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02x02 - The Human Monster

Posted: 09/16/22 15:41
by bunniefuu
Danger Prophecy Emergency Countermeasures Team
Explanation Meeting

Danger Prophecy Emergency Countermeasures Team
Explanation Meeting

Is that true?

You asked these ruffians for help?

That's what the
Hero Association decided to do?

That's right!

We must come together as one to scale
the wall that humanity is now facing!

We currently have C Class,
B Class, A Class, and S Class heroes!

That's clearly not enough!

I'm not asking you to do this for free!

As long as you take care of the monsters,
I'll make sure that you're compensated!

Don't bother. It's a waste of money.

When it comes down to it, none of these
fools are going to be worth anything.

I can't let that comment slide.

I'm pretty sure I've k*lled
more guys than you.

Wanna try me?

These fools...

lack conviction!


Oh, come on.

This thing is spot-on... Totally spot-on.

This so-called great
prophecy really nailed it.

Guess they knew that the worst threat
level, God level, would be upon us.

The old guy's right.

Even if everyone here worked together,
you wouldn't be able to k*ll me.

Huh? And who are you?

I'm Garo. I trained because
I admired monsters,

and I've crushed one dojo after another.

Well, what's the holdup?

Come at me all at once.

Let's find out who's the strongest.

That's why I came here.

Don't. This is nonsense.


I've had enough of you. You can leave.

Is that how you treat your guests,
Mr. Lawman of Justice?

Welp, I've made up my mind.
Cowards need to be punished.

I'm about to commit an evil deed

and have myself a m*ssacre party.

I'm very sorry to bother you
three, but it's time to work.

Show him the door.

With pleasure.

Come on, old man. Are you sure
you hit me with conviction?

You don't actually need that
if you're strong, though.


Not bad!

Great job! Kick their asses even more!

Huh? What the hell are you
riffraff talking about?

You're all going to die, too.

What'd you say?!

You're one of us, too!

You're wrong. Heroes always arrive late,
but monsters are always first to the party.

They show up out of the blue for no reason.

Listen up. You're all on the human side.

I'm on the monster side.

A human calling himself a
monster? You pathetic fool.

I'll send you to a fiery grave!

I do enjoy little tricks like this,

but it's a bit embarrassing when
you know how they work.

That bastard...

Yes. The multi-purpose hall on floor
of the central tower of Headquarters.

Send all the heroes currently
in HQ at once. All of them!

Taking on a group of Class S heroes
would sorta suck right now.

Then again, I think this will suffice
for the debut show of the monster Garo.

You can consider this a declaration of w*r.

I'll return in six months, even stronger.

See ya.

You know what you have to do?

Yes, ma'am!

Class B Rank

Class B Rank

What are we going to do
if he cops an attitude?

We'll make sure he can never
cop an attitude again!

Very good.

Yes, Lady Blizzard!

Human Monster

Your rank has increased to
Class B Rank , Master Saitama.

I've increased to Class S Rank .

All I'm doing is pummeling
monsters I stumble across.

I've gone up that much?

Well, monsters are appearing
on a daily basis now.

Even though you defeat monsters, you aren't
reporting them to the Hero Association.

Your rank is still increasing,
though, so that must mean

there are witnesses reporting your
victories to the association.

That means you're becoming more
recognized as a hero among the masses.

I think you might even have a
fan club soon, Master Saitama.

Yeah, right. You're Class S,
and you don't have a fan club.

Actually, I do have a fan club.


I detect something approaching.

Humans can't move that
fast. Is it a monster?

Oh, hey. An item.

Master seems a bit busy,
so I'll go fight it.

This will be the perfect opportunity
to test out my new parts.

Show yourself.

A human?

What do you want?

Tell Saitama to get out here.
I know he lives here.

Are you an acquaintance of Master Saitama's?

I've run into you before.

I'm Speed-o'-Sound Sonic.
I'm Saitama's rival.

I've come here today to settle the score.
If you understand, then stand aside.

Speed-o'-Sound Sonic?
So it's you, you freak.

You have the nerve to claim
that you're Master's rival?


Take another step and you'll be eliminated.

You're the one who's going
to be eliminated, sidekick.

C-Crap... I accidentally
saved over King's save data.

Minutes Later

I totally took this without asking, too...

Eh, it's fine.

No, I guess it's not... Well, shit.

Class B Rank hero Saitama!
Come out at once!

Class B Rank hero Lady Hellish
Blizzard would like to speak with you!

Oh, yeah, I don't need the newspaper.

We're not salesmen!
We're heroes who outrank you!

It's a pleasure to meet you,
Mr. Saitama, the newbie.

I am Hellish Blizzard... and I'm sure
I need no further introduction.

