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02x08 - If It Ain't Rough, It Ain't Right

Posted: 09/11/22 06:17
by bunniefuu

We shot a cop.

This dirty-ass cop got to Sugar.

And then, he tried to flip you by threatening to send you back to jail.

But you wouldn't play ball.




Shit got heated, and he pulled his g*n.

You k*lled him.

It was self-defense.

Plain and simple.




You shot him first.

And then, with his dying breath, he raised his g*n - and - [g*nsh*t]


I was gonna get us both out.

Like he said.


I didn't want out.

It was gonna be different this time.


I know.


Because I love you, I was blinded by that shit.

I didn't see the snitch in you.

What the hell does that say about me? [EXHALES SHARPLY]

How can you be so calm? People always come after us because of who we are.

You've always said that.


Just never thought it'd be like this.


- You know what? Let's just tell them.


We don't say shit.


We handle things on our own.

What he did to us will never be forgotten.

It's not to them to complicate it.

We don't say shit.

Hey, read me? Mmm-hmm.

We're still here.

That's all that matters.

But we're only still here because of him.

No, no, let's get out of here.

Let's go.

They cannot help us.

- Where we gonna go? - Anywhere! The brownstone is gone.

That savage is probably sitting up in Harlem's Paradise right now.

Where we going? Where? [LUKE]

Excuse me.

A detective was supposed to debrief us an hour ago.

Where is everybody? I'm not at liberty to say.

Well, I need some answers.

I don't know what to tell you.

Where is everybody? [MARIAH]

What did you say to her? I don't work for you, Mariah.

I said I was gonna hire you.

And I said I would get you to safety.

And I've done my part.

The rest is up to you.

She okay? You have any kids? Are you trying to thr*aten me again? Don't think for one second that I don't know who you are.

Then why did you save me? Mostly just to see why Bushmaster hates you as much as I do.

Who? Oh, come on, Mariah.

Really? What I was trying to say was children matter.

They hold our hopes, our dreams.

They blot out your mistakes.

I'll do anything to keep her safe.

Well, she deserves better.

She does.

So protect her.

How can I, when you won't be straight with me? Why does Bushmaster want you dead? Maybe I should protect her from you.


- Put her in Interrogation 1 now! - What? I'm the victim.

- Am I under arrest? - No.

You can leave.


That's what I thought.

What about Tilda? I got her, Mariah.

You work for her now.



Not really.

What's wrong? Ridenhour was k*lled last night.

- What? - Yeah.

He had a snitch in Harlem's Paradise, and nobody knew about it except for me.


He went to go talk to her about Piranha, and now he is dead.

She cleaned up shop, just like she did with Candace.

You should've let that bitch burn.


You were six when you guys met.


Fresh Air Fund.

Then the corner.

You couldn't speak a lick of English.

Kids kicking your ass up and down the block, calling out "puta," "maricón," but Darius wouldn't let no one tease you.

He always had your back.


You've never been a good liar, Hernan, so don't tell me some bullshit about Darius being caught up with some sideways cop.

He was a soldier, like his daddy.

He'd never snitch.

What happened last night? The Darius I knew would never, ever talk - [CELL PHONE RINGING]


I'm sorry.

What's the word, Sugar? Calm down.

What? Where? All right.


You may be the only person in this world grieving as hard as I am.


Romeo's gone.

Comanche's gone Don't use that name for my Darius.

Darius would've wanted me to take care of you.

And I will.



You may not want it.

- We both know that you need it.


I'm sorry.




You should have third-degree burns.

Well, I don't.

I bet a strong acid could do it.

Excuse me? You ever have it tested? Uh, I've had more than enough tests to last me a lifetime.

Thank you.

I have never met anyone that can do what you do.

Yes, you have.

You were lying when I came by Mother's Touch.

About a lot of things.

- Tell me what you know about Bushmaster.

- You know why I can't.

My mother doesn't want me talking to anybody.

Especially here.

Man, look.

I just [SIGHS]

I just want things to go back to being normal.

With her, there is no normal.

