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01x07 - Where Two Million Years Have Gone

Posted: 09/15/22 10:58
by bunniefuu


Guess it's time to
introduce myself.

My name is Kohaku.

And honestly, I believe I've
taken quite a liking to you.



I can't say that I can give
one millimeter of support

for what I just heard.

We've just met, and you're
already professing your love?

Not how to handle an emergency.

I didn't say anything
about falling in love!

I'm saying I like
you as a person

and I think the two of
us can work together!

[SENKU] Oh. Well, thanks.
I appreciate that.

'Cause nothing's as illogical
or prone to trouble

as a romantic entanglement.


What are you, a new
species of hominid

that sleeps with a
w*apon or something?

Makes it obvious I don't
have love on the brain.

Look, I may be curious
about your ways,

but I'm not sure how
much I can trust you yet.

Besides, it's a force of habit,
because I watch out for myself,

so don't take it personally.

[SENKU] I'm not enough of a hero
to att*ck a lioness like you,

so quit wasting time
and get some rest.


I am a person! With feelings!

You might've seemed like
a gentleman at first,

but you're actually kinda
rude, ya know that?

I'm afraid I might accidentally
end up k*lling you.

If you just go to sleep,
there won't be any accidents.

I'm not too keen on the idea
of dying twice in one day.

You're fighting against

that long-haired
man, aren't you?

I'll help you with that.

I'm not the type
to just run away

with my tail between my legs.


That's why I'm setting out to
build a kingdom of science.

But what I need...
is manpower first.

Oh, yeah? So you're lookin'
for allies, are ya?

Well, then why don't
you come along with me?

So you've got some
more lion buddies?

There a whole pride
of you somewhere?

That's right.

I'm sure they would be
great allies for the battle.

Especially one guy
in particular.

I'll lead you to 'em, Senku.

You just gotta follow me.

Hot spring water?

[KOHAKU] Yeah. I'm taking
it back home for a bath.

It's good for the
healing process.

Why do you need to
take a healing bath

when you're obviously, like,
ten billion percent healthy?

The thought of an overpowered
lion girl like you

running around is
kinda terrifying.

I am not a lion!

And for your information,
it's for my sister!

Honestly, carrying this big,
heavy thing of water

is a lot of trouble
to go through.

But she's been especially
sick for way too long now.

Sometimes I feel kinda guilty
for being so healthy.

If only we could switch
bodies once in a while.

Looks to me like that
jar probably holds

a bit less than 50 liters.

Doesn't seem like enough
to fill a bathtub.

I wonder how often
you have to lug

that heavy-ass thing
back and forth.

A few times a day, right?

[KOHAKU] Heh. I've made it
a part of my daily training.

Thanks to these trips,
I'm a lot stronger.

I know I was
complaining earlier,

but honestly, I'm
pretty grateful tha-

In case you've forgotten,

you had a tree fall
on you yesterday.

I don't want you to over-exert
yourself and die on me,

so hand it over.

Thanks, Senku.


I'd over-exert myself, huh?

[SENKU] Am I the only
one in this Stone World

who's not practically a gorilla?

I mean, Taiju,
Tsukasa, and now you?


Okay, I actually prefer
"lioness" to that!

That's not... the point here.

Whoa! How in the
heck did you build

such a useful thing so quickly?

It wasn't really that quick.

I just had some materials ready

from making that
pulley yesterday.

Progress gives rise to progress,

and applying that to further
civilization is science.

Turn right up here!

We missed the turn!

Look, Senku. Check it out!



We're here, so welcome
to my village.

How many people live here?

[KOHAKU] Well, not counting
the kids and retirees,

there are 40 of us,
all working together.

More than 40 of you?

[SENKU] Kohaku and the others
don't appear to have

any knowledge of
modern technology.

So I'll bet that means
they're descendants of people

who revived a long time ago.

Which means there was a first
generation at some point.

Maybe even hundreds
of years ago.

I wonder if there was a
man of science, like me,

who was able to come up
with an earlier version

of the revival fluid.

But there's really
no sign of that,

or evidence of any kind
of scientific advancement

passed down through
the generations.

Where did all these
people come from?


There's no need for all
of that, Kinro and Ginro.

This man saved
my life yesterday.

Great news.

But you should know better.
Can't break the rules.

Under no circumstances
are we allowed

to let outsiders
enter the village.

The chief will be
angry with you.

There's no use in
arguing about it.

The rules are the rules.

People from outside the
village aren't welcome.

Because they're all criminals,
or were banished by the chief.

Therefore, we cannot let
him cross this bridge.

Even if he saved your life,
we can't make any exceptions.

[KOHAKU] Oh, yeah? Then you
leave us no other choice.

We'll just have to battle
it out right here and now.

But it's really not fair.

There's two of you
and one of me.

Should put me at a
major disadvantage.

[GINRO chuckles nervously]

[SENKU chuckles]

[SENKU] I really did walk
in to the lions' den.

Heh. You're all growling
and snarling at each other.


[BOTH gasp]


What's happening?

How come there's
all these mysterious

floating jewels in the sky?

