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07x03 - The Best Defense

Posted: 09/10/22 14:58
by bunniefuu
[Siren wailing
in the distance]


Howard, I'm sorry.

They're recommending demotion.

Oh, god.

That was a clean sh**t, frank.

I know that.

I walked into a store
that was being robbed.

The perpetrator
turned his w*apon on me.

Judas-- what in heaven's name
was I supposed to do?

Your load wasn't

The w*apon wasn't

He was 14 with no priors.

The entry wound was in his side.


Sergeant hunter.

Howard, can I try out
an idea on you?


Gentlemen-- and ladies.

Good morning.

I announce
reshuffling in our ranks.

Stanislaus jablonski,
roll call sergeant,

Is now on the voluntary
retirement list for reasons
of health.

And I henceforth
am sergeant hunter.

[All exclaim]

Oh, lord, you got to
fight this, lieutenant!

Grateful as I am
for the sentiment expressed
in andrew's exhortation,

I won't allow myself
to be ensnared

In the web of bureaucratic
reviews or board of appeals.

As I have done
for the last 14 years,

I'm going to go
about the business of being
a law enforcement officer

As it is given me
to perform the task.

Item 1--

Because if we're asking
officers to use discretion
in the street,

I want veterans
making the calls.

Look, if you have any pull
with councilman wisnewski,

I suggest you use it, because
this is gonna get bad fast.


- Hi.
- Hi.

Strike settled?

Dropping off case files
for the lawyers who replace us.

Sidney lefcourt
called me this morning.

Said the bar association
contacted him, asked if he
wanted to do some p.d. Work.

He's a negligence attorney.

Sidney lefcourt senior.

[Knock on doorframe]

We're meeting with the city
council negotiators today.

Any progress on those
senior citizen assaults?

Have I told you
I favor settlement?

They've gotta
give the jobs back.

Items related
to the current
despicable job action

Carried on by
the city's public defenders.

The usual motor patrol pairings
will instead take foot patrol
in their assigned sectors.

Oh, my aching bunions.

Listen up, listen up.

Until the strike is resolved,

Motor patrol units
will be manned by
transferees from division.

To you newcomers, welcome.

Your assignments are posted
on the board upstairs.

That's just to the left
of the landing.

Keep saying it, neal.

Keep telling me it isn't fate.

It isn't fate.

It's fate.

It's division, babe.

All right, item last--
to all officers.

Division's issued
this directive.

"Because of the ongoing
public defender strike,

At 6:00 this morning, detainees
arrested in the past 48 hours
for relatively minor offenses

And not yet charged
or arraigned
have been released."


All right, listen up,
there's more.

"Consonant with this policy,
because of the difficulty
of securing representation

For the indigent offenders,

Until settlement of the strike,

Officers will exercise
prudence in making
discretionary arrests."

[Grumbling and exclamations]

A pop is either right
or it's wrong.

[All concur loudly]

I, I couldn't
agree with you more,

And yet it remains for us
to do our jobs.

With whatever difficulty
or however unfairly burdened
or charged or unacknowledged

Or even held in disrepute
by those we serve,

We sought our duty freely.

Let us perform it to the best
of our abilities and with pride.

I'm looking forward
to serving with you.


I got to walk all day.

All day I got to walk.

Hey, hey, hey,
slow down, lover.

She didn't exactly
dig your act yesterday.

You gotta learn
to hear below the words.

Uh, what do you say--

We submit this to the second
chance for happiness book club?

Break your arm.

She's weakening.


[Door rumbles open]

we have a 9-11,
armed robbery in progress.

See surplus store,

Corner peebles drive,
north 24th street.

[Sirens wailing]



Sergeant, how about I work
the squad room with you
this morning?

Oh, I am grateful for the
thought, sergeant bates,

But I believe
that you're best assigned

the division transferees
in the motor patrol.

You're right.

Russo-- who's russo?



Patrick flaherty, unit 6.

And 6 is my lucky number.

Well, it better be,
because that car is a real b*mb.

Patrick flaherty, sergeant.

How you doing?

Tina russo.

Tina, how are you?

What do you say you get
some company today, hmm?

Patrick flaherty
from the heights?

Used to ride
with andy schuler?

That's right.

Remember it.

I don't want you
talking to me, kid.

You got it.

Let's go.

Yo, howard!

I heard you're the man
this morning.

