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01x18 - Stone Wars

Posted: 09/15/22 11:05
by bunniefuu
[VILLAGERS chattering]

Thanks, but I'm
strictly a cola man.

Never heard of it.

I wouldn't be able to talk
business if I got drunk.

And now that the
village is gathered,

I've got a message to deliver.


Well, let's hear it then,
mentalist. What've you got?

I can take a guess.
The Tsukasa Empire?

He's coming.

And he's bringing an army.

[ALL gasp]

[TSUKASA] Gen, you haven't
actually seen Senku's body.

If he's out there
somewhere alive,

he'll likely discover
the village

and use it to build his
Kingdom of Science.

And that would be the worst
conceivable scenario.

As soon as we've
assembled an army,

we will take the
village by force.

An entire army of men like him?

All of them ridiculously
strong and just as ruthless?

That's the idea, yes.

He's been very busy
reviving people.


[SENKU] It's finally come
to an all-out w*r

between the Kingdom of Science
and the Empire of Might.

Time for a showdown.
Get excited.

[VILLAGER cheering]

It's not fair. I wanna party.

If it weren't for Mr.
"The rules are the rules,"

I'd be back there living it up
with the rest of them right now.

Protecting the
village is our duty.

If they're going to attack,
this would be the time.

While we're off-guard.


[KINRO] Ginro, go back and
alert the others. Now.

Huh? About what?


[KINRO] If they reach
the living quarters

where the children
are, it's over.

Listen, if I'm k*lled,
cut down the bridge.

Don't worry about my body.

[GINRO gasps]


He knows the numbers
aren't in his favor,

so he's hoping to lure
us onto the bridge

to fight him one at a time.

I like it.
He's a proper warrior.

Look at this guy,
tryin' to run away!

What, are ya scared
of us, caveman?



You're even more
mush-brained than I imagined

if you thought you could
win against a spearman

on a narrow bridge.

That strategy wasn't
proper at all.

I think he broke my nose.

Um. We're sorry, Hyoga, sir.

Hmm. Interesting.

You have poor
eyesight, don't you?

And Tsukasa isn't the
only major threat.

There's another among
them who's bad ews-nay.

[ALL gasp]

If either he or Tsukasa show up
at the head of the w*r party,

frankly, you would have
no choice but to run.

[GEN] His name is Hyoga, and
he was only recently revived.

I offered to go in as a spy
and stir things up--

lay the groundwork.

So I left first, before
the rest of the forces.

I don't know how much time
it'll buy us, though.

Everyone! It's happening!

The enemy is attacking!

No! Impossible!

[KINRO] How is he able to
move his spear so quickly?

They're already attacking?

[gasps] This isn't good!

Do you see the guy Kinro's
fighting? That's Hyoga!


No, stop!


Do it. Cut down the bridge!


Let me go. I have to help!

You can't! The bridge is
narrow and he's got a spear!

But Kinro's going to--


Think about the
children, Ginro!

We need to cut the bridge, now!

Hurry! Do it!

They're right. I have to.

Cut down the bridge...
and save the village.

There you go.

I can no longer be saved.

I can't.

I can't cut the bridge down.

If I do that...
Kinro is going to die!

How could I ever k*ll
my own brother?


What are you planning
to do with an iron tube?

[SENKU chuckles]

We're down to the last
of our gunpowder.

Who would've thought that
we'd be using it for a bluff?


Wait, eriously-say?

You're the strongest person

in the village, right, Magma?


Would you kindly throw
this rock at the enemy?

As hard as you can.

Huh? How am I supposed to hit
them from here with that?

And why should I listen to
an outsider like you, anyway?

You don't have to hit them.

Senku's the chief, but you want
to take the title away from him.

How will you do that if
the whole village is lost?

Cooperate and you
might get your chance.

Magma, now!


[ALL gasp]

Hyoga, quick!

Take everyone and
get out of here!

[ALL gasp]

We need to retreat, now!
This village already has g*ns!


--[KYOICHIRO] Damn it!
--[GOZAN] Run!

[GEN] Come on, Hyoga! It's not
safe for you here, either.

[HYOGA] A working firearm.
Which means you must be him.

[SENKU chuckles]

It was very considerate
of you guys

to give us time to
finish preparing.

The Kingdom of Science is ready.


I'm sure Tsukasa will be simply
delighted to hear that.

Pass on a message for me.

