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04x12 - Two Sparrows in a Hurricane

Posted: 09/10/22 07:32
by bunniefuu
Previously on Roswell, New Mexico...

MICHAEL: It's time to figure out how
to get them out of that sinkhole.

TEZCA: Jones said Liz Ortecho
will bring the alighting.

I'm thinking about a
lock that will prevent him

and his followers from ever using it.

This mark bonds select
members of Ophiuchus,

but anyone who bears it will
never be able to use Theo's portal

to return home to Oasis.

- SHIVANI: You've lost your powers.

Why would I help you?

Because I can bring your daughter back.

LIZ: What would you do for love?

Would you risk walking
along a precipice so steep

that, if you fell,
you'd be lost forever?

Would you sell your soul

if it meant getting the chance
to see your loved one again?

Will you shy away from love's greatness?

Or chase it hard enough
to escape the fears

that come along with it?

Does love confuse you?

Empower you?

Or cloud your path forward?

Because what I know of love

is that it can do all those things.

It's the only thing in the universe

that can both create
life and destroy it.



Problem is, when you're standing
in the middle of the chaos...

... it's often hard to tell
which love you're gonna get.

Thanks to a late night
gift of Careyes pod goo,

I made more mist.

And I spiked it with an
accelerant that'll give you back

your full powers in about minutes.

Well, you seem to be feeling better.

Kyle's homemade mist-adone is like a...

[CHUCKLES] ... stack of churro pancakes.

I've actually never felt better.

Good, 'cause Isobel and I
just came from Senovative.

It's abandoned. There's no
pods, there's no research.

There was just this.

I don't recognize this equation.

Well, I bet Clyde does.

Isobel was able to use
her powers of persuasion

to get the security cam
footage from across the street.

Shivani has a new partner.

That lab was full of mist.

That means our Dictator in training

is probably back to fighting form.

Well, you said that he wants

to break Theo's lock
on the portal. Right?

If that's the case, he's
gonna come back for you, Liz.

Not if this is the formula
to remove his brand.

Wait, you really think that mist

- could give Shivani the chops to do that?
- Yes.

And without his rune,
Clyde can enter that portal

and quantum leap back to Oasis unharmed.

I got to get this to Kyle.

Tezca said the blue flame
was the key to everything.

Clyde's not going through
that portal without it.

You're nervous.

Without your powers, you don't
stand a chance against Clyde.

And-and when he finds you,

he's gonna force Shivani
to power you up anyway.

Yeah, I know. Yesterday I-I
just, I thought I was ready.


Sadly, not a sh*t of whiskey.

You are gonna master this.

What if I can't?

What if the next time I kiss
you, then I-I lose control?

No, because, Max, you are
stronger than you think you are.






- Hey.
- Hey.

You, uh, living your
tech bro truth or... ?

More like Pinky and the Brain are
trying their hand at chemistry.


- Listen, I just want to say that I'm...
- I've been doing a lot of thinking,

- and...
- Oh.


Rosa told me to shut up and listen,

so that's what I'm gonna do.

- Good, yeah. Okay.
- Okay.


I think maybe we should skip
the talk, we can just... kiss?

Oh, okay.

Hey... Um... [CLEARS THROAT]

This a bad time to
tell you I'm ready to be

less Hulk and more Captain America?

No, it's a great time.

Excuse me. I have to
go train an Avenger.


Uh, but I look forward to us exploring

our new style of communication...


♪ In our old rendezvous... ♪

DALLAS: Great love
stories can withstand time,

distance or hardships.



has seen it all.


Count between the thunder and lightning.

If you can count higher each time,

- the storm's moving away.
- There's no lightning.


You channeling
Poltergeist at our wedding?

How about we channel each other?

Y'all seem eager to get to it, so, Alex?




- ♪ That's my desire... ♪
- I'm not gonna grieve the future,

because the moments that
we've shared have been perfect.

♪ A little glass of wine... ♪

And I promise to cherish

the rest of the time that we have.

