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02x24 - The Grip of Damocles

Posted: 09/16/22 16:33
by bunniefuu
Are you sure about this, Ohgi?

Yeah. I have a duty
to get everyone to safety.


No, I'm sorry
I did this to you.

Bringing you all to a b*ttlefield
controlled by F.L.E.I.J.A.

Another F.L.E.I.J. A...

Twammi fleet, annihilated!
Should the operation...

The operation will continue!

The Avalon will continue to fall back!
Keep our distance from Damocles!

All units, att*ck in waves and force
Damocles to continue launching F.L.E.I.J.A. S!

So easily, I...
So easily...

Nunnally, we're ready
to fire the next one.


At the end of the world
Sekai no owari de

The light that's born
Umareta hikari

Now blows in the wind
Ima kaze no naka

Pretty words alone won't sustain you
Kireigoto dake jaa ikirenai

Kindness alone won't heal you
Yasashisa dake jaa iyasenai

What is it that was stolen from you
Ubawareta nowa nanda

In this unchanging world
Kawaranai sekai de

What is it that you hear
Kikoetekita nowa nanda

A song of color
Shikisai no uta

Everything is bright

Let our crumbled dreams resound
Kudakechitta yume wo

At the edge of tomorrow
Asu no hate ni hibikaseru you ni

At the end of the world
Sekai no owari de

The light that's born
Umareta hikari

Becomes one with us
Bokura hitotsu ni

Now blows in the wind
Ima kaze no naka


It renders tactics useless.

Even so... if I get in close,
they won't be able to use it!

A blaze luminous!

That huge?!

Damocles was originally built to
achieve absolute air superiority.

If it keeps ascending, we'll lose our
chance to do anything against it!

Suzaku! Can you break
through those defenses?

I'm trying! But their power output
is in a different league from mine!

I don't think they can fire
a F.L.E.I.J.A. Now, though.

And our att*cks can't get through to them, either.
We may as well be spectators now.

Is there nothing left but for the world to cower
before the overwhelming might of F.L.E.I.J. A?

Well, that achieves
a sort of peace, too.

Mass our remaining forces
around the Avalon!

We'll as*ault Damocles
with the hostages aboard here!

Sure you wanna do that?

Your return here means you've
almost figured it out, I presume.

The rest depends on you
and Suzaku, Your Majesty.

Schneizel! Are you trying
to k*ll the hostages, too?!

Now that the Black Knights
have been beaten...

We aren't beaten yet!

Then I'll wait minutes.

Just minutes?!

You're contacting me because you're in
formation to counterattack, aren't you?

All right, then. minutes.

That's a hefty loan, considering we
need minutes to prep the next sh*t.

It'll save me the trouble of
dealing with them after the battle.

Are you saying you don't need
the Black Knights anymore?

What purpose is there for
a collective m*llitary force?

Hey, Rivalz.

What, Prez?

It's amazing, isn't it? Our student council
members are fighting the whole world.

Is that sarcasm?

Because I wasn't able
to protect Nina?

Oh, don't take it so seriously.
You did your best, right?

Yeah, I tried, but...

No. You did.

From behind?!

The Black Knights!

I swear I will
defeat you myself!

You snuck around me,

I won't let the Avalon
be sh*t down!

Xing-ke, I'll stop you!

Justice weighs on my side!

It's over!



I'm amazed you can
still fight in your condition!

It disgusts me to think that you
abandoned your nation to climb in rank!

What do you have to fight for?!

All I want is a future!

Your future is worthless!

I've failed!




Ah! I have to admit,
they did well.

Primary float unit, damaged.
Damage level %.

We're falling...
The Avalon is falling!

They're trying to get in!

Hold it, hold it, HOLD IT!

Okay, now to settle things
once and for...

No, I'm not giving up!
I've got pride, too!

I wasn't in time.

They got in.

If we get them into a hand-to-hand
fight, we have a chance to win!

Cut power and communications,
then rescue the hostages!

Chen Tsun Tsui!

Holding out this long
was good enough.

Land the ship in the Pacific.

You all will now follow
mission Apate Aletheia.

Master Lelouch...

You have served me well.

I am grateful for the resolution
you all have shown.

Yes, Your Majesty.

Should we fire the F.L.E.I.J.A. Here?

We still have the blaze luminous.
We should wait for criticality.

Good point.

It's a good chance to eliminate
the Black Knights, though.

No, I suppose I shouldn't.
We mustn't be greedy.

Yes, I understand.

This is a personal request
from me. However...

It was also Princess Euphemia's wish,
wasn't it?

Which is why... I have to do it.

However, unless the environmental
data is entered into the final program,

the device won't be complete.
Let me go with you.

You've done enough, Nina.

What you said just now shows me
your true feelings in this.

You've done enough for me...
For Zero, Euphy's m*rder*r.

I can't forgive Zero.

Maybe not for the rest of my life.

But this is separate from that.

I just had to find
my own answer to all this.

That's all.

You really are amazing.

C.C., you're all right?

Well, that's a switch.
Were you worried about me?

As a valued combatant.

That's why I came to get this.

Then you'll escort me?

