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04x25 - Everyday Is Christmas

Posted: 09/17/22 19:03
by bunniefuu
What's this?

What's the matter?

Don't you like my [inaudible]?

I don't like this, man.

You're always doing
this to me, man.

I've had it.

I'll be back right now.

That's it.

I hate you.

Nobody messes with me.

I'm coming back for you.

One happy customer.

Probably didn't honor
his double coupons.

It's minutes since
the last time you looked.

It's minutes past
the end of the shift.

I think your snitch
gave us a load of crap.

Hey, my guy is reliable.

Never trust a snitch.

[car phone ringing]



Yeah, OK.

My kid cut himself.

Is he all right?

They got him down at County.

Let's go, OK?

Wait, wait.


We're on duty here.

He's hurt.

He's bleeding.

Look, he's going to be OK.

He's at the hospital, right?

I mean, what can you do there?



I can't believe this.

We're going to have
to call for backup.

Adam requesting backup
Sycamore and Oakdale.

There, you got your back.

Now get the hell out.



Hi, Doug.


You're in a lot
of trouble, Doug.

[theme music]

[theme song] We never
thought of finding

the place where we belong.

Don't have to stand alone.

We'll never let you fall.

We don't need permission
to decide what you believe.

We said jump, down
on Jump Street.

I said jump, down
on Jump Street.

Your friends will be there
when your back is to the wall.

You'll find you'll
need us because there's

no one else to call.

When it was hopeless a
decision what you need.

You better be ready
to, be ready to jump.

Jump Street.

As of now, you're removed
from the Jump Street program.

It was a family crisis.

You left your partner
in a dangerous situation.

Under any other condition
you'd be suspended.

Do you think that's unfair?

You report to the rd
Precinct immediately.

Who are these new
guys on the watch?

Penhall's a transfer in
from that Jump Street thing.

They booted him for
disciplinary reasons.

Yeah, what about the rookie?

Dean Garrett.

Still checking.

Something funny about him.

- You Penhall or Garrett?
- Doug Penhall.

I'm Wolf.

Welcome to the
rd, the city's

dumping ground for
washouts and rejects.

Hey, how you doing?

Hey, Penhall,
that hat fit you?

It looks big.

It is a little.

Hey, wait a
minute, try this one.

and / .

That should fit you perfectly.

Thanks a lot.

No, it's too small.

Little too small, thanks anyway.

The oldest policeman's first
day on the watch gag there is.

So welcome to the Wolf Pack.


Sell dr*gs here, see how
all the crimes go down.

Here everything's dope
related, you know?

Hey, Officer,
you got the time?

What am I, a wristwatch?

Where does it say Officer Timex.

Go on.

Get out of here.

So we lost the w*r
on dr*gs years

before they coined the phrase.

The guys in charge just
turned their heads,

gave it up, left us here to
try to make them look good.

You put the average cop up
against the average junkie

and times out of
the junkie wins.

In a blowout.

Come on.

We've got a lot of good guys.

Oh, yeah.

The best.

I love our boys, but
it ain't up to us.

It's the guys in
charge, it's the courts.

Because once we take
these hopheads down,

they got no place to put them.


It ain't up to us, Dougie.
Let's roll.


What's the damage?

No pay for police.

Dougie, come on.

We run a tab here.

What's my half?

You're half is
zero just like mine.

Come on.


You embarrassed them
with your money, Penhall.

We keep a tab everywhere we go.

When do we pay the bill?

Every month?

Every time we drive by.

It's expected.

It's the way the police
work in the old country,

it's the way it works here.

What, we got a problem?

No, I just been catching
a lot of heat lately.

Doug, you don't have to
worry about Internal Affairs

down here.

Chinese people are very tight.

They don't work for strangers.

You gotta take advantage
of the way it is.

Man, you got a lot to
learn if you're going

to run with the Wolf Pack.

You gotta make it look
like it's their idea.

Come on.

Good afternoon, sir.

What did I do?

Well, sir, perhaps
you failed to notice,

but the light at the last
intersection was red.

Two other cars
ran the same light.

Why'd you pull me over?

Because you were
the worst offender.

May I see your license, please?

