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04x14 - Change of Heart

Posted: 09/17/22 18:55
by bunniefuu
EVELYN: So if it
sounds like I'm going

to be asking you for cash,
let me assure you, I am.


But more importantly,
I'm asking for your time.

Every day, tons of toxic
waste oozes into our bay.

And for each minute that
we allow that to continue,

we've lost another
part of our future

for us and for our children.

And I know that
all of us together

have the power to make it stop.

And I also know that
it's late and some of you

have a history test tomorrow.


[laughs] As you can
see, my students

are my biggest supporters.


So I'll just finish
up tonight by saying

please, invest in your future.

Sign up tonight.

Help us make a difference.

Thank you.



[music playing]

[suspenseful music playing]

What are you doing here?



[music playing]


We never thought we'd find
a place where we belong.

Don't have to stand
alone, never let you fall.

Don't need permission to
decide what you believe.

Oh, I said jump
down on Jump Street.

I said jump down on Jump Street.

Your friends will be there
when your back is to the wall.

You'll find you'll need us cause
there's no one else to call.

When it looks hopeless, a
decision's what you need.

You'd better be ready
to, be ready to jump.

Jump Street.

ADAM: Evidently, she
was a hell of a teacher.

JUDY: Not to mention
a great person.

You see all those environmental
groups she belonged to?

ADAM: Yeah.

Evelyn Marks was speaking
for the Save the Bay

group the night she died.

She left the place around : .

They found her in an alley two
hours later stabbed to death.

Any witnesses?

Well, a security
guard said he saw

a blond kid, high
school age, running

from the alley around midnight.

Did he get a good look at him?

Nah, he never
saw the kid's face.

A blond male teenager.

Well, that narrows it down.

Any other suspects?

Well, that's what
we're going to find out.


The entire library's shelf
on modern European history.

You're looking at the new teach.



Hey, Captain, did you make
up your mind about tonight yet?

We still got
that extra ticket.

Oh, yeah.

To the , maniacs.

, maniacs.

Yeah, right.

Uh, look, no.

You guys go on ahead, OK?

Camper von
Beethoven is open now.


Hey, he's good.

They're good.

- I knew that.
- So come on.

I mean, unless you get some
sort of big date or something

like that.

Well, actually, I
did have dinner plans

with a certain lady friend.

You filthy dog.

Make us proud.

Come on, Jude.

Tell her to go
easy on you, Captain.

You got class tomorrow.


[birds chirping]

I hear you stepped
on a corporate drape.

For two years.

Last year, I got bumped
up to assistant editor.

That's great.

Only if I could do
the same thing here.

Well, that's no problem.

But, um, with everything
that's happened--

Oh, you mean your advisor?

I heard.

It's just that Evelyn was
like a mom to all of us.

To those who were
in such a stupid--

I'm really sorry.

Look, I'm just saying
with all the chaos,

you may just have
to pitch in wherever

we need you just for now.


Since you'll been taking
over Evelyn's classes,

I've decided to put
Denise with you.

That's me, by the way.

Oh, forgive me.

With all the confusion--

That's OK.

Adam Fischer.

Denise Price.

Denise has been
our student teacher

for the past few months.

She'll be able to
show you the ropes.

Well, I do appreciate it.

But I did my homework, and
I'm sure that I can handle it.


What have you got?

"Rise and Fall of
the Third Reich."


I doubt you'll need
that for your first class.

Come on.

So a woman's menstrual
cycle is usually how long?


- days?
- That's right.

VINNIE: Uh, you sure
about that, Mr. Fischer?

Well, yes.

Well, between and
days on the average.


Why is that?

Well, because my girlfriend's
time of the month is, uh,

every day of the month.


STUDENT: Hey, hey.

I got another question.


VINNIE: How do you know if
a girl's a virgin or not?

Well, there's no real
physical proof for virginity--

STUDENT: But I thought the
hymen acted as sort of a seal

between the--


Maybe we should get
back to the text.

I really want to know
about this virginity thing.

Vinnie, I've seen
your girlfriends.

Trust me, they're no virgins.



What do you think, Martin?

Uh, picture's got
to fit a bit above.


So I'll make the
enlargement a little bigger.

MEGAN: Kevin, you couldn't
get a job at the "Enquirer"

because their
standards are too high.

