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05x13 - Baby Blues

Posted: 09/19/22 08:26
by bunniefuu
[train horn honking]

I don't like your
guy by the door.

He's watching our backs.

Unless you want them?


This guy's funny.

You're gonna like this.

The Iceman comes through.


You mind putting the knife away?

That's gonna keep three
high schools supplied.

Here you go.

Thank you.

- You're under arrest.
- Ugh!


They're cops!

[g*n sh*ts]

Got this one!
You get the sh**t!

Get him!

[g*n shot]

[g*n sh*ts]


[music playing]

DRUG DEALER: You k*lled him!

You k*lled him!

[music playing]

[theme music]

We never thought we'd

find the place where we belong.

Don't have to stand alone.

We'll never let you fall.

Don't need permission to
decide what you believe.


I said jump down on Jump Street.

I said jump down on Jump Street.

Your friends will be there
when your back is to the wall.

You'll find you need us 'cause
there's no one else to call.

When it looks hopeless, a
decision's what you need.

You gotta be ready
to, be ready to jump.

Jump Street.

[siren wailing]


They're cops!

[g*n sh*ts]

MAC: Got this one!

You get the sh**t.

JOEY: Yeah!

[muffled speaking]

[g*n sh*ts]

[siren wailing]

[horn honking]




How you doing?
- th.

You're the th person
to ask met that since I

clocked in this morning.

So what have you
been telling everybody?

I'm good.

I'd be a lot better if you
gave me my w*apon back.

Not till OIS OK's
the final report.

Till then, you're on desk duty.

Till then, I'm a waste of
the taxpayers' good money.

Yeah, probably.

But it's standard
operating procedure.

Well, I don't need a desk.

I need-- what I need is work.

You k*ll a man on
Monday, and you go

back on the street on Tuesday?

I don't think so, Joey.

Climb back on the horse.

You-- you heard of
that, Captain, right?

It's not that simple, Joe.

You may want it to
be, but it's not.

I know, I've been there.

I've k*lled men in
the line of duty.

It's slow.

It's steady.

It ripples.

It comes at you when
you least expect it.

I-- I don't expect it.

That's why you're on the desk.

That's also why
you have a meeting

with the precinct psychologist.

The head shrinker?

I don't-- I don't need that BS.

Fine, fine.

Then you tell him that at
your o'clock meeting.

It's mandatory.

Captain, I'm fine.



Then the sooner you
see him, the sooner

you can be back undercover.

[phone rings]


Do I have to lie down?


This thing never works.

I don't have to lie down?

Not unless I bore you
so much, you fall down.

Come on in.

You do whatever you want.

Sit down.


I wanna leave.

All right.

I'll give you the
express treatment.


k*lled a man in
the line of duty.

And now I'm fine.


Some guys, they get
these cartoon thoughts

about running out and doing the
same thing to the next guy who

double parks.

Not me.

Glad to hear it.

How'd you sleep last night?

Uh, after the neighbors
quit fighting, great.



Breakfast OK?

Finished off last night's
pizza, as a matter of fact.

Pizza for breakfast?

Wish I had a stomach like that.

Appetite's fine.

Now last stop on the express,
given the same situation,

any concerns about freezing?

There's no such thing
as the same situation.

Good point.

Think shrinks are nuts?



Do you think we're nuts?

In four words, yes.


Well, you're really
going to love this one.


I want you to go
to this address.

A hospital?

What are you, committing me?

A visit.

Neonatal care unit.

For what?

A theory we've been throwing
around the department lately.

Says if an officer kills
in the line of duty,

he needs something

to counterbalance
what he's done.

What's at the hospital?

Babies in need of
special attention.


You want me to go to a
hospital to watch babies?

Nuts, right?
JOEY: Yeah.

Will it give me back undercover?

No guarantees.

Now this one's for you.

Is this an order?


But it'll help heal your
psyche from the trauma

of yesterday's sh**ting.

My psyche's fine.

What I need is work.

Until then, I'll be at
desk five at Jump Street.


Well, thanks.

I'll be seeing you.

I feel a lot better
about myself now.

JUDY: Eat!

We're eating.

MAC: Come on, have
a chicken wing.

I don't want a chicken wing.

Well, have a thigh.

Aren't you hungry?



Look, I know what you guys are
up to, and it's not gonna work.

What are we up to?

Well, you're trying to keep
my mind off what, what happened.

I mean, I k*lled a
bad guy and I'll live.


