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07x17 - The Cookie Crumbles

Posted: 09/10/22 15:17
by bunniefuu

Good morning. Where's parker?

Interrogation 8.

Thanks for waiting.

I saw on the intake he was
stationed here until last week,

So I'd figure
I'd give you a call.

How's the man shot?

Probable paralysis
below the waist.


You okay, ted?

I guess. I hope.

Item 6.

In the vicinity of the old
club san juan this morning,

Some of you may know,
patrolman ted parker

Shot and wounded one
raphael gonzalez,

An armed robbery suspect.

The actual perp
was apprehended an hour later.

I hope parker's
got some marketable skills.

Hey, sarge, I heard the guy
was reaching for a g*n.

Please, everybody,
no speculation until,

Until the investigation's

And let's show some special
restraint in the barrio.

Item 7. At today's awards
ceremony downtown,

Officer jack metcalf,
who was k*lled
in the line of duty,

Will receive this city's medal
of valor posthumously.

His widow will be accepting.

Item 8. The sutton street
slasher struck again.

There's 2 more prostitutes
last night, one dead,

One critical at mercy.

The current thinking is
that this is a new pimp

Who is trying to colonize

The trade above 92nd street.

So officer russo
will be working undercover.

Sergeant bates,
officer flaherty,

You'll be doing back-up.

Item last. We're looking for
the k*ller of carl mann,

The late unlamented
leader of the blood,

The g*ng that was responsible
for the m*ssacre

Of the innocent burnett family.

He was shot last night

In front of the g*ng

Wanted for questioning,
alfred williams,

Was a g*ng member
turned police informant

Who's known to some of you.

Black, 18, average height.

You can acquaint yourself
with his picture

On the board on the way out.

And, people,
williams is probably armed,


Take care.


I always like parker. I hope
they don't hang him on this.

What's new? They use you up.
They throw you away.

What's wrong with you?

Nothing, man. You think
you can break down one time

And buy your own breakfast?


Russo, so are we going
to catch a movie tonight?

Patrick, I'm just not feeling
very social right now, okay?

Well, let me figure this.
Sleeping together is okay,

But we wouldn't want
it to lead to anything heavy,

Like eating popcorn
together in the balcony.

Can we talk about this later?

Hey, man. Check this out.

Size 50 slacks.

That's hip.
If you're a hippopotamus.

You ripped off these pants.

It ain't my problem
they don't fit.

Aw, man.
Cut me some slack, jack.

Slack? Get it?


First name?


Last name?


Euripides pants?


Come with me.

Okay, okay.

I was this close.

If her brother hadn't shown up
from minneapolis--

Woman: somebody help me!

Pinch me, neal.
Pinch me hard.

Uh, over here.
Girls, attention here.


One more lousy joke,
and I'll rip your head off.

It was really loud.

Calm down, and tell
j.d. What happened.



[Theme music plays]

So, you and your partner
answer the call.

Dispatch says the suspect's
wearing a blue ski jacket,

White hi-tops,
armed with a revolver.

About three blocks
from the scene,

I spot this guy gonzalez

Walking fast
like he's in a hurry.

Dark ski jacket, white shoes.


They were white.
That's all I saw.

Go on.

We pull over,
and we draw our g*ns,

Stay behind the car doors.
You know, standard.

I yell, "police! Freeze!"

- In english?
- The first time.

The guy backs against the wall
and starts rapping in spanish.

So I yell
[speaking in spanish]

But now he's turning away,
reaching inside his jacket.

I thought he was going
for a g*n,

So I fired my w*apon.

Did it occur to you
that maybe he was walking fast

Because it was 2 below
last night?

He fit the description.

You speak spanish,
officer parker?

I completed the academy
street spanish course,

And I can use the commands
on the department's
translation card.

But you don't understand
the language?

Mi casa, su casa.
A couple of other things.

You had no follow-up instruction
here on the hill?

We haven't had spanish classes
since rey calletano
left the precinct.

Do you want to know
what gonzalez said, officer?

I got this from a witness
across the street.

"I'm legal.

"I will show you.

I have a green card."

I'll get his partner
at his home,

Then we've got
some more potential witnesses.

Not to push, but this one's
rough on the community.