You look good in blue.

I mean that.

Jesus, we are in the middle
of a crisis situation.

The cavalry has arrived,

Cut a deal with the city
to supply lawyers
for your indigents in custody.

Meet my boys.

Heaven help the indigents.

I wouldn't count on it, howie.

It hasn't happened yet.

Interrogation is that way.

Geez, where's the bathroom?

It's on the way, cy,
it's on the way.

Can you make it?

We're almost there.

You know, cy's stomach
is not working too well.

He's got one of those bags.

But his noodle is class "a".

Come on in, cy, come on in.

You ever think
of using perfume, cy?

For reasons we'll get to,
I wanted to give you
your assignments this morning.

Henry, you--

You're seeing chief daniels
on a black tar taskforce.

Trying to get a budget
allocation over two figures.

Norman, when they opened
the cells this morning because
of the p.d.'S job action,

Three class-a felons got
released among the non-a perps.

I'll pick 'em up.

- Uniformed backups
as appropriate.
- Yeah.

For all of you, s.i.d.
Turned up evidence overnight

Linking the levinson m*rder
with the earlier rob/assaults

Of the elderly
over on michigan avenue.

Neal, j.d., Interview possible
witnesses in the stationhouse.

Maybe they can help each other
with the recollections.

Mick, authorization
finally came through.

You can start
your undercover
at the puleo bakery.

Counter man's your contact.

Howard hunter's
been demoted to sergeant.

Department's got nothing
but guts, huh, captain?

I have appointed howard
sergeant of the watch.

After today he'll be
giving you your assignments.

It's gonna be a tough adjustment
for him across the board.

Maybe the toughest part's
gonna be working with officers

Who used to be his equals
in rank and who are now
his superiors.

No one will
rub his nose in it, captain.

Well, I know each of you will
do everything you can to help
him make this transition.

Good shift.

If I was hunter,
I'd tell 'em all to kiss my--

Stan jablonski's on 2, captain.

Thanks, howard.

Stan, how are you?

They got me
all drugged up, captain.

Can't feel a thing.

And can you beat it?

I came in for tests and they're
putt'ing me under the knife.

Oh, I'm sure
it'll turn out all right.

So, uh, how's it going?

Uh, okay.

Is there anything
I can do for you, stan?

Yeah, have somebody
sneak me in a kielbasa.

The food here is the worst.

Oh, gotta go now.

Looks like it's time.

So long, stan.

Good luck.

Yeah, so long, captain.


Why aren't I on
the old people's investigation?

- It's shoe leather.
- I want it.

Mick, it took us a month to get
permission from that bakery
owner for your stakeout.

I'm not being punished
for yelling at your wife, am i?

That's outta line.

But am I right?

I think you were overinvolved.

I don't want you
making mistakes.

While larue and washington are
bringing in possible witnesses
from last night's homicides,

I'd suggest we run down m.o.s
on fences for stolen checks.

I'd start with stores
closest to the post office.

Keep neal and j.d. Posted.

Thank you.

when I proposed
a 30% cutback in p.d. Staff,

I was out to make a point.

Less money for mollycoddling
criminals and more money
for jails.

We didn't come down here to
listen to you make a speech,

And I didn't come here
to make one either.

It's our understanding
that the city council
held a midnight caucus.

That's true.

We had a long,
difficult evening.

Aw, you're breaking
our hearts here.

You know, you are
out of line, young man.

Would you allow
the councilman to speak?

That's all he ever does,
but he never says anything.

That's enough, danny.

All right, look.

Nobody is trying to be
unreasonable here.

We understand that you people
have legitimate job concerns,

And if our first proposal
was too harsh,

There's no reason
that has to be written in stone.

Ah, translation from english:
iggy's plan has backfired.

Public opinion
is with the p.d.s.

Shorts getting
a little tight, iggy?

There's no dealing
with these people!

They've got
a hooligan in charge.

Goodbye, civilization.

That was helpful.

Yo, jerry.


Put that away.

All done, honey.

Guy's been all done
for 20 years.

Hey, sarge,
I heard the captain's wife
is leading the p.d. Strike.

Is that right?

Oh, she's head of some committee
or something, I don't know.

You met the captain yet,
you guys?

Not really.

You're gonna like him.

So, tina, I hear that you
already know detective larue.

we met.

Patrick, you and detective buntz
go back to the heights together?