Look, if you don't
like it, don't read it.

I have to print this, Kevin.

It's tabloid trash!

Look, while you
work on your Pulitzer,

I'll sell papers, all right?

Don't change a word.

Who's that?

Kevin Ness, gossip guru.

They have this fight every week.

--and Sherry Miller behind
the bleachers at the prom,

not to mention this
garbage about Evelyn.

Now this again.

If you think I'm going
to spread your bile--

Meg, don't let him get to you.


I'm Judy Allen.

I just started on
the paper today.

You're just in time
for the weekly slug fest.

Well, if it makes you
feel any better, I did

think she was being
a little harsh.

It's her Carl
Bernstein impression.


Back in my old school,
the gossip column was

the first thing everyone read.
- It always is.

That's what Megan doesn't get.

People always assume the
worst about other people.

They want to.

It makes them feel good.

So why not cash in on that?

Especially stuff on
people like Evelyn Marks.

To hear everyone
talk, you'd think

the woman was up for sainthood.

I don't believe in saints.

Everyone's got a little
dirt in their drawers.

What kind of dirt?

Well, Evelyn was an
attractive, single woman

who was cozy with her students.

Some people say very cozy.
- No!

She was having an affair?

With a senior supposedly,
but no one could prove it.

Anyway, Megan the pure
made me yank the story.

I think the affair
ended soon after.

How do you know?

Well, Evelyn's windshield
got bashed in the school

parking lot a month ago.

They said vandalism, but--

But you're not so sure.

Let's just say I wonder.

When I was teaching
social living,

someone left a condom
filled with water

on my seat every day.

[laughs] Clever.

At least you didn't sit on them.

Did you?

Only once.


The main thing to remember
is that you'll survive.

Uh, you know,
Margaret, I would

love to get my hands on
Evelyn's class notes,

but the cabinet in her
classroom is locked.

Any chance there's a key
floating around somewhere?

Oh, I have no idea.

But I wouldn't worry
about it, Adam.

Denise says you're
already a pro.



Take it.

It's my apology for
encouraging them this morning.

ADAM: Thank you.

You know, I'd lost them anyway
soon as we got to the part

about body hair.

I don't know.

Your explanation of hygiene
was really riveting.

Ah, yes.
One of my strengths.

Well, look.

Since it's my job to
make you feel at home,

how about a quick
tour of the place?

Teacher's lounge?

For starters.

So the varsity team almost
made city finals this year,

and at the last
minute, they choked.


Real heart breaker, huh?

I'm still getting over it.

Uh, yeah.

Well, we should probably
be getting back.

Too bad.

I was kind of
enjoying the scenery.

Yeah, I bet you were.

Actually, it was you
I was referring to.

[suspenseful music playing]



What are you doing here?

Oh, I thought I'd
finished the layout early,

impress everybody.



I was just looking for
a picture of Evelyn.

You know, for this
story we're running.

That'll be nice.

Well, anyway.



[suspenseful music playing]

All I know is she's lying.

They already had a picture
of Evelyn for that story.

So what do you think
she was looking for?

I don't know.
She locked the door behind her.

I never even got in.

Captain, this is
going to sound weird,

but I think maybe
it wasn't a guy.

What wasn't a guy?

The kid they saw running
from the alley that night.

Street was dark, witness
never saw a face.

Oh, wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

You saying it was Megan?

I'm saying it's possible.

If Evelyn was having an
affair with a senior,

maybe it was Megan's boyfriend.

[scoffs] Ah, yes.

The old love triangle.

OK, I know it doesn't
make much sense.

Hey, uh, Hoffs--

But then neither did Megan
digging through Evelyn's desk

in the middle of the night.


Do you know how old I am?


Should I?

Well, what would you guess?

I don't know.

Pretty young, I guess.

JUDY: Sure.

, .

Get close to the
girl and her boyfriend.

What we must do now is
to turn the tragic loss

of our friend and
teacher into something

that makes sense in our lives.

That's why Evelyn
would have applauded

our planting this beautiful
young tree in her memory.

It will take root
and grow and become

a permanent part of our school,
our lives, and our world.

There will be a gathering
at my house this evening.

And you're all invited to come.



Can you believe that
tree planting ceremony?

What about it?

I don't know.

It just-- it made
me feel so awful.

