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05x10 - Number One with a b*llet

Posted: 09/19/22 08:24
by bunniefuu
What's taking him so long?

He's a little nervous.

I wanted to come
up the front steps.

I told you, the
press is out there.

There's some people out
there that could hurt you.

I'm not afraid
of those mobsters.

Well, you should be.

They make their
point with b*ll*ts.


Let's take the other elevator.

They call this music?

It sounds like somebody about
to press in on our secret.

Ah, OK.

Stay behind me.

Keep your head down.

REPORTER : Here they come.
- Ah, give us a break.

REPORTER : Are you frightened?

You're the only disc
jockey in the state

willing to testify that Payola
Drog is a known mobster.

Well, isn't that a mouthful?

Back up.

Everybody, please,
give us some room.

Stevenson, over here.

Come on, just back up!
REPORTER : One quick question.

Over here.
REPORTER : Mr. Stevenson.



REPORTER : What's going on?

Is he OK?

REPORTER : He got hit.


[suspenseful music playing]


never thought we'd

find a place where we belong.

Don't have to stand alone.

We'll never let you down.

Don't need permission to
decide what you believe.

Oh, I said jump,
down on Jump Street.

I say jump, down on Jump Street.

Your friends will be there
when your back is to the wall.

You'll find you'll
need us 'cause

there's no one else to call.

When it was hopeless, a
decision is what you need.

You better be ready
to, be ready to jump.

Jump Street.

Can you give me a
description of the sh**t?


FULLER: Penhall, you'd better
have that taken care of.

Is that an order?


No, it's not an order.

But you should see a doctor.

I'm just winged.

I'm all right.


Captain, I'd be the first
one to tell you if something

was wrong, wouldn't I?

But you're not coming into
the station today, all right?


Take the rest of the day off.


I will.

Go see your kid.


Listen, next time
the state boys need

volunteer temporary
assignments, forget my name, OK?

[laughs] Whew!


But I want my Uncle Doug.

Oh, you just come
with me for now.

He told me to never--

to never go anywhere
with people I don't know.

That's all right, Clavo.

I'm with the county.

And we're gonna see that
you're taken care of.


Hey, what's going on?

That's my kid.

Lady, hey, you just
can't take my kid!

Hey, what do you think you're--

CLAVO: I want my Uncle Doug.

Doug, I want my Uncle Doug.

They can't hear me.

What does a person think
about when they're in a coma?

I don't know.

They say it's a deep sleep.

Maybe he's dreaming.

Good dreams?


When will he wake up?

That's a hard
question to answer.

Maybe the doctor can
tell us about when

my brother will wake up.

Mr. Penhall, can I
speak to you privately?

Clavo, I'm gonna
be right outside.

It's your turn to hold his hand.

So what's the ETA
of when my brother

will be back on his feet?

Mr. Penhall, can your
parents be reached?

Uh, my parents are both dead.


I told you we removed
the b*llet in the ER.

But there's been subsequent
swelling of the brain.

Fluid is collecting
to such a degree

that it could
eventuate in his death.

I want to operate to
alleviate the pressure.

So operate.

There is a possibility
that the operation

itself could k*ll him.

Wait, you just--

you're saying either
way he could die

and that I have to decide.

DOCTOR: You're the
next of kin, yes.

Maybe I should think about it.

Can I think about it?

All right.

But if we do operate, I'd like
to do it in the next hours.

What about the witness,
that disc jockey, where's he?

Home with a case of amnesia.

Wait a minute, he isn't going
to testify against the mob?

Like the man said to the
state's attorney, "What mob?"

While Penhall
is in the hospital

from protecting this guy.

That ain't right.

State has no case,
right, captain?

We can't find not one
station manager or disc jockey

to testify that payola exists.

State's attorney asked me
if any of my undercover unit

would go into a college
station, sting these guys.

That's out of our
jurisdiction, isn't it?

That's what I told
the state's attorney.

And we're booked
solid with our cases.

It's also what I told
the state's attorney.

So when can you start?

Any time.


That's what I told
the state's attorney.

I've never made an
important decision in my life.

I always buy things
in plaid because I

can never decide on one color.

Doug always made the
important decisions, anyway,

I mean, when to eat, where
to move to, when to put

my father in for a dry out.

Wow, I could use a talk with
my old man right about now.

I mean, he's usually so sauced,
he didn't even know who I was.

But I could use his
rotten advice right now.

