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06x01 - Low Impact

Posted: 09/19/22 12:20
by bunniefuu
Previously on SEAL Team...

We fight for each other.

- On and off the b*ttlefield.
- Amen. Let's go.

He's perfect.

I gotta talk to you
about my memory issues.

- How serious?
- It's called breacher's syndrome.

All the terrible shit

that I've seen and done

had me thinking I didn't deserve

happily ever after.

My selfishness down in Columbia

nearly jeopardized this
beautiful family of yours.

I know you're sliding

back into your Bravo comfort place.

But get your mind right.

This is my last run with Bravo.

I need to be there for my family.


We gotta get off this f*cking "X"!

Down, down! Down, down, down!

Bravo, this is Havoc. Radio check. Over.

Bravo, this is Havoc. Radio check. Over.


All Bravo stations,

I say again: radio check. Over.



Clay, come on!

Sonny, you good?

I'm good!

Get some fire on that ridgeline.

Hey, Brock, are you good?

Yeah, solid!

- How's Clay?
- Get back in the fight, Sonny!

Get back in the fight!

Havoc, . How copy?

I say again, Havoc, this is . How copy?

Go ahead, , I've got you Lima Charlie.

We're taking some
serious heavies down here.

- Bravo is down hard.
- Copy, one man down.

QRF is en route. Stand by for ETA.

I want every available
asset inside klicks

up on comms right now.

How far out is that QRF?

They're at least mikes out
from Bravo's pos, ma'am.

They were just ten minutes out;
what the hell's going on?

They've been rerouted

- over less hostile terrain.
- On whose authority?

Battle space commander's, sir.

Son of a bitch.

It's gonna be the longest
minutes of Bravo's life.

Hey. We're not gonna last mikes here.

Not with those RPGs handing us our ass.

We gotta take out that position.

Clay! Clay. Talk with me. Talk with me.

Oh, Jesus.

Oh, sweet Jesus.

Where's his medkit?

Where's his medkit?!

- Stay with it, buddy.
- Sonny!

Sonny, get back on that g*n!

Not sure we got the headcount

to make a move on that ridge, Jace.

I'll make it solo.

That's su1c1de!

f*ck! f*ck!

I need everything on that ridge
on my mark.

Send it!


Brock, we need a*mo.

Grab the GB guys' mags and the go-bag.

Roger that.


Sonny, check on Spenser!

I got him!

Well, look at that.

Uh, Sleeping Blondie's awake!

The f*ck happened?

Well, we got throat-punched
by some turdnuggets.

Just gonna get this tourniquet
a little tighter for you.

Hey. Hey! Win the firefight first.

- Self-aid before buddy-aid.
- You sure?

- Go! Sonny, go!
- Here, take my medkit.



On three! On the ridge!

I got him!

They're shifting left!

They're shifting left!

Keep trying to flank us.

We gotta hold them here for Jason.

Look alive!

He's down, he's down!

Brock, mag! I'm Winchester!

Here you go, buddy.

- Points out left!
- On it!

Hey. Okay.

You ready for some buddy-aid now?


I'm about to give you
some morphine. Huh?

Say hello to the purple elephants, pal.

All right. Keep that
pretty face of yours down,

you understand me? All right.

Let's go!

- How far out is Jace?
- Not sure!

Ray! He's moving around the saddle!

I see him, I see him!

Got two more heading your way!

I've got two more moving east!

Hold 'em there, Sonny boy!

I've released the ISR platform,
Lieutenant. It's en route.

Copy. The Reaper is en route

to Bravo's pos now. Thank you.

And the QRF?

It's about eight mikes out.

I've got a unit being overrun
here, Colonel Decker.

I appreciate the situation,

but I got an entire battle space
to worry about.

Given the hostile conditions,

rerouting the QRF was
the only call, Lieutenant.

Respectfully, sir, I'm not sure

my team would agree
with that assessment.

Lieutenant Davis, we need you
back on the con here

as our ISR platform comes on station.

Thank you for the update, Colonel.

Yes, thank you, sir. Havoc out.

He just f*cking hung Bravo out to dry.

We're about to get eyes on
our boys again. Focus up.

Man, as soon as Jace hits
that ridge, we're moving!

Clay ain't moving!

Man, how're you set for a*mo?

I grabbed a few belts from the truck.

All right, Brock and I will move,

you set a base here.

