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02x15 - A Place To Play

Posted: 09/17/22 07:26
by bunniefuu
sawa: The other team chose to receive the ball first.

sawa: We'll be serving first.

take: All right.

ake: It's finally the qualifiers.

take: Everyone looks more nervous than usual.

fly,banner: Fly

take: Especially the third-years...

hina: Those are so awesome!

hina: Your new glasses look so cool, Tsukishima!

yama: You've been saying that nearly every day, Hinata.

tsuki: Having you say they're cool shakes my self-confidence, so I wish you'd stop.

hina: What'd you say?!

aki: Ta-da! Here you go.

aki: They're sports glasses.

I made sure to find cool-looking ones.

aki: With those on, blocking with your face isn't scary at all!

tsuki: Uh, yes it is.

aki: I don't care if it's Ushiwaka or Benkei... Go stop 'em.

sawa: What's up with the first-years putting on braver faces than us?

suga: The third-years can't just sit here cowering, either.

asa: All right!

guy: Matches are super fun, aren't they?

fly,sign: Fly Karasuno High School Boys' Volleyball Team

SandF - Copy,sign: Simplicity and Fortitude Johzenji Parents' Association

all: Let's play!

volley-show-title,sign: Haikyu!!

volley-ep-title,sign: Episode : "Place to Play"

crowd: Johzenji! Johzenji! Johzenji!

kei: We're finally at the qualifiers.

Our first opponent was a semifinalist at the Inter-High prelims.

kei: We've got our work cut out for us.

kei: You better go all out on that first one, Azumane!

sawa: Karasuno, fight!

kara: Yeah!

yachi: Yeah!

tana: Asahi-san, nice serve!

girl: Make sure you guys get that ball!

teru: Whoa, that was intense.

smile,ban: Smiling and Having Fun Winning and Having Fun

futa: Nice cover!

numa: Get the last, Terushima!

some: Chance ball!

teru: Yahoo!

misa: Nice hit!

tana: A hit like that from the end line?

Not to mention, while he was turning around?

tsuki: That would usually be returned with an underhand hit.

scoreboard,sign: Karasuno Johzenji

tana: Nice serve!

asa: Got it!

tana: Left!

SandF ,sign: Simplicity and Fortitude Johzenji Parents' Association

crow: Heave ho! Heave ho!

suga: It feels like...

...we're playing against some super-talented baseball team in gym class.

enn: Yeah... Their plays aren't exactly cookie-cutter,

so we can't seem to read what they're gonna do.

suga: So, the question is whether they're doing that on purpose or not.

suga: Unpredictability is normal for Johzenji, and that's their w*apon.

teru: One more!

higa: Come on, now!

guy: Sorry!

crowd: Don't mind! Don't mind!

misa: Pick up the ball, and hit it back!

misa: Jeez... They get out of hand so quickly.

coach: You're the only third-year left.

coach: Those guys must be a handful.

sawa: Tsukishima, nice serve!

guy: A quick!

guy: This shouldn't be a surprise, but I guess they can attack normally, too.

scoreboard - Copy,sign: Karasuno

teru: Lucky! It got over the net.

tana: Damn it!

guy: Nice reaction!

guy: But I don't know if they'll be able to connect.

azu: Nice, Hinata!

taki: Whoa, he jumped!

yachi: L-Look out!

guy: H-He's Spider-Man!

teru: In the back!

guy: He managed to return it!

suga: We also have some guys on our team

suga: who are skilled and unpredictable.

all: Yeah!

futa: Well, that was definitely surprising,

futa: but Karasuno hasn't even done their ridiculous attack yet.

hina: Go! k*ller serve!

coach: Regardless of how the receive looks,

: as long as it goes up, they can do whatever they need to.

coach: That's what they all think, and that's what they're able to do.

kage: Damn it!

teru: One more! Hit it direct, Numajiri!

numa: All right!

guy: Karasuno hasn't gotten one actual attack in yet.

tana: Daichi-san, nice receive!

guy: There it is!

guy: # 's super quick!

hina: Hey, Kageyama! We can't just sit here losing.

teru: So that was the quick I heard about. So cool!

hina: Ow!

sawa: Their moves are hard to read,

but it's not like the ball's gonna disappear.

sawa: Let's just calm down and keep going.

hina: Yeah!

take: Well done.

scoreboard ,sign: Karasuno Johzenji

futa: # ! # !

kara: All right!

futa: Johzenji's so unrefined about everything.

