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02x13 - Assassin from the Past

Posted: 09/16/22 16:26
by bunniefuu
So, tell us! How are things
with you and Lelouch?

You're the official school
authorized couple, aren't you?

Have you kissed already?!

Th-That was just for the event.
We haven't done anything...

There's nothing to be embarrassed about.
Everyone knows you have a thing for Lelouch.

Oh, Coach Villetta, not you, too!

But you do love him.
Enough to sh**t me, right?

It's been hard, you know?

Having to spend each day
smiling at the girl who sh*t me.

But I've had to wear
the mask of a teacher.

Shirley Fenette...
How dare you have sh*t me!


That's right... While Lulu was
! ero, he k*lled my father.

At the end of the world
Sekai no owari de

The light that's born
Umareta hikari

Now blows in the wind
Ima kaze no naka

Pretty words alone won't sustain you
Kireigoto dake jaa ikirenai

Kindness alone won't heal you
Yasashisa dake jaa iyasenai

What is it that was stolen from you
Ubawareta nowa nanda

In this unchanging world
Kawaranai sekai de

What is it that you hear
Kikoetekita nowa nanda

A song of color
Shikisai no uta

Everything is bright

Let our crumbled dreams resound
Kudakechitta yume wo

At the edge of tomorrow
Asu no hate ni hibikaseru you ni

At the end of the world
Sekai no owari de

The light that's born
Umareta hikari

Becomes one with us
Bokura hitotsu ni

Now blows in the wind
Ima kaze no naka


So, Jianmenguan has fallen?

We've also taken over
the air base in Macau.

We should send Asahina and
Hong Gu to defend Kazakhstan,

so why don't we send Minase and Sugiyama
to take charge of municipal affairs in Kengyo?

Looks like things are going smoothly, big brother.

Our so-called enemies are just local
m*llitary factions who don't want to join us,

but only use their forces without
coordinating with each other.

Besides, you already got the one
banner they'd all fight under, big brother.


Where to?

I'm going to check out things in Ikebukuro.

I'll have a look at the rest of the
homework when I get back.

See you later.

Lulu was! Ero. And Coach Villetta was a soldier.

Kallen was one of the Black Knights.

Then what about Nina?
And the Prez? And Rivalz?

Is the school the only
place that's so weird?

Why is Nunna now the viceroy?

What are the lies and what is the truth?

The local express will arriving on platform
three ten minutes behind schedule.

The local train leaving on track
two will arrive at Ohkubo first.

Very well. This is fine for the initial stage.

All right, then we'll keep up
the work using this style.


Wait! It's me.

What's wrong?
Why'd you suddenly call me out here?



Where's Lelouch? On a date?

He went to test out the G trains.

Heh. My, how convenient.

Rolo, why did you betray our side?

Unlike me, you were dispatched
here by the Order, so...

Why are you asking me that?
What's between my brother and me is...

B to control.
Suspicious person sighted near the chapel.

B and B have
moved in to apprehend him.

Look what happened just by
asking where Lelouch is.

Lord Jeremiah! But how?!

Target is moving towards the clubhouse.
B and B have been eliminated as well.

Make a school wide announcement!
Get the students out of the target's vicinity!

This is an emergency announcement
to all students from the academy.

Please stay away
from the clubhouse area.

A suspicious person has
been sighted there. I repeat...

Out of my way. I have no desire
to k*ll a woman if I don't have to.

I also would like to avoid
any unnecessary k*lling.


En garde!


Thanks to Zero.

They say they're going to k*ll God.

God, you say?

I thought they were speaking
metaphorically, but now...

At the very least,
they believe it!

There's no such thing as God!

That's right.

No winged goddesses or long-bearded
old men. Not that sort of God...

Princess Cornelia!

We don't know what sort
of Geass he possesses!

You can't let your guard down,
even for a child.

Yes, that's right.

You live up to your reputation,
Princess Cornelia.

As your uncle,
I'm proud of you.


We made a vow. If there was a god
who made men fight each other...

then we would k*ll him.

Even if you are a cyborg,
I can still hit your exposed living parts!

You have good aim!

I'll stop you!
For Master Lelouch's sake!

Your martial arts are impressive.

But not good enough
to b*at Jeremiah Gottwald!


Steal time!

Get him while I hold him still!


Impossible! My Geass!
It should stop time for anyone, but!

So, Rolo Lamperouge!

I thought you'd been hooked in, too!

How could you break my Geass?

Because I was chosen!
To be an assassin for the Order!

So, you have come to k*ll big brother!