Roger that.

Brock, gimme something more
than this peashooter!

Never out of the fight, huh?

- Sonny, get back out there.
- Roger that.

Hey! Nothing on
the ridgeline, all right?

- Jason's up there.
- Got it.

, this is .

Position cleared. How copy?

Read you Lima Charlie. Shifting fire.

Now that's more like it!

- Brock, move!
- Moving!


You keep lobbing those
golden eggs up there, Clay!

Oh, appreciate that, .

Look, I need to get more a*mo
from the truck. All right?

I need you to operate the pig.

We got about rounds left.

Clay, watch out! Behind you!

Grenade didn't arm.

I owe you, man.

Big, uh... big case of beer.

Though I'll take some
more morphine instead.

Yeah, well...

that might be a little hazardous
for your health.

Bravo , this is .

I'm out of rockets. You good?

Yeah, we got this position cleared out!

One left and we got the upper hand!

Check that, check that.

Got two technicals heading our way,

about to chew us up.

Bravo , this is Havoc,
we have ISR overhead.

- How copy?
- About g*dd*mn time.

Those technicals are
about to put an end to this.

How many Hellfires does
the Reaper have left?

They left us with one.

Better than none.

Bravo , this is Havoc.

We have one Hellfire left.

Stand by, Havoc.

All Bravo stations, this is .

You need to flip your strobes on.

Come back to me when you're good.

Strobe's on.


Bravo , are you good?

We're good.

Havoc, this is .

All strobes are up. You should see us.

Yeah, we've got five strobes.

You have one Hellfire left.
Where do you want it?

Havoc, I'm lassoing two technicals.

meters south of hill .

I copy a laser lasso
on what appears to be

two enemy technicals, over.


Send it.

Stand by, . We are comin' in hot.

Reaper, this is Havoc.
You are cleared hot.

All stations, this is .

Consolidate to Bravo pos.

That's a hell of a sound.

QRF sure took its sweet-ass time.

Brock, see if you can free up
the GB guys.

Coming home with us.

Hit me again, Sonny.

How's he holding up?

He's about to think he's Ethel Merman.

Oh, that leg is gnarly.
Give him an antibiotic yet?

Negative. He left his medkit out there.

All right.

Hey. All right, my slayer.
You're gonna take this.

- Okay?
- I want food.

- All right. You take this pill.
- I'm hungry, man.

But I want a Big Mac

- and some fries.
- There you go.

Take that pill,

then you can have
your f*cking Happy Meal, okay?

That's it. That's it.

There you go. That's it.

That's it, that's it, easy.

That's it.

Good. You got it? Yeah.

Stay up, man.

That's it, bud.

Oh, wow, easy, easy. Shit.

- f*ck.
- Over here!

Help load him up, come on!

Faster, faster, faster, faster!

I got him. We got him.

I got that side. Grab his legs?

Lift on my count. One, two, three, lift.

Let's strap him in.

Can you strap the feet?

- Oh, whoa.
- Get the feet.

Let's go, let's move, let's move.

- Is there time for a torniquet?
- No. We gotta go.

- Let's go.
- Let's go. Move.

PJs have Bravo en route
to Kaya airfield,

where a C-'s waiting
to transport them to Ramstein.

How bad are they?

Most are torn up but stable.

And Spenser?

Leg's in bad shape.

Also has internal bleeding.

Sounds like it's touch and go.

Clay's pulled through
tough situations before.

You know, all that Stella's
been through with Brian...

I'm not sure how she recovers

from the information that
might be headed her way.

Well, if there's bad news to be shared,

it should come from family.

Hey. Lisa, what are you, um...


No, no, no, no, no.
This is not happening.

Look, I can't

share much, but Clay
was seriously injured.

Okay, but is he alive?

Yes. According to the last report,

- yes.
- Last report?

That's really reassuring, thank you.

Jesus. Okay.

What else do you, what else do you know?

Clay and Bravo were all transported

to Ramstein, Germany.

Is that... That's-that's where they went

when the, when the building
collapsed, right?

- Yes.
- Yeah. That's... He...

Clay... Clay kept calling me
to apologize

for missing my doctor's appointments.

Where's my phone?


Come on, pick up.

Pick up, baby, pick up.

- f*ck.
- Stella...


The Navy can fly you to Ramstein

if you want to be with him.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, anything is better

than just sitting around here
waiting for answers.

