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03x04 - episode 4

Posted: 09/18/22 15:52
by bunniefuu
- How does the w*apon work?

- It affects neuronal functions.

- Find out how they will attack.

- If that's your goal,
you have to free me.

- On the inside. Down !
Drop the phone.

Bill, here we go.

- I isolated the damaged
part of the cerebral cortex.

The overstimulation of the
neurons caused an attack.

Their brains shut down.

- That's what they're going to do to us.

- I exposed myself to light.

♪- Sequelae ?
- I think I passed

in a parallel reality.

♪A space-time alternative.

- Consciousness and
quantum entanglement

are linked.

She moans.

- Sophie?

- I was in London

and there was something in the sky.

We lived in the
basement of an art gallery.

dark music

- Who are you ?
- I'm looking for my sister.

- Where are you from

I am alive ?

- Yes.

When did the black hole appear?

- After Bill left.

People started convulsing,

the crises were more violent.

And if you stay out too much,

your brain is shutting down.

(- Sorry.)



- Don't waste your life like me.

Take advantage of it.

- I'm going to try.

- You're a good boy, Tom.


- Do you trust Zoe?

- She's risking a lot by
getting involved like that.

So yes, I trust her.

- OK, I understand.

- What ?

- You like her, right?

Yeah, you totally love it!

Do you want me to go talk to him?

That I prepare the ground for you?

Anyway, don't hesitate.

Oh ?

police sirens

Go away.


Circulate. Nothing to see.


Your guy is super wanted.

Yesterday, on returning,

I had to go through a barrage of cops.



- Hello ?

♪- This is Tom
Gresham, Emily's brother.

-Tom! Hi.

- Why ask me about his tattoo?

- People have the same tattoo.

I look for them.


♪- Can we see each other?

Soft, disturbing music


- He looks like he came alone.

- We have to be sure.


- What are you doing ?


- Hi, Tom.

- What ?
- Does anyone know we're seeing each other?

- Nope.

- Your phone.

This is where you get off.


- Why did you call?


- Someone has the same tattoo.

- Who ? Who is it ?

- Her name is Martha.

I thought it was my girlfriend.

She hid her tattoo from me.

- Where is she ?

- I don't know.

- She has an address. Where does she live?

- No idea.

See you at my house from the start.

I found sleeping
pills in his bag.

I think she was sh**ting me.

Who is this girl ?

Why does she have this tattoo?
- It belongs

of a group that is
plotting against us.

- That's crazy.

- Contact her and
agree on an appointment.

- Why ?

- They could k*ll

many people.

We have to stop them.

- You saved Bill Ward.

I recognize you.
I saw the pictures.

- Bill is helping
us stop this attack.

- I want to see him.

If I see him, it's
OK for Martha.

- Why ?

- I want to ask him
why he k*lled my sister.


- I try to reach Catherine, but
nothing to do, she doesn't answer.


- Do you think something
happened to him?


- I don't know.

dramatic music


- Aren't you breastfeeding her?
- At the beginning, yes,

but it was horrible,
she was just biting me.

- Isn't it better?

- You want to try ?

- No no. Katherine laughs.

I slept with Johannes.

- Oh, finally!

But finally !

How long he's been waiting for!

- Sophia...
- How was it?

- It was...


- Oh, was that good?

- I hid from him what
I was going to do.

He stopped me.

Celine moans

- And what happens to
you in the other world?

Are we together too?

Sad music

- Yeah...

I don't know if we can perceive
several realities simultaneously.

- Are you worried?

- I am here with you,

with Celine.

What more ?

- You're done!

It's nap time.

(- Sleep well, little shrimp.)




- You receive me ?



There is someone ?



- We were in touch

with a foreign group.

A week that we have more news.

♪Heavy breathing


- What's this ?

- What ? That ?

It's them.


You told me that's how it is

that the creatures could see,

that they communicated.


- How do I know that?

- You managed to hook
one up to a computer.

You worked on it day and night.

- Yeah...

I was there.

This is where I came back.

And she att*cked me.


- I was saying that...

the aliens could
communicate instantaneously.

That in their world, there
was neither space nor time.

Apparently, it's a
quantum physics thing.

Well, from what I understand.
Me, I don't know anything about it.

So you took me for a fool.

After all this time,
still no apologies.

- What ?

- Nothing.