♪ Your eyes divine... ♪


Okay, I don't need lightning to know

that that storm isn't moving away.

All the more reason to get to "I do."

How about "I don't"?

Not yet.

We're not getting married, Alex.

Not until we can do it right, at home.

The fruit was ash.

Then I will make fuel for the portal.

It's not possible.
Clyde already tried it.

Listen to me, you're
letting your emotions

get the best of you again.

Don't let me die without marrying you.

My vow is to not let you die, period.

What was left of the Oasian tree?

Just a creepy old stump.

Then maybe all we need is a shovel.


"C H Cl." What is that?

Cyclophosphamide? The alkylating
agent used in cancer treatments.

Yeah. Yeah.

Methadone nap must've
given me a brain cramp.

ROSA: Hey.

Why is there more in here?

I made extra. Make sure we
have enough to supercharge Max.


I made the whole batch, no hiccups,

so you don't have to worry, Rosa.

I mean, as your sponsor,
that is kind of my job.

Look, Kyle ran me
through the elevated risk

of stroke and myocarditis,

and since nothing speaks
to me like the science,

we're safe.

No more mist.

All right, well, just to be safe...

Okay. Great.

Now that that's settled,
let's get back to work.

MARIA: Kyle.

I need your help. [PANTING]

Wait, you're not the one training me?

Well, I would, but Tezca's
the only person on this planet

that knows anything
about the blue flame.

Uh, how am I supposed to be
comfortable sharing my deepest fears

with someone who, five minutes ago,

was Jones' shape-shifting assassin?

I think "comfortable" is how you got
into this mess in the first place.

And anyway, before Tezca
went all Terminator,

she was a great teacher on Oasis.

So, I suppose you want me
to summon the blue flame.

The only way to control
it is through practice.


Now set aside your fear.

This little flame

has both the power
to destroy and create.

The key to which lies in your mindset.

Fear leads to destruction,

but if you can channel your strength,

anything is possible.

What fuels you, Max?


Then think about her.


Now turn around.

Max, help me!


You pulled me into a
mindscape without me knowing?

You needed to experience
the height of your fear

without endangering anyone.

I almost b*rned this place down.

Your power punctured
the veil of reality.

So, what do we rate this? A win?

A start.


Okay, so, when did you first
notice Senovative was tailing you?

About an hour ago.

I left for supplies and I found Shivani

and her crew of gaba-ghouls
waiting at the Pony.

Clyde must have
realized that the console

is the key to opening the portal.

Now he's using Shivani
to do his dirty work.

Which throws a massive
wrench in my plans

to have it where it belongs
when Michael needs it.

And if the console isn't there,
then our friends get stuck

in Theo's creepy basement forever.

When does Michael need it?

I don't know. I haven't talked
to them since Michael jumped in.

How exactly do they reach
you from another dimension?

Through milkshakes.

Calculators, sometimes.

I've tried to talk to
them, but it hasn't worked.

I know this all sounds
a little bit crazy, but...

Not at all. Deep Sky has been
studying astral projection for decades.

They have methods to induce
deep meditation that might help,

if you're willing.

All plants have a circulatory system

that pulls nutrients from the soil.

If there's fuel in the fruit,
there's got to be fuel in the roots.

And when I find those,

I'm-a cook us up some alien biodiesel.

When did you become a plant daddy?

Sanders and I don't grow
prize-winning sunflowers

every year on sheer
luck and sunshine, baby.

BONNIE: I don't know how
you guys are joking right now

when there's a typhoon coming.

I think you mean tornado.

Well, whatever it is,
it makes me feel like

I'm digging my own grave.

Why couldn't Theo make it rain,
like, cherry cola or something?

I don't know, there's bound
to be a margin of error

when you create an
entire pocket dimension.

Ugh, how are you always so positive?

I think I just keep
focused on, you know,

the little things.

Like that perfect pour
of bourbon from Maria

or, uh, Tragic Magic on vinyl.

Ooh, a long, hot shower
with the man you love.