I don't know detective buntz.

Let's get clear on this
discretion making arrests.

Now, we see an a-type felony,
that's it, no questions,
we take the perp in.

Anything else,
I mean anything else,

We bang the pots
and pans together,

We make a lot of noise,

Then we find some reason
not to make the collar.

How long do you think
we can keep that up, sarge?

As long as the p.d.
Strike lasts.

Yeah, but how long
can we keep it up before
the perps figure the play?

Knowing we ain't making any
arrests, they start thieving
whatever isn't tied down.

Well, I guess we're gonna
have to find that out.

- Russo?
- Hmm?

Spot quiz.

If it's m*rder, what do we do?

Uh, close call
but I think we take 'em in.

- Arson.
- A pop.

What about kicking?

That would depend
where the kick was aimed.

Was it a drunk just doing
a lazy kick at a pal--

Which in case I would
personally use discretion--

Or on the other hand, what if
it was in the genital area?


Has he been like this
a long time?

I just met the officer.

furthermore, it is not our job
to be pounding the pavement

At this advanced stage
of our seniority.

Renko, that's a part of it.

And if I happen to see a p.d.,

I am gonna do bodily harm

Police, hey, come here,
come here.

Oh, lord, what is this now?

This guy here,
he's got my bananas,
sticking them in his ear.

He's a nut!

Come on,
if you can't get through,

Get me somebody who can,

Or at least, at least get me
a transmitter that works.

Hey, mister,
why are you doing this?

I'll turn it around on you.

What would you do
if you had
been held prisoner

On the gravity shelf
for almost 18 months?

Tortured night and day
by the laser squad.

The man's got a point.

Sir, we had no idea
you'd been held there that long.

I don't believe this--
bust him!

I'm sorry, sir, but due to
circumstances we did not create,
we can't do it right now.

I understand what you mean.

I was lost out there fuseless
in that barren waste,

My shield smashed
into fragments.

Where is this
gravity shelf, sir?

Oh, forget about it,
forget about it.

Don't ever go there.

You wouldn't last a minute.

Sir, excuse me,
how much will two bucks buy?

- Three bunches.
- Three bunches.

Sir, I have a suggestion.

Why don't we take a walk
around the corner

And we can continue this battle?

And they're tastier
if you put 'em in your mouth.

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.

Oh, good.


[Shop bell rings]

[Cash register rings]

Thanks very much.

What can I get ya?

Uh, I wanna cash a check.

Guy I knew up in harrisonville
said maybe you could
help me out.

Florence zinowitz.

Is that you--
florence zinowitz?

You wanna do business or not?

House gets 60%.


Get outta here.

Hey, that's the going rate
for this kind of paper.

I got risks too, you know.

Take it or leave it.


[Tapping calculator]


20, 40, 60, 80, One,
20, 30, five-- 136, that's it.

Not quite, toe jam.

You're under arrest.

hey, man, what is
the matter with you?

[Siren whoops]
can't you see
where you're going?

[Man 2]
how come you stopped your car
in the middle of the street?

[Man 1]
are you blind?

[Man 2]
hell no, I'm not blind.

If your brake lights worked--

Yo, yo, hang on, buddy.

[Men shouting]

All right, that's it, we're
gonna settle this right here.

Now, what happened?

I'll tell you what happened!

I stopped and this turkey
rammed me in my backside--

[Man and woman arguing]

Hey, back up, shut up-- go!

All right, that's it.

I want license, registration
and insurance cards

From both of you now.

- Insurance?
- Yeah.

With an automobile like this,
you don't need insurance.

Oh, that's perfect, man,
that's perfect!

You don't have no insurance?


He don't have no insurance,
arrest him!

He don't have no insurance--
you're going to jail, buddy.

No one is going to jail today.

That's not gonna happen.

I want you to exchange names
and numbers and that's it.

- And they call
this justice?
- That's right.

Oh, no, I'll show you justice!

I'll show you justice!

Hey, where you going?

I got his number.

I got it.

I can't figure it out.

The guy with insurance
takes off.


I'll tell ya, about 60%
of everything up here--

Well, then, I believe
I should be on-- my way.

Hold it.

I want that caddy
to have insurance

Or I want it up on blocks,
you got that?

Yes, sergeant ma'am.

[Tires squealing, woman screams]

What the hell?

