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01x14 - Bad, Bad Fairy

Posted: 09/13/22 13:17
by bunniefuu
Previously on the other kingdom.

I love it.

Morgan: You're gonna need a job.


You don't know how to ride a bike.


Oberon and Titania don't know?

All will be yours.

Gym class?

Why is it called a class?

What do Others learn from running, jumping, and sweating?

What'd you say?

Sorry, I was too busy fearing for my life.

[Coach's whistle]

Freshmen, grab a ball!!

Please, I just want to avoid another fat lip on picture day.

Is it my fault I can't dodge?

Not following.

What are you panicking about?



You know, Peaseblossom,

I'm actually a descendant of royalty myself.


Are you a king?

Do you wear a crown and sit on a throne?

Technically, not quite royal.

More royal adjacent.

You see, my great uncle Cyrus

was head gardener at Buckingham Palace.

Royals everywhere.

[sneezes softly]


One time he even helped a Duke tie his shoelaces!

[sneezes loudly]


I see you're wrapped up in something.

However, by order of Oberon the VIII, King of Athenia,

you have been invited to tea.


With King Oberon?

I've never been to tea with the King before!

I need a new dress.

What should I bring?


Kings love berries, except for when they're old,

squishy, and smell bad.

The berries, not the Kings.


An uncouth wood fairy at the throne for tea?


The invitation is for the Other.




A dress?

Not just a dress.

A statement of high school social dominance

when we enter the Fall Dance together.

Both in teal.

Hailey, didn't I tell you I wasn't going?

Yes, but you were just playing hard to get.

Fortunately, I'm playing hard to get rid of.

Sorry Hailey, but dances just aren't my jam.

See ya.

That was brutal.

Guess you and Tristan are like oil and water--

you just can't mix.

Gigi, you really have to stop stop taking that science class.

Tristan's going to change his tune.

He just needs to know he's not the only one interested in me.

But he's not interested in you.

He will be.



What are you doing?

Dodging balls.

That's the game, right?

That's the easy part.

You have to catch the ball

and throw it at someone if you wanna win.



That's the object.

Crush everyone.



Take it easy.

It was an accident!

I didn't know my own strength.

Don't listen to her.

That was a great throw.

Keep it going!



You won, Astral!

I won?

I won!

This is the best feeling ever!


Woo. Woo. Woo. Woo. Woo.


Woo, woo, woo, woo.

I'm not like Other kids.

I guess you could call me different.

Back home, I'm a princess.

But here I can be whoever I want to be.

Go to school, make new friends, explore your ways,

and have a some fun.

Hiding my fairy powers isn't always easy,

but my friends help me when things go wrong.

I have to make a choice soon.

Your world, or my home.

Time is running out.

k*lling it, Astral.


It feels like...



Like I want to bite into a raw steak.

Aren't you a vegetarian?

I know, right?

You were great, Astral.

Sign my head?


Sorry about that.

It's okay, part of the game.

Winning and losing.

But winning's better.



It was just so intense.


No sugar, processed carbs just fresh fruit?



You are so adorbs.


You're not getting my apple, Hailey.

[loud chewing]

I saved you the core.

I was just telling Gigi

that you are the cutest guy at Theseus High.

I'm a troll.

Oh don't say that.

You've got some rough edges, but you're so cuuuute!

Hey, don't handle the helmet.

It takes minutes to gel it to its perfection.

Tristan: Later guys.

It's why I like you.

You take the time.

I have a responsibility to all trolls to hype the helmet.

It's almost too easy.

Versitude is right.

I'm plain, simple, not very couth...

whatever that means.

Besides, only you were invited.

And that invitation has a plus one.



I mean, I would go, if asked.

It's not polite to say "no."

Wait-- I don't see a "plus one."

It doesn't not say plus one.

Same thing.

I've seen royalty and had lots of tea.

I'll teach you how to be a fairy princess...

and you'll join me.

Ooooh, yay!


First lesson.

No tackling the King.

I'm bringing my A game tomorrow.

I've been watching dodgeball videos.

Have you never won anything before?

We don't have winning in Athenia.

We have games but no one

ever thought of having someone "b*at" someone else.

It feels so good.

This is doing something weird to you, Astral.

I've read that darkness can take over a fairy.

It could happen to you if you're not careful.

You're worrying for nothing.

What's wrong with having people look at you

and saying, "You're awesome"?

Winning is everything.

No, it's not.

What about the people who don't win?

They're losers.

I love me some dodgeball!





Help, stop it...

Stop, stop!


