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11x01 - Don't Spread the Wrapping Cloth Without Thinking Ahead

Posted: 09/24/22 17:25
by bunniefuu
Gintama: The Semi-Final (Special)

Dialogue: After everyone went their own way,

Dialogue: I was the only one left to continue the Yorozuya.

Dialogue: It's not like I thought he would return some day.

Dialogue: I just had no choice but to stand there.

Dialogue: Naraku?

Dialogue: Hold it right there!

Dialogue: I don't know the circumstances, but ganging up on one person isn't exactly fair.

Dialogue: Above all, being so violent in the middle of the town...

Dialogue: is something I cannot let slide.

Typesetting: That moment was incredible!

Typesetting: The story ended halfway through it! This is, in fact, its continuation.

Dialogue: What happened to the Yorozuya?

Dialogue: We're doing a prequel that ties in with the final!

Dialogue: If you don't withdraw, I'll have to take that ronin's side. Is that fine?

Dialogue: It's none of your business, get lost!

Dialogue: Is that so?

Dialogue: If you say that in this kind of situation, you're not a bad person.

Dialogue: Then i don't have any reservations...

Dialogue: joining in!

Dialogue: Tch! Do people these days not know the difference between meddling and disrupting!

Dialogue: I'm fine with disrupting. Butting our noses into other people's business to get work

Dialogue: is how we do things since our predecessors' days!

Dialogue: Anyway, this guy...

Dialogue: ...grew taller.

Dialogue: Um, have we perhaps met somewhere before?

Dialogue: For some reason, I feel like this isn't the first time you've had my back.

Dialogue: You are...

Dialogue: Loincloth Mask.

Dialogue: By any chance, did i pick the wrong side?

Dialogue: You realized just now?

Dialogue: What are you doing?!

Dialogue: Now the enemies will follow...

Dialogue: Not that way!

Dialogue: The target is the one with the glasses!

Dialogue: I finally caught you, Fake-san.

Dialogue: You little thief, calling yourself Yorozuya and dirtying aniki's name...

Dialogue: Sakata Gintoki's no. underling,

Dialogue: Shachi will, in Heaven's place, give you—

Dialogue: I'm sorry!!!

Dialogue: I thought for sure you were a thievin' bastard that ripped off the Yorozuya name.

Dialogue: Loincloth Mask-san, looks like I'm the one who got saved.

Dialogue: Hey, aren't you the Shachi of Tenmachou Prison?

Dialogue: H-How did you know?

Dialogue: Did you break out or something?

Dialogue: Shachi the scoundrel is long gone.

Dialogue: Ever since I met him, I changed.

Dialogue: I knew i could realize my dream, even from the inside of my cell

Dialogue: I moved forward with him... with Aniki.

Dialogue: But at that time...

Dialogue: Hey! Someone please open this up!

Dialogue: It's no good, the guards all ran away.

Dialogue: Aniki! Shachi-aniki! What should we do?

Dialogue: Shut up! Now's not the time for that!

Dialogue: G-goddammit... just a little more... Why does this have to happen now?!

Dialogue: I have no screen tones for the nipples!

Dialogue: The tones I got left are too dark. I'd be making my heroine into a bitch with burnt black nipples!

Dialogue: Number ! I need tone number !

Dialogue: Aniki, we are gonna burn alive!

Dialogue: W-What is this?

Dialogue: The ones that will judge you will not be the flames of w*r.

Dialogue: You should run now.

Dialogue: But by the time this prison returns to normal, you must come back.

Dialogue: If you can't keep that promise...

Dialogue: I will pass judgement onto you.

Dialogue: At that time, I thought:

Dialogue: "Is it okay for me to run away?"

Dialogue: There are people out there fighting, right now, to protect Edo.

Dialogue: I'm sure aniki is too.

Dialogue: Surely there is a battle that only I can fight.

Dialogue: Number ! I'm gonna collect every last nipple in Edo!

Dialogue: In that scene, you were just going to buy screen tones?

Dialogue: I told you, didn't I?

Dialogue: That if you break our promise, the Soul Reaper will punish you.

Dialogue: I finally found you, Shachi.

Dialogue: I, Ikeda Yaemon, will not let you have your way with the nipples of the people of Edo.

Dialogue: What the hell have you two done for the past two years?!

