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05x15 - In the Name of Love

Posted: 09/19/22 08:27
by bunniefuu
[horn blowing]

You wanted to see
me, Mr. Burnback?

Ah, yes, Alex.

How are you?

Good, sir.
Very good.


How's Joan and the kids?

- Oh, they're great.
- Good.

Thanks for asking.

Is that your shipping
ledger for this month?

Yes, sir.

May I?

Thank you.

Is there anything else, sir.

Yes, there is.

I'd like your keys.

My keys, sir?


Your master key and
your office key.


Thank you.

It's going to be
a little change.

You're not firing me, are you?

Let's just say I'm
terminating your contract.



We did our usual check
of the phone logs, Alex.

You made four calls last month
to a man called Robert Plum.

Robert Plum works for the FBI.

No, sir.

There's been a mistake.

Somebody's been using my phone.


Just make sure no one
finds the body would you.


No, Mr. Burnback, please!

You don't understand.

Please let me explain!

It wasn't me I swear!

You gotta listen to me, please!

[door slamming]

So how was school
today, princess?


How was work?


Work was great.

I made a k*lling today.


Good dog.

[theme music]

(SINGING) We never
thought a finding

the place where we belong.

Don't have to stand alone,
we'll never let you fall.

Don't need permission to
decide what you believe.

I said jump down on Jump Street.

I said jump down on Jump Street.

Your friends will be there
when your back is to the wall.

You'll find you need us 'cause
there's no one else to call.

When it was hopeless, a
decision's what you need.

You better be ready to--

be ready to jump Jump Street.

You're going to need a
bull's eye to win, Cap.

No problema.

Ah, why don't you put your
money where your mouth is?

How about I put food
where my mouth is, huh?

Loser buys dinner for
two Chez Nouvelle.

Kind of like that, yeah.

Me and you, dinner
at Chez whatever.

Hold it.

Who said anything
about me and you?

All right.
All right.

You're on.

Throw the dart.

Step aside, my boy.

Step aside.

Excuse me.

Captain Adam Fuller?


Special Agent Plum, FBI.

I believe you're expecting me.

Yeah, the chief warned
me you were coming.

Did he tell you
what I'm here for?

FULLER: All he said was I was
to give you whatever you wanted.

I sense some anger about that.

Yeah, well, I don't
like writing blank checks.

You know what I mean.

Well, let me fill
in the blanks for you.

This your office?


You, too.

PLUM: This is Kevin Burnback.

He's responsible for the
transport of an estimated

tons of crack every year.

I've heard of him.

PLUM: Good.

Then you know the
man only surrounds

himself with friends or family.

I can't get a man
inside his organization.

And the only insider we have
managed to make contact with

seems to vanished off
the face of the Earth.

So what's that
got to do with us?

This has Burnback's
teenage daughter Lisa.

We figure she's our only way in.

Apparently your unit
has a reputation

for having some first-rate
undercover stud puppies.

This one of your kids?

Oh, absolutely.

Can't you see the
family resemblance?

Special Agent Plum.


You look like you'd be pretty
handy with the ladies, McCann.

MCCANN: Ah, well.

Should be easy for you
to win over Burnback's kid.

Are you saying you'd like
me to be friends with her?

Actually I was hoping for
a little more than that.

Wait a minute.

Are you saying you want
me to seduce this girl?

I didn't use those words.

But that is what you meant.

That-- that would
be the ideal scenario.

FULLER: You have been
misinformed, Plum.

I am not running
a stud farm here.

Didn't you say
your orders were

to give me whatever I wanted?


Now then, this operation
is not to be discussed

with anyone, not your
partner, not your best

friend, not even your mommy.




Mind if I join you?


Are you kidding?

[laughs nervously] Any
idea what the rainbow

mystery meat is today?

It's the, um,
beefsteak surprise.

Well, the surprise
must be that it got

dipped in toxic waste.

I mean, what are all
these colors here?

Actually the rainbow effect
is caused by the light being

refracted by the natural
juices of the meat

and the oils used in
the cooking process.

It's kind of like when you
shine light through a prism--

You didn't really want an
explanation of that, did you?

No, it was very interesting.

No, it wasn't.

My name is Tony Hendricks.

I'm transferring
here from Jersey.

Lisa Burnback,
resident Mr. Wizard.

Mr. Wizard?

LISA: He's this guy on TV.

He explains things like how
do they get the rainbow effect

in the beefsteak surprise.

He makes the most mundane things
really interesting except he

kind of has a propensity
to ramble on about things

'til to get boring enough--

kind of like what
I'm doing right now.