Well, it's just
that, you know,

we prepare for it
at the Academy.

And we practice for
it at the range.

It happened to you.




When I got shot
working Newark,

this is going to sound
crazy, but I was almost glad.


Yeah, the thing I feared
most happen, you know?

I mean, I didn't have
to wonder anymore.

I mean, I've trained
my g*n on how many guys,

and each time I'm
looking so in control.

But I'm wondering, is he
gonna put down his piece?

What if I miss?

What if I don't miss?

I get it.

You wanna know what it's
like to go all the way.

All the Academy stuff
comes back to you.

It's like you're watching
yourself in slow motion.

They say that we blink
so many times a second.

I didn't blink.

Ma ana

[music playing]

[ominous music playing]


[sighs and laughs]

Ballistics report.

OIS needs your signature.

And my w*apon?

Yeah, your stuff
cleared, but I

keep it till the final report.

Two Ls in Penhall.

I screwed up
signing my own name.

Don't worry, I initialed it.

There you go, Captain.

Look, um.
[phone rings]

Joey, you know where I live.

If you need to talk--


Uh, yeah, armed robbery?

Send him over.

Thank-- thank you.

I will.

Thank you very much.

Oh, he's here.

Thanks, dude.


They got dog ugly
secretaries down here.

Last name first.

How many words can you
type a minute, sweet thing?

OK, here's how it works.

You can talk to me.

Or I can take out your
teeth one row at a time.



Thank you.

OK, now we're getting
somewhere, Gonzalez.





Want my phone number?

Or maybe I ain't your type?

Hey, I was just
kidding, all right?

You were just kidding?
I was just kidding, man!

You don't want a date?

You were just what?

You were just what?

Joey, let it go, man.

Let it go.


You don't mess with the police.

I can't believe, man.

Joey, just let it go, man.

JUDY: What the hell is
the matter with you?

I just tagged him.

I'm-- I'm sorry.

Just let it go, man!

Just get some help, all right?



You OK?


[music playing]

Why don't you try talking
about what's on your mind?

I can't.
I can't think.

Talk it out with Dr. Reznick.

He can help you.

I don't trust those guys.

He's seen it times, Joey.

He hasn't seen me.

He doesn't know
what's inside of me.

All right, all right.

Then talk to me.

They drill you at the
Academy and they say

control this situation.

sh**t to k*ll.

sh**t to k*ll.

But they don't tell you that the
guy's not gonna get up again.

I mean, you sh**t
somebody's kid and he's

not gonna get up again.

Are you getting
any sleep at all?

I don't know what to do.

You've taken a
life, Joey, all right?

Maybe what you need to
do is give one back.

Reznick told me about the
county hospital program.

Not that baby crap.

The desk isn't doing it, Joey.

You can't go back
out on the streets.

You got any better suggestions?

Uh, excuse me.

NURSE: Sorry, not right now

I, I'm just looking
for Nurse Sullivan.

Do you know where
Nurse Sullivan is?

Step aside, step aside.

You nurses oughta take decaf.

Do you know where
Nurse Sullivan is?

You're talking to her.

Oh, great, I'm Joe Penhall.


They told me to expect to you.

Oh, yeah?


Watch off.

Now scrub down and follow me.




All the way up to the elbows.

And pull that hair back.


Look, I don't know too
much about hospitals.

Do you think I'm really
equipped to do this?

Are you drunk or high?


Then you're equipped.

Let's go.

[babies crying]

Our boarder babies.

They board here.

What's wrong with them?

Their mothers diseases
have been passed on to them

through their pregnancies,
AIDS, drug addiction.

But they're only--
they're only babies.

So were a lot
of their parents.

Most of the mothers
abandoned these kids.

The others, we
can't let them near.

These infants are literally
dying for attention.

They need to be held.

That's it.

That's all they need?


But it sure helps.

Sounds hokey, but it's true.

The drug addicteds
have a chance.

Like this one.

[babies crying]

There you go.

Come on, Baba.

Oh, I'd crush him.


Hold the head.

There you go.

I don't know about this.

Sullivan to nurses' station

- Her name is Shawn.

Sullivan to nurses' station


Oh, I'm coming, I'm coming.

She was born addicted
to crack cocaine.

She hasn't had a visitor
for almost two months.

Now what's his--
her name again?


Uh, can you-- can
you help me out here?

[babies crying]

Listen to her!

She's talking to you.

She just wants a little
company and a little food.

They're real simple.

Just use the common
sense God gave you.

She's so small.