BONNIE: Well, you know,

dreaming of Shatner Shakes

and curly fries won't cut it for me.

It's all just a distraction
from the one thing

I've known my entire life,

that there is always something
lurking in the shadows.

And today it looks like that.

ALEX: She's right, you know.

In Afghanistan, thoughts of home

can keep you going or they
can become your worst enemy.

Sometimes the best way to
conquer your fear is to just

see the situation for what it is.

Well, I think I'd prefer
bourbon and cherry cola.


'Cause I just found some.

Everything in the universe
is held together by energy.

Once you trust your strength,

you can use the flame to manipulate
matter at the subatomic level.

And restore this fence
to what it was before.

What if my strength and my
fear come from the same person?

Acknowledge you're
afraid and then let it go.

Facing your smaller fears will
help you conquer the larger ones.

Let's try fixing the fence

with your sister standing next to you.

Was I just classified as small?

Visualize the fence as it was,

and allow Liz to give you strength
instead of to take it from you.


It's like someone
drilled a hole in my head

and the science fell out.

It's an amino, but what is the J? J...

ROSA: Since when do you need the
Internet to understand science?

It's just a refresher.

Are you sure you're okay?
Here, drink some of this.

I'm fine. Rosa, please.

Look, recovery can be a roller coaster.

I love you, I love you,
I love you, I just, I...

you're hovering like a
comadre chismosa right now,

and I don't need a
sponsor in this moment.

- Well, what do you need, then?
- Time. Time I don't have,

to-to figure this all out, it's...




Maybe I should run some tests.

If you're forgetting things, then

- let's find out what...
- This. This right here.

This is the amino acid that
controls Bonnie's powers.

Did it just take you
four hours to recognize

a gene you weaponized a few weeks ago?

The important question
is, why is Bonnie's DNA

a part of Shivani's formula?

Bonnie's power mutes abilities.

Add that to the cyclophosphamide...


You're thinking Shivani
found a way to neutralize

the Ophiuchus brand
by using Bonnie's DNA.

Which means Clyde is not after Max.

At least, not until he gets Bonnie.


Oh, yeah.

Time to make some borscht.

Uh, so are we done here?
Could we go back inside now?

CLYDE: I believe we're
just getting started.


We've got some catching up to do.

[SIGHS] Maria still hasn't
made contact with Alex.

All right, I-I'm going in.

I have to warn them. I
mean, for all we know,

Clyde might already have Bonnie.

Yeah, but what if you run into
Clyde before you find Michael?

I won't let you face him
alone in... Hadestown.

MAX: She won't.

- I'm going with her.
- LIZ: But y... you just started training.

What... what if you
get trapped down there?

ISOBEL: Listen, all Michael needs
to open that portal is fuel, right?

And he was pretty confident that
he'd be able to find it down there.

That-that is what Michael said, right?

Sure, but we all know
Michael leaps before he looks.

You guys, we are not gonna
risk any more lives on a maybe.

Hey, we won't.

Right? You can just...

science up some fuel here.

You sure you're ready for this?

Tezca said that I need to face my fears

to master the flame, so...

... I got to do this.

Uh, wait, wait...

It's just, wha-what
if you don't come back?

I will.

In the history of this planet,

Liz Ortecho has never
failed at the science.


I'm not running anymore.

All those awful things I said to
you when I was high on the mist,

you know that those weren't true.

You know you don't hold me back, right?

All of the good things I've done,

all of my best discoveries,

it's because you've been by my side.

- You don't have to tell me that.
- I...

I do.

I might forget later.

Then I'll remind you.

I mean, it's just classic
me, you know, to not...

just talk straight with you until
I have to walk into a pit of sand.

Oh, God.



Since when have you two been a thing?


You know, Liz, uh...

... it's been a long time coming.

- Okay.

- You ready?
- Yeah. Let's do it.



We need to find Bonnie.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Dallas
is out there now, all right?

I'm gonna get started on the fuel.

But he can't take on Clyde alone.

Every minute in this hellhole

is like being in a microwave for you.

