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05x28 - It's My Party: Part 1

Posted: 09/14/22 17:20
by bunniefuu
♪ I bet we've been together
for a million years ♪

♪ And I'll we'll be together ♪

♪ For a million more ♪

♪ Oh, it's like I
started breathing ♪

♪ On the night we kissed ♪

♪ And I can't remember
what I ever did before ♪

♪ What would we do, baby ♪

♪ Without us? ♪

♪ What would we do, baby ♪

♪ Without us? ♪

♪ And there ain't no nothin' ♪

♪ We can't love
each other through ♪

♪ What would we do, baby ♪

♪ Without us? ♪

♪ Sha la la la ♪♪

Now, andy, just because
my birthday is in a week,

Doesn't mean you
have to go all out.

I don't want you
running around town,

Spending all of your money.

If you want to go into
two or maybe three stores,

That's fine.

Oh, reading a book
to andrew, jennifer?

Oh, yeah, the three pigs.

He loved it.

One of his favorite stories.

I'm size .

Birthday talk, huh?

He brought it up.

Oh, I'm glad he did.

We should start making
plans for your party.

Jennifer, I was going
to surprise you,

But I can't wait.

I've worked out some new
puppet skits for this year's party.

Swell, dad.

Now, in the first one,

Fluffy and marv are in a boat...

Uh, fluffy is rowing.

Steven, don't you think

Jennifer is too old
for puppet shows?


Think so?

Oh, come on, mom, dad lives
for these puppet shows.

No, it's all right.

It is your birthday party.

It's o.k. It's o.k.

I know, but I don't
want dad to mope.

I'm not going to mope.

All right! You can
have your puppet show.

Yay! Well, I'm going
to take andy upstairs

And work on some of
my new material with him.

Now, andy, this is important.

There are really two puppets.

Now, fluffy's the funny one.

Now I know why I
stopped having birthdays.

All right, everybody, head's up,

Ellen's on her way over,

And I want to make
a good impression.

Could you all kneel and
look up at me adoringly?

All right, o.k., You
don't have to kneel.

Just... Just don't
run away, o.k.?

I need you in here
for background.

You know, I liked
it a lot better

When you dated girls
you didn't care about.

I take offense to that.

And that is a slur
on my character.

You name one girl
I've gone out with

That I did not care about.

Sharon webster.


[Car approaches]

There she is.

All right, uh, help me out here.

How do I look better,
sitting or standing

Or kind of a
combination of the two?

That looks most natural.

[Knock on door]

Hi, ellen.

Hi, how you doing? Fine.

Hi, ellen.


Allow me to apologize
for my family.

We do this all the time.

Hey, alex told me

You have a big birthday
coming up, jennifer.

Number .


Happy birthday.

Oh, thank you, ellen.

They were on sale.

Let's not forget
who won that one.

Thanks a lot.

You know, ellen,

The more I get to know you,

The more I like you.

And I think you're really nice.

But I think I speak for
everyone when I say this...

Why alex?

I love a challenge.

So, where you guys
off to this morning?

Oh, we're going downtown to the
susan b. Anthony library to study.

Yeah, we've got
an exam coming up

In our babes on parade class.

Babes on parade?

The actual name of the course

Is impact of women on america.

As if there were one.

Alex. Alex.

Oh, come on, I'm serious.

I mean, I can't
believe that women

Can actually take a
course on themselves.

It's like charles de
gaulle taking french.

Come on, alex, we better go.

Susan b. Anthony
hates to be kept waiting.

All right. Bye-bye.

Good-bye. Bye.

Who's, uh, who's susan b.
Anthony, one of their teachers?

She's a dead feminist, mallory.


Hi, everybody.

Hi, chrissy. Hi, chrissy.

Want to walk to
school together, jen?

Sure. I'll be ready in a minute.

So, how you liking
junior high so far?

Junior high's really different.

There are a lot of cute boys,

And all the girls wear
really cute clothes

And have cute hair styles.

How do you like your classes?

They're, um... Uh...


Yeah, yeah.

That's the word I
was looking for.

Mom, I'm going to be late.

I'm ready. Bye-bye, girls.

Bye. Bye.

Guess what, jen.

Stacie connors almost
said hi to me yesterday.

What? Are you kidding?

Stacie connors is one of the
most popular girls in school.

Why do you think
I'm telling you?

Jennifer, if stacie
connors says hi to us,

We could get popular, too.

Can you imagine us
in the popular group?

I'd die.

I'd lay down and die.

I don't know if I'd die.

I may cough a little.

Chrissy, this could be the
answer to all of our problems.

The reason why we
hate junior high so much

Is because we're not popular.

We're out of it.

If they let us into their group,

Our lives will have meaning.

I know.

We can eat lunch at their table.

People will look up to us.

We could look down
on other people.

All the cute boys will like us.

We'll get invited to
all the great parties.

If we pull this off,

It will be the biggest
breakthrough of our lives.

I know. We'll go
from being miserable

To being the happiest
people in the world,

But it's not going
to be easy, chrissy.

So for now, let's
stay calm, o.k.?

You're right.

It's going to be so great.

I know!

