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01x06 - After Rain

Posted: 09/14/22 17:06
by bunniefuu
Don't look up without my permission.

It makes me sick, brat.

Then come on down.

I'll look down on you.

You look rather mad.

Of course, I was k*lled by you.

Have you forgotten
that I've healed your hands?

But then you took my heart out,
didn't you?

Is this hell?

I don't like the idea that
I'm stuck with you even after I'm dead.

But that's fine.

I'll make you cry!

Grit your teeth!

He was aiming for the ground
from the beginning.

You've been tricked!

I did it!


You're so boring.

I thought I had that one in the bag.

Darn it.

This isn't hell.

It's my Innate Domain.

Innate Domain?

I think Fushiguro mentioned this before.

Think of this place
as somewhere inside my mind.

-This means we’re not dead yet.

As long as you agree to my terms,

I'll heal your heart
and bring you back to life.

You talk like you're so big.

You've been putting on airs,
but you just don't want to die either!

Circumstances have changed.


you'll be able to witness
something interesting.

I have two conditions.

First, if I recite the chant "Enchain,"

you must lend me your body for one minute.

Second, you must forget
about this agreement.

No way.

I don't know what your motive is,
but it's too suspicious!

After going through all that,
I finally understand.

You're evil.
I'll never lend you my body again.

Then I promise you, I won't k*ll
or hurt anyone within that one minute.

This is so annoying.

Who would believe that?

There's no need to believe my words.

This is a Binding Vow.

In other words, an oath.

If I don't keep my promise,
I'll be punished.

If you take excess advantage
of our relationship,

you'll have to pay the price.
You should have experienced it before.

But nothing happened to you!


Oh, I wanted to take over your body
that time, too.

And you only did it because
that Jujutsu Sorcerer told you to do so.

A Binding Vow with mutual interests
is one of the important creeds in sorcery.

I see. Move aside.
I'll accept your conditions.

I don't know what you're up to,

but it's all for the sake of
coming back to life!

As if I'll say that.

Revive me with no conditions.

I died because of you in the first place.

Let's do this, then.

Let's have a fight, and if you win,
I'll revive you unconditionally.

If I win, I'll use
my Binding Vow to resurrect.

Fine by me. I'll beat you to--


I have a horrible personality, right?

I know.

I'm going to give you
a good slap later, Ijichi.

A "good slap"?

I'm not fit to be a teacher.

But despite so,
why am I a teacher in a high school?

Ask me.


I have a dream.

A dream, you say?

That's right.

As you can see from what happened to Yuji,

the higher-ups are the evil den
of the world of sorcery.

They are all a bunch of selfish,
hereditary, arrogant,

and ordinary fools.

It's like rotten oranges on sale.

I'm going to reset
this rotten sorcery world.

It's easy to just k*ll the higher-ups.

But a new group of people
will replace them eventually.

It makes no difference.

And no one would be
willing to join my cause.

That's why I chose education.

I want to nurture strong
and intelligent comrades.

That is why I entrust my tasks
to my students at times.

-They are my lashings of love.
-Weren't you just trying to skip work?

All of them are outstanding.

Especially the third-year Hakari
and second-year Okkotsu.

They will grow to be as strong as me.

Yuji was supposed to be
one of them as well.

Hey, you two.


I'm about to start. Are you guys
going to watch from there?


Wow, I'm naked.

-Mr. Gojo, he's alive…
-Shut up, Ijichi!

What a shame.

Excuse me, but I'm embarrassed.

Who are you?




Welcome back.

Hey! I'm back.

I have to amend the report.

No, you don't have to.


We need some time for Yuji

to gain strength
before he's targeted again.

Shoko, please state in the report
that Yuji is dead for now.


Then are you going to
hide Itadori forever?


I'll let him return
before the exchange program.


The reason is simple.

It's a sin to rob
the youth off of young people.

Will everyone be shocked?

It's the same for everyone.

I'm going to quit my job now.

I've been a responsible person
since I was young.

I've saved up all my wages
to send my four stepsisters to school.

But even I can't fight
against my survival instincts!

