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07x07 - Amazing Grace

Posted: 09/10/22 15:06
by bunniefuu
good morning.

Maybe I should go on

The don chesler show
more often.

That could be arranged.

Item six, a memo
from division,

Since the new copy machines
have been installed,

Printing costs
from all precincts

Have risen over 300%.

Starting noon today,
the copier will accept

Only those documents that
have been stamped

With a police
identification code.

Furthermore, the department
will absorb

The cost of four,
and only four, reprints.

Any number over four,
and it's your nickel.

Hey, sarge!

Sergeant, are you aware
that the d.a.'S office

Is asking for five copies
of all arrest reports?

Which is
why god invented

Carbon paper,

Oh, good.

assignments, people.

Lieutenant buntz continues
undercover investigation

Of those durable vermin,
our local shylocks.

Plus, officer russo
and jackson

Assist division
in arresting

Dominic donatelli
and other key figures

In their liquor racketeering

Good bust.

And detective belker
establishes undercover

At pep and trident's
fish world,

That's 87th and drexel.

We understand that
they are distributing

Something more than
finny little creatures

From the sea, namely, dr*gs
of a recreational nature.

And for today's sweep of
the van buren corridor,

All designated
units coordinate

With lieutenant goldblume
at your pre-assigned

Rendezvous points,
that's 1100 hours.

Item last, in case
you haven't seen it,

Retired sgt. Stanislaus

Beaming face graces
the front page

Of our morning tabloid.

[Officers applauding
and cheering]

A shining
example to us all

That good policemen
that never retire,

They just go
on standby duty.

All right, let's
get out there

And serve and protect.


[Overlapping chatter]

[Gavel striking]

Allow me to apologize to my
fellow subcommittee members

For dragging you
away from your beds

Before the cock crows.

But captain furillo's
hectic schedule

Prevented our meeting
at a more civil hour.

It's hard for
me to take time

Away from my job,

I'm not sure why

You even called
this hearing.

Then let me
tell you, captain.

The sale and distribution
of the highly addictive

And dangerous form of
cocaine, known as cr*ck,

Has increased in your
precinct by 48 percent,

And that's a
conservative estimate.

I want to know what you
people at hill street

Are doing about it.

you wanna know?

I'm here to tell you.


Come on,
hurry up, j.d.


[Copier running]


I'm sorry, patrick,

I don't know
a sister chastity.

She said she knows me?


I meet this real nice nun,
and we get to talkin',

And she says she knows
you and the captain.

Sister chastity.

It doesn't ring a bell.

Hey, lieutenant,
I saw your interview

On the don chesler show
last night.

You did great.

Thanks, bobby.

He looks a little ragged,
doesn't he?

A little rag--
look at this!

What is this?

What in the world
is this?


Nobody I recognize.

Sister chastity,
don't look at that!

judas h. Priest.

It's grace gardner.

[Garage door opening]
[police siren]

we have a 911.

Armed robbery
in progress.

See surplus store,

Corner of peebles drive
and 124th street.


You look radiant,
grace-- sister.

thank you, frank.

Admittedly, it-- it looks
like a radical departure

From the outside,
but inside,

It feels as natural
as breathing.

I'm happy for you.

What's the name
of your order?

Saint cecilia.

We're located upstate.

It's a very small community,
but we're growing,

Reaching out, which is
why I'm here, frank.

I have persuaded
the mother superior

To establish a presence
in the most destitute

Part of this city.

You mean up here
on the hill?

You bet.

Can you think of
a place more in need

Of a rebirth of hope?

Oh, frank, I have
got such plans.

First, we're going
to establish

A youth counseling center,

Then move onto the family,
community groups,

Eventually a school.

I respect your
intentions, sister,

But, you know, the hill
is rougher than ever.

We're going to
bring joy and light

To the darkest corners
of this city.

Frank, I was
hoping you might make

One of your offices
a liaison to help me

Find a suitable site
for our center.

That's a good idea.

I've met an
officer flaherty.


Flaherty's pretty new
to the hill.

Well, if he's willing.

He will be.

Thank you, frank.

It's so good
to see you again.

Why, you may have made
some changes, sister,

But you're
determined as ever.


Good morning, howard.

Good morning, chief.

Hello, howard.



Long time.

I am so glad to hear
that you're carrying

Phil's staff forward.

He would
be so proud.

Thank you.


What have you been
doing with yourself?

I specifically told you
to cooperate with wade.

I presented all the
information he asked for.

You didn't appear responsive
to his recommendations.

