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07x37 - Ninja Soul

Posted: 09/23/22 13:28
by bunniefuu
Sho: I order you as shogun.

Sho: Take out the rebels!

Gai: C-Curse you!

Rap: I can't believe that one of Iga's three great ninjas

Rap: would so disgracefully attack his target instead of admitting defeat.

Rap: But it's all over.

Gai: Momochi, you set me up?!

Shin: Why is the shogun in the shogun assassination squad?

Shin: I mean, Zenzo-san k*lled the real one...

Sho: That wasn't me.

Sho: No...

Sho: The shogun you all probably met in the past few days wasn't me, either.

Sho: I was kidnapped by a certain someone

Sho: immediately after the incident in the palace.

Sho: And I was hiding in Iga, under the protection of Momochi here.

Shin: What?!

Shin: That shogun was a fake, too?

Kon: Kidnap the shogun from the palace?

Hij: That's not...

Sac: It is possible,

Sac: for him.

Gai: It can't be!

Gai: That brat?

Gai: It was all that Hattori brat's doing?!

Gai: Momochi, you...

Gai: Did the two of you conspire to fake the shogun's death?!

Gai: You outwitted your enemies, allies, and even us Iga ninjas?!

Warning,Sign: Watch the Shogun Assassination Arc in a bright room and at a safe distance from your TV!

Rap: You don't get to call yourself an Iga ninja, scumbag.

Rap: The only reason Iga fell so easily

Rap: must've been because you all were in cahoots with the enemy.

Rap: Unfortunately for you, that brat and I are ninjas through and through.

Rap: We choose our lords and our enemies ourselves—

Gai: Quit the bullshit, you senile blockhead.

Gai: It's all over.

Gai: Iga, the shogun, and everything!

Rap: You won't take the shogun's head with pathetic ninja arts like that.

Rap: Or, for that matter, Momochi Rappa's.

Rap: You lack training.

Rap: Now this is true ninja a*tillery.

Gin: That was her real body?!

Title : Shogun Assassination Arc Part Three

Title : Ninja Soul

Rap: The holy land of ninjas,

Rap: the hidden village of Shiranui.

Rap: This place is under the protection of Marici, the god of ninjas,

Rap: so the shogun will be safe here.

Rap: Have some tea and relax.

Rap: Drink up.

Rap: It's the village's special tea, nincha.

Shin: Uh, excuse me, Momochi-san.

Shin: That's a w*apon, isn't it?

Shin: Not a person, right?

Rap: Are you whelps too young for tea?

Rap: Have this, then.

Kag: Cocoa!

Shin: It's safe, right?

Shin: You're the real body, right?!

Rap: I'm a ninja who practices puppet arts,

Rap: one who controls a puppet and is controlled by one.

Rap: We are both the real Momochi Rappa.

Shin: Uh, I'm not sure I follow.

Shin: And you look more like a puppet, if you ask me.

Rap: Worry not.

Rap: Momo-chan can be a w*apon at some times,

Rap: and a teapot at others. She's an all-purpose puppet.

Kon: So it's safe, then.

Rap: And at times, she can also be a toilet.

Rap: Hey, there's a toilet right here.

Rap: You won't find a restroom if you go that way.

Rap: Nor will you survive.

Rap: This is a ninja fortress.

Rap: You'd best not run around carelessly.

Rap: Some have had their bodies twisted the moment they entered a restroom.

Shin: What is this, the Dark Continent?

Gin: I see.

Gin: Yeah, the shogun really might be safe here.

Shin: The shogun went and got himself twisted first!

Shin: Down there?!

Shin: So you get twisted down there?!

Rap: It should be clear to you now.

Rap: I shall guarantee the shogun's safety.

Rap: Leave the rest to me and withdraw.

Kag: Who'll protect the shogun, if not us?

Rap: The enemy is as powerful as an entire nation.

Rap: "Protect"?

Rap: Shallow thinking like that will only get the shogun k*lled again.