Hey, Dougie, what
day is it today?

April nd.


I thought every
day was Christmas.

Pardon me, Officer.

I was just admiring your pen.

You wouldn't consider
selling it by chance?

This is a very expensive pen.

What do they run?

$ ?

Have a nice day, sir.

Every day's Christmas, huh?

Ho ho ho.

So you get how it works?

It didn't work that
way at Jump Street.

Oh, well, this
ain't high school.

This is how the real world runs.

If you don't use
it, it uses you.

You're a good guy, Dougie.

I think you can hang
with the Wolf Pack.

We're doing a little
run later tonight,

you're welcome to join us.

Think about it.

Hey, guys, we
might have problems.

What's up?

Found out about that
new kid transferring in.

Name's Dean Garrett.

Kennedy's got a friend who went
through the Academy with him.


Garrett graduated
middle s, but Kennedy

says the kid is razor sharp.

Think he purposely missed
questions on the exam

to keep from graduating
top of the class.

Hey, how come
he didn't transfer

in with Kennedy's friend?

Got a six week leave of
absence for family reasons.

Now what kind of
pull does a rookie

have to get time off like that?

You think this guy's a
plant from Internal Affairs?

Ah, come on, it just
sounds like a rumor.

I don't think we
should freak out.


OK, we're up.

Let's do it.

Stay right there.

[inaudible] cockroach.

Interlock your
fingers above your head.

Get up.

Spread your legs.

Get up against the wall.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Save it, man.

I'll be on the street
in the morning.

Shut up.

What are you doing?

That's evidence.

This is going to hurt them
a lot more that any courtroom.

You're one lucky
hophead, you know that?

We're gonna have to let you
go due to lack of evidence.


You have a nice night, huh?

Let's go.

Here we go, boys.

All right.


Thank you.

Go on, Dougie.

That's the dealer's money.


Remember how I told you
the guys in charge gave up?

What they gave up, we take back.

Take the money.

Hey, I heard there's going
to be an inspection at roll.

Ah, great.

Hey, anyone seen Officer IAD?

He's probably up in the Cap's
office putting on the wire.

Hey, I thought a guy was
innocent until proven guilty.

Not in the rd.

Kid could be
just a dumb rookie.

We should still watch
what we say around him.

Even better if one of us
stays with him the whole time,

just in case he happens to
be there when we make a run.

Seniority, Dougie.


I got a buddy of mine
that's a union rep.

He can let us know
if Garrett's IAD.

Till then, he's out of here.

$! the kid overslept.

$ he's sitting down
at the th precinct.

[interposing voices]


Gentlemen, Dean Garrett.


Well, welcome to
the rd, Garrett.

Thank you, sir.

It's great to be here.

Really great.

Are you a cop's cop, Garrett?


Well, you know, I mean,
if I was to say cut you,

what color would you please?

Oh, hey, blue, sir.

Absolutely, through and through.

Baby blue.


Why'd you become a policeman?

To protect and serve, sir.

Got a regular TJ Hooker here.

I don't believe you, TJ.


In fact, I know.

Right now, you're monkey chow.

Look at you.

You're stiff as can be.

You're a bad cop.

You want to know why?

A good cop knows
right from wrong.

That's it.

You clearly don't know your
ass from a light socket,

because you're
standing at my chair.

And that, Officer, is wrong.

Dead wrong.

Hey, I didn't know.

Well, this area here, this
is for the boys who know what

side the bread is buttered on.

Listen, why don't you pick
up your baby blue Huggies

and head up front so you can
hear the Sergeant real good.

Because you got a
lot to learn, TJ.

A lot.

Good morning.

What's the gag?

I heard there's going to
be an inspector here today?

Oh, man.

I can only guess where you've
all been sticking your heads.

Hey, clown, payback's a bitch.

So I detect a
bit of an accent.


You called it.

New York City, New York.

Greatest city in the world.

It's open hours a day.

Sometimes we don't
even go out till :

AM, me and my buddies.

Well, if it's so
great, why'd you lave?

Well, actually, I'm from
Moonachie, New Jersey.

It's kind of the
Meadowlands, sports complex.

Giants, Devils, Lawrence
Taylor, Jimmy Hoffa.