Actually, can't. I can't fly.

Brian's been home
for, like, five minutes.

I can't just fly him to Germany.

And I can't leave him behind.

Damn it.

I-I spoke to Naima.

And we think that you should
head to her place.

You shouldn't be alone right now.


Yeah. Yeah, okay.

Okay. Do-Do you mind, uh...

... here, grabbing him?
I just gotta grab some stuff.

- There, you got him?
- Yep.

You know, before leaving,
Clay promised me

he was going to find a way
to put our family first, and...

I wanted to believe him, but I didn't.

Maybe the last time I saw
my husband and I doubted him.

I'm sorry, I need a second.

Long time in surgery.

They're just taking their time
putting him back together,

making Blond Delicious look all perfect.

Sonny, you been pacing since
the Burkina Faso flight.

Just... give yourself a rest, all right?

Just, one-one minute
we were literally talking about

introducing our babies
when we get back, and then...

the next minute, he's...

he's bleeding out on the b*ttlefield.

- It's just not right.
- Well, he didn't bleed out

and he's still in the fight
because of you, Sonny.

Yeah, but everything
that Clay's done for me, Ray,

okay, it should've been me
that were eating those RPGs.

You've got no say in that, brother.

Hey, w*r always has the last word.

Right, Jace?

We used to be
the baddest sled dogs around.

When did Bravo become
a f*cking b*mb magnet?

Excuse me. You need to tell me
what's going on down there.

All right? We've been
in the dark since we got here.

I am sorry, Master Chief Hayes,

but keeping you informed

- isn't Dr. Rush's top priority.
- Look, look, look, look.

That is my teammate in there.
That's my brother.

He's got a newborn and
he's got a wife back home.

They deserve to know what's going on.

I will make sure you're updated
as soon as we know anything.

Yeah, thanks for your help.


Any news?

Nurse is still stonewalling.

What's got you so spooked?

Oh, I spotted that brain doctor
from the last time we were here.

You know, the one that told me
my head was all f*cked up.

Oh. That's the last thing
you need right now.

Master Chief Hayes? It's time
to change your dressings.


This should last another few hours.

You're lucky you caught a ricochet.

We done here?

Master Chief Hayes.
I thought I saw you earlier.

We have to stop meeting like this.

Couldn't agree more. So let's not.

How's the head?

Business end of an RPG blast
could do a number.

I'm fine.

Your teammates report
tinnitus, headaches,

even lapses in memory.

I find it hard to believe
you made it through unscathed,

given your history.

You know, my head must
be harder than those guys'.

I checked your jacket:

you never underwent
the diffusion tension imaging

- I recommended.
- Everything's fine.

Like I said, if there was
a problem, I'd be working it.

So, if you'll excuse me,

my teammate is fighting for his life.

I understand by acknowledging
any TBI issues

you'd likely lose your Trident.

But as I told you last time,
if there is a problem,

you need to address it before
the effects become disastrous.

- Hey.
- Mm.

I know your stomach's in ropes,

but Brian's going to be hungry
when he wakes up.

- Oh.
- Hydrate.

- Thank you.
- Yeah. Yep, yep.

Eat and sleep.
I so envy his obliviousness.

Any news?

He's still in surgery.

The fact that they moved him
to Germany could be a good sign.

I doubt they would have transported him

if his condition was too severe.

Or maybe his injuries were so bad

that he couldn't be treated
where they were deployed.

I-I can't share where they were.

But it is fair to say they
weren't near optimal facilities.


Well, do we...

When do we hear?

I mean, why isn't anyone
saying anything?

Getting any answers

when Ray went missing
was like pulling teeth.

Military is one big, happy family

until they go into cover-their-ass mode,

put a lid on everything.

Well, getting to the truth,

even in my position, is... a challenge.

Just tell me that they
weren't on some op

that I'm gonna hear
about on the news, okay?

- 'Cause I can't handle that.
- It's doubtful.

This was a low-impact mission.

- Not for my husband, it wasn't.
- Okay.

Look. Clay is surrounded
by his brothers right now.

- They got him from here.
- Okay.

And we got you.


I'll get it.

Okay. All right.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- Thanks for coming.
- Yeah.

Hi. Oh, my God.

- Hi.
- How are you?


Look, I don't need to be Doogie Howser

to know that more time

under the knife, it...
it ain't a good thing.

