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07x05 - Men for All Seasons

Posted: 09/11/22 06:56
by bunniefuu
♪ You take the good,
you take the bad ♪

♪ You take 'em both
and there you have ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ There's a time you
gotta go and show ♪

♪ You're growin'
now you know about ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ When the world never seems ♪

♪ To be livin' up
to your dreams ♪

♪ Then suddenly
you're findin' out ♪

♪ The facts of
life are all about ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ All about you ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ All about you ♪

♪ It takes a lot
to get 'em right ♪

♪ When you're learnin'
the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪♪

Thank you.

Thank you.

See I'm a freshman.

And its really
important that I fit in.

Let's see you've got your langley
t-shirt, your langley sweat pants,

Your langley tie,
your langley socks.

I need a langley jacket.

Oh they wont be until friday.

How will anybody
know I'm from langley?

We'll tell them.

Hi everybody you know that
temporary agency is a gold mine.

I got my first pay check today.

Natalie your gonna
burn yourself out.

You're working here
your working double shifts

And seeing denny every night.

No way all this is gonna
help me develop as a writer.

Different things to experience
so many new natalie's to discover.

How many more?

There's the corporate
natalie, blue collar natalie,

Natalie the clerk, natalie
the assistant butcher.

Natalie that owes me $10.00.

Nope. Don't know that one.


George, here's your paper.

What's the news from kuwait?

Ok. Let's see what we got.

Kuwait's having a cold spell.

It's down to 124.

They had their own
academy awards.

Dune won for best use of sand.

Hi, guys.


How's my girl?

Great. How'd the meet go?

I got lane 4.

His lucky lane.

First lap, I'm ahead
by two strokes.

What about the second lap?

Lane five is coming up fast
I'm still ahead by two strokes.

What about the third lap?

Gaining on me but I
pull ahead two strokes.

What about the fourth lap?

Let me guess. You're
ahead two strokes.

You were there?

I'm psychic.

How many laps were there?


I'll bet you won by two strokes.


Spoil the whole
story, why don't you?

Oh pook I've got
something to show you.

The calendars. They're out.

Yea the only problem is
the langley bookstore wont

Sell them says it's
bad for their image.

Have they looked at
these? Jo check it out.


Why is that guy skiing
in his bathing suit?

The langley swim team
they are posing playfully

As they capture the
theme of the month.

January having a great time on
"having great time on the slopes..."

"Freezing my..."

Why don't we let's let
the others take a look.

Is that a guy in a
bikini ice fishing?

That's february. Brr!

March you know I can't ever
remember if march has 30 or 31 days.

What's that thing... "30
Days has september..."

The man tootie, the
man flying the kite.

Why do I do this to myself.

I'll get a bigger
reaction from george.

July. "The hottest
month of the year."

Notice anything?

That's you?

Sparklers and all.

I can't believe this.

I work out.

I'm proud of my body,

And I get my share of
commentary you know what I mean...

But this exposing your
body like a hunk of beef...

How could you do it guy?

I want to save the whales.

That makes sense.

Its a terrific
project the swim team

Donates the money they make
from the calendars to the whales.

We love whales.

They're swimmers.
We're swimmers.

They're mammals. We're mammals.

They're highly intelligent.
We think that's neat.

I think you're neat.

Oh, stop. Hey listen
do you girls think

That maybe you could sell
the calendars in the store?

It would really help.

Great idea.

Well its okay by me but
we better ask mrs. Garrett.

She likes men she likes whales how
could she not like men who like whales?

Then lets go with it we'll
display them and see how they do.

She's always been a
fan of the human form.

You're right.

No mr. Malloy, you're
not getting the message

I'm running a business here.

I need langley and
I need them fast.

Maybe I should speak to him.

Trust me you need
a man to handle this.

Frankie can I call you frankie?

You're a real sweet heart
and because I like you,

Im gonna give you
till... Thursday.


In the a.m.


I'm 36!

I was in the vienna boys' choir,

And the voice jammed on me.

Edna here. Couldn't you please

Put a rush our next shipment?