Dialogue: Shachi, you haven't forgotten the promise with the Soul Reaper, have you?

Dialogue: Why are you still wandering in the outside world?

Dialogue: Have you perhaps not had your fill with people's nipples?

Dialogue: Yaemon-san, that's not it. He-

Dialogue: I will no longer allow that!

Dialogue: I will not let you hurt anyone's nipples anymore!

Dialogue: Huh?

Dialogue: The one that hunted nipples was you!

Dialogue: Ah, sorry, my hand slipped ...

Dialogue: How can your hand slide that much, cutting my nipple instead of Shachi's throat?!

Dialogue: Do you understand now, Shachi!? This is how heinous your actions have been!

Dialogue: Don't change the subject!!!

Dialogue: Please, calm down! Shachi-san has been collecting nipple screen tones for a manga!

Dialogue: Don't just make up excuses! What on Earth is a screen tone?!

Dialogue: That thing!

Dialogue: This is a mosaic tone! Why is my nipple treated as something dirty?!

Dialogue: That's enough, stop!

Dialogue: I understand, Sould Reaper-san.

Dialogue: Whether it's hell or prison, go ahead and take me wherever you want.

Dialogue: Shachi-san!

Dialogue: It's fine. It's about time.

Dialogue: Over the past two years, I have completed both the nipples and the manuscript.

Dialogue: But I realized.

Dialogue: The reader that I wanted to see smile the most while reading my manga...

Dialogue: aniki is no longer here.

Dialogue: I'm sorry for betraying you.

Dialogue: Am I not good enough?

Dialogue: It may be outrageous, but I'm calling myself Yorozuya, just like your aniki.

Dialogue: Sorry if it's rude to ask, but would it be okay if I was the first reader of your manga?

Dialogue: Y-you...?

Dialogue: Shinpachi...

Dialogue: Bro, I'm sorry I called you a fake.

Dialogue: You are aniki's worthy successor.

Dialogue: Would you mind being my first reader?

Dialogue: Umm...

Dialogue: The artwork is passable. But besides that, I think it's pretty below average.

Dialogue: You're clearly confused between making a manga and drawing pictures.

Dialogue: There is also a glaring lack of thinking about the plot and characters as a whole.

Dialogue: Huh? Is he just giving it a bad review?

Dialogue: How many years have you been drawing manga for?

Dialogue: Just over three years.

Dialogue: Ah, then age-wise, you're on your last leg.

Dialogue: If you sound too old-fashioned you're finished.

Dialogue: Seeing how things were going, I was sure he was going to give it a response like " It was great ".

Dialogue: Shinpachi-kun, are you serious about this? You sound like an editor.

Dialogue: Haha... old fashioned, eh? It is, right...?

Dialogue: Hey, personally I thought that was pretty good.

Dialogue: This is non sense comedy, right?He set it up to not make sense on purpose, right?

Dialogue: Please don't make such irresponsible comments, Loincloth Mask-san.

Dialogue: Do you really think a manga about a hero who covers his face with underwear will be a hit these days?

Dialogue: Sure, Jump had that great pervert manga called Hentai Kamen.

Dialogue: Can he surpass that? Can wearing a loincloth really beat out panties?

Dialogue: Umm... well...

Dialogue: Forget ripping off Hentai Kamen.

Dialogue: Doesn't he look like me? Did he draw me?

Dialogue: Well, I think it's better when the hero hides his true identity.

Dialogue: But would a loincloth really hide someone's identity? Normally, everyone would guess.

Dialogue: Is this about me? He's talking about me, right?

Dialogue: The protagonist turns out to be the big brother of the girl he helped, right? That's terrible!

Dialogue: The little sister wants to see her brother so badly,

Dialogue: but even knowing that, he says nothing?

Dialogue: I'm not so sure about that!

Dialogue: Masked Loincloth had his own reasons, right?!

Dialogue: I'm telling you, prioritizing his own will over the little sister's will make him the worst.

Dialogue: If I were a supporting character in a manga with such a coward protagonist, I would resign.

Dialogue: I'm sure Masked loincloth is dying to say who he is.

Dialogue: But he cannot! That's why he covers his face with a loincloth!

Dialogue: Have you ever considered the feeling of those who wear a loincloth?!

Dialogue: No, never. Because I don't wear

Dialogue: Try doing just that and then give your opinion, asshat editor!