And since I cannot be
in two places at once,

it's gonna have to do for now, okay?

It's like The Grapes of Drab out there.

- What are you two doing here?
- Hey.


Real Roswell isn't dangerous enough?

I think that what he means

is "Thank God,

we really need help."

ISOBEL: It's so good to see you, Alex.

So I'm guessing, uh,

Clyde kidnapped our
little space-cult runaway?

All right, well, Iz
and I will go after him.

I appreciate the moxie,
but what do you plan to do?

You gonna arrest the alien?

I did bring your handcuffs.

Got another surprise for you, too.

Way to bury the lede.

If the fuel is in the fruit,

then it's got to exist in
other parts of the tree.

But since we won't be
able to tell which parts

until we get to the lab, how about

you tell me how long you've
been kissing Isobel Evans?


I'll tell you that if you tell me

how long you've been forgetting things.

You can lie to Max,
but you can't lie to me.


- I noticed when you noticed.
- Hmm.

But I couldn't tell Max because

he's finally ready to
step into who he is,

and I'm not gonna stand
in the way of that.

It's all fun and games dating an alien

until they got to
save the universe, huh?

We have to figure out a
way to get them back, Kyle.

Oh, trust me when I say there
is nothing that I want more.

But memory lapses are a big deal, Liz.

We got to check and make sure that mist

hasn't done any permanent damage.

Okay, after we get the fuel.

Look, I will gladly take a nap

in your imaging machine,
I promise. I just...

I feel great.

So, please, let's figure this out

while combustion is
still clear in my mind.




SONYA: Are you comfortable?

How's your heart monitor?

Uh, I can barely feel it.

Now, how do you know so much about this?

I obviously don't know that much,

because this is our third try.

Well, I feel like we're
getting closer, so thank you.

You can thank my dad when he gets here.

He spent most of my
childhood here at Deep Sky,

so I spent most of my time
hacking their computers.

To get back at him?

To figure out what was so special

about this place that my
dad would choose it over me.

And remote viewing just happened

to be my favorite subject.

Did it ever work for you?

You're assuming I tried it.

Well, you know, smart kid whose
father made her feel abandoned?

I just connected the dots.

I never felt abandoned.

It was more that

when I was with him, I felt safe.

Must have been the space
spy thing he had going.

You didn't answer the question.

Okay, once I might have gotten
into the same room as him,

but it was so quick that...

Not awkward at all.

Sorry about the whole, um,
stuffing you in a pod situation.

Uh, Kyle thought I might be
able to look in on Max from here.

Hug it out,

take a seat.

We're gonna go again.



You risked rotting down
here for a blood sample?

Have you ever wondered why

the mark of Ophiuchus never took on you?

Jones said I wasn't special enough.

CLYDE: He lied.

It's because you're too special.

Your ability rejected

the alien glass that our
savior put in this mark.

And now that ability is
gonna do the same for me.


And in a few hours,

this brand will be gone.

And as soon as I reconfigure
the map back in Roswell proper,

we can finally go back to Oasis.


Of course. I have been
miserable since what happened.

Earthquakes happen, Clyde.

You pushed me into hell
and left me for dead.

Think of how I felt,

watching you fall prey to Michael.

All I've ever wanted was to protect you.

Don't you want to go back
to the way things used to be?

When it was just us?

- Bonnie and Clyde?
- There is no us anymore.

Bonnie, stop.

You're my sister.

I love you.

You don't even know what that means.

You can't force people
to love you, Clyde.

I know you're afraid of feeling like

- that kid in the gutter again, but you...
- I don't have to force anyone.

As soon as I take our savior's
throne, our people will have

everything they ever wanted.


singularity of focus,

and Ophiuchun philosophy to unite us.

They will worship me,

- 'cause if they don't...
- You'll what?

It's already starting to fade.


I won't let you destroy
my home planet that way.

Not bad for a clone.





The wind's getting stronger.

No sign of Bonnie or Clyde anywhere.

Yeah, well, now you have backup.