Do you know what I'm
afraid of, father?

I'm afraid that if I make
the wrong decision here,

Doug will beat the
crap out of me in hell.

Why do you assume
you're going to hell?

[laughs] You haven't
heard my other confessions.

Father, don't think
I'm a dink or anything,

but do you ever hear God
in that little room yours?

Hear him how?

I mean, if I sit
here long enough,

will I get the right answer?

You must listen to your heart.

I'd rather listen to God.

I came all this way
in crosstown traffic.

Listen to your heart.

Listen to my heart?

OK, then what?

That is everything.

God speaks to us
through our hearts.


Then how come I have
never heard him?

Perhaps because you were
too busy deciding if you were

going to ignore what you heard.


[laughs] This is Mac the
Attack talking at you

live from WATB, the
"what it be" station.

Hey, if you were calling in on
that last one and you heard it,

tell me if you like it.

Tell me if I should
jam it or ban it.

[horn blowing]


That'll teach you to get
too close to the radio.


Well, you, you, shut up, you.

I hate those guys.

They're a bunch of jerks.

I hate sycophants, don't you?

Gosh, you know, that's
a big word for suck-ups.

Anyway, it's
degrees out here.

And you're listening to WATB,
the "what it be" station.

Didn't I already say that?

Plug, plug, plug.

All right, this is the
very best college station

in the entire university.

That's not saying much
considering it's the only one.

Why don't you give
me a call here

and let me know if you
like this next new song.



Excuse me, do you know
where the station manager is?

I'm an independent promoter.

I'm the station manager.

What happened to
the last one, Audrey?


That's too bad.

I liked Audrey.

I'm on a tight schedule.

You want to come in the office?


My name is Barry Wells.

Nice flowers, miss?


I get flowers every day from
some label out of New York.

They actually think that'll
make me play their records.

Some people, no respect
for a professional ear.

Not like you, though, huh?

That's right, Miss Harris.

It's by a group
called X-ray Gorillas.

Great group of
guys, great sound.

Yeah, I think I heard
them my first day here.

Did you?

What'd you think?

Remember that trash I
was just throwing out?

Come on, give
'em another chance.

They're gonna be huge.

Then you can tell
me how wrong I was.

But they're not gonna get
their start on my station.

Look, why don't
we go to lunch?

I'll pop the cassette
in the car radio.

It'll sound different
on the open road.

Mr. Wells, my daddy
was a salesman, years.

You're gonna have to do
a lot better than that.

Play this tape if you
want to stay healthy.

Oh, I like that approach.

I'm serious.

Put this on the air
or you will regret it.

Get out of my office.

You are making a big mistake.

Want to tell this
to campus police?

Or you just want to
get out of my office?

MAC (ON RADIO): "Between
Something and Nothing"

is the title of that song.

And now, ho, campus update.

Greek Street's having
an open-house party

Saturday the th.

Stay sober.

Take it from Mac the Attack,
being drunk is so, so uncool.

[bell ringing]

I was never late until today.

Sorry, Clavo.

I'll call your
teacher and explain.

Doug always gets me here early.

Well, I didn't know
it was so hard to make

a left turn over there.

Doug takes the back way.


You got your books
and your pencils?

- Yeah.
- Great.

Now, get to class.

Tell your teacher
it was my fault.

Can't I go to the
hospital with you?

No, no, Doug would
want you in school.

Listen, if I decide, if
Doug goes into surgery,

I'll come and get you.

- Promise?
- Scout's honor.

Now get in there.

That's not what you say.

It's not?

What do I say?

Study hard, be good.

OK, study hard, be good.

No, that's not how.

That's not how!

Clavo, What is it?

What's the matter?

Doug watches me till I get in.

I turn, we wave, and then
he gets into his truck.

I apologize, Clavo.

I got a lot of things
on my brain here.

There's no teachers.

I should've waited
for you anyway.

And I don't know about the
things you and Doug do.

I wish I did.

I wish I could be half the
guy for you that he is.

But I'm not.

And if something
happens to Doug,

do you understand
what I'm saying here?

And if things don't turn out
the way that we'd like them to,

well, you're just gonna have
to be more patient with me,

OK, Spanky?


[laughs] Get outta here.

[mysterious music playing]

[distorted voices]

[wind rushing]

Captain Fuller, I'm
so glad to see you.

Everyone always says that.

How's your head?

I think I was more
than just winged.

What are we doing here?

Where is here?