Now, what we have to do is
catch their attention, jen,

Get them to notice us.

I have a plan.

It'll let them know
we're interested

And still keep our dignity.

What, give them money?

No. I'm having a birthday party,

And we'll invite them to that.

That's a great idea.

Wait a minute.
What if they say no?

Then we'll give them money.

There they are,
jen, the cool kids.

That's where we want to be.

O.k., Got the invitations?


Let's go.

Hi, beth.

Well, hi, jennifer.

Hi, I'm having this birth...

Jennifer, what are you doing?

Not her. She's not cool.

That's beth hooper.
She's my friend.

She's on my soccer
team. I really like her.

Would you stop with
this liking people stuff?

It's really ugly.

Now, look, jennifer.

Those are the girls we want.

That's where we want to be.

At that table.

Now let's go, and
remember, be cool.

O.k., So I'm walking
through the mall, o.k.?

And I'm at that cute
hat store, right?

And then, get this...

The heel of my shoe comes off.

Oh, my god! That's
so embarrassing!

I just go, "oh, please!"

Oh, my god, stacie.

I'd die. Right, jennifer?

Oh. Uh... Yeah. And
I'd go to the funeral.

Jennifer, you're a riot.

Come on, jennifer, talk
about important stuff...

Like clothes.

Oh, stacie, I think you
lost one of your earrings.

I'm only wearing
one earring, o.k.?

Like, no one wears
pairs anymore.

You know, I had to replace
all my pairs of earrings

With single earrings.

It cost a lot.

Just checking.

Like, can't you guys read?

This table is
preserved, you know?

O.k., Listen. I'm serious.

There's this hot
party, you know,

And everybody's
going to be there.

So, you know,
you can come. O.k.?

Like, who's going to be there?

Like, everybody.

Like, who?

Like, bruce springsteen.

Bruce springsteen?

Well, actually, bruce bernstein.

But he's like bruce
springsteen in many ways.

He was born in the u.s.a.

Listen, we're, like,
going to so many parties.


Maybe next year.

You've got to come.

I mean, like, it's going
to be really good.

I mean, like, really,
really good. Really.




O.k. O.k. O.k.

O.k.! See you then.


I can't believe it, jennifer.

They're coming. I know!

Saturday at this time,

The cool kids will
be at your house.

That means you'll be cool.

And since I know
you, I'll be cool, too.

Let's make sure to dress warmly.

This is going to be a
wonderful birthday party, jen.

Just like last year.

Oh, I hope so. Last
year's was great,

Except when alex tried
to collect cover charge.

Come on, it was just a buck.

And a two-drink minimum.

[Imitating fanfare]

Well, the puppet
show's all set to go.

Fluffy and marv are
relaxing in the kitchen.

They're a little nervous,

But once they hear
the roar of the crowd,

They'll be fine.

Mom, you're not spending
enough time with dad.

[Doorbell rings]

Oh, I'll get it.

Hey, ho! Steven: hey, skip.

Hey. Where's mallory?

She's at the store working late.

She'll be home soon.

Now, wait a minute, mrs. Keaton.

Don't tell me.

You've done something
different to the room.

We put up some
party decorations.

No. No, no, that's not it.

We're having a birthday
party for jennifer, skippy.

Yeah, look, skip,
why don't you, uh,

Stick around and help out, huh?

Oh, I didn't know
that. Happy birthday.

[Doorbell rings]

Yeah. I'll get it.

Oh, they're here.

Hi! Happy birthday! Hi!

Hi, kids! Come on in!

Come on.

It's good to see you.

Hi, mr. Keaton.

Beth, thanks for coming, o.k.?

Thanks for
inviting me, jennifer.

I haven't been to a party

Since your last birthday party.

Me neither.

Look who's here.

Like, hi, o.k.?

Oh, come on over here, kids.

Get your party favors.

Party favors?

Oh, please.

Can you believe the
cool kids in your house?

Oh, god.

Jennifer. Huh?

What is all this purple stuff?

What do you mean, chrissy?

It's my favorite color.

Jennifer, no one
likes purple anymore.

It's out.

This is big trouble.

Why is everything
this lame color?

I'm going to die.

So, uh...

You, uh...

Come here often?

Give it up.

All right.

Can i, uh, can I have
everyone's attention, please?

Well, this is a very... A
very special occasion,

And we'd like to welcome
all of you to our house.

You're all jennifer's friends,

And, well, you're all
very special people.

Give yourselves a big round
of applause before we start.

Um... Let's... Let's
start with a game.

You know, it's kind
of an ice breaker.

What we do is tell our
most embarrassing moment.

Like, how about right now?

O.k., Who wants to go first?

Oh, me, me. I got lots of them.

You always want
to go first, skippy.

This is the only
game I'm good at.

Like, what is it
with this party?

I mean, beth hooper is here.

She is the geek of all time.

Jennifer, we've got
to fix this party fast.

The cool kids are bored.

I know. I don't know what
to do, though, chrissy.


Oh, hi, mal. Glad you're here.

Jennifer, how's it going?


Party favors. Oh, please.

Mallory, I need your help.

The cool kids hate my party.

