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01x01 - Turning Point

Posted: 09/14/22 17:31
by bunniefuu
The universe has a beginning, but no end.


The stars, too, have a beginning, but their own power leads to their destruction.


History dictates that it is the wise who are most foolish.

One could call this a final warning from God, to those who can still resist.

Okarin! Let's go.

Prologue to the Beginning and End I'm initiating my infiltration of the building.

El Psy Congroo.

There aren't many people here.

As I suspected, the Organization may be interfering What's going to happen here? You came here, without even knowing? Professor Nakabachi's Time Machine Invention Press Conference A time machine Professor Nakabachi's Time Machine Invention Press Conference Amazing! Professor Nakabachi's Time Machine Invention Press Conference Professor Nakabachi has surpassed the rest of us scientists, and is ready to announce the invention of the century.

I'm going to pay careful attention to what he has to say.

An earthquake? No, from above? What's this? You called me here for this? There aren't many left of this series, and Mayushii's out of hundred-yen coins! Don't be a spoiled little girl, Mayuri.

Even if I've known you since we were kids, I'm not lending you money.

I'll teach you how harsh life can be What's this? It's not painted? M-Metal It's a metal A metal Upa! Is it rare? Really! Then you can have it.

Are you sure, Okarin? It's Hououin Kyouma.

Thanks, Okarin.

I said it's Hououin Kyouma.

Professor Nakabachi's press conference will now begin in the 8th Floor Hall.

In the handouts, you can read about the time machine's basic design.

I will use this conference as an opportunity to discuss the fundamental theory behind it.

Scientists all over the world I think I dropped my metal Upa, Time: 2010/07/28 Sender: Mayuri Subject: My Upa Received Mail I think I dropped my metal Upa, I think I dropped my metal Upa, so I'm going to look for it.

Currently, there are over ten major theories of possible time travel methods, Basic design of the time machine Currently, there are over ten major theories of possible time travel methods, and it's been examined from nearly every possible angle.

Basic design of the time machine and it's been examined from nearly every possible angle.

Doctor! What is it? You know exactly what! What is this "time machine theory" of yours? Kerr black holes? World lines? You stole all this from John Titor! Titor called himself a time traveler, posting this theory on the internet back in 2000.

Don't try claiming you didn't know! How rude! Of course I know about him! Don't compare my theory to that fraud's! Then why don't you explain the difference between your theories? Hey, you Titor, huh? Come to think of it, there was similar stuff in the John Titor books Who are you? That's what I'd like to know.

What? Back there, you were going to tell me something, weren't you? Back there? About fifteen minutes ago.

I don't have the slightest idea Makise Kurisu? You had a paper in Science Magazine a while ago.

I'm surprised you know that.

Are you a university scientist? You! Are you an agent from the Organization? Organization? What? I just wanted to ask you There's no need for me to answer you! It's me.

I've been caught by an Organization agent.


Makise Kurisu.

Who are you talking to? Makise Kurisu.

Who are you talking to? Yeah, no problem.

Who are you talking to? Yeah, no problem.

I'll get out of this somehow Huh? It's turned off.

I'll tell you a secret.

That's a special cell phone, for secret missions.

If anyone but me touches it, it turns off.

I see.

You were talking to yourself.

I'll make this brief.

What were you going to tell me? About fifteen minutes ago.

You were trying to tell me something, right? It seemed like it was really important I've seen through your tricks.

Girl-genius, when next we meet, we will be enemies.


Wait! What was she talking about? She met me? Received Mail Date: 2010/07/28 12:26 Sender: sg-epk@jtk92.


jp Subject: (No Subject) Attachment: IMV001 Okarin! Mayuri! What were you doing? I messaged you, right? I can't find my metal Upa.

I even put my name on it You dropped it? I think so.

Give up.

On auction sites, a metal Upa goes for 10,000 yen! 10,000 yen Find it! My lab is almost entirely out of money! Even if I find it, I won't sell it.

With 10,000 yen, we could get the parts for a new future gadget I said I'm not selling it.

What was that? Run outside! Hey Is someone there? Makise Kurisu What? Someone's been stabbed Okarin! What's wrong? You're pale.