Can't imagine why. "Mi casa,
su casa" is real impressive.

My impression's that parker's
a b+ cop.

I'll call you when I have
something, captain.

It happened so fast.

There was
this humongous expl*si*n and--

It's lucky for us

That it happened a couple
of blocks from the station,

And that I happened to be here.

Now, this phone number,
is this your parents'

Or your own private number,

My own private number.


Debbie st. Pierre.

Bienvenidos, debbie.

Let me see that cut.

Detective. Detective?

You said that patrolmen
are searching the area.

Can't we go?

We have a regional tournament
to get to.

Ma'am, you caught
a round of amm*nit*on

Through your rear window
of your van.

An incident of this nature
requires we ask a few questions.

But no one saw anything.

The mind can play
tricks in extreme situations.

I need each individual account
in detail.

Cheryl, you come this way.

Yo, j.d.

Go into interrogation, honey.
I'll be right there.

This is the driver.
He didn't see anything either.

I'm shot at.

I park in front of your station.
I get a ticket.

That's what I deserve for taking
a short cut through the hill.

Hey, look here.

We can't keep these people here.

Neal, there's
a sn*per out there,

Maybe even with a dangerous
thing for young girls.

It's a theory, right?

And i, for one, am concerned.

Sixteen will get you 20, sport.

A clown beneath your window.

A mechanical clown.
It's a burger stand clown,

And he's singing this
damn clown burger song all day.

What would you have us do, sir?
Arrest a mechanical clown?

- Sergeant--
- if the owner has a permit,

Hey, listen, I'm musician, man.

I work at night.
I need my sleep.

Why don't you use
cotton in your ears?

Lieutenant buntz?

Straight back,
just keep walking.

How are you doing?

Back in the bag,
back on the beat.

That's where the fun is.

Will you call me, please?
I got go.

- Yeah.
- Frank?

Want to catch me up
on the gonzalez sh**ting

Before the reporters arrive?

I'll handle the press
on this one, henry.

Any particular reason?

I've been on the case
for an hour.

It's just simple.

And something else, frank.

Alfred williams. I want
to be there when he's found.

No objections.

Yes, I understand.
But you have got to swear out--

That's right.
Have a nice day.

Hey, kate, how's it going?


You brighten up my day,
you know?

Been doing a lot of police work.
It's good to see you.

No, he's not here.

All right,
I'll tell him you called. Yeah.

A lot of trivia all the time.
They've got you back on patrol?

That's good.

So, what brings you
back down here today?

Oh, visiting. I just wanted--

Listen, do you got time
to catch a burger?

You got a half-hour?

- No.
- No? Too bad.

But what I wanted to know
was if you had this afternoon--

If say around 3:00--

Listen, we'll do it now.

What do you got?
A professional problem?

No, I just have this thing that
I have to do this afternoon.

I'm all jammed up.

This afternoon, I've got
this thing I got to go to.

Well, all right.

- It's nothing serious, huh?
- No, not at all.

All right,
you'll catch me later.

Yeah, sure.

Listen, I would, babe,


You know what I've got
to do this afternoon?

I have got to go downtown

To the awards
and promotion ceremonies

To see you get
your freaking medal.

Hey, did you know
what this broad did, huh?

Did you know that
they are giving her

The ribbon for bravery,
first class?

Hey, what's a matter?
Don't you people read
the circulars?

Are you aware of the phrase

"In the highest tradition
of the department?"

That is what I am going to do.

I am going to watch you get
your medal this afternoon.

And what are you going to do,

Hey, my pal,
ladies and gentlemen,

Kate mcbride, a hell of a cop.

Hey, learn something.

Watch it! Creeps!
The world's full of them.

What is eating you?

Dufuses and creeps,
take your pick.

Okay, okay.
You want to talk about it?

Darryl ann.

Ever since she started
selling cookies
in the minelli's market,

She's been a changed woman.

All she can think about
is her business.

Wait a minute.
Aren't you the guy
who encouraged her

To try to market
her own cookies,

And now she's out making money
on her own--

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

Dr. Freud,
she's not on her own.
There's a man involved.

A man?

A man. A guy named ellis,
a big, slick financial type.

He wants to help finance
her cookie business.

