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08x06 - The Little Chill

Posted: 09/12/22 16:07
by bunniefuu
♪ You take the good,
you take the bad ♪

♪ You take 'em both
and there you have ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ There's a time you
gotta go and show ♪

♪ You're growin'
now you know about ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ When the world never seems ♪

♪ To be livin' up
to your dreams ♪

♪ Then suddenly
you're findin' out ♪

♪ The facts of
life are all about ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ All about you ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ All about you ♪

♪ It takes a lot
to get 'em right ♪

♪ When you're learnin'
the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪♪

Oh, tootie, you're
sagging a little to the left.

Nothing personal.

I can't believe I'm actually
gonna meet cindy baker,

A real cover girl is
gonna be here, in the flesh.

Big deal, andy, we knew her when
she didn't have flesh worth covering.

The old eastland g*ng
is getting back together.

It's been ages. I can't wait.

Hey, hey, blair, tell me,
you think I need a shave,

Or you think cindy'll go
for that miami vice look?

Start shaving now,

And in three years
put in a blade.

I think I'll go splash
on some after-shave.

This reunion was such
a great idea, tootie.

Well, I knew we had
to get together.

I mean, nancy's the first one
in our group to get married.

Hey, this place looks great.

Anything I can do to help?

No thanks, jo, we've got
everything under control.

I'm so happy for you girls.

Oh! High school memories.

I know I'll never forget
my high school reunion.

Oh! It was so special
and wonderful.

I'll just never forget it.

Is there a chance we're
going to hear about it?

Of course you can.

The school was
decorated like a fairyland,

With lights twinkling
and music playing,

And we danced and...

And sang and reminisced,

And after it was all over,

I left knowing
that, after 25 years,

Everyone I had
been so envious of

Had become old or fat or bald,

And they left knowing that
I was a nuclear physicist.

And you gave all that up for us.


They're here!

Oh, quick!

Hi! Hi!

Oh, my gosh! Look at you!

Oh, nancy, oh!

Nancy, you look great!

Oh, it's so good
to see you guys.

I can't believe it... Tootie,
you've grown into a woman.

Yeah, we all had our
hearts set on a collie,

But she'll have to do.

Sue ann, you look gorgeous.

I love this suit.

Oh, it's just a little number

I picked up in bergdorf's.

You know, it's important to dress
for power in the corporate world.

Oh, I've always said that.

And cindy, I can't
believe our tomboy

Has grown into a
glamorous cover girl.

Neither can i. The only cover

I imagined you making
was the cover of boy's life.

Listen, how rude of me, I
wanna introduce you to someone

Who's an important
part of our lives now.

This is beverly ann stickle.

Remember I wrote you about
her? Mrs. Garrett's sister.

Mrs. Garrett's
much younger sister.

It's so nice to meet you.

Oh, dear nancy, I wanna
take this moment to wish you

All the luck in the world

On your upcoming marriage,

Even though mine
ended tragically.

Oh, I'm sorry, your
husband passed away?

Unfortunately, no.


Oh, jo, I'm sorry.

Jo... You guys
remember jo, right?

This is nancy and
cindy and sue ann.

How's it feel being
back in peakskill?

Oh, it's great. So, beverly ann,

Tell me, what'd you
hear from mrs. Garrett?

Cindy, I'm dying to know
about your life as a model.

Oh, it's just your
typical glamorous job.

So, nancy, tell me, are you or
aren't you gonna have a big wedding?

It's gonna make chuck and
di look like an elopement.

Oh, well...

Gosh, I got a term
paper I gotta do, so...

I'm just... I'm going...

I'm gonna go to the
library and hit the books.

It's great meeting
you all, though.

Well, bye-bye.

So long.

I'm just, I'm gonna...
I'm gonna go.

Jo, are you leaving?

Uh... Yeah.

That's the famous
jo we heard about?

I was expecting a wildcat.

Aww, she's been domesticated,

But we still keep a whip
and chair handy just in case.

I remember the
first time I met her.

Natalie, show jo a better place

To park her motorcycle.

Why not park it on blair's face?

She's a breath of
fresh air, isn't she?

Oh you guys, you won't believe
what I dug up out of the attic.

Your old roller skates?

No. Our eastland yearbook.

But I can get my
skates if you want.

Oh, you guys remember
our ski weekend?