Only what's next.


He never turned in your paperwork - or anything else.


We had a pool when you turned your badge in.

Ridenhour gave you a month before you came begging for it back.

Bailey gave you a week.

I said three days.

'Cause they don't know you like I do.

Coach Shaw used to have to pull you off the court even when you were injured.

You never quit.

Ridenhour was a house cat.

He should never have been out there.

Inspector West called.

Callahan is in Maui, and O'Reilly moved to New Orleans.

And none of them know you quit.


West said until One Police Plaza sends somebody else, you're the highest ranking detective here.

You're in charge.

You still on the job? Yeah.

I am.

I tell you this much, if it was me on the ground laying in chalk, I would want you to catch my body.


- Wow.

Now, that is probably the nicest thing you have ever said to me.

We're gonna find out who pulled the trigger and make Mariah pay.

You know she's behind this, right? We can't make assumptions about guilt.

Okay? We have to follow the evidence.

You sound like Ridenhour already.

I have to consider both sides.

It comes with the job.

No matter how I feel about it personally.

Hey, Misty.

Come on, Nandi.

We need to inform the kin of the other victim.

- Okay.

- Uh What did his name come back as? Darius Jones.

Aka Comanche.



" Where do I know that name from? Wait.

You said it.

That night in your sleep.

When we had coffee.

Him and Shades were thick as thieves back at Seagate.

Their beatdown is the reason I ended up in Dr.

Burstein's t*nk in the first place.


- Have you seen Comanche since Seagate? - Yeah.

Harlem's Paradise.

Same night Claire took photos of Arturo Rey, Nigel and Cockroach.

Well, then Comanche had to be Ridenhour's snitch.

Do the math.

He had to know where to meet Ridenhour.

I mean, matching text messages and cell phone records are gonna be a mere formality.

Comanche might have been Ridenhour's mole from jump.

Did Ridenhour have recordings, notes? We don't know yet.

But them being m*rder*d at the same time proves motive on Mariah's part.

So who put the work in? Shades? Who else? I still haven't forgotten the last time me and Mr.

Alvarez tussled in the basement.

After I got shot.

Punk ass.

He usually puts a wall up around her.

Somehow Bushmaster got through it.

What proof do we have? Did she give you anything that I can use? Please.

You think you can get her to talk? Why don't you put her in Interrogation 2? That's more your style.



Everything is off.

Police captain gets m*rder*d.

This place isn't filled to the brim with brass? They laying in the cut.

They don't like the optics.


Ridenhour ran Comanche as a CI off books.

They're worried about a Scarfe sequel.

Makes your life a lot harder.

Which is why I need you.

Look, I have to focus on Ridenhour's body, but I can't take my eye off Bushmaster.

And I don't have time for lawyer BS.

Can you help me, unofficially? Sure, as long as I can do things my way.

If you can get Tilda to link any of this to Bushmaster, you can do it whatever way you want.

I'll take a shot.

We'd better hurry.

If Bushmaster finds out they're still alive, - he's gonna come after them.

- That's exactly what I'm hoping for.

Something to scare Mariah's ass to her senses.



What was built by the father now belongs to the son.

What's your plan for Harlem's Paradise, now that it's yours? It's all for the people and the kids.

Every dollar we make, every penny goes back home to the youth to ease the suffering there.



If only my mother could have been here to see this.

You burned that woman and her daughter alive in their house.

Gwen would be proud of what you have.

But not how you got it.

I fear the darkness consumes you.

Anansi I only did what she did to me.

Well What do you want? Mariah and her daughter they been seen.

- Where? - The precinct.




How? [GULPS]

Luke Cage.


Go! Go! [GRUNTS]


Mind if I join you? I owe my life to some guy I barely know.


"Some guy"? I just pulled you from a burning building.

I think I deserve some props for that.


So if there's anything you wanna say or tell me I'm here.

What happened? [MARIAH]

It was a home invasion.

I remind you, I'm the victim here.

You have been untouchable on that block for decades.

I don't buy it.

You know these young bloods.