We really... The 26th?

Wait a minute let me
check the calendar andy.

I think that falls
right in the middle of...

Half-naked men.

Oh, my.

Oh, my!

Why are they half-naked?

Because they haven't got
their langley jackets, that's why.

So let's make it
happen, frankie boy.

Ciao. You win he'll
be here thursday.

Oh, wonderful.

Hi girls, does anyone
know anything about this?

Yea that's the
langley swim team.

All the proceeds go
to helping the whales.

Ah. I see.

I've had the most wonderful day.

First, a picnic lunch
just denny and me.

Then a walk by
the lake, then this.

What is that?

I've been nose plugged.

He gave you his nose plugs?

When a swimmer gives you these,

It really means something.

It means he knows
nothing about hygiene.

Oh I think it's sweet natalie.

Anyone could if
brought you a pin.

But denny gave
you part of himself.

Yeah. The part that
came off his nose.

Hi, george how are you doing.

That's what I'd like to
know tootie, how am I doing?

I took a date out
to lunch today.

Everything was going great.

Then I showed her that
calendar for laughs.

And did she?

No. All afternoon she kept
flipping back to mr. October.

Now personally I think it's
a little rude when take out

A girl and all she does
is look at other guys.

I've given up figuring
them out george.

Just enjoy them
and let it go at that.

Come on mrs. Garrett we got
a shipment to pick up. I'll drive.

Well I think we'll wait until
you can reach the pedal.

I can't believe it you really like
to look at these pictures don't ya?

Oh what's the matter
george your ego bruised?

Come on guys have
been doing it for years.

That's different.

No, it's not.

Everybody has their fantasies.

Only I'm dating one.

Look natalie, denny is a very
sweet guy and he is very attractive,

But he's not every
girl's fantasy.

You know what I find attractive?

Someone who tells
you you're gorgeous.

Don't be ridiculous.

They all tell me that.

Someone who's quite
someone you have to draw out.

Like denny.

What do you find sexy, jo?

I can't give you specifics.

It's there or it's not,

But it starts in the eyes.


But don't dismiss
the body language.


You know what I mean
the way he walks, his stand,

The tilt of his head.

Wait a minute now I'm actually
listening to women talking to women

About the things
that women want.

I've waited for
this my whole life.

Hey, he's right.

What are we crazy?

Let's talk in our room.

Wait no come on!

Want me to write
anything special?

"I already have a girlfriend.

Your pal, denny."

Ok. Single file, no pushing,

And have your name ready
when you get to the front.

What are you trying
to cut in line here?

"To suzie..."

"Think of me as a
brother. Denny."

It's 11:45. You have practice.

I'm sorry that's all for today.

But step lively folks
and feel free to browse.

See you later, pookie.

Ok. Bye-bye.

Natalie, be honest aren't you
tired of being called "pookie"?

Isn't it a tad juvenile?

You're right. It lacks the
maturity and sophistication

Of say... Tootie.




I just love your new place.

It's so different.

It's so bright and
alive and colorful

And... Bright.

Its the neon. You
get used to it.


Oh I'd love some I'm sorry I
haven't been down before.

But it's been crazy
at the university.

Well now can I interest
you in an inflatable penguin?

He's cute, but I'm more
interested in the calendars.

Oh. Good choice. Good choice.

Actually there's a
problem with them.

What problem?

Well the board feels that the
calendars aren't consistent with our image.

Our swim team
representing our school.

Oh, I think they're
done in good taste.

You're a minority.

That's why the langley
bookstore's not carrying them.

There not?

Oh I'm sorry I had to
come to you like this.

Don't be silly. Natalie.

I'd like you to
meet kate andrews

Kate is a member of
langley's board of regents.

Hi nice to meet you.

Did you know
langley has a problem

With these calendars?

Did I know?

One hears rumors, one
picks up things, yeah.

I'm sorry, kate. If I'd
known there was a problem.

Just a sec I hope your not
saying we are not gonna sell them?

Because this shop
is a partnership.

Oh natalie I'm aware of that.