I gotta go.

It was nice meeting you.

Uh, wait, wait--


Nice to meet you.

let go of the bag.

Pay me my money first.

I told you I'm out of cash.

Just let me go in cash a check.

Fine then you'll
leave the bag here.


How do I know you won't
drive off with it?

how do I know you

won't stop me for my bucks!

am an honest woman.

Yeah, well, I'm an honest man.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, hey.

How much does she owe you here?

bucks plus tip.


All right, Sam, here's .

Sorry for the hassle.

No problem.

I don't believe this.

Well, you're welcome.

How did you know I
was coming to town?

I didn't.

Why didn't you tell me?

'Cause I didn't
want you to know.

Well, come on.

Where are you going?

To my place.

It's just a half a block
down the road here.

Uh uh, no way.

I am not going
back to your place.

I already have a room here.

Oh, come on!

For how many hundreds
of bucks a night?

The company's paying.

Good, well, we'll pass that
savings along to the consumer.

Come on.

Anthony McCann, let
go of this suitcase now.

I paid bucks for it.


Well, can I call you?

What for?

Oh, come on.

We'll have dinner or something.

No thanks.

Well, why not?

Because I didn't
want to see you.

Come on.

I thought we'd stay friends.

You dumped me, Mackie.

I wouldn't call that
staying friends.

No, no, no, no.
I didn't dump you.

You dumped me remember.

Your career came first.

So did yours.

You moved a million miles away
so you could keep being a cop.

And you didn't come with me
so you could sell mayonnaise.

I don't sell mayonnaise!

Yes, you do.

I happen to be the director
of marketing for Pilsen Foods.

Which makes mayonnaise.

There you go,
belittling my work.

I'm not belittling your work.

I just think you could go
sell mayonnaise anywhere.

Pilsen is based in Newark.

So sell ketchup.

We have a big
ketchup company here.

Why would I want to be here?

Because it's safer here.

It's less expensive here.

There's more things to do here.

And the guy you used to
want to marry lives here.

And he misses you a lot.

Don't make me go through
this again, Mackie.

Both know it won't work.

CLERK: Next person please.

Speak for yourself.

Yeah, I need to check in.

Samantha Billings.

CLERK: Uh, Ms.
Billings, I'm afraid we

don't have a room for you.


But I had a reservation.

My apologies, ma'am.

But reservations are
held until :.

After that, we give the
room away unless you

put a credit card hold on it.

There has to be a room.

No, ma'am.

We have a consumer
electronics convention here.

It's filled the hotel.

What about other hotels?

Is there anything close by?

CLERK: Most of them
are probably full, too.

I know where
there's a vacancy.

Come on.

Welcome to the McCann Hotel.

Uh oh.

Sorry, the maid
hasn't cleaned up yet.

No problem.

- This is it?
- Yeah.


Well, you know, it's only
temporary until I can afford

something a little bigger.

You said it was a
two-room apartment.

It is two rooms.

It's this room and the bathroom.

This won't work Mackie.

Why not?

Because I'm not
sharing a bed with you.

I'm not asking you to.

Look, you can have the bed.

I'll, uh, I'll
sleep on the floor.

Tomorrow night we'll trade?



[phone ringing]

Yeah, Fuller.

Ah, yeah, chief, thank you
for calling me back, sir.

I'm doing fine, sir, just fine.

Look, I just wanted to talk
to you about this FBI man--

Yes, sir.

Yes, sir, I did know Dean Berry.

He was a fine cop.

I was sorry to hear about
his death, too, sir.

Yes, sir.

Listen, sir, the reason I
call was to ask you about--

about one of Kevin
Burnback's men.

Are you sure, sir.

No, no, let me guess.

You can't tie him to
Burnback in court.

Yeah, that son of a--

Yes, sir.

Oh, we'll get him, sir.

You can count on that.

[game beeping]


Nice shirt.

Yeah, this klutz gave
it to me after he spilled

chili all over my blouse.

MCCANN: Wow, that
was nice of him.


He even took my blouse
and had it cleaned.

He was a real gentleman.

No, it was obviously a
ploy to get to know you.

Well, if it was, it worked.

I got to know him real well.

How did you like him?

Good night, Mackie.





Oh, gosh.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Here, I'll get some
cold water for--

so I dip it in your cold water.

I'm sorry.


Take my shirt.

I did not mean to do that.

I'm sorry.


Here take it.

Go change.

It's the least I can do.

I'm sorry.

PLUM: You did what?

MCCANN: I spilled
spaghetti on her.


What girl could resist that?

Well, it worked before.