She'll get bigger.

Just talk to her, honey.

She'll get bigger.


We'll get you some milk, OK.

Milk, milk, OK.

Look at this.

Look at that.

Oh, look at you.

Hello, Brown Eyes.


You know you can let
her rip now any time.



That was like a .
on the Richter scale.




What's the matter?


Oh, this baby's getting red!

This baby can't breathe!


This baby can't breathe!

Of course she can't breathe.

She's in the middle of her
after-feeding constitutional.

You mean she--

Oh, man!

That's right.

You're gonna learn how
to change a diaper.


It's green!

That's disgusting!

Just use a little baby powder.

I said a little.



Oh, man.

[music playing]

She sleeps.


[music playing]

- No napping on the job, Joseph.
- Oh!

Oh, I'm sorry.

I'm not the one you
need to apologize to.

Get a good night's sleep.

Your shift begins at : sharp.

[music playing]

Frank, call extension .

Dr. Frank, call extension .

[phone rings]

Uh, excuse me.

No idea where Sullivan is.

Uh, no.

No, Shawn, the boarder baby,
I was just wondering what

was going to happen to her.

Well, it depends.

If her mother can get straight.

You ever met the mom?

Met her all right.

She punched me right
here for taking

a baby away after the delivery.

Told her I had no choice.

You're the addict.

She punched ya, huh?

Some mothers
could care less what

you do with their newborns.

This one, she cried,
swore she'd get

straight, come back for her.

Do you think she will?

Put it this way.

I haven't seen her since.

What's her name?

I'm sorry, we
can't give that out.

I was just trying to help.

No problem.

Then come see her kid.


blue in ER, code blue.

Code blue in ER, code blue.

I gotta run.



Hello, Katherine Jameison.

[phone rings]

Found the address?

Yeah, Hoffs did.

Get in.

Hey, man, I'm
really sorry about--

Nah, don't worry about it.

How's your jaw?

Fine, you know.

Only hurts when I talk.

Then shut up.

You're pushing
it, you know that?

JOEY: Disgusting, huh?

This-- this-- this smack,
this is my usual, right?

My beginning.
MAN: Talkin' smack earlier.

What's up with you today?
MAC: Nice neighborhood.

MAN: Come on, man.
Throw down.

What's the number?
MAN: What is it with you, man?

You were talking smack.


You know, you can
still turn around.

Hi, sweetheart.

Does this place
have an elevator?

It's only going to be
worse up there, Joey.

look, I feel for what
you're going through, man.

- Come on, man.
- You got attached to the baby.


But all you're supposed to do
is visit her at the hospital.

Look, look, look, I'm just
gonna tie up some loose ends.

You in or out?

Guess I'm in.

[rat squeaking]

JOEY: Oh, great, someone
stole the numbers.

MAC: Yeah, well, the
mind boggles, doesn't it?

MAN: Where is it?

all of it, I swear.

MAN: You shoulda got at
least , bucks.






JOEY: I-- I-- I
don't have a g*n.

Open up!


Mac, on three.

You got it.

One, two, three!

Get the girl!

JOEY: Door on your right,
door on your right.

There's a window.
Watch it.

Watch it.
You all right, honey?

We're going to get
you an ambulance.

Leave me alone!

Hey, do you know that guy?

I don't know you guys.

We're the cops and we're
looking for Katherine Jameison.

Does she live here?


You expect your mom home soon?

Look, my mom is dead.

What did I do?

You're Katherine Jameison?

What, did I win the
lottery or something?


Do you have a girl
by the name of--


Is she all right?

- How old are you?
- .

Look, what about my daughter?

Is my daughter OK?


No, we gotta talk.

Oh, Mac, look.

Looks like crack, Joey.

It's my boyfriend's.

And I'm Elvis.

Look, you're under arrest.

You're going to the station.


You know what the worst part is?

This is the least
of your problems.

Oh, man.

I hope I heard wrong about
Katherine Jameison's bail.

No, you heard right.
I put up the money.

It's only bucks.

Well, Mac wasn't kidding.

And this girl told you that
she'll go into a program

and get straight?

That was our deal.

Joey, I read her file.

Yeah, I know.

dr*gs since junior high,
soliciting, shoplifting,

but she loves that kid.

Even the hospital admits that.


But she loves something
else a little bit more.


I, uh, wanted to thank you
for bailing me out last night.

How many times are
you going to thank me?

I told you last night, it's OK.

Katherine, this is
Detective Hoffs.