Well, look, however this goes,

people are gonna be relying on us,

so keep it together.

I never did actually, uh,

plan that bachelor party we were
always talking about for Clay.

Some friend I am.

I tell you what, though.

When he gets outta here, it is gonna be

full Debauch-alypse. I'm talking Cabo,

Montreal, Vegas... Amsterdam.

Colombia was the place back
in my Primetime Perry days.

True, I mean, just, uh...

You know, Clay and I
shouldn't go back there

for, like, a lifetime or two.
Because, you know,

- I mean...
- Clay's been married

a while. Why don't we,
uh, throw him a babymoon?

Go out to wine country...

Oh, please, Brock, shut your mouth.

Do a spa weekend...

Brock, you make reality

annoying enough, so whatever you do,

- don't f*ck up my delusions, too.
- Hey.

Why don't you two go find

that, uh, vending machine
of yours, Sonny, and cool off?

Yeah. You mention "babymoon"
one more time

and you'll see what happens.

Gonna rip that little cotton
condom off your head.

Boss. How's that b*llet wound?

Lucky I didn't have to dig that
round out with my Leatherman.

Yeah, I'll live.

You sure you didn't get
any bad news in there?

You know, on the way out to the op,

Clay told me that, uh,
he was stepping down

from Bravo when he got back home.




Then things go sideways for him...

Man, that kind of timing leads
to a lifetime of "what ifs".

Don't tell me Bravo
is blaming himself.

This is what you do, Jace:

Adam, Nate,

hell, even when I got taken...

This is on me.

Clay shouldn't have been
on that op. I f*cked up.

Commander, you got a sitrep on Spenser?

He's out of surgery
and resting, Master Chief.

But it's too early to make
any long-term calls.

Well, his leg took the brunt
of those RPG blasts.

Is it salvageable?

Petty Officer Spenser suffered
a compound fracture,

so we're working to repair the skeletal,

soft tissue, nerve damage
in order to restore function.

But frankly, I'm more concerned
about his internal injuries.

He has a splenic laceration,
causing a surrounding hematoma.

How bad?

We don't know yet
if we have to remove the organ,

but I prefer my patients to leave

with all the parts they came in with.

So he's not out of the woods yet.

He's hypotensive, tachycardic
and his leg wound

was extremely dirty, putting
him at the risk of infection.

Was he administered

a broad-spectrum antibiotic
in the field?

Yeah, he just, uh... He puked it up.


In any event, the next
hours are critical.

Yet another death-defying stunt
by Evel Clay-nievel.

Most of it's a blur.

Anyone tell Stella yet?

We were kind of just waiting,
'cause we didn't know, um,

what type of call we were
gonna have to make.


How you feeling?

Grateful to you all for
getting me off that b*ttlefield.

Oh, Jason especially.

Bravo made a dash for the ages.

Well, more like a waddle with this knee.

Y'all gotta be pretty banged up, too.

Dealing with some burns,

tympanic tears,

respiratory issues from
all the crap we inhaled.

But... we got off easy.

My bell definitely got rung.

Everybody else good?

Don't worry about us, man.

We already got discharged.

I want you... I want you
all headed home.

The situation was reversed,

I'd be on the next plane
to see Stella and Brian.

Look, we all came in together,
we all leave together.

I think visiting hour's over.

Christie Brink-Clay needs
his beauty sleep.

All right.

Hey, Jace.

Hey, hold-hold up a second, man.

What's on your mind?

I didn't want to say it
in front of the boys,

but I wasn't sure that
I'd pull through here.

Yeah, but you know what?
You did pull through.

You won the fight.

We both know the battle isn't over.

Docs used a lot of
big words telling me that.

Can't trust anyone

who can't even read their own

We both thought Metal was
in the clear, too, right?


Listen, if this...

if this is how I go,

serving my country
alongside the brothers I love...

... I'm all right with that.

But leaving Stella and Brian behind...

No. Shh, shh.

Man, it's not gonna come to that.

But if it does...

... if Stella has to hear the worst...

... there's nobody better equipped

to help her in that moment than you.

I don't know if that's true.

Look, you've got more experience

in these situations than anyone.

I want the rest of Bravo
there with her, too.

Look, man.

I'm your team leader.

There's no way in hell
I'm gonna leave you here.

I'm not asking as a teammate.

I'm asking as a friend.

How's Stella holding up?