We feel very
strongly about this.

This isn't a college store.

No, but you do handle a
lot of langley merchandise.

That sounds
vaguely like a threat.

Natalie, kate isn't
threatening anybody.

I'm asking for your cooperation.

And if you don't get it and if we
decide to keep selling the calendars?

Then... Then what?

Oh look if it were up to me

I'd say do whatever you want

But there are some on
the board who don't feel

We should be supplying
langley merchandise

To a shop selling these.

Sure today, they don't
like the calendars,

Tomorrow, it's greeting cards.

Haven't you heard of
the first amendment?

We have the right to
sell anything we want.

Natalie, kate, I'm sure we
can work this thing out.

Im sorry mrs garrett but we
can't let some school board

Dictate what we can
sell in your own shop.

Edna, think about this.

Without langley's support,

You don't have much of a shop.

I'm sorry.

So am i.

Doesn't he have a home I'm
really getting tired of this?

The public wants him, jo.

It's all for them.

He's mine.

I'm sorry but our
order didn't come in yet.

We don't have any
langley jackets.

But you promised.

There's a frosh
rally this afternoon.

I'll be the only one there
who isn't maroon and

Gray and waving a
stuffed lion on a stick.

I'll look like a fool.

I'm really sorry.

Hey guys.

Hey tootie what are you
and chris doing tonight?

Denny and I are
going going dancing.

Thanks but we have other plans.

Like what?

Not going.

Come on. It'll be fun.

We'll dance a little
we'll talk a little.

Natalie you only
want me to go along

So you have somebody to talk to.

Talk to denny.

I tired that it's not
as easy as it sounds.

I dont want to say I told you...

He can be entertaining.

Have you heard his
imitation of a pool draining?

I really need your help this
guy will do something desperate

If he doesn't get
a langley jacket.

Come on, what's he gonna do?

Excuse me. How
high is this building?

Low. Very low.

Wait a minute.

I remember seeing a jacket on
sale some place across the street.

Across the street?

And down the block. Way down.

Well I just sold our last
langley bumper sticker natalie.

Do you know why
it was our last one?

Take a wild guess.

Nat you should of told us langley
bookstore wasn't carrying the calendars.

What does it matter we have
the right to sell anything we want.

It's a the first
amendment issues.

Would you stop throwing the first
amendment around every 10 minutes.

We're not the supreme court.

We're a tiny business thats
getting tinier by the mintue.

You don't know what
the first amendment says.

The first amendment of
our constitution? Right.

"Congress shall..."

Is this for money?

She's stalling.

I know what it says.

"Congress shall make
no law about religion,

"Or the freedom of
everything to everybody,

Or the freedom of
speech and other things."

She sure told us.

I had the jest of it.

Whats in important is I
have the right under the law

To sell any calendar I want.

And we have the right
to veto that right.

But you ever gave us the chance.

What are you talking about?

The constitution,
the first amendment,

And the rights of one
versus the good of all.


You know this pen
writes under water?

Denny, why don't you
go back to the dorm?

You've been signing autographs
all day and I'll see you tonight.

All right.

See you about 6:00?

Great. Or sooner.

Now tell me you're doing this

Because of the principle.

Why are you coming down on
me it was mrs. Garrett's decision.

And you didn't push her into it?

I might have nudged.


You lied to me.

You held up my hopes

And then dashed
them on the rocks.

Come here. What's
your name? Bruce?

Come here, bruce. Come here.

You know let me tell
you a little secret.

The reason we're not
selling any langley jackets

Is because...

They're changing
the school colors.

They are?


To what?


You'll be the first one.

Mrs. Garrett, need
some help with those?

No I can get it.

You see if we weren't so poor,

She could hire
somebody to carry them.

We may be poor, but
we have principles.

What we have

Is your boyfriend's picture
plastered all over the place.

Next time, get wallet size.

And you'll save us
all a lot of money.


Did you want to talk
about something?

Talk? Me? No. Nothing.

Why do you ask?

Just a hunch.

But since we're here...

Its about the calendars?


