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06x18 - Firepower

Posted: 09/10/22 16:44
by bunniefuu
MAN: Why don't you toss
them Chippies a pineapple?


But most likely candidates
are outlaw motorcycle gangs.

- Stay out of it, Ringo.

Well, I hope you're as good
at racing as you are at talking.

I'm better, lover boy.

- Just what was it carrying?
- RNI, an expl*sive.

One container could
level an entire city block.




LA-15-23 in
pursuit, white truck,

southbound at
Harbor and E Street.

and 7 responding.



Hey, Bean. Why don't you
toss them Chippies a pineapple?

Serving up a
pineapple, Big Crazy.


LA-15-MARY-7, we got a 15-23
involved in an 11-80 at Spencer and Brand.

Roll on paramedics
and fire truck.

- You okay?
- Yeah.

What hit me?

They tossed something
out of the back of the truck.

What is this?

I know what it was.

A hand grenade.

GETRAER: Now this is the
area that we have to zero in on.

The FBI is handling
interstate traffic,

LAPD is covering the
central and valley sectors,

we've been asked to
cover the South Bay area.

Here's the list of
what was stolen

- from Point Mugu armory this morning.
- Thank you, Kathy.

Machine g*ns, bazookas,
anti-t*nk g*ns, napalm.

And the M.O. is the same
as all the other robberies.

I've heard there's millions
involved in illegal g*n sales.

It's a big market.

Foreign governments,
t*rrorists, mercenaries.

Any suspects?

Plenty, but most likely candidates
are outlaw motorcycle gangs.

I've seen a lot of them around.

That's right, the Motorcycle Grand
Prix's being held in Long Beach.

I've been practicing
for the past week.

Those dudes are hard to miss.

All right, that's a start. Frank,
Bobby, get on this right away.

Come on, Bobby,
let's go to work.

Uh, you wearing those uniforms,
pay up your life insurance.

Who said anything
about uniforms? Sarge?

I don't know, Frank.
Those gangs play for keeps.

You get your cover blown,
you're out there all alone.

Hey, when we go
undercover, we go way under.

Come on, you guys, move it!

How many more times
you gonna need that stuff?

Why, the bucks complaining?

Hey, I got a reputation!

- Anybody finds out I'm helping the cops...
- Just this last time, Weasel,

we owe you one, baby.

One? You owe me three.


ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome
to the First Annual Motorcycle Grand Prix

here through the
streets of Long Beach.

Super bikes and the top
riders from across America

turning out this
weekend for this race.

They're capable of speeds
of up to 1 7 0 miles an hour.

The crowd is out to
watch practice today.

And they are primed for
some exciting close practice

because it's a new course
through the streets of Long Beach.

Nobody really
knows what to expect.

They'll be hitting speeds of 1 7 0,1 7
5 miles an hour on the straightaway,

and that's awfully,
awfully fast.

The top riders are
Roberto Dientre...

Okay, I made the
adjustments to your timing.

That should help your
acceleration coming out of turns.

I've always said
you're a genius, Harlan.

All right, hot sh*t.

Just remember, the finest racers

from all over the country
are entered in this event.

And it's not only the reputation
of the Highway Patrol at stake,

it's my reputation.

Harlan, have I ever
let you down before?

You've never had the chance!

ANNOUNCER: And here comes
Bruce Nelson out for practice.

The charismatic two-time World Speedway
Champion now getting into road-racing.

Lining up on the grid for practice,
the other riders giving him the eye.

Nelson getting under way
and a good start in practice,

and feeling his way
around this track.

As we said, ladies
and gentlemen,

practice, a chance for the riders
to try the different tire compound.

They don't wanna push it too far in a
practice, it can get a little dangerous,

especially through
the city streets.

So, Bruce Nelson out on the
track now, learning the way around.

And here comes Kelly Monahan,

the top female road
racer in the country.

Right out there with Nelson.
This is gonna be interesting.

They're going in for the
hay bales around the turn.

Nelson and Monahan watching
each other, eyeing each other,

and now the straightaway on the
street at well over 90 miles an hour.

Down shifting... Look out!

Holy Toledo!

BRUCE: Hey, you!

ANNOUNCER: Kelly Monahan
goes through, but looks back again,

and it looks like Nelson's
still upset about that.