Is that right, Casanova?

You know what I think?

I think you're intentionally
sabotaging this operation

to assure its failure.

Look, I think this
operation stinks all right,

but I didn't sabotage anything.

Kid, you like it here in
Captain Kangaroo's unit?


PLUM: Then you better hope
your little stunt worked,

or I'll have you out of
here and back in uniform

before you know what happened.

I'm shaking in my boots.


[door shuts]



You beat up that
bag every night?

Most nights I do
it for exercise,

but sometimes it takes
the place of a person.

Is there any particular
person you had in mind?


Wanna talk about it?



I'm going go change.

Don't turn around.

It's this FBI jerk who's
in charge of the case.

Why is an FBI agent in charge?

Because the FBI
already blew the thing.

Now they want us
to take care of it.

They couldn't solve the case,
but they want you to do it.


Talk about pressure.

Tell me about it.

The worst thing is not the case.

It's the way this pencil neck
jerk wants me to handle it.

All right you can look now.

What's wrong with the
he has you handling it?

Gosh, I miss you, Sam.


Seems like the
only women I meet

these days are cops or felons.

Come on.

You must have women
waiting in line.


Well, you have your job.


I help a lot of kids
in trouble, Sam.

I take a lot of dangerous
people off the streets.

And every time I come home
I wish I had someone there I

could tell about it, you know.

It's kind of like if there's
no one there to share it with,

doesn't exist.

Yeah, I can relate.

I doubt it.

When I got my
promotion last month,

I figured what more could
a girl my age want right?

Successful career, grand
a year, nowhere to go but up.

Celebrated all day long.

And then I came home
to an empty apartment.

And it was like
it all went away.

I cried all night.

Damn you, why did you have to
show up outside of that hotel?

Well, maybe someone up there
is trying to tell us something.

I doubt it.

Are you gonna break
my heart again?


Are you gonna break mine?


Then maybe we
should stop right now.

Yeah, maybe we
should stop now.

A woman's blouse?

How many women have
you spilled food on?

Oww, oww, oww!

They all fall
for it like I did?



What-- what are you-- what
are you talking about, Sam?

This is what I'm
talking about, Mackie.

Sam, it's a part of my case
I'm working on with the FBI.

I'm not allowed to
talk about it, OK.

You're not allowed to talk
about it, or you don't want to?

I'm not allowed.

What kind of a case
could possibly require you

to spill food on some woman?

Or is it your job to
seduce some woman?

Sam, I told you I'm not
allowed to talk about it.

I swear it's a part
of my case, OK.

You have to trust me on this.

Why should I trust you?

Because if I was
seeing another woman,

I'd let you know.

You would?


I'm allowed to see other women.

We're not engaged
anymore remember.

You're right.

I'm sorry.

Oh, hey, you still
a big seafood buff?



Then I'm going to
take you to the very

best seafood restaurant in
the city tonight if you want.

The best?

The best.

Then I want--



Listen, I got your
shirt cleaned here.

Oh, thank you.

I washed yours myself.

Ah, you didn't even do that.

No, it's no problem.

Since it's a cotton
and polyester blend,

it was really easy to iron.

Well, if you tried to iron one
of my dad's all cotton shirts--

there's your shirt.

Ah, listen, I feel
really bad about spilling

all that food over you.
I'd like to make it up to you.

How about dinner?

Oh, I can't.

Why not?

I never said when.

Well, no, it
doesn't matter when.

See it-- it's just sort
of this family thing.

We always have dinner together.

It's like an unspoken
rule every night at :.

It's the only time the whole
family can be together.

Oh, that's kind
of nice actually.

You want to come?

Excuse me?

You want to come to
dinner at my house?

Uh, yeah.

Uh, yeah, I'd love to.


SAMANTHA: I don't understand.

I thought we were
going out tonight.

Well, we were, but
now I have to work.

In that outfit?

What's wrong with this outfit?


I've just never seen you get
so dressed up to go to work.

Well, I have to have
dinner with a suspect.

Must be a pretty suspect.

He is tall, -ish,
and going gray.

Not quite my type.

And this guy's so important
it couldn't wait until tomorrow?

Look, Sam, this guy's one
of the biggest drug runners

in the state.

The FBI couldn't get
past his front door,

and I'm invited to dinner.

This is a major breakthrough.

You should be happy for me.

I'm trying.

Hey, I'm sorry about tonight.

I was looking forward to it
just as much as you were.

I'll make it up to you.

We'll go out tomorrow night.

I promise.

I was planning on
cooking tomorrow night.

That sounds good.

Well, you better be there.