Pull up a box.

I guess I've been
feeling guilty.

Did I push you into
selling the calendars?

You nudged.

I thought so and the
whole store's paying for it.

That's right.

This is a partnership I didn't
think about my partners.

Right again.

And I wasn't doing it for the

Prinprinciplecable I
was just being selfish.

I can't argue with that.

You could try.

You want to be let off the hook?

Well I'm sure langley
will come around.

I mean we're they're
largest distributor.

They need us, as
much as we need them.

I've been feeling guilty
for two days for nothing.

I wouldn't say nothing,
we lost alot of money,

And I may have lost a friend.

I'll call langley.

I think we sold enough
calendars to make our our point.

No. I want to help the whales.

But you know, those
calendars weren't really us.

This... This is us.


Mrs. Garrett?

It's about denny.

It's spooky the way you do that.

It takes a little practice.

I've never dated
anyone like him before.

We go to a restaurant,
everybody looks.

We take a walk everybody looks,

We go to the beach,
women bite their fists.

I'll tell ya it feels terrific.

Ken holden.

Now there was a
hunk of horseflesh.

He rippled when he walked.

Heck, he rippled when he sat.

So what happened?

Well when I had a chance to
be really honest with myself,

I had to admit that I
liked being with him

Because of the way he looked

And the way he made
people look at me.

So you broke it off.


But I'm not saying
that's the situation

With you and denny.

Yeah. Well, thanks again.


Mrs. Garrett was
there a ken holden?

Of course.

But he dated my sister.

You saw right through me.

It just takes a little practice.

I checked with the
dean of admissions

He never heard of madras.

Do I know you?

Watch your backs men at work.

Oh, great. The langley
stock you got it.

Kindly wait until I put it down.

We got your scarves,

We got your pennants, we
got your bumper stickers.

We got everything
you could possibly need.

Do you have calendars?


Why settle for a photograph when
the real thing is staring you in the face.

You're in the calendar?


I was wrapped in fur
and riding a porpoise.

That was you?

I don't want it getting around.

They asked me,

But I was busy doing playgirl.

Come on guys we got
more boxes to bring in.

Just when I was
getting somewhere.

Hi, guys.

Hi andy.

Hey guys. Hi how's it going?

I'm thinking of shaving my head.

It's friday night. Why not?

Well if you listen to me. You
wouldn't have this problem.

Okay but denny's so great how
do I tell him he's just not right for...

The olympics?

I'm not right for the olympics?

Physically yes but what
you lack fashion sense.

Three feet over her
head and digging fast.

Not even denny gonna buy this.

Maybe you're right.

Dont we have some of those disdesignerginer
sweat suits in the storeroom?

What's wrong with your face?

I think we may have a few left.

Thank you blair... Denny, let's
go look for them together.

Oh, I get it.

What do the sweat
suits look like?

Denny let's talk about
the middle east. What?

Or movies. What's
your favorite movie?

Your favorite book?

Oh natalie you know I dont
have time for those things.

I know.

Denny we can't sell
your calendars anymore.

Why is the year up already?

Why dont you sit down I have
something I want to tell you.

What's wrong? You look vexed.


Didn't I tell you I'm learning
a new word every day.

Tomorrow's "deciduous."

That's good, denny.

I figure if I improve
my vocabulary,

Then we can communicate better.

I know how important
that is to you.

You shouldn't change.

You're great.

But there's always
room for improvement.

Not with us.

I like you but not
for the right reasons.

So I think we should
stop seeing each other.

You do?


Now, I'm vexed.

Denny I'm using you.


For what?


I like being seen with you.

I hate myself for saying that.

You shouldn't hate yourself
you're a very nice person.

Now, I hate myself more.

I'm a big boy.

I understand how
these things happen.

If the magic isn't
there, it isn't there.

I wish it was.

Me, too.

But if it's not,

It's better that
we're honest about it.

Nothing lasts forever.

Seasons change.

So do people.

We're deciduous that way.

Hey natalie, if you
find the sweat suits...

I'll call.
