I feel like I should be
delivering something.

Shows you what the fear
of poverty can do.

Watch it. Hey.

It's not fair!


Oh, I'm so sorry.

Am I getting you wet?



Oh, look, Pamie,
the cops are here.

The neighbors
must have complained.

Oh, would you wanna bet
they'll accept a bribe?

- Hi.
- Hello.

Officer Baker,
Officer Poncherello.

Would you know if, uh,
Mr. Anthony Chadway is around?

No, he's not here.

I'm Felicia Chadway.
Anthony is my brother.

This is Pamela Bannock.

So how did Tony
fall in with the fuzz?

Oh, we're just checking on a car
that's registered to him.

What kind of a car?

A 1935 Auburn.

I see.

Louis, be a dear,
bring us some towels.

Yes, miss.

I don't know one car
from another

but, uh, my aunt does.

My father left them all to her.

If you'll come with me,
Mr. Baker, I'll introduce you.

Excuse me.

These cars are really something.

- They're beautiful.
- You wanna buy?

I would, except for two things,
dollars and cents.

Well, I'll tell you what.

You play your cards right,
I'll give you one.

Are some of them yours?

No. Felicia's father
collected them.

Are you single?

- Single? Yes.
- Well, how nice!

- 'You live here?'
- 'Oh, I am just visiting.'

[indistinct chatter]

I'm Hannah Chadway.

May I help you?

Miss Chadway,
Officer Baker.

I understand you're selling
the cars for a charity?

Yes, for the
Chadway Youth Foundation

in my brother's memory.

But the Auburn
is the only car

registered under
Anthony Chadway's name.

That's because Anthony
bought it for the sale.

Anthony's managing the sale

of all the cars
in the collection.

- Who did he buy it from?
- Emil Whalen.

An elderly auto mechanic
who used to work for my brother.

And where could
I find Mr. Whalen?

Mr. Baker, it's been a long time

since I've been questioned
by an officer of the law

but I take it you're being
diplomatic about something.

I hope so.

Well, don't pussyfoot.
Come right out with it.

You were going to tell me
where I could find Mr. Whalen.

We heard he d*ed
about a week ago.

He lived in Santa Barbara. Why?

The car was involved
in a hit-and-run accident.

- It caused the accident.
- Oh, no!

It was evading pursuit
at the time.

- Are you saying that--
- Felicia, please.

Mr. Baker, I suggest, you
come back and speak to my nephew

since you seem
to be accusing him.

I don't think
you've heard me accuse

anyone of anything, have you?

Well, perhaps it's your
very presence.

Well, I could remove
that if I could get

the information that I need.

I think he's being charming.

I like it.

- Can you do it this evening?
- Be charming?

Get your information.
I don't have it, Anthony does.

He'll be home
about nine o'clock.

We'll be back
this evening, then.

Thank you. Excuse me.

I think I believe
in love at first sight.

Yes, I can see you do.

[music from car stereo]

Excuse me!
Excuse me, sir? Sir?

Yeah, what can I do for you?

Could you buy me and my buddy
a couple of six-packs?

- And keep the change.
- Underage, huh?

Come on, man,
no hassle. I'm cool.

Look, fella,
it's against the law.

Why can't you just wait
like everyone else?

[music from car stereo]

Hey, slick,
so where's the brew?

Wasting my time.


Whoa! Ho-ho!

Hey! Hey!

[instrumental music]

[tires screeching]

LA 15, Mary 19, I got speeder.

Westbound on Montana from 21st.

[siren wailing]

Hey, buddy, we got company.

Yeah, I see him.

[siren continues]

[door shuts]

Officer, I want
these kids arrested

for vandalizing my car.

This dude is off his rocker.

We don't even know
what he's talking about.

Look, my car is what
I'm talking about!

Just look what they did!

So you-you busted
your stupid tail light.

- Don't try to blame it on us.
- Alright, hold it.

I wanna see some licenses.

I was the one
that was driving.

Alright, somebody start from
the beginning. What happened?

The beginning is, we were
just tooling down the street

and all of a sudden this guy
started chasing us.

