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09x16 - The First Time

Posted: 09/13/22 08:27
by bunniefuu
♪ You take the good
you take the bad ♪

♪ You take 'em both
and there you have ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ There's a time you
gotta go and show ♪

♪ You're growin'
now you know about ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ The facts of life ♪

♪ When the world never seems ♪

♪ To be livin' up
to your dreams ♪

♪ And suddenly
you're findin' out ♪

♪ The facts of life
are all about you ♪

♪ All about you ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ All about you ♪

♪ It takes a lot
to get 'em right ♪

♪ When you're learnin'
the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪

♪ Learnin' the facts of life ♪

Is it just me or has it been
unusually quiet today?

Well, this is sunday.

Sundays are
supposed to be quiet.

I like to think it's because
blair's out of town.

Jo, blair doesn't
talk that much.

No, it's just that
her hair is so loud.

Good evening.

Girls: ooh!

Natalie, you look fabulous.

It's the first anniversary
of the day snake

And I fell in love.

He hasn't said anything yet,

But I know he's gonna
take me someplace special.

You know the exact
day you fell in love.

Of course. We were
at the green river inn,

Having dinner at the
table by the fireplace.

Well, I certainly
remember the day

Frank and I knew
we were in love.

It was saturday,
august 5th, 19...

Oh, it was a beautiful day.

Frank rented a rowboat
and took me out on the lake...

And there was a gentle
breeze blowing and...

He looked at me and said,

"Boojie, I have the
strangest feeling."

And then he leaned over the
side and puked his guts out.

Ohh. Ohh.

That's my anniversary
guy now. Oh.

Hi, nat.





How come you're so dressed up?

Me? Oh, no reason.
I just thought

That since today only comes
around once a year, heh,

Thought I might look
nice and celebrate it.

Yeah, I guess.

Did you ever stop to
think how amazing time is?

I mean, here we are... Today,

And just one
year ago... Today...

We were all someplace else.


Well, are you ready to go?

Yeah, just give me a minute

To change into
something less fancy.

Me, too.

You... You snake.

Yeah, well... Heh heh.

I figure I ought to look nice

As long as we're going
to the green river inn

And having dinner at
the table by the fireplace.

Happy anniversary, nat.

Happy anniversary.

Beverly ann: aww.

This is just like
a doris day movie.


Better be quiet. Don't
want to wake anyone.


It's almost dawn.

In fact... I really
should be headin' home,

But I'm never gonna leave
unless someone says good night.

Not me.

Well, not me either.

Maybe we could hire
somebody to say good night.

Uh, well, ok.

One last kiss and
then I'll go. I swear.


Ok, so I lied. Heh heh.

I just can't seem to let you go.

Me, either.

I just don't want
this night to end.

Well, it was pretty special.


Good night.

Good night.

I just don't seem
to be leaving, do i?

No. Heh.

Ok. Uh... I'll call
you tomorrow.


Yeah. I know.

Are you gonna wake me up or not?

I'm sorry. I wanted to talk
to you about something,

But it can wait till tomorrow.

Oh, natalie, it's
5:00 in the morning.

Uh, snake and I
were up late talking.

Aw, that's nice.

Well, actually, we
weren't exactly talking.


You see...

Snake and I have been going
together for over a year,

And we're really in
love, and we are adults.

So... It just seemed
natural to, you know...

Are you trying to tell me

What I think you're
trying to tell me?


You and snake?

Oh, natalie.

I'm sorry I woke ya. I just had
to tell ya. I don't know why.

Oh, no, I'm glad you did.

I got a million
questions, but...

And... This is kind
of a personal thing.

So I promise I won't
ask any of them.

Ok. Heh.

Good night.

Good night.

Heh heh.

Oh, I can't stand it.

So how do you feel? Are you ok?

How did it happen?

Good morning, children.


Good morning, nat. Heh heh.

I see you're having
breakfast. How nice.

Perhaps I'll join you.

What's with little
natalie sunshine?

Natalie, jo would like to know
what is with you this morning.



Yeah, right.


All right.

Well, I can see I'm not gonna
get any peace until I tell you.

You have to promise
not to tell anyone.



Last night, snake and i...

G'day. Had dinner at
the green river inn.

My lips are sealed.

I'd love to join you
blokes for brecky,

But I'm meetin' roger
at the doughnut shop.

Well, we don't want you
to keep roger waiting. Bye.

No worries.


Anyway, what I was gonna say
before a minor entered the room

Was that last night
snake and i... Andy...

Had dinner at the
green river inn.

Is there an echo in here?

I still don't see why you say
I'm mothering you too much.

She sewed up my ripped jeans.

You know how hard it is
to rip them the right way?

I just didn't want
him to go to school

Looking like a bum.

Mom, this is happening.

All the cool guys are going
around wearing ripped jeans.