Help... help...



What happened?

Sounded like you were having a nightmare.

Did you eat chili and cereal for dinner?

That's usually when I get them.

It was so real.

I was...


Don't worry.

Dreams don't mean anything.

Unless you buy into the notion

that all dreams are a warning of things to come.

But you'd have to be crazy to believe something like that.


over here.

No time...

I'm doing a snack and run.

Then what am I going to do with this blueberry pie?

I could stay a few minutes.


Who knew we had so much in common?

I know.

You have pie.

I like pie.

It's like kismet.

It's pronounced Tristan.


Come sit!

Hey Hailey.

You know Brendoni?

Hey man, how's it going?

I'm not sharing my pie.

I normally try and stay away from sweets.

I feel the same way about math.

Brendoni and I are sitting together...

a lot.

I can see that.

Poor guy.

I think he's really serious about me.

He should know I'll never feel the same.

Girls like me go out with a certain caliber of guy.

Guys like you.


Tristan, let's put the past behind us

and become the power couple that Theseus High wants.



Uh, I'm...

I'm late for practice.

Gotta have moo juice with pie.

You freak him out.

I have that effect on other people.

Not me.

But I'm not Other people.

You're sure not like any of the other boys here.

I left you some.




If your head's not in the game, you can't be on the court!

Game on!!

Are you okay?

I'm fine.

Just didn't sleep well.

Me either.

You scared me.

This is terrible.

I've got to get my dodgeball demon back!

Unleash the beast, get in there and win.

I'm sorry coach, I'm just not feeling--

Hey, watch it.

Sorry Astral.

Part of the game, right?


just part of the game.

Put me in, coach.

Call me...

The Wrecking Ball.



The beast is back!!


She kept knocking everyone out, yelling and laughing, "victory."

Maybe she's just found something she likes.

I was the same way

when I named all states in under two minutes.

I was insufferable.

Or maybe it's just a girl thing.


I tell you the most frightful day of my life

and you call it a "girl thing"?

Why not?

Maybe it's just like braiding each others' hair,

or going to the bathroom with like eight other people.

You know, girl stuff.

How come whenever boys don't understand what a girl does

they assume it's a girl thing?

Because you terrify us?


Coach Jama thinks I have what it takes to compete at state level.

They have state dodgeball tournaments?

No ball gets past The Wrecking Ball!

You might be getting a little carried away.

He uses little as an understatement.

Three girls had to go to the nurse's office.

No pain, no gain.

And one girl had to leave school!

That's because her eczema flared up.

Anyway, you can't stand the heat,

you get out of the kitchen.

What is wrong with you?

You're letting this winning change you.

Or maybe it's making me grow up, Morgan.

Coach Jama gave me a list of affirmations

to get me in the right mindset.

Not a girl thing.

Definitely not a girl thing.

I'm all over Brendoni and Tristan doesn't even notice.

How can you spend so much time with him?

He's gross.

He's okay.


He's disgusting.

It's like he's from another world.

Okay, maybe he's a little different.

I saw him eat an entire chicken.

He has a big appetite.

You like him.

You like Brendoni.

Oh yeah.

Yeah, I like Brendoni.

I like him sooo much.

Just like bats aren't blind and Pluto's not a planet.

Both of those things are true.

Gigi, that science class has turned you against me!

I don't like him.

Me, rule the school with Brendoni by my side?

It's okay.



He burps, he's rude, he's crude.

I mean, who's going to vote for him to be Prom King?

You so like him.

The first rule of royals is not to keep them waiting.

Come on, what is taking so long?

Hello, sir.

What a pleasure to see you.

Hello, Ms. Peaseblossom.

May I?

Well, thank you kind sir.

Shall we be off to see the King and Queen for tea?

Oh, sir?

Have I rendered you speechless?

I know, right!?

I'm standing up straight and I'm talking proper,

and I haven't tried to balance something on my head

for like three minutes.

I'm like a whole new Peasy Beasy!

I mean...



Are you okay?

Maybe just a few more lessons before we go?

You are a winner...

Nothing can stop you.

Take no prisoners.

Published by Hammersmith and Troy, .

Astral is finding her dark side.

I hate that she's away from us.

She's too young to face this on her own.

She has to choose her own path.

Astral, reach for your light side.


Hi Trisss.

Can you believe what Brendoni sent me?


Very, um, smelly flower.

What a real stand-up guy.

It was so weird.

Astral woke up this morning, yelled "Seize the day!",

head-butted the door and left for school.