He goes back out on the track.

Again, this is practice.
Remember, this is not racing.

But Nelson looks serious.

Monahan and Nelson.

Down the back
straightaway. Watch out!

They've got problems!
They're down!

Nelson and Monahan
for the hay bales.

They're both up...

You stupid jerk, I oughta
punch your lights out.

What's your problem? If
you can't handle that thing,

get some training wheels for it.

- You're a girl.
- My, you're so perceptive.

If only you knew how
to ride a motorcycle.

Me? I was coming off the
track. I had the right-of-way,

- and you just creamed me.
- What right-of-way?

You gotta keep your eyes
open when you're on the track.

Yeah, with you out there, I
need eyes in the back of my head.

Yeah, well, it'd be a
distinct improvement, champ.


You used to be a
big hero of mine.

World Speedway Champion.

- No kidding?
- That was before I met you, though.

Yeah, do you think I could be a hero again
if I was to ask you to dinner tonight?

I don't know. Might be a start.

Pick you up at 7:00?

- 8:00.
- 8:00?

Can I have your address?

Yeah, and a seeing-eye
dog to help you get there.



- Flex 'em, Bean.
- (GRUNTING) I got it. I got it.

Can't get much more
stuff in here, Big Crazy.

No strain, be moving
it out soon enough.

- Yeah, when are we gonna do that?
- When I say to.

- Sure, I was just thinking...
- Don't.

It ain't one of
your strong points.


You wanna give us a hand?



How long are you gonna
let him do this, Max?

He said it'd only be for a week.
He's still got a couple days.

We don't have any idea
what he's putting in there.

What if the police come around?

Police don't have any
reason to come here.

Angela, listen to me.

I used to ride with Big Crazy.

(EXHALES) Believe me, he
didn't get that name for nothing.

We try to stop him,

he'll tear this place apart.
Is that what you want?

No, Max.


It's just, I'm so scared.

Yeah. Me, too, baby. Me, too.

Boomer, qué pasa?

Beer, baby.

This is the third place today.

I know what you mean.

I'm beginning to feel this
strong need to take a shower.


What? You got a problem, man?

Hey, stay cool, man.
It was just an accident.

Here, let me get yourself
some fresh suds, okay?

Hey, babe, can I join you?

PONCH: Can I have a cola, miss?

Well, if it ain't Clark Kent.

Here you go, Ponch.

I'm Manuel's sister, from
the old neighborhood.

- Angela.

You were just a little kid.

That's a long time ago.
I've got a kid of my own now.

That's great.

- How long have you been working here?
- About a year.

My husband and I,
we own this place.

You must like bikers, huh?

Um, I can't talk now,
Ponch, I'm real busy.

- Sure, I just wanted to...
- Ponch...

I know you're a cop.

Are you afraid of
something, Angela?


I can't talk here.

Name the time and the
place, and I'll be there.

Tomorrow morning,
Mar Vista playground.


That's my wife you're pawing.

Max, please. He's
a friend of Manuel's.

I don't care who he is. You keep
your grubby hands off my wife.

Hey, no offense, friend.

We were just
talking over old times.

Yeah, well, she ain't got time
to be socializing with, too busy.

All right, hey, I was
just leaving anyway.

You got a problem
with this turkey, Maxy?

It's okay, he's leaving.

(CHUCKLES) What's the matter,
Maxy? You scared of this twerp?

Hey, back off. The man
said everything's cool.

Yeah? Everything is cool?

Well, it ain't cool with me.

See, I don't like my friends
getting pushed around.

Seems like you're
the only one pushing.


- Hey, twerp...
- BEAN: You bat him, Crazy.

- Come on, twerpy.
- Stay out of it, Ringo. Cover me.

Come on. Come on, twerpy.

Come on, twerpy.

Come on.


Hey, Crazy, you all right?


impressed, partner.

Good, I'm still shaking.

But I think we may
be on to something.

practice session coming up.

We are set, ladies and gentlemen,
a beautiful day here at Long Beach,

the temperature
in the high 7 0s.

Practice speeds are inching up.

And the spectators
are leaning forward

watching these riders
out here on the track.