You ask far too
many questions.


Enjoy the place.

How can I enjoy anything when
the county people took my kid?

Hey, do you think
you could help me

out with that, Captain Fuller?

My name's not
Fuller, my friend.

I'm kind of the--

the club manager here.

You're Adam Fuller.

Jump street, roll
call, o'clock.

The name is Peter, St. Peter,
actually, but I hate to brag.

Where is the camera?

I'm on film, right?

Somebody's filming me, right?

When you're finished
walking the grounds,

I'll be in the clubhouse
right over there.

What about my kid?

If you'll do as I say and
stop jawboning, you'll find out.







Whoa, last time I saw somebody
golf that bad was my old man.


What the hell!

Not hell, it's purgatory.

Come again?

I've been trying to sh**t
my way out of this place

since I got here.

Sometimes I get the
ball up on the rough,

then it rolls back down again.

You don't have to be a golfer to
know that's purgatory, do you?

How can you be talking to me?

You're dead.

Don't rub it in.

Am I dead?

Am I in purgatory?

I got my own problems.

Yeah, just like
when you were alive.

Yeah, selfish me.

I've had enough time to
think about that since I've

been in this godforsaken trap.

Let that be a lesson to you.

Who are you to give me
lessons in fatherhood?

There has to be
some reason for me

being here apart from the
sheer, repetitive hell of it.

[horn honking]


Will somebody slap me, please?

How can you joke
at a time like this?

My wife is not standing
right here in front of me.

Of course I am.

Marta, I missed you so.

We have no time for this.

Get on.

- OK.
- Get on.

All right.

Uh, you look good for
having been dead two years.

You are supposed to
be taking care of Clavo.

You'll see what I mean, Douglas.

Douglas, this is
what will happen

if you don't do something.
- Well, I tried.

They can't hear me.

No, I'm not talking about now.

Can you think
of a better time?


Who's that guy?

I don't like the looks of him.

This is what will
become of Clavo.


You can't take him
back to El Salvador.

His aunt is an enemy
of the government.

They k*lled her two years ago.

No, he can't go back.
Don't take him back.

Hey, sh.

It will all be
over soon, Douglas.


It'll all be over soon.

NURSE: OK, let's go.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Mr. Penhall, I
told you when you

left you couldn't come in here.

The principal made me
sign for him before I

could get him out of school.

You're going to have to leave.

You're contaminating
a sterile area.

The boy wants to say
goodbye, one goodbye.


[somber music playing]


I was just getting
to know you again.


[distorted voices]


Here's the tape.

I'll bring you the rest of
the money next swing through.

You know, I'm gonna like
doing business with you.

Your greed is so
much like my own.

I'm touched, truly.

I'll see you when you
have the rest of the cash.

(SINGING) But now it
seems too much for you.

Why don't you give it a try?

Don't turn on the light.

Now, darling, I don't want to
see your face if you can't--

I saw our friend leave.

Yeah, he took the bait.

Any word on Penhall?

Well, I tried to reach
Joey at the hospital,

but the switchboard is just
giving me the run-around,

you know.

Well, you want to swing
by the hospital after this?

Sure, and then we could--

What is it?

I was gonna say why don't we
go pick up Penhall on the way.

It's just, Mac, we've been
working together for five years


And it's just hard for me
to think of him as being--

it's just hard for me think
of him just not being here.

Yeah, I know.

Doctor Zuniga to radiology.

Uncle Joey?

Doctor Zuniga to radiology.

What's going on, Clavo?

I want to go home.

But Doug might wake up.

I want to go.

I want to go home.

Let me see what
I can do, OK, pal?

Damn, this thing is a sieve.

What his BP?

It was with
a pulse of one--

Uh-oh, it's down
to with a .

I don't like that.

Let's step up the pace here.

[wind blowing]

Can't let you
go in there, pal.

Uh, I need to use
the clubhouse phone.

Immigration, they have Clavo.

I still can't let you in.

I'm sick and
tired of this place.

Everybody I run into,
they give me flak.

And my head's k*lling me.

Sorry, but I've got a
list of all the new members.

And you're not on it.

Are you saying that heaven is
a clubhouse and I can't get in?

You're supposed to walk
the grounds some more.

Well, people just
walk around till its--

till it's their time?

Some people never get in.

All right, now wait a minute.

Are you saying I'm
gonna go to hell?

You're asking all
the wrong questions.

You are supposed to
walk around some more.

Could you talk to him?