So you're gonna go into
a drug rehab program?

And then a job
placement place, yeah.

And maybe the judge will be
easy on me on my hearing.

JOEY: Eventually she'll
says she'll get Shawn out.

Officer Penhall's the
first person who's given

me a break in a long time.

Yeah, well, Officer
Penhall's a softie.

I don't know, maybe I've been
on the force a little longer.

The way I see it
is if you could do

crack while you were
pregnant with Shawn,

how's a little talk with
Joey gonna make you change?


I've tried to get
straight and I blew it.

I admit that.

But I'm gonna try again

Well, trying's nice.

Katherine, would you
excuse us for a minute?


She ever gonna get some slack?

I'm sorry, Joey.

You see a screwed up kid
and all I see is a junkie.

You oughta see her kid.


Would you be so willing
to get behind her

if there were no
baby in the picture?

But, Hoffs, there is
a baby in the picture.

Sorry about my partner.

Well, I'm sorry I can't
tell her she's wrong.

Not yet.

Well, let's not
pretend here, huh?

Do I believe you?

I do believe you
love your daughter.

They haven't even let me
see her since she was born.

I wanna hold her again so bad.

What time's rehab?


I'm gonna take the :
bus just to be sure.

You need anything, you
need anything at all,

you call, all right?

I don't know how
I can thank you.

Just get straight.

[baby cooing]

[mobile music]

Hey, you funny face.

You miss me?

How you doing?

Officer Penhall!

I wasn't sure we'd
be seeing you again.

Yeah, it's me.

Yeah, how can I not come, huh?


Look at you.

Look at you.

You gonna eat today?


You gotta eat, you know,
because we gotta get you out

of the flyweights in a big way.

You got that?

Look at you.

Hup, there goes
our red face again.

Good work.

Ms.-- Ms. Williams,
I'm gonna be changing

a diaper real soon if you
want to watch my progress.

Look at you.


You're shaking a little bit.

You cold?

We'll get this blank-- oh, I
gotta take the blanket off,

because I gotta
change you, you know?

Look at that yawn.

Sleepy time.

Well, I gotta change
your diaper first, OK?

All right?

Mrs.-- Mrs. Williams?

Is this normal?

She's shaking quite a bit.

What's wrong, Shawn?

What is it, hmm?

What's wrong?

Her eyes rolled back!

It's convulsions.

What did I do?

Push the emergency button.

- She can't take that.

That's too much shaking.

Outside, Officer.

team to the nursery stat.

She's gonna need an injection.

She just started shaking.

Is she gonna be OK?

She's in drug withdrawal.

Of course she was shaking.

Out in the hall!

We're gonna have a team in here.

Yeah but-- but--

she's right there.

rate is accelerated.

She's in the middle
of a seizure.

It started with her head
turning to the right.

[music playing]

DOCTOR: Sounds Jacksonian.

Give her one milligram diazepam.

milligrams IV stat.


Fuller told me what happened.

Any change?

Uh, they're working
on her right now.

They took her down to OR.

How you doing?

You kidding?

I'm fine.

Well, listen, I got a
little, uh, little thing here

from Hoffs.

She sent it over.

She's overtime.

Oh, and this is--
this is from me.

It's a little wind-up
thing, you know, for Shawn.

That's great.

Shawn doesn't have many toys.

I'll give it to her when she--



Uh, is she OK?

For now.

You can see her in the morning.

Uh, I gotta ask
you a question.

Is she going to be, uh, normal?

If these girls understood that
what they put into their bodies

goes straight to the womb.

Shawn was born addicted.

Her brain's been damaged.

To what extent,
we don't yet know.

That's something.


Hey, that's a
tough break, man.

She's a tough kid.

Listen, I gotta
tell you something.

Yeah, yeah, I know.

I know.

You don't believe in
the mother either.

She didn't show up, Joey.

The rehab center
called Jump Street.

She never checked in.

And Hoffs went over to her
place and nobody's seen her.


Sorry about that.

So am I. I lost
bucks bail on her.

Where you going?

Kid's gotta have
decent parents, right?

I'm gonna find her
one decent parent.

Radiologist to CCU.

What credentials do
you have to be a parent?

More than her mother,
I'll tell you that.

Well, that's not saying much.

I could do it.

What you're going through is
something called transference.

It's a simple therapy term.

Cut the mumbo jumbo.

If I try to keep
the kid, will you

give me a letter of reference?


Do you have daycare?
- I'll get it.