Lord Jeremiah!

Lelouch has snared you, as well?!

Lelouch is in the Ikebukuro
station building right now!

Lord Jeremiah,
I beg of you! Let me go!


What do I do? I called Suzaku out here,
\but what do I say to him?

With Lulu here, too.

Shirley, what are you playing at?

Or was it Suzaku
who called her out here?

Rivalz told me that Lelouch has
been here in Japan the entire time.

Intelligence from the O.S.I.
Backs that up as well, but...

But why don't I believe it?

Villetta, are you betraying
big brother? Or...

Contact Lelouch.

I have to protect this place,
so the rest of you go to Ikebukuro.

If Lelouch is ready for him,
we may be able to pin Lord Jeremiah on two sides.

I have to tell Suzaku!

That Lulu is! Ero
and that he k*lled my father!

This is the boundary line, isn't it?

Between the settlement
and the ghettos.

But we have to try and erase it.
Some day.

Hold it.
What if these two are accomplices?

To turn Area back into Japan?

That's it! They've been best
friends since a long way back!

Shirley, what's wrong?


Stay away from me!


Liars! You're all a bunch of fakes!

I won't!

No! Let me go! Let me go!

No! I won't let you go!

I don't want to lose you.
I don't want to lose anyone else!

Not one more person...



You did that before, didn't you?

You know, like you did
while trying to catch Arthur.

Now that you mention it...

You're right, we did do this before.

Suzaku is always the one
who pulls you back up.

If Lelouch was on top,
we both would have fallen.

Listen to the exercise nut here!

If you're gonna brag,
why didn't you save me before I fell?

Don't be ridiculous!

What am I laughing for?
After what Lelouch did to Euphy!

I was wrong.
He's alone. Lulu is...

Oh. Sorry.

Big brother, be careful!
Jeremiah's on his way to you!

He's an Order assassin.
My Geass didn't work on him!

He's alive?

What do you mean by assassin?

I'm not sure. Anyway, don't do
anything rash until we get there!

Is something up?

This is bad. With Suzaku here...

You don't look like that
phone call was from a friend.


Suzaku, stop that!
Doesn't my problem come first?


Yeah... You two were waiting
here together, weren't you?

Were you jealous?

Thanks, Lulu.

Can't you wait? First we should...

Come on, let's go, Suzaku!

Wait! Hold it!

This place is about
to become a b*ttlefield.

And I can't think of any place safer
for Shirley to be than with Suzaku!

Jeremiah Gottwald?

I am.


He's bulletproof!

I see. Lelouch has
used his Geass on you.


It's not just that Geass doesn't work on him.
He has the power to cancel it as well.



That's it, come up
and get me, Orange!

So, what was so important
to talk to me about?

I... I love Lulu.

Do you hate him, Suzaku?


I liked him... once.

And now?

I thought something was wrong.

You used to be so close.
Did you have a fight?

I can't forgive him.

Nothing is unforgivable.

All that means is you're
not willing to forgive him.

You don't want to forgive him.

I forgave him a long time ago.

Shirley... What are you...

Did you call the fire department?

The army comes first, doesn't it?
In a case like this...

Knight of Seven, Suzaku Kururugi!

M- My Lord!

This may be a t*rror1st act.

From here on, I'll take command of the
perimeter policing and fire fighting.

Yes, My Lord!

I'd also like you
to protect that girl there.

What is it?
We're in the middle of a meeting.

Like I care?
Ain't no meeting I was invited to!

We got an emergency call from Zero.
Something weird's going on over there.

! ero! It's Ohgi.

What's happened? What's the emergency?
If it's about the guys from Taiwan, right now we're-


That voice!

Hang on, big brother!

Evacuation of the bystanders has been completed.


Please get into the car.
It's the Knight of Seven's orders.

Wha?! Miss, come back!

Hang on, Lulu! I won't leave you alone!

You won't escape me.

Where are you, Lulu?

He must be fighting.

Lulu's fighting... All alone.

A mechanical body...
A Geass Canceler...

Your vengefulness is certainly
top-class, my dear Orange!

This isn't vengeance. It's loyalty!

I hate hearing talk like that.

What value does that emperor
have to earn such loyalty?!

What... have... you?!

From your performance,
I figured you must use sakuradite.

A Gefjun Disturber!

Well, well,
you've done your homework.

Then you must know that when this
sakuradite disruption system is complete,

we can paralyze every city
function within the train's loop line.

In other words,
bring Tokyo to a halt.

Thank you.
You've made an excellent test case.