Tell him-- tell him I need help.

Tell him my kid needs help.

Walk around.

Remember everything you see.

But Clavo, he needs help.

All the more
reason to remember

everything you see here.

Rough job.

Douglas James.


Greens keeping with
cuticle scissors?

Let me guess, this is
your hell for bailing out

when you had two kids to raise.

The hell was being
away from you boys.

This, this is so I don't
go crazy thinking about it.

You've got quite a mouth on
you since I saw you last.

I'm sorry.

It was either that or
let pop walk all over me.

Then I'm glad
you got the mouth.

Did you hurt yourself?

Oh, yeah, today at work.

You got so tall.

A lot of things have happened.

You should have stuck around.

Yeah, well, you have
a right to be angry.

Just don't make the same
mistake with your boy.

su1c1de is not really
an option for me.

There are many ways
to lose your life.

Sometimes you even
get a warning.

I'm not going die, ma.

What do you think
you're doing here?


Your body is back on Earth
this far away from dying,

a chip shot away.

How do you know this?

How should I know?

It's your coma.


[heartbeat thumping]

[cardiogram beeping]





Thanks for waiting up for me.


Hey, little brother.


You're here.

Yeah, how come?

You got shot at, man.

Oh, is that all?

I thought somebody took my kid.

Clavo's fine.

I sent him home with a sitter.

You need anything?


Video games?

Where's Clavo?

I told you he's home.

No, no, something's wrong.

He would be here.

Everything's fine.

You've never been
able to lie to me.

He won't come.

He said he's scared
you're gonna die.

And he doesn't want to
see you, even if you live.


He saw an ad on TV
for foster parents.


He wants me to
find him a new home.

I can't believe this.

McClellan to radiology.

OK, all right,
toward the chair here.

I'm aiming.
You aim.

All right, I'm aiming.

Ugh, don't let him
see me like this, OK?

I told him to wait down
the hall with the nurse

till I got him.

OK, and then give us
some time alone, all right?

I said I would.


I didn't know he'd be
so sick of you so soon.

Be right back.

Hey, kid.

How are you?

How you doing?

Yeah, that's what I heard.

I want to thank you
for coming down.

I know how uncomfortable
you are with me right now.

In fact, I think you're
pretty angry, huh?

No, I'm not.

Oh, no?

So it's OK if I just
go off and get shot at?

Everybody at school
says that you are a hero.

Well, that's OK for them.

They all have moms and dads.

I can be a hero to them.

You know, I'd be
real angry at my pop

if he went off and got
shot at at his job.

You would?


Yeah, there's no
three ways about it.

You know, we usually get most
angry at the people we love.

I'm really mad at you.


That's good.

That's good that
you're mad at me.

Listen, I got some news
and I think it's gonna make

you a lot happier, all right?

I think that it's better
for both of us if--

So if you want to, that's
what I'm prepared to do.


Things look a lot
better since I left.

Is this a

story or what?

Yeah, I think it is.


Hey, whoo, hi
everybody out there.

Today's temp is a
whopping degrees and

[slide whistle blowing]

The time, whoa, it's
later than you think.

You're listening to WATB,
the "what it be" station.

All right, bet you can't say
that five times fast, huh?

Hey, [lips trilling] This is Mac
the Attack talking at you live.

Tell me what you think
about this next song.

Should I, like, I don't know,
jam it or kind of ban it?

[music playing]

Now, where were we?

I got the money, you're
gonna play my song.

Yeah, $, right?

That's what we agreed on.

You know, I was getting to
think about my food bills,

Bear, and I think I'd be more
comfortable with an even ,.

That's more
than I offered you.

Now you take it or
something very bad

is gonna come your way.

Hey, hey, chill,
chill, chill, Bear.

I was just doing a little
bartering, you know?

Not in the building.

OK, your song will play next.

Why don't we go
conclude business.

You know the hell of it?

This has been a
waste of my money.

I mean, the song is
going to be a hit

with or without your play.

You really think so, huh, Bar?

I wouldn't BS you.

Let me tell you the truth.

I got a recording that's
even better than the one

you gave me.

Barry, babe, how's business?

Did I tell you that Judy
here is an electronics whiz?

A tape of your conversation.

We're gonna call it "payola."

I think that's a catchy
title, don't you?

It's gonna be number
one with a b*llet, Bar.

You're messing with
the wrong people.

Yeah, like who?

Give us a name.