I saw a dead body On the 8th floor! To: Daru Subject: Trouble Looks like someone stabbed Makise Kurisu.

Send? Wh-What? What's going on? Here you go, Okarin! What is this? What's what? The people Why did all the people disappear? They disappeared? They all disappeared! All the people here! Right in front of us! I don't know You have to know! You saw it, didn't you? Right? I didn't.

What are you talking about Hey, you there! Can you see us? Why don't you answer? You, on the other side of the monitor, with the dumb expression! Never mind.

This is the Future Gadget Lab.

I'll introduce our staff.

First is Lab Member 001, founder of the lab and Insane Mad Scientist Myself, Hououin Kyouma! Okarin is cuter.

Silence! Okabe Rintarou is the name I use to deceive the public.

And Lab Member 002, the lab's lone female member, whose hobby is making cosplay outfits, Shiina Mayuri! It's me, Mayushii.

And Lab Member 003, Super Haker Hashida Itaru! It's "Hacker," not "Haker.

" Hurr.

We three.

Isn't it time to give up? Don't too expect too much out of software you bought at a 500 yen wagon sale.

Listen well.

To get to our lab, go down Chuo Street, Future Gadget Lab CRT TV Workshop To get to our lab, go down Chuo Street, and turn left on Kuramaebashi Street Future Gadget Lab CRT TV Workshop at the Suehirochou intersection.

Future Gadget Lab CRT TV Workshop We're in a multi-use building, in the first alley Future Gadget Lab CRT TV Workshop before the traffic light.

Future Gadget Lab CRT TV Workshop Future Gadget Lab CRT TV Workshop The goal of the Future Gadget Lab is revolution of the world's ruling structure To create inventions which will bring chaos.

Do you understand? If you understand, then tell us your secrets! Hey, do you think we look like a video game to Alpaca Man-san? You don't think the concept of real and unreal is a little beyond him? Then are your 2D girls like that, too? That's different.

Those are mai waifu.

No one cares about your wives.

But isn't that an interesting idea? If we did exist solely inside a monitor, think there's any way we could tell? No.

That was fast.

Thus, the discussion is pointless.

We'd do much better to spend our time thinking of ways to fight the Organization and destroy the world's ruling structure.

That delusional crap again? Fail! Silence, Super Haker! I am the Insane Mad Scientist, Hououin Kyouma! That's your backstory, isn't it? My, my Daru.

You shouldn't hide in your shell.

You should listen to what people have to say.

So this is today's "You're the last one I want to hear that from" thread.

Anyway, looks like the news copter's arrived.

This object, thought to be some kind of satellite, crashed in Akihabara, Tokyo, Where did it come from? A mysterious satellite appears!! Special Report This object, thought to be some kind of satellite, crashed in Akihabara, Tokyo, around 12:00 today.

Special Report Where did it come from? A mysterious satellite appears!! What was that? This morning, Mayuri and I left the lab, for the Radio building, to hear Professor Nakabachi's press conference.

But the next thing I knew, a satellite had crashed into the building.

And not just that Me? Yeah You saw the satellite crash on TV and said, "The Organization has finally made its move!" So the two of us came to see it.

Canceled? Don't you remember how mad you were this morning? Saying, "He got cold feet and ran off!" Professor Nakabachi's press conference! It was at 12:00, at the Radio building! No, it wasn't, man.

And a good thing If it had been, that satellite could have flattened you.

This difference in memories Is it the Organization's memory control? Right This is the choice of Steins Gate! That again? That Stein-whatsit makes no sense, you know that? Daru, get me Future Gadget #1! Alpaca Man-san got mad because you changed the channel.

Darn you, Mr.

Braun! Making us use this piece of crap He gave it to us for free, right? Daru, get the TV! But I refuse.

It's hot today.

And like, don't think I'm strong, just 'cause I'm fat.

That's not something to brag about! Mr.

Braun! I told you to call me Tennouji-san.

I'd like to ask you to fix this immediately You broke it already? You don't have enough love for the Braun tubes.

1,000 yen to fix it.