♪Heavy breathing


scary music


children's laughter


- Bill?

- I k*lled his sister.

What am I going to tell him?

- I have no idea.

He sighs.

- I do not have the choice.

- He's waiting in the parking lot.

- Is Tom here?

- You said we had no choice.

- How is he?

- He's broken
because of what he did.

Honestly, what do you expect?

- He's waiting for you.


No window.

You must not know where we are.


- You k*lled my sister.

- Tom, I'm sorry.

I had no other choice!

It was the only way
to prevent the attack.

- What attack?

- Billions of lives would
have been decimated.

We were att*cked by aliens.

All those flashes

these piles of bodies,
the creatures, the attack,

all of this happened.

- What's the deal with Emily?

- She was one of them.

She and another boy,
Sacha, their children

have become aliens.

- It makes no sense.
- Listen to me !

You think that girl
chose you by chance?

I don't know what they want

but you were chosen because
you are Emily's brother.

They all have the same tattoo.

Don't believe her,
that girl is dangerous.

- Leave me alone.

- Have you had visions of us?


How do you explain it?

How do you explain
these phenomena?

- I do not know. - Very well.

Listen, you support Fulham,

Okay ?

You love rap.

You think Justin
Bieber is a big sucker.

And kid, you thought the homeless

could marry their dog, right?

- How do you know that?

- Because we knew each other.

We were very good friends.

- No that's not true !

- You must believe me !

We were att*cked,
they k*lled my wife.

They k*lled my son.

And I went back in
time to stop them.

- Yeah. By k*lling Emily?

- That's right.

I repeat to you
that I had no choice.

I did it for you

I did it for everyone else.

- I promised myself that
if I crossed your path...

I promised myself to k*ll you.

serious music


I want to go.

- Do you believe in aliens?
- Yes.

They are going to attack
us, we have to stop them.

- That Martha is
one of them, I can't...

- Believe it or
not, we had a deal.

Call her.

- What should I tell him?

- Tell her you want to see her.

- I replanted

cuttings and reset
the centrifuge.

What ?

- I just finished a video
with the center of Oxford.

Catherine entered the
lab, the accelerator running.

She passed out and convulsed.

- And now ?

- She's in the
hospital, in a coma.

- For God Sake...

- She was using my matrix.

- You're not responsible.

It was she who chose.

- I think it worked.

- What are you talking about ?

- There is enormous activity
on the electromagnetic spectrum.

I believe she is there.

- Where ?

- In a parallel world.

- These aliens operate
at the quantum level.

They understand things
you can't even imagine.

- They're smarter than us.

And so ?

- In the quantum
universe, there is no space

or time.

Several realities

can coexist at the
same time, okay?

A quantum being has many
states of consciousness.

They can feel all the states
at the same time. Must use it.

- To do what ?

- Join the other world.

We have to stop the
effects of the black hole.

- That would allow us to go up?
- Maybe.

I do not know.

- How do we do that?

- You need one of the creatures,

I could use their
brains like a computer.

- Do you see any creatures here?
Me no.

- I saw one on the way here.

She was playing with a ball.

- On the surface,
they are harmless.

The waves fried their brains.

- It will be the same
for you if you go out.

- Let's take the risk.

gravitational waves

of the black hole affect
the other dimension.

- That's to say ?

- Where I come from,
people have flashes,

visions of this world.

- Me, for example, I see things?

- Yes. - What ?

What ? Something happened ?

Tell me, Katherine.

- What you saw of this
world became real for you.

You needed help, care.

- What care?

serious music

- You were institutionalized.

- I was interned?


You mean I've gone crazy?

- You were caught between two worlds.

It was too much for you.

- But I will recover?

What ?

Bah, Catherine, speak!


- You are dead.


- What do you mean, I'm dead?

- You ran away from the hospital.

You were walking on a
road, a truck ran you over.


- What ?

- I do not know.


There is a problem ?

- No. Everything is fine.



Where are you going ?

- In the toilet.




- She has doubts.

- Where is she ?

disturbing music

- She went to the bathroom.


Zoe ?

Whore !


- What did you do to her?

- It's okay, she's not dead.
You should go.

- I want to be at the interrogation.
- You're not coming.

- Who will she talk to
more easily, you or me?

I just want to help.

- Get on.

Footsteps approach.

Lay her down.

Hold his head.


