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06x25 - Bus Stop

Posted: 09/10/22 18:06
by bunniefuu
♪ You take the good,
you take the bad ♪

♪ You take 'em both
and there you have ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ There's a time you
gotta go and show ♪

♪ You're growin'
now you know about ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ When the world never seems ♪

♪ To be livin' up
to your dreams ♪

♪ And suddenly
you're findin' out ♪

♪ The facts of
life are all about ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ It takes a lot
to get 'em right ♪

♪ When you're learnin'
the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪♪

I'll be glad when
then week's over.

When's your final, mrs. G?

450 Through the crusades.

I mean what day?

Tomorrow 3 p.m. Two number twos.


You sound prepared.

I've done a little brushing up.

Ask me charlemagne's weight.

Ugh. Do you know how
much studying I've got?

I don't care.

I have four finals.

Why do we have finals anyway?

We've already been
tested on the material.

Where's the trust?

Where's the help?

Natalie's graduating
in three days.

We gotta get this done
before the books arrive.

An encyclopedia is a wonderful
graduation gift for natalie.

Oh, I know.

Every time she looks up
something, she'll think of us.

Yeah. That's very nice.

Thank you.

It'll look great in her room.

Well, that is if she
goes to college here.

What have you heard?

She told you
something, didn't she!

She told you and
she didn't tell me?

I'm her best friend. That's it.

No, she hasn't said anything.

She has to go to langley.

Hold it, guys, here
she comes. Uh-oh.

Yeah, you're right, mrs. G.

Albinos have recessive genes,

So they can't carry out
synthesis in a normal way.

There's always someone
worse off than you are.

We're just here studying.

Yeah, studying.

We've got finals.


Studying for finals, huh?

Exactly. Exactly.

Don't you have a
mind of your own?

She has to go here.

Where else would
she go but langley?

I'm telling you,
the girl is in limbo.

You guys are gonna
have to do something.

Give her a langley pep talk.

I don't want her far from home.

She's just a child.

And, uh, remember marco
polo's dying words...

The best schools are
those closest to home.

Oh, hi, nat.


I'm hungry.

I thought I'd get
something to eat.

Anybody have a
problem with that?

No. As a matter of fact,

Think I'll get a bite
of something myself.

I'll join you.

Oh, yeah. Me, too.

Meanwhile, mrs. Garrett and I
have business in the other room.

We always do.

So, what will you have, kid?

What have you got, kid?

Looks like we've got just
about any kind of pastry

You could possible want here.

Of course, we have
a cross section

Of just about everything here
in peekskill all the year 'round.

All right, what's going on?

Langley, natalie.
Langley college.

Let me just say there are
16 majors to choose from,

And cute guys in every
single one of them.

That's the school, natalie.

Look, nat, you have decided where
you're going to college, right?

Uh, no, I'm still
weighing the options.

Well, all we're
trying to say here is

Give langley a fair shot.

You know, it's a really
excellent school, scholastically.

The social life is fabulous.

They leave you alone here.

You can lead your own life.

They have functions
for everything.

They have a women's basketball.

You don't have to take sports,

And it's very exclusive.

You feel part of the community.

Did I tell you about
the young men?

Many of whom have
their own vehicles.

The men are cute.

So what did you decide?

I don't know. It's
kind of hard to say.

Well, hey, listen,

We don't want to
talk you into anything.

Oh, no, no.

You must consider all
the other schools, too.

You have a right
to make a mistake

You'll regret the
rest of your life.

Good luck!



My name's natalie.
Nice day, isn't it?

Every day's a nice
day in the mall.

I guess so.

You ever been to
the movies here?


They have 38 theaters,

But the screens
are kind of small.

I just finished
seeing dr. Zhivago.

Omar sharif was wonderful.
So was julie christie.

I wish I could have
seen them together.

You come here often?

I am dragged here often.

My daughter and son-in-law
bring me here every week.

They tell me how much I enjoy it

So they can shop without guilt.

That's too bad.

Oh, they mean well.

They figure, "at least
we're getting dad out."

This isn't out.

This is high ceilings.


People mean well.

But sometimes you
can't talk to them.

Like my friends and my family.

I have something to tell them
that they're not gonna want to hear.

Oh, yeah?

But I've made up my mind.

This is the most important
decision I've ever had to make.

Oh, I'm sorry. Would
you like popcorn?

It's grape.

It's got some pasta in it.

One thing about the
mall, you'll never starve.

You'll never identify
the food, either.

I've decided not
to go to college.

That shocks you, doesn't it?

Nothing shocks me anymore.

Except cold hands.

They'll just try
to talk me out of it,

And I don't know what I'll say.

All I know is that the
thought of college...

Ugh. I just get depressed.

That's how I feel
about the mall.


So I've decided I'd
apply to one school

That I'll never get in to.

That way I won't be lying
to my mother and my friends

When I said I applied
and didn't get in.

Pretty clever, huh?

No. You better tell them.


Face the music.

You got to tell them,
for your own good.

Just like I got to tell my
daughter not to bring me here.

You're right.

It's just so hard.

They'll be so disappointed.