His recommendations
were unrealistic.

I can't redeploy
all my men

To fight drug traffic.

Granted, frank,
but wade controls

The purse strings to
this department.

Councilman wade
is a demagogue,

Exploiting the problems
of this department.

For god's sake, frank,

Just throw the
man a bone!

I notice you
have a drug sweep

Set for this

Give wade the details.

Let him be there, make the
announcement afterwards,

Grab a little press.

I can't do that.

Undercover officers
have spent a week

Targeting specific dealers
in the van buren corridor.

I'm not about to
jeopardize that

By informing outsiders.

We don't operate
in a vacuum, frank.

One of these days,

You're gonne
realize that.

[Door closing]

Joey glover thought
he could rob

A city bus.

Instead, he got
a one-way ride

To the city jail,
thanks to retired

Police sgt.
Stanislaus jablonski.

How about that,

Thirty years
on the force,

Never got my name
in the paper.

Huh, retired
a few weeks,

There I am
on page one.

Maybe now--
hey, maybe now

You'll show me
some respect, huh?

[Phone rings]


Yeah, speaking.

No, no, I never
gave much thought

To security work.

No, I'm one cop who's
happy in retirement.


Dental coverage, too.

Well, um,
let me look

In my appointment
book, will ya?

you never let on

That you want

No, thursday's
no good for me.

How about wednesday?

Okay, okay,
wednesday at 10:00.


Ha ha!

how about that, huh?

How about that?

[Cement drilling outside]

Look, I make the money,

Captain trident's
getting his piece.

What's the problem?

is that we pay

To sell captain trident's
fish wares,

Not whatever
the hell this is.

What is this?

Ham hocks!
Now that's disgusting!

Let me tell
you something.

I tried selling your
damn fish cubes, hmm?

And almost went into
chapter 11, major!

I mean this whole place
almost went down the tubes

If it hadn't have
been for him,

This picasso
with a spatula.

I mean once he started
cooking his soul food,

Business took off.

Listen, horowitz,
captain trident doesn't give

Volume discount
on soul food.

Captain trident gives volume
discount on these.

And when you
got captain trident

To build you this place,
you agreed to sell these.

Now, in your kitchen
right now,

You've got ten
cartons of the cube,

And if you don't
start moving it,

We're gonna
shut you down

Faster than you can say
black-eyed peas!

Out, out, out!

take it easy.

It's not worth it.

God, he drives
me nuts.

Det. Michael belker,
hill street station.

Of course.

Can we sit down?


Mr. Horowitz,
we have a good tip

That someone is
distributing dr*gs

Through your restaurant.

We have
enough information

To close you
right now.

Ay yi yi.

[Car horn honking]

[Phone rings]

Art mains,
mr. Mcguire.

Mr. Mains,
have a seat.

Tony manfredi tells
me you wanna

Borrow a
couple of bucks.

Hey, if 5,000's
a couple of bucks,

God bless you.

You know what shared risk
means, mr. Mains?

Excuse me?

Say another fella puts
bread on the table

The same way I do,

Makes loans to
worthy applicants.

Now, suppose I take a piece
of that fella's commitments,

And he takes a
piece of mine.

That way,
if the borrower

Turns out to be a deadbeat,
he sniffs us out,

The exposure's
only 50%.

See, well,
I wouldn't do that.

That'd be called
share risk, mr. Mains.

You follow me?


Now, you wanna hear
a funny coincidence?


You're here to try and
borrow money from me,

And it turns out
you're already into me.

I took a piece of
that loan you made

Last week with
teddy falco.

You shared the risk?

I shared the risk,
that's right.

Are you tryin' to run
a game, mr. Mains?

Let me explain.

No, because if you're here
trying to take off peter

To tighten up paul,
you can forget about it,

Because peter and paul's
the same guy.

Mr. Falco.

What's going on?

Now, you wanna
be very careful

About the next thing
you say, mr. Mains.

You wanna be sure you
tell us the truth.

[Clearing throat]
look, mr. Falco,

I had a chance
to make a move.

I know I didn't have
enough collateral

To go back to you.

What kind of move?


Guy I know is--
he's in service.

He can, uh,
he can move

Six lids a week.

I swear to god,
I'm tellin' the truth.

What's your
product cost?

A quarter key of 80%
costs me nine grand.

How regular is
your buyer?

He can re-up
twice a month.

I mean, that's the reason
I took the sh*t, sir.

This could be a real
breakthrough for me.

Suppose we could put
you with a guy,

Moved same weight
and purity for 8,250?