Rap: Could you k*ll the shogun, like the Hattori brat did?

Shin: What do you mean?

Rap: I met him a month after the Harusame overran Iga village.

Rap: Since he'd already been keeping tabs on the situation, he knew that

Rap: while the enemy had started as a group of radical Joi Rebels in the Hitotsubashi faction,

Rap: they had now grown into a massive, unstoppable force.

Rap: That they wouldn't stop attacking as long as the shogun stayed the shogun.

Rap: That if we wanted to protect the shogun, protect Iga,

Rap: and prevent further warfare,

Rap: there was only one way to do it:

Rap: k*ll Tokugawa Shigeshige, the shogun,

Rap: and return him to merely being Tokugawa Shigeshige.

Rap: What he lopped off was the position of shogun.

Rap: By taking him out of the political picture,

Rap: he tried to protect the life of Tokugawa Shigeshige, the man.

Rap: To that end, he chose to throw his life away

Rap: and go down in the history books as a traitor.

Zen: Take it.

Zen: I can't get curious about what happens next.

Zen: It'll make me waver.

Gin: That bastard was planning it all along?

Shin: Sacchan-san!

Rap: Don't tell anyone that the shogun is alive,

Rap: if you don't want anyone else to die.

Gin: Do you really think they'll be satisfied with taking the shogun's head?

Rap: Are you familiar with the enemy?

Gin: You bet I am.

Gin: Enough to make me sick.

G: Impossible!

G: That's the Harusame!

Shin: No way!

Shin: Why are they coming to Iga again?!

Shin: Did they find out that the shogun was hidden here?!

Rap: The Hattori brat wouldn't mess up like that.

Shin: Then why?

Gin: Take a good look, you guys.

Gin: This is who he is.

Gin: He won't stop, even if the shogun dies.

Gin: He won't stop, even if the entire political landscape changes.

Gin: If you want to stop him,

Gin: you'll have to k*ll him.

Kam: Hello?

Kam: Where are you right now, Abuto?

G: C-Commander!

G: Th-The vice commander is in the restroom right now.

Kam: That so?

Kam: Tell him that he'll get a pay cut if he's not back within three seconds.

Abu: Hey, Commander. I just got done.

Abu: That was one smooth dump. I probably didn't even need to wipe.

Kam: Where'd you run off to while I was off the ship?

Kam: I don't see you anywhere.

Abu: We're looking for you, too, but can't find you anywhere.

Kam: You're not off doing something fun while I'm gone, are you?

Abu: Of course not!

Kam: You're not headed to Iga with Shinsuke, are you?

Abu: Of course not!

Abu: Did you find who you were looking for?

Kam: Nope. I guess they must've died.

Kam: All of them.

Kam: Aww, what a waste.

Kam: And here I'd managed to find such an interesting rarity.

Kam: Anyway, I'll head over there. Tell me where you are.

Abu: Uh, you're wounded, so why don't you take it easy for a while?

Kam: Fine.

Kam: I'll come through here, then.

Abu: You can do that?!

Kam: Abuto...

Kam: You know what'll happen if you go and do anything fun without me, right—

Abu: Cut!

Abu: Cut the feed!

G: A-Are you sure about this?

Abu: As if I could bring along a guy who was looking for prey even when wounded.

Abu: Besides,

Abu: I can't help but feel there's trouble brewing.

Abu: Where'd that guy go? Where'd Hattori Zenzo go?

G: Stop the ships!

G: State your business!

Tak: Why don't you put them at ease?

Tak: Tell them we're only here to thank them for helping to assassinate the shogun.

Zen: If you want to thank someone, thank me.

Zen: Those idiots weren't very useful at all.

Tak: You don't seem the type to care much about achievements.

Zen: I was the one who took the shogun's head.

Zen: I don't want a medal or anything,

Zen: but I don't want anybody taking credit for the job I carried out with my skills.

Zen: Or taking the fall for it.

Zen: That was your plan all along, wasn't it?

Zen: You guys didn't get the Iga involved just to borrow their strength.