Dialogue: Enough already, Loincloth Man-san!

Dialogue: No it's not Loincloth Man. That man is Masked Loincloth.

Dialogue: So you're going to tell all readers to put a loincloth on, while reading it?

Dialogue: This manga is really demanding for new readers!

Dialogue: All men spend their life wearing a loincloth over their heart!

Dialogue: Someone like you who covers theirs with a diaper would never understand!

Dialogue: Please stop, Loincloth Master-san!

Dialogue: No it's not Loincloth Master, it's Loincloth Mask!

Dialogue: To a guy like this...

Dialogue: ...Ok, putting nipples in a shounen publication is bad.

Dialogue: Tell him to replace those nipple screen tones with mosaic ones and come back, will you?

Dialogue: In the end the nipples didn't matter at all?!

Typesetting: Snack bar

Typesetting: Yorozuya Gin-chan

Dialogue: He's really keepin' it goin', huh? The Yorozuya.

Dialogue: Shinpachi, is there something you want to do?

Dialogue: I would like to help rebuild the city.

Dialogue: Practice sword handling.

Dialogue: Be an active member of Otsu's Imperial Guard.

Dialogue: And getting my father's dojo back on its feet.

Dialogue: That's a lot of stuff, eh?

Dialogue: I'll be ok.

Dialogue: So please go, Gin-san.

Dialogue: If at the time...

Dialogue: you knew what I wanted to do

Dialogue: was to save the guy who could destroy the world,

Dialogue: would you have told me the same?

Dialogue: Loincloth Mask-san is a coward.

Dialogue: He still won't take off his mask, even at a time like this.

Dialogue: And no matter how many masks he takes off,

Dialogue: even he doesn't know his true identity anymore.

Dialogue: But at this precise moment, there is one thing that I am absolutely sure of.

Dialogue: I want to tear the skin off my face!!!

Dialogue: Seriously, it's like I had somebody's d*ck on my nose the whole time!

Dialogue: A towel... a towel...

Dialogue: Ah, this will do.

Dialogue: Huh? Is anyone there?

Dialogue: No way, Shinpachi!

Dialogue: You... You've...

Dialogue: You've really grown up. You are stronger and more resilient than two years ago...

Dialogue: But since when did he start doing such president-of-an-IT-comapny like lascivious things,

Dialogue: bringing a woman or two with a lunchbox over, like it's no big deal?!

Dialogue: He might even be about to outdo ol' Gin-san! But... But...

Dialogue: Michiko-san, the bath is still not open?

Dialogue: Huh? Why am I naked?

Dialogue: Uh... weren't you about to take a bath?

Dialogue: Aah yes. That was it!

Dialogue: Ok, please enjoy yourself~

Dialogue: Forget Gin-san!

Dialogue: He is about to surpass Gin-san and Kin-san!

Dialogue: How sturdy can you get?! He even surpassed that level?! Is that what he has in his packed lunches now?

Dialogue: Forget the lunch! That's a bag of bread! How could you have come to this!?

Dialogue: Huh? Why did I come back in the bath?

Dialogue: Another voice...!?

Dialogue: Don't tell me... there's more of them?

Dialogue: Hey... is anyone there?

Dialogue: Shinpachi? Didn't you go back home, already?

Dialogue: Oh? Shinpachi?

Dialogue: Not them...

Dialogue: Hey!


Dialogue: You've clearly crossed the line for arrest now!

Dialogue: Hey.

Dialogue: Huh? My underwear is gone ...

Dialogue: I see, so that's it, eh?

Dialogue: ..."That's it"?

Dialogue: Underwear thief!

Dialogue: I hope you were ready to die entering here!

Dialogue: No way! Is she...!?

Dialogue: Hey, answer me! m*therf*cker!

Dialogue: Everything okay, Kagura-chan?

Dialogue: Did something happen?

Dialogue: What are you doing, Kagura-chan!?

Dialogue: Nevermind that! That guy is an underwear thief—

Dialogue: Why did you come back?

Dialogue: Do you want to work on earth as Yorozuya, again?

Dialogue: After I broke up the Yorozuyas like that, I don't have the right to say that.

Dialogue: In that case, you better give up.

Dialogue: Even within a family linked by blood,

Dialogue: if they let go of each other, they end up disconnected.