What, are you kiddin' me?

I can make the whole
play in six hours

And get your money back,

Yet tonight,
I kiss your feet.

My figure'd be 40%.

Hey, money costs money,
I understand that.

Be back here at noon.

Mr. Falco,

The two of you are not
gonna regret this.

He was supposed
to be in position

Ten minutes ago,

Street was closed
down, lieutenant.

Give us a minute.

I mean,
tell me something,

What would you
do about it?

I don't know.

I mean, you just can't,
you know,

Call in the u.s. Air force
and have them nuke

The whole van buren
corridor and build it back up

In 50 years, now,
could you?


No, 'cause, you see,
these are human beings

We've been told-- I mean
their brains are fried.

It's like they've
got guava gel

In between their ears,
but they're human beings.

Right, renko,
they're all zombies,

And there's nothing that
we can do about it.

You know, did it
ever make you feel

Like you're one
of them guys

Who cleans up
at the circus?

There's a big ol'
pile of doo-doo-

I get the drift, renko.

The next day,
the elephants come back

And this big ol' pile
of doo-doo, you just--

I get it, okay?

all right,
people, one minute.

You got your
pooper-scooper, darlin'?

So after sam gardner d*ed,

Sister chastity had
a relationship

With sgt. Esterhaus.

Grace gardner had
the relationship

With sgt. Esterhaus.

That's what
I meant.

There's a bit
of difference.

Would you give
me a break?

I never met a nun who was
a person before, okay?

You ready to go?


all right, let's get
ready to do it.

Five, four, three,

Two, one, go.


You know, I don't
understand this at all.

There ain't nobody
around here.

Doesn't look
like anything.

Officer, excuse me.

Kelly martin,
action news.

Is this the drug sweep
that we've heard about?

And, if so, what action
can we expect?

Let me ask you
a question, lady,

Why are you here?

We were informed
of a sweep.

Who told you that?

I can't reveal
my source.

Shut that thing off.

- Shut the camera off!
- Excuse me.

Shut the camera off!

Get out of here.

Get out of
my face.


Ah, look it,
will you look at this?

What is this?

Councilman wade,
is this sweep

The result of the hearing
you had this morning

With capt. Furillo of
hill street station, sir?

I think it's safe
to say so, ed.

I only wish he'd use a
little more common sense

In the deployment
of his men.

Obviously, this is
the wrong time of day

For this kind
of sweep.

That's bull.

Reason the sweep
didn't work is cause

The media scared 'em off
before we got here.

hey, andy!

I got
the one down!

I'll get the kid!

Hold it now!

Hold it!


[Tires squealing]

He got away.

He's around the corner
there, somewhere.

All right,
we got to search!

What kind of
crap is this?

Come on!

Is it true that
you found dr*gs

And a pipe, lieutenant?

I can't comment
on that.

Any i.d.
On the boy?

Not at this moment,
excuse me.

Lost him,

Andy found
his car, though.

That'll give us something
to go on.

See your partner, andy.


radio dispatch]

Kid couldn't have been
more than ten years old.

okay, move 'em
out there.

what brings you here?

Oh, I got lunch
with lucy.

I'm a little early.

Busy day,
huh, sergeant?

Not as busy as
we could be.

Once again the
media's exercised

Its precious right
to interfere

With police operations.

- Yeah.
- Excuse me, stan.

please, I want
your address.

I ain't
no druggy, hoss.

I just want to
wet my whistle.

You don't want your
whistle broken,

You better stand--

[Vending machine rattling]
take it easy, patrick.

He didn't
tip the press.

Well, somebody did.

not our business.

- You all right?
- Fine.

I just need
a couple minutes.

Yeah, I feel bad about
the kid, too.

Two minutes, renko.

No use beatin' around
the bush, captain,

I had a job
offer this morning.

Security firm read about
me in the newspaper,

And, well,
they're awfully hot

To hire a seasoned

Well, they'd be lucky
to get you, stan.

Well, the point is,
captain, I'd--

I'd rather stay here.

Have you heard from the
police surgeon's office?

We've missed each other
three times.

I don't mean to
pressure you, captain.

I'll have an answer for you
this afternoon, okay?

Oh, thanks.

Thanks, captain.

Stan, nice work

Uh huh, can't keep a
good cop down, chief.

Good man.

- Chief.
- Councilman.

I brought
councilman wade here,

Away from the limelight,
so we could all

Calmly discuss
how to combat

This serious drug problem
we face together.

I thought the councilman and I
discussed that this morning.