Because they busted up
my car because I refused

to buy them some beer.
That's the beginning.

Alright, sign this.

- Why me?
- Because you were speeding.

- What about them?
- Well, I'll cite them, too.

For vandalism, right?

No, for speeding.

I didn't see vandalism, did you?

No, I didn't see 'em do it,
but I know they did it.

Alright. I'll get all
the information here.

The names and the descriptions.
I'll give you a copy.

You go down to the district
attorney's office and file

a complaint and instigate
a juvenile court petition.

Why do I have to suffer
all this aggravation?

Well, sir, do you wanna
pursue this matter?

Just forget it!

Hey, thanks a lot,
officer. You're okay.

Knock it off. Thank the system.

You know you guys
are the bad guys.

[indistinct chatter]

Smells like a Mendocino County
grass fire.

Thick enough to hang
your hat on.

Mr. Chadway, the, uh

California highway patrol
officers are here.


Mr. Baker, Mr. Poncherello.

- Mr. Anthony Chadway.
- Gentlemen.

Quite a party you got
going on here.

My aunt mentioned
something about the Auburn

I bought for the charity sale..

...something about
a hit-and-run accident.

- That's right.
- 'Oh, how embarrassing!'

'But you know, I thought
there was something wrong.'

I had a couple of kids working
for me take it to the car wash

and they were gone
an awfully long time.

Then they brought
the car back, it was clean

but they disappeared.

You bought the car from
the Emil Whalen Estate?

No, from Whalen himself.

Just two days before
the poor old fellow d*ed.

Well, there seems
to be some confusion

about the ownership of the car.

Maybe you can help
clear that up.

Well, certainly.
How about tomorrow?

How about tonight?

Well, yes, if it's that urgent.

We'll have to go
into town..

...the car's being

and I have all the paperwork
at my office.

Tomorrow will be fine.


Hi. You're here!
Oh, come on in!

Come on! Come on in.

Dear friends..

...this is my friend, Jon.

And this is my friend, Ponch.

Isn't he beautiful?

Hey, are you the guys
with the Bangkok brown?

I'm sick and tired
of that California ragweed.


Are you sure we're completely
covered on the Auburn?


But I worry about that guy
who chased us.

No one can hassle us, Wilton

as long as you've done your job.

If you haven't, it can
cost me a fortune.

Then, you worry.

What do you say if we go jump in

'the swimming pool,
just as we are?'

'No, we did that before.'

Gentlemen...did you see
my nephew?

Uh, yes, thank you. We're
gonna see him in the morning.


Jon, will you have a glass
of sherry with me?

Uh, yes, thank you.


Those lounge lizards are
Pamela Bannock's friends

not Felicia's.

Felicia's got good blood.

I just hope she'll see
the light

before that relationship
really harms her.

Well, that's a pretty
radical group in there.

Mr. Poncherello,
you're not unwelcome here.

But I wanted a word
with Mr. Baker.

Well, I, uh, caught that,
Miss Chadway

but...I thought I better
get outta that room

while I could still ignore
what was going on.

You see, Miss Chadway,
in or out of uniform

we are sworn officers.

I understand completely.

The man I most nearly married

was a Texas ranger.

You remind me of him, Mr. Baker.

He's Jon, and I'm Ponch.

Jon, I wanted to talk
to you about Felicia.

Would you call me
when you have some time?

Oh, he'll call.

Isn't that, uh, my decision?

Oh, yeah.
Okay. Sorry.

I'll call. Thank you.

- Thank you.
- Excuse us.

[instrumental music]

[engine revving]

Alright, ladies. Why don't you
just disembark here?

I've got some business
to attend to.

Thank you, Anthony.

- Enjoy!
- Okay.

[music continues]


Put that away. People
are beginning to arrive.

Those are the bids
on the hot mobile.

This one's the highest, 35,000.

Put it down for 30?

Twenty five. I'll take
ten on that one.

Now, we have two in the pile
that are over twenty five.

My aunt will only see
the ones you prepare.

The other ones we'll burn.

I guess I'll never
understand you.

You draw a thousand a week
from a trust fund

'your aunt pays'

'all your expenses.'