You're going out there, right?

Even though you may have
to k*ll Nunnally yourself.

If she stands in the way of the
Zero Requiem, I have no choice.

Don't you hate me?

I changed your fate drastically
by giving you Geass.

This isn't what a witch
is supposed to say, is it?

C.C., the Geass you gave me...

What you gave me
only started me down the road.

Everything that followed
was my doing.

I've never met
a man like you.

C. C...


I'm going to stop you!

Goodbye, Lelouch.

Leave this to me!
Get to Damocles!

You stubborn!

But, you're no match
for the Guren!

I'm glad that you care,

Now go, but make sure
you come back!

That'll make me smile, right?

Yes. I promise you!

I have to succeed. This move
has to work, no matter what!

Enemy Knightmares, approaching.
The Shinkiro is leading them.

Lower the blaze luminous from
over the F.L.E.I.J.A. Launch tube.

Target the Shinkiro!

Lelouch, are you throwing your life
away at the very end? How unsightly.

Realignment, complete.


Now we will end it.
You can do this, right?

Yes, Brother Schneizel.

Blaze luminous, lowered.


All right. Entering data.

The F.L.E.I.J.A. Changes composition
from moment to moment.

If you hit it with a reaction
corresponding to that,

you can stop the F.L.E.I.J.A.
From achieving criticality.

But you have to enter
the local environment data...

within the approximately
seconds before detonation.

And even if you
complete the program,

you'll only have
. seconds for it to execute.

With this, peace will be assured.


Yes, Your Majesty!


It should work in theory, but...

Princess Euphemia!

The F.L.E.I.J. A!

It disappeared?!

It worked... They did it?

In seconds and then in . seconds?

I didn't expect them
to have made a toy like that.

Now! Fly in!

They've penetrated the blaze!

Indeed, they have.

Enemy infiltration, alpha- !

The key!
The Damocles key!

Delta block,
communications cut!

Float unit control room has been
destroyed! Prince Schneizel!

I salute you, Lelouch.

For forcing me
to use my final plan.

You're really going to do that.

Yes. Turn Damocles into a prison
for Lelouch and the others.

After we abandon ship,

we'll destroy Damocles
itself with a F.L.E.I.J.A.

A fine coffin for him.

I'm sure you'll be pleased
with it, Lelouch.

If Damocles makes it up
into satellite orbit,

even the Lancelot will be
useless against it.

To win, we need
to stop Schneizel.

I'm analyzing the internal structure of this place.
Have to cr*ck a password block.



I don't accept your Britannia!

I'll destroy you
here and now!

How is it so powerful?!



Lelouch, go on ahead!

There's an enemy you have to defeat
and a person you have to save!


You flee?!

Gino, you insist on fighting me?

Yes. Because I have to protect
something within me!

I'm fighting to protect
something, too!

Protect? Protect what?!

Is Schneizel on the command
and control floor? Or else is he?

Seventh sequence. F.L.E.I.J.A. Detonation
point reset to within Damocles!

Damocles and F.L.E.I.J.A.
Are both just machines in the end.

We can always rebuild them.

But the Tromo Agency doesn't have the
resources for that. Not Rosenberg, either.

Lelouch is now the enemy
of the entire world.

If we offer the system
that destroyed him,

there will be all sorts of organizations
happy to build F.L.E.I.J.A. S for us.

Isn't that essentially terrorism?

There's Princess Nunnally's
opinion to consider, as well.

And why should you care
what your bait thinks?

Surely, you wouldn't...
You're abandoning her?!

World peace or a single life...

Sad to say, one cannot be
compared to the other.

The key!
Where's the key?

I have to stop big brother!

We have to hold out here!
Until His Majesty completes the mission!

I hate what
Lelouch has become.

The Knight of Six?!
A fitting opponent for me.

You have no country to defend!
Nothing to avenge!

You also don't have
a shred of ambition!

Someone with no reason
to fight should just leave!

I've made a reason to fight.
A promise.

Are you saying that
you love Lelouch?!

Who knows?

It's just that I thought it's time I stopped
"accumulating experiences" and started living.

That makes you sound
almost human!

Well done.

Kallen... You win.

That really doesn't matter.

Win or lose, I never thought
I still had those feelings in me.

The key! Where's the key?!
Where is it?!

I have to stop big brother!
I have to!

Standing by to launch.
Rendezvous point with Sir Hartgren is...

is as planned, no changes.
Course, clear. Ceiling, favorable.

Please set contact
channel to Victor.

I've been waiting for you,

I see. I suppose this means
you have me in a check mate.

I see.

Please tell me, how did you
know what my plan was?

It wasn't your plan.
What I anticipated was your basic nature.

My nature?

You don't have the will to win.

That match at
the Vermilion Forbidden City...

The coup d'état of the Black Knights...

You only play a game
where you know you can't lose.

So, you knew I would
abandon Damocles?

Schneizel, this time,
I'm making sure that you lose.

Meaning, you're going to k*ll me.

Hong Gu, move from corridor to take the
bridge. The U.F.N. Representatives are...


Your Majesty! Are you all right?

Those people saved us!