Wow. So that's their level, eh?


Well, I guess this is gonna
be no problem at all.

I'm gonna get every last one of
them on my side with science.

Nothing like having brains
and a small army on your side.

It's time to get excited.

You sound pretty
creepy right now.

Maybe don't get
ahead of yourself?

This doesn't seem to
be helping at all!

When I s*ab 'em, they multiply!

Okay, then. There's
no other choice!

Special Technique:
"Let someone else handle it"!

Hey, Chrome, help! It's sorcery!

[CHROME] Yeah, yeah. Would ya
quit freakin' out, Ginro?

I'm one step ahead
of you, as usual.

I spotted them from the beach.

So of course I ran here
as fast as I could.

Hey! I'm the one called Chrome!
Bad and insanely smart.

I'm the genius sorcerer
of the village!

[KOHAKU] Ha. Looks like we won't
have to track him down, Senku.

This is the guy I
mentioned yesterday.

Ah. So he's a
"sorcerer," now is he?

My name's Senku.
And I'm a scientist.

I know you're scared 'cause
you're not as smart as me,

but don't let his cheap
trickery get to you!

These things are super
easy to create!

All you need is charcoal,
ash, and boiling water.

I wasn't scared of them.

But you'd be a fool not to
be cautious of the unknown.

I actually was pretty
scared, to be honest.

We don't need you here, Chrome.

I'm not dumb enough to believe

that your dubious
sorcery would help us.

Believe what you want.
I don't care.

But know this!
I'm not backing down!

'Cause sorcery is my specialty!

So step off and let
me handle this guy!

If we fight right here,

there's a chance some of
the villagers could get hurt.

Let's move it somewhere else.


[GINRO whimpers]

[GINRO] What does a sorcery
battle even look like?

Ah! They aren't gonna start
sh**ting fireballs

and burn us alive are they?

Please stop! At least don't
do anything dangerous!

I don't wanna die!


All right. Ready for
some badass sorcery?

Check out my Rainbow Bridge!

I am the master of
the flames and fire!

Whoa! He did it!

He made the fire turn yellow!

[GINRO] It changed again.
It's greenish blue!

And now it's purple?

Wow. It's crazy!


"Rainbow Bridge"?
What total crap.

They're reactions to
basic flame tests.

You threw salt, copper,
and some sulfur

into the fire, in that order.

So, the copper...
is it copper sulfate?

He wouldn't know that.

Did you use some blue crystals?

Maybe you found
them in the caves?

Oh, sh*t!

How in the hell would a
total outsider like him

know about the blue crystals?

He must be able to read
my mind or something!

No way! Is that his
kind of sorcery?

I didn't even know
that was possible!

"Oh, no, I'm so scared,
I gotta run away now!"

That's what I thought
would happen.

"You've defeated me.

Please allow me to
be your apprentice,"

was another possibility.

I mean, one or the other,
but not like this!

I was actually kinda worried
what my plan would be

if he had asked to
become my apprentice.

Uh. Hey.

I'll have you know
that my sorcery

is definitely not just
completely made up

of little tricks and
cheap crap like that.

I didn't say anything.

Oh, you wait and see.

I'm gonna get one of my
instruments of sorcery

that will put the hurt
on you for sure!

It's a legit w*apon!

Wonder what he's got in there.

Must be why we moved the battle.

To be near his
"instruments of sorcery."


[CHROME panting]

Ow! That hurts! What the
hell did you do to me?

[CHROME chuckles]

A sulfur ball.

You took some of the same stuff
you threw on the fire earlier

and put it in an urn.

You melted it down,
let it cool and harden,

and then broke the
urn around it.

Neat way to make one of these.

A sulfur ball static generator.

Originally invented back
in the 17th century.

I'm starting to get
pretty excited about you.


But rubbing it with leather
instead of your hands

will make ten billion
times more power.

I'll use my science flag.

Holy crap! That's so bad!

The guy's hair is all spiky!

It was already pretty spiky.

Oh, wow. How does that work?




Hey, give it back!

Feels like I'm watchin'
"baby's first science class"

with this dude.

It's all so primitive.

[SENKU] Chrome, did you think
up all this stuff by yourself

in this backwards
little village?

All these minerals and
scientific materials,

you took it upon yourself

to gather and collect
them in that shed?

You bet I did!
Why do you care?

It's normal for kids to
find stuff and keep it.

Smash it all together,
mix it up, burn it.

And when something
really crazy happens,

that's what you call sorcery.

Think about it,
what else could it be?


[SENKU chuckles]

Check it out, Tsukasa.

You can k*ll me,

or anyone else with
a brain for that matter.

You can try all you want
to k*ll science itself,

but there will always be some
idiot who'll try anything

just to see what happens.

Eventually the shiny
monkeys will create

a technological civilization.

Listen, the way things
are going right now,

I'm ten billion percent sure

that you're exactly
the type of person

that Tsukasa is gonna k*ll.

And the only way
for you to survive

is if you join our
kingdom of science.

[CHROME] Who's Tsukasa?
What are you talking about?