And you said you were
doing all you could.

An hour ago,
you used 20 men

To make seven arrests--
you call that

An efficient
use of manpower?

This morning's sweep
was compromised

By a leak to the press,
something I don't suppose

Either one of you would
know anything about?

He has an infinite capacity
to shift the blame.

Gentlemen, let's not
dwell on the past.

That's right,
we have the m*rder

Of a ten-year-old
boy to deal with.

Any leads, frank?

You can speak freely in
front of the councilman.

We're looking for a suspect
who fled the scene.

We have the car
he was driving.

Hope to trace him
through that.

I want you to
keep the councilman

Apprised of any


The citizens of this city
are outraged, captain,

And I can't
blame them.

We need results
from our police,

Not excuses.

I think the councilman is
merely trying to emphasize

The seriousness
of the situation.


I look forward to your
cooperation, captain.

I'm sure that you can
count on it, councilman.

J.d., Thank god.

Excuse us for
a minute, will ya?

Tell me the
good news, rob,

You won the lottery, and you
wanna share it with me.

Peg's kicked me out.

I got home a little bit
late last night,

And all my clothes
were strewn out

On the front porch.

Good, put a sign,
have a rummage sale.

Oh, come on, j.d.,
You can't let me down now.

Watch me.

You and me, man,
we're family.

Not before lunch, rob.

John, john, we're talking
about your sister here.

Pardon me if I don't
see this tragedy

On a scale with
romeo and juliet.

She's thrown you
out before.

She always gives in.

No, no,
not this time.

Listen, man,
I pleaded with her.

I was down on my
hands and knees.

She didn't get that on
videotape, did she, rob?

John, john, this is
k*lling me.

I-- I hear
her voice.

I see her reflection
in ponds&


She's gonna hire
a wolverine

For an attorney, you're
gonna lose your shorts.

Look, I just
got a shipment

Of brand-new digital
disk players.


You're tryin' to get
me to sell out

My own
flesh and blood.

Come on, john.

She's gonna crucify
me in court.

Look, remember that
set of wheels

You were askin' about?

- You mean the cougar?
- Yeah.

The cherry cougar
with the mag wheels

And the twin headers?

Yeah, you talk to her,
you get this all straight,

And you're behind
the wheel, man.

This is asking
a lot, rob.

But I hate to see your
dream marriage go sour.

I'm gonna give it a sh*t.

Countin' on you, j.d.,
Countin' on you.

I need to talk
to you, captain.

In a minute, norm.

Neal, j.d.?

Yes, sir.

Registration come through
on that bmw from the sweep?

Just now, captain.

Marsha jones,
225 van buren.

- Top priority.
- We're on it, captain.

Whoa, whoa.

You talkin' about that beamer
out in the parking lot?

The one with
the wet bar, tv,

And digital
disc player?

Yeah, it looks like
it was being used

By a cr*ck dealer.

The kid could barely see up
over the steering wheel.

I can't believe it,
I hate that.

You wanted to
see me, norm?

it turns out the last

Shy on my list is
a pretty strong

Soda connection, captain.

Do you wanna postpone
tonight's bust?

May be able to
stay on schedule.

I'm meeting with the
supplier at noon.

are you telling me

That doesn't
get to you?



A wisenheimer little
punk like that

Driving a bmw?

It's a slap in the face
of the american dream.

Keep me posted.


So, how's it goin',

Breakin' in
the new kid?

Oh, yeah,
he's all right.

He's a good cop.

Nice lookin' fella.

If you like 'em tall,
dark, and handsome.

Is, uh,

Is he the
religious type?

Uh, stan, I think he's
being recruited.

So, you're supposed
to be tellin' me

What it's like to
be your own master.

I mean, go fishin' any
time you get the urge.

Can you keep a secret?


There's a good chance
I might be

Gettin' back
on the job.

- No kidding?
- Yeah.

The captain's
looking into it today.

That's great.

If that's what you want,
good luck, stan.

Me, I'd rather
go fishing.


Ah, excuse me
for a minute, lucy.

Don't go payin' the check
while I'm gone.

You're lapsed,
aren't you patrick?


You're catholic,
and you're lapsed

From the church.

What, were you lookin'
in my files, sister?

Your file's
on your face.

Uh, I stopped
when I was 12.

Stopped going to church,
you mean?

Stopped believing.

Doubt isn't where
faith ends, patrick.

It's what faith heals.

Um, I guess I don't
heal too quick.

oh, something called me

To ask for you.

What do ya mean?