Answer me, Rolo.

Do you... Do you love Lulu?

Now then, will you tell me?

Where is the Order located?
Where is V. V?

You're the one... who will talk here!


I have... my reasons...

to hold onto my loyalty!

I must know the truth for certain!

Impossible! He shouldn't be able to move!

Why did you adopt the role of Zero?

Why turn against your homeland of Britannia?
And become an enemy of your own father?!

Because I am Lelouch vi Britannia!

My father, the Britannian emperor,
let my mother die!

And in doing so,
stole Nunnally's sight, her legs!

He stole our futures from us!

I know.

Because I was there, too.

With my mother?!

It was my first assignment.

Guarding Lady Marianne,
whom I loved and respected!

But I couldn't protect her!

I couldn't carry through
the loyalty I had for her!

And so you founded the Purebloods?

Master Lelouch... You became Zero
for Lady Marianne's sake, didn't you?

You didn't come here
to k*ll me, did you?

The one I follow is not V.V.
It's Lady Marianne...

Now I can die without any regrets...

Lord Jeremiah!

My prince!

Jeremiah Gottwald,
your loyalty is still needed.

Isn't that right?

Yes, Your Majesty!

I love Lulu.
What about you?

I love him. He's my only brother.

Then you're on Lulu's side, aren't you?

Please, let me join you!
I want to protect Lulu, too!

I want to bring back
Lulu's happiness!

So he can be back together
with Nunna, his sister!

Right, I've sent Jeremiah on ahead.

He'll take care of
any obstacles there are.

Don't fight him!
He's on our side now!


Who did this?!

Lulu? I'm glad...
We can talk at the very end...

This isn't the end!
I'll call a doctor! So, just!

I've been so afraid...
since I got my memories back...

A fake teacher...

Friends without memories...

Everyone was just... lying...

I felt like the entire world was
watching my every move.

That's the world you've been
fighting against, all alone, isn't it?

All alone...

That's why... Why I wanted to be the
one person who'd be honest to you.


I love you, Lulu.

Even knowing how you got my father
caught in all this, I still couldn't hate you...

Even though you made me
forget everything...

Even after that,
I fell in love with you again.

Even though my memories were tampered with,
I fell in love with you again.

No! Don't die! Shirley!

No matter how many times I'm reborn,
I'll keep falling in love with you, Lulu...

I guess this is just fate.

Don't die, Shirley!
Don't die! DON'T DIE!

So, it's all right, Lulu...

Even if I'm reborn,
I'll fall in love with you.

Over and over...
I'll keep falling in love with...

Shirley... Shirley!

This corrupt world is filled with demons
Dakuse wa oni

What is justice?
Seigi wa nanzo to

Resist, don't just question
Tou mae ni aragae yo

The flower of evil
Akutoku no hana

Dreams of hypocrisy
Gizen no yume

Give your gaze to the eyes that see them
Mishi me niwa me wo sashi

The line between right and wrong cannot be known
Sei mo ja mo wakatareru koto nashi

Light is gone, and you slumber
Hikari wa tae taiji no you ni

Like an unborn child in the womb of darkness
Kimi wa nemuru yami no shikyuu

Isolation is what you love
Kodoku koso itooshii

It will probably be your only ally
Yui-itsu no mikata to naru darou

One by one, stained with the tide of blood
Hitori hitori chishio ni mamire

You were born into this era
Kono jidai ni umare ochita

Oh, chosen princes
Erabareshi oujira yo

Battle shall be your banquet
Tatakai koso shukuen

Oh, I am graceful omniscience
Aa ware wa uruwashii zenchi

The loving mother
Ai no haha

Who bore you
Kimi wo umu

The ones who were raised on my breast
Kono chichi ni hagukumishi mono wa

Are your brethren in hell
Jigoku no harakara

The mark of apocalypse
Mokushi no in

What is truth
Shinri wa nanzo to

A seed of secrecy buried where no one knows
Shirimosezu uzumoreshi intoku no tane

A double-edged sword
Moroha no ken

Turn its blade upon the unsheathed blade
Nuku ha niwa ha wo muke

Believe only in what you must protect
Mamorubeki mono dake wo shinjite

And in your own way
Aru ga mama ni kimi wa

You'll set yourself free
Kimi wo hanate

C.C. Once told me something.
That Geass was the power of kings.

That it would isolate me.

Then this must be what she meant.

I wanted to apologize to you.

I had to apologize to you!

For having involved you with Geass too much.
For making you the sacrifice.

How do I make up for this?

Tell me, please. Tell me!