As expected, given the situation.

She's in good hands with Naima, though.

Just figured I'd be more useful here,

digging into the ambush.

Times of crisis, we cling
to what brings us comfort.

I'm looking for answers, not comfort.

Answers to what?

You think SGS was able to just

slap together a coordinated
attack like that?

Somebody messed up

and they need to be held accountable.

Believe me, I am kicking
my own ass on this one, too.

You sure that chasing down a bogeyman

isn't just a way
to absolve your own guilt?

Paper of yours got you
new access at the Pentagon,

but second-guessing
the decisions on this op

won't win you many friends.

Don't let the anger and the pain
that you're feeling right now

drive you to do something
you'll regret later.

Discharged faster than last time.

Yeah, but this doesn't
feel like victory.

Look, I don't like leaving either,

but you know what?

Clay wants us back home
with Stella, so...

we got our orders; that's
what we're gonna do.

When I got blowed up in Tunisia,

the thought of you guys
with Naima and the kids

definitely provided me comfort.

Look, I wouldn't

do Stella no good pacing
around all anxious-like.

Let me stay and watch over him.
Okay, boss?

Take care of our boy.

Roger that.

Thought everyone was homebound.


You been out so long
the boys are probably

almost wheels down in Vah Beach by now.

Miss the flight?

There's no way
I'm leaving my battle-boo.

Besides, the, uh...

the recliner in the hospital rec room,

it's, uh, very damn comfy.

You know, the... hospital's
gonna evict your squatting ass.

Between my drooling and...
and my night terrors...

... I'm pretty sure everyone here

is, uh, is pretty afraid to talk to me.

Hey. It's all right.

Easy, easy, easy, easy.

Thought you had a flight...

- to go see Leanne coming up.
- Yeah.

You should be with her.


I love that little girl
more than anything,

but there is no way in hell
that I'm leaving your side.

Just like you didn't
adios me in Colombia.

- With that robe on...
- Oh, yeah, that robe.

- Cowboy hat...
- Mm-hmm.

That little... that...

that lady holding onto your arm.

- Oh, yeah.
- She was calling you El Jefe.

El Jefe. Oh, she was hot.

Even those RPG blasts

can't wipe that from my memory.

Yeah. Knuckle-dragger to the end.

The legacy of Sonny Quinn.

I thought you learned to knock
that knuckle-dragger shit off.

Well, if it walks like a duck...

talks like a duck...

That's why you turned to Jason

to be there for Stella, instead of me.

Jace has been there for...

how many Gold Star families?

But if I don't, if I don't
make it out of here...

... you're the one
I want looking over them.


I wouldn't entrust anyone else

with the two most important
people in the world to me.

All right, well, it sure
as shit's not happening,

you understand me?

Do you?

Promise, promise that
you'll do that for me.

Yeah, man. All right?
I promise, brother.

I give you my word.

It's, uh, it's Stella.
She's trying to FaceTime me.

You got enough energy for it?

Hey, Stella, hold-hold
on one second here.

- Which way?
- I got him right here.

- Oh, my God, baby!
- Hey, babe.


Are you okay? What's happening?

I'm fine.

I'm fine, baby.

I can't believe I'm talking
to you. I thought that...

I didn't know what to think.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Don't worry, all right?

I'll be with you and Brian in no time.


- What's wrong?
- Hey. Hey. Give me the phone.

Can someone tell me what's happening?

It's all right.

Clay? What is wrong?

Nothing, baby. I'm...

I'm just worn out.

Then you should, you should
just rest, then, okay?

And I'll, um...

I'll call you again
when-when Brian's awake.

Just, thank God that you're okay.

I love you so much.

I love you, too.

- Welcome home.
- What's up?

- Hey.
- Hey.


Hey. The, uh, mood's a little bit

more upbeat than I expected.

Yeah, Stella spoke with Clay
a little while ago.

Sounds like he'll be
up and about in no time.

Um... well, with all
that Stella's dealing with,

I can see why Clay's downplaying it.

How bad is he?

He's probably gonna be
on his ass for a minute,

but he'll pull through.

He really appreciates you, um,

keeping things
under control around here.

Yeah. Unfortunately,
I'm becoming an old pro at this.

This one could've been bad, baby.

Like real bad.

I mean, getting hit hard,

nearly losing Clay...

that's a lot of emotional
trauma you've endured.