- Insurance?
- I'll add her on.

Are you willing to work an
extra hours a week minimum?

Shop, feed, clothe,
read to, teach to,

not to mention braces, video
games, reoccurring problems

from that child's birth?

Well, who's gonna
take care of her?

It's not your problem.

It's not my problem?

You sent me in there.

To get perspective.

Saving that girl's
life will not bring

back the guy that you k*lled.

I don't want to
bring the bastard back.

I want Shawn to have a chance.

You've done all you can do.

Your system stinks.


I know.

How do you collect
a paycheck every week?


I'm outta here.

[door slams]

The nurse on duty could
not have had her back

turned for more than a moment.

Here he is.

What's going on?

The baby, have you seen her?

No, I was with-- what's wrong?

Somebody has taken
her from recovery.


The orderly described someone
like Katherine on the floor.


I thought maybe
she had come to you.

No, Katherine stole the kid?

We think so.

Put out an APB.

Medical emergency.

The kid's sick!

OFFICER: out of .

A kidnapping occurred to
ago from the county hospital.

Victim is described as
a newborn baby girl.

Up and down every
street in the city.

No sign of them.

You went by her
apartment again?

On the hour.

I'm gonna try again.

Nothing on the radio, huh?

No, nothing.

Oh, man!

Been here since roll call.
Wants to talk to you.

About Shawn.

Now, drug babies are
almost impossible to place.

You want to rehash yesterday?

Oh, oh, you just want
me to understand.

Slow down.

I found her a home, if
everything turns out all right.


Called in a favor.

Cut some red tape.

Well, I want to meet them.

Come on, Joey.

Don't look a gift
horse in the mouth.

No, she's the
gift, understand?

They're lucky to have her,
not the other way around.

I can't do anything
right by you, can I?

Thank you.

Good luck.


How come the favor?

I don't know.

It's payday.

I wanted to earn my check.


You've been up all night, pal.

Go home.

Get some rest.

Thank you.

I'll rest when I find Shawn.

FULLER: Stay with him, guys.

I don't think he realizes
exactly what he may find.

[phone rings]

[horn honking]

You the father?

What father?

Of Katherine Jameison's kid.

I'm looking for her and Kathy.

No, but if you find them,
tell her the rent's due.

Where is she?

You deaf?

Just a little bit one
here from a g*nsh*t,

but my visions /
and my memory's

sharp as a tack, knock wood.

I remember you doing a Mike
Tyson on Kathy the other night.

I recognize you.

You didn't see jack.

I didn't see jack?

It's your word against mine.

I bet your parole officer
would love to hear that.

- How'd you know I'm on parole?
- I didn't.

Where are they?

Beat it.


I caught the wrong
bus to rehab and--

Save it.

I just want the kid.

She's gone.


What do you mean she's gone?

Where has she gone?

I can't get straight.

She deserves more than that.

So I found her a decent home.

So you just found a real
generous couple, is that it?

A lawyer's handling it.

It's all legal.

You sold her, didn't you?

You sold her to buy dr*gs.

You sold her to buy dr*gs!

They gave me the money!

I didn't ask!

You're a real poster girl for
birth control, you know that?

He said it was legal!

No, it's not legal.

Let's go.

[katherine crying]

JOEY: You sure that's him?

His office is on
the second floor.

I'll call for backup.

Better get an ambulance, too.

Let's hit it.

Where's the baby?

Who do you think you are?

The last people you wanna see.

Where's the baby?

She's being remanded to me.

You got a search warrant?

Shut up.

You find her?

Oh, man.


She OK?


MAC: Joey, is she OK?






[shawn coos]

Hey, Brown Eyes.

MAC: Joey?

She's alive.

[siren wailing]

This guy's friendly.

Trust me.

You got her?

You got her head?

[music playing]

[siren wailing]

We're taking you
to the hospital.

Try to hold on, Shawn.

Please, come on, for me.

Just one more time.

I'm gonna dance at your wedding.

You hear me?

I'm gonna dance at your wedding.

That's a promise.

Sorry about how
things worked out.

Reznick placed Shawn
with a real nice couple.

You don't like them?

No, no, I mean letting
Reznick send you to the hospital

in the first place.

Well, the guy I shot, he
must've made , bad choices

to end up where he did.

Shawn never had a choice.

So I made a few for her.

Oh, um, you left something
here the other night.

Shawn's bear.

And one other thing.

Good to have you back.

Glad to be back.

[music playing]

[theme music]




[music playing]