futa: Their blockers just keep jumping, and they fall for feints a lot.

guy: And yet I wonder what makes them so persistent and hard to play against.

guy: I have a friend on the Johzenji basketball team.

futa: Really?

guy: Apparently their volleyball team mostly practices

guy: with two-on-two games.

guy: Two-on-two games?

futa: That's rough!

koha: They're used to that,

koha: so they don't really feel like anyone will get the ball for them,

and all of them are constantly trying to attack.

numa: Cover!

higa: Leave it to me!

coach: You idiots! Be willing to give up the ball a little!

koha: And that's probably why that happens...

futa: They're all annoying.

koha: People from other schools think you guys are annoying, too.

futa: Huh?!

kage: Tanaka-san!

guy: Whoa!

teru: Nice, Jiri!

tsuki: Right now, Johzenji has two attackers up front, not counting their setter.

tsuki: Other than that, there's a chance of a back attack.

futa: Let me hit, too!

tsuki: He's the setter, isn't he? Who's going to set?

tsuki: The guy on the back line is going to set?

tana: What?!

SandF ,sign: Simplicity and Fortitude Johzenji Parents' Association

crowd: Heave ho! Heave ho! Heave ho!

scoreboard ,sign: Karasuno Johzenji

take: Despite everything, I must say their volleyball is fun to watch.

kei: I can't argue with that.

take: But in regards to freewheeling att*cks,

take: we're not so bad ourselves.

teru: Let's have some fun and play.

hina: They go all out and play around.

yama: In a match...

hina: Huh?

yama: In order to fully enjoy a match, you need strength.

yama: Apparently, the former Coach Ukai said that a lot.

yama: I didn't really know what he meant about enjoying it, but...

teru: All right!

yama: Watching Johzenji, I think it might be something like this.

hina: The strength... to enjoy.

tana: Nice receive!

coach: It might because they're playing against Karasuno,

but they're playing around more than usual.

misa: Yes. They really do play a good game when they get into it.

futa: Sorry! Sorry!

misa: And that happens as soon as I compliment them.

scoreboard ,sign: Karasuno Johzenji

teru: That little guy sure can jump!

sawa: Nice touch!

tana: Chance ball!

teru: Not to mention...

kara: All right!

teru: He's got such a stern face,

but that setter sure does some crazy att*cks.

scoreboard ,sign: Karasuno Johzenji

tana: Nice receive!

sawa: Asahi!

teru: Nice, Tsucchi!

kage: Who's going to hit it?

kage: A dump?! I'm not gonna let it happen!

fly,sign: Fly Karasuno High School Boys' Volleyball Team

yachi: Kageyama-kun, nice block!

kara: All right!

taki: That... wasn't a block...

taki: That was his face.

sign: Haikyu!!

sign: Haikyu!!

scoreboard ,sign: Karasuno Johzenji

take: Time!

hina: Kageyama, don't die!

tana: He's not dying...

sawa: Hey, we're switching you out until your nose stops bleeding.

kage: My nose isn't bleeding!

sawa: It is. Why would you lie about that?

kio: Are your eyes okay?

kage: They're fine.

ake: Did he got caught up in the excitement of the other team?

kei: Well, it's a good chance for you to cool your head.

kei: You can't go back out there until your nose stops bleeding,

kei: so go have it checked.

take: Just in case!

yama: Come on. Let's go.

hina: Hey, Kageyama!

hina: I'll handle things while you're gone.

suga: Yup. Leave everything to your senpais.

suga: Tsukishima, nice serve!

koha: Huh? Karasuno...

crowd: Heave ho! Heave ho! Heave ho!

koha: I wonder why they're switching out their # .

He seems to be doing fine.

futa: I think they're going to use this opportunity to try other things.

futa: Not to mention,

futa: I think the other players are better at basic plays.

futa: What? Isn't that the truth?

koha: At the Inter-High prelims,

Aone and Karasuno's # ended up becoming friends, oddly enough.

aone: That might be true for now.

futa: Huh?

futa: Aone just spoke?

aone: And their #

is aware of that.

kei: Hinata.

kei: These past few months,

kei: Narita's spent quite some time paired with Sugawara as setter.

kei: Just watch your senpais play from here.

hina: Right.

enn: Let's do this in one shot!

guy: You got this, Narita!

tsuki: Calm down a little.