Dialogue: Unless you extend this hand, you won't be able to take them back.

Dialogue: Gin-chan!

Dialogue: Shinpachi... look...

Dialogue: I can't believe it. Gin-san...

Dialogue: Kagura-chan!

Dialogue: Thank goodness, you're safe!

Dialogue: Shinpachi...

Dialogue: I... I chased him...

Dialogue: and I managed to catch up...

Dialogue: But...

Dialogue: I realized he was just a pervert.

Dialogue: Uh, no, wasn't he protecting you?

Dialogue: Huh? Why would an underwear thief do that?

Dialogue: More than protecting me, he protected his face...

Dialogue: Leaving that aside, what just happened there?

Dialogue: We just received a report.

Dialogue: It seems that Prime Minister Zrump's residence has just been targeted by the rebel group "Shireidan".

Dialogue: Mr. Zrump was injured during the clashes and lost his life... I repeat...

Dialogue: I repeat...

Dialogue: Katsura-san is dead?

Dialogue: That's a joke, right?! There's no way that guy would die so easily-

Dialogue: Oh well...

Dialogue: Someone took out my prey, already.

Dialogue: Okita-san!

Dialogue: What the hell is going on? From one thing to another-

Dialogue: You there! What are you doing?!

Dialogue: This is an evacuation spot!

Dialogue: Leave this place immediately!

Dialogue: Hey!

Dialogue: You bastard!

Dialogue: Are you making people leave because there is something you want to keep hidden?

Dialogue: You guys are...!?

Dialogue: Run!

Dialogue: Get in!

Dialogue: Hijikata-san!!!

Dialogue: You came back, huh? Even though no one called you.

Dialogue: Yeah, I did. I have been called on a case.

Dialogue: Like an old-fashioned detective, am i right?

Dialogue: I just got tired of digging in the backyard for sweet potatoes.

Dialogue: In addition, it seems we still have a role to play.

Dialogue: It's our turn now, right?

Dialogue: Okita-san...

Dialogue: Hijikata-san...

Dialogue: Were you... helping us from the beginning...?

Dialogue: You look good.

Dialogue: These uniforms really looks the best on you guys.

Dialogue: Hijikata-san

Dialogue: Are you going?

Dialogue: Yes...

Dialogue: We will catch up shortly.

Dialogue: Well, it looks like this god has finally been dragged down here.

Dialogue: Yeah, the star entered the main stage.

Dialogue: I lied.

Dialogue: That person who had nothing he wanted to do, found something to do.

Dialogue: Hearing that made me feel happy, but also lonely.

Dialogue: I just couldn't bring myself to interfere with that.

Dialogue: Everyone had found what they needed to do and were moving forward...

Dialogue: But all I did was sit here for two years.

Dialogue: Pretty lame, right?

Dialogue: I didn't move forward at all.

Dialogue: I just went off on my own to help Sadaharu...

Dialogue: But in the end, I couldn't do anything by myself...

Dialogue: Everything we wanted had always been there, in front of us. But even that, we threw it away.

Dialogue: People who forget where they should be cannot move forward.

Dialogue: That's why we'll be doing it once again...

Typesetting: Yorozuya Gin-chan

Typesetting: Snack bar

Dialogue: From here, the place where all began...

Dialogue: Again...

Dialogue: Thank goodness. Looks like this place is still standing.

Dialogue: Oh, Shinpachi...

Dialogue: What a beautidul woman you have with you.

Dialogue: Are you going on a date before the end of the world?

Dialogue: Otose-san!

Dialogue: Why are you opening the store?

Dialogue: It's dangerous here. You should hurry and evacuate!

Dialogue: Where do you think we are?

Dialogue: "It's in these moments that I really want to have a drink."

Dialogue: It's a town of idiots who say things like that.

Dialogue: Moreover...

Dialogue: I thought maybe this was the time for you to come back.

Dialogue: Otose-san ...

Dialogue: Isn't that weird?

Dialogue: You two and I are threads connected to that man.

Dialogue: This man who had nothing more to do, he picked them up by chance.

Dialogue: A myriad of threads ... To the point of not knowing what to do with them.

Dialogue: Yorozuya Gin-chan

Dialogue: And alongside this man, all of us, as Yorozuya,

Dialogue: we ran around to make countless people's wishes come true.