Babe, I got my PTS under control.

Well, best way you can
take care of others

is by taking care of
yourself first, right?

- Yes, ma'am.
- Okay.

I spoke to Emma earlier.

She and Brad made it back
to New York in one piece.

That's good.

They left right after Stella's shower

so that Brad could turn his thesis in.

You know he's graduating
a semester early?


- Hey.
- Yeah.

However bad it was,

how much worse it gets,
I'm here for you.

Stella's the one that needs our help.

She needs our help right now,

so we gotta be there for her, right?

- Hey.
- Hi.

- How are you holding up?
- Well, you know.

Getting my baby shower
thank you cards out

in time is no longer
stressing me out the most.

Been a whirlwind few days.

Yeah. Yeah.

Between celebrating Brian
and sitting vigil for Clay...

Sounds like he's doing better.

That's what everyone
keeps saying. I'm just...

I'm not gonna relax until he's home.

Hey, Brian, look.

This is Daddy's friend Jason.

He's probably why

Daddy's not in worse shape, so...

- thank you.
- Yeah.

I'm starving, I haven't
eaten since the flight.

- I'll be back.
- Okay.

With that bad knee,

you couldn't have run away
from Stella any faster.

I feel like I can't pretend
Clay's gonna be okay

when he's not even out
of the woods yet, right?

Yeah. Those hours
can't be up soon enough.

So I'm heading into Command

to file the AAR
if you want to tag along.

I know this is not
Bravo 's comfort zone.

Yeah, I promised Clay I'd be here.

I want to be here.

Taking orders from Bravo .

You two have come a long way.

All right.

Um... Hey, Jason?

I'm gonna call Clay.

He wanted to see Brian. I'm sure
he'd be happy to see you.

Heh. Howdy, Stella.

Oh, hey, Sonny.

Is everything okay?

Oh, yeah, he-he's doing just fine.

Old, uh, Rip Blond Winkle's

having some sweet dreams right now.

But when he wakes up

I'll be sure to have...

- He's crashing.
- He's gonna code.

What the hell?


Brakes up, let's move.

Sonny, what is it? What's-what's...

What's going on?

Code blue.

Code blue.

- Bag on.
- Clay?

- Code blue.
- Clay!

I-I just talked to him.
This doesn't make any sense.

It's okay.

He's gonna be okay.

Hey, Sonny.

What the hell's going on?

I don't know, Jace. He looked, uh...

He looked really bad.

His eyes, um...

his eyes looked lifeless.

All right, look, what
are they telling you?

His leg's infected,

and his, uh...

his blood pressure was crashing.

It's... sepsis.


Septic shock.

All right.

Listen, Stella is a mess, man.

She's having a hard time
holding on, here,

so the minute that they tell you

that Clay is stable, you call her.


Yep. I'm on it.

Listen, Sonny.

If it's bad news, you call me.


f*ck. What the f*ck...


How bad is septic shock?

He's in good hands.

Just stay positive.

Come on.


Still no word?


It's been three hours.

I-I, uh...

I know how much Clay means to you.

How much they all m... mean to you.

And I also know that
"ignore and override"

isn't the best way to deal with tragedy.

I've... been there myself

more times than I care to remember.

You know there's nothing you can
do right now to make it better,


Only things you can do to make it worse:

putting up walls, shutting others out,

blaming yourself...

Don't do this, please.

I know you didn't show up
on my doorstep the other day

just to have somebody to share
the good times with, right?

You're right. I know, I'm sorry.
I really am.

I'm sorry. I am, just, um...

I'm to blame.

I made a bad call.

Yeah. From what I've heard,
it's thanks to you

that Bravo even made it
off the b*ttlefield.

You know, Clay's fighting
for his life right now

because of me.

What do you mean?

If I stood down when
I learned about my TBI...

... Clay would've been on his
family leave like he planned.

The reason why he stuck around
was to watch over me

and Bravo.

I know exactly how you feel.

But I also now know...

... that anyone who put
their trust in me

and paid the ultimate price,

I wasn't the one who took
anything from them.

It was this f*cking w*r.


It was this f*cking w*r.

Let's get back inside, okay?

Oh, f*ck.

It's Sonny.

Why is he calling you?


What is it?

Clay's been stabilized.

What are you not telling me?

Well, the infection was spreading.

So the doctors did what was necessary

in order to save his life.