- You didn't even Ev.
- Oh, I know.

But it's just the way
people pretend, like it's

not a tragedy or something.

What do you mean?

Well, I have this
friend at my old school

who almost died once.

He was hooked up to
this machine with all

these tubes and everything.

People would come by and
say, "That's just God's way,"

or "Whatever happens
is for the best."

But they all felt so horrible,
so why even say those things?

Anyway, that's what it
seemed like back there to me.

People trying to
cheer each other up

when inside, they're
all really dying.

He's still at the
memorial service.

I'm early.

I'll wait in his office.

See ya.

DENISE: What are you doing?

Oh, um, since I
know Evelyn's notes

are in there and we never found
the keys, I just thought I'd--

Have a little faith
in your teaching.

Uh, look.

I think we should
break into two groups

today to discuss the
chapter on puberty.


You take the girls and I'll
take the boys this time.

You want to switch?

When you were a
teenager, weren't you

just dying to hear the other
side's version of all this?

Quite honestly,
I don't remember.

I don't believe
you've lost all

those feelings just
because you've got

a few gray hairs in your beard.

Look, I didn't mean
that in a bad way.

Uh, look, Denise, I'm
sure you a fun girl,

and this is some kind
of game or something.

But I'd appreciate it if
you would can the innuendos.

Look, I'm sorry.

ADAM: That's OK.

I just don't want you
to embarrass yourself.

No, no.

You're right.

I was flirting.

And I guess that's
pretty childish, huh?


So I'll get
straight to the point.

Adam, I am very
attracted to you.

And I'd love to spend some
time together away from work.

Unless you're not
attracted to me.



Um-- what I mean is--

what I'm saying here is--

How about dinner?

I don't think so.

Look, there's no rule
against faculty socializing.

Well, I know that, Denise.

But-- Denise, do you know where
you were when the Reverend Dr.

Martin Luther King was shot?

[laughs] No.

Do you?

Let's just say I
wasn't in diapers.

[sighs] I'd just like
to get to know you better.

[bell ringing] That's all.

Did you find the
drill team pictures?


Yeah, more than I wanted.

You know what--


You first.

I just wanted to apologize
for being such a rag today.

It wasn't you.

I know.

The last few days
have been tough for me.

Sometimes it comes
out in strange ways.

Eh, forget about it.

You going to that wake
for Evelyn tonight?

I don't think I
could handle a party.

It's be exactly like you said.

Everybody being phony,
telling funny stories.

I can't stand all that "let's
share our grief" stuff.

Guess that makes two of us.

So where's your
boyfriend tonight?

I don't know.

We're not exactly
lovebirds lately.

What about you?

How is your friend?

The one hooked up on
all those machines.


Oh, he's great.

I'm just so glad he's
still around, you know?

You work together
on the paper?

No, I didn't exactly have
too many friends on the paper.

Too many editorial disputes.


I know what you mean.

I have these fantasies of tying
Kevin Ness to the flagpole out

front completely nude
and papier-mache-ing him

with strips of his own column.

[laughs] Really?

And just leaving him out there?


Until winter.

And then I take a little wittle
beanie and put it on his head

so he wouldn't get cold.

Uh, oh.

Got that beanie handy?

You won't believe
the column this week.

Even you'll be impressed, Megan.

I don't read it.


Well, let me read it to you.

We'll be late for the party.

[soft music playing]

Megan, you want to go back?

I'm sure Kevin's gone by now.

[laughs] You OK?

You look kind of wasted.

You want some?

I found it in the kitchen.

No, that's OK.

I'd probably just fall asleep.

You know, you don't look
like the boozer type.

I'm trying to
develop new hobbies.

Hi, Megan.

Are you a friend
of Evelyn's or--

She's new.

Have you been drinking, Megan?


I think you better
give me the cup.




Megan, I'm terribly sorry.

Save it.

Excuse me.

Maybe this will help.

This was one of
my favorite blouses.




Take it to the dry cleaners.
They'll get it out.

It'll be just like new.

I don't care about that.

Well, what is it?

(CRYING) I can't.

You can't what?

I'm so scared.

About what, Megan?

Everything's so horrible.

Come on.

You can tell me.


[suspenseful music playing]



Captain, it's Judy.


We've got to talk.

