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01x06 - Two Nations of the Stone World

Posted: 09/15/22 10:58
by bunniefuu
[ALL screeching]

[SENKU chuckling]

[SENKU] It's finally starting
to look like a place

fit for an actual human.


To be honest, I don't think
I can keep hitting "ignore"

on my exhaustion
for too much longer.


I had no idea it was this hard
to keep just one person alive.

There's no time for
scientific progress.

What I wouldn't give to have
someone with brute strength

and stamina to handle
the grunt work.

I've got a hunch about this one.

It's close to where
I broke free,

so it's highly probable
that we drifted

from approximately
the same location.

These crazy-strong hands
are just what I need.



Although I do get a little sick

of looking at his stupid face,

I think 3,700 years may've
been enough of a break.

Hey, ya big oaf.

All right, time to get started
on Senku Lab's first project.

So tell me, meathead,

what'll it take to get you
to wake up like I did?

Maybe the bigger question is,

what exactly was it that
turned all of humanity

to stone 3,700 years ago?

Hypothesis number one...

Dude, earthlings are so lame.

Let's turn 'em into stone.

[ALIEN B] It did work on those
pesky swallows! Petri-ray!

Ha! Get excited!

Hypothesis number two...

Ha-ha! The petrification
doom-ray is finally ready!

[TAIJU screaming]

What in tarnation?
It got us as well!

Hypothesis number three...

[ALL laughing]

We're the petricoccus virus!

Only humans and swallows
are vulnerable to our power!

He-he! Get excited!

[TAIJU screaming]

The only thing I'm sure of,

is whatever caused this

targeted humans and
swallows specifically.

It seems like fantasy,
but in reality,

there's an underlying rule.

Which means I can solve it.

Discovering these hidden rules
is what science is all about.

[SENKU] Right now, I'm
starting down a new path.

An uncharted branch of science.

Get excited, Senku.

What did it?

What caused me to break
out of my petrified state?

Was it simple deterioration?

If that were the case,

the outside surface
exposed to the elements

would be the first
to break down.

But the petrified people
are like statues,

stone all the way through.

For me, it was like a shell,
the outside was stone,

and the inside changed
back to living cells.


It's the other way around!

The surface was deteriorated

and couldn't revert
to the living cells.

It became a stone husk!

The parts of the surface
that were less petrified

turned back to cells.

That's why that reconstructed
shell has holes in it.

[SENKU] So I wasn't revived due
to deterioration or erosion.

There's some outside
X factor in play.

The fragments ended
up in a pile,

with the ones closest to
my head on the bottom.

Which means the revival
started at the top.

[SENKU] There's gotta
be something in there.

Smells like nitric acid.

That's it!

[SENKU] The back of my
neck is still petrified.

Time for a quick experiment.





[SENKU] Why did nitric
acid only work on me?

It's not making one millimeter
of progress on Taiju

or anyone else.

There's gotta be an answer.
What makes me different?


I just need a
working hypothesis.

Come on, Senku, think!


That's it! I was thinking!

For the entire 3,700
years I was petrified,

I remained conscious.

The human brain burns
through 400 calories a day.

Over 3,700 years,

that works out to two
terajoules of energy.

But where did all that
energy come from?

E equals mc squared.

Energy and mass have
equivalent exchange.

Old Man Einstein expressed
a basic scientific truth

with that equation.

It tells us that we can't
create energy from nothing.

There's something in the stone
itself that I was consuming.

That's how I had the
energy to use my brain.

Finding out what that was

is the key to undoing
the petrification.

I gotta try everything.

Every experiment I can think of.

I'd love to get my
hands on some kind

of industrial-strength
etching agent, like nital.

Ugh. But I need
alcohol to make that.

Gotta believe.
And try, try, try.

Keep trying everything
I can possibly think of.

And then try some more.

Never forget.

Petrification may
seem like a fantasy...

...but the foundations
of science are rock solid.

I need manpower!

Take some of this nitric acid
and get up already!

Hear me, blockhead?

You're awake inside
there, aren't ya?

You've been awake for
this entire damn time!

You and I are no
different in that regard!

You don't know when
to give up either!