I know. Look at me.

I haven't told my daughter yet,

And I've been coming here for...

Well, I don't know how long.

There's no change of season.

Ok. You're right.

Tell them, get it over with.

Thanks. It really
helped, talking to you.

Maybe I'll see you
again here sometime.

Not if I can help it.

Ok, everybody, now pay attention

And all will go smoothly.

Nobody eats until
the fun starts.

Do you see anybody
having fun yet?

Now, jo will watch out for her.

When she sees her coming,

You will all proceed to
your assigned hiding places

And crouch down
quietly in this manner.

It will be dark,

So check the area around
your spot for potential hazards

You may encounter
during the leaping up phase.

Now, when the lights go back on,

We will all yell "surprise"
in unison to natalie.

Any questions?

Who's natalie?

One of my people.
I'll take care of it.

Her people?


You see, blair hired two
langley football players,

A cheerleader, and the
cutest guy on the school paper

To come to our party.

It's part of our "choose
langley" campaign.

Nat's going to
buckle, I know it.

I really appreciate
you all coming.

I know you don't know natalie...

Would you mind not indulging
in the hors d'oeuvres quite yet?

Thanks a mill.

She's really a terrific person,

And I'm trying to convince
her that langley...

Can it till halftime,
lou, or I bench your tush!

Thanks again.

Turn off the light.
Here she comes.

Places! Shh!

Oh, this is good.
Not too dangerous.

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!

Happy graduation, natalie!

You guys, is this all for me?

Were you surprised,
nat? Now tell me the truth.

Did you know?

No, I had no idea.
This is great.

Come on. You can tell me.

I didn't have a clue.

Don't say that to be nice.

A total surprise, ok?


Congratulations, natalie!

Thanks, anne.

No more uniforms! All right!

Hi. Thanks for coming.

Oh, hi!

Great haircut.

Why are there people here
I've never seen in my life?

Those kids are
students at langley.

Natalie, feast
your eyes on alan,

Langley journalism major.

Writes features.
Has a few of his own.

6 Feet, blue eyes...

I don't think I can deal
with him right now.

Come on, nat. Ask him a
question about the campus paper.


He missed a deadline
for this, natalie.

That's it. I have to talk to
you 3 in the living room, now.

Right now.

You with the flag, in here.

What's the matter, natalie?

Don't you like the party?

Oh, it's not that.
The party's great.

It was very thoughtful.

But there's
something I have to say,

And I don't want to wait
another minute, so I'm gonna say it.

Maybe one minute.

Come on, nat, we
have guests out there.

All right, all right.

I can't go to langley,
and I can't go to college

'Cause I'm not
gonna go to college

'Cause I'm gonna travel instead.

Did I say it?

Somebody say something.

Don't be an idiot.

Thank you.

Natalie, you're probably
a little overwhelmed

By the idea of
graduating right now.

Just give yourself some time.

Mrs. Garrett, this isn't
a last-minute decision.

I decided this months ago.

I've made up my mind.

Well, that's just fine.

Then I guess you
won't be interested

In this letter that came
from princeton today.

Oh, that.

This doesn't mean anything.

I applied only because I
knew they wouldn't take me.

It's my rejection.

Only it's not my rejection.

I got accepted to princeton.

Thanks again for
the party, you guys.

It was really nice.

Oh, yeah.

After your little announcement,

Everyone had such a great time.

You could tell by
the total silence.

People were just
examining their destinies.

People were leaving, natalie.

Not going to college.

Not going to princeton.

I'm am going, I'm just
not going right away.

Why not?

Blair, let's just give
natalie a chance to explain.

This better be good.


I'm not going to college yet

Because I want to
take a year off, travel,

And find out who I am.

Can't you find out by september?

People need to be
exposed to the real world.

Natalie, that's a myth.

Have you thought
about where you'll go?

Anywhere the bus takes
me... New mexico, canada.

The bus?

Natalie, consider
the consequences.

College is where we meet
intelligent, well-read men

With definite goals.

You'll end up with the
guy in the window seat.

There's one thing
you're forgetting here.


You can't turn down princeton.

It's not easy for me, jo.

Look, princeton
is top of the line.

You turn them down now, they'll
probably never let you in again.

That's a chance
I'll have to take.

I know what a
great school it is.

That should prove to you
how much this means to me.

Well, just what is it
you're trying to prove?

Do you know how many kids
never get a chance like this?

And you're tossing it out
the window to go greyhound.

Natalie, I really
don't understand you.

It's such a waste.

The bus!

Beautiful set and it's all hers.

Yeah, it's great.

She's not going to college,

So she's not going
to be able to use it.

Oh, no, thanks. I
don't need any help.

"Every time she'll
look something up,

She'll think of us."

It was a lovely thought.

What are we gonna do?

What is natalie gonna do?

She'll be sh**ting the
rapids with 32 volumes.

And a bookcase.

Oh, no, really. I
want to do this.

Be careful with those.

Well, maybe she can read
them before she goes.

Then we can return them.

We can't return these.
My daddy got us a deal.

Probably got them
through the mob.