Megan Bennett tried
to kiss me, which

leads me to believe that--

where's your beard?

It's in the sink.

How do I look?

Like your beard's missing.

Look, I think maybe Megan
had a thing for Evelyn.


You think Megan's gay?

She aimed for my lips.

What did you do?

Well, I turned my
head away, of course.

Anyway, what if Megan told
Evelyn she had a crush on her?

Evelyn rejects her,
Megan becomes distraught.

And in the heat of the
moment, she kills her.

I wonder if she was the
one who wrote the letter.

- What letter?
- Look.

I found this shoved in
the back of a cabinet.

It's unsigned.

"Evelyn, I think
of you always,

and I hope you do the same.

I love you very much."

Oh, boy.

Well, now, that's no
proof that it's Megan.

Well, I'll tell you one thing.

She knows something.

Only she's just so scared.

Yeah, and very confused
from the sound of it.

If I could just
get her to talk.

Look, uh, Judy, if this kid
has real feelings for you,

you're going to have to
handle this very delicately.

No kidding, Captain.

Only next time, I think I'll
be a little bit more prepared.

I'll just explain to her
that I'm not that way,

and we'll just go on from there.


Well, just be careful.

Uh, Judy, um-- look, uh,
while you're here, um--

[clears throat] can
I ask you something?

Would you want to
go out with me?

What is it with everybody?

First I get hit on by
a high school girl,

and then my boss asks
me out on a date?

What, am I emitting some
weird scent or something?

No, no.

See, Hoffs, I'm
not asking you out.

I'm just asking if you'd want
to go out with someone like me.

You know, theoretically.

Like you how?

Tall and thin?

No, no.

Like me.

- Oh, I don't believe this.

So you going through some
midlife crisis or something?



I just want your opinion.

[sighs] Would I want to go
out with a -year-old man?

, damn it.



Look, if you were a
terrific guy, really

fun, kind, charming, thoughtful,
I wouldn't care if you were .

You wouldn't?

Well, I mean, I'd have
to see him first, but--

look, Captain.

You are a very attractive man.

Whatever this is
about, take a pill.

You should take the day off.

The layout looks terrific.


Actually, I came by to see
if you could take a break.


I'm stuck here till the paper
comes out this afternoon.

I wanted to make
sure you're OK.

Last night--

Last night, I was tanked
and probably very obnoxious.

If I was awful to
you, I'm really sorry.

Don't be.

Look, uh, Megan,
I was wondering--

Judy, I'd love to chat,
but I've got a lot of work

to do here.


Maybe I'll come back later.

Maybe tomorrow.


JUDY: I've always
had these feelings.

Only now, they're scarier.

And I'm afraid maybe I'm--


Your first mistake is
to assume you're gay.

Every teen gets
confused, especially when

it comes to sexuality.

JUDY: But I feel like a freak.

Like there's no one else at
the school that's this way.

I feel like I'm all alone.

Oftentimes, girls your age
will feel closer to other girls

than boys.

The important thing is to
recognize these feelings

for what they are.

It's friendship.


But it seems like a lot
more than that to me.

Well, it is only if
you make it that way.


See, that's just it.

Um, there is this one friend.

Well, she-- (STUTTERING)
she tried to kiss me.

She tried to, or she did?

JUDY: She did.

How did that feel?

I don't.

It felt like a kiss, I guess.

Almost normal.

Kind of innocent.

And when she moved towards me,
I didn't turn my head away.

That surprised me.

It shouldn't.

You mean, because maybe we all
have a little of these feelings

deep down inside?


Because sometimes,
our unconscious mind

makes us do things.

Then it convinces our
conscious mind that it

was the other person's fault.


CHARLES CRAIG: Well, if you
think about it, you kissed her.

You made that happen.

You had these feelings,
thought you might be gay,

so you kissed your girlfriend.

You got confused.

That's OK.

The important thing
is to recognize

this behavior in the future
and not give in to it.

GIRL: We all know about her
dedication to mother earth.

But did we also know our late
great history instructor--

--liked to kick up her heels
after a hard day's work--

--with the rest of the
girls at the club called Rain?


If you've never heard of
Rain, it's the gay women's bar

on rd and Cedar.

That's the expression
on everyone's face.



I like it.

Oh, yeah.

Well, I just figured it
was time for a change.