Zen: You wanted them to take the blame for the shogun's assassination

Zen: and be destroyed in the name of Lord Hitotsubashi.

Zen: In other words,

Zen: you used us ninjas to give him a just cause to become the next shogun, didn't you?

Zen: Talk about looking down on me.

Zen: Are you saying the name Hattori Zenzo isn't enough to bear that cross?

Tak: This isn't the Crossing of Iga, but rather the Crossing of Styx,

Tak: and you don't have enough companions.

Tak: Go give the shogun's skull some company in hell,

Tak: Oniwaban.

Zen: Oh, I've already got enough people taking a trip to hell with me

Zen: right here.

G: What the?

G: What's this black fog?

Zen: Flame Mist.

Zen: An Iga-developed smokescreen that explodes when it detects high temperatures.

Zen: With this, your big dongs have been rendered useless.

Zen: The only thing you can believe in is your own skills.

Zen: Now, how many of you can I take to hell with me?

Zen: I'll show you what a traitor to the nation is capable of.

Zen: Welcome to ninja country.

Sac: You haven't changed one bit, have you?

Zen: That is my creed.

Sac: I see.

Sac: You've really forgotten, huh?

Rap: So it did end up like this after all.

Rap: Don't let the Hattori brat die alone.

Rap: Show them the skills we have honed.

Rap: Show them the ninja soul!

Gin: Where might you be headed?

Gin: You don't look like you're running for it.

Kag: Sho-chan,

Kag: we can't let you go any further.

Shin: Please leave this to us and take refuge.

Sho: Step aside.

Sho: I know that everyone's fighting for me.

Sho: But...

Sho: But I cannot bear to see any more people die for m—

Shin: Gin-san!

Gin: In that case, do you wanna abandon everything and die right here?

Gin: I'll help you cast aside the lives of everyone who's died for you,

Gin: and put you out of your misery.

Gin: Or will you live on, using countless corpses as stepping stones?

Gin: Pick whichever you like.

Gin: All I'll say is,

Gin: even if you run away from your battle,

Gin: we don't plan on running from ours.

Gin: Pachi-boy!

Gin: Shogun, you...

Sho: I was taught how to throw them long ago

Sho: by the Oniwaban.

Sho: To me, they're not merely retainers.

Sho: They're precious friends.

Sho: Please, let me go!

Sho: I don't want to let them...

Sho: To let Zenzo die!

Abu: Sheesh.

Abu: Yet another ship down the drain.

Abu: He's good, that Hattori Zenzo.

Abu: But it looks like my instinct was right on the money.

Abu: I thought he was fishy, and that he was hiding something.

Abu: And look, we found the real shogun's head.

Shin: S-So many Yato...

Kag: Gin-chan! Sho-chan!

Abu: I'm sorry, but once the rabbits of the night lock on to their prey,

Abu: they don't let it escape!

Abu: I see.

Abu: Ninja country's out for revenge, eh?

Abu: Interesting.

Abu: If the commander saw this, he'd jump for joy.

Abu: The nation's strongest warriors teamed up to challenge the universe's strongest?

Abu: Can you defend this country from us?!

Mat: Well done coming back from that disaster alive.

Mat: You have my gratitude for protecting the princess.

Mai: It was all thanks to Okita-dono.

Mai: He aided in our escape until right before the ship sank.

Mai: If it weren't for him, none of us would've survived.

Mat: That troublemaker did all that?

Mat: So we've been saved by a couple of punks, who're the farthest thing from loyal.

Mat: And that Zenzo...

Mat: Who would've thought he'd trick even us to save Sho-chan?

Mat: Are you sure?

Mai: Yes.

Mai: That wasn't Shigeshige-sama.

Mai: When I checked the body, I didn't find something that should've been there.

Mai: A scar.

Mat: A scar?

Mat: That's news to me.

Mai: It's a secret that only Shigeshige-sama, the Oniwaban, and I know.

Mai: No...