Agreeing to ref Coach Jama's exhibition game at lunch

was a big mistake.

Don't worry.

It'll blow over.

It's a girl thing.

Don't say that around a girl.

They don't like it.

Roger that.

Over and out.

Brendoni is in love with me.

Poor guy.

He's always trying to sit with me,

telling me I'm cute, buying me pie.


I don't buy my own pie.

It's going to break his heart

but there's no way I'm going to the dance with him.

Well, thanks for the update.

Brendoni's a good guy.

Don't lead him on.

I'm not asking you to any dance.

Brendoni, I didn't mean...

It's cool.

You wanted to make Tristan jealous.

No way.

I, uh...

plead temporary insanity.

These fluorescent lights are messing with my head.

Just let me know what you're doing next time.

All good.

What is she doing here?

She's my plus-one.

Do excuse my impertinence, Madame Versitude,

but when Winston said he was dining

with the King and Queen, well,

my exuberance overtook me and I invited myself.

Ah, Titania!

Our guests have arrived.

Your Highness.


Your Heinies.

Thank you for your kind invitation.

Oh, thank you.

It has been quite a long time

since an Other has shared our table.

I see you've brought a guest?

She was not invited.

Well, I happen to love surprises.

And you, Peaseblossom, are a lovely surprise.

Oh, well thank you, my Queen.

I was indubitably concerned that I might be weird.

But then Winston said, "no, don't worry,"

and indubitably taught me how sip tea like a lady.

Pinkies up, no slurping.

Okay, let's just...

Everyone sit, please.

Oh I'm sorry.

I forgot my manners.

Please forgive my indubitability.

So Winston, are you finding Athenia to your liking?

Very much, sir.

The trees haven't tried to eat me in almost a week!

What a silly fairy.

That's for washing your hands...

Not drinking.


I'm sorry.

It just tastes so sweet.

Actually, it does taste better than tea.



It's the rose petals.

Just delicious.

Peaseblossom, you've made a new discovery for us.

Like the Queen, I too love a surprise.

I hereby proclaim this Peaseblossom Finger Bowl day.



I mean, rather!

[loud belch]

What do we want?

To win!!

How're we gonna do that?!

By giving a hundred and ten percent!

That is mathematically impossible.

Take a lap!

Alright maggots, everyone off to the side!

You're all just going to drag me down.

I need your A-game today.

The scout from State is watching.

You got it, coach.

First rule of refereeing: always protect the melon.

Astral, you're going off the deep end.

Your teammates, your friends...

no one's gonna want to be around you.

This is just a game.

No, it's a victory.

It's being better than everyone else.

It's making me stronger.

This isn't the Astral I know.

Alright everyone, remember to play fair and have fun!


You two, opposite ends!!


Uh, gimme that.

Look at that commitment, that arm,

that total disregard for human life.

Like I've always said,

no one ever got a fat lip from playing chess.

Finish her!

Take your best sh*t.

Hope you've learned to duck.

This isn't who you are.

You missed?

She missed.

What'd I miss?

The game's not over!

Come on, keep playing.

I won?


There are no do-overs in dodgeball!

Yes, you won.

You let me, right?

I mean I'm glad I'm not in traction, but that ball was--

Thrown perfectly!

You had her.

She was all yours.

You blew it.

Young lady, impressive.

Maybe with a little more practice

you could play for state.

I think my dodgeball days might be over.

Hey coach, what about me?

I'm available.

She didn't say no.

C'mon, k*ller, I'll buy you a protein shake.

I'd rather have french fries.

I've never apologized before

but I feel weird that I used you to make Tristan jealous.

So here goes.

[clears throat]

I'm sorr--


I'm sooo-rye--


I'm sorry.

You say something?

You didn't hear me?


Hey Clover.


You ready to get that burger?


See you around Hailey.

Hope you and Tristan work it out.

You know, your headphones are unplugged.

Yeah, I know.

But Hailey thinks you didn't hear what she said.

I know.

So do you want to get that burger?

Maybe some other time, okay?


No problem.

You're a good guy, Brendoni.

Thanks Clover.

Winning is a powerful thing.

I thought it felt better than losing.

But when it becomes everything, it defeats the joy.

Your light fades, the shadow comes,

and then winning has made you lose.

I guess there was something to learn from gym glass.

It's about what you put in of yourself,

and give to Others.

Others needs a lot of lessons,

but they can also teach fairies something in return.

My princess, you have a dark side.

A weakness.

Your light dimmed once...

I can make it go out forever.


[laughing manically]