Who could forget that

Breathtakingly handsome
ski instructor sven

Who fell madly in love with me

And whisked me out to
his chalet in st. Moritz?

Nothing like that ever happened.

Hey, you have your
memories, I have mine.

So, nat, when are we gonna
read something you've written?

Well, take your pick.

There's an unpublished novel,

Three unpublished short stories,

And a letter to my mother
I'm not sure I wanna send.

That must be discouraging,
trying to break in.

Not really, james michener

Didn't publish his first
novel until he was 41.

So I've got plenty of time.

Meanwhile, I'm doing
some interesting things...

Scaling smelt, laying
road tar, slinging hash.

Oh, my god! I have to do
this for 20 more years.

So, what about you, tootie, have
you landed any big acting roles?

Well, I think it's more
important for an actor

To build a solid
academic foundation

Before diving into the
professional arena.

So, in other
words, no, I haven't.

Hey, you guys still at it?

Hey, jo, come on and join us.



Did roger ever
really look like that?

Uh, I'm seen him
look a lot worse.

Remember that big storm?

And the doorbell rang, and
you thought it was roger.

Only it was a horse.

What was a horse doing there?

Oh, well, tootie went out to
the barn to save the rabbits.


Forget it, jo. You
had to be there.

Jo, where were you that first
year when we were at eastland?

Trying to survive in the bronx.

Oh, yeah, the bronx.
I flew over it once.

Next time, be sure and drop in.

Oh, listening to you girls
makes me so nostalgic

For all my old school chums.

The memories come flooding back.

And I just have to
share them all with you.

Well, maybe not all.

Maybe just one.

A short one.


I'll tell ya, cindy, I wish I'd
known you were modeling.

My company had me
going crazy looking for

An all-american face like
yours for our new campaign.

I couldn't find anyone I liked.

So, finally, the company
flew me to sweden.

Ooh! Oh, wow!

They flew you to sweden
to find an all-american face?

First class.

I flew first class once.

No, go on, go on, don't
let me get in the way.

You know, it's amazing
that a major company

Would give a girl just out of
college all that responsibility.

Well, nobody gave me anything.

I had to claw my way to the top.

And it's really
no surprise to me.

You always had the best grades.

And apparently,
the sharpest claws.

And over here, we have our
biggest seller from last year.

Our combination godzilla
night-light and pencil sharpener.

First time I saw this, I said,

"This is incredibly
tacky and offensive.

America will love it."

Where do you stick the pencil?

You guys, talking
about big sellers,

My suggestion of afternoon fawn

Became the color of the year

In our clothing line.

Now, I don't have
my cards printed yet,

But guess who's a
new vice president?

Oh, sam, that's wonderful!

You are amazing.

I'll say. 22 Years old,
already a vice president

Of a major corporation?

Jo, it's not uncommon
to be vice president

By the time you're 22

Or president by
the time you're 30.

As a matter of fact, if
you haven't made your mark

By the time you're 35,

You're practically washed up.

You know... I think I'll go see

If those cheese
balls are wilting.

There's one thing
I still don't get.

What the hell is afternoon fawn?

Oh, well, it's sort of a...

Brownish, taupish, beigey hue.

Half a shade lighter
than twilight mink.

That clears that right
up for me. Thank you.

Oh, well, you see, we wanted a
color that would match our new...

Never mind, jo,
you had to be there.

What, again?

Pardon me?

Hey, you two,

We're here to have
fun, remember?

This is a reunion.

Sue ann, you don't
wanna mess with jo,

And believe me, jo,

You don't wanna
mess with sue ann.

What am I going to do?

Well, you could
make your eye white

To match your face

Or you could make your
face black to match your eye.

That's not funny, tootie.

No, tootie,

If they were both black,
that would be funny.

You look like a
well-dressed panda.

Hey, how about a picture
to remember this by?

Molly, you click that
shutter, and you're dead.

That sue ann. She should
be arrested for vandalism.

Yeah. Defacing a
national treasure.

Too bad molly couldn't come.

Oh, I know. Yeah.

I called, but her mom said

She was busy, very busy.

What's she doing now?

I have no idea.

Do you think she's
recovered from

The time we
short-sheeted her bed?

What? What happened?

Oh, it's too hard
to explain, jo.

You had to be there.