To ask capt. Furillo
to assign you to me

To make you
my liaison.

[clearing throat]

Would you excuse me
a minute, sister?

Of course.

All I have to do
is calm down.

[Water running]

Just calm down.

Oh, excuse me.

Are you okay, sarge?

Yeah, yeah,
just a--

Just a little indigestion,
that's all.

I'll be right out.

It's okay.

Hot, hot!

These dishes
are very hot.

Could you help me,

It's about time!

What took you
so long, man?

Did polly have to
go to the bathroom?


Tough day.

Tell me about it.



Look, you don't
ever wanna be

Runnin' up on me,
man, got that?

What the hell's
the matter with you?


You just get
away from me.


who's there?

Police officers, ma'am.

[Door unlocking]

Ain't nobody here.

[Window opening]

[Dog barking]

- Guess who?
- Get up.

- Hands above your head.
- Get on up!

Right now,
turn around.

Put your hands
behind your back.

Put 'em behind
your back.

Okay, walk, walk.

The car's registered
in your name, ma'am.

I'm just his mother.

I just signed
the papers.

It's his car.

J.d., This here's
the kid

From the
van buren sweep.

What you done now,


Ma'am, we have reason
to believe that your son

Was involved in the
drug-related death

Of a young boy
this morning.

Ten years old,
or there about.


Where's your brother?

You're supposed to be with
your brother this mornin'.

You gave your
brother dr*gs?

You k*lled
your brother, man?

What you done?

I ain't done nothin'!

He d*ed all
by his self.

I ain't got nothin'
to do with it!

Where's my boy?

- Where's my boy!
- Ma'am!

Walk away
from it, ma'am!

Thank you.
Get in the car!

Get in the car!
Walk away from it!

Get in here!

It's similar.

You know,
similar to like

Before the bypass.

Well, it's approximate

It's right
in the center.

This wouldn't be the
same thing though,

Doc, would it?

I mean, the operation
took care of this?

I don't wanna come in.

What should I
come in for?

The operation took
care of me, right?

This is gonna
ruin everything.

I was cured!

You weren't kidding
about leaving me

With the check,
huh, stan?

I'm sorry,
lucy, i--

I remembered I had
to make a phone call.

Patrick said you
went out back.

The guy's a

I was aggravated
with him.

He let me down.

Why don't you let me
take you there, stan?

What do you mean?

Let me take you
to the doctor's.

Lieutenant goldblume?


Paul nichols,
literary agent.

We spoke on the phone.

I'm a little busy
right now, mr. Nichols.

I respect that,

But if you'd
give me five minutes,

I think I can convince
you that I am the man

To represent
steven merker's novel.

Not to sound crass,

But your
friend's tragic death

Created a market
for his work.

I don't know.

I mean, promoting
the book through

Some kind of grotesque

The last thing
steve would've wanted.

Perhaps, but if the
book is as good

As you said
on television,

Then it doesn't matter
how or why

It gets published,
but only that it does,

And finds its proper

He doesn't get home
till 3:00 a.m.

He's got a girlfriend,
some stripper named honey.

I ain't sayin' the guy
is a saint.

Could be he's having
a mid-life crisis,

But he sat
in here today,

And he cried
like a baby.

What happened, korea stop
exporting stereos?

Peg, listen to
what I'm saying.

The man needs you.

Honey sends him little
notes of endearment

On heart-shaped paper,

And all the words
are misspelled!

Maybe he wouldn't be
foolin' around with honey

If he got what he was
lookin' for at home?

What're you saying,
it's my fault?

I'm sayin' it takes two
to trash a relationship.

And be honest, peg,

You wanna face the
single life again, hmm?

At your age?

He actually
cried, j.d.?

You wouldn't have
believed it.

God, I hate
to say it,

But I suddenly
miss the jerk.

Go tell him, peg.

You know...

Maybe I misjudged
you, too, j.d.

Life's full
of surprises, sis.

Hi, doctor, did you
get a chance

To read
through that file?

Yeah, stanislaus
ja-- jablon-- right.

I see.



I understand.

Uh, is there a
heart specialist

The department consults?

Oren, dr. Oren,
at the university?

Okay, great,

[Phone hanging up]

[Overlapping chatter]

Problem, chief?

Just wanted to take a
look at the arrest report

On the boy you
brought in.

There's nothing in here
about m*rder charges.

Just my field report,

No charges
have been brought.

Jones and his mother are
still being questioned.

But if it turns out
the boy supplied the dr*gs,

You will press
m*rder charges?