Hey, Senku!

Come on!


[BOTH] I'll wait for you
however long it takes!

Because I can't do
this without you!

So please come back, Taiju!

Please, come back!
Please, Senku!

The storm. It's over.

That thunderstorm was providing

some serious cover for us,

so keep your voices
down from here on out.

Because if Tsukasa hears us,
it's game over for real.

You're right!

He's not coming, is he?

[BOTH gasp]

[SENKU chuckles]

[SENKU] Good job noticing
the thing with my neck.

I barely even gave you
any real hints about it.

Taiju, Yuzuriha, I believe
that kind of thinking

should snag you
ten billion points.



[SENKU screams]

That k*ller tried to
painlessly sever my spine,

but you'd crush my whole body?

Let go!

You know I'm not the type
of guy who does the whole

"emotional, teary-eyed
gratitude" kinda thing,

so don't expect that.

Yeah. Welcome back, Senku.


What do you think?

Does that look like
a rocket ship to you?

There's a buncha stars, too!

Yeah, no. I'm not seein' it.

It's a "science flag,"

and I think it's perfect
for you, Senku!

It can even help your neck!

Great idea!

And now you have a splint, see?

Ten-billion percent sure
I don't need this.

I'm perfectly fine, okay?

Professor Senku
volunteered his body

and the experiment
was a great success.

The restorative effects
of de-petrification

are really incredible.


First we thought turning to
stone ruined everyone's lives,

but I guess it kinda saved
yours this time, huh?

It's like what you were
saying when we made soap.

The de-petrification,

it's a lifesaver in a
time without doctors.

It's Doctor Stone!

[SENKU] Yeah. Come to
think of it, it is pretty odd.

When the petrification
is undone,

the affected area
is rejuvenated.

It's an extremely beneficial
scientific phenomenon.

I've been wondering
this whole time,

"Who petrified humanity?

What force was
behind the attack?"

But... was it even
an attack at all?

Seeing as it was able
to fix Senku's neck,

maybe if we piece these
statues back together

and pour the revival
fluid on them,

they'll come back whole again.

I tried that fairly early on.

They ended up turning into
dismembered corpses.

There has to be some reason
why it doesn't work.


Taiju is ten billion percent
too crude to pull it off,

but you're our super-skilled
crafts club member.

This is gonna be a grueling
mission. You up for it?




That really, really sounds like
an extremely grueling mission,

but I'll do it!

[SENKU chuckles]

Well, that was an easy sell.

Crafting's about perseverance!

Hey! Are you telling secrets?

No fair! Don't keep it from me!

I, uh... I was saying
that maybe you and I

should go meet up with Tsukasa!

Well, there's an idea!

Go see Tsukasa, eh?

Say what?! Are you crazy?!

You mean the same homicidal
maniac that k*lled Senku?!

I mean, Senku's alive,

and Tsukasa used
to be a good dude!

But still, we all thought
he had k*lled Senku,

and I'm sure he
probably thinks he did!

And that is exactly
the advantage we gained

in that little fight.


[SENKU] Listen, Tsukasa thinks
I'm rotting in hell right now.

I, on the other hand, know his
whereabouts in the real world.

We can have a major
advantage in this w*r

if the two of you can infiltrate
the "Tsukasa Empire"

and act as our spies.

[TAIJU gasps]

[SENKU] I gave her the
details of the mission

you'll be undertaking.

Taiju, your main objective
is to protect Yuzuriha.

With a blockhead like you,
the less you know, the better.

I got it, Senku.
Loud and clear.

[SENKU] Tsukasa's planning
on using the miracle fluid

to build an army of the
young and able-bodied.

He'll create a brutal world
ruled by the strongest,

with him at the top of it all.

In order to bring
down his empire

and stop the so-called

which is really
just mass m*rder,

we'll create our own rebel army,

using science as
our primary w*apon.

But how are you gonna
pull that off, Senku?

You'll be alone.

She's right.

If we're both gone,

and Tsukasa's got control
of the miracle water,

you can't make gunpowder,

or more revival fluid
to wake up some allies.


Even for you, the answer
should be obvious.

I'm going to find whoever
sent up those smoke signals

and convince them
to join our side.