Here we get
to the bad parts, andy.

The only reason that I have been
going to night school

And taking courses in business

Is so that I can be
the financial advisor

Behind her rise to success.

Then why don't you let
this ellis guy

Who wants to help you,
make him a partner?

Partners? Darryl ann and I
are supposed to be partners.

Partners for life, remember?

Woman [over radio]:
attention all units,
131 and decker,

as*ault with club in progress.

2202, In response.


Oh, man, go on.

[Clown singing music]

I'm warning you.

I told you
I called the police.

Hey! Police!

Don't you hit that clown again.
You hear me?

Give me that.

You try living with that noise
underneath your window.

Aw, ronnie, what did
that crazy man do to you?

This will cost you money to fix.

Hey, man,
you don't know what it's

Like having to listen to burger
and fries in your damn sleep.

Sir, do you have
a permit to play this music?

Yeah. Do you want to see it?

You damaged this man's property.
He could press charges.

Well, man, you go ahead, man.
You throw me in the joint.

At least I don't have
to listen to that singing--

You want
to press charges on this guy?

No, but I want the clown
paid for.


Hey. You have no choice.
Now, get on.

You turn down this sound,
you understand?

Have some consideration
for your neighbors.

Let's go. Move it.

Margaret, can we get
a refill here?


We're running a little late,
all right?

The girls don't start working
the street before 10:00.

Sarge, we of the younger
generation gonna teach you
how to relax.

Give me a break.

Do you want to see my imitation
of bacon frying in a pan?

I have learned to ignore him.

Ah, ah.

Youngsters like you should save
your pennies.

You know I didn't mean nothing.

Be right back.

Look, about the movie tonight?
I think you're right.

- You do.
- Mm-hmm.

I can understand, I mean,
how you wouldn't want

To go public
with our great romance.

You just can't quit can you?

On the other hand,

If I just happened to show up
at the van buren theater,

Say, about 8:00,

And you just happen to be there
too--completely by coincidence--

What's wrong with a couple
of professionals

Seeing a movie together?
Tell me.

What's wrong?


Ma'am, your change.

If you're ever around the hill,

You've got to stop
and say hello, okay, cindy?

I'll definitely do that.

You've been investigating
for over an hour, detective.

Let's go, girls.

Mrs. Harteck, the law's got
to take its course.

Detective, maneuvers
are over as of now.

I'm only halfway
through my witness list.

Man to man, john, say goodbye
to the vestal virgins.

Regulations do not permit
the exploiting

Of an investigation
for personal gain.

Captain's orders.

Do you believe this miscarriage
of justice, neal?

Can I speak to you a minute
in private, detective?

Sure, debbie. Excuse us,
detective washington.

Yeah, what is it?

My friends told me about you.
And well,

I'm a lot more mature
than they are.

And, well,
I don't usually do this.

You're interested?

It's my private number.

Promise me you'll call?

Yeah, I promise.

I can't comment on that until
our investigation's completed.

You'll have to call the hospital
for that information.


Hello, ray.

- The gonzalez incident?
- You heard?

That's why I'm here.

Field representative.

Latin american coalition?

Going on two months now.

I've been meaning to call.
Catch up. How can I help?

I'd like to have my files
regarding a spanish education
in the department.

What's this about?

Too many incidents

Of the kind involving gonzalez.

The coalition is filing
a suit against the department.

For what?

Our position is
that this morning's sh**ting

Was caused by the indifference
to the needs

Of our people
for a spanish speaking police.

Facts aren't clear.
Gonzalez was--

If parker spoke spanish,

The sh**ting
would not have happened.
And you know it, frank.

And you know it's
not possible for every officer
to speak spanish.

Not every officer. Just those
covering hispanic areas.

We used
to talk about this, frank.

You helped me write
those letters to chief daniels.

You know what's in the files.

The funding situation
hasn't changed.

I get money
for one optional program,

And we use it
for neighborhood outreach.

I won't be talked out of this.
I no longer wear a badge.

I can't give you those files
without the city attorney's

Then we'll get them by subpoena.

I will show
all the letters from daniels,

Making promises
that were never kept.

Is this what this is about?
Getting back at the chief?

- Is that what you think?
- I don't know.

Maybe it is.

