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04x16 - 2245

Posted: 09/17/22 18:56
by bunniefuu
[music playing]


[music playing]

I knew you'd be here.

I'm always with you.


Hey, dream girl,
you've got a visitor.

[theme music]

We never thought we'd

find a place where we belong.

Don't have to stand alone.

We'll never let you fall.

Don't need permission to
decide what you believe.

Ooh, I said jump,
down on Jump Street.

I said jump, down
on Jump Street.

Your friends will be there
when your back is to the wall.

You'll find you need us because
there's no one else to call.

When it was hopeless, a
decision is what you need.

You better be ready to, be
ready to jump, Jump Street.


Why do you want
it to be me, man?

There's plenty of
other nasty criminals

around here to make
fools out theyself.

What do you want me to say?

Do you want me to say
that the department needs

you because you're a hero?

OK, well, every kid
down in the Piedmont

wants to be just like you.

Half of them are going to
OD by the time they're .

The other half is
going to end up here.

Maybe you can save a few
by making a videotape.

And how am I supposed to
explain this, uh, turnaround--

say I just found Jesus?

You can say whatever you want.

Nah, they'll
think I cheesed up.

It might make all
this mean something.


Then why don't you
just say what this is?

Hm, it probably just warms
your heart, the thought of them

pumping me full of poison.

[music playing]

Nice to meet you.

Now, what was that stuff
you was mumbling about before?

The deal is he wants
a slice of the Piedmont.

Says there's plenty
enough for two.

RONNIE SEEBOK: Well, that's a
pretty stupid man's opinion,

don't you think?

There he is.

This dude?

You Ronnie Seebok?

Huh, yep.

You and your dogs are trying
to shut down my business.

Let me ask you something.

You come in my room.

You amble your little
self over to my counter.

You finger my Crown
Collection Rolex,

and then you just
tip out the door.

Now, what I'm going to do?

You get off my ass before
I gotta shove you off.

Or maybe we should just
chill and deal with business

during business hours.

You know what I'm saying?

Let me hip you to
something, freak.

You don't get with the program
around here, you're gone.

(WHISPERING) Bing, bang, boom.

You understand that?

know what I think?

If you don't keep
your paws off of me,

I'm going to kick you
right in your pole.

And your car's a piece
of junk too, you slime.

Him, he's a freaking animal.

What are you looking at?


That's smog.

You couldn't see a street
light through that garbage.

So, uh, you had a bad date.

That wasn't a date.

That was being mauled by
some slime named Vick.

Vick Molina's
an animal, honey.

Oh, really?

Where were you an hour ago?

Were you really
looking at the stars?

Yeah, I do that.

Me too.

But don't tell nobody, you know?

It sounds weird.

I'm Ronnie Seebok.

Rosie Martinez.

Oh, god, just what
I need, a Romeo.

Forget procedure, Dary.

I just want to know what the
hell you were doing in there.

Playing shy with a guy like
that just doesn't cut it.

Yeah, well, getting
your head blown off

doesn't cut it either.

I got in, didn't I?

Yeah, well, just
don't do it again.

You practically gave
me a heart attack.


Hey, Dary, how close are
you on the Seebok thing?

I'm more than close.

He's my supplier now.

The man's days
are numbered, Tom.

That's good.

Listen, you know, um, being
two months out of the academy,

I just want you to know that
if you're scared, it's OK.

It's normal.

But you've got to be careful
with a guy like this.

Yeah, the man's a player.

And he's got a lot at
stake down there, you know?

Not for long.

Just don't push it.

Hey, I said an inch.

What do you call that?

That look like an
inch and a half to me.

[scoffs] Oh, yeah?

Well, what are you, a
mathematician all of a sudden?

No, but I'm kind of
picky about my hair.

That's cause it's nice.

You're nice.

Hey, what's up, homies?

Damn, anybody ever teach
you peasants how to knock?

We got to talk, Ron Man.

I'm busy, little fella.

I need a couple ounces--
and more if you got it.