I understand you want to play, but...

hina: I wanna play and I wanna practice.

hina: I have a lot to do.

karasu: All right!

both: Nice k*ll!

sawa: That's it! That's it!

guy: Right.

scoreboard ,sign: Karasuno Johzenji

numa: Terushima, nice serve!

teru: All right!

numa: Whoo! Service ace! Whoo!

tana: That guy acts like he just scored three points! It seriously pisses me off.

nari: You're one to talk, Tanaka.

tana: What?!

swa: Don't let their excitement overwhelm you.

sawa: We're gonna finish up this set!

hina: Don't mind! Don't mind!

yama: Get one through!

yama: Kageyama's back.

yachi: Kageyama-kun's okay.

taki: Yeah, seems like it.

Good job.

enn: You okay?

tai: But it doesn't seem like they're going to switch out yet.

kage: Yes.

sawa: Nishinoya!

Got it!

azu: Nice receive!

kage: Didn't you say you'd handle things?

hina: Shut up!

hina: I'll eventually be able to do that...

hina: Eventually.

suga: Nice k*ll!

both: Nice k*ll!

yama: Nice!

both: We're not gonna lose...

scoreboard ,sign: Karasuno Johzenji

nari: Chance ball!

suga: Got it!

all: Synchronized attack: Sugawara version!

both: All right!

kiyo: Now they're at...

scoreboard ,sign: Karasuno Johzenji

kiyo: Set point.

teru: That thing where they all move at once...

teru: That's so cool!

teru: Hey, so, like...

misa: Don't tell me they're...

sawa: Narita, one more! Nice serve!

taki: Johzenji's also doing a synchronized play?

teru: All right!

scoreboard ,sign: Karasuno Johzenji

tana: We did that a lot, too...

kino: Not bad, Narita.

suga: We still do, from time to time.

kei: Johzenji's synchronized attack just now

was most likely monkey see, monkey do.

kei: They just did it on a whim.

take: What? But that'd put them at a disadvantage...

take: Not to mention, it was a set point.

kei: It probably also has to do with the fact

teru: I totally thought I could do it!

that we're in our first set,

kei: but their recklessness is scary.

take: I've been wondering about this, but...

take: Johzenji High School's banner...

SandF,sign: Simplicity and Fortitude Johzenji Parents' Association

How do I put this?

take: It doesn't really fit the team... Does it?

take: I'd say they're more "wild and free."

kei: Actually a long time ago, or rather, up until recently,

kei: simplicity and fortitude described Johzenji's team accurately.

coach: You guys seriously need to think about when to do things.

teru: I totally thought I could do it.

coach: Now they got a set from us!

coach: Just like you guys, they're a pretty troublesome team if you get them riled up.

numa: That # sure jumps well.

guy: Well, I mean, their motto is...

fly,guy: Fly

guy: "Fly!"

guy: And yet, we get that.

SandF,sign: Simplicity and Fortitude Johzenji Parents' Association

guy: Our banner is so lame.

Let's hurry and get a new one.

misa: "Simplicity and Fortitude" is cool, too!

teru: I guess that depends on taste,

teru: but it doesn't fit the team.

At least our generation.

teru: Or rather, it won't fit the future generations, either.

guy: I know, right?

school ,sign: Miyagi Prefecture Johzenji High School

coach: I'm Anabara, and I'm gonna be your coach starting this year.

coach: I'm going to rebuild this team from the ground up.

coach: First, you'll get better at playing two-on-two.

guy: That team apparently has five second-years.

guy: Seriously? And they got into the semifinals? That's awesome.

team: Yahoo!

cap: Terushima!

teru: Huh?

cap: Eventually, there will come a time that's not fun.

cap: What are you going to do then?

teru: Even then,

teru: I'll do my best to have fun.

teru: We're gonna fool around even more!

all: Yeah!

scoreboard ,sign: Johzenji Karasuno

guy: Man...

That weird duo's coming back?

suga: Hinata, Kageyama, stay calm.

tana: Shut up, jeez.

teru: Looks like you're back, Mini Spider-Man.

teru: It's boring without your att*cks!

hina: Boring?

teru: Like your captain.