But the law is
behind me this time.

I don't have
to be afraid of him.

For years, I tried to change
things and got nowhere.

Now, something
will finally be done.

Hey, ray. Que pasa, amigo?

Lieutenant, are you the notify
officer on alfred williams?


We just heard
he's at his sister's.
Here's the address.

I'll need back up. Two men.

Nothing happening.

It's cold out here.

I know
what I'd like to be tonight.

And just lay in suds,

Taking a nice, hot bath.

Sounds nice.

Yeah, except she's undercover,
not public speaking.


You pull in any dates?

No. It's chill.

Where are you from, honey?

- Detroit.
- Long bus ride.

We be wife-in-laws, you know.

Same stable, I mean,

With pontchartrain.

I don't know pontchartrain.

I work for myself.
I like to keep what I earn.

Pontchartrain owns
the franchise here, honey.

She says she wanna
work for herself.

No such a thing on this street.

You choose, or you lose.

I'm getting the picture.

Pontchartrain would buy you
a rabbit coat, honey.

You're pretty...

And white.

But if you fling him attitude,

He'll definitely
gonna kick your teeth in.

Just a little friendly advice,

I can make you happy!

So, last night around 9:30

I'm trying to get
some sleep, right?

The phone rings.
It's him, ellis.

He wants to talk to darryl ann
right then and there.

What did he want?

Well, she said he wanted
to talk about some investors
in their business,

But I hear them two
talking in hush-hush tones.

Well, probably because she knew

You were sitting
there ready to blow your stack.

Just the idea of the two of them
together drives me nuts.

Renko, listen to me.

You're making too much
out of this.

Darryl ann loves you. Now,
you go to her this afternoon,

And you talk it out.
You understand?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

And then you go
to your night school class

And start getting
your mind on a positive track

Before you jump it all together.

Hey, mick.


Can I talk to you?

All right, just for a second,

Because I've got
to be somewhere.

Let's go back here.

You look terrible.

Yeah, well,
I've been off the program.

- Aw, lee.
- But I just got back on.

Stay on.

Look, I got something for you.

I can't. I'm due in court.

Stolen credit cards.

It's righteous
information, mick.

I swear. You know
how I helped you out before.

This chick's stealing them.

Try me in a couple of days.

Mick, I need a break.


When I get the chance,
and if it checks out,

I'll get you some money.

You know where I hang, right?

Goodbye, lee.

101St and decker.
The park there.

It's good, mick.

[Door closes]

[Baby crying]

Police! Open up!

Ms. Williams, police.
We're coming in.

What do you want with us?

We're looking for
your brother alfred.

Hell with alfred.
He ain't here.

We'll have
to look for ourselves.

[Crash in background]

Woman: alfred!


I'll do him, goldblume.

We have a man out there.
There's no chance.



You did this to me, goldblume.

Coleman knew I wore
a wire for you.

I had to waste him.
He put the word out on me.

I was dead.

Then it was self-defense.

We can make something
out of that, alfred.

Alfred, listen to me.

Listen to you?


I'll testify, I promise.

Now, give up the boy.

alfred, don't hurt my baby.

It's your own nephew.

You're not going to hurt
your own nephew?

Shut up!

You're trying to play me again,

We're going out front.

Woman: no! No!

You all, back away.

- Alfred.
- Now!

Woman: no, you can't do this.
Don't hurt my boy.

You stop there, goldblume.
I'll do what I've got to do.

It isn't over, alfred.

I can help. Let me help.

Man, all you do is help.

You're going to help me
get out of the blood?

Help me do my aunt?

Now, alfred's going
to help himself. You hear?

- Do you hear!
- What's going on here?

Oh, god! No!


Time to circle the wagons,

Our old friend raymundo's
getting up a w*r party

To attack the department.

I think that's a little extreme.

Amazing the way
he's bounced back.

Only a few short months ago,
he was known as captain taco.

I thought he'd be teaching
driver's ed by now.

His case against us
is pretty strong.

Press conferences,
exclusive interviews?

He certainly didn't show
that much initiative

When he was in uniform, huh?
Strictly siesta time then.

But get a touch
of the limelight.

Some days, frank,

I am appalled at the moral
sinkhole we all work in.