Excuse me, but I got
to be someplace else.

Where are you going?

I'm just gonna go
work on my term paper.

Jo, remember me?

I've been your roommate
the last six years?

I know when something's
bothering you.

Blair, give it a
rest, I'm all right.

Look, we don't mean
to leave you out, jo.

We're just... We're just really
excited about seeing one another.

And there's so
much to catch up on.

Great. You stay
here and catch up,

And I'm gonna go hit the books.

We'll all be happy.


I knew this would be
fun, it's just like old times.

Okay guys, unless
we hit an iceberg,

This should get us
through the night.

Okay, nancy, I gotta know.

What are you gonna wear
on your wedding night?

If she's smart, just a smile.

Or maybe blair can
lend her something

From henri of hollywood.

Remember, guys?

Oh, blair, this
just came for you

From your father's
company, warner fashions.

Oh, terrific! Now, remember,

I get to wear the '40s look.

You promised. Just
wait till you see

The wide shoulders,
they are terrif...

What is this?

Come on, let us see!

Hey, this is kinky.

No, no, no. This
must be a mistake.

This couldn't be from
my daddy's company.

Oh, yeah?

Warner fashions, henri
of hollywood division.

Henri of hollywood?

Isn't he the king
of passion fashion?

Yeah, I always read his ads

In those magazines I'm
not allowed to read.

No, this was supposed to be

From the warner
historical department.

I could make
history in this baby.

Wow! I never saw
a nightie that had...


Instructions! Instructions!

Okay, now we know who's
the first to get married.

Now, who do you
think's gonna be next?

Well, I think we can
safely rule tootie

Out of the competition.

Why? Because
you're the youngest.

And if you get married
before me, I'm gonna k*ll you.

Well, I'll know mr. Right
when he comes along.

He'll be the man with all
the zeros after his name.

Well, you know, I think
marriage can be a trap,

Especially for us career women.

I say, first make your mark,

And then try and find some
guy who can deal with it.

Sue ann, where is
your sense of romance?

Nancy is finally about to
become mrs. Roger butler,

Go on her honeymoon,
and experience

One of life's most
beautiful mysteries

For the first time.

Well, to be honest,
it is beautiful,

But it's not a mystery anymore.

Let me guess. The butler did it.


Well, big deal.
This is the eighties.

I mean, so what if two people
jump the g*n on their wedding night?

I mean, it's not exactly
front page news, right, nancy?

No, not exactly,

But it does have
its consequences.

I'm three months' pregnant.

You're what?

Keep up, blair, we're not
going back for you. Go on.

Don't get me wrong, roger and I
are really happy about the baby,

But I was planning on
being a psychiatrist.

And that means medical school
is out of the question for now.

How come?

Are you kidding? I'd be 36

By the time I
started my practice.

Well, you're going
to be 36 anyway.

Why not go for it?

You know, maybe I should.

It's something to think about.

Well, at least it sounds like

You guys are all
right on schedule.

Especially you, sue ann.

When I think about what
you've accomplished,

I wanna tie my
typewriter to my ankle

And jump into lake has-been.

Now, wait a minute.

I thought you were
happy scaling smelt.

I thought I was, too,

But the more I think
about it, the more I wonder,

If that's the best way
to become a writer.

I mean, can you really learn
about life by just living it?

This is good... Total honesty.

Everybody's spilling their guts.

Okay. Who's next?

Oh. Okay.

Um, nancy, I got
to level with you.

When we were at eastland,

I had the biggest
crush on roger.

No kidding?

So did i.

Me, too.

Me, too.

Et tu, blair?


But since we're being
completely honest...

I have a confession to make.

I'm not a real blonde.

No! No! No!

And we, her closest friends,

Never once suspected.

Oh, all right.

Cindy, I am so envious of you.

You worked hard to
become a cover girl.

I admire that.

Sometimes you have me wondering

If... Perhaps i...
Peaked too soon.


Blair, my life as a model isn't

All glamour and glitz.

I would love to
devour that pizza,

But it's not on my diet.

If I want to keep doing
jeans commercials,

Nothing's on my diet.

This reminds me of that time

Blair convinced sue
ann to go on a diet.

Sue ann, this whole
thing is my fault.

And I've never felt so guilty.

So, will you please
eat some of this?

It's your favorite...
Rice pudding.

