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01x21 - Boogie Woogie Feng Shui

Posted: 09/14/22 19:50
by bunniefuu
This strange story began
on a blistering hot day,

I had received an unexpected mail
from an old acquaintance of mine…

…but the message was just this:

“Seek the sacred beast from Anzan.”

“I am at the meeting place
of the four gods.”


Pao, the sender of the message,
was an acquaintance of mine…

…but it didn’t mean that we
kept in touch all that well.

I grew suspicious, and started
to research Pao’s current whereabouts.

They say that Pao is one of the three
greatest Feng Shui masters here on Mars.

But when I found his whereabouts,
he had already left this world…

Are you sure you weren’t the
one that sent me this mail?

The one who visits from
the inauspicious back door…

Receive the word from the heavens,
and lead me to the sun stone…

Just like what the pa-kua told me!

Look out!

Where are you sh**ting?!

They sure are disrespectful fellows.

The escape route!


Hey, hey!



Hey, hey, hey!

Escape route!

Chi of Earth!

That was really close!

I’m glad you’re safe.

What are you doing?

Hey, over there… Who is that?

I wonder if she’s a new girlfriend.

For that, she’s rather young.

Weird one, hot dog bun, loved one!

Maybe she’s his secret love-child?

For that, she’s rather old.

Child, mild, wild!

But I’m surprised.

I wasn’t expecting Pao’s daughter
to be this old already…

You probably don’t remember…

…but I met you once when
you were this little.

How do you know my father?


Just an acquaintance.
It’s been years already.

But your father sure was unlucky
to be in a traffic accident…

On the way to Jupiter, there was a sudden
spatial fluctuation in hyperspace…

Here you go.

Thank you.

Are you the “girlfriend?”

Are you the “secret love-child?”


Mr. Jet, why were you at the graveyard?

Nobody outside the family knows
he got into an accident…

“Seek the sacred beast from Anzan.”

“I am at the meeting place
of the four gods.”

This is?

Pao sent me this.


Three days ago.

Right before the accident…

Please! Can you help me?!

I’m sure this is the whereabouts
of the sun stone!

Sun stone?

The direction, day, and time you arrived
was the best combination for Feng Shui!

Especially when you’re
searching for something!

I-It was?

It was!

Please, Mr. Jet!

Yes. About that, we will have it soon.

Yes, I understand.

How was the boss feeling?


There’s no way it could be good.

Of course not…

Let’s go!

I didn’t have any particular favors
to repay to Pao or this girl…

…but I decided to help them for now.

There were too many things that made
me suspicious to leave it alone.

Why did Pao send me mail
right before his death?

What do those words mean?

Who were those guys that att*cked us?

And there was something about
this girl named Meifa as well…

This universe is made
of three different Chis.

One is the Chi of Heaven,
the energy that comes from the Sun.

One is the Chi of Earth, the energy
that comes from a planet’s surface.

And lastly Chi of Magnetism, the Chi
that organisms like ourselves produce.

Chi from organisms?

The human body always
produces a magnetic field.

That magnetic field and
the magnetic field of the Earth…

…react to one another
to create energy.

Universal Feng Shui is the
technology that reads the energies…

…of nature such as this to
use them in everyday life.

Ice cream.

Universal Feng Shui…

It’s not the same thing
as fortunetelling?

Other fortunetelling methods
only predict or prognosticate.

However, Universal Feng Shui has the
power to make the bad into the good.

For example, if you were a Feng Shui
master as powerful as my father…

What’s wrong?

I just realized that I never spent
time like this with my father…

Hey, now.

Let me point out that
I’m not that old.

If anything, I would be a boyfriend…

No, wait, that would be bad.

W-What am I saying?

At least I can be an
elder brother or something…

Ice cream…

Ice cream.

Let’s go, Mr. Jet!

I believe that “Anzan” refers to here.

The Mountain Hotel Building…


(Blue Dragon)

(White Tiger)

(Black Turtle)

(Scarlet Phoenix)


I know, the cross-zenith method!

The sun stone is here!

Are you sure?

There they are.
They’re right over there.

All right.

I finally found it…

This must be the sun stone.

This thing?

Mr. Jet?

Outta the way.

What are you doing?

One bottle of lao-chu.
I don’t need a glass.

Take that!

Hey, who are you guys?

Heh, you think we would
tell you that easily…

W-We’re from the Blue Snake…

So you are from a syndicate…

Why are you following us around?

I-I couldn’t tell you that
even if you k*lled me…

I-It was because we couldn’t get Pao…

So they told us to get
the recipient of his mail…

I-I’m telling the truth!

We’re on the low end so we
don’t know any more than that!

I’m sure.

Mr. Jet…

My father… is alive?

Pao’s words showed where
this stone was.

Does that mean Pao is
still alive somewhere?

Did he want me to find this
stone and do something with it?

It feels like I created more
mysteries instead of solving them.

For now, I decided to check out
this stone, which was our only clue.