What can I do?

I want this suit stopped.
It's an embarrassment.

If you're asking me to use
my friendship with ray--

Spare the sermon,
will you, frank?

Just set up a meeting.

Why do you need me?

Because el taco grande
won't return my phone calls.



I brought a copy of all
the files he's that he's after.

Interesting reading.

I guarantee you, frank,

If this suit proceeds
it won't be my posterior alone

That's flapping in the breeze.

Hello, joyce.


I hate it when that man smiles.

Good instincts.


Daniel's covered himself on the
spanish language requirements.

He put out a memo

That passed responsibility down
to the precinct captains.

Meaning you.

You know any good lawyers?

Frank, does ray realize
how this could hurt you?

He couldn't have known
about the memo.
It came after he left.

- Then tell him.
- I can't do that.

If ray thinks it's his duty
to file suit,

I'm not going to stop him.

You're feeling guilty
that you didn't save

His precinct for him,
is that it?

So, now you're
letting him do this to you.

- Joyce.
- At least let him know.

He's strong enough
to decide on his own.

He's strong enough to face
all the consequences.

- Counselor, enough.
- Sorry, furillo.

You wanted a lawyer's advice,
you got a wife's.

Darryl ann, I am sorry
to have you come
all the way down here

But I had something to talk
to you about,

And it just cannot wait.

Andy, that's okay. I have
something to tell you, too.

The last thing I want to do is
keep you away from your work.

I can hardly believe that the
way you've been carrying on.

Darryl, I've been terrible,
and I know it.

I just wanted to tell you.
I mean, here you are,

Trying to make a place
in this world for yourself.

And for us.

Yeah. All I can do is rant
and rave about this guy ellis,

But it's perfectly natural
that you should need
a business partner.

You should find somebody with
the experience to help you,

And I know that now.

You pretty thing.
How could I distrust you?

Okay. That's all I want to say.

I'm so glad.

I'm so happy you understand.

Oh, I do.

Because it makes it easier
for me to tell you.

Tell me what?

I mean, I had no idea, none.
I was going to tell you.

Tell me.

Andy, mr. Ellis wants me to go

On a business trip with him.

What did you say?

Yeah, overnight. Upstate.

He's got these friends
with department stores.

And he thinks we can persuade
them to sell our cookies.

What are you going to stay?
Some motel?

Some motel with a vibrating bed
or something like that?

It's not like that.

You know you're my one and only.

No, I know I was.

But now it's ellis
and overnight business trips.

And the hell with me.

Well, the hell with you,
darryl ann.

Andy, no.
I'll tell him I won't go.

No, you tell him anything
you want, hear me?

I'm tired of this.

You do whatever you want to do.

You're pathetic.

Oh, yeah?

You know what you are.

All: one nation, under god,

With liberty
and justice for all.

Chief daniels offers
his apologies.

He had to be called away
on urgent police business.

I received a telephone call
this morning,

If I would stand in for him
and present these awards.

And naturally, I said yes.

It would be great honor.

So the world came around
and gave you the medal, huh?

I don't want to say the system
works, because it doesn't work.

But sometimes things just

Coincidently come out right.

I'm real proud of you.

Thanks, norm.

Your dad would've been
real proud.

What did you do, adopt me?

Yeah. Haven't you been
paying attention? Heh.

Check metcalf's widow.

Two kids to raise.
What a life.

Isn't it?

Whatever the thing is, kid.

On the second of last month

Responding to a call
officer needs assistance,

Officer jack metcalf of
the jefferson heights precinct,

A veteran of 15 years
with that precinct,

Came upon his fellow
officer shot,

Unarmed, and in mortal peril.

Officer metcalf
came to his aid, stepped in,

And drew the fire of
three armed assailants.

And he himself...

Perished in that fight.

He leaves behind him
a loving wife, clare,

And two sons,

One 10 and one 2.

What can begin to compensate

Them for their loss?

Where can relief
for their sorrow come from?

Nowhere in the world.

And we mourn with them.

In the highest tradition
of the department

Officer jack metcalf
is awarded the...

Medal of valor.

This is for you, mrs. Metcalf.

We all take courage

From your husband's example.

You all right?

Man: we will forever honor
his memory.