Yeah, I think I heard of it.

I kind of worked for a ticket
scalper there when I was a kid,

so I got to see a
lot of great games.

I feel like I grew up
in the upper decks,

you know, with all the
tickets I couldn't sell.

Grew up?

Look like you could
still be in high school.

How old are you?

this July.

I don't want to sound
like a wuss or nothing,

you know, and I know
all about initiations

and earn your wings, but what
was the deal at roll call

this morning?

I mean, you guys want to hassle
me because I'm a rookie, no,

hey, I expect that, but
you guys act like I whacked

your mothers or something.

What's going on?

How does a rookie
get six weeks

off fresh out of the Academy?

I had some stuff
to take care of.


You guys are mad at me
because I took some time off?

It's no big deal,
just some bad timing.

Oh, hey, no problem, Deano,
why don't you come to my place

later, we'll throw
back some beers,

listen to some Creedence albums.

What are you doing?

That guy ditched his
trash when he saw us.

That guy with the jacket?


It was a grocery bag, a big one.

Hey, hey, where you going?

Hey, red jacket,
stop right there.

What, man?

Why you got to hassle me--

Shut up, hemorrhoid.

I suppose you were only
taking out the trash.

You, look, we can
work something out.

I got some cash.


Oh, come on, pig.

It wasn't even my baby.


You got it?

Got it.

What's with laughing boy?

Garrett nailed a guy today for
disposing of a stillborn that

died from its mother's habit.

Did a little
dumpster diving, huh?

You're sick.

Mr. Lee, what is
this, third time now?

Those bastards.

Yeah, three times.


You know it seems to me
you could use an extra eye

kept on your place.

You mean a security guard?

No, what are you going
to do, hire a door slammer?

He's just going to
fall asleep on you.

We'd be willing, but there's
just so darn much patrol

on the rd, you know.

I'll tell you what,
$ a week, and that'll

hire you the extra eye.

I see.

$ ?

Yeah, yeah, $ .

You think about it, and
we'll come back tomorrow

and check it out with you.


Son-of-a-bitch, we just
collared him this morning.

That's how things work.

Faster you learn, the
less crazy you get.

And as you probably heard, an
officer went down in the th.

He was hit in the
head and chest.

His partner went after
the suspect, took him

into custody without incident.

Partner, if I ever go
down, I do not want the guy

taken away in a police car.

I want him in a coroner's van.


And I sure as hell don't want
to be there with the bagpipes

playing while some ACLU
lawyer gets the scumbag off.

Something you can work
out with your partner.

Now, there's no other
questions, let's get out there.


Let's go.

Hey, Dougie, Wolf
Packs gonna meet

at Mr. Lee's for code seven.

Ditch Officer IAD and we'll
split up the dead presidents.

Hey, hey, what did
you do with TJ Hooker?

Left him at the
Chinese restaurant.

Told him to order for us.
- Good.


Listen, a you wait here.

I'm going to teach Dougie
here how to collect.

Come on, Dougie.

Hey, sorry, I don't
know what happened.

Could I just get
a check, please?


No pay for police.

Oh, no, no, really.
I can't.

I'm not allowed.



Thanks a lot.

Oh, I just forgot something.

Where's Mr. Lee?

He's at the wholesaler.

Are you Officer Wolfe?

Yeah, that's right,
you got something for us?



Tell Mr. Lee thanks very
much, and see him next week.

And the next day
when Geppetto awoke,

Pinocchio was a real life boy.

You sleep tight.

See you later, K?


I gotta get a new apartment
so he can have his own room.

He's so cute.

I sure envy you.


Make up a story, then you go.

You know, I never realized.

I mean, I never thought things
that were years down the road.

Like what, PTA meetings?

No, fear.

I have this fear.

Ever since I got Clavo, I
have this fear like I'm going

to die before he grows up.

I won't be able to
provide for him.

There's this young
cop I'm working with.

He's just like me.

It'll be years before
he thinks he's mortal,

you know what I mean?

I've been hearing
some rumors around--


You mean, Ioki.

What's he doing in there?

Well, that's pretty
easy to figure out.

The question is what
were you doing there?