Couldn't see your brake lights.

Well, check it out.

What you gonna do about that?

Is it discretion, sergeant?



Under arrest.

Pushed it just too far,
didn't you, huh?

What kind of
pressing business was it,

A sudden opening to have
his teeth cleaned?

Did he say when he
wanted to reschedule?

Look, tell chief daniels
I'm a big boy.

If he doesn't wanna
allocate funds for black tar,

That's his prerogative,
but what I don't want

Is to be jerked around until
he decides to tell me that.

Great-- we'll reschedule.

I'll be looking forward
to your call.

yo, I could use
some more bodies over here.

Take pearlstein
from the heights

And send me lane
and fitzsimmons
from the polk a.s.a.p.


This is classic!

Provoke a man beyond toleration

And then persecute him for
protecting his own interests!

vehicular as*ault.

2-17, Roger-- hang on.

How you doing, howard?

Uh, holding down the fort,

Your name, sir?

Eli arnold, victim!

Eli arnold, victim.

First felon, captain.

Attaboy, norm.

I checked with county, captain.

Sergeant jablonski's still in
the operating room.

Thank you.

Tuesday, tuesday!

You just said monday,
mr. Gidwitz.

Was it monday?

Monday or tuesday, irma?

It was the day--

We got a big shot
at catching these guys--


Getting nowhere fast, captain.

Most of these folks,
they didn't see anything.

Those that did, they can't
remember what it was.

Let's try them in a group.

- Hey, lieutenant?
- Yeah, norm?

- You busy?
- Can't you tell?

You know carlos gomez, right?

Muscleman in
echevarria's outfit.

We put him away two days ago,
m*rder one.

Yeah, well, he's one of the guys
they let out last night.

You're kidding.

You know where he hangs?

Let's go.

so, you got two priors pending,

Both for receiving and
selling stolen property,

Plus we found checks from
the guy's other as*ault victims
in your cash register.

How does accessory to m*rder
sound to you?

Hey, come on.

relax, bro.

Detective belker's been watching
too many reruns of deputy dawg.

They ain't got a case,
right, cy?

Well, I'll have to bone up
on the specific caseload.

What, everything anybody says,
he's gotta bone up on it.

[Cy groans]

What's the matter?

Is it the bag, cy?

Oh, no, that's okay, I'm
all right, I'm fine, I'm fine.

What was the question?

Is he hanging tough or what?

The man's a bull!

Look, I was in the middle
of chapter 11.

My other p.d. Was putting
together a package on
my other two priors,

Plus I got this federal rap
for dealing with government

If I roll on this,
she's who puts it together.

What's her name?


She's on strike.

He can do this for you.


I got a name for ya,
but she's gotta do the deal.

You listen to me.

That name you got belongs
to a guy who's k*lling people,

And if you don't give us
that name before he kills
somebody else,

It's gonna be 20 years before
you ever fence another check.

So get me my lawyer.

You got a lawyer!

Pretty close to
intimidating a client, cy.

Don't worry--
I ain't intimidated.

Some people take any latitude
you give 'em for weakness.

Well, those people you don't
giv'e any latitude to.

Can we resume, folks?

Uh, councilman?


Before the shouting
started this morning,

I had the feeling that
there was negotiating room
in the council's position.

Let me tell you something, miss.

Nobody is gonna go out on a limb

As long as your friend
mr. Santana is sitting out there

With his trusty little saw.

But you were going to offer
a new proposal.

- Look, no one likes--
- what terms?

Well, first of all,
you might have been able
to get your jobs back.

And without being punished
for going out.

But not, see, if it's just
gonna be a foot in the door

So that he can ask
for 50 things
more and just to embarrass me.

Rump negotiating
session out here?

What's going on, joyce?

Uh, the councilman's
proposed restoring the jobs

And no reprisals
for the strike.

It is just a possibility.

We are discussing it.

Well, I think
we can do better.

I think we should take it
back to the membership, danny.


Joyce, why do you think
they're backing down?

I think we should
take it back.

Uh, offer's official?

You won't lie
and deny you made it?

You know, you are
a lousy little punk!

Ignatz, ignatz.

Take it to your membership.

Miss davenport?

Excuse me.

Um, I got a situation
at the precinct.

Uh, don't you people learn?

She's on strike.

You wouldn't have to be
a lawyer.


It'll have to be fast.