There is not a speck of doubt
in my mind

That darryl ann is heading for
the bright lights with ellis.

Renko, are you sure?

She is flying upstate overnight

To a motel with this rich jerk.

Do I have to take pictures?

People go on business trips
all the time.

Not darryl ann!

Woman [over radio]:
noise complaint at 322 decker.

Any unit in vicinity,
identify and respond.

2202 In response.

The clown k*ller
strikes again, right?


They're ruining my business.

Nobody's listening to the clown
while they're playing that jazz.

There's no accounting
for public tastes now.

Stop it. Stop it.

What's the matter, johnson?
You don't dig real sound?

That's very funny, man.

I hope you retain
your sense of humor in jail.

Mr. Crumly, you can't play music
on the street

Without a city permit.

I've got a right to practice.

Not if it messes up my business.

Now calm down
and talk about it, all right?

Look, man,
as soon as you guys left,

He turned that clown up to max,

- Yeah.
- Now these are ears, man.

Very sensitive audio equipment.

I listen to trane, bird,
lester young.

Do you know what it does
to these ears to listen
to that clown all day?

Mr. Johnson,

These people are over here
to listen to mr. Crumly,

Am I right?

Yeah, you're right.

the clown is starving,
and I'm losing money.

Just hear me out.

Mr. Crumly, you wouldn't mind

That clown if it played music
that you liked, right?

I mean, you're a musician

Where you going
with this, bobby?

Mr. Johnson,

Why don't you let mr. Crumly
here write you a new song?

Maybe the kind that's going
to draw customers

Like the crowd
that you've got here now?

I'll write you something hip,
man. You'll love it.

Clown: ♪ and you'll say hooray ♪

You got a deal.

Man, you got it.


Oh, no, open the window.

Come on, open up.

Hey, you don't want her.
Come on back here.

Hey, baby. You, baby.

Yeah, baby.
You are looking so pretty.

Wait a minute, hold it now.
Look here.

Why don't you just listen to
pontchartrain for just a minute?

Look, I know what you want,

And i--
I've been thinking about it.

But I haven't made up
my mind yet.

No, see, it's insurance, baby.
Simple as that.

I am your life insurance.

I'm doing all right up till now.

Oh, yeah, up until now
but up until now is history.

I was never good in history.

She's got to watch this dude.

She's okay.
She can handle it.

See, pontchartrain isn't
asking. He's telling.

- Let's go.
- Not yet.

See, a lot of girls,
they get hurt on this block.

Real bad.

Look, I never did nothing
to you.


But now you're going
to do for me.


Aah! Aah!

Come on!

You ok?

I could use some help over here!

Aah! Flaherty!

You okay, sarge?


I heard about alfred williams,

Thank god the statement's right.
Let me know when i.a.d. Calls.

Hello, debbie.

Hi, guess who, debbie?

Woman: hi.
Larue: hi.

If you're under 18,
hang up now.

I'll bet when you came home,

You didn't expect to find naked
two women in your bathtub.

It's for you, raymond.


We've been watching you
at work for a few days now,

And your body's been driving
us wild.

So roxanne and I thought--

[Knocking at door]

Ray, come in. Come in.

How are you?

Fine, chief.


Well, call me sentimental,

But seeing the three of us
here together again
brings back old times.

They weren't all good times,

I won't mince words.

We need you back on the force.

How does special consultant on
hispanic affairs sound to you?

Before coming here,
I asked myself,

What will the chief offer
to keep me from performing

My duties in this matter?

My old job or a consultancy?

If this is your idea of a joke,
I for one--

You can't buy me off.

An innocent man is lying
in a hospital,

Possibly paralyzed for life.

I want my files.

I was wrong about you, huh, ray?
You're not one of us after all.

But don't try
convincing yourself

That you're doing
this for your people.

What I'm offering you is real.

Every policy that would impact
on the hispanic community

Would come through you.

All right, frank,

Give him whatever files
he wants.

But when you look them over,

Make sure you notice
where the finger is pointing.

It's not at me.

[Door closes]

I'm sorry.

What does he mean?

He set out a memo
six months ago.

Precinct captains are now
responsible for continuing
language instruction.

Or rather non-existent
spanish instruction.