Shop is definitely closed.

I need some stuff tonight.

And I'm parking it right
here until you deliver.

I always just gotta take it
from the top with you, huh?


Now this is my house, and
you deal with me on my time--

not before, and not after.

[music playing]

We're going to sweep the
Piedmont, double shifts,

inch by inch.

We'll find him.

Then what?

What we really need is to
take that piece of scum out.

Ugh, y'all get me a
decent TV this time?

Can't guarantee color.

Yeah, well, MTV sucks
in black and white.

And I already told you that.

They're working on it.

Yeah, it's stupid.

It's like watching the Rose
Parade in black and white.

It just don't make no sense.

Y'all, uh, moved the bed, huh?

There was a leak.

[inaudible] got moldy.

So how much time
do I got anyway?

Um, hours, more or less.

Well, I would love more.

But didn't nobody ask me.


Boy, ra, da, na, na, womp, womp.

Boy, da, ra, na, womp, womp--

still plenty of time.


(SINGING) [inaudible]

Just a few questions, Ronnie.

Would you like a
spiritual advisor?

Do you mean--

you mean like a psychic?

A priest or a minister.

[scoffs] No, I
ain't no hypocrite.

You sure?

It would make you feel better.


Where's my TV though?

It's coming.

You got a meal tonight.

Anything special?

I don't-- don't--

I mean, uh, fried chicken,
maybe mashed potatoes.

I don't know.

Could I have a beer this time?

Sure, you're over age now.

All right then.

Don't matter.

Ronnie, since your
mother's passed away,

you'll have to decide
on the arrangements.

Oh, well, I mean,
well, I would like,

if they made a movie, I would
like Sean Penn to play me,

because I think he's pretty fly.

No, uh, burial arrangements.

How do you want
to be disposed of?

What it matter, man?

I mean, how am I going to know
if you don't do what I say?

We'll do it.

You just make it
look like I'm asleep.

Where would you
like to be buried?

Well, ain't nobody going
to look for us here.

Homeless think it's bad luck
to lay low in a cemetery.

Then what are we doing here?

It ain't bad luck.

You know, if that guy
just listened and chilled,

no one would have got hurt.

He was tripping, probably
frying hard on something.

I mean, first, dude
gets all up in my face,

and then he pulls a g*n.

I mean, what was
I supposed to do?

Come on.

Sit down.

Ronnie, check out that rock.

It's half empty like they didn't
have nothing else to say on it.

That's for two people.

What, like she ain't dead yet?

They probably got it while he
was still alive so they could

be together forever, I guess.



That's being down
with someone serious.

Yeah, very serious.

That's beautiful,
man, you know?

They made a plan,
and they stuck to it.

Yeah, unless she change
her mind before she's dead.

Ronnie, I ain't
staying here no more.

I gotta get out of here.

What you want to do?

You want to go back?

Homies are looking
for us on the street.

Yeah, but I heard
about you, Ronnie.

You know, you live large.

You can afford to get
me out of this rain.

I know a place, but I just
didn't want you to think--

Don't act like you don't do it
all the time with other girls.

Maybe you're different.

Get me out of this rain.

There's always trouble in
the Piedmont, you know?

If it ain't somebody
getting k*lled,

it's some stupid bitch getting
pregnant by somebody else's


Yeah, well, I hate to break
it to you, sweetie, but, ah,

it's like that everywhere.

Yes, sir.

I guess it just gives people
something to talk about.

What do you think
they're saying about us?

It depends who's talking.



So when do you
want to go back?

Uh, a couple days, got to
wait for Derek's posse to chill.

I can't stay awake no more.

That's all right.

Just go to sleep.

I'll watch you.

Yeah, right.

As soon as my eyes are closed,
you're going to be fast asleep.


I can go for days
sometimes without sleep.

I got this trick to it.

I just tap my thumb
to a sound in my head,

and it always works.

It's kind of weird.

Go ahead.

Go to sleep.




Is it really like
that everywhere?