Thank you.

I'll be seeing you.

see a human detonate himself,
ladies and gentlemen!

In exchange for your
generous contributions,

Professor expl*si*n will
blow himself to smithereens
before your very eyes.

Where you been?

That guy's been going at it
for over an hour.

Nobody's coming into my store.

We know, lady,
we're gonna take it.

Now, you take the crowd,
I'm gonna take the talker.

Okay, let's move it along,
folks, come on.

Come on.

Any donations, any amount.

Hey, come on, let the guy
rock and roll, huh?

- Come on, move it back.
- Don't push on me.

He'll be gone any minute now.

Sir, you're blocking
the sidewalk,

It's a public place--


Burst eardrum in 1954,
the great tallahassee blow.

You're blocking the sidewalk.

You have to leave.

As soon as he raises the money,

Professor expl*si*n
will surround himself

With 20 pounds of
20 pounds!

Hey, my wallet.

Hey, you got my wallet, sucker.

- No way, man.
- Give me my wallet.

He's got a knife!

Take it, man.

You didn't have to be
like that.

You're under arrest.

You have the right
to remain silent.

I'll get a paramedic!

this is not the right
day for you, ding-dong,

So you gotta get outta here.

I want you to know
I never saw that unfortunate
man in my life!

I'm not a mere stall
for pickpockets.

I'm an artist!

Come on, man!

Short and sweet, mr. Flowers.

I along with the other
public defenders am on strike.

Whatever happened
to neither rain nor snow nor--

That's the postal service.

The point is--

No, the point is these people
want a name of a guy I possibly
cashed a check for.

Seems maybe he croaked
a couple of old folks.

Now, I figure we are crazy
not to fold my federal beef
into the same package.

I am not giving you
legal advice.

But mr. Domarecki here
can fold in those agreements

On your outstanding charges
with the federal prosecutor
just as well as I can.

I brought the pertinent files.

Well, I'll have to--

Bone up on those, right.


Now, how did I know
he was gonna say that?

Do you wanna know what I say?


No way.

Miss davenport, couldn't you
call this federal guy?

I've done everything
that I can, detective.

Have mr. Domarecki--

Mr. Domarecki can't walk
and chew gum at the same time.

Detective, I came here instead
of going directly to report
a new offer to the membership.

I recommended to mr. Flowers
that he accept new counsel.

Now I'm asking you
to do one more thing.

If I phone
the federal prosecutor,

I'm acting as flowers' attorney
and I will not do that.

Please excuse me.

- Come on!
- Hands off me, man!


Oh, judas-- raymond,
will you ice another one,

Listen, sergeant,
we are so undermanned

That I'm gonna have to turn you
right around and send you
back out again.

Eighth and piedmont, man is--
is gonna explode himself?

I can't believe it.

Neal, j.d., Mick's perp
continues his refusal
to cooperate.

I wanna use a search warrant
on his store.

Maybe there's a diary, a list,
something with a name
pinned to it

That might give us
whoever he was buying
his stolen checks from.

You got it, captain.


You're the arresting officer.

I'll need you in court.


[Drumming on the dashboard]

Hey, let me guess.

Gene krupa?


I just keep thinking
about daniels

Giving me the runaround
on that black tar taskforce.

I sent my proposal three
and a half months ago
on this thing.

I stopped counting
at the eighth
broken appointment.

Hard to figure that stuff'd be
such high priority, lieutenant.

It's cheaper than regular smack,
junkies don't have to rob
as much to stay high.

Plus more of them o.d.,
Right, norm?

Policeman's helper.

If we had a taskforce,
we could nail major dealers
like echevarria.

Instead we're tailing
his flunky to get a guy
we already had in custody.

Yeah, well, que sera, sera.

Check it out.

Your day, norm.

Guy in the doorway's gomez.

if that greaseball

Leaves the chick in the red
dress sitting in the car,

I'm gonna go up
and slash his tires.

Wait a second.

There she-- ooh-hoo,
come on, baby, shake it, mama.

you know, they say
the place upstairs

Is where echevarria stashes,

But his attorney had 'em
renovate the building,

So there's no legal address.

Hey, whoa, wait, wait.

What do you say, lieutenant?

Want to start our own taskforce?

What do you mean?

That's supposed to be
echevarria's stash pad, right?

- That's the information.
- All right.