O.k. Come with me.

And then there was the
time I parachuted into france.

Most embarrassing.

Jennifer, if you
wanted to be cool,

All you had to do was ask me.

I can show you.

I think I'm probably
hopeless, mallory.

Jennifer, it's easy to be cool.

You know, all have to
know are a few key phrases.

Um... Try saying "hi."


No. No.

No... Jennifer...

Try it like this.

Like, hi, o.k.?

Now... Now you try it.

Like, hi, o.k.?

Not bad, not bad.

What do you say when
you don't like something?

"I don't like that"?

No. Try it this way.

Yeeww! Gross! I want to puke!

I could never do it
that well, mallory.

Sure, you can.

It just takes practice.

Let's work on your walk.

There's a walk, too?

Of course. How you going to
get from one place to another?

Let me see your walk.

You've seen me walk, mallory.

I haven't seen you walk cool.

I have neglected you, haven't i?

You've been busy shopping.

Watch me.


Face it, mallory. There's
no way I'm going to get cool

Within the next minutes.

Maybe I should just go
upstairs and go to sleep.

No, jennifer, you've
got to give it a try.

The cool kids are
going to love you.

Well, I guess I have no choice.

That's the spirit.

We've got to do
something about this hat...

And so, my friends,

Sail with us again sometime

On the s.s. Fluffy.

Bring a life jacket! Ha ha ha!


Ow! Ow!

♪ Good morning, starshine ♪

♪ The earth says hello ♪

♪ You twinkle above us ♪

♪ We twinkle below ♪

♪ Nippy nob dooby ♪

♪ Nibby nobby nooby ♪

♪ La la la ♪

♪ Lo lo ♪♪


Let's hear it for
marv and fluffy

And for steven keaton!

Come on, everybody,
give him a big hand!

Thanks, guys. Thank you.

Thank you very much.

O.k. Why don't you
all come in the kitchen.

We'll cut the cake.

Oh, good. Yeah.

Like, this is the lamest
thing I've ever done, o.k.?

Yeah, and you know,
there are no boys here.

Like, hi, o.k.?


O.k., I'm serious.

I really think your
lame party is dying.

Oh, my god!

I'm so embarrassed, you know?

You think I knew

How lame this party
was going to be?

Forget it.

Well, o.k.

You know, like I'm , o.k.?

And my parents still treat me

Like I'm / .

Well, don't you have
any control over them?

I know, I know, like,
right after this party,

I'm moving out.

Way to go, jen.

I'm really not moving out...


Come on. Let's get out of here.

We'll go to my house.

Like, you coming
with us, or what?

Well, like, I can't
leave my party, o.k.?


Come on, jen.



Steven, could you read
the note one more time?

"O.k. Like, I went...

To, like, stacie's, o.k.?"

"Stacie's, o.k.?"

Maybe it's a dude ranch.

"I'll be, like, you
know, home later.

"I, like, hope it's o.k., O.k.?

Signed... Like, jennifer."

Try reading every third word.


"O.k., O.k., O.k., O.k... O.k.?"

At least we know she's o.k.

Why would she run
out on her own party?

Look, dad, I don't want to
hurt your feelings or anything,

But it was kind of
a childish party.

I mean, purple
decorations, puppet show...

Maybe alex is right when
you come to think of it.

You know, those silly name tags,

A stupid puppet show...

All right! I really resent this!

Fluffy and marv are being
made the scapegoats here.

They deserve better treatment.

Steven, they are puppets!

They are just hunks
of felt and cardboard.

That's all they are
to you, huh, elyse?

Is jennifer back yet?

No, but she left us this note.

We think she's at a dude ranch.

Oh, she's at stacie's.

She'll only be
staying a little while.

She'll be back soon.

Does it say in
there why she left?

No, but I can tell you why.

She thought the
party was really dumb...

You know, with the
games and the puppets.

O.k.! Why don't we just
burn them at the stake?

Look, will you forget about your
stupid puppets for two minutes

And think about your
daughter, steven?

Look, jennifer was
trying really hard

To impress stacie and
all those cool girls.

She was embarrassed
by the party,

So she left with them.

Look, I don't understand.

They don't strike me
as the kind of girls

Jennifer would want
to be friends with.

What does she see in them?

At , I think you
just want to be in

With the popular crowd.

You don't stop and think
what that crowd is like.

Well, it was your idea
to let her turn , elyse.

Like, hi, o.k.?

Well, she wrote the note.

Why did you leave, jennifer?

Like, didn't you,
like, get my note?

I translated it for them.

We don't care about your note.

You had no right leaving
here without telling us.

You were rude to us and
certainly to all your guests.

Like, I know, mom,

But, like, my party
was, like, so lame.

Jennifer, why are
you talking like that?

Like, like what?

Like, like that.

Like, like this is how I
talk, like, now, o.k., Dad?

Like, like hell you do!

Like, like calm down, o.k.?

Elyse, what...

I'm sorry.

Young lady, you go
upstairs to your room,

And you don't come down

Until you can apologize...

In english.


And stop saying "o.k."!


I say we open the presents.

Sit, ubu, sit.

Good dog. [Dog barks]