Go on.

[sighs heavily]

Come on in.

Thank you.

This place is great.

What is your dad
famous or something?

No, he's just a businessman.

Wow, it must be some business.

He imports cotton
from South America.


And that's what buys all this?

Come on he must import something
else like coffee or tea

or something.

Got enough on my hands
with cotton, thank you.

Kevin Burnback.

Nice to meet you, sir.

Tony Hendricks.

Hi, Tony.

My wife will be out in a minute.

Please sit.

Can I get you something?

Beer maybe.

Uh, no, thanks, sir.

I don't drink.

BURNBACK: Of course.

It's good you don't drink.

I hope your that
sensible about dr*gs.

No, I never touch them.

BURNBACK: That's good, too.

Wouldn't want you around
my daughter if you did.



Just trying to make sure
you're seeing a decent boy.

What's wrong with that?

Well, I can understand that.

Can you?


Can you understand
just how much

I don't want my daughter hurt?

Yes, sir.


Let's have dinner, should we.

Look, I'd like
to see you again.



I mean, we could have
dinner again sometime.

This time just you and me.

Are you serious?

You really want to?

Of course, I'm serious.

OK, how about tomorrow night?

Oh, I'm not so sure I
can make it tomorrow night.

I'll cook for you.

My parents are going out.

We could have the whole
house to ourselves.

OK, tomorrow night it is.

This is going to be a dream.

I'll, uh, I'll call you, OK.


So how is your date
with the devil last night.

It was good.
It went fine.

Don't you have
any real knives?

Well, I haven't had a real
need for them until just now.

I noticed.

What is that supposed to mean?

The only food in this
place is frozen dinners.

Yeah, well, you better
get used to frozen dinners

if we're going to
be living together.


Who said anything
about living together?

I did just now.

One step at a time, Mackie.


What's the first step?

Well, first of all, one
of us has to relocate.

I can't move back
to Newark, Sam,

not unless I want more
b*ll*ts in my back.

I know.

That's why I set up an interview
tomorrow with Case Ketchup.

You little--

Don't go getting all excited.

It's just an
informational interview.

They might not even want me.

Are you kidding me?

They'll want you.

It's nice to spend my
evenings with you again.

[clears throat]


So what you want to do now?

I thought maybe we
could just sit here

and digest for a little while.

You want to see the
rest of the house?

Uh, sure, yeah.

I'd love to.


Let's start with the bedroom.


Oh, man this place is amazing.

Feel this fur.

It's the softest thing
you'll ever touch.

That is nice.
What is it?

Black Leopard.

Black Leopard?

I've never heard of
black Leopard fur before.

That's because
it's really rare.

Daddy had it brought
in from Africa.

It's nice.

It really is.

I've always
wondered what it would

be like to make love on it.

Actually I've always
wondered what it would

be like to make love anywhere.

You want to show me the
rest of the house now?

Why don't we stay here?

Lisa, I don't
think we should, OK.

My parents won't
be home 'til late.

That's not it.

It's just that--

Don't you like me?

Of course, I like you.

Well, then what's the problem?

Tony, I've never done
anything like this before.

I always thought
I'd want to wait

until a guy came along that I
could really be in love with.


I am off this case all right.

You're off this case
when I say you are.

I'm messing with
this girl's head.

It isn't right.

Her father supplies half
the crack to this city.

You're going to talk to
me about what's right?

Yeah, well, that's
her father, not her.

How do you know
she's not involved?

Maybe she pushes
the stuff at school.

Come on, Plum.

You gotta be kidding me.

The girl probably doesn't even
know what crack looks like.

Look, man, you can pull
all the strings you want.

Bust me down to uniform.

Get me fired for all I care,
but I am off this case.


He's off this case when I
say he is, not when you say.


You want to tell me
what this is all about?

Lisa Burnback asked
me to have sex with her.

Did you blow your cover?

No, but I wish I had.

Maybe I wouldn't
feel like such dirt.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, you didn't--


I told her I wasn't
feeling well.

That we'd do it another time.

Captain, I like this girl.

She's a good kid.

I don't want to hurt her.

Sounds kind of unavoidable.

This is all wrong.

I mean, it's not
like we're using

a crook to get a crook here.

Look, at the risk
of sounding like Plum,

sometimes we have
to sacrifice one

good guy in order to save many.

What does that mean?

It means that maybe
hurting one girl's feelings

doesn't compare to all
the people that are dying

out there because of Burnback.

You saying I can't
get off this case?

I'm telling you I'd
rather you stay on it.

But I'll take you
off if you want.

I'll stick it out.