Mai: It's proof of the bonds between Shigeshige-sama and the Oniwaban.

Mai: Shigeshige-sama met them before he became the shogun, and they the Oniwaban.

Mai: He was deeply shocked to learn

Mai: that kids his age were laying down their lives to protect him

Mai: as his body doubles.

Sad: What? The double got kidnapped?

Mai: It's probably the Mito faction's doing.

Mai: Their demands—

Sad: Ignore them.

Sad: The Oniwaban's duty is to protect the shogun.

Sad: While there's only one shogun in this world,

Sad: there are plenty of doubles to go around.

Sac: Where do you think you're going,

Sac: Zenzo?

Sac: Are you going to defy the shogun?

Sac: Are you going to save Kagemaru all by yourself?

Zen: What shogun?

Zen: I learned during the lectures

Zen: that the Oniwaban's duty isn't to protect the shogun,

Zen: but rather to protect the shogun's duty.

Zen: That's why he became a double.

Zen: In my eyes, a shogun who'd abandon him is no shogun at all,

Zen: so I'm gonna do as I pl—

Sho: Oh, so that's what being a shogun is all about.

Sho: Then would you help me fulfill my duty?

Sho: I want to save the double.

Mai: I only found out about it after it was all over,

Mai: when Shigeshige-sama came back covered in blood.

Mai: Would you believe it,

Mai: not only did he charge into the rebel base,

Mai: he also protected the double in that fracas

Mai: and ended up with a deep wound on his chest.

Mai: The real shogun got gravely injured to help the double.

Mai: If this had come to light, the entire clan would've been beheaded.

Mai: But...

Sho: Fret not.

Sho: Isn't this what doubles are for?

Sho: I'm sorry to ask this of you after you went through a harrowing experience,

Sho: but could you take my place for a little longer?

Mai: To cover up the incident, Shigeshige-sama switched places with his double.

Mai: For the little over six months it took for the wound to heal,

Mai: he hid among the Oniwaban as the double, protecting them.

Zen: Hey, Shogun.

Zen: This is how you throw these knives.

Zen: Hey, Shogun. A ninja shouldn't be crying over such a minor wound.

Zen: Hey, Shogun.

Zen: Jump is most fun to read during class.

Zen: Hey...

Zen: Shigeshige.

Sho: You finally called me by name.

Zen: Well, I probably won't get another chance.

Zen: The next time we meet, will I have to call you Shogun-sama?

Sho: Address me however you like.

Sho: But no matter what I come to be called,

Sho: I shall never forget the time I spent here with you all.

Sho: I shall never forget what you all taught me.

Sho: The duty of the Oniwaban isn't to protect the shogun,

Sho: but rather to protect the shogun's duty.

Sho: And the shogun's duty

Sho: is to protect the country and its people, even at the cost of his life.

Sho: If you become the Oniwaban someday...

Sho: If I become the shogun someday,

Sho: I hope we can fight together

Sho: for this country.

Zen: Apparently loyalty and fidelity will forever be beyond me.

Zen: That day has finally come, and I've finally become one of your Oniwaban,

Zen: so why does this have to be my first and last mission?

KM: I, Kagemaru, wouldn't be here if he hadn't saved my life back then.

KM: Use it for his sake.

KM: Why did it have to involve sacrificing a comrade

KM: and putting you—the shogun to death?

KM: But I guess it's not that bad.

KM: I have to admit it's very like me.

KM: Only fools die for their lords or kings,

KM: but, Shigeshige,

KM: anyone who lays down his life for just a buddy must be an even bigger fool.

Sac: Don't lay a finger on him.

Sac: Don't you dare lay a finger on our boss!

Title : Shogun Assassination Arc Part Four

All: Dying with you guys is the last thing I want!

Title : And Then There Were Five

text r: Zenzo put his life on the line for this plan,

text l: and Sacchan and the rest of the Oniwaban join in!

text r: The Yato's onslaught, and the impending showdown...

text l: As the new year quickly approaches, the story speeds up!!