Master Xing-ke,
we're on your side.

You mean you've
betrayed Lelouch?

He threatened us!

But now that
Lelouch is gone...

At the very least, we can believe
that they think dictatorship is wrong.

Very well.

Yeah. It looks like the final battle
will be inside of Damocles.

Ohgi is... I mean,
the general secretary is...

Either way.
You're saying he's okay, right?


In the end,
Brother didn't k*ll me.

He really doesn't have
any driving ambitions.

In a more normal world,
he would have made an excellent king.

I was a fool not to have
read through that, wasn't I?


You still insist on calling me that?

I have a question. Did you want to
use Damocles to rule the world?

No. I just wanted to give
everyone what they wanted.

To make peace.

Disregarding humanity's true nature?

That's a matter of opinion.

You thought you could keep the
world stuck in an eternal "now."

But life without change
cannot be called life.

That's merely experience.

But link those together,
and they become knowledge.

You truly are superior.

So superior
that you can't see it!

Yes. Emperor Charles sought the past.
You seek the present.

But I seek the future!

The future may be
worse than the present.

No. It'll be better.

Because, no matter how long it takes,
people will continue to seek happiness.

Even though you know that will
only feed their own greed?

Your foolishness
knows no limits, either.

You're too emotional.

Hope and dreams are just
names for an aimless fiction.

That's because you're limited
by being part of the symbol...

known as a royal family
which looks down on the world.

I've seen it, over and over.
The people who struggle against sadness.

Those who seek the future.

How they all carry on,
wishing for happiness.

That's why I have Geass.
Why I wear a mask...

That's a contradiction.
You, who continually denies the will of others,

stand here now
affirming human will.

Enough of this. k*ll me now.

But you will still be
annihilated by a F.L.E.I.J.A.

We will give our lives
for the peace of the world...

Which is why I have chosen...

to give you the gift of the words
"You shall serve Zero."

You never intended
to k*ll me at all!


Dammit! Why didn't I realize?

He recorded that video by
anticipating Schneizel's thoughts.

Order me to do whatever
you wish, Master Zero.


Your willingness to let yourself be
k*lled is what led you to your defeat.

Don't move!

Your story is already finished!

You shouldn't even be alive!

What right have you
to deny my existence?

Prince Schneizel...

Who would sacrifice his life
without any hesitation!

Such is the power of Geass!

Z-Zero... At least...
finish me, too... with your Geass...


You aren't worth
wasting my Geass on.

Now then, Schneizel, will you first
cancel Damocles' self-destruct?

Understood. However,
Nunnally has the F.L.E.I.J.A. Control switch.

No matter how strong you've made
your machine, you won't b*at me!

We'll see about that!

This is the result, Gino.

No. I've fulfilled my role.

He damaged the blaze luminous system?

Now, Kallen!

Thanks, Gino!

Suzaku! I've come to end it.
Our paths will never cross again!

It's you, isn't it, big brother?


Are you here for
the Damocles key?

Yes. It's dangerous.
Dangerous to you.

That's the reason.

The reason I can't close
my eyes to this anymore.

She's broken Father's Geass?!
With her own will?!

Now, big brother...
Will you use your Geass on me as well?

This corrupt world is filled with demons
Dakuse wa oni

What is justice?
Seigi wa nanzo to

Resist, don't just question
Tou mae ni aragae yo

The flower of evil
Akutoku no hana

Dreams of hypocrisy
Gizen no yume

Give your gaze to the eyes that see them
Mishi me niwa me wo sashi

The line between right and wrong cannot be known
Sei mo ja mo wakatareru koto nashi

Light is gone, and you slumber
Hikari wa tae taiji no you ni

Like an unborn child in the womb of darkness
Kimi wa nemuru yami no shikyuu

Isolation is what you love
Kodoku koso itooshii

It will probably be your only ally
Yui-itsu no mikata to naru darou

One by one, stained with the tide of blood
Hitori hitori chishio ni mamire

You were born into this era
Kono jidai ni umare ochita

Oh, chosen princes
Erabareshi oujira yo

Battle shall be your banquet
Tatakai koso shukuen

Oh, I am graceful omniscience
Aa ware wa uruwashii zenchi

The loving mother
Ai no haha

Who bore you
Kimi wo umu

The ones who were raised on my breast
Kono chichi ni hagukumishi mono wa

Are your brethren in hell
Jigoku no harakara

The mark of apocalypse
Mokushi no in

What is truth
Shinri wa nanzo to

A seed of secrecy buried where no one knows
Shirimosezu uzumoreshi intoku no tane

A double-edged sword
Moroha no ken

Turn its blade upon the unsheathed blade
Nuku ha niwa ha wo muke

Believe only in what you must protect
Mamorubeki mono dake wo shinjite

And in your own way
Aru ga mama ni kimi wa

You'll set yourself free
Kimi wo hanate

Perhaps I've been
wandering since that day.

I was so sick of a world
that never changed.

But I couldn't give in
to despair by lying to myself.

Yes... My name, my personal history,
the power I've gained...

Perhaps it's all been the path
for me to find truth.

Perhaps that's what
I've sought all along.

Well, then...