So this is a piece of the moon from
that Gate accident years ago…

We Feng Shui masters
call it the sun stone.

It’s absorbed the fluctuations
in time and space…

…and conceals a tremendous
amount of energy.

I can only think of it
as a plain old rock…

So, how much would it be if we sold it?

Hey, guys, if you’re gonna
smoke, go smoke outside.


You always smoke in here, too!

I’m turning this into a
nonsmoking area starting today.

Hey, now, you’re kidding, right?

This ship is my ship, remember?

So, what are you gonna
do with this stone?

I… have no idea.

I don’t know what my
father is thinking…

Oh, hey, wait!

Ein! Wait!

The luo-pan…


That can’t be…
I took the magnet off…

I see… I get it now…

So that’s it!

That’s it!!

If I remember correctly, my father
owned a sun stone as well.

I’m sure that the two
stones are resonating…

…to show me the
whereabouts of my father.

And that’s why Pao made you
look for this stone…


I don’t know why my father
sent the mail to you, Mr. Jet…

…and not to me…

What do you think?

They make a good couple.

It’s a dangerous combination.

What is?

The more righteous a guy
was in his youth…

…the more likely he’s gonna fall
for a young girl later in life.

Is that so?

Really… Guys are so clueless.

My father…

…was one that believed in Universal
Feng Shui, but not other people…

So my mother left the house,
and took me along.

That was seven years ago…

I’m sure my father was able
to find our whereabouts easily.

But he never even tried
to look for us…

I’m sure there was a reason behind it.

Why was my father
targeted by those men?

Was it because he was
friends with bad people?

Please, tell me the truth!

Who my father really was…

Pao… was the consultant
for a syndicate.

That’s the truth.

Pao had leaked
information to me about…

…the syndicate, back
when I was a detective.

Pao already wanted out of
the syndicate back then.

However, it’s impossible
for someone who knows…

…important syndicate secrets
to ever leave the group.

I’m sure Pao was afraid that more bad
things would happen to his family.

Well, I’m sure you can confirm
it all when you see him.


Around here…

There isn’t anything here.

How about the radar?

No response.

That can’t be…
I’m sure this is the place…

Hmm? Wait…

Hold on…

Do we have guests?

They sure are persistent.

Spike, Faye, please take care of them!

Aren’t they your guests?

Help me out if you don’t
wanna die with this ship!

What rotten luck of the draw.

Sometimes it’s good to act without
asking “What’s in it for me?”.

We’re fairies who are going to
grant the princess’ wish.

We are?

Unmanned fighters?

So these would be the seven dwarves…

sh*t! They’re trying to scare us!

I got it!

Spike! Come back here!


Apparently, if we apply lots
of energy to that stone…

…we can draw out all the
forces trapped inside it.

And, what are we going to do?

This is an all-or-nothing plan, but…

I don’t care what it is, just hurry!

I put it in!

All right!

Blast this rock with
your plasma cannon.

What a great plan this is…

Looks like you made it in time, Jet…

Pao! You’re…

Meifa… It’s been a while.

Pao, you’re in unstable territory.
I can’t approach any closer than this.

I know… There isn’t any,
oxygen left in here anyway,

I sent you that mail because I wanted
you to bring my daughter here…

Then… you willed us to be here
like this using Feng Shui?!


That’s not true, Pao.

This wasn’t your doing.

Meifa is here now…

…because she wanted to come here.

You might be right.

Perhaps I was being too hotheaded…

Meifa… it’s wonderful to
see you one last time…

I hated you all this time…

I despised you all this time…



Now, I don’t know if it was a good thing
or a bad thing that we took her along.

In any case, this was how
this strange case ended.

She went back to Mars.

And the smoking ban was lifted
from the living quarters.

Once again, unchanging daily life
has returned, just as it was before.

One thing that has changed, though…

I no longer read the
fortunetelling pages in magazines.

Aishiteta to nageku niwa…
Too much time has passed by…

…amarinimo toki wa sugite shimatta
…to lament that we were deeply in love.

Mada kokoro no hokorobi wo…
The wind keeps blowing, while my heart…

…iyasenu mama kaze ga fuiteru
…cannot heal all the tears in it.

Kawaita hitomi de dareka naite kure
Someone, cry for me with parched eyes.

The real folk blues.

Honto no kanashimi ga shiritai dake
I only want to know what true sadness is.

Doro no kawa ni tsukatta…
Sitting in muddy water…

…jinsei mo waruku wa nai…
…isn’t such a bad life…

…ichido kiri de owaru nara…
…if it ends after the first time…

He… came with a whistle.

He… came with a whistle.

He… came with a whistle.

A man, Andy, made a sudden
appearance on horseback.

Who in the world is he?

Is he an ally or a foe?
Or is he a true cowboy?

The next episode is a shocking sci-fi
macaroni-western epic saga: “Cowboy Funk”.

Wait a minute, isn’t this
world view a bit different?