All right, Mac, chill out now.

Chill out.

He knows who shot at Penhall.

You know he knows.

Who's Penhall?

Oh, he's insulting us now!

Will you let me cuff the man?

I'm trying to arrest him.

You're under arrest.

He's resisting arrest.

He's not resisting.

Are you resisting me, punk?


You always got to
go ballistic, always.

Excuse me, one minute.

Look, we take him in
clean, we don't get a name.

I'm not bringing another
battered arrest in again,

I'm not.


Five minutes,
that's all I want?

You gonna break any bones?

Four minutes.

Hey, hold on.

You disable this one, I'm
taking my name off the collar.

Hey, just a second.

No permanent damage.

I'll give you the
name of the sh**t.

It's Levinson.

Levinson what?

This guy out of Miami,
that's all I know.

If you're lying, I can't
control him next time.

I'm not.


Come on.

Oh, great, there's
your ride right now.

We timed our act perfectly.

Way to go.


What act?

The oldest one
in the book, Bar.

Hey, thanks, for
giving us a name, huh?

Watch your head getting
in that door there.

[police radio chatter]


Heard you got my sh**t.

Good job.

It was a sweet collar, buddy.

It was real sweet.

Joey sleep in this
morning, Penhall?

He's up in the locker room.

He's not having a very good day.

All right, we'll
fill him in later.

OK, folks, let's get down to the
first case of the day shall we?

Before we start, I'd like
to say something, something I

thought that I would never say.

Uh, I'm retiring from the force.

It's nothing personal.

It's just something I got to do.

Here's my w*apon and, uh--

and my badge.

It has been an honor
serving with you.

You are truly the finest.

Well, I'm glad any
time one of my officers

can leave here alive.

I do have one rule though.

I never say goodbye.

I think I'll take
an early lunch.

No goodbyes.

Not a one.

Well, it's-- it's been
great serving with you.

I'm just, I'm sorry
it wasn't longer.

You have a little, uh--


Some cream cheese.

- What, this?
- Yeah.

Are you gonna be OK?

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

I got a job.

You know, there's a guy I
went to the academy with.

He wants me to go in on
a bowling alley with him.

lanes he's got, so, you
know, it's a good deal.

All right.


I'll see ya, huh?


It's OK.

It's your life.

You and me been
through a lot together.

I'm not just talking
about the busts.

I didn't even like you
the first time I met you.

You remember that day?

You were this
skinny little girl

telling me how she was a cop.

How are you feeling?

Oh, a lot better.

You know you
shouldn't read too much,

eye strain and everything.

Yeah, the doctor said that.

You know, you got your cable.

You could watch your sports.

You still got to help me
out with the VCR timer thingy.

Doug, I must have
showed you times.

I even drew you directions.

I know.

You know, I like the
artwork on it a lot.

But I'm still missing
all my favorite cartoons.

On the worst day, you
could still make me laugh.

I really hate you for leaving.

I hate you.


I know.

I hate you, too.

Here, and this and this.

All your crap, take it.

Hit the road.

What's your problem?

Oh, you always said that
I ran out, that I quit.

Look at you.

I got a responsibility
to the kid.

What if the b*llet
doesn't miss next time?

I'd take care of Clavo.

You know, we did all right.

I love you, Joey, but
you could barely keep

the two of you in clean socks.

You can't leave.

You're my brother.

Grow up, be a man.

The kid needs me.

So you're gonna
leave all of this

to work in a bowling
alley in Bumble Rock, USA.

Well, I mean,
it's half ownership.

It's just down in Philly.

You could drive down on the
weekends between commendations.

I'm sorry, I just--

you know, we've been
apart for five years.

And you can do
whatever you want.

But I felt like I was
just getting to know you.

And-- and you're the
only family I got.

I'm always gonna
be your brother.

How's your head?

When you're not driving
me crazy, it's OK.

Uncle Doug.

Hey, Clavo.

Thanks a lot, Sam.

Come here, kid.


Remember when I told you
Joey was the second best cop

on the force?
- Yes.

Well, now he's the first
best cop on the force.

You want to give him a kiss?

You little punk.

So now am I supposed
to kiss you?

Oh, no, don't
be a knuckle head.

Here, hold on a second, OK?

OK, eat right.

Drive carefully.

I want you to have this, OK?


Come on.
- It's good luck.

Here, I wasn't wearing it
when I got shot, all right?

And mom would've
wanted you to have it.

[music playing]