Dialogue: But that was our wish.

Dialogue: He always made our wishes come true, eh?

Dialogue: But despite all that, he never told anyone what his wish was and left.

Dialogue: Except this time, it's our turn.

Dialogue: This time, we are going to make Gin-chan's wish come true.

Typesetting: Snack

Dialogue: Oh well...

Dialogue: Take this.

Dialogue: For Sakata Gintoki's sake, we will be Yorozuya once again.

Dialogue: This is what we have chosen, the very last work of the Yorozuya.

Dialogue: So no matter his wish, you will do everything to make it come true?

Dialogue: Absolutely.

Dialogue: Because at least, we know...

Dialogue: We know what kind of wishes this man has granted so far.

Dialogue: We know what kinds of feelings he saved.

Dialogue: We know what kind of people he has protected.

Dialogue: And with what kind of heart he fought.

Dialogue: It is thanks to you, the Yorozuya, that we are here today.

Dialogue: It is thanks to the links you have forged, that we are all gathered here together.

Dialogue: We are...

Dialogue: ...your Yorozuya.

Dialogue: Translation and karaoke by AreeGintama.Translation check: SNJoseph

Opening: I stood still watching the cityscape

Opening: Even today, it is still unchanged

Opening: But why does it look different

Opening: From the old days?

Opening: My dirty shirt is indelibly stained

Opening: With the lies to deceive myself

Opening: I wonder what I managed to protect

Opening: No matter how many times I lost it

Opening: I had a dream once

Opening: As long as I can be proud of that

Opening: I can be myself

Opening: Throw out the lies

Opening: I remembered it all when I met you

Opening: That things are okay the way they are

Opening: Now I can look forward to tomorrow

Opening: In this town

Opening: where nothing has changed.

Opening: Tatazunda machinami wa

Opening: Kyou mo kawaranai

Opening: Mukashi to wa chigau you ni

Opening: Mieru no wa naze

Opening: Yogoreta shatsu ni wa shimitsuita

Opening: Jibun wo damasu tame no uso de

Opening: Nani wo mamotte kitan darou

Opening: I WANNA BE...

Opening: Datte, nakushitatte

Opening: Ikutsu ni nattemo yume ga atte

Opening: Sore wo tada hokorashiku omou

Opening: Jibun ga ireba ii

Opening: I WANNA BE...

Opening: Haite sutechimatte

Opening: Anata ni atte omoidashite

Opening: Kore de ii

Opening: Sou ieru ashita e

Opening: Nani hitotsu

Opening: kawaranai kono machi de

Typesetting: SCREEN

Typesetting: Don't brag without thinking about the consequences!

Ending: Even if tomorrow has nothing to offer us, it will be fine.

Ending: Nani mo nai ashita de ii sa

Ending: Kudaranai hanashi datte ii

Ending: Even if it doesn't get us anywhere, talking will be enough.

Ending: Even if it doesn't make sense, even if it isn't important, it will be fine.

Ending: Imi no nai kurai de ii sa

Ending: As long as we're here, right now we'll be fine.

Ending: Soko ni ima bokura ga ireba iinda

Ending: Whether it's our little arguments,

Ending: Shou mo nai youna isakai mo

Ending: Or whether it's the sun setting over the city.

Ending: Machi ni kietetta yuuhi mo

Ending: Me wo tojireba takaramon sa

Ending: These are real treasures when we close our eyes.

Ending: Our plots merge

Ending: Bokura no wadachi

Ending: to become one ...

Ending: hitotsu ni natte

Ending: Michikusa no hibi ga

Ending: While the road that runs along our days

Ending: hatenai chizu e

Ending: draws an endless map

Ending: Namida shite itatte

Ending: We cried,

Ending: kurushiku tatte

Ending: we suffered

Ending: Hanarete itatte

Ending: And we went our separate ways,

Ending: wasurenaide

Ending: but let's not forget!

Ending: Itsu ni nattate

Ending: Anytime,

Ending: doko ni itatte

Ending: anywhere,

Ending: Hitori kiri janai

Ending: We will never be alone.

Typesetting: *SCREEN*


Dialogue: **speak in gorilla** UHO UHO thank you everyone I love you hellouuuuuuuuuut

Next time: In the Shinsengumi Prequel

Something happened behind the scenes

...Or rather

What happened to Kondo?