No respect.

Absolutely no home training.


What did they look like? They both had masks.

Both? Your daughter said there were three of them.

When did you talk to Tilda? He just walked right in, and Mother lifted her g*n and she shot him.

- The b*ll*ts bounce off? - No.

Not like you.

They hit.

Like, directly.

It had no effect on him.

What'd he say? He was talking about how the Stokes family ruined his life.

They k*lled his father and his mother, all over some Bushmaster Rum.


If they wanted you dead, why not just sh**t you? Throw you out of a window? Or bash your head in with a mic stand? Excuse me? Petty thieves keep it petty.

So do petty detectives.

We both know damn well who did this.

Probably the same person who k*lled Piranha Jones and may well have every ill-gotten dime you have ever made.

Say his name, Mariah.

Before this jerk-flavored Hatfield and McCoy shit gets more people k*lled and you end up a Popsicle.

Oh, this is some bullshit.

Get Thomas Ridenhour in here right now Don't you dare say his name like he is walking in here.

He's behind the window.

I know that.

At the same time your brownstone was being burned down, Thomas Ridenhour was shot and k*lled.

Ah! No! [SIGHS]

He was meeting with a confidential informant.

Now, this brother, he was busy, too, 'cause he worked for you as well.

I hardly knew what's his name? Darius.

Street name, Comanche? Now, he was real good friends with your boyfriend, Shades.

You think Shades knew that Comanche was a rat? Or is he part rodent, too? Listen, sweetheart, you wanna change the narrative while the music is still playing? Or you can let somebody else stop the music with the truth, and your ass will be left without a seat.

Councilwoman, not another word.

Fine by me.

Crip Raggedy Ann here was getting on my last nerve.

Your client is withholding information.

No, she's a victim who, despite compelling danger, offered full cooperation.

Do you have a charge? No.


Dillard, you can leave.


Uh, Mr.

Alvarez we ran your plates, and you were in the vicinity of the crime and are now a suspect.

That's thin as hell, and you know it.


Alvarez has nothing to do with this, either.


Alvarez is a person of interest in the m*rder of Thomas Ridenhour.

He was friends with the other victim and was spotted 30 blocks from the m*rder scene.

We'll see what Mariah's fawn has to say for himself.

The hell's a fawn? A baby deer.

I read somewhere that cougars like to prey on fawns.


He came to my shop for some special herbs.

Did you give him something rare? Something special? [MARIAH SIGHS]

Hey, Mommy.

You okay? [SMACKS LIPS]

Girl, I'm fine.

So is he.

- We don't mess with the help.


Didn't stop you with Shades.

Where that little girlfriend of yours? The nurse.

I told you never to say her name again.

I ain't say her name.

He got a temper on him, too.

Bet you run her off.

You can leave.

We waiting for Shades, then we will go.

Yeah? Where you gonna go? Wherever I g*dd*mn well please.


Ridenhour was surprised by Comanche's shot.


The b*llet hit him in the chest.

And he died almost instantly.

But then Comanche was surprised, too.


There's no way Captain Ridenhour, with his life draining so quickly, could've hit Comanche dead center mass.

He wouldn't have had the arm strength.

Now, the second shot, the one that actually k*lled Comanche, was a finishing shot from above.

That came from Ridenhour's g*n, too.


But he couldn't have pulled the trigger.

Somebody else did that.

Someone too emotional to think things through.

What were Comanche's last words? Did he admit he was a snitch? Did he beg for his life? Or was it one last emotional salvo at the friend who betrayed him? Wonderful performance.


I only deal in nonfiction.

It's outlandish and full of hearsay.

Make sure you don't break my client's sunglasses.

They're expensive.

Can your client account for his whereabouts last night? Of course he can.

Well? Now, be careful.

Traffic cams clocked him within a mile radius of the crime scene both before and after.

Did he appear on those cams, or did he just park his car elsewhere? You have nothing.

And, as usual, wasted my time, - valuable and billable though it is.


Let me take this outside.

Not a word, Hernan.