Max and Isobel decided
to join us in here.

Maybe they will have better luck.

How's, uh, how's that fuel?

Doesn't have much kick,

but we are clearly
running out of time, so...

You think it's enough to
get us through the portal?

If, uh, Liz can whip up another
batch of this above ground,

I think we got a sh*t
at opening the portal.

Alex, we're gonna need you
to get those instructions

to our friendly neighborhood
medium, all right?

Hey, uh, I don't know
if Alex is up for that.

- Hey.
- Hey.

He's burning up.

Can you see if you can find
a first-aid kit or something?

- Yeah.
- Something to take the fever down?

Alex, drink.

- Good.

The storm's getting worse.

I think that you need
to leave me behind.

You refused to leave my side
when I went chasing after Jones.

I am returning the favor.

- Yes.
- The difference is, we're not alone.

If you wait for me,
then we risk everybody.

Please, Michael, stop trying

to make decisions with
your heart right now.

My heart is about to explode.

You want to know the truth?

I am scared to death

that I'm gonna lose you today.

So, no, I'm not throwing in the towel.

Not now. No matter how
many times you ask me.

So drink up, soldier.

MARIA: I can see Alex and Michael.

They're in the Atomic Café,

but it's during the Rapture.

Pulse steady.

Heart rate's strong.

Say something.

Try to make contact.

I can't get close enough.

Just imagine yourself already there.

Your imagination must
be better than mine. I...

Maybe you're trying to
reach the wrong person.

Have you tried someone else?

No. Alex is the only one
it's ever worked with.

Is he the one you're closest to?

Whoa. Alex had me thinking you
were a telegraph, not a teleport.

How... how are you doing this?

I'll, uh... I'll explain later.
Just tell me what you need.

- Did you find Alex?
- Yeah,

but he's not doing so hot.

The atmosphere down here,
it's toxic to humans.

We got to get him out.

When do you need me at the portal?

As soon as Liz can cook up some fuel.

Guerin, he wrote some instructions,

but she's gonna need tree root.

I think she already has some.

Good. I'll see you soon.

I guess you can remember it?


- What's happening?
- There's a storm down here.

I think it might be starting
to destabilize the place.


[GASPS] They're on
their way to the portal.

Alex is sick. There's
a storm. I need a pen.

Liz has to finish the fuel.

- What kind of storm?
- A bad one. Flying monkeys bad.

Everything is crumbling.

When Theo was designing the portal,

he was adamant about protecting it.

I-I thought he created
the sinkhole as a prison,

but maybe he did more than that?

Guys, we need to get this
console to the portal now.

- What about Shivani's tail?
- If Shivani wants the console,

she can come and get it.

Okay, I'll get Liz to work on the fuel.

- You should go with Maria.
- I can't.

There's something I need to do.



Liz? Liz?

Are you okay?

- ROSA: Liz, what's going on?
- I can't remember.

You told me you were fine.

I was worried if I told you the truth,

you wouldn't let me finish.

All of our friends' lives at stake.

Y-You finally connecting with Isobel.

I couldn't turn away.

I'm always expected... [SHUDDERS]

to come through.

And I can't.

My brain is broken.

I don't recognize myself. I...

I can't...

I can't figure out a
way to bring 'em back.

Hey, hey, it's fine.

It's okay.


If I...

wasn't so focused on Isobel, I...

- never would've let you talk me out of examining you.
- Stop. Stop.

I almost took it. The mist.

- You were right to be worried about me.
- No.

No, you didn't almost take it.

Because I knew you couldn't
get into that cabinet.

- You know I'm weak.
- You're not weak.

You just need some support.

Like all the rest of us do.

That's why I left this morning.

Because until you realize
that you need help,

I'm not gonna be of any use to you.


I'm not gonna let...

the thing that made me
hurt the people I love win.

But I need to save our friends.


And without the mist... [SIGHS]

there is only one way

I can make that fuel.


I promise to fill in the gaps

until we figure out how to fix you.