- You'll drown her!

- We shouldn't have taken you.


- Zoe ?


Zoe !

Martha coughs.



- Look at me!

He can do nothing for you.

Where are the other aliens?

- I don't understand
what you're saying.

- Don't lie!
We know who you are!

- What were you doing to her? Eh ?

- What were you doing to her?

Answer me !

- I was drawing blood. - Why ?

- For my brother.

He's sick.

- His organs are failing.

His body is rejecting
the stem cells.

You draw Tom's blood

to cure it?

- Is that what you do?

- We thought we could cure him.

- But it's not.

- We die.

- All ?
- Yes.

We will all pay for your mistake,

your people and mine.

- You don't plan to survive.
- You will die with us.

- Where are they ?

Where are the others ?

Where are they ?

- Shit !

- Where are the others ?

- I won't say.

Excuse me.

She reloads the w*apon.

- Please...

Stopped !

No Please.


- I was this close to k*lling her.

- No, you wouldn't.

- Thanks.

- What's this ?

- A video installation.

It's a pretty pretentious thing.

Celine moans

There were a lot of people

at my funeral?

- Sophie.
- What ?

This is where you see
where your real friends are.

- I didn't have time
for your funeral.

- Ah, I didn't have a funeral?

Soft music

- I was going to take care of it.

And then...

An astronaut

from the ISS sent me
data about the black hole.

- So you canceled for work.

That's you.

- It was to find you.


- It would be nice if
Celine could see the world.

- So you do want it ?

- Since when do
you ask permission?


- Do you know where we can
find one of these creatures?

- Do you remember how it works?

- I believe.

- We move fast, okay?

We are not trying to fight.

We have minutes, no more.

scary music

What exactly do we need?

Of all the beast?

- Just the brain.


We unlock the door.


- Maybe you're hungry.


I hated lying to you.

I swear it's true.

- If you don't tell Zoe
where the others are,

she won't hesitate to k*ll you.

- I'm going to die, what difference does it make?

- My blood can cure you.

I can save you.



Tom sighs.


Metallic rattles


Crash in the distance




- Attention !

I need the brain intact.
- Yeah.

There's food, take what you can.

Quick, we've been out too long.


- Please...


Katherine? Whore !


scary music


- Where are you taking me?

♪- How are you ?


I didn't mean to scare you.
How are you ?

It's because...

there was little time left.

If I had tried to
explain, we would have

already grilled.

It was the only...

the only way

to shelter you.

- What do you want from me?

- You have to help me.

By the way, I'm Sam.

- Why do you need me?

- This is...

Diffuse crash in the distance

You're welcome.

It's my mother and my father.

- I'm sorry.

I have to do what ?

- There's a hospital in King's Cross.

He's in the basement of the subway.

They can heal them there.

- How ?

- That, I don't know.

I won't be able to
take them alone.

You will help me.

We'll follow the Northern
line to Warren Street.

The Northernline...

to Warren Street,

and we change here,
without rising to the surface.

- How do you know
there's a hospital?

- A guy we met here told us.

They cured her daughter.

And other people
were there with us.

Whole families.

And they didn't come back.

- They could have been k*lled.

- I can't sit here
and watch them die.

And I can't carry them alone.

I can't leave one either.

Everything can happen.

- I have to go back to my sister

and my niece.

Come with me.

- And I abandon my parents?

- There's nothing more you can do.

And I'm sorry about that.

- We take them to the hospital,

full stop, okay?

- I am sorry.

- Unfortunately, you
leave me no choice.

- Are you going to k*ll me?

- I'm asking you to help me.

- I can't, I tell you.

- And I don't want to
abandon them, okay?

They are what I have left.

- I'm sorry.

- No, let me go!
- You stay there!

We knock.

- It's Nathan. Open the door !

- What happened ?

Sophia speaks in the distance.


- "Her cheeks were scarlet

"and her lips, like coral.

“His eyes were closed,
but his breathing, peaceful.

"She wasn't dead, just asleep."

Where is Catherine?

- I do not know.


He mumbles.


(- I won't let them k*ll you.)


(Let's go.)

(Take the stairs and go
down to the parking lot.)

(OK ?)

(Straight and then right. OK?)

Come on, go. Go!

tension music


sh**ting Scream


- She left.

- It's okay, we have it.

serious music


You were perfect.


- The next right.