I don't want that.

That boy should be
tried for m*rder!

What kind of a message
are you sending, captain?

This is totally

No, I'll tell you
what's unacceptable,

You and your
publicity circus.

You have no right
interfering with my men

While they're performing
their duty.

The councilman
is simply anxious

To clear up the problem,
we all are, frank.

It's all right, chief.

I expect nothing more
from capt. Furillo.

He's allowed
his precinct to run

Completely out of control,
and I intend

To let the people
know about it.

I told you, man,
I don't deal no dr*gs,

And I don't know nothin'
about how my brother d*ed.


Well, you're gonna be
lookin' at some hard time

In juvie, parker.

Do time in juvie
on my head, man.

What about you,
miss jones?

You help us?

Do you know who your
son's supplier is?

I wish I could help,
but I don't know nothin'.

Too bad, 'cause we
got parker's prints

All over the pipe that
was found in the park,

Which means
he's going away.

And you're gonna be
charged with contributing

To the delinquency
of a minor.

That ain't right,
I ain't done nothin'.

You bought his car,

And there were traces
of cr*ck all over it.

I think the charge
is gonna stick.

I think you
oughta tell, parker.

Shut up!

Man give you dr*gs
that k*ll your brother.

How you let him get
away with that?

- I'll tell him!
- Shut up, I said!

Hey, huh?

I'll tell you
who supplied parker,

You let us go?

You testify in court,
I think we can help you out.


kenny armis.


You make me sick!

Man, you know why she's
doin' this, don't ya?

'Cause she's
supplyin', too!

She figure you put
armis behind bars,

Then she can grab all
his customers, right?

That ain't so.

You trash!

You ain't no
son of mine!

Family of the year.

We arrested donatelli.

They're holding him
at the polk.

Good work.


I seem to notice
a lot of people

In interrogation
without lawyers.

If certain subjects have
declined representation,

They've done it of
their own free will.

Over strenuous objection,
no doubt.

Excuse me.

We got the name of the
kid's supplier, captain.

Kenny armis.

Heard about him
before, captain.

Slippery dude, uses minors
to distribute.

Get a warrant.

This fella's in
the m*llitary, huh?

This guy you're movin' to?


Yeah, where's
he stationed?

No offense,
but what's it to you?

Nobody makes conversation

Stuff's good.

Do the business.

I never
opened this.

I never touched this
from the envelope

Since I took it last week.

Go ahead and
give it to him.

Five grand, no?

And mr. Falco's right.

And this is
32 and a half.

Makes a total
of 8,250 total.

Six lids back to you.

If the advertising's

I'm gonna be seein' you
again in a couple of weeks.

That's what he said.

Well, if you can't
believe a soldier,

Who you gonna believe,
am I right?

All done, tony?

I'm on my way.

- Be good, anthony.
- Mmhmm.

Not all of them get
hit in the head,

Am I right?

On my way
to move it.

What do you mean?

Why, I was just
makin' a joke.

I was saying,
don't let me get robbed

On the way to
see this guy.

You'd still owe
us the 12,500.

I understand that, right.

I was just
kiddin' around.

That's what I wanted to
talk to you about.

I want to make sure we
understood each other.

We do.

We're gonna see you
back here at 8:00 tonight,

With 12,500 bucks.

Now, what happens
the rest of the day,

Between now and then,

That's your own
private business.

It has nothing
to do with us.

I understand that,
that's right.

Regardless, you get
hit in the head,

You get hit
with a b*mb,

8:00 Tonight, you're
gonna be back here

With what you owe,
which is 12,500.

Now, do you
understand that 100%?

I do.

I think the man
follows that.



You all right?

I'm okay.

Gonna see you tonight?

8:00 Tonight.

I'm comin' back to make
everything square.

police, open up!

you welch on a deal,

And all you can
say is, "I'm sorry"?


get it straight.

- Gotta go...
- Come in.

Kenny's on the phone.

That's right.


Yeah, I assume
you got a warrant.

Oh, you assume right.

Here, you're under
arrest for sales

And distribution
of controlled substances.

Take it.

Oh, good, I'll put this
with my collection.

Come on, let's go.

Of course.

Always like to
please the police.

Want me to water
the plants

While you're gone, ken?

I don't think so,

I'll be home
before dinner.

[Water splashing]


And you're late!

You're lookin' a little
sweaty there, jay.

Comin' down
with something?

You watch your mouth.

[Water splashing]

Uh uh.

Police officer, john.

Oh, mick!