When your trust matures,
you'll have millions.

Why rob the lady like this?

Wilton, a thousand a week
had some meaning

when my father wrote that will.
But today it's--

A lot of money, tax-free.

'Not to me.'

I can use what I skim off
those cars

to double that, at least.

So what? The crowd you run with
can still outspend you.



But having the money
is only part of it.

Getting it, that's the thrill.

Putting one over.

I mean, doesn't it excite you
to know that you can copy

the handwriting
of any man alive?

It's a business.

And anyhow, the foundation
is the loser, not my aunt.

Oh, so you're only robbing
underprivileged children?


Oh, a forger with scruples?

Wilton, we're talking about
over half a million dollars.

I'll only be taking
a couple of hundred thousand.

'They'll get plenty.'

What'll we do about the Auburn?

A man is offering 70.

Aunt Hannah thinks
I bought it for 20.

Give her a profit of five

and you can keep forty five
for what I owe you.

My fee is fifty.

Wilton, trust me.

Now, put that stuff away.

The bidding starts
a bit later.

Perhaps if you're interested..

Excuse me, just a minute.

Hey, I didn't expect
to find you here.

I knew you were
gonna be here, Jon.

I just wanted to apologize
for last night

and tell you
how sorry I am.

I was embarrassed, and..

...I guess, I just covered
the wrong way.

I'm a little surprised
to see you involved

in that sort of scene.

I know, and-and I'm not,
involved,that is.

I'm-I'm-I'm really
pretty straight.

I'll take straight
over strung out any day.

How do you two feel
about the liberated woman?


Well, Pam and I would like
to invite you

to dinner.
Straight, I promise.

Our treat?

- Well--
- We'd love it.

I'll speak for myself.


We'd love it.

Baker, Poncherello.

- Hi.
- How are you?

You're very punctual.
The auburn's over here.

Wait until you hear those
fine old cylinders purr.

Uh, Mr. Chadway, what
we'd really like to see

is the paper on the car.

Oh, yes, of course.

Shall we step into the office?

Hey, Felicia. Come on, get in.

- Isn't this fun?
- Are you crazy?

You know, I dated a London
cabby once for years.

How's about a spin around
Trafalgar square, Ma'am?

- Yes, home, James.
- Oh.

[engine starts]

Look, Felicia. By Jove,
the bloke is stealing

the Auburn.

That's alright.
We'll get him anyway.

Pam, what are you doing?

Pam, what are you doing?

Well, satisfied?

Everything seems in order.

Jon, he stole the Auburn.

[instrumental music]

Stop, thief, stop!

Oh, don't you just love this?

This is radical!
It's fantastic!

Pam, I think you
better slow down.

No! No, we've
almost got him.

Pam, don't you think
you better stop?

No. No way.

Pull it over and stop!

Oh, no! This is
my chase, Smokey.

- Come on, Pam, stop.
- Whooee!

You're crazy.

[instrumental music]


[tire screeching]


Wow! Fantastic.

Right before my eyes.

Pamela, people are hurt.

I did not steal the car.

It is mine.
It belongs to me.

They stole it
right out of the garage.

They, you mean the Chadways.

Don't you understand?

Calm down, okay?
I'm trying to understand.

And why do you say
they stole the car?

Well, they have it, don't they?

Come on,
Kevin, cooperate, okay?


They knew where to find the car

because my grandfather
used to work for them.

Your grandfather, the mechanic?
Emil Whalen?

He d*ed a week ago last Friday.

And after the funeral,
I went down to get the car

and it was gone.

I'm tellin' you, man,
he never sold that car.

'He loved it,
it was all he had.'

And he promised it to me.

Could your mother and father
confirm that?

How would they know?
They never spoke to him.

They don't even speak to me.

If you really mean,
what you say

you should have asked for help.

Yeah, Kevin Whalen.
Old man's grandson.

His parents are in Oregon.

'Will you hold,
until I get there?'

We'll have to send him
for processing, Miss Chadway.

Well, then,
as soon as that's finished

have him brought back
to your office, and let me know.

Well, I-I guess,
that could be arranged, but..

'Sergeant, as a personal favor.'