So first we pop zorro there,
then we head upstairs
for fun and games, huh?

No warrant.

Lieutenant-- you want
the good cops medallion

Or you want to put some crabs
in echevarria's jockey shorts,

- Let's go.
- Let's go.

[Jamaican accent]
hey, mon!

Hey, mon--

Forget it.

Hey, mon, can you help me?

I just got here
from jamaica today, mon.

I brought my family fortune
with me-- see here?

Lame hustle, bad rug.

Go on, beat it, calypso.

In your ear, man!

Mr. Gomez, police--
you're busted.

Hey, you can't do that!

Can't, huh?

You know,
part of the taskforce
job is education,

Right, lieutenant?

See you upstairs.


You got three to open up!

[Toilet flushing]


yeah, just a minute!

Hey, hold your horses,
all right?


You got one more,

relax, all right,
we're going--


Yeah, yeah.

Where's the warrant?

present the man
with his warrant.

I thought you had
the warrant, detective.

Oh, no, we must have made
a mistake then, huh?

And all that dope flushed
down the tubes too.

You are very stupid
if you think
you've accomplished anything.

Well, now, we just thought
you might like to say adios
to gomez here.

He's going away for a while.

Maybe you'll see him soon.

You have a nice day now,
you hear? [Kisses]

Come on, let's go.

[Siren whooping]

[Professor expl*si*n]
you're about to see a man

Stare into the jaws
of molecular--

[Renko on p.a.]
All right, professor,
put the dynamite down,

Nice and easy.

Fruitcake with dynamite,

All right, professor, unhook
yourself from that dynamite,

Give us a chance to get
organized over here please.

It will amaze you!

It will delight you!

Now, professor,
you really don't wanna
blow yourself up now, do you?

It's a living.

put down the dynamite.

Oh, I can't.

I can't disappoint my public!

They expect detonation!

they're not gonna get it.

Now, professor,
you're endangering the lives
of innocent people--

No, never!

The professor knows all there
is to know about force vectors,
thermodynamic venting.

I was blowing myself up
when you were in diapers!

We're not gonna let you do it.

You know, I don't think
this man is exactly
from this here planet.

Too risky to try
a sn*per, sarge?

Not with that detonator
in his hand.

Sarge, if this guy's
doing it for the money,

Maybe we could pay him more
to call it off.

Good idea.

Yeah, who's gonna make
the delivery?

Hell, I will.

This guy is harmless.

Come on, come on,
fork some money over.

You know, I don't think
this is the firmest investment
I ever made.

One minute,
ladies and gentlemen!

[Crowd cheering]

One minute,
ladies and gentlemen!

One minute!

One... Minute!

Officer coming through.

Hey, flaherty, be careful out
there, the guy's a real whacko.

Hey, this guy's an entrepreneur.


Yo, professor.

Stay back.

I cannot guarantee
the safety of interlopers.

we got some money
here for you

If you'll just put this thing
off till tomorrow.


How much?

Oh, I don't know,
we got about a hundred dollars.

Well, drop it in.

You gotta cut this out now.

Are you doubting my word?

I'll come out.

Drop it in, I promise.

Okay now, let's go, professor.

There's less than $50 here!

Hey, what do you want,
we gave you--

10... 9...

Get out of there,
get out of there, flaherty!



Oh, come on, professor.


Flaherty, come on,
come on, come on.

6... 5...

What are you,
a psychiatrist or something?




See, I told ya.

Nice plan... Nice plan.




And what about
a humane pay scale?

Cost-of-living adjustments?

Decent medical coverage?

Are any of these things
unreasonable, huh?


Well, then, let's get them.

The city is on its knees.

Let's take our best shot.

Vote to keep the strike alive.

[Scattered applause]


We went on strike
because the city

Made it impossible
for us to give our clients
adequate representation.

Under this proposal,
the jobs would be restored.

You like handling
a caseload of 300?

Let her talk.

In answer to miss green,
no, I don't.

But to prolong this strike
to get additional concessions

Discredits our integrity.

And while we fight on,
people who are homeless,
unjustly accused of crimes,

Helpless people--
will continue to suffer.

We got what we asked for

And I am voting to end
this strike and go back to work.

hear, hear.

And I urge you to do the same.

[Scattered applause]

All right, people.

Time to vote.

[All talking]




They couldn't have counted
the votes that fast.

Come on, joyce.

