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06x04 - My Boyfriend's Back

Posted: 09/09/22 18:45
by bunniefuu
♪ You take the good,
you take the bad ♪

♪ You take 'em both
and there you have ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ There's a time you
gotta go and show ♪

♪ You're growin'
now you know about ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ When the world never seems ♪

♪ To be livin' up
to your dreams ♪

♪ And suddenly
you're findin' out ♪

♪ The facts of
life are all about ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ It takes a lot
to get 'em right ♪

♪ When you're learnin'
the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪♪

Coming! Here
they are! All right!

Better than never.

Here they are,
fresh from the oven.

I must say, jo picked one
heck of a weekend to go home.

Yeah, what's the big deal about
a mother with a broken arm?

Oh, oh!

Mrs. Garrett, it's time.

Oh, tootie, not now.

Oh, great! Desert us

Just because you're seeing jeff

For the first time
in three months.

Could you make it three
months and five minutes, tootie?

I really need you now.

Mrs. Garrett, we have
to have more, fast.

More? That's the last batch.


I have a coupon, and you
have to honor my coupon.

Mine, too!

Now do you all have coupons?


They all have coupons.

Well, I'm sorry.

We ran out of croissants.

But I'll be open
tomorrow special hours,

8:00 Till noon.

So you just come
back then, all right?

Thank you very much. All righty.



Tomorrow is sunday.

Well, I've got to
honor their coupons.

And it's good, it's
good for business.

Right! People come in, get
their free croissant and leave.

Well, it's not supposed
to work that way.

I mean, they're supposed to come
in and buy a lot of other stuff.

You should have put
that on the coupon.

Can I go now?

I have to get ready for jeff.

I want to be just the
way he remembers me...

A worldly and
sophisticated knockout.

I room with you and I don't
remember you that way.

Well, whatever you're gonna
do, you better do it fast. He's here.


Hi, guys!

Jeff! Hi!


Mrs. Garrett! All right.

How you doing?

Where's my girl?

Where's my girl?

Upstairs. She's not the
way you remember her yet.

Oh, well, uh, will you
deliver these to her, please?

Anything else?

Yes, but I'll
deliver that myself.

Blair, why don't you keep
jeff company in the living room.

I'll close up.

Go on.

And I'll prepare the kitchen
for tonight's bakeathon.

Jeff, you look great.

Where did you get those biceps?

I've been working
out, pumping iron.

Out for football?

Yeah. See, my roommate
and I pump iron together.

You'll meet him in a while.

He came down to visit his
girlfriend from langley.

So I hitched a ride with him.

So how do you like penn state?

It's great.

New people, new rules.

No rules is more like it.

[Knock on door]

Hi, is jeff here?


Ready to go? In a minute.

I want you to meet my friend.

Hi. I'm rich thompson.
Blair warner.

You look familiar.

Must be my perfectly
chiseled features.

No, it's the back of your head.

I sit behind you in european
history. Ellen carter.

Boy, this place is much
better than the dorms.

I'll say. I lived in the
dorms a whole week.

Only stayed that long
'cause all the cute guys

Who used to walk past my door.

Then they moved the showers.

You didn't tell me there were
cute guys in the langley dorm.

They're not as cute as my guy.

Oh, boy.

Is he joining the navy
tomorrow or something?

They haven't seen
each other in a while.

They haven't
breathed in a while.

Sorry. It's been three months.

So, ellen, are you
taking a midterm

Or writing the paper?

Me, too.




I told her to play hard to get.

I see you've been taking
good care of my football.

I polish it every day.

Hey, get this!

Hey, there's another
on this side, too, big guy.

Hey, blair, did you
feel jeff's arm?

Tootie, I want you
to meet my friends.

Rich and ellen, this
is tootie ramsey.


It's short for dorothy.





And natalie green.

Hi. Hi.

Where's mrs. Garrett?

She's in the kitchen.

She's getting it ready
for us to bake all night.

All night? Something
must be done.

Excuse me.

So did you have
practice this morning?

Oh, yeah. Tootie, the coach
is working me to death.

And he's always on
us about classes, too.

"Do you know what you
want to major in, son?"

Well, do you?

I have till next year.

And I figure it doesn't
matter what I major in.

If I make all-american,

My success as a car
dealer is guaranteed.

I don't get it. Why is everyone
so hung up about a major?

Because if you don't have one,

You can't graduate.

I know that, but why does
everyone get so crazy?

I thought college
was supposed to be fun.

Well, that's what I thought

When I was in high school.

You guys still here?

We were just about to head out.

Where we going?