And we'd like the charge
of car theft dropped.

We consider it
a joyride, please.

Alright, then.
I'll pass that along.

- 'Thank you.'
- Yeah. Bye-bye.

So, um, you called
on old man Whalen, hmm?

Explained the charity motive

and persuaded him to sell.

I paid cash.

Everything seems to be in order.

I had two copies made for you.

Wanna follow me, please?

Kevin, would you recognize

your grandfather's
handwriting, if you saw?

Yes, sir.

This is the bill of sale
of the Auburn.

Is that his signature?

Yes, sir.

Hey, mama.



Real good.

Real good...oh, no,
you get yourself a bottle

of joy with the change, pop.

Maybe we'll do business
again tomorrow, huh?



See you later, pop!

Well, if Felicia
was interested in me

and I had the blessing
of a woman as rich as her aunt.

I think I'd be eating
caviar instead of dust.

Right to the top, huh, Ponch?

Hey, I believe
in upward mobility.

It's that roman banquet
that we walked in on.

That's what turned me off.

Hey, there's good rich
and bad rich

just like there's
good poor and bad poor.

You knows, the rich get high
'cause they can afford it.

And the poor
because they can't.

You know,
that's very profound, Bonnie.

What would you know?
You're high on life.

Well, that's the point.
Life is very exciting.

It is if you're up.
If you've to climb up.

If you've to take
dr*gs, pills, alcohol

then you're too stoned
to know the--

The real fun, right?

Hey, I've been rich, and I've
been poor. Rich is better.

But let's not knock 'em
just 'cause they're rich.

Look, at all the good
the Getty money's doing?

The Rockefeller money,
the Ford Foundation.

The Chadway Youth Foundation?

'Uh, you know
what you ought to do?'

Start a Jon Foundation..

...for destitute Bakers.

And find me a guy
about six foot two

worth his weight in gold.

Your treat.

Me treat?

Well, why not?

If you're gonna marry money.

[tire screeching]


- I'll see you later.
- Okay.


Can you believe anybody's dumb
enough to do that?

Maybe, but I know that car.

[instrumental music]

- Hey, you know what?
- What?

- There were cops back there.
- Where?

[instrumental music]

LA-15, Mary 19
I got a blue Torino

speeding and reckless
West on Corona for Broadway.

[woman on dispatcher]

[siren blaring]

[tire screeching]

Hey, keep it under control.

Don't worry about it, alright?

I got it. I got it.

Watch out. Watch out!

Watch out for the broken glass.

- Aah.
- Come on.

Put your hands on your head.

Am I okay?

Depends on how you look at it.

I'll get
you from the other side.

Put your left hand behind
your head.

Hey, I remember you.

You saved us from that nut,
that guy that chased us, huh?

Yeah, too bad I couldn't
save you from yourself.

Who are the other two?

They look so young.

Lucky they don't look dead.

A couple of kids
out for a joyride

and they wrecked
their first car.

Do their parents know?

We haven't been able to reach
their parents yet.

Kevin Whalen,
Miss Hannah Chadway.

How do you do?

I don't know why
you wanna help me, ma'am?

Because I think
you've been wronged.

When your grandfather
worked for us

he wasn't the sweetest-tempered
man I'd ever met

but he was a good mechanic
and not the kind of man

to break a promise.

I think my nephew,
may have talked him

into selling that car
on my account

instead of leaving
it for you as he promised.

So I feel responsible
for all of this.

Do you have a place
to stay?

Yes, ma'am.

Well, I don't know
where justice lies

in a case like this.

But my attorney,
the man who bailed you out.

He'll take care
of your defense.

And if there's anything
you need.

I want you to call me.


Good luck.

Now, I want a word
with those two boys.

They don't look
like bad boys.

Depends on,
which way they go from here.

I can't believe
this is happening.

I can't believe what we did.

Look, write your names
and addresses

down on this piece
of paper, legibly.

My attorneys, might as well
represent them, too.

Jon, can I have
a word with you?

You were gonna call me
for a little talk, remember?

Yes, I'm sorry, I've been busy.

The head of security
at two of our refineries

is retiring.