Well, I didn't realize.

Well, we certainly can't have you
going to school looking uncool.

No! Ohh.

Mom, not the shirt,
ok? I'm outta here.

Good-bye, everybody.

Now that pippa and
andy are out of the house

We can have an
adult conversation.

I don't think you
need to restrict

What you talk about
for their benefit.

Kids today are
very sophisticated.

Natalie knows that.

She just doesn't
feel comfortable

Talking in front of them

About what she and
snake did last night.

Oh. I see.

Could you elaborate
on that, please?

Last night... Snake
and I slept together.


Jo! Oh.

You know, these darn boxes,

Open 'em up, things
just fall right out.

You guys seem kinda shocked.

I thought you'd be happy for me.

Hey, you know, if
you're happy, I'm happy.

Nat, we're all happy for ya.

I mean, there's
only one first time.

Beverly ann, you've
been awfully quiet...

Which is a mixed blessing.

Natalie, I know
you're not a little girl.

You're 21 years old,

Capable of making your
own adult decisions.

It's just that...

I grew up in a different
time and place where...

You waited until
you were married.

Sometimes... Even
later than that.

Well, that's fine, but
times have changed.

Well, they have
and they haven't.

I mean, jeff and I are
waiting until we're married.

Jo, help me bring these
people into the eighties.

You don't need my
help. You're doin' fine.

I really value your opinion.

Well, you know, it's
a complicated issue.

There are a lot
of pros and cons.

Like the hiss of little
snakes around the house.

You don't have to
worry about that.

We used contraceptives.

Are you sure
they're 100% reliable?

Three different kinds. Look...

This isn't some guy
I picked up at a bar.

I have been going out with
snake for over a year now,

And I really love
him, and he loves me.

Well, I definitely say

Those belong on the
pro side of the argument.

Well, I really better
go to the market.

Any other news for
me before I put myself

Behind the wheel
of a moving vehicle?

I'll get it.


Hi, snake.

What's new?

Oh, not that anything
should be new...

Hi. I'm good. How are you?

Are you ok?

Oh, sure.

Well, if you can't
make it tonight,

We'll see each other
tomorrow night.


Well, is it something I
can help you work out?

Yeah, I understand.

Uh, so, I guess I'll hear from
you when I hear from you.

Right. Bye.

That was snake.

What's wrong?


He just, uh, called to
see how I was doing...

And... And to let me know he
won't be able to see me for awhile.

Oh, nat.

Oh. It's no big deal.

He just needs a few days
to sort some things out.

Well, what are
you all looking at?

It's not like he's dumping me.

How's the studying going?


I'll bet you could use a break.

How about if I whip
up some of those

Little apple turnovers you like?

No, thanks.

Are you sure? It
wouldn't be any trouble?

I'm not hungry. Thank you.

Any luck?

She refused the apple turnovers.

Then there's still hope.

Hey, I have an idea.

Why don't we all go
out to the movies?

Sounds good to me. Natalie, huh?

How about it?

Look, I appreciate
what you guys are doing.

Snake just needs a little
time to himself. That's all.

I am not worried. You
should not be worried.

I'll get it.


Yeah, just a minute.
Andy, it's jeremy.

Oh, thanks, nat.

I'll take it in the kitchen.

Well, don't stay on
the phone forever.

Other people might
be getting calls here.

So I'm a little worried.

Actually, I'm a lot worried.

What if snake never
calls me again?

Give the guy a chance
and see what happens.

I already know
what's gonna happen.

I feel like such a fool.

I should have
never slept with him.

You slept with snake?

Um... What was it like?

Listen, pippa,

I don't think this is the time

For us to talk
about this with you.

I understand. Tomorrow?

Pippa, if you don't mind...

It's just that it's
kind of personal.

Sure. If you girls
want to talk, no probs.

When she says no
probs, there's a prob.

Andy, dear...

I'm sorry, dear, but pippa
and I need to speak privately.

I'll call you right
back, ok? Bye.

Ah, you're here for
the old sex talk, pippa.

Anything she doesn't
clear up with you,

You come see me, ok?

Bev, I didn't mean
to bug in on natalie,

I just wanted to get some info.

Pippa, did your
father ever explain

The birds and bees to you?


I was afraid of that.

Well, then...

Perhaps I'd better
start at the beginning.

Um... When a boy
bee and a girl bee

Want to make a
little baby bee...

I know all the basics.


Aussies are more...
Easy-goin' about sex.

Heaps of my friends have done it

Before they're even
out of high school.

Are... Are you
in... In that heap?

Well... No.

My mates back home
reckon I'm a bit daggy.

You know, weird.

But I can't help it,

I want my first
time to be true love.

Well, I don't
think that's daggy,

And if any of your
mates reckon that,

Well, they can come
have a chinwag with me.