Oh, how about dinner
and then maybe a movie?

That sounds great.

I thought we were going
dancing at kingsley's?

Um, maybe another time.

Well, why?

You have to be 18 to get in.


It would have been
really crowded anyway.

Hey, don't worry.

I'm still saving the
last dance for you.

Hey, come on! Let's go, huh?

Don't do anything I wouldn't do.

Don't worry. We won't.

I had a nice time. Me too.

I like your friends.


They didn't seem too
crazy about me, though.

No, no, no.

They thought you were cute.

Yeah, there's nothing
more adorable

Than someone who has nothing
to add to the conversation.

Oh, you all just didn't have
a lot in common, that's all.

[Horn honks]

[Honk honk]

They're waiting.


Let's go out
tomorrow for brunch.

At flappy jack's?

Our usual table.

Meet you there at 11:00?

Just... Just you and me.


Good night.

Natalie, turn out
the light! I'm tired!

I'm gonna be losing my
sunday morning beauty sleep,

And when I don't get my eight hours I
get these little lines on my forehead.

Blair, all I have left
to do is brush my teeth.

Natalie, we've been
baking all night,

And I'm almost over-tired.

And when that happens, I can't
sleep at all. And when that happens...

All right, I give up!

We'll just let mr. Tooth decay

Have a midnight romp
through my molars!

Turn out the light!

All right!

Tootie, how did it go?

Lousy. Go to sleep.
We'll talk in the morning.


Natalie, lights.

I mean, just because
I don't go to college,

Is no reason to
treat me like I'm a child!

All they talked about

Were dorms and
classes and stuff.

And whenever I said anything,

They looked at me like I was
blowing bubbles with my straw.

Jeff, too?

We'll talk in the morning.

Are you sure?

Because if you're just
gonna turn the light on again,

We may as well
talk about it now.

I'm sure.

Oh, I can't stand it.

What about jeff?

I couldn't tell.

He just sort of
fidgeted the whole night.

Did you talk to him after?

No. They were waiting to
take him back to the dorms.

So I have to wait until
tomorrow. We'll talk at brunch.

Did you say...

Natalie, why don't you just
go in there and talk to her?

Blair, the woman is
entitled to her privacy.

So is he staying in a dorm?

He's staying in the room next to
ellen's. It's vacant for the weekend.

He and rich are sharing it.

Did he say that?



Nothing. Never mind.

No, what were you going to say?

It's just that rich

Probably isn't sharing
a room with jeff.

He's sharing a room with ellen.




So that's what ellen meant

When she said she was
saving the last dance for him.

Probably. Now can
we get some sleep?

So rich is staying with ellen.

When ellen comes to visit rich,

Where does jeff go?

Natalie, roommates work
that out before they unpack.

Boy... College is
sure complicated.

But what if you've got company

And your roommate has some, too?

There's always a
spare bed somewhere.

And they let you do that?

They don't let you.

Kids just do it.


Of course not everybody.

Good night.

Aaah! Oh, tootie.

It's 3 a.m.

Something better
be terribly wrong.

I'm sorry, I didn't
mean to wake you.

You're sitting on my bed.

I've been thinking.

And you wanted to talk?

Only if you were awake.

Tootie, we have to be up at 7:00

To bake croissants we're
gonna take a b*ating on. Please!

Oh, all right.

You go ahead and get some rest.

How about if we talk?

No, no, no, I'll be all right.

Tootie, you win, I'm awake. Please,
let me share your suffering.

It's kind of hard to talk about.

It's about jeff, isn't it?

You know what the problem
is between jeff and me?

Our relationship hasn't grown.

It's still high school

And it should be college.

I've got to give jeff more.

What kind of "more" are
we talking about here?

Well, look at what
rich and ellen have.

It's so fulfilled.

That's the way it should
be with jeff and me.

You don't mean the big "more"?

They're sleeping together.

You mean the big "more"!

Well, it's what
you do in college.

Not according to the
comparative guide to colleges.

Nat, I've got to prove to him
that I'm not a child anymore.

And besides,
everybody's doing it.

I'm the only virgin
in my gym class.

Not true. Mary louise
richards is in your class.

Ok. Two.

And jenny moran and lisa
baxter and francine pittman...

Though she could surprise you.


I'm just trying to tell
you you're not alone.

Well, none of those
girls is going with jeff.

I am.

And he needs more.

From me.


Because he's in college.

'Cause he's surrounded by all
those girls and they'll sleep with him.

They probably already are.

You don't know that.

Just look at him.

He's cute, he's charming,
he's a quarterback.