So anyway they said that they
needed somebody just like me

and that they were impressed
by my work at Pilsen.

Oh, so the job is
yours if you want?

If I want it.

You sure you can put up with me?

Mmm, I think so.





Hi, how are you?


This is Samantha.

She's a friend of
mine from back home.

She's just in town--

I thought I'd made it clear.

Nobody hurts my daughter.


Sam, it's not
what it looks like.

She's a part of my--



For what it was worth that
guy was the drug smuggler

I've been trying to nail.

What about the girl?

You been trying
to nail her, too.

No, she was his daughter.

Who you've been seeing
a little on the side.

That was my assignment, Sam.

You're telling me
that it's your job now

to seduce young girls?

Look, the FBI tried every
other way to get this guy.

The girl was the only way left.

So you just
volunteered for the job.

No, I didn't volunteer.

I was assigned the job.

Part of being a cop is
to follow instructions.

Even if they stink.

Look, Sam, I don't want
you to leave like this, OK.

If I had the time I'd trying
to talk you out of it.

But right now, I have to deal
with an angry drug dealer

who probably wants me dead.

Oh, god.

What are you gonna do?

He doesn't know where I am.

Look, I'll be all right.

For what it's worth, I
want you to stay, Sam.

I gotta go.

Be careful.

Are you sure the case
is really blown, Mack?

The girl hates
my guts, Captain.

Maybe you can make up.

Take her a dozen roses.

Trust me, there's
no chance in hell.

Did you see or
hear anything that

might give us probable
cause for a search warrant?


Think hard, Mack.

Captain, I have.

The house is as clean
as an operating room.

Was there any dr*gs,
paraphernalia maybe?


Anything else?

Something that might
point to another crime?

No, sir.
I'm sorry.

There's nothing.

Oh, wait a minute, wait
a minute, wait a minute.

Do either of you know
if the black leopard

is an endangered species?

I think most of
the big cats are?

MCCANN: Wasn't there
some kind of law

that says you can't bring a
fur of an endangered species

back into the US?

(SINGING) I walk
along the fence

and smell the passion vine,
climbing up and spilling over

We dug our holes and
planted seeds to the divine

as I prepared for leaving.

Then I gave everything to you.

Well, at least I believe I did.

Yes, I gave everything
I had believing

fully if it weren't so sad.

I cannot talk to you
or offer you a bribe.

You have married
your resistance.

You show me pain I only
recognize your bribe.

So we live inside our dying.

And I gave everything to you.

Well, at least I believe I did.

[phone ringing]


Yeah, Plum.


Listen, we've got
nothing down here.

How about you?

PLUM: Just the fur.

That ought to put him away--

for about two hours.

So you think we
should call it a night?

PLUM: Are you sure
you looked everywhere?


Yeah, call it.

Any more ideas?

Yeah, I think we should
string him up by his thumbs.

Who Burnback?

No Plum.

You think Burnback is clean?

No, but I don't
think we should mess up

this girl's life
anymore until we're

sure we have a reason to do it.

That's what I think.


All right, guys.
That's it.

Let's call it a day, huh.


What you got?

So what do you think we
got here, Mr. Burnback?

Kevin Burnback, you're under
arrest for the transportation

of illegal narcotics--
- What?

Into the United States.



FULLER: You have the
right to remain silent.

Give up the right to remain
silent, anything you say

can and will be used against
you in a court of law.

You have the right to
speak with an attorney

and to have the attorney
present during questioning.

If you so desire and
cannot afford one,

an attorney will be
appointed for you without

charge before questioning.

Now get him outta here.

COP: Let's go.

You all right?


We busted him.

He's in jail.

So he can't come after you?

Not likely, no.

Thank god.

So I guess you're not staying.

I don't think so.

Are you still mad about
that girl in the restaurant?

Not in the way you think.

I was really ready
to try this juggling

act, Mackie, dealing
with my career

and dealing with us
at the same time.


But I wasn't ready to
deal with your career.

You don't have to.

That's my department.

SAMANTHA: No, it's not.

It's mine.

I'm the one that has
to deal with the fact

that seducing other women
is part of your job.

I'm the one that has to
live with a guy who pretends

he's in high school still.

I'm the one that has
to lay awake at night

wondering if you're just
late or if you're dead.

First of all,
seducing women is

not a part of my job usually.

Secondly, we're not always
in high school sometimes--

Those are just
symptoms, Mackie.

The real disease is that being
a cop is not just a career.

It's a whole lifestyle.

Are you sure?


I love you, Mackie.

I always will.

Me, too.

[theme music]