You know you won.

You brought the sheep
back into the fold.

If you're saying prevailing
sentiment was for settlement,

I think you're right, but I
don't think it was my doing.

You really don't get it,
do you, joyce?

Every so often,
there's a window open.

Somehow the fat cats slip up
and the working stiffs
get a chance.

Danny, maybe it's
shortsighted of me,

But I don't see this as part
of some historical dialectic.

All I know is my work
is important to me,

And I want a chance to do it.

Well, if you thought that
a hundred percent,

You wouldn't have swung
on wachtel yesterday.

I guess I don't buy
anything 100%.

I'm going to court
in case we settle.

You want me
to drop you someplace?

Nah, I'm gonna wait inside.

I'll see if I can
jimmy the ballots.

I'll see ya.

give us a name here, paul.

You're pushing your luck.

Can you blame me?

Infrequent enough
a guy like me
gets a little leverage.

The trick is knowing
how to apply it, mr. Flowers.

Hey, fellas.

One moment, please, your honor.

Look, I want
those other charges dropped,

Those two other check things.

We're dropping our part of it.

You see, the federal charges
are not in their control.

The social security checks--

Butt out.

Look, she was dealing
with the federal prosecutor,

They were putting together
a package.

We have been unable to secure
federal agreement as of yet,
mr. Flowers,

But I promise you, giving the
police the name they're after

Will only help
your federal situation.

Look, I understand
you guys are in a hurry.

An addict is attacking
and k*lling old people.

But I gotta get
what I can outta this.

No name till I get
the whole deal.

Look at this,
everything's falling apart here.

Hey, look at this.

Federal prosecutor's
agreed to waive

In exchange
for your cooperation
with the city police.

There-- now, wasn't that easy?

Name, hairball.

Excuse me.

You and I have got
some outstanding business,
miss davenport.

Your honor,
I'm not representing
this client

In business
before the court.

Oh, please approach.

[Clears throat]

Your honor, I apologize
for my unprofessional conduct

At my last appearance
before the bench.

You hit me
with a hell of a right.

Mr. Flowers is my client in
several other proceedings,
your honor.

We have just worked out
an agreement that would be
beneficial to all parties.

Regardless of my--

You see, I thought you were
playing games in my courtroom,
miss davenport.

I know you felt that way.

I assure you
that was not my intention.

I know I got, uh, provocative.

That was why.

I'm sorry I responded that way.

I've had the record revised
to grant recess when you
requested it yesterday.

Subsequent events are, um--
hmm, off the record.

I appreciate that, your honor.

That should square you
with the bar.

You guys back to work?

I hope so, your honor.

You know, joycie.

I look at you
and you are beautiful.

Hmm, you got a few bucks.

But I get the feeling
you're just visiting.

I have to live here.

I assure you, your honor,
that I'm no visitor.

This is my house too.


All right, step back.


The people waive prosecution,
your honor.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
dismissed. [Bangs gavel]

Go ahead.

Come on!

Joey summers.

Lives in the genesee hotel.

Okay, there you go.

There's one, there's two--
two for the price of one,
today only.

J.d., This ain't working, babe,
let's call it.

Patience, neal, patience.

Hey, this is wrong, man.

We only have
a warrant to search.

Don't say nothing about opening
up this place for business.

Hey, hey, check it out.


Hey, manny around, man?

Mm-mm, out sick.

When will he be back?

Why? Hey, you need something?

You know what the split is?

The usual.


I'll wait for manny.

Ay, yo, man!

Ay, you cheated me
out my share, man!

Hey, hey--

Uh-uh, uh-uh!

That ain't right,
that ain't right!

Now, I take all the risk
and then you gonna take me--

Hey, pal,
you wanna keep it down?

Uh-uh, I want
what's coming to me!

All right, hey,
you cool your jets, huh?

Now here, here's your lousy
50 bucks, huh?

Now take a hike.


60/40 Split, man,
and don't try to do me.

Abraham levinson.

Hey, that's the guy who got
k*lled last night, isn't it?

Don't move, my man-- police.

What he means--
is spread 'em.

Come on, stand up straight,
will ya, desi, huh?

You know, I got real excited
when I heard they cut you loose.

I love mistakes like that.

That means we get a second
chance to rearrange your chops.


You got his paper,

You know, uh, we'll be real
sure to tell your buddy

That you're not giving him up
in here.