Oh, man-- man, you don't
know where I'm comin' from.

Oh, yes, I do.

Don't even think
about it, hairball.

You're busted!

Wrong choice, mick,
drop the g*n!

Eddie, let's get him
into your truck.

What you gonna do, man?

What do you think?

Look, mick, I need
my stuff, huh?


Yeah, well, I guess
these are good

For something
after all, huh?



Face facts, gentleman,
you have no case

Against my client.

Your client
is a worm.

Very hard,
I like that.

Be quiet, kenny.

Yeah, kenny,
be real quiet.

We have a statement from one
of your distributors, kenny.

He gave us
time, place,

Amount of substance,
amount of commission.


Is this your idea
of evidence, captain?

Word of an
under aged addict?

We'll let the courts be
the judge of that.

How long do I
gotta sit here, how?

- Just imagine--
- I got bail.

You'll be home
in time for dinner.


'Cause joan is such a
genius with the veal.

That's another

Sweet guy,
huh, captain?

It's a weak case, j.d.

We knew that bringin'
him in, captain.

I want it
made stronger.

Two of you are going back
to the van buren corridor.

As of now, you volunteered
for night duty.

We lookin' for
underage dealers?

Well, if armis is using
minors to deal for him,

Some them have to
be operating there.

Bring him in.

You got it,

Don't feel
so hot, detective.

Like I was plugged
into a wall socket.

I need the stuff!

How did I let myself
get like this?

Hang on, john.

I mean,
it's like a poison.

Even right now,
with all this shame

I feel inside, lettin'
everybody down,

I still want it!

But-- but I never
dealt it, man.

No, I wouldn't do that.

I believe you,
I believe that.

And I'll stand up
for you in court.

You're gonna
be okay.

Do you hear me?

I hear ya.


Department turned
me down, right?

Because if they didn't,
they should have.

I, uh, I had
a warning sign.

I saw the doc.

He said
it's not unusual,

In fact, he worries
when his patients

Feel too good.

How serious?

I may need
a pacemaker.

I talked to the department's
cardiac specialist.

He wouldn't
recommend reinstatement.

I want you to take care
of this right away.

Oh, don't worry.

You know, I envy those
that can go out easy.

Short farewells,
no looking back.

It's understandable.

You put your life
into this job.

It's time to move on.

And I know
you can do it.


It's not as though I don't
have any options, right?

- Right.
- Right.

Well, if you need
a recommendation

For security work,
just say the word.

Thanks, captain.

Thanks for

[Keys jingling]


Don't know what you
said to peg, j.d.,

But it worked
like a charm.

Keys to my car?

Never let it
be said

That wacky rob is not
a man of his word.


What's that?

It's your lease.

My what?

[Clearing throat]
best six-month rate

Available, j.d.

And to show you how much I
appreciate your effort,

I'm giving you an
additional 10% discount

Straight across
the board.


I'm gonna give peg
the real lowdown

On what a lousy
slime you are.

Go ahead, but I think
she's feeling

A little bit
too good to worry.

You know, we had
a makeup matinee,

She and i.

Besides, whatcha
gonna tell her?

Sold her out for a
new set of wheels?


Well, you come up with
some bread, brother-in-law,

You know where
to find me.

Hey, forget it,
man, forget it!

Come on.

He's not worth it.


Yeah, it's a
list of warrants

For tonight, captain.

Do you think I got to
add that dealer's name,

Or can he just count
as persons unknown?

No, if you know the name,
you have to add it.

Listen, is there
a chance of sliding

Those arrests
till tomorrow?

I want to
saturate manpower

On the van buren
corridor tonight.

I got an 8:00 meeting
with those shys,

That's when we
were gonna take them.

What happens if you just
don't show up?

got not lien

On this tommy manfredi,

A guy who
vouched for me.

Listen, I'll go there.

I'll tell
'em, uh--

I'll tell 'em
the deal's stalled.

I can make it work.

You sure
it's okay?

Yeah, no problem,

Appreciate it.

This guy wade's got everything
turned upside down.

No problem.

You see, I can
show the children

That faith is not something
cold and remote.

It's alive,
it's passionate.

I'll bet you convert a
lot of people, sister.

I'd be happy if
that were true.

Believe me, I've never
known a nun

To talk like you.

Patrick, you've got to
stop doing that.


Building up walls
between us.

Oh, I didn't know
I was doin' that, sister.

You talk as if I live in
a different world.

We're the same.

[Clearing throat]

But you're a nun,

And what
does that mean?

Well, that means, um,

That means
you're different.