Look, um, I've been
thinking about what you said.


Would you like to go out
to dinner with me tonight?

Oh, I'm sorry, Adam.

I can't.
- You can't?


I already made
plans for tonight.


Um, well, some other time, then.

MAN: Denise!


We'll talk about it tomorrow.


Denise, um, you know, when
you said you wanted to see me,

I, um--

I assumed that you weren't
involved with anyone.

[laughs] Adam, I want
you to meet my dad.

[laughs] Dad, this is Adam.

[music playing]

JUDY: Megan, we got to talk.

I really need to
be alone right now.

It's important.

Listen, the bartender at
Rain described you exactly.

She said you were there
that night with Evelyn.

Look, I know you two were--


Is that what you know?

You're saying you weren't?

God, you're just
like everybody else.

You know, people are calling
Evelyn "d*ke" and "lesbo."

People who a week
ago were saying she

was the greatest
teacher we ever had.

There are a lot of
small minds out there.

And that makes it OK?

Of course not.

Look, whatever your
relationship was, I--

Evelyn was my teacher.


I followed her to
the bar that night,

but it wasn't what
you're thinking.

Then why did you go?

Because I needed
somebody to talk to.

And about a month
ago by accident,

I found out Evelyn was gay.

She told you about the bar?

Are you kidding?

She freaked out when
she saw me there.

She made us go across
the street to a diner.

I told her I wanted to be with
her, just hang out and stuff.

But she said we
couldn't be together

because it wasn't appropriate.

So that's when you
went into the alley.

You can't think
I did that to her.

Who did?

I ran back to
tell her something.

I don't know who he was.

Some man in a long coat.

(CRYING) I never saw him before.

It's OK.

All you have to do is come
downtown and tell what you saw.


You have to.

If I say something, everybody
will know I was there.

They'll think I'm gay.

It's not a sin, you know?

But I'm not.


I'm confused, OK?

I'm-- I don't know what I am.

But if I talk about this,
I can never find out.

I'll just be labelled a
lesbian the rest of my life.

You would let
Evelyn's k*ller go free

just because you're
afraid of what

people might say about you?

Look what they're
saying about Evelyn!

Nothing I do will
bring Evelyn back.


[dramatic music playing]

I'm not sure what to tell you.

I mean, can have her subpoenaed.

I don't know.

I mean, how do I know
what she's going through?

Maybe forcing her to come
forward would ruin her life.

Yeah, well, it sure as
hell could ruin our case.

An uncooperative witness can be
worse than no witness at all.


Well, I'll just have to
find some other way then.

Well, I sure hope
you do because I

ran a check on the
fingerprints on the letter.


You know, my first year of
high school, my best friend

had a crush on another girl.

Allison talked about
Melissa day and night

to the point where I thought
it was a little strange.

When I asked my mom
about it, she said

that Allison was different.

Funny thing is
Allison didn't turn

out to be different at all.


Well, a lot of kids get
confused growing up.

Some turn out to be straight,
some turned out to be gay.


You know what
really burns me up?

All those things I told you
that counselor was telling me,

you know he's feeding
that crap to Megan too.

No wonder the kid
feels alienated.


I mean, he basically
slapped my hand

and told me not to be
attracted to girls anymore.

I mean, if Meghan
is gay, it's not

as if she chose to be that way.


[clears throat] That's as
stupid as saying that you

and I chose to be straight.

I mean, people are just
what they are, you know?

And there comes a
point when you have

to face up to that reality.

No matter how painful.

Now, that sounds like
your midlife crisis talking.

Not anymore.

Can I have another
cone over here, please?

How about you, detective?

What the hell.

Make it two.

[music playing]



What are you drinking?

Grapefruit juice.

Sounds healthy.

Grapefruit and vodka, please.


So you must be new.
- Is it that obvious?

[laughs] No offense, but
you look like you're waiting

for your mother to walk in.


Not that I like this bar
stuff any better, but, hey.

Where else are we going
to find each other?


So do you come here a lot?

Yeah, but I'd give it
all up for the right woman.

It's a joke.


[laughs nervously]
Actually, I'm looking

for someone named Evelyn.

Mid s, dark hair, real fun?

She's supposed to come
here all the time.

Is she the one in all
that environmental stuff?



No, I haven't seen
her in a while.

Well, that's weird.