If anyone's at fault here, it's you, for giving us defective Is that how you address your landlord? I'll pay the repair bill.

Mayuri-chan, you should give up on this guy.

But Mayushii is Okarin's hostage! Hostage, huh? This is broken, too? Repair bill's 2,000 yen now.

You don't like it, take it back.

What will you do? It's me.

The Organization's finally gotten to that stupid baldy.

I'm encountering sabotage.

Here you go.

You really do like Dr Pepper, Okarin! It's an intellectual drink, for the chosen ones.

The cicadas are really loud, aren't they? Daru! Now that the Organization has begun using Mr.

Braun to sabotage us, we're putting the plan into action.

We're backed into a corner! The plan? The what now? The plan is the plan! What else could it be but the introduction of Future Gadget #8 into actual combat? Oh, the Phone Microwave (name subject to change).

How do you use a microwave in combat anyway? It'll be nearly three and a half years since we met.

Second year of high school We were in different classes and barely spoke, so it's more like two years? The details don't matter.

Anyway, it's been that long.

Please reach the point where you can keep up with my conversations, already.

That is never happening! Actually, want to try again? It's all set.

Mayuri, bring the bananas! You're making gel-banas again? It's such a waste! If we're stingy, we can't win against the Organization! We don't need to win You know, Mayushii's the one bringing bananas, right? I know.

This is R-E-N-G, the Phone Microwave (name subject to change).

You can manipulate the timer here.

Please hit the pound key, and then the number of seconds you wish to time cook.

One, two, zero, pound.

Pretty turntable, isn't it? It goes in the opposite direction.

Opposite? Might be important! When you think of what's happening at the quantum level, and you apply Hund's rules I'm sure it isn't.

It isn't? Nope.

Hasn't changed.

It doesn't get warm, and it doesn't get cold.

Mayushii's Juicy Fried Chicken #1 got frozen Well, something involving Steins Gate is at work here! That's clear, anyway! That again? Daru, don't you want to try eating this No, I don't.

Daru, don't you want to try eating this Then we'll give the honor to Mayuri.

The gel-bana was soft and squishy.

And it had no taste.

You ate it? Mayushii? Say, "Your banana is soft and squishy.

" "Your banana is soft" Don't make her say that, pervert! I-I'm melting It hasn't been ten minutes since we left the lab.

When the summer gets hot, I don't want to go any farther than Feyris-tan's.

I wish they'd just hold it at MayQueen Nyan Nyan.

They're not going to hold a university lecture at a maid caf.

If they didn't take attendance, I'd never go.

It's so cold.

I'm alive.

A satellite fell, didn't it? That again? You're not going to the Radio building to see it? Probably too many onlookers to see it anyway.

I'm reading the reports on @chan, from the people who went.

"Work Temporarily Canceled.

" Another giant thread? Oh, right.

Back then Give me your cell phone.

Why? Just do it! That's a privacy violation! Not allowed! I sent you a message! A message about Makise Kurisu being stabbed.

Oh, the one from last week? Last week? It was split into three messages.

I thought it was spam! See? Sent on July 23rd, 12:56 Okabe Rintarou (No Subject) Sent on July 23rd, 12:56 "Looks like someone stabbed Makise Kurisu.

" Sent on July 23rd, 12:56 "Looks like someone stabbed Makise Kurisu.

" See? Last week Let me check my sent folder.

Mayuri Re: Upa Daru Let's go! Mayuri Look at this It's not here! Mayuri Re: Upa Daru Let's go! Mayuri Look at this Daru Let's go! Mayuri Look at this Mayuri Re: Don't sell it It's not here! Mayuri Look at this Mayuri Re: Don't sell it Feyris Re: Prophecy Song It's not here! Mayuri Re: Don't sell it Feyris Re: Prophecy Song Ruka Re: I made snacks It's not here! Feyris Re: Prophecy Song Ruka Re: I made snacks Daru Re: (No subject) It's not here! What is today? Feyris Re: Prophecy Song Ruka Re: I made snacks Daru Re: (No subject) Feyris Re: Prophecy Song Ruka Re: I made snacks Daru Re: (No subject) The The 28th.

What's wrong? The message was sent to the past