Guerin was able to write a recipe,

and you were savvy enough
to go shopping. So...

how about we get started on
this fuel so Maria can get going?



Come on. I got you.

You got it.

I thought the plan was
to stay at the Crashdown!

Yeah, it was, till the storm
literally caused it to crash down!

CLYDE: No wonder it's coming in so fast.

There's two of you idiots in here.

What do you mean by that?

I think Theo spelled it out
pretty clearly in his bible.

I'm guessing the storm
started rolling in

right when his offspring showed up?

Are you saying Jones's
DNA triggered the storm?

Hey! Ten points for the bastard prince.

Yeah, Theo built a
storm that would crush

this entire dimension when
it detected Jones's DNA,

and he didn't much care
who d*ed in the crossfire.

I'm just saying, you better
get us to the portal soon

or we're all gonna perish,
thanks to your dear old dad.


- We can't stay here!
- Go!

[GROANS] Come on!

Better hurry it up!

Go! I'm right behind you!

Are you sure you know where we're going?

Yes. All right, Theo's
maps were thorough.

These caves, they lead
out close to the portal.

- We just got to go...
- Hey, stop!

Alex needs a minute.


You know Clyde was just trying
to get under your skin, right?

Doesn't change the fact
that my dad created a trap

that would not only k*ll
Jones but everybody with him.

Hey, hey. Come on.

Your dad didn't have a choice.

I think even God would argue
you always have a choice.

You didn't know Jones on Oasis.

He was a monster.

I saw him m*rder hundreds
of thousands of people.

That doesn't justify building a w*apon

that can literally wipe
out an entire dimension.

ISOBEL:"Now I have become Death,

- the destroyer of worlds."
- What?

That's what Oppenheimer said

when he saw his test b*mb go off.

I'm not really interested in a
history lesson right now, Isobel.


the man created a technology
that decimated Japan.

You think that didn't
weigh heavily on him?

He did that because, at
that time, he believed

that was the only way
to stop a world w*r.

I have to believe that our
parents were facing the same thing.

Your father wasn't a genocidal maniac.

And he wasn't a superhero either.

He was just a man

faced with an impossible decision.

All this,

just to remove a stupid tattoo?

Well, Liz refused. I had
to explore other options.

If she had given me what I wanted,

then I would be a thousand
galaxies away right now.

So that's it, then, huh?

You just waltz through
the portal with Bonnie,

- side by side?
- Hmm.

It is the will of Ophiuchus.

Thanks to her unique abilities,

I'll be able to cross through the
portal without being torn apart.

And what about the blue flame?


Tezca said that was
a necessary component.

You forget that little detail?

Ophiuchus never forgets anything.

- DALLAS: This place is crumbling, too.

We got to go.


Alex's pulse is dropping!

You know how to use that fuel?

I got a crash course at a CrashCon
that I would rather forget.


You mind, uh, speeding
it up a little, Michael?!

You know, the sky is literally falling!

Not helping me, Chicken Little!

But you know what would?

Keep it from crushing us, please!

All we need now is for Maria
to get your console in place.

I think we might be free and clear.


Never underestimate the
power of a tech empire.


MAN: Step out of the car. Come on.


And to think,

Liz looked up to you.

You might think I'm a monster,

but you can't begin to
comprehend what it's like

to watch your child die.

Given the choice, your
mother would do the same.

Wrong. My mother knew
that, even in death,

we have lessons to learn.

This console is not going to
help you get what you want.

I respectfully disagree.

MARIA: Looks like you fell for
the classic bait and switch.


Let's fuel this thing up.

♪ When I was young ♪

♪ She said, boy you better run ♪

♪ Better run, better run ♪

♪ When evil comes knockin' ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

- ♪ Everybody run ♪
- We did it!

We did it!

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ But one day I'm gonna rise... ♪





♪ Oh... ♪

♪ Comin' back from the dead ♪

We're going home!

♪ Comin' out of the trenches... ♪

Not all of us.