I bet they're all over him.

Tootie, there isn't all that
much sexual activity in college.

That's why enrollment is down.

Thanks, nat. You're really
helping me decide here.

Look, the middle of the night

Is not a good time to
make a major life decision.

That's why they made it dark.

Just wait till tomorrow.

He's going back to
penn state tomorrow.

I might never see him again.

Aren't you having
breakfast with him?


Fine, brunch, even better. You'll
sit down, you'll eat, you'll talk.

What if he doesn't
want to talk about it?

Sit on his bed a
while. He'll talk.

No, wait! Bad suggestion.

Don't do anything.
Just talk to him.

Promise me you'll
just talk to him.

Promise me!


Remember, you promised.

Yeah, I remember.

I have two coupons.

Oh, sorry. One per customer.

One's for me, one's
for little kimberly.

Would little kimberly

Like some coffee with that?

This is sure promoting sales.


She left 15 minutes ago.

Blair! We need more croissants.

Well, it's about
time... Wait a minute.

What happened to these? They
look like dead caterpillars.

I thought it would
speed things up a bit

If I popped them
in the microwave.

I have a coupon, I
want a croissant.

You want it?

You got it.

Thank you.

Natalie, we can't do this.

I don't hear anyone complaining.

As long as I'm here, I may as well
pick up a jar of plum preserves.

You know, I may have hit on
something here, mrs. Garrett.

Yeah, maybe next week
you can burn some muffins.

It's a shame tootie
and jo are missing this.

Well, tootie's not
missing anything.

She and jeff are
at flappy jack's

Sharing a meaningful
and mature conversation

Over a plate of happy flappies.

Thank you.



Going for a run?

Yeah. I thought we were meeting
down at the pancake place.

Well, things were
kinda slow at the store.

Oh, well, why don't we go?

Just give me a minute.

There's no hurry.

Oh, no worry. We can go, b*at
the crowd, and get a better table.

I'm not all that hungry yet.

We could stay here
for a while, if you want.

No, I've been cooped
up in here long enough.

Let's get some fresh air.

Jeff, I wanted to talk to you.

Great. We'll walk and talk.

Talk and walk.

Jeff, I love you, and if you
want us to sleep together,

It's ok with me.


We love each other,
so it's ok, right?

Why are we talking
about this all of a sudden?

Because it's time.

Why... All of a sudden?

Rich and ellen are
sleeping together.


That's how they keep
it going long distance.

I want us to be
like them, close.

Why don't we go to breakfast?

Oh, ok, if you
want to eat first.

No, wait.

Ok. Whatever you say.

Look, tootie... You're
in college now.

I understand.

Our relationship has to
move on to the next phase.

That way, everything
can be like it was before.

No, see, if we move on, it
can't be the way it was before.

Why don't you come and sit down.


Don't you want to sleep with me?


Sleeping together is not
gonna fix what's wrong.

Well, what is wrong, jeff?

Just tell me, and
I'll stop doing it.

Well, what is it?

Nothing. I don't know.

All I could think about was
coming up here and seeing you again,

Having you meet
rich... But I don't know.

Just because
rich didn't like me...

It's not him and it's not you.

It's me.

What's you?

I don't know.

It's college... I'm different.


I don't know.

You ever go away, like to camp,

And when you come back,

Things like your parents,
they seem different?

But then you realize,

Well, they haven't changed.

You have.


Well, that's what
it's like, tootie.

I've changed.

You seem the same to me.

Except maybe a few more muscles.

I'm not, though.

A lot's happened to
me down there, tootie.

I don't see things the same way,

I don't think the same way.

Well, what do
you think about us?

I don't know.

Is that all you can
say, "I don't know"?

Look, tootie, my life's
all different now.

But I come back here and you
want me to be like the old me,

But, tootie, I am not
like the old me anymore.

Jeff, have you got
a new girlfriend?


Do you still love me?


I do.


Come on, why don't we go to
flappy's. We'll get something to eat.

I'll tell you what.

You go and finish your run.

You sure?


All right.

♪ You'll avoid a lot of damage ♪

♪ And enjoy the fun of
managing the facts of life ♪

♪ They shed a lot of light ♪

♪ If you're hearing
from your brother ♪

♪ Better clear him
with your mother ♪

♪ Better get him right,
call her late at night ♪

♪ You've got the future
in the palm of your hand ♪

♪ All you got to do to get
you through is understand ♪

♪ You think you'd
rather do without ♪

♪ You'd never make it
through without the truth ♪

♪ The facts of life
are all about you ♪

♪ Learning the
facts of life... ♪♪