I just hope they don't end up
running into Tsukasa first,

because that could be a problem.

I'll have to assume they
haven't, and leave it at that.

[TAIJU] So, going forward,
the two of us will be spies

inside the Tsukasa Empire.

And you'll be recruiting for
the rebel science army.

We'll each be fighting
our own battles.

Tch. That's the idea.

Parting is such sweet sorrow.

Better get going before
we start to cry.

You guys are pretty casual

about the whole thing.

But I guess boys tend
to be kinda stoic, huh?

It's true. And Senku is
a super logical dude.

We won't be seeing each
other for a little while.

Who knows if it'll be weeks,

or a couple of months,
or maybe even...

Senku! I promise!

[TAIJU] Wait, I shouldn't
be shouting like this.

[SENKU chuckles]

[SENKU] Just hang in there
until our paths cross again,

ya big oaf.

We already had to wait 3,700
years to see each other.

A few more months, or even
years, is no big deal.

Time is relative, ya know.

But no matter how long it takes,

we will build our
kingdom of science.

Fifty-seven meters
behind me to the right.


I know that you've
been shadowing me

for the last two minutes.

So tell me who you are.

Blue eyes. And she's young.

Did Taiju and Yuzuriha
revive her just now?

Or did she come from
somewhere else?



Not too friendly, are you?

What's wrong with "Hello" or, I
don't know, "Nice to meet you?"

Shut your mouth.

You can save that for
who you meet in hell.

[GIRL yells]

[TSUKASA] It's impossible to be
this young and this skilled.

If she'd been in the
martial arts community,

I would've heard of her.

Who is she?

I saw everything you did!

You took that girl hostage,

and when that gentleman
gave himself up to save her,

you just k*lled him on the spot!

I couldn't tell what
you were talking about,

but whatever your story is,
don't waste it on me!

Beg forgiveness from
the sorcerer gentleman

until your evil soul fades away!


What sorcerer?

Huh. He just covered
you with his magic,

and you don't remember?

The mysterious black powder

that summoned forth the
mighty mountain's rage!

The mountain's rage?

Does she mean the expl*si*n?


So you aren't one
of the revived.

But maybe a child of someone
who was? Is that it?

Or perhaps... What
generation are you?

[TSUKASA] I think she's
from a primitive tribe

with no concept of science.

I could easily rule over them,

or just k*ll them
if I choose to.

There's no reason to
attack at this point.


So my immediate goal is
to return to that cave.

Taiju and Yuzuriha were taught
how to make gunpowder.

I need to claim that miracle
fluid before they do.

This is goodbye.


It's you. The sorcerer gentleman
who was protecting that girl.

You're alive!

You need to stop talking.

We can introduce ourselves later
until we're blue in the face.

But now, it's a waste of energy!


Do you think you can
make it until nightfall?

If you feel like you're dying,

we could risk blasting the tree
with the gunpowder I have left.

But if you hang in there,

I'm ten billion percent
sure I can save you.

It'll just take some time.

You're the only one who
can make that call,

so what's it gonna be?

You gotta tell me right now!

Yeah. My bones and
organs are fine.

I can hold on!

[SENKU] I'd guess the fallen
tree weighs roughly one ton.

To move it to the side
should take half that,

so 500 kilograms.

My weight of 60 kilograms,

multiplied by two
to the third power,

should get me to 500.

Three of these will
do the trick.

Bamboo's barely strong enough.

I'll pack 'em with
dirt to fortify 'em.

[SENKU chuckles]

[SENKU] A little soap will
come in handy yet again.

This is an all-star team
of Professor Senku's

greatest inventions,
working together.

What in the world are you doing?

This is called science!

This particular device was
invented by Old Man Archimedes

a few hundred years B.C.

And it can make a skinny,
high-school nerd like me

as strong as Hercules!

The compound pulley!



[GIRL] And I'm not talking about
the wisdom of Archi-whatever.

What I mean, is how you kept
going through every single step

until you solved the problem.

Your perseverance is amazing.

Guess it's time to
introduce myself.

My name is Kohaku.

And honestly, I believe I've
taken quite a liking to you.