♪ Leavin' me for dead, I'm comin' back ♪

♪ From the dead ♪




Sorry, those were getting uncomfortable.

Well, then you're really not gonna like

what my fist does to your face.


Is that all you got?

How are you so strong?

Liz Ortecho.

Her mist allowed my new
best friend to do more

than give me just the key to
getting through this portal.

You know, there's trace
DNA in your blood, Bonnie.

From everyone you've ever kissed.

And by harnessing those
dormant strands of DNA,

she did more than restore my powers.

She gave me every
power you've ever taken.

And that was just a bonus.

'Cause the only power I
really wanted was yours, clone.

- Summon the blue flame, Max!
- I can't! It's too dangerous!

And he's not?!

Well, not today.

There's somewhere I got to be.


Last sh*t, Bonnie.

What do you say?

I'd rather die here with them.

Then enjoy your quick death.


It's closed.

Gonna need some help here, Sheriff!

I can't stop a collapsing dimension!

TEZCA: You can.

If you do as I taught you.


What are you doing here?

A good teacher never leaves
her student mid-lesson.

This world is dying, Max.

All it needs is for you to give it life.

Set aside your fear.

- Think about Liz.
- But I can't control it.

All it takes is a mindset.


♪ The darkness ♪

♪ Ah... ♪

♪ Surrounds the light ♪

I think I'm holding it!

♪ Ah... ♪

Eventually he has to let go!

And we are out of fuel!


- ♪ Ready to fight ♪
- I'm so sorry.

You were right.

I let my emotions cloud my thinking

and I ruined everything,
like I always do.

Do not talk about my
fiancé like that, okay?

- Your plan worked.
- No.

Yes. You made fuel to get us home.

It doesn't matter.

We are all going to die here, Alex!

Listen to me.

I should've never refused
to marry you, okay?

Because all I've ever
wanted my entire life

- was to make you happy.
- ♪ Who will rise? ♪

And I wanted to build a home together.

Hey. Hey.

Hey, hey. Look at me.

I mean this with all
the love in the world...

stop whining.

You made the right
decision not marrying me

in this interdimensional prison.


All you showed today...

[COUGHS] was a passion
to keep hope alive,

no matter how impossible it might seem.

If I could have...

I would've been fighting right
by your side the whole time.

The console doesn't run on hope.

Well, make it.

There's got to be some
spark left in six aliens.

Make it.

♪ It's gonna find you ♪


I need you to meld Aquaman
with your budding telekinesis.

You need to pull that fuel
back out of the ground.

I-I've never done that before.

Welcome to the th hour.

But the ground where the
fuel landed is already gone.

Max can rebuild it.

I can barely hold the storm in place!

You can! This is not how our story ends!

Just think about seeing Liz again!


You're up, Dallas.


♪ Who will stand? ♪

♪ Who will fall? ♪

- ♪ Who will rise? ♪
- BONNIE: It's open!

We can go home!

Come on!

- ♪ This is savage ♪

♪ This is primal ♪

You have the same mark as Clyde!

Why did you come?! You can't leave!

My student needed me.

I'm not going.

I'm gonna find a way
to get you out of here.

There's no way. Theo made sure of it.

So I, I put you in danger again.

- I, I wanted to help.
- It wasn't up to you to redeem me,

but you did it anyway.

I-I couldn't save those I was
supposed to in a prior life.

Thank you for letting
me save their children.

- No.
- MAX: Iz, we got to go!

Max is going to need the
fiercest warrior by his side.

- No.
- And that is still you.

♪ Ah... ♪

It's an impossible decision.

That you are strong enough to make.

- Now go.
- I can't hold it anymore, Isobel.



We got to go now!

♪ Ooh... ♪


♪ Ooh... ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh... ♪



♪ Who will stand? ♪

♪ Who will fall? ♪

♪ Who will rise? ♪

♪ Who will answer the call? ♪

You made it. Just in time.

Can't say I wasn't a bit surprised
when these folks stumbled through,

but now we're all here.

Who wants to bend to me first?

♪ This is survival. ♪