You knew this before,
and you didn't say anything?

I didn't think it was relevant.

You have to do what
you think is right.

Yes, what I think is right.

You're a good friend to me,

But I must decide what my duty
in this situation is.

[Door closes]

So I've got
this undercover thing.

I need a girl, someone who'd
pass in the highland.

She doesn't sound like
she's chewing gum,
even when she is.

And that's me?

And that's you.

Now, I can see
you've got a ribbon.

Now, today, tomorrow, everybody
at the post congratulating you.

You put in a request,
they're odds-on to grant it.


- Norm.
- Mm-hmm.

Hey, sully.

It's good to see you.
Solly riposo, kate mcbride.

Kate, congratulations.

Thank you.

You got a minute?

I've got a minute, yeah.
I'll be right back.

[Man speaking indistinctly]

...get a good shot there.
Down clinton street.

You understand?
The guy's drawing on me,

By that time,
I'm on my way to the ground.

Joey's down.
I don't know how bad he's hurt.

My g*n hand's sweating.
I dive to the ground.

I get one shot off at him
just before he turns the corner.

If ever there's anything that I

Or anyone in my command can do--

Thank you.
You've been very kind.

At any time at all.

Mrs. Metcalf.

Officer mcbride,

Thank you.

It's nice to receive
some recognition.

Yes, ma'am.

I'm very sorry
about your husband.

Thank you.

That was a lovely speech
the inspector gave,
don't you think?

Yes, it was.

Mrs. Metcalf, my father
was a member of the force.

He died in the line of duty
when I was--

Excuse me, mrs. Metcalf,

I'd like to introduce you
to state senator o'brien.

I'm sorry,
would you excuse me, please?

- Hello.
- Hello, ma'am.

You can call me kate.
That's my name.

What's your name?

John metcalf junior.

Glad to meet you, john.

How long have you been
in the police force?

Not long. About four years.

Do you know my father?

No, son. I didn't.

I wish I had.

Mrs. Metcalf: johnny?

Listen to me, john.

I want to tell you something

Because I went through
what you're going through
right now.

I went through it
when I was your age.


And I want you to know,

That in addition
to your mother and your family--

Mrs. Metcalf: johnny.

That there's someone
that knows what you suffer.

That someone loves you.

Come on, john.

Thank you.

So, how about
a drink a little later?

I know they popped you
from the roster for the day.

- You free?
- Yep.

So be it.

I'll meet you
at the hill street station
after the shift, huh?


Officer mcbride.

A hell of a fine job.

You're a credit to the force.

Thank you, sir.

Captain, I need couple of
hundred for a credit card buy.

Good tip?

Well, they guy's
come through before.

Draw it from discretionary.
I'll put it through.

Good bust, you three.

I hear the assailant
has three out-of-state priors.

Thanks, captain.

Lucy, that hand okay?

Yeah, it's fine. Just a couple
of butterfly bandages.

- Good work.
- Thanks.

A word, you two.

- You screwed up.
- Sarge, i--

What is the drill
on a bust like this, huh?

Subdue the perp, frisk him,
and then cuff him.

You left me at risk.

What? How?
I knocked him on his butt.

Did you frisk him?

- I was going to frisk him.
- You didn't frisk him.

Like a couple of rookies
out there, both of you.

You on the wire playing around.

You shouldn't be allowed
to work together.

Now, wait a minute.
I was not--

I'm not deaf.

I heard what you said.
"I'd know where I'd like to be.

Catch a movie,
nice hot bath at home."

And I'm not blind.

I told you.

Lay off for once, will you?

I'm sorry, henry.


Sorry you had to sh**t
alfred williams.

I know you wanted to save him.

That wasn't possible.
We needed him.

We wanted carl mann and alfred
was our only way at him.


No, I mean it.

I don't blame us
for alfred's death.

For once, I don't blame us.


It's beyond that,
what I'm feeling.

I know the reasons
alfred williams died,

Why I had to k*ll him,
and they're good reasons.

But they're beginning
not to work for me.

As a cop, I don't trust
myself very much anymore.

I see you've
stopped trusting me,

The way you kept me
off the gonzalez sh**ting today.

It isn't that I don't trust you.