Don't you ever get tired of this shit? I can ask you the same thing.

I'll be outta here in time to watch the Yankees' doubleheader.

I am no longer representing Mr.


Good luck to you, sir.

What? Hey.


I don't think he's coming back.

Hov was wrong.

Players can change in the ninth inning.

Mariah is not going down for a cop k*lling.

And a captain at that.

Your trial will be a mere formality.

I mean, with your record, you will go to prison forever.



The nightshade makes me strong, not weak.

It's like a steroid.

Your body can't handle too much.

It's a risk I have to take, yeah? Why? You won.

You got everything.

Mariah's house burned and you have her club.

But she no burn.

I want to smell her flesh.

I want to make her return back to the essence, yeah? Your crusade is k*lling you.

Stylers! No telling what Mariah said in Babylon, yeah? What's the plan, mi dads? If she lives, part of the club still belong to her.

She can sue.

I have all her money.

I have a top-ranking lawyer.

There's a big difference between what's legal and what's righteous.



What about Luke Cage? Luke Cage owes me a death.

I mean to reason with the man again, you know.

How will you do that? You take something he loves, and you squeeze.


Yes, I'll make it so.

Mama Mabel put your ass through law school.

You don't get to quit.


I was loyal to your money.

And you no longer have it.

Don't make this more sad than it needs to be.

It's just business.


Trouble in paradise? Fall back, Cage.

And I changed my mind about hiring you.

You said you needed me, and you still do.

Whether either one of us likes it or not.

I'm keeping you alive until Harlem is safe from Bushmaster.

After that, you're on your own.

Whatever, n*gga.

Come on, Tilda.

Should we wait on Shades, Ms.

Dillard? No.

Come on.


[g*n COCKS]

- Get down! - [TILDA SCREAMS]



- Who sent you? There's a bounty put upon the Stokes woman's head.

Her and her daughter, one mill each.

I'm not the only one trying to get paid, you know? Anybody else on that list? You and everyone close to ya.

What the hell happened here? Another attempt on Mariah's life.

Bushmaster's behind it.

If they'll sh**t in front of a precinct, no one in Harlem is safe.

You're telling me.

Let Misty know what happened.

Where you going? To find Mariah.

First, I got my own family to look after.

We went to Times Square, and I stole these Top g*n aviator sunglasses.

And the shopkeeper came running after me, and Che tackled him so I can get away.


I wore those bunk-ass sunglasses every day for a year, until they broke.

That's how I got the name Shades.

Comanche knew me before I was me.

I lost my brother last night.

- But you would never understand that.

- Then help me.

Help me understand both of these deaths.

Help me make sense of what's senseless.

What did Comanche do? Did he slip up? Y'all were brothers.

You're a crew, right? "Rivals.

We ain't got none.

" Y'all were slightly ahead of my time, but I remember hearing about Romeo.

Zip was Romeo's son, right? Worked for Cottonmouth, Mariah.


Zip's dead now, too.


- [g*nsh*t]

Anybody can die in this life.

And more often than not, the person that pulls the trigger isn't a stranger he's a friend.

You know a little something about that life.

Your boy Scarfe was about that life.

Scarfe was emotional.

He had just lost his son.

And it led him down a dark path.

But what led you down this path? What led you to this? Why did you k*ll your boy? - I didn't say I k*lled anybody.

- Then you did it for Mariah.

She's not worth it.

She's the one I want.

Not you.

- Make a deal.

Save yourself.

- Mmm.

I'm not saying one more word until I get another lawyer.


I get it.

Comanche didn't mean shit to you.

He was just another thug.

You don't know shit about him I had him right where I wanted him.

He had invoked counsel, but he was still talking.

He is completely out of pocket right now, which is unlike him.

This m*rder has him completely rattled.

- We have bigger priorities right now.

- Like what? [SIGHS]

A Jamaican sh**t just tried to k*ll Mariah in front of the precinct.

Did he do it? Luke Cage shielded her and she drove off.

She's in the wind for now.

Damn it.

The GSR test on Shades' hands came back as negative.