If I get closer to that table, I'll die.

Satoru Gojo.

Is it impossible for us
to defeat him together?

He'll either escape easily,

or exorcise all of you, at worst.

Instead of k*lling him, I would suggest
you find a way to seal him.

Seal? With what?

We can use a Special Grade Cursed Relic
known as the Prison Realm.

Prison Realm?

Table five doesn't order anything at all.

Can anyone go and check it out?
There's only one person at that table.

I'm sorry, Manager.

-I'm going to quit my job!

Hey, wait!

Do you have that taboo object with you?

What? The air-conditioner
is turned on, right?

Jogo, don't get too excited.
It's getting hot in here.

Sir, have you decided what to order--

Don't create a scene.

I'm sure this is fine.


Luckily, I didn't choose
a high-class restaurant.

Geto, how many fingers of Sukuna
are equal to my strength?

As an overestimation,
around eight or nine?

That's more than enough.
Hand me the Prison Realm.

I'm adding it to my collection.

In return…

I'll k*ll Satoru Gojo.


When we arrived at the scene,
your son had already passed away.

To be honest, I was hesitant
to save the people there.

But my comrades said otherwise.

Although we didn't make it,

he insisted on bringing his body back
even after his death was confirmed.



So I brought this back.


I'm extremely sorry that

I'm unable to save Tadashi.

It's okay. Don't apologize.

I'm the only one…

who's sad about his death.

You're too slow, Megumi.


What were you doing?

It's not important.


As a Jujutsu Sorcerer,
what kind of people do you want to save?


I'm not interested in the people I save.

I shouldn't have asked you.



It's not the time for interviews!

I'm sick of my school uniform!
Let me buy some cute sportswear!

Here it comes!

What are they doing?

-Falling practice.

You two are weak at fighting close-range.

First of all…

Try to take one point from us.

Then we'll talk later.

You should do a lot better than the others
in close-range combat, Yuji.

What you need to learn now is

to control your cursed energy,

and some basic knowledge of curse.


What's wrong?

Oh, I just thought that

you're the best person
to train me, so I'm happy.

I'm weak, and couldn't save anyone.

Not only that, I nearly k*lled Fushiguro.

I'm too ashamed to meet them.

I want to be stronger.

Teach me how to become the strongest.

You've got a keen eye.

But you said
you're the strongest, Mr. Gojo.

All right. Please look at
the two juice cans over there.


I used cursed energy on this can
and cursed technique on this one.

I see. I don't understand.

Well, let's see.

Let's compare cursed energy to electricity

and cursed techniques
to electrical appliances.

Electricity alone has limited uses, right?

So electricity is charged into electrical
appliances for various purposes.

This can was blasted by cursed energy

and this can was twisted

by infusing cursed energy
into a cursed technique.

So that means I'm going to learn
a lot of cool techniques!

No, you can't use curse.


Let's not talk about basic Shikigami
or barrier techniques.

Basically, cursed techniques are

engraved on a Jujutsu Sorcerer's body
when he was born.

-Thus, it's said that…

% of a Jujutsu Sorcerer's strength
comes from their innate talent.

Are you okay?


I just thought I could have skills
like thunder, fire, or power b*mb.

You should be able to perform
a power b*mb. Are you Onita?

Forget about it then.

I wanted to use Spirit g*n, Bankai,
Rasengan, or Dodonpa…

-I thought I could use them…
-You just can't use it now.

One day, Sukuna's techniques
will be engraved into your body.

-I wanted to use Kamehameha…
-Let's put aside what you can't do.

I'll further develop your strengths

and add cursed energy
to your martial arts.

Ignore useless curse techniques.

I'm scared of people like you
bulldozing through with basics!

-As I said earlier,

you have an impressive talent
for physical combat.

But I'm already good at it!

Get up, will you?

At that time, I mastered
the trick without knowing.

Well then, let's try it. Hit here.

I bet you can't do it.

I don't care if you get hurt.

Just hurry up already.

There's no cursed energy in it.


The source of cursed energy
is negative emotions.

When you said "that time,"

you were full of anger and fear, right?