Tell Tsukasa that Ishigami
Senku is still alive,

and let him know
we're waiting for him

with the ten billion r*fles we
made using the power of science.


He's dead! Kinro's dead!

No. I'm still alive.

Don't go k*lling me off, Ginro.

Acetanilide, an antipyretic,
and an analgesic.

We had to whip up a batch in
order to make the sulfa drug.

And now, a pinch of this!

Rub some of this in your wounds
and you'll be fine by tomorrow.


Here, have some more!

That soon?!

[CHROME] You're making
that up, aren't you?

[SENKU yells]

It doesn't hurt at all now.

That's bad!

Hold on. He's just acting tough.
He's still nowhere near okay!

I can't guard the village
if I'm bedridden

for some minor injury.

There's no telling
when those bastards

will come back to attack
us in full force.

You're so dedicated!

'Course he's dedicated.
He's still Kinro.

Yeah. He's got it wrong, though.

We can predict exactly when
they'll be coming back.

[GOZAN yells]

[GOZAN] I can't go
crawling back to Tsukasa

after being utterly humiliated
by a bunch of weaklings!

Damn it!

Those twigs would be nothing
if it weren't for their g*ns!

I have a suggestion.

Why not attack during a storm

when they can't use
their matchlocks?

They'll time their attack
to occur during a storm

'cause they're afraid of
our nonexistent r*fles.

Gen will talk them into it.

Ah, I get it. Can't light
fuses when it's raining.

[HYOGA] The outcome of our
attack was less than ideal,

but whining about it
now is pointless.

As for striking during a storm,

it's such an obvious move,
it might well get us k*lled.


[HYOGA] Now that we
know Senku is alive,

the tables have
turned 180 degrees.

Let's do this properly.

We should return
to Tsukasa at once

and build as large
an army as we can.

Ha! What's the matter,
Hyoga? Are you scared?

You're just like those
villagers, aren't ya?

You're a hopeless little
twig without that w*apon.

Your kudayari or
whatever you call it.

A kudayari ?

Is that the name of this spear
with the little bamboo tube?

I've never seen one before.

[HYOGA] I strongly suggest
putting that down.

Unless you want me to k*ll you.

Ah! Right, hands off!
Sorry, Hyoga!

It's settled!

We'll attack as soon
as a storm hits!


All right!

If they're so eager for a fight,

sending them against
Senku might make

for a good opening
gambit, after all.

Who knows? We may
be able to win.

But if those apes
fight and lose,

at least we'll have seen the
Kingdom of Science's hand.

They're not worth much in
this game, even as pawns.



Aw, man, he looks
like a badass!

I like them.

[TURQUOISE] And those should
cure his fuzzy eye sickness?

[KOKUYO] Sorcery or science,
whatever you call it,

it's impressive.

I'm so glad Kinro
won't have to deal

with the fuzzy sickness anymore.

Oh, hey. You got some
new glasses too, huh?

Sure did!

Different than Kinro's,

but this just feels more
right for me, y'know?

That's not all the scientific
battle prep we're doin', either.

[KOHAKU] The man in the black
mask is quite formidable.

Do you have some way to
use science to fight him?


You and the rest of the battle
team are gonna be in tears

when you see what it is.

It's time to show off your
skills, are you ready?



[KASEKI] Oh, yeah!
You better believe I'm ready!


[RUBY screams]

Just the thought of crafting

does disturbing things
to his muscles.

We need to hurry
and get started.

There's no time to waste!

We're in a race
against the storm

and we can't afford to lose now.

Heck yeah!

[SENKU] All hands on deck,
Ishigami Village!


A powerful wind's blowing
in from the mountains.

[GOZAN laughs]

It's a storm! And we only
had to wait three days.

The heavens are
obviously on our side!

Let's see how they fight
without their g*ns.

[GOZAN laughs]



They have Japanese katanas!

[SENKU chuckles]

[SENKU] These are the
most powerful weapons

in the Stone World.

The blades of science.

Proper weapons. I like it.

Well done, Kingdom of Science.

They might not be
perfectly finished,

but they'll do the job.

[MAGMA yells]

I can see clearly.

This is the power of glasses!

[GINRO] I have Magma, Kohaku,
and Kinro by my side.

We can do this!

[KOHAKU] Ha! It cuts through
their weapons easily.

So this is the power of science.

Damn it. How did they
make blades like that?