I mean, like somebody
is always in trouble?

There's no place you can go?


ACTOR (ON TV): I didn't
come here to do that.


You got the donuts?

Yeah, yeah.

Check that out.

Ooh, my god.

our guy Dary, right?

Wow, what's it say?

Read it.

I can't read it.

Well, neither can I.

But I can read that.

That's my name right there.

The guy was a cop.

Now this is hype.

Now we can go back.

We was hiding from Dary's set.

Dary's a cop.

He don't have a set.

It ain't enough hiding from
the cops in the Piedmont.

We do that every day.

Ronnie, let's not go back.

Darling, I got to tell you.

All my money is tied up
in deals in the Piedmont.

We can get money.

Oh, yeah?

Uh, I could be the head
chef at Burger Village.

And maybe if I put a good word
in, you could make the fries.

Ronnie, we can get money.

I see that look
in your eyes, girl.

What we're trying to do here
is stay away from trouble.

[scoffs] It's not like
we're going to hurt anybody.

Don't play me like that.

Look, Ronnie, you
and I are just alike.

We are two of a kind.

And I know that
you were thinking

just like I was, only I ain't
afraid to say it or do it.

You would really want
all of that with me?


And you're saying we just,
uh, we just do one thing

and then never go back?


Here, here.

Now, you flash it when I
give you the sign, all right?

I'm the guy, so they'll
think I have one too.

All of a sudden, I'm scared.

[sighs] We don't have
to do this, you know.

Look, this is going to be
easier than anything we've

ever seen in the Piedmont.

what are you doing?

Come on.

[music playing]


OK, now you don't make this
any tougher than it has to be.

Now you just help us out.

You give me what's
in that register.

Damn it, punk, move.

I don't believe this.




There's a--


Oh, my god.

Oh, my god.

[sirens wailing]

Give me that.

[music playing]

Drop the w*apon.


That's a little
bigger since last time.

Yeah, well, uh, I'm
still a growing boy.

What color do you
want your suit to be?

Shark skin, Italian cut.

Blue or brown?

Guh, I wouldn't be
caught dead in either one.

I want to write a letter.

I'll write it for
you, if you want.

No, I spent two years in this
hole learning how to write.

I'll write it myself.


No sharp objects
allowed in the cell.

How can I do myself
in with a pencil?

It's personal.

All right, OK, but, uh,
um, don't pay attention.

Dear Rosie--

Can the person
getting this read?

[sighs] Someone
will read it to her.

Hey, Rosie, what up?

I know you got out
a couple months ago.

Don't put the ums in there.

Uh, I know you got out
a couple months ago.

And I figure you haven't come
by because some suck ass lawyer

is, uh, telling you not to.

That's OK.

I'm waiting for a stay.

It is getting pretty
tight this time.

If those dogs do this to me,
would you please be there?

Um, please be there
if that happens.

Anyway, uh, I miss you.

Stay out of trouble.


me to roll over on him,

and I ain't going to do it.

Rosie, they're going
to go after Ronnie

no matter what you say.

What you've got to decide is
if you're going to go with him.

[huffs] Well, I
ain't making no deals.

Is going to jail for
the rest of your life

going to help Ronnie?

What happened the night
Officer Washington was shot?

What about the guy in
the convenience store?

Did Ronnie sh**t him so
there'd be no witnesses?

Or did he get scared?

You're a real
bastard, you know that?

We're not leaving
here until you tell us.


He'd blow you in just
to save his own ass.

He ain't talking because
he's trying to save my ass.

Save your ass from what?

Did you k*ll that guy?


Ronnie had me hold the g*n,
you know, like for insurance.

But we weren't going
to use it or nothing.

But the guy in the
store, he lowered

his hand underneath the counter
like he was going for his g*n.

Is that the truth?

It was our only chance,
you know, to get out.

We didn't mean to hurt nobody.

I think I can get Ronnie
Seebok tried as an adult.

Well, what about the girl?


But she has no priors.