She told me I could find
her here almost any night.

Maybe that was just her polite
way of telling me to get lost.

Or maybe her lover got
jealous of her flirting.

Her lover?


Did she come here too?

No, I never saw her.

Just that word was out
that Evelyn was spoken for.

An older woman, my guess.

[sighs] I hate that.

The good ones are always taken.

Excuse me.


I hate that too.

I already told you.

I won't come forward.

I'm not asking you to.

But Evelyn had a
lover, and I'll bet

a week's pay you know she is.

Look, Megan, this woman
may know something.

Something that'll help me
find Evelyn's m*rder*r.

Are you really going to let
someone get away with this?

These are both a
thank you for asking me

to dinner yesterday
and an invitation

to come sailing with
me this weekend.

[sighs] Don't tell me.

You hate sailing.

You hate weekends.

[sighs] I do appreciate
the offer, Denise.

But this is not going to work.

I can't go out with you.


Isn't it painfully obvious?

Denise, I could be your father.

In fact, I could be your
father's older brother.

Or you could be my father's
older brother's cousin.

But you're not.

So why can't we go out?

Because it's ridiculous.

I'm-- Denise, we
are at completely

different places in our lives.

I mean, I'm worried about
things like cholesterol

and where my kid's
going to go to college.

And you're in college.

So I'll help him
with his applications.

Look, if you don't
find me attractive--

Hey, hey.

I haven't lost my eyesight yet.

This can't be about our ages.

I mean, that is so stupid.

Is it?

Denise, our backgrounds
are worlds apart.

I mean, we won't share
the same interest

in music, books, movies.

Oh, right.

If it's not a John Hughes
film, I won't get it.

We have nothing in common.

We like each other.

That's not enough?

It's just not going to work.

I'm sorry.

[sighs] You know
something, Adam?

Maybe you are a lot
older than I thought.

[suspenseful music playing]



Your husband k*lled Evelyn.

What are you talking about?

I saw him.

That's not possible.

It's true.

And you've known all along.

Ken and I no
longer live together.

We hardly speak to each other.

So as far as your accusations--

First, he bashed in
Evelyn's windshield.

And when that didn't scare
her, he k*lled her because he

found out you two were lovers.

I have no proof of that.

But if you do, you should
go and tell the police.

I can't.

And I can?

You're the eyewitness.

But you're the grown up.

Your whole future
isn't at stake.

What I have--

what I have is my
entire life on the line.

If people find out,
I could lose my job.

And my son could be disgraced.

Come on.

You're saying no one
knows you're gay?

Not even my husband.

I told him that I slept with
Evelyn simply to humiliate him.

That's sick.

But it's supposed to get better!

Instead, it just goes on
like this until you die.

For me, yes.

I've been living
a lie for so long.

I wouldn't even
know how to stop.

[dramatic music playing]


Got a second?

Of course.

That night I talked to
Evelyn, you know, in the diner?


She said that no matter
how horrible and confused

I felt right now, that one day,
all of this would make sense

and that eventually, I
would realize that I'm OK

and I would feel
good about myself.

I feel so far away.


what scares me most

is if I lie about myself now,
maybe I'll never get there.

Maybe I'll never feel OK.

What can I do?

Just tell me.

[suspenseful music playing]

I know who k*lled Evelyn.

Maybe you should write it down.

So you should be testifying
by the end of the week.

I've already given
detective Hoffs the day off so

that she can be there with you.


So has it been horrible?

I made Kevin's
column, of course.

And my boyfriend dumped me.

A few other people
really freaked.

But a lot of people have
come forward and been great.

People you would never expect.

So maybe Evelyn was right.

I hope so.

That girl is what was
making you act so weird?

Why didn't you just tell me?

I don't know.

I guess I felt like
a dirty old man.

A dirty old man?

Hoffs, I'm years
older than she is.

So what?


You know what it really was?

I guess I just felt like she'd
get tired of me, you know?

Like I was this old codge
that couldn't keep up,

and young guys would be
hitting on her all the time,

and I'd just end up
looking like a fool.

Want know what I really think?


I think you already
look like one.

I was just
wondering if maybe we

could try this all over again.

Try what?

Try my marinated
chicken tonight, my place.

I would like to make you dinner.


[music playing]

[ending credits theme]

[music playing]