We're screwed. Their
weapons are stronger.

[SENKU] Get it up to 1,200
degrees with pine coals.

When the flame turns
purple, it's ready.

Smack the hell out of
the metal for a while

to get rid of impurities.

Then we fold it, fire it up
again, and hit it some more.

This folding process is
called orikaeshi tanren .

Doing it repeatedly
powers up the iron.

It's hot, sweaty, brutal
work for the craftsman,

and you have to do it
at least ten times.

That's bad!

To make a real Japanese katana,

but we won't do it
that many times.

Just twice.

And that's enough?!

[SENKU chuckles]

We have modern science to thank
for that bit of knowledge.

We looked at the crystalline
structure of metal

and realized it was basically
done after two folds.

We aren't katana artisans.
We're going for speed.

Any step science lets
us skip, we skip.

More important than the
folding is the quenching.

The blade cooks right through,

turning into martensite
as it does,

but the part we coated in
clay paste bakes less

becoming semi-ferrite.

Let's see.

I don't know much about
the science behind it,

but the point is,

the blade itself is made
strong for cutting,

and the blunt edge is made
flexible for parrying.

That's the idea, right?
Pretty amazing!


No big surprise there.

I figured a craftsman
would understand.

Yeah, the difference between
the two sides is the key.

That's what makes
the Japanese katana

the most powerful
blade in the world.

Our weapons are breaking apart.

[HYOGA] It's not only your
weapons that are being broken.

Your feeble minds are
shattering as well.

Which, I imagine, is exactly
what Senku wanted to accomplish.

Hence this little display
with the Japanese katanas.

[HYOGA] But your katanas are
no match for my kudayari

and my Kanryu-style
of spear fighting!


It's round. Like the moon.

What's going on?

[KOHAKU] This spearman's
in a different league.

It's like Gen said:
He's the real threat here.

Magma, Kohaku, and Kinro

are the strongest fighters
in the village.

Bring down those three

and victory will be yours
for the taking, Hyoga!

[HYOGA] Thanks so much
for the advice, Gen.

Not that I couldn't have
seen it for myself.

That Gen bastard is helping
the enemy. What the hell?

Did he switch back over to
their side? That sneaky rat!

Calm down. He's saying
we need to join forces.

That it's the only way we're
going to defeat this guy.

All right.

Hey, give that back!
It's not yours!

Then let's do this,
Kinro. Magma!

[MAGMA yells]

He's not even listening!

Well, that's Magma for you!

Hmph. Whatever. We can still
coordinate our attack.

Magma will block his view.

While he does,
you give me a boost.

Right. You got it!

Um, a boost for what?

[KOHAKU yells]

[KOHAKU] He can still react
to an attack from above?

If I can just strike
the first blow...

[KOHAKU] He's twisting his
wrist to spin the tip around.

Moving that fast,
I can't tell where it is!

[KOHAKU gasps]

The tip broke off?

I didn't see that one coming.

[HYOGA] A cut that precise
couldn't have been made

with stone tools.

And it was well-hidden.

With enough force,
the spear falls apart.

It's almost like
magic, isn't it?

For eal-ray? Who would've
done such a thing?

A kudayari ?

Is that the name of this spear
with the little bamboo tube?

[HYOGA] I have to admit,
Gen, I'm impressed.

You did a proper job.

You fill the role of filthy
turncoat quite well.

No! You don't really
believe that, do you?

I would never betray your trust!

Well, damn.

You had me figured out already.

Guess I can't put
anything past you.

Suika, go give this to Gen.

Hm? But he went off with
those bullies of Tsukasa's

to who knows where,

so how'm I supposed
to find them?

A mentalist like him would've
left signs for us to follow.

Signs that only we would
be able to recognize.

Which makes this a job
for Detective Suika.


[CHALK barks]

[CHALK howls]

Hm? Hey, look at that.

I've only ever seen these
flowers in the sun before.

What are they doing
in the shade?

[CHALK barking]

The forest here is my
playground, so I can tell!

These are the signs that
Gen left for us to find!


Do you know this flower?

It makes for an effective signal

if your allies are familiar
with natural science.

Black nightshade,
an old favorite of mine

and one I frequently
used on stage.

In floriography...
it means "liar."


Wow. You made a pretty good
cut there, mentalist.

Your wit's almost as
sharp as our weapons.

[SENKU] We've bested you
with our blades of science.