Oh, right. And who's the
fence, alistair cooke?

And I resent the implication

That my father
deals with the mob.


Hey, you want some
help with those?

Oh, sure, now
that I'm up to "z."

Well, we better
get these hidden.

Uh... Oh.

Looks sturdy to me, jo.

I don't know what you
were worried about?

Jo was worried about
the frame collapsing.

I don't know.

You know how
frame conscious I am.

Let's go check mrs.
Garrett's frame.

Oh, I'd like that.

My friends. I don't
understand them.

Natalie, we might as
well get to the point.

I know what you want
to talk to me about.

No, you don't. Yes, I do.

Mom, you have no idea.

You don't want to go to college.

Incredible guess.

Blair and jo told me.

They told you?
They thought I knew.

And I should have known.

I was gonna tell you,

But I just didn't feel right
telling you over the phone.

Here I am.

Right. Here you are.

Mom, I will go to
college, I promise.

But first I want to
experience a little bit of life.

Just for a year.

If I'm going to be a writer,
I need that experience.

You'll be a better writer
if you go to college.

Why not go now and travel later?

I'm not explaining this right.

Darling, you've spent your
whole life preparing for this.

It'd be different if you weren't
such an excellent student.

Mom, I'm just not ready yet.

Nobody ever feels ready.

I'm not in the habit of
forcing my views on you,

But this is one time I think I can
see more clearly than you can.

I've thought about
this for a long time.

I've made up my mind.

Honey... I'm not
going to college.


Have you thought about how
you're gonna support yourself?


Well, you should understand,

You're not going to get any
financial support from me.

That's not fair.

It's absolutely fair.

If you're gonna make
a choice like this,

You should know what
you're getting into.

Why are you making
this so hard for me?

And what about your father?

You know how much your
education meant to him.

I'll go.

I can't stand it
any more. I'll go.

I hope you're happy.

Oh, honey.

It doesn't make me happy
to force you into anything.

I'm doing this because
I want you to be happy,

Not just for a year,
but for your whole life.

I know.

I love you.

I know.

I knew she'd go to college.

And now it's the
perfect gift again.

Well, I hope she's
happy with her decision.

I hope she stays
with her decision.

At least until we give her this.

I'm just glad we're
not gonna lose her.

Princeton's not so bad.

We can always
visit her in jersey.

You can visit her in jersey.

I better go check on her.

Hi, ladies.

Hi, evie. You look lovely.

Thank you.

So... A little nervous?

Oh, no. I'm not the
one who's graduating.

Who is graduating?




What are you wowing about?

You look so... Official.

Of course I look
official. This is rented.

I believe can't you're
graduating without me.

I'm a year older than you.

You could have paced yourself.




You're thinking bad
thoughts, aren't you?

You're thinking natalie's
graduating and moving away.

You're thinking we'll
still be close for a while,

But eventually we'll drift apart

Until there's nothing left.

Our friendship will be down to
christmas cards and sh*ts of the kids.

Oh, those mimeographed letters.

It'll come to that.
I'm so depressed.

It won't come to that.

We won't let it.

This friendship will last
forever. Is that clear?

But it's going to
take some work.

I'm ready.

So am i.

Thank you.

Everybody, I have something
to say before we go.

Nat, if this is your
acceptance speech,

Don't you think it's better to
wait till you've got something?

No, I have to say this now.

I can't do it. I can't
go to college yet.

But, uh, this time I
think I can explain why.

I've been going to
private schools all my life.

And I need to take time
to look at where I'm going.

My education prepared me for
a world I haven't even seen yet.

She's not going.

She's going.

So I realized why.

Then I realized it
doesn't matter why.

It only matters how I feel,

Even if it means going against
the people I care about the most.

That was the worst part.

I'm scared, but I
know I have to do it.

Well, natalie, I
still don't like it,

But you do have my support.

I'm proud of you.

And your father would be, too.

Thanks, mom.


All of a sudden,
you're grown up.

How could you do this to me?

It's partly your fault.

We're happy for you, nat.

I liked your speech.

I thought it was a little long.

Well, I only have one
more thing left to say.

Give me my present.

Uhh... You've been
lying all week.

And it's gonna stop
because you're no good at it.

Give me my present.

I think the time
is inappropriate.

No, it's not.

Then it's the gift
that's inappropriate.

Stand aside.

An encyclopedia!

It's beautiful!

Maybe it comes in paperback.

No, this is the greatest gift.

You guys are
the best. I love it.

But you can't take it with you.

I can take the atlas.

And every time I get
lost, I'll think of you.

Close enough.

♪ You'll avoid a
lot of damages ♪

♪ And enjoy the
fun of managing ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ They shed a lot of light ♪

♪ If you hear them
from your brother ♪

♪ Better clear them
with your mother ♪

♪ Better get them right,
call her late at night ♪

♪ You got the future in
the palm of your hands ♪

♪ All you gotta do to get
you through is understand ♪

♪ You think you
rather do without ♪

♪ You'll never make it
through without the truth ♪

♪ The facts of life
are all about you ♪

♪ Learning the facts of life ♪♪