There's no nitrates, no proof he ever even held a w*apon.

Maybe he wore gloves and ditched his clothes.

We still don't have PC that'll hold up in court.

- Bullshit, I don't.

- All we have is the car.

What about cams, huh? There are no cams anywhere? Ridenhour, on purpose, picked a place with no video surveillance.


You're free to go.

Before you leave, let me ask you something.

- You haven't asked me enough questions? - No.

Not about your friend's m*rder.

I'll let you stew on that for a while.

I ask you this.

Why would she abandon you? - You've been nothing but loyal to her.

- Stop it.

I looked it up.

Ben Donovan has been the lawyer for the Stokes family for over 25 years.

You think he drops you as a client without her express say-so? Talk to me before she does.

While you still have something to offer.


Dad, you're not listening.

Somebody out there wants to hurt me.

I thought that the bulletproof was supposed to help all that.

I'm not worried about me.

I'm worried about you.

Son "When the wicked, even my enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell.

" I got a whole book of those psalms, son.

Dad, come on.

It's my responsibility to protect you.

Let me.

Well, if you're gonna protect me, you're gonna have to do it from here.

Pass those out.


My wife is about your size.

Do you need any clothes? I'll be fine, big man.

I'll be outside.



God damn.


Ah! Damn it.


You don't look happy to see me.

I'm not.

All of this is because of you bringing that g*dd*mn snitch into our lives.

I took care of that situation as soon as I found out.


You went waltzing into the precinct, knowing what you'd done? You have to live with your head inside the lion's mouth.

Never let them see you sweat.

Oh, you wasn't even sweating.

I bet you the snitch.

- Me? - Yeah.

You k*lled Ridenhour and your boy.

You can tell any story you want.

Excuse me.


One, two.


- You abandoned me.

- I did not! - That's why you pulled Ben Donovan.


I was doing my best to stay afloat, because between k*lling Che and losing you, I was reeling.

I'm lucky I came out of there whole.

I ain't done nothing! Ben left on his own.

He quit.

- He quit? - We can't pay him.

"We"? Mmm "We"? You are standing in ruins because of you.


Excuse me? You heard me.

- I warned you.


I told you in Harlem's Paradise not to sell the g*n business! It led to a domino effect that led straight to Bushmaster.

All you had to do was sell that g*dd*mn painting, - and none of this would have happened! - [GRUNTING]

- Oh, yeah.




You scared? Yes.

Yes, I'm scared.

I got no home! I got no club! Bushmaster, cops, Luke Cage.

Everybody is up my ass! Yes, I'm scared, because it's over.

- What's over, huh? - [BREATHING HEAVILY]

What's over? What are you gonna do? [LAUGHS]

You gonna buy a little house upstate? Hmm? You gonna start a food truck? Look at me.

The second you pushed Cornell through that window, you became a gangster.

And this ain't how gangsters do.

How do gangsters do? They adapt.

They boogie.

Bushmaster thinks he's won.

He's cocky.

He'll let his guard down, and that's when we come at what he loves.

The same as he did for us.

We can do this.


You and me.

You are a queen.



Greetings, Officers.

He's been waiting for you.



Wah gwaan? Babylon's finest.


This wah gwaan.

I'm Detective Misty Knight, and that's a search warrant.

You put a bounty out on Mariah Dillard.


Mariah Stokes.

And no, it's not true.

What can we do for you, Detectives? God damn.

You stole Mariah Dillard's attorney, and now you got her club, too? My club.

And my birthright, you know.

That's my father.

He built this club with the Stokes.

I came back to settle all claims.

We've got two Stylers in custody claiming there's a million-dollar bounty on Mariah and Tilda Dillard.

Is that true? Stokes.

And no, it's not true.

And you can't prove otherwise.

There's a lot of folks losing their heads around here lately.

- And arms, too, apparently.


There was a brownstone that was burned last night in Harlem.

- Did that belong to your father, too? - [CHUCKLES SOFTLY]

Had nothing to do with me.

We don't believe you.