It's not like Jump Street.

It's, uh-- unless you're there.

I want out of the assignment.


Personal reasons.

What, you know the family
that owns the appliance store?


Love life?



I don't--

I just want out.

Look, Harry, good
undercover Asian officers

aren't easy to come by.
I really need you on this one.

There's other ways
to sting the rd.

Yeah, but not this tight.

I've already talked
to narcotics.

They're ready to move to
the next step on this one.

Why are we working so
hard to bust our own guys?

If they're doing what
they're accused of,

they're not police officers.

They're just as bad as any
of that crap out there.

Look, Harry, your job is
to do the best you can.

Don't worry about
what others are doing.

Hey, cops.

Hey, don't go.

Come on.

We just got here.

, your love.

Someone was on a roll.

Those guys in the alley
need it more than we do.

Hope you're not angry about
what happened the other day.

That was just an
initiation type thing.

Come on, Doug.

Call it what it is, you
ditched me, you know.


I looked so forward
to joining the force,

the brotherhood, because I
thought it was all a*t*matic.

It takes time.

You've got to earn
everybody's trust.

Why don't you guys trust me?

What was that thing
the Sarge said

to work out between partners?

You have to work
out an understanding

between you and your partner.

If he goes down, do
you attend to him

or do you pursue the assailant?

We go after the guy.

Why do you say that?

Isn't that what
everybody else would do?

I have a nephew that
I'm taking care of,

and his mother is in a
real dangerous place,

more dangerous
than this precinct.

If I die, I'm never going to see
him play Little League baseball

or get lovesick or
nothing like that.

So if I go down, you
call an ambulance.

You don't go after the guy.

You understand that?


Yeah, sure.

What was that thing they
said about the bagpipes.

Is that somehow to fit in?

Yeah, kind of.

They play bagpipes at
police officers funerals.


I guess I'll cancel my
lessons with Mr. McGillicuddy.

That's very funny.

Think so?

Hey, in the parking lot.

Call for backup.

Dean, Dean, Dean.

Just cover me, all right?

Just put the crowbar down.

Just cool it.

Just take it easy now.

Freeze, [inaudible]
or I splatter

his shirt with your brains.

Get him out of here.

Doug, you OK?

I think it's OK.

What do you
think you're doing?

One of the guys
who slammed Penhall.

Why'd you split up?

You should have
waited for backup.

I did what you
guys would have done.

What the hell do you
care what we would do?

Because I am
part of this watch.

You are a snitch.

Man, you are freaking.

If you're wired, you're dead.

OK, but I meant what I
said, you show up with an IA

microphone or a recorder--

I meant what I said.

You show up with an IA
microphone or a recorder--

Hey, can we get some help?

Hey, what are you doing here?

Where's Mr. Lee?

I got your money up front.

Oh, OK.

Here you go.

Thank you.

Have a good day.

Excuse me, guys,
could I just--


Hey, you know that
Lee's Appliance?


We found out that they're
fronting for a drug dealer.

That $ a week we've been
getting, it's chump change.

We got to make a
run on the place.

Got to distract
Garrett somehow.

No, we don't have to.

Why not?

He's not Internal Affairs.



I talked to that
Union guy, right,

and he said that
Garrett's six week leave

really was family problems.

What was the reason?

I don't know.

Who cares?

Sick mother, flaky sister.

Main thing is Garrett's
not our internal snitch.

Thought he acted a little too
Dudley Do Right to be a snitch.

Hey, why don't we
make it up to him?

What are you saying?

That we should bring him in
on this appliance store thing?

Oh, no, leave him out of it.

Now, wait a minute.

A little extra change won't
hurt the kid's pockets.

What do you think, Chief?

I'm a little
worried about a rookie

getting diarrhea of the mouth.

Let's take a vote on it.

I say, we owe him.

Me too.



It's the kid' choice.


I don't have a
problem with it.


I'll talk to the kid.


My kid's asleep,
what do you want?

I talked to Wolfe.

You too, Doug?

Man, I looked up to you.

You know, OK, when I was a kid,
everybody hated cops, right?

I mean, you're uncool if
you didn't feel that way.