Uh, yeah, I have no idea who you are.

Who are you?

She's Class B Rank !

Oh, I see. Good work, I guess.

So, what's up?

This guy's attitude is huge!

It appears you're underestimating
us, so let me just warn you...

It's customary for anyone

who makes it to Class B to
come greet Lady Blizzard first.

Emergency Alarm

Greet her?

Heya. I'm Saitama.



Did you know there are several factions
within the Hero Association?


You're not going to survive in this
business unless you join a faction.

Uh, what are you talking about?

I'm telling you that you can't
climb the ranks on your own.

Why, though?

Because people will get in your way.


Your rivals!

I don't really know what you're talking
about, but I'm busy right now, so...

I'm not through talking to you yet.

Join me.

Then I'll let you have a
high-ranking position in Class B.



That's what's going on.

So if I decline, you guys
are going to get in my way?

Are you threatening all the
members of Class B like this?

What are you, a g*ng leader?

No, I only invite the heroes
I see potential in.

Are you scared that I'm going
to take Rank from you?

Don't worry. I'll be in Class A in no time.

Actually, why don't you go to Class A?

Hurry up and give me your answer.

Of course, I decline.

Heroes shouldn't care about hierarchy.

Eyelashes! Wild Monkey!

Yes, ma'am!

Hurt him so bad that he'll never
be able to play hero again!

You're not gonna survive like that,


So you insist on getting in my way...

What is this? ESP?

Precisely. You don't seem very surprised.

You're gonna fight me by making
some rocks and pebbles float around?

I wouldn't do that.

I can tell you're mocking me.

Well, you're going to regret that.

I'm gonna k*ll you so bad,
you'll wish you were dead!


This is a cruel attack that
rends flesh, shatters bones,

and breaks my opponent's
spirit in an instant.

You brought this upon yourself,
because you dared to surpass me.

I'm number one! Anyone who gets in my way...

So you're crazy. You don't belong on top.

...will be crushed!

You don't really understand what a hero is.

There are so many extremely
powerful villains in this world.

A hero is someone who
takes on those villains.

Even if they're all alone.

You gather lackeys that are weaker
than you so you'll feel strong,

so you're not cut out for it.

You're going to cry someday.

Factions? Crushing newbies?

Securing your rank?

None of that matters.

Don't underestimate heroes, you jerk.

Shut your mouth!

What could you possibly know about me?!


Wh-What just... Ow...

I was chasing a mouse around,

but I somehow ended up in front
of Master's residence again.

That's the S Class Genos.
What's he doing here?

I apologize, Master Saitama. It's gotten
rather dusty outside your place.

I think this is a little
more than just dust!

I thought I just saw
Sonic for a split second.

What the hell are you two doing?

You've got connections with S Class heroes?

Huh? You mean Genos?

I'm Master Saitama's disciple.


An S Class, a B Class's disciple?

You're B Class Rank ...

Hellish Blizzard.

I see.

So you've finally made Master a
target of your newbie crushing.

And now, the tables have
turned and you almost died.

No... We both just got caught
up in your attack just now.

I see. I do apologize about th—

Exploding Shuriken!

A monster?!

Not exactly, but...

It's starting to get crowded,
so you should go already.

You could throw a hundred of these
at me. They won't do a thing.

You haven't even been able to hit
me once, so stop talking big,

you stupid puppet.

Saitama, make sure you watch closely!

After I turn your disciple
into scraps, you're next!

Such murderous intent...

And he radiates combat skill
just by standing there.

This guy's dangerous.

Master, this guy is an annoying stalker.

I'll make sure he disappears so that
he can never come back again.

As if a slowpoke like you
could ever erase me.

You still intend to fight me
with that level of ability?

When did I ever show you my true abilities?

You lose.


Genos is a little faster from
the last time we messed around.

Huh? Did he get new parts?

I can't see them at all.

Why do you keep going behind me?

Does this brat think he's
actually faster than me?

You had some lint in your hair.

Why, you little—

You let your guard down,
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic.

Machinegun Blows!

He dodged?


You pathetic fool.

How does it feel to hit nothing but air?

My special footwork and fast
movement create an afterimage.

I call it Fourfold Funeral!

Die! Scatterflash Slash!

I can't see his movements.

Then I'll just have to
blast this whole area!

Incineration Cannons! Full power!

Is it over?

I won? No...

He collapsed before I cut him.

Saitama, you saved your disciple?

You're too soft.

It'd suck if he set off any more
explosions in front of my house.

Besides, there's no reason
for you two to fight.

Genos, are your parts supposed to be
used in some stupid street brawl?

I'm the one Sonic's after.

You're persistent, so I'll fight
you seriously once in a while.


Come at me.