The gearing is getting set,

they're dialing in the tires, we're
looking for some very fast lap times now.

Hey, I didn't know they let
little twerps work on motorcycles.

Listen, fella, I really don't like people
standing over me when I'm trying to...


Very authentic, right
down to the smell.

Just keep it down, Harlan.
Where's Bruce? I gotta talk to him.

He's over by the
official's stand.

Thanks a lot, peewee.

What do you know about
a biker named Big Crazy?

Everybody's heard of
him. He's one bad dude.

- Does he have a record?
- As long as a gorilla's arm.

Well, you keep in touch.

I wanna know more
about this gorilla.

(YAWNS) You got it.

I'm not keeping you awake, am I?

All this practicing
is exhausting.

Not sleeping at night,
it's kind of wearing me out.

Anything I can do to help?

KELLY: Hey, Bruce.

I'm looking forward to tonight.

Right. Me, too.

On second thought,
cancel the offer.

- Which one's yours?
- The one in red with the dirtiest face.

(LAUGHS) How's Manuel?
It's been a long time.

Oh, he's fine. He's got
a good job, he's married,

couple of kids.

What about you, Angela?

- What about me?
- You happy?

got a beautiful child,

a husband who loves me, a
business that's doing good.

That's not what I asked you.
I asked if you were happy.


Sure, I'm happy.

Why are you so afraid?

Angela, we're looking for a motorcycle
g*ng that are stealing weapons.

If there's anything you
know that could help us...

It's getting late, I
gotta go to work.

What do you know
about Big Crazy?

Max used to ride with him,
but that was a long time ago.

He got out of that
life, he's straight now.

He doesn't want anything to
do with those people anymore.

Then why is Big Crazy
still hanging around?

It's not Max's fault.

He doesn't want him
there, it's just that...

- Well, he can't, uh...
- Can't what?

I don't know anything, Ponch.

I just can't get involved.

I just hope you're
not already involved.

To the race. May
the best man win.

As long as he's a she.

Excellent vintage.

I'm saving the good
stuff till after the race.

It's traditional for
the winner to buy.


We'll see what you have to say
tomorrow after I've whipped your tail.

Well, I hope you're as good
at racing as you are at talking.

You might just have a chance.

I'm better, lover boy.

Bruce, I really like you a lot.

But I just want you to know that
I'm gonna be out on that track to win.

I wouldn't have
it any other way.

Barton James
Whalen, alias Big Crazy.

Arson, armed robbery, as*ault.

(SCOFFS) This rap sheet looks
like an encyclopedia of crime.

The word I got
around the track is

Big Crazy's been bragging
about a score he's gonna make.

Sounds like this Mr. Whelan
is a prime suspect.

- Well, let's bust him.
- Easy, Bruce.

It helps to have a charge first.

Whoever's ripping off those
weapons is probably gonna strike again.


Okay, let's go over one
more time what we know.

Base, this is Outrider.

I got a bogie on my
back door. Code six.



Yes, right away.

There may be another
hijacking in progress. Let's go.

Bruce, you get back to the
track, keep your ears open.




- The man?
- He's alive!

Frank, Bobby,

this is Colonel Richardson,
vice-president of Telford Munitions.

- Officers Poncherello and Nelson.
- Officers.

First time this ever happened
to one of our vehicles

and it couldn't have
happened at a worse time.

- Why is that, sir?
- Because of what it was carrying.

Look, I warned them not to
send this vehicle out unescorted.

Excuse me, Colonel.
Just what was it carrying?

RNI, an expl*sive.

Highly experimental,
very powerful.

Just how dangerous
is this stuff?

Properly stored,
it poses no thr*at.

However, RNI is
extremely volatile in nature.

Subjected to any
variances in temperature,

it immediately begins to deteriorate which
in turn causes the chemicals to expand

and from that point on,
it could blow at any time.

Is there anything that would indicate
when an expl*si*n was imminent?

The chemicals develop an extremely
sharp odor, very much like ammonia.

And when that occurs,
it's a matter of minutes.

How powerful is RNI?

One container could
level an entire city block.

So, what do you think?
What do you think?

I've seen explosions before.


You ever seen one that
big with this much expl*sive?

- You have any more of this?
- Barrels full.