He may be good, but he's boring.

hina: Right... Though I don't really understand.

teru: Anyway, we're gonna have tons of fun and win this next one.

hina: I can't beat you one-on-one, though, Mr. Close-Cropped Hair...

teru: Hey, don't give me a weird nickname!

azu: Got it. I'll be more careful.

hina: But if these guys are with me, I'm not gonna lose!

sawa: Thanks.

tsuki: Please.

nishi: Leave it to me!

fly,sign: Fly

some: Higashi, nice serve!

sawa: Nishinoya!

nishi: Got it!

both: Ah!

suga: I warned you guys!

yachi: Wow! Those are some amazing reflexes!

taki: Actually, I think he was expecting that.

yachi: Huh?

nishi: Daichi-san, nice job covering their asses!

sawa: Don't say it like that!

guy: Here!

take: He's going for another insane hit!

suga: All right!

karasu: All right!

yama: We got it this time!

kage: I-I'm sorry! Nice cover!

hina: Thanks!

sawa: No matter how much you were told to calm down,

sawa: I figured you guys might do something like that right when you got back,

sawa: because you would get too excited.

sawa: I can't do any fancy plays,

sawa: but I can give you guys a solid foundation.

sawa: Well, go all out.

both: Thanks!

kei: Well, in the terms of wild and free,

kei: it's not guaranteed that Johzenji would beat us.

kei: But...

kei: That's not all that we have.

fly - Copy,all: Fly

scoreboard,sign: Johzenji Karasuno

kara: All right!

guy: The point difference is getting bigger.

teru: Let's get hyped up!

all: Yeah!

teru: Damn it!

teru: It's up. Get the last!

sawa: Get back!

sawa: Tanaka, nice!

suga: All right!

yama: Counter!

hina: Yeah!

teru: Damn it.

numa: We can't handle that # .

sawa: Hinata, nice k*ll!

hina: Thanks!

hina: I-I'm sorry!

sign: Johzenji Karasuno

sawa: Don't worry about it.

teru: We're gonna end this.

nishi: Out!

guy: Don't mind! Don't mind!

tana: Daichi-san, nice serve!

both: Got it!

numa: Sorry!

futa: Why you...

suga: Is he going to do a dump attack?

teru: Yeah, you go!

futa: Crap...

kara: All right!

yachi: The other team called a time out!

All right!

taki: It's good to be on the offensive,

but Johzenji is definitely panicking.

teru: Let's get more hyped up!

guy: Yeah! Hyped! Super hyped!

numa: It'll all work out.

futa: So what are we gonna do about that # 's quick?

numa: What are we gonna do?

guy: What are we gonna do?

guy: Wh-What will we do?

teru: Don't think too much about it.

teru: We just have to go at them harder! Yeah!

guy: What are you going to do now, Misaki?

misa: I don't have anyone to take over for me,

misa: so I'm thinking about staying until the spring tournament.

cap: That puts me at ease a little.

cap: When they're doing well, everything is fine,

cap: but once they break, I think they're still pretty weak,

cap: so you'll have to spank them for me.

misa: I don't think they'll listen to me.

cap: That's not true.

guy: Yeah! Let's go all out! Way out!

futa: All right!

numa: Way out! Way out!

misa: What do you mean, "way out"?

teru: Huh?

misa: You guys try way too hard to solve things by getting riled up and excited.

misa: Eventually, there will come a time that's not fun.

cap: What are you going to do then?

teru: Even then,

teru: I'll do my best to have fun.

misa: Having fun even if you're inferior or not doing well?

misa: If anyone's actually like that, they're either creeps or weirdos.

coach: M-Misaki? What's wrong?

misa: I'm sorry, Sensei.

misa: But if I don't say this when they have an idea of their weakness,

misa: I don't think they'll get it, so please let me finish.

coach: Huh? Uh, okay...

misa: Okudake-kun told me to give these guys a spanking...

guy: Spank?

numa: Hana-san...

guy: ...said "spank!"

teru: Well, yeah, the situation right now isn't fun.

teru: It's annoying, but those guys are playing around much more freely.

misa: Okudake-kun used to always say in order to play,

misa: you need a place to play.

misa: Endure through the time that's not fun,

and play all the way to the end.

hina: I thought I heard that pretty lady say "spank"...

kiyo: What's wrong?

tana: Kiyoko-san...

nishi: I'm not sure why I'm asking, but would you scold us, too?

tana: In the most condescending way possible.

kiyo: No.

both: Then—

kiyo: I will not spank you, either.

both: We got Kiyoko-san to say "spank!"

scoreboard ,sign: Johzenji Karasuno

kei: Now that we're in the middle of our second set...

kei: It looks like we're finally starting the second round.

sawa: Johzenji's style of volleyball is constantly changing.

hina: We do that, too!

nishi: Rolling... Headbutt!

hina: You're so cool, Noya-san!

sawa: Er, that's not volleyball...

sign: Episode : "Next"

some: Next time on Haikyu!!: "Next."