I mean, you're not giving us
chapter and verse

Of every single
freakin' thing he does.



If I get real lucky, they'll cut
you loose again, you know?

Maybe we'll get to play
a sudden death overtime, huh?

Now, uh, don't steal
any bongos, all right?


Not enough people
remember desi for his music.

Oh, you don't like it, right?

I gotta admit it.

Lieutenant, I want my perp,
the minute he sets foot
on my turf, I want him scared.

That makes up for all
the legal mumbo-jumbo

They get the benefit of
later on.

You mean that mumbo-jumbo
about representation,

The right to confront
one's accuser, like that.

Booking's an important part in
a criminal's journey through
the legal system, you know?

And it helps us
maximize the benefits

Of our
law enforcement dollars.


Well, maybe you're right, norm.

I don't see me getting
my taskforce.

How about a cold, frosty lager?

Twist my arm.

You mean that?

Am I understanding this right?

You go into the fence's hardware
store on a warrant to search

And then instead of searching,
you open up for business?

What belker's trying
to say, neal, is,
"guys, thanks for helping.

Thanks for popping
joey summers."

What if he claims
entrapment, john?

No way.

Dude came to us, mick.

He was ready to do business.

I'm telling you guys,
a sharp attorney--

Will you give it
a rest, mick?

The case makes.

It can unmake.

They can say the bust

Was proceeds of
a misapplied warrant.

Young clarence darrow.

Two minutes off a picket line,
I'm hip deep in felons.

They got your signature
on that dead guy's check?

Guess I shoulda signed it

That was a weak stall
at that store, man.

Looked like you bought it,

All right, look,
I'll look over this stuff

When I get the chance.

Top of my head,
we plead what they give us.

Take him to holding.

Busy as the p.d.s are, mick,
I think we're gonna be okay.

Now will you relax?




What did you think?

I had duties
and I performed them.

Well, you have
a choice here, howard.

Tell me if you like the job.

It was hardly my choice
to be demoted, captain.

But-- if I'm to be a sergeant,

This is the sergeant
I'd like to be.


Renko, would you please--

My feet hurt me so bad.

I wanna tell you something.

I'm never gonna permit myself

To get put on foot patrol again.

I think walking a beat
put you back in touch
with the precinct,

Though it does have
its downside.

Renko, just-- what?

What do you think of him?


Yeah, I mean, he showed me
some intestinal fortitude

Facing up to that professor
today with all that dynamite
strapped to his body.

But still--

Renko, she's got to ride
with someone.

Yeah, I suppose.




Excuse my fingers.

[Both laugh]


Patrick, uh--

Maybe this is--

The wrong time.

I should wait.

Sergeant, proceed.

It's about professor expl*si*n.


About your idea.

My brilliant idea.


Which backfired.

Even if it hadn't,
you were wrong.

I mean, you should
never have tried that.

I figured I'd take a shot.

Yeah, but patrick,
procedure is

The b*mb squad
does the business.

Uniforms provide backup
and deal with the safety
of the crowds.

That's it.

b*mb squad wasn't doing nothing.

The b*mb squad
was getting ready
to do something.

Sorry, forgive
the office lecture after hours.

Well, why didn't you tell me
at the time?

I really haven't figured
that out yet.

I-- I guess I just got
caught up in watching you.



Welcome to the hill.

[Glasses clink]

[Music playing in background]

Ed andrews says
you gave quite a speech.

I think I made an enemy
out of danny santana.

Danny santana
is his own enemy.

He talked to me
after we had voted to go back.

He said that I had cost us
a chance to change
how we do our jobs.

There's a kind of guy
who doesn't want solutions,
you know.

He just wants to keep
the pot boiling.

I ain't one of them.

Hope you're not
sick of this hotel.

Actually, I couldn't believe it

When you said you had made
a dinner reservation here
of all places.

How do you feel
about room 317?

[Monitor beeping]

look, an angel.

Hi, sarge.

I came through, huh?

You came through.

I guess that's good.


How ya feeling, stan?

Okay, unless I'm hallucinating.

Doctor said you made it
through the tough part.

He said you're gonna be fine.

No kidding.

He's gonna be in here
in a second.

Ask him yourself.

Mouth feels like it's
full of cotton.

Here, take a sip of this.

Oh, that's good.


I'm alive.


I'm alive.