All right, Mr. Whelan,

I think we can make a deal.

$250,000 on delivery.

That's more than we discussed.

You're getting more.

I made you a fair offer.


Final offer.


Tomorrow afternoon at my boat.

2:00 p.m.

No sooner, no later.

I don't want any problems
with the Coast Guard.

We'll be there.


What'd I tell you? 200 big ones.

You did it, Big Crazy.

No. No.

He said 2:00.

The race will be going on, you
gotta go right through it, man.

No strain.

What do you mean? The
streets are gonna be blocked off,

the place is gonna
be crawling with cops.

Yeah, well, that's
where you come in.

You're gonna be in
the race, buddy boy.


What are you talking about?
There's no openings left.

There will be.

One of the racers
had an accident.

Oh, when did that happen?

(LAUGHS) About
two hours from now.

- You Big Crazy.

Ah! It's gonna be
you and me, Bean.

200,000 big ones, man.

I'm developing a real
hate for these outfits.

I know how you feel,

but we got to warn Max
and Angela about RNI.

If they understand the danger,

maybe they'll come up with
some information we can use.

Mandy, honey, please
don't those play with those.

Okay, Mommy.

Darn, I'm all out of flour.

Max, have we got
some flour back here?

What do you want?

I'm with the CHP. My
name is Frank Poncherello.

This is my partner. And I
wanna talk to you and Angela.

In this area there's a highly volatile
expl*sive that can blow up at any minute.

- People are gonna be k*lled.
- NELSON: It's called RNI.

We don't know anything
about this RNI stuff.

Why don't you get off our backs?

Because we're trying
to prevent a disaster.

And I think you do know
something, but you're afraid to talk.

Listen, um...

I'd like to help you guys out,

but there's nothing
I can tell you.

Sure. If you do think of something,
you know where to reach us.

If anything happens, and
you could've helped stop it,

the both of you are gonna have to
live with that the rest of your lives.

No way. Now that stuff Big Crazy's
been putting in the storeroom's

just motorcycle parts.

How can you be so sure?
You haven't even looked.

And I'm not about to.

Max, that expl*sive could be sitting
out there, just waiting to blow up.

Momma, I brought you some flour.

Mandy, I told you never to
go into that storeroom alone.

I'm sorry, Mommy.


(CHUCKLES) Look at you, honey.

Go in the bathroom
and clean up, okay?

- Okay, Mommy.
- Okay.

I wanna know what's out there.

I'm not gonna live
with this any longer.

And you're not gonna
stick your nose into this.

Now, if Big Crazy
finds out, he'll k*ll you.

Angela, listen to me, I...

Hey, Maxy, relaxy, let's have
some dinner for my friends, huh?

The best. I'm buying.

Tonight, the drinks are on me.

- Hey, sweetheart,


How you doin'?

continues here at Long Beach.

The track getting a little slippery
out there as the wind picks up.

And coming in from this
practice is Bruce Nelson,

and right beside him, Kelly
Monahan, moving into the pits.

The rest of the
riders are on the track.

Roberto Dientre on
the black-gray Honda.

Alvana in the background...

Well, if that was practice, what
am I gonna do with you in the race?

- Lose, I suppose.
- We'll see, Irish.

Are we still on for tonight?

Same time, same place.

Any problems?

Not with the bike, Harlan.

I thought I'd stop by and
see how you guys were doing.

Fine. We're all set.

Something the matter, Ponch?

(SIGHS) One of Big
Crazy's henchman,

a guy by the name of
Bean, just entered the race.

I thought all the starting
positions were filled.

They were. One of the
racers got into a fight.

He's out and Bean is in.

And I'm starting to
get that hinky feeling.

So, keep your eyes open, okay?

Sure, Ponch.


Naughty girl.

ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen,

getting set now for the start
of this very important race,

the First Annual Motorcycle Grand
Prix through the streets of Long Beach.

An incredible number
of international journalists

coming in from Europe
to cover this race.

You can tell it's important

by the number of different passports
being flashed around the pits,

the number of different
types of credentials,

the top photographers
and writers.

Of course, a lot of attention
on young Bruce Nelson.

And the question is, can he go from
Speedway and continue to road-racing?


Perfect. Or as near to perfect
as anyone's allowed to get.