We're looking for a new man.

Someone young, energetic,
police experience.

Oh, like me, huh?

Starting salary's $55,000.

Plus the 1,000, that Felicia
get's from the trust

so we ought to do pretty well.

Now, whatever makes
you say that?

I thought,
I'd save you the trouble.

Is that yes, no, or maybe?

Look, Miss Chadway,
I like Felicia.

But if we're gonna be a match,
let us make it, huh?

I told her
you couldn't be bought.

Excuse me.

Where's the boss lady?

Oh, she is in, on the phone.

She, uh, just offered me a job.

$55,000 a year.

You didn't, uh, say yes,
did you?

- No. No, I didn't.
- Good.

Give me an hour with her,
and I'll get you 75.


Oh, to think that there are
24 people who paid these kinds

of prices for a car
they're never going to use.

We had dozens of lower bids

I just haven't
bothered you with them.



This car cost $3,000
when it was new.

And that was expensive in 1948.

I think we can both
be very happy with our profits.


Why don't you take
a more active interest

in the Youth Foundation?



I'm-I'm gonna go to bed.

Just-just let me go.
Let me go.

I'm okay.

I'm okay.

Can't even stand up.


Darling, what is it?

Uhm...I just had
a glass of bad wine

that's all. I'm okay.

Louis, would you help
Miss Felicia to her room?

Can you stand up,
sweetheart, huh?

Anthony, call the doctor.

Oh, never mind. I'll do it.

You can see your sister
in that condition and laugh?

Ahem, short dinner date, right?

Look, I don't know
what Pam gave her.

'And I don't think
Felicia knows either'

otherwise she wouldn't
have drunk the wine.

But any school kid knows that

you don't
mix alcohol and dr*gs.

I told you she had a headache.

It isn't a Federal case.

It was a rotten thing
to do to a friend.

But I don't think,
you know what rotten means.

The doctor's on his way.

Excuse me. You wanted
to have a little talk?

We're gonna have a little talk.

What did you give her?

A couple of quacks.
So what?

I'll tell the doctor.

Must it always be
the two of you?

Why not?
We're both compromised.

Please, that sounds
so Victorian.

Who cares how it sounds?

We take two women to dinner
and they're both on dope?

They know the spot
they put us on.

What are we around here,
a great big joke?

How dare you!

Lady, somebody's got to dare.

'I don't know
what you substitute'

'for a sense of responsibility.'

But this is yourhouse.

If you're too soft to run it,
turn it over to the butler.

I am notsoft.

I did not find my money.

My brother and I started off
with a 100 bucks and a shovel.

Oil, yes.

Uranium, yes.

'But we sweated for it,
and we went hungry for it'

'and we fought
claim jumpers for it.'

And for his sake,
I give his kids a home.

And every advantage..

...because I never had kids
of my own.

I was working too hard.

And youcan stand there

and call me soft?

Miss Chadway, wait a minute.

Think about the three kids
at the station today.

I mean, strangers and you
stepped in and gave 'em help

without 'em even asking.
Now, come on.

Sweep the garbage
out of Felicia's life

'before it pollutes that..'

That good blood
that you were talking about.

I don't understand,
what's going on here?

Why are the two
of you ganging up on me?

You fought claim jumpers, huh?

Get mad, lady.

[instrumental music]

The papers on that Auburn are
probably buried in some wire

basket in Sacramento.

And Kevin's parents don't know
anything about a promise

but an attorney in Santa Barbara
has old man Whalen's will.

He left what little he did have
all to Kevin.

However, he didn't
specify the Auburn.

[clicks tongue]
Maybe an oversight, okay?

Now, this...
is something else again.

- Registration slip?
- Mm-hmm.

Note the vehicle
identification number.

'Anything wrong?'


The "L" is neatly printed.

'Printed letters
can be changed.'

All the clerks at the DMV
who make these things up

never print a letter.

Letters are always scripted.



I know you've never cleaned
an attic

or washed windows,
but it's time to clean house.

Time for one of us
to tell Pamela Bannock

that her welcome is worn out.

Isn't this rather sudden?

I know you must have given
it some thought.