Because I wear
this habit?

Think of me
without this habit.

What do you see?


That's the

I'm as mortal as you,

Except that I have been
touched by the divine.

I've felt the
force of his love,

And I want to share
that with you.

I want you to burn
with the same fire

That I feel inside me.


Oh, patrick!

I'm gonna make
you my project.

I'm gonna
make you grow

Larger than you
ever dreamed

It was possible to grow.

In spirit.


Will you let
me do that?


Oh, thank you.

And thank you for
a lovely dinner.

You're welcome.

Good night,

Good night, sister.

[Door opening
and closing]

So, steve's book may get
published after all?

That's terrific, henry.


Well, let's not get
too excited here.

I wonder if I
did the right thing,

Giving the manuscript
to nichols.

Sure you did,
what's wrong about it?

On your show I said steven's
writing was good.

But you don't
think it is?

Maybe with revisions.

Don't tear yourself
up about it.

Why don't you let the
literary agent decide?

That's his job.

You did what steven
would've wanted.

You're giving
his work a chance.

This whole thing has
gotten to me.

Steven's death,
handling the manuscript.


Detective... need
a break.

I do believe
you're right.

Come on.


So do you think I should
have taken a punch at him?


The councilman,
that guy wade,

At the van buren
corridor today?

Do you think
I should've...?

Renko, come on.

Well, I mean, he's just
goin' on and on

About how, you know,
we do our job and all,

And how we're not able
to-- to realize

That people are
dyin' out there--



Let's get
another beer.


Oh, man!

Fifteen a rock?

That's sky.

what it be, bro?

- I need my cool, man.
- All right.

Yo, mouse, you got
some inventory?

I'm doin' the
thing here, man.

I got a rich hunk, he wants
to do some serious weight.

Hey, look, man,
we doin' business here.

You shut up!

kick in with me,

And we be spending the day
at the club tomorrow.

Split 50-50?


Catch you later,
small time!


Yo, where you goin'?

Hey, I gotta
split, man!

I saw what
happened back there.

They shut you down.

Look, you wanna get off,
you need to be

Talkin' to me,
'cause I got choice blow.

- Yeah, later, man.
- Dig, my man.

I'm new in the neighb,

Number two and workin' hard
to be number one.

I got the best candy at
rock-bottom prices.



Drop it!
Drop the g*n!


Turn around slow.

Councilman wade!

I called
for back--

Oh, man.

He was pulling
a g*n.

It was a
citizen's arrest.

Tell him, robert!

Oh, my god!

I don't see
any g*n, neal.

It was self-defense,
I tell you.

I'm confused.

I don't know what I'm
supposed to make of this here.

Guy ran into a problem,
mr. Falco.

I don't
believe in problems!

I don't believe
in lateness.

Somebody tells me 8:00,

I wanna see
my freakin' money

At 8:00 o'clock!

What's this
you're showing me?

I just want
you to see

That I didn't
give him the dr*gs.

And what's that
supposed to mean?

I mean, you're not out
the dr*gs, sir.

I just wanted-

Look, what did I
tell you before?

Did I tell you I was
interested in one thing?

You said 8:00.

8:00, I wanna see
my freakin' money!

Is that what I said?

I'm tryin' to
explain to ya.

I don't want you
to explain!

That's not what I
loaned you the money for.

Teddy, these things
happen sometimes.

To you guys.

Not to me!

Look, the guy promised.

He swore to me
tomorrow morning at 10:00,

He was gonna
have the money.

And why should I
believe that?

Did he promise he was gonna
have it 8:00 tonight?

- Mr. Falco.
- Is that what he promised you?

Yes or no, is that
what he said?

Look, I wanna get
one thing straight with you.

See, your agreement
with him

Is your
agreement with him.

I have nothin'
to do with it.

But you have an
agreement with me.

Now, what can I do

To find something
to impress upon you

That I take this

I take it
seriously, too.

Do you?

Do you take that

I swear.

I swear, mr. Falco,
I was sick

When the guy didn't
come up with the money.

All right!

I believe ya.

Just shake hands
with me.

I'm grateful,
mr. Falco.

I'm grateful for you
givin' me another chance.

Shake hands.


Oh, my god!

It's cheap.

Believe me, that's a
cheap lesson for ya.

I'm you, I stick this
in an envelope.

You hear me?

Put this
in an envelope

And on the outside,
you write your lesson.

The fellas always
get their piece,

All right?

You gonna remember?

I'm gonna remember.



[Kitten mewing]