Modesty was never
one of his virtues.

Only the humble are modest.

- Oh.
- And no one could ever accuse you of that.

How are you feeling, Bruce?
Butterflies in the stomach?

Before every race,
Ponch. Just like clockwork.

Well, we'll all be
rooting for you, man.

Right, go for it.
Give it all you got.

Chew gravel, little brother.

Listen, with a mechanic
like me, you can't lose.

Thanks, you guys.
Thanks for all your help.

Okay, guys, let's go.

Excuse me.

Hey, wait a minute, I wanna
give you your final instructions.

Hey, easy, Harlan.

I think he found
something more interesting.


- You be careful out there now, you hear?
- I will. You, too.

- See you on the finish line.
- I'll be waiting for you.

Good luck.


Just got some information
you might find useful.

There's a high-priced
buyer in town.

That means the stuff will
probably be moved right away.

That's what we figured.

Come on, Bobby, we're going back
to the Rip Tide Cafe one more time.

What for? Max and Angela
aren't going to tell us anything.

Maybe not. But we haven't
leaned on Big Crazy yet.

Close it up, Billy.

Have to go very
easy with it, very easy.

Come on, come on, come

Well, it's all over, Max. See?

No problems, no
troubles for anyone.

I could've k*lled you,
but you was lucky,

'cause I got other plans.

What are you getting at?

- She's coming with me.
- What are you talking about? No way.

Don't push me, Max.

She's my insurance,

in case you get any ideas
about going to the cops.

You're not taking her.

(LAUGHS) What are you
gonna do? Try and stop me?


Max! Max! No!

I'm not going with you!

No! I don't want to go with you.

- All right, split!
- No! No!

Let go of me! Let go! (SCREAMS)

Let go of me. I don't
want to go with you. No!

Get in!


ANNOUNCER: And we are just
moments away, ladies and gentlemen,

from the start of this First
Annual Motorcycle Grand Prix

through the streets
of Long Beach.

A special 2.7-mile-long course,

encompassing nine turns.

From short, quick,
hairpin turns, left and right,

down to second and third gear
to the 130-mile-an-hour sweeper.

The top riders in the
world lined up on the line.

Lined up on the outside of row
number one, the beautiful Kelly Monahan.

On the pole, Bruce Nelson,
and they are ready to go at it.

Leaning back and forth,
rocking back and forth on the line,

and the crowd is
ready for this race.

A very important race. The
top American road racers.

There's Mike Plunkin. The
mad man on the Yamaha.

Dan Lock, riding on
the factory Suzuki,

and from the East Coast, one of the
top East Coast riders, Dave Buxbaum.

The rest of the riders,
back and forth on the bikes.

A very, very important race.

And the all-important
part is that start.

Richard "The b*llet" Bean, a
last-minute entry, I don't believe this.

Bean is on the line.

What's he doing out there?
They call him "The Assassin."

And they're under way.

And out in front, as expected, are
Kelly Monahan and Bruce Nelson.

The rest of the batch trailing out
behind them to get into turn number one.

It is Monahan and
Nelson battling out in front.

Back of the pack are
bunching up a little bit now.

There's Plunkin. Plunkin going for
Lock. Lock passing on the inside.

Now the inside straightaway,
into turn number three.

It is still Monahan and
Nelson running in front.

Bean moving up through the pack.

Buxbaum battling Plunkin now
for fourth spot at 150 miles an hour.

It's Bruce Nelson out in front,
Kelly Monahan right at his tailpipe.

Into the inside, now,
into turn number seven,

Monahan and Nelson
going at it hammer and tongs.

And Monahan is on Nelson
like a dog on a piece of meat.

Nelson, Monahan, now here comes Bean,
up on the inside, making a play for third.

Richard "The b*llet" Bean, the
last-minute entry, moving up...


- You all right?
- Yeah.

- What happened?
- Nothing. It's okay.

- Where's Angela?
- She's, uh...

She'll be back later.

Ponch, over there.

Smells like ammonia.

You've been lying
to us all along, man.

Now, no more games.

That expl*sive was
in your storeroom.

And it can blow up any minute.
Now, I want to know where it is. Now!

Uh, Angela... Angela's with him.