I think I'm rubbin'
off. Thanks, bev.

Uh... Bev...

If I happen to discover
that roger was my true love,

Say, tomorrow...

Would it be ok if
we, you know, did it?

Let me put it this way... No.

But natalie and snake... No!

You're 15 years old.

You're too young to have sex.

How about when I'm 16?

Still too young.

16 1/2?

Pippa, I can't give
you an exact age.

It's a matter of maturity.

When I got divorced,

Frank was 53 years old,

And he still wasn't
mature enough to have sex.

I see.


How about when I'm 17?

How about when you're ready?

I remember my mother
used to say to me,

Beverly ann, there are three
things in life you don't want to rush.

Sex, marriage, and souffles.

If you rush any one of them,

They fall flat.

That does make sense.

She also used to say
never wear a hat on a bus.

So it all evens out.

All right, we don't
have to go into it,

But, natalie, talk to me.

I don't feel like talking.

Look, you're my best friend.

You've always been there for me.

Well, now it's my turn
to be there for you.

Tootie, it's just that
I don't understand.

The guy says he loves
me, I sleep with him,

And the next day he's gone. Why?

I don't know. I wish I did.


I did it wrong. Do you
think I did it wrong?

Don't ask me.

Listen, I just have to
work this out by myself,

But thank you for
being here for me.

Any time.

Nat... You ok?

I really blew it this time.

Come on, you know, you
gotta stop blaming yourself.

I hate to see you
hurting like this.

Do you think it was a mistake
to go to bed with snake?

What I think is not important.

What's important
is what you think.

If I knew what I thought,

I wouldn't be asking you.

Nat, what can I say? You know?

It's up to you.

That's your standard
answer for everything, isn't it?

Well, it's true.
It is up to you.

You know, I've been living
with you for eight years,

And I finally realize something.

You're an emotional chicken.

You sit there on
your little fence

And cluck out these platitudes.

It's not important what
I think. It's up to you.

I'm in trouble here.

I'm hurt. I'm confused.

I don't know which way is up.

I need your help.

So, if you really
want to be my friend,

Just stop being so wishy-washy
and tell me what you think.

All right, you want
to know what I think?

Natalie: yes!

All right, I'll tell
you what I think.

I think if snake hadn't
left you, you'd feel fine.

Of course I would.

Well, then stop blaming
yourself for sleeping with him.

That's not what's bothering you.

Snake walking out on you
is what's bothering you.

Ok... But why did
he walk out on me?

I don't know.

Sex does weird things
to people sometimes.

You're tellin' me.

Yeah, well, it made you forget
that you were a good person

Before he ever
came into your life...

And you're still gonna be ok
whether he's around or not.

Well, thank you. That helped.


I mean, if things don't
work out, it's gonna hurt...

But I'm not gonna
regret what we did.

It's 11:30. Who could that...

Oh, my god. What if it's snake?

Should I answer the
door or should I have you

Answer the door and
pretend I'm not here?

It's up to you.

I'll answer it.

You see? Sometimes it works.

Hi. Hi.


Sorry I didn't call
you first, but...

I wanted to tell
you this face to face.

Well, here's my face. Go ahead.

Well... I don't know
where to start.

Let me help.

We made love the other
night, and I'm not sorry we did.

But if you can't
handle the intimacy

Or you think I'm
crowding your space

Or whatever your problem
is, you know, that's great,

But just do me a favor and
don't b*at around the bush.

Just say it.


I love you, and I want to spend
the rest of my life with you.

See? It wasn't that hard.


I left here the other
night, you know, i, uh...

I realized that I really can't
stand to be apart from you.

And that's why I
needed time to think,

Make sure that's
how I really felt.


Well, I'm crazy about you.

That's why I decided the
only thing for me to do is...

Give up drivin' a truck and get
a job around here somewhere.

But you love being on the road.

Yeah, but I can't be
goin' all over the place

If we're gonna get married
and have a life together.


Well, that's where
we're headin', isn't it?


You know...

If you were to have
asked me that yesterday,

I would have gone
for it in a minute.

But now that I've
had time to think, too,

The answer is I don't know.

I don't think I'm ready for that
kind of commitment right now...

Or any commitment.

Well, then, what was the
other night all about, then?

The other night was about
the two of us being in love,

And it was wonderful,

But we should just
take it one step at a time.

You're not trying to let
me down easy, are you?

Heh. Not a chance.

Well, I guess I don't
have to change my name.


Well, I figured if I was gonna
be this settled-down kinda guy,

I'd start using my real name.

You told me snake
was your real name...

Why won't you tell
me your real name?

I didn't think we knew
each other well enough.

It's norbert.


Norbert jr.

That... That is a
very... Silly name,

And we will keep
that our little secret.

You know, you really
are somethin' special.

And don't you forget it.

Heh. Norbert. Heh heh.