I don't believe,
you're totallyblind

to what her influence
is doing to your life.

She is my best friend.

Was,when you
were both children.

And if she comes to her senses,
she may be again.

Okay, I'll talk to her.

And I-I'll tell
her to get her act together.

And her baggage, darling.

Even if your affection
for me goes with her..

...she goes.


I love you, Aunt Hannah.

Well, gentlemen, good morning.

Pleasant surprise.

I suppose you two
had breakfast hours ago?

This isn't a pleasant
visit, Anthony.

We'd thought you'd
want to do it outside.

Good grief. You're certainly
grouchy this morning.

- How about some coffee?
- 'Uh. No, thanks.'

These are copies of the papers
you left us on the Auburn.

The, uh, temporary registration a forgery.

'The pink slip, the bill of sale
probably are, too.'

You can't be serious.

- You wanna call your lawyer?
- My lawyer?

This is outrageous.

Uh, you think I'm a forger?

There is Wilton Marks,
the guy who's keeping

the books on your car sale.

Can you think of any other

I know you'll forgive
the intrusion.

- What's going on here?
- Well.

These gentlemen seem to think,
I'm a forger.

A what?

We wanted to keep this away
from you as long as possible

but the bottom line is,
we have reason to believe

that Kevin Whalen is telling
the truth, that he's right.

'That the Auburn was stolen.'

I am going to call my lawyers

and you two are gonna
suffer because of this.

Don't run away, Anthony.
We can handle this.

This is preposterous.

To mortify subject me
to this indignity--

Anthony, these are responsible
officers of the law.

'They're not here
chasing a pig in a poke.'

Are you, uh, are you actually
siding with them?

let's get this straight.

You took a short-term loan
to buy that car.

And then I gave you the $20,000
to pay it back. Is that correct?

Of course it is.
You know it is.

'Twenty thousand?'

The old man's lawyer said
Whalen didn't bank any money.

Didn't keep it,
didn't spend it.

Didn't give it away.

We can't ask Whalen, can we?

Maybe he's answering from the
grave that, he didn't get it.

Aunt Hannah.

We can get
to the bottom of this

if you'll justask
these people to leave.

Anthony, you never did tell me
where you floated that loan.

From a friend.

Now, please.

Miss Chadway,
I may be out of line

but do you know the top bid
on the Auburn?

Twenty-five-thousand dollars.


I'll give you 30..

...and I'll sell
it tomorrow for 50

sixty, 70?

It might be worth your time
to check all the bids before--

Not now, Baker. Please.

You have
the right to remain silent.

- Stop it!
- Why?

'Mr. Chadway,
you're under arrest'

'for grand theft auto,
forgery and embezzlement.'

'We have your accomplice,
and now we have you.'

Turn around and put your hands
on your head.


mother...has remarried.

She lives in Spain now.

He could be sent there,
never seen here again.

If you'd be willing
to turn your back.

I don't know
if that's a final gesture

a test of me..

But it isn't you.

Oh, you do remind me
of my Texas Ranger.

[instrumental music]

[music continues]

That's right.
That's what I've got.

- The Auburn?
- Yes, 25.

Wait a second. Let me see,
if I can find that one.

Is that it?

I see that you've found
the correct bids.

Yes. Found them all.

And the sale will go on
as scheduled.

Business at the same old stand.


The stand, we thank you,
is not the same.

- Sorry, it had to be that way.
- It was time.

I'll do as much for Anthony
as I did for those three boys.

But the rest
he'll have to do for himself.

It was time.

Jon, as soon as I know
how I feel about all this..

...I'd like to see you again.

Yes, Baker, how about
that offer I made you?

Hold it, Hannah.

is way too low.

And what would you suggest?

- Double it.
- Are you serious?

Ponch, I'm not gonna do it.

How about 90?

Far too high.

Ponch, I can't take it.

- Seventy-five?
- No way.

Ponch, I'm not gonna take
the job for any price.

- You sure?
- That's final.

Hey, Hannah, make it 65
and I'll take it myself.

Sixty, and you start
right after the wedding.

Wait, uh, wedding?

Ours, of course.

[instrumental music]