I've been waiting for this moment!

I've developed the ultimate
technique just to finish you off!

And now I'll show you!

Yeah, go for it.

Ultimate technique! Tenfold Funeral!

Ten afterimages?!

He's a joke, but he must've
trained like crazy!

His combat skills are definitely Class S.

As a B Class hero,
Saitama shouldn't stand a chance...


I always feel like I don't stand
a chance when I face you.

I need to win so I can get
rid of that mentality...

or I'll never be able to move on from this!

k*ller Move: Serious Series...

Serious Sideways Jumps!



Wh-What did you just—

I just passed by while doing sideways jumps.

Damn it... A powerful shock wave
and countless afterimages...

He was faster than me!

I'll get you next time...

Is he dead?

No, I didn't k*ll him.

He's too strong.

This isn't normal.

I couldn't be number one.

Not in intelligence,
physical strength, practical smarts,

or natural psychic ability...

I was supposed to be someone
who stood at the top...

If it weren't for her.

My older sister and the strongest esper...


S Class Rank

Terrible Tornado

Because of my sister, I've never been
number one at anything in my whole life.

That's why, when I became Class B Rank ,

I decided that I would stay at this rank,

manipulate heroes under Class B into a group,

Sun Man

and surpass my sister, who
always worked on her own.

That stupid brat—
Terrible Tornado is S Class.

Why don't you just aim
for Class A Rank , then?

Class A is impossible.

It's not impossible to get in
the upper ranks of Class A,

but I won't make it to Rank .

There's no way.

Class A Rank Bushi Drill.

Class A Rank Okama Itachi.

Class A Rank Iaian.

Class A Rank
Bushi Drill

Class A Rank Okama Itachi

Class A Rank

These three swordsmen are disciples of
the S Class hero Atomic Samurai,

and there's a reason they can't
become S Class heroes...

The man who's Rank in Class A...
Handsome Kamen Amai Mask.

No one can surpass him.

You must be Suppon. The savage
they found in an ice floe,

who was thawed and returned to life.

You escaped the laboratory and started
attacking anyone who came close to you.

A villain.

The Hero Association asked
me to take you in alive...

But I'm not that soft.

A Class Rank

Handsome Kamen Amai Mask

Pipe down.

Amai Mask!

You're the best!

You're so strong!

There are a lot of monsters in this
world that are beyond human reasoning.

You're quite the monster yourself,

but you're no match for
Handsome Mask or my sister.

There's also the strongest
man in the world, King,

and the person who stands
atop the hero world, Blast.

They're monsters even among monsters.

It's difficult for us to move
up the ranks on our own.

So what's wrong with creating factions?

Sun Man

Nothing, really.

I just have no intention of
becoming one of your lackeys.

Just because you're a little strong?

You'll never make it to the top.

I was trying to be nice when
I invited you to my faction.

Hey, Saitama.

Did you happen to take my video game?


My bad. I did.

I knew it. Give it back.

Uh... I really am sorry.

It's fine, as long as you return it.

I erased your save data.

Huh? Did you just say something?

Why? Why does an S Class look like
he's having fun with a B Class?

Master doesn't team up with anyone,

nor does he compare himself to anyone.

He doesn't care about ranks.


Nah, it's okay.

Whoa, the button's smashed in.

But he attracts strong people.

Maybe I could join them...


He's strong.

S Class Rank Genos and
B Class Rank Saitama.

Do we agree on their hero names?

No objections!

Because Genos aggressively att*cks
the most heinous monsters,

his hero name is Demon Cyborg.

And based on his appearance,
Saitama's hero name is Bald Cape!

People who want to become heroes
love getting proper hero names!

I'm sure they'll be thrilled.

Let's look forward to the future endeavors
of Demon Cyborg and Bald Cape!

They spent two hours on
names no one cares about.

But the meeting concerning Garo
was finished in fifteen minutes.

Those idiotic optimists!

You mean the crazy guy who called himself
a monster and caused some trouble?

Don't panic, Sitch.

S Class Rank Silverfang is currently
pursuing that human monster.

There's no reason to worry with
that old man on the case.

If all else fails, we still
have Tornado and Blast.

In the end, he's only human, Sitch.

I'm sure he has nothing
to do with the prophecy.

Damn it! Is that all we really
need to do to deal with Garo?

Damn it... Wh-Who the hell are you?

I'm an A Class hero.

Why are you attacking me?

A Class Rank t*nk-Top Vegetarian.

I spotted you by chance,
so I decided to go after you,

but I'm seriously disappointed
at how weak you are!

I hope you're prepared.

I'll show you what happens when
you make a hero your enemy...

Looking forward to it...

Fighting a monster class hero, that is.

The Hunt Begins