Oh, do we have to be angry
in order to use cursed energy?

Right, Fushiguro always looks like
he's about to snap.

Divine Dog!

You're wrong.

What is it?

-I feel annoyed all of a sudden.

-No, it's not because of you.
-Salmon roe.

The event is only a month and a half away.
Let's not waste time.

Let's continue.
Try out this long one here.

This feels surprisingly nice to hold.

Everyone undergoes training to draw

cursed energy
from a single spark of emotion.

When you're too emotional…

I'm mad!

…you should avoid wasting cursed energy.

There are many ways to learn,

but I'll let you do one
that's really tiring.

What is it?

Watching movies.

Watching movies?

That's right.

It ranges from classic masterpieces
to C-class horror, even artistic French!

As long as you're awake,
you have to keep watching it.

Of course, it's not that easy.

You have to watch it with this guy.

What's with that disgustingly cute doll?

Does this look cute?

It's a Cursed Corpse
made by the principal.

Oh, I knew it!
Looks like something he would make.

So? I don't understand the point of it.

Don't rush. It's starting soon.

If that doesn't receive
a constant flow of cursed energy,

it will wake up and attack you, like now.

It hurts!

Like I said,

there are a variety of movies.

It will make you anxious, angry, excited.

Some will make you cry, laugh,
or just plain disgusted!

First, try to sit through an entire movie

without waking the doll up
and hurting yourself.

This training helps you maintain
a constant flow of cursed energy

regardless of what you're feeling.

You can't emit too much
or too little power.

I've set the required amount of energy
to the bare minimum you are able to emit.

But the required flow
will increase slowly, so don't slack off.

I can't slack off even if I want to.

Which one do you want to watch first?
I recommend this one.

The heroine's a nasty girl,
but she gets a gaudy death.

That's a huge spoiler.

Let's see.
We should watch an action movie--


Come on! You have to keep the flow stable
even if you're irritated.

How to carry a Cursed Tool?

I agree to using special weapons
to enhance close-range combat.

But I would like to keep myself
hands-free to use techniques.

It also uses up time to sheathe a knife.

You carry multiple Cursed Tools,
right, Zenin?

How do you manage them?

I let Panda carry them.

Once again, I shouldn't have asked her.

There are Jujutsu Sorcerers that
tame familiars to store weapons for them.

That's impossible to learn.
It's a rare ability, too.

It also takes time to tame it.

Let me know if you find one.

A year's supply of Karpas.

I don't understand. Back then…

Why did you escape?

It's a waste of your talent.

He thinks that I have the potential to
defeat that Special Grade Cursed Spirit.

Is that what he meant?



What's wrong?


I think I might be able to do something.


Where's Urahara? Is it underground?

Red and blue wire, which one should I cut?

There was a garbage collection point
near my old address.

Hey, what are you talking about?

We throw plastic waste into the red bin,
combustibles into the blue.

I thought to myself,
"Shouldn't it be the other way round?"

That's right, it's usually red.

I'll believe you.

Don't do it when I'm drinking cola!

Don't drink, then.

You always have snacks and cola
while watching movies!

You're right.

Well then, I have something to do,
so keep working hard.

Can I really grow stronger with this?

Oh, right.

Have you talked to Sukuna
while you're dead?


Did he offer you any conditions
or contracts to fix your heart?


I think he said something.

I can't really remember.

Is that so?

We still have time before
our appointment with the principal.

Do you want to take a short detour?

No, I should be early once in a while.

Stop the car.

What? Right here?

-You can go first.

Is this some kind of test?

Are you going to beat me up if I leave?

Who do you think I am?

Okay, I'll leave then.

Well then…

Who are you?

-Juju Stroll!
-Juju Stroll!

"Satoru Gojo's Go-Go-Gojo!"

Today, we're at my alma mater,
Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School.


And here's a student in trouble.

Is he a freshman?

He can't seem to extract cursed energy.
Let's give him some advice.

You're walking down a narrow road.

There's a row of male students
in front of you.

They didn't notice you.

You feel like k*lling them, right?

-Shut up.