[SENKU cackling]

[SENKU] I would love if you
joined forces with us,

and lent your shed of
science to the cause!

Hey! You're not taking
my stuff, okay?!

Damn it, I look like an idiot.

I can't back down now.

I challenge you to one last
battle! Just you and me!

If you lose, you'll leave the
village after you bow to me!

If you win, take everything in
the shed and I'll work for you!

You sure?

[CHROME] I'll show you
things you've never seen,

because I'm the
greatest of all time!

Arithmetic! Fight me in
a battle of numbers!

I have a strong
feeling that Senku

is about to wipe
the floor with you.

[CHROME yelps]

I'm super excited about this!

[chuckles] Oh, man.

How many years did it take you

to collect all this amazing
stuff you're keeping in here?

Totally awesome,
don't you think?

You kicked my butt--

uh, well, only because
I was off my game--

but my collection
could never be b*at!

[KOHAKU] It's all just
a bunch of stupid rocks.

Malachite! Chalcanthite!
And corundum!

So bad and insanely tough!

I can't tell any
difference between them.

How can the two of
you get so excited

over a couple of rocks, anyway?

I can't believe you've got
galena! Lead has been acquired!

That one's super shiny
when you break it open!

Sorry, but I'll never understand

why they think these
things are so cool

just because they collect them.

I used to collect bugs
when I was a little kid.

But now they totally
creep me out.

You even have cinnabar in here?!

I hope you have fun showing off
the most boring trophies ever.

I gotta bring this hot spring
water up to my sister.


Sometimes called the
philosopher's stone,

and a handy item
in Dragon Quest .

If you heat it up,
you'll get mercury.

There they go with all
their creepy sorcery.

Do as you like
outside the village.

But take one step on this bridge
and I'll cut you down.

The rules are the rules.

Now, just melt some gold
dust into the mercury.


You'd better not inhale
the smoke. You'll die.

But this shiny golden spear
is pretty awesome, isn't it?


That is bad!

And what good will
this sorcery do me?

Heh. There's really no
practical advantage to it.

But your name does mean "gold,"

so a golden spear
is perfect for you.

Your bribe won't work.

Give me all of the shiny
objects you want,

but I still won't break
the rules for you.


Kinro's a stick in the mud.

Practically all the
guy ever says is

"The rules are the rules."

[KINRO] 'Cause it's true.
Rules are rules.

That being said,

I think I'll just keep
it like it is now.

[SENKU laughs]

All he needs is one more push.

Hey, so, what about
a silver spear?

You're like one of those people

who plays Monster Hunter ,

but only so they can
collect raw materials.

Monster Hunter ?

You have a lot of plants, too.

Felwort, sweetroot, canker root.

All traditional medicines.

They're dr*gs, basically.


But I have no clue
if they work or not.

I try them on myself, and I keep
the ones I think are good.

I'm hoping that I'll find
something that'll heal Ruri.

In fact, that's why I became
a sorcerer in the first place.

I'm grateful to you

for bringing me the healing
water from the hot springs.

It truly helps. Thank you.

We expected you yesterday.
Did something happen?

Heh. I accidentally fell
asleep on the way back home.

So I just spent the
night in the forest.

"Accidentally?" Give me a break.

You need to start taking your
duties a lot more seriously.

Jasper, Turquoise.

Do you mind giving us
a moment, please?

I'd like to speak
to Kohaku in private.

Please, forgive us, Ruri.

We're not allowed to leave
the priestess by herself.

But Kohaku is my own flesh
and blood, so please...

You dummy, Kohaku!

Your hair is
knotted differently.

Something must've
happened to you

that caused your hair
to come undone.



[RURI coughing]

I beg you. Please be careful.

I don't have much time left.
Don't risk your life for me.

[CHROME] Senku, whether it's
called sorcery or science,

can we save her?

Well, that depends on
her condition, you know.

But things are more difficult
in this Stone World.

All right, Chrome.

I think it's time I
told you everything.

About what happened
3,700 years ago,

and about what the world
was like before the collapse.


Why the hell did you start
crying all of a sudden?

Didn't expect you
to get emotional.

I'm not crying!

Aw, damnit, I am crying!

Who turned everyone to stone?

If I find out, I'll k*ll
whoever it was!

How could we lose it?

All the people that
came before us

spent millions of years
building up civilization.

One that was full of science,
and technology, and life!

And it all just got
wiped out in a flash?

How in the hell could
that not piss me off?

[SENKU chuckles]

It hasn't been wiped
out, you moron.

It's all still right here.

What do you mean?

[SENKU] Humanity isn't
going down that easy.

We've got two million
years of human history

as close as it could be.

Right here inside my head.

And it's inside you, too.

Am I wrong?

No, you're not wrong.

You couldn't be more right.

Senku, I'm gonna build this
kingdom of science with you!

And we're gonna fight whatever
it is that's making Ruri sick!

So tell me, are you
really up for it?

Using science to find
a way to cure her?


Yeah. We're gonna use science
to make the ultimate medicine.

You and I will make antibiotics!