Thanks. You don't have
to feel guilty, blair.

You meant well.

And you're such a good friend.

Ooh, it smells kind of funny.

Does it?

Sue ann!

Ok, sue ann. That
just leaves you.

Have you been
completely honest with us?

Uh, not exactly.

Oh, good.

You see, I told you
I was making 60,000,

When the truth is, I'm
only pulling down 50.

Now, why doesn't that
make me feel better?

Yeah, right.

Jo. I thought I heard
somebody come in.

Are you planning on
sleeping down here tonight?


They're having a fun
pajama party upstairs.

Yeah, well, I gotta get
to the library early.

And they'll probably be
up talking all night, so...

Jo, you know, it hurts
to be around people

Who all have fond
memories of one another.

You don't have any
memories of them at all.

No yesterdays to share.

So, all you can do
is just... Sit there...

Wearing a stupid grin
on your face till it hurts.

I'm not wearing a stupid grin.

This is my natural expression.

I was talking about me.

I miss appleton, where
I knew everybody.

I miss my friends.

I even miss frank.

Your ex? I thought he was a...

Worthless, two-timing dirtball?

That, too.

Well, that doesn't
mean I don't miss him.

Sometimes, in the
middle of the night, i...

See frank's face.

Sometimes, I see my
fist going into his face.

I know what you mean,

But you're here with us now,

And we're here, and...

Well, here we are.

You're right.

I'm here with you girls now.

And I'm growing on you.

Don't you think?

Yeah. You could say that.

Hello, joanie? Oh, look,

I'm sorry to bother
you, but I need a favor.

Could you cover for
me monday at the office?

Just make sure
you show up at 8 a.m.

With the doughnuts.

And make sure the
coffee urn is full.

Oh come on, I'd do it for you.

I just wanna spend
a day in new york.

I'm not asking you to
perform brain surgery.

Just be a gofer.

Oh, thanks, joanie.

Um... I got to go. Yeah, bye.

It's not what you think.

Good, 'cause I'm
thinking that...

Every word you said
since you've got here

Has been a complete crock.

Including flying over the bronx.

Ok, it is what you think.

What's with the phony act?

Look, I was always
the smartest one.

Everyone signed my yearbook,

"The girl most likely
to zoom to the top."

I couldn't come back here
and admit that I'm only a gofer.

Why not? Everybody
starts at the bottom.

Look, those girls upstairs
are very special to me,

And I want them to be
proud. I'm their friend.

I don't wanna disappoint them.

No, but lying to
them is all right.

You may not agree with
how I'm handling this,

But that's my choice.

You'd better believe the
next time we have a reunion,

I'll be a vice president.

I suppose you're
gonna tell them.

We're really going
to miss you guys.

We'll see you at the wedding.

I'll be the one wearing
the bridal gown

With the stretch
panel on the front.

Sue ann, shake a leg.

Sorry I took so
long. Where's jo?

Oh, she's probably
at the library.

Oh. Too bad.

Girls, I think we
should be going.

Fresh from the garden.

Aren't they beautiful?

The red rose stands for love.

Thank you.

The yellow rose
stands for friendship.

Thank you.

The white rose
stands for purity.

Maybe I should have a pink one?

Purity is in the heart.

Hey, jo. Hey, guys.

Girls, I think we
should be going.

Sue ann, I just want to say that

You've really
been an inspiration.

We admire you a lot.

We're very proud of you.

Your success has me
thinking maybe I should

Go back to college and
finish my education after all.

Look, everyone, I've
got something to say.

Jo and I had a talk last night,

And she made me
realize that I owe you all

The truth about myself.

So here goes.

You know, I don't know what

You're making such
a big deal about.

So they didn't fly you
to sweden first class.

What makes you
think anybody cares?

You're right, jo. Who cares?

Wait a minute.

I thought you two
weren't getting along.

Now you're chatting?

What else did you
two talk about?

You had to be there.

Bye. Bye. Bye.

Have a safe trip.

Bye. Bye. Bye.

I'll see you at the wedding.

Bye. Have a safe trip, you guys.

Don't forget to press
those in your scrapbooks!

That was so great.

They've all changed so much.


I wonder what we'll
be like at our reunion.

Well, one thing
will remain the same.

No matter what happens to us,

We will always be a
part of each other's lives.

Won't we?