She was an innocent
agent in the case.

Good behavior, two
and a half, three max.

She pulled the trigger.

Yeah, but the whole
thing was his idea.

Special circumstances
felony, that's all we need.

Well, what's going
to happen to him?

A needle, I hope.

On the convenience
store k*lling?

It's all we got.

The evidence on Officer
Washington's death

was purely circumstantial.

The case would be
demolished in court.

Even though we
know he k*lled Dary.


So by prosecuting him to the
fullest on this other case--

Justice is served.


You know, it is
possible that Ronnie

shot Dary out of self-defense.

None of this matters anyway.

It's a different case.

And bottom line, Seebok has
a court appointed attorney.

The guy couldn't get
him off a toilet seat.

We're fine.

Look, we're trying to
revenge a sh**ting that

might have been unintentional.

Ronnie Seebok has a million
arrests and no convictions.

We've been trying to
nail this guy for years.

We have two dead
bodies, one of whom

happens to be a fellow officer.

And we know that
Ronnie committed one

if not both of those murders.

Now, I think it's time that
justice works for our side.

Determining what is fair
and just is never easy.

In this case, the death penalty
is not the moral equivalent

of m*rder but rather
the bonding together

of our society in an attempt
to discourage actions

like those of Ronald Seebok.

We as a group have spoken
so that Ronald Seebok

and others like him have
no choice but to listen

and to understand.

[music playing]

I heard you were
back, sweet thing.

Welcome home.

Hey, Reg.

Looking fresh, girl.

Come on in.

Nah, that's all right.

I gotta get home.


I guess you heard.

There's been a few changes
around here since you

and Ronnie got jammed.

What kind of changes?

I look after the business now.

You don't clear it with me, it
doesn't happen at the Piedmont.


Of course, Ronnie
is still king.

Wouldn't want to mess with that.

[sighs] Yeah, well,
Ronnie screwed up.

We both did.

You hear he's on the row now?

Yeah, I heard.

They're going to mainline him.

Ronnie doesn't even give a damn.

What is this?


You wanted color.

I want it a color picture.

[music playing]

Project Galileo

began years ago when NASA's
Jet Propulsion Laboratory

decided the next
spacecraft would

be targeted solely for Jupiter.

You like that stuff?

Yeah, I look at stars.

So does my grandson.

He's a dreamer.

He wants to be an astronaut.

Hm, that'd be cool.

HOST (ON TV): In , Galileo
will enter Jupiter's orbit

and transmit back to Earth
pictures of the planet

that, at this point,
we can only imagine.

OFFICER: Five years to
get that thing up there?

It's far.

Grandkid will be
in , probably

be into cars by then, girls
too, the way kids are today.

[music playing]


I ain't doing no tapes.


Me too.

Is there any way I
can change your mind?


You said them kids
down there think I'm

some sort of hero or something.

I couldn't do nothing
to change that, man.

If this happens to me,
would you be there, please?

[music playing]



MAN (ON TV): [speaking spanish]

Rosie, Rosie.

[speaking spanish]

[speaking spanish]

You are the one who reads.

MAN (ON TV): [speaking spanish]

[speaking spanish]


MAN (ON TV): [speaking spanish]

The program said, uh, that
the Milky Way Galaxy, which

is our galaxy, and others
are being pulled towards,

uh, this thing called--

wait-- the great attract--

the great attractor.

It's a-- but man, you know,
it made me feel weird.

You sure you don't want
to talk to a-- a chaplain?

[door opening]

Just like you ordered.

The chef made it himself.

Um, these chemicals, are
they going to make me sick?

Because if I'm
going to get sick,

I don't want to be eating.

You'll be OK.

[music playing]

[door opening]

[cell opening]


The phone line is open if the
state executive orders a stay.


We have to go to
the other room now.

Ronald Seebok, I have a warrant
from this state which sentences

you to death by lethal
injection for the m*rder

of Robert Cooper.

You can make a
statement at this time.


[music playing]


[theme music]