You can believe whatever you want.

But unless you have evidence, there's nothing you can do about it.

So go on, tear up the club.

The only thing you're gonna discover is what I already know.

You have no power.

I have the power.

And I don't need a g*n, a badge, a plastic arm to use it, see? That's enough harassment of my client today.

Anything else? [CHUCKLES SOFTLY]

You okay? You can leave now, too.




Calm down, Tilda.

Just me.

How did you get in here? I'm your mama.

There is not a door you have that I cannot unlock.


- Where are you going? - Knew I should have left a while ago.

I'm sure you have some other brownstone somewhere.

I have nothing left.

I borrowed these rags from Sugar's wife.

Everything I have is gone.

Except for you.

I have nowhere else to go.

No one I can trust.

Yeah, well, I need to be far away from you right now.

I need to start fresh.

It's dangerous being around somebody that doesn't know who they really are.

I know that you're all I have left.

I do know that much.

You don't even have me.

You never did.

You tell the public one thing, but the reality, oh, it's different.

The day I was born, you just tossed me away.

I never tossed you away.

I remember that day.

And every minute in it.

Twenty-two hours of hard labor.

Your ass almost k*lled me.

But that wasn't the tough part.

The toughest part was holding the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen, but just for a moment.

I barely had time to fall in love with you before Mama Mabel snatched you away.

It broke my heart to lose you, Tilda.

That's what was the worst part of last night.

I thought I was gonna lose you again.

Mama Mabel sent me away? To our cousins, the Johnsons.

Mamie had just lost her baby, so they they were more than happy to claim you.

You never told me why I ended up at the Johnsons'.


I remember Mamie Johnson.

I used to call her Meemaw.


That woman, she was always there for me.

But she made me keep a picture of you.

"That's your mama.

" That's what she would say to me.

She always made sure I knew.

You were always loved.

And in spite of what you think you were always in my heart.

I do love you, sweetie.


There's something I think I should show you.


Even if my men k*ll Mariah, I am the only one to take on Luke Cage.

I need my strength and power, Anansi.

It's all gone.

I'll find more.

How? I already took over the ganja spots in the city.

I'll use light and water.

I'll make the nightshade here.

Impossible! You can't replicate the soil and texture of the Blue Mountain, see? It comes from the root, not science.

I'll make it work! It'll keep me strong.

It will also poison your mind, soul and spirit - Anansi.

- as it already has.

Listen to me.

I need you here.

Help me finish what they started.


I love you, Johnny, like me own son.

But love has limits.




This young brother here may be an old soul, but let us remember Jesus was a fully-grown man when he was baptized by John the Baptist.

It is never too late to walk the walk of salvation.



- It is never too late to ask forgiveness in the Lord's eyes.

It is never too late to press that, uh, reset button and start over.

I'm gonna read from First Corinthians, verses one and two, "Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea, and were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea.

" I now baptize you - in the name of the Father, the Son - [g*ns COCKING]

and the Holy Spirit - [g*nshots]



Go! Get out! Move! [GRUNTING]


- Dad! Dad! That's enough, man! He shot you.

b*ll*ts bounce off, man.

I don't care.

You can't be sh**ting my baby.



- We gotta go.

- Okay.

It's called nightshade? Yeah.

I'm gonna need more time to do some research to make sure, but if I can figure out how Bushmaster combined nightshade with these other elements, [EXHALES]

I think maybe I can create something to counter it.


Oh, this is ridiculous! - Shut your ass up and get down now! - [NANDI]

The Stylers are here.


Bushmaster's g*ons? [TILDA GASPS]


- [g*ns FIRING]






Come on, let's go.

Let's go.

Units are on their way.

Not waiting.

Get us out of here now! Shut up, Mariah.

Listen, we need to head to the precinct now.

They just hit the front of the precinct.

Trust me, they will be back.

- Shit.

- You all right? Is any place safe that you could take us? There's no such thing as safe when you're fighting this assh*le.

Hey, Misty.

You still got Danny's number? Yeah.

Call him.

We need a favor.