But this one time I liked
this girl, Rosie Vovolino,

seventh grade, and Keith
Sharpelley, my enemy for life,

he told her in
front of everybody

at the Shove Park Ice Rink.

He's said douche.

I wanted to die.

So while he's playing
pinball, I tilted his game.

I called him a fat
pig, because he was.

And then I ran out in the ice.

He couldn't skate.

And everybody's coming
up to me, telling

me, oh, he's going to k*ll you.

He's going to k*ll you.

And I stayed out on the
ice for about two hours.

I was scared to freaking death.


I finally, I cut
out the back door.

I'm hauling ass home.

It's snowing real
bad, and I hear him.

I hear him coming after me.

And there I was
in the snow alone,

and I kind of freaked
being alone, and I fell.

And he grabbed me, and just
when he's about the cave

my skull in, the snow all
around goes red and blue,

and there was a cop in a car.

And he says over the PA
to Sharpelley, let him go.

And then he drove along with
me home about two blocks away,

and from then on, I always
thought about cops differently.

You know, whenever kids
would trash them in school,

in my mind, I'd say,
no, I think cops are OK,

because I thought
that they really were

there to protect and serve.

They are.

Doug, how can you say that?

It's a childish ideal.

I'm sorry for having
believed in it for so long.

Don't quit on me here.

You gotta-- gotta
hold on to that stuff.

Forget it, man, it's gone.

You took it away.

And that's when they plan
to hit the appliance store?


You've been more than
cooperative, Officer Penhall.

When this is done,
you'll be reinstated

to the Jump Street program.

I'm not going to be there
when you make the pinch.

You've got to.

I may be inadvertently
causing a good cop to go bad.

Good cops don't go bad.

This kid won't,
because I won't be there,

and I think he'll
follow my lead.

All right, we'll
work around you.

OK, so there'll be surveillance
cameras here and here.

Two SWAT team members
will flank the operation.

officers at set
locals will move in

after their transaction.

Are any of the targets
actually Internal Affairs?

No, all the targets, uniformed
officers, will be bad cops.

Our undercover IAD officer will
moved out before the operation.

Right, Reed?

That's right.

The suspects will be meeting
at a Chinese restaurant.

Once you're there, our man
will get an urgent phone

call about a family crisis.


So if we're all in
sync, let's take them.

So Dean, are you in or out?

My partner's in, I'm in.

OK, so you're in.

OK, there's just
one other thing,

and it's kind of last
minute to bring it up.


Well, we've never--

we've never ripped off an
oriental dealer before.

He's not just going to
lay down and roll over.

They've got a habit of
coming from the pocket

to protect their goods.


So, one of us is going to have
to keep his on the chinaman

and not hesitate to
put him down if--

I'll do it.

Are you sure?

Yeah, I'll do it.

Doug Penhall?


That's me.


Thank you.



Yeah, don't worry about it.


Everything OK?

Babysitter, nightly panic.


Let's roll, partners.

Ioki, here they come.

OK, Otto, Murray,
take the back.

McCurry, wait here.

Don't move, you stay right
there on that [inaudible]..

A little lesson will learn
him about running dr*gs

in the rd.

OK, Doug, put the g*n down.

I'm IAD.

You are?

Put the g*n down, Doug.

All right.

Hey, what's going on?

You're all under arrest.

No, he's IA.

He's IA.

- Hey, hey.
- Kid's clean.

Back off.

I wonder if this ever
happened to the cop who

saved me from Keith Sharpelley.

It really sucks what
they did to you.

Some choice they gave me.

Work with IA to bust bad cops
or be suspended without pay.

No, I'm talking
about the sting.

I mean, keeping you and Ioki
both in the dark like that.

I was in so deep,
IA just told Fuller

it was best for my
protection that nobody knew.

Not the first IA screw up.

Well, you're not the last.

This is it.

This is a chapel?


It' no St. Patrick's.

Well, it shouldn't be.

St. Patrick's is a cathedral.

This is merely a chapel.

You have to get
technical every time I

frigging talk to you?


Let's not get off
on the wrong foot.

I don't want my first day to
be like my last first day.

Yeah, all right.

Welcome to Jump Street.

[music playing]