I--i just don't know
where your attention is anymore.

What are you, the department's
self-appointed reformer?

A writer? A police officer?

I don't know where you are.

I'm here.
I'm here.

No, you're not.

Whatever you're going
through personally,

I'm with you as your friend.

But as your captain, I have
to know what to expect from you.

And right now you don't.

You used to say
it was my strength,
remember, frank?

That I saw more of the picture
than the other cops?

Maybe it's not a strength

It's time for you to decide that
for yourself, henry, that's all.

It's just time.

Yes, officer shipman.

So there will be
no further investigation?

I'm sure parker's relieved.

Thanks for letting me know.


We dropped the suit,
and I'm glad, frank.

Glad because you don't have
to be hurt.

I hope that's not the reason.

No, it wasn't.
The offer that daniels made,

He must have been
crazy with fear.

I saw that it could be of use
to our cause,

A civilian consultant
on hispanic policy.

That's unprecedented.

You're taking the position?

No, a young attorney
in our organization, jose ravor.

He would do better than I could.

We also got daniels to agree

To spanish classes
in every precinct.

He fought us, but we won.

Will the instructors
be from the academy?

A private company.

Calletano language,

I'm learning, frank.

Wouldn't you say?

Hey, lucy.

Hey, kate.

Want to go
for a beer with me and buntz?

I just don't feel like it.
Thanks, anyway.

So, are you going to tell me
what's wrong, right out?

Or are you going to make me do
this song and dance

About how I'm your friend
and so on and so forth?

What's the first thing they tell
a woman cop never to do?

Sleep with your partner.


So leave it to me to find
something even worse, right?

Wanting to sleep
with your partner,

And he's doing it
with somebody else.

Flaherty and russo.

I never even expected it.
I never suspected anything.

Not even when he gave me
those lame excuses every time

I wanted to go out with him.

I mean, I bought it.

I thought, yeah, sure.
We've got a shot.

Brilliant, really.

It's human.


It hurts.

Well, it's going to hurt.

It's got to hurt, but that's
no reason to put yourself down.

Are you all right?


You got a medal today.
You got a medal today.

Let's see it.

Come on.

Wait a minute. Here.

It's nice.

Woman: all right,
that's it for tonight.

Class dismissed.

Miss maxwell?

- Billie jo.
- Andy j. Renko.

It says here that you and me
are supposed to be partners.

We've got $10,000 to invest.
You've got any ideas?

No, but I know you've got some,
the way you talk in class.

Classic autos and windmills.

The teacher didn't
like the windmill idea.

I love your ideas. They're bold.
As a matter of fact,

That's I asked
to be partnered with you.

You mean this isn't
some coincidence,

Some hand of fate deal?

I said I liked your ideas.
If you're not in a hurry,

What do you say
we go get a cup of coffee?
Start making a list?

Five hundred a piece.

That's pretty steep.

Hey, they've got
a five grand limit.

That's steep and wide.

Yeah, but I'm taking a big risk.

Uh-uh. They've been retooled.
You can't trace 'em.



One-fifty. How's 150?

Cheap, too cheap.

If you could hook me up
right away,

I've got backers
looking to make a big score.

I mean, if you could connect me
with maybe 30 or 40 cards?


How come I've never seen you
in the empire club?

I've been out of town.

What did you take a fall for?

Alls I got with me is
a couple of c-notes.


Look, mick, I can get
you as many as you want,

If it's really like you say.

Well, how about two now,

And I'll get right back to you.

Is that a deal?

It's a deal.

Well, I can work
thursday nights for sure,

And then sunday afternoons.

Sunday afternoons?
Well, I'll be.

A southern boy
isn't watching games on tv.

I'd rather play than watch.


Why, yes, as a matter of fact.

Yes, see, I could tell.

People around here, they don't
know a thing about accents.

Do you know they call me cowboy?
Can you believe that?

Andrew, your wife going to mind?


You're working with a woman.

Why should she?

Some do.

Well, she's working with a man,

And I don't mind.

So that's what it is I
felt about you right away.


That you're lonely.

See, I'm lonely.
So I can tell.

Good night.

[Car door opens]

[Engine starts]

Should I get in?

Yes. Yes, please.


[Theme music plays]