- Who?
- Big Crazy.

He made her go.

Everything's in the truck,
he's making the delivery.

- Where did he go?
- I don't know, uh...

He said something
about a boat, uh...

- A private dock at the marina.
- The marina.

That truck has to go
right past the race track.

Rider down, looks to be okay.
High-sided into turn number six.

Meanwhile, back in front, Bruce Nelson
out in front about three bike lengths.

Kelly Monahan running second.

A record crowd here, ladies and
gentlemen, well over 30,000 folks on hand

to watch this exciting sport
of American road racing.

Nelson coming out under the bridge now,
extends his lead about 15 bike lengths.

Monahan running second,
Plunkin in third, Lock running fourth.

Around the hay bales they go.

A little bit slippery
now. Wind coming up.

The temperature still in the
high 7 0s. A perfect day for racing,

and this crowd is on its feet.

But here comes
"The b*llet," Bean,

"The Assassin," moving
up through the pack.

It is still Nelson in front,
Monahan running second.

Down shifting, up,
fifth gear, sixth gear.

Now down on that sweeping,
left-hand turn, number seven.

Nelson and Monahan
still battling for the lead.

And the crowd is standing and cheering.
Here today, a beautiful day in Long Beach.

A film crew is out from the
network watching this incredible race.

An important race, the first
time ever held in Long Beach.

And the crowd is getting
its money's worth today.

There he is. He's
heading for the track.

Reaching the halfway point
of this very tough-fought race,

it is still Nelson out in
front, Monahan second,

going for the
Champagne-glory gold.

Bean, moving up through the
pack and moving into third spot.

The bikes putting out well over
100 horsepower per rear wheel,

unheard of speeds.

And the tire companies have been
hard pressed to stay up to the technology

to make the tires sticky
enough and last long enough.

We go back to Daytona last year,
where... had a problem with the tires.

It looks like the problems
have been licked.

Running at over 100 horsepower on the rear
wheel, tremendous pressure on those tires.


A knock-down-drag-out battle out in front
between Bruce Nelson and Kelly Monahan.

And Monahan has her hands
full trying to catch Nelson.

The track getting
more and more slippery

as more and more of the
rubber is ground on the tires.

And the wind comes up,
spraying sand on the track.

There's Bruce Nelson in
front, Kelly Monahan, second,

and Bean is running
third and moving up

like a snake oil
salesman in the night.

It is Nelson, Monahan and Bean,
and the crowd is standing and cheering,

as Nelson opens up a
little bit of a lead now.

Down the back chute.
Well over 150 miles an hour.

Nelson, Monahan and Bean, the rest
of the field stretching out behind them.

Moving back and forth,
around the right-hand turn,

down the back chute,
into turn number nine.

Nelson in front,
Monahan running second,

here's Monahan
moving up the outside.

It is Nelson in front, but Monahan
is moving up to challenge him.

Bean is running third.


Stay with the truck.

Here comes Bean, moving
up. Watch out! Bean's down!

Bean wipes out.
Couldn't hang on.

Get the flagman out, we've got a
rider... Two riders down on the track.

Watch out! There's a truck
coming out on the track.

Ladies and gentlemen, we've
got a truck on the racetrack.

Get the flagman out here.

Wait a minute. What's going on?

Bruce Nelson is
going back on the track.

He's headed after the truck.

What is Nelson
doing? He had the lead.


- You all right?
- Yeah, I'm fine.




(LAUGHS) Right,
thanks for calling.

The Coast Guard picked up that
weapons buyer trying to make a run for it.

And we've got Big
Crazy's whole g*ng.

What about Max and Angela?

Oh, considering their cooperation,
I don't think the DA will file charges.


Hey, where's Bruce?

Last time I saw him, he
was out in Harlan's garage.

With Kelly.

I'm going to miss you, Kelly.

I'm going to miss you, too.

We can solve this
real easy. Don't go.

It's the chance of a lifetime.

I'll be racing the
best tracks in Europe.

I know.

You're in the same
position I was a year ago.

I wish our timing was better.

A year is not such a long time.

We've got a roll
on a multiple T.A.

If you don't want to
come along, it's okay.

You kidding? I'm
a cop, aren't I?

That's the rumor.