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01x08 - Hot Oven

Posted: 09/25/22 17:17
by bunniefuu
And send.

Sending you this.

Yep, totally.

Can't believe I found my soul mate
He's perfect and he's mine

And he's mine

He is everything that I had
Always dreamed I'd find

There's still a lot to learn about him
Our love is so complex

So complex

I know his name is Brendan something
And he likes to text

Even though we don't
We don't talk in person

We're both, we're both
I think, in eighth grade

I know, I know
I am in a perfect relationship

Until I learn, learn his last name
I'll write Mrs. Brendan on everything

I want the world to know
I'm in a perfect relationship

I know we're new but have great memories
Like any couple should

Yeah, they should

Like that time I asked, "What's up?"
And you answered, "Pretty good"

We laughed and laughed

Sometimes I think I am dreaming
Could this be real life?

It's so real

And when she sent that shrimp emoji
I knew I'd found my wife

Even though I don't
I don't know her last name

I think we're both, both in eighth grade

I know, I know
I am in a perfect relationship

We don't, we don't talk in person

- But he is - She is

My everything

I want the world to know
I'm in a perfect relationship

- Yeah, I'm in a perfect relationship
- Perfect relationship

- Yeah, I'm in a perfect relationship
- Perfect relationship

I'm in a perfect relation...

- I'm in a perfect relationship
- I'm in a perfect relationship

- We don't, we don't talk in person
- Talk in person

- He is my everything
- She's my everything

I want the world to know

- I'm in a perfect relationship
- I'm in a perfect relationship

It's not really perfect.

It may not even technically
be a relationship,

and soon they'll run out of emojis,
and who knows what happens then?

What you need to know is that
what they don't know about each other

would give them total surprise face emoji,
and that's what we call foreshadowing.

And speaking of surprises,

Bitsy has a big one planned
for Owen and Paige.

Bam! Double foreshadow. Eight-shadow.

Now go, go, go!

Owen, sorry to interrupt your dinner,
but I'm at the blacksmith.

Wanted to let you know he finished
the repair on the Vanderbilt Gates,

and we're gonna install it in the morning.

That's great, Elwood. Thank you, Jimmy!

- Owen says, "Thank you, Jimmy."
- I can hear him.

He can hear me, Elwood.
It's a radio. Is there anything else?

- He also made me a sword.
- Yeah?

- Can I keep it?
- Sure.

Okay. Good night, Owen.
Tell your family "good night."

They can hear you, but I'll tell them.

There she is. I was worried
we were never gonna see you again.

Also, I was worried about our data plan.

Were you up there texting
with Brendan this whole time?

That sigh.

You have your father's love sigh.
Same pitch and everything.

Should we throw water in her face
or some mashed potatoes?

Wow. You really like this boy, huh, Molly?

You really like this boy.
Sorry, I don't know why I said that.

Yeah, I really like this boy, a lot.

Brendan's a good egg.
He should come over sometime.

We could have bacon.
Get it? 'Cause I said "good egg"?

I don't know why I said good egg.
I don't say good egg.

Have him over, yeah.

- Wait, no, no, no.
- Great idea, Cole. That sounds fun.

What do you think, Owen?
Seems like a thing parents should do.

Meet the random boy
their daughter met in the park.

Yeah, right?

Molly, what if you invite him over for
dinner tomorrow night? It's pizza night.

No! I mean, I don't know.
Coming over here might be a lot.

I mean, we live in a weird castle,
your pizza is... challenging.

Look, I know my last
couple attempts weren't exactly...

- Pizza? Sorry.
- ...that great.

I figured out why the center of my pizza
is always doughy and uncooked.

I didn't know the secret,
which is having a hot oven.

- Not a cold one?
- Home ovens don't go hot enough.

But for tomorrow night,
I'm gonna trick the oven.

Don't tell it, but I'm gonna put it
on broil and leave it there,

and I should be able to get it
up to 800 degrees, maybe even hotter.

The toaster heard you,
and he's the oven's best friend.

That doesn't sound totally safe, Dad.

They wouldn't put it online
if it wasn't safe.

Yeah, that's true. Everything online
has been carefully vetted.

Also, ovens are always safe.

That's great. I love it.
Let's do this plan.

Or you don't make pizza
and Brendan doesn't come over.

Honey, what are you afraid of more,
the pizza or us embarrassing you?

- There's a lot of overlap.
- Molly, just ask him. It's gonna be great.

Fine. Oh, look at that.
He's moving to Belize. Can you Belize it?

Should I make a heart with mushrooms?

Don't listen to him.
We're not going to embarrass you.

Owen, should we work on a dance
to welcome Brendan into our home?

Great idea. Five, six, seven, eight!

Welcome, stranger, to our home.
Welcome, stranger, to our home.

- Welcome, stranger, to our home.
- Mom, Dad, no.

I'm sorry, Molly, but I have to join them.

Stranger to our home.
Welcome, stranger, to our home.

Welcome, stranger, to our home.

While Paige, Owen and Cole
dance delightfully,

let's check in on Bitsy Brandenham
and her perfect relationship.

Everything set for the ad tomorrow?
Page four? That's fine.

Park management's
gonna freak the freak out.

Why aren't you laughing?
Never mind. That sounded forced.

Okay, bye.

Damn it, Shampagne!
Did you pee in the bed again? Why?

Pee in your own bed like a gentleman.

Helen, call the pet therapist.
Tell him it's an emergency.

He needs to be here
right after breakfast tomorrow.

- So, are we talking noon?
- Three. What are we, Quakers?

- Coming through.
- Yep, yep.

Augustus, you're late, but you're
a dog therapist, so does it even matter?

Sorry. My last client had a real
breakthrough, and we just kept jamming.

He's a Great Dane with tail dysmorphia.
Well, was.

- He d*ed?
- No! I cured him.

So, what's the dog-mergency?

Shampagne used to sleep
in Bitsy's bed and pee on the balcony,

but now he's sleeping on the balcony
and peeing on Bitsy's bed.

- And we don't want that?
- We don't love it.

Can you tell her it's incurable
and we should get rid of the dog?

Write him out of any wills or living
trusts he may or may not be mentioned in?

It's very rare that I have to
recommend a TOSGANO.

- What's a TOSGANO?
- That's my little acronym.

- What's it stand for?
- "This one sucks, get a new one."

Well, how much does he have to suck
before we can get rid of him?

You've got a dog
But the situation's hairy

And by that, I mean naughty
And it's getting pretty scary

It don't act like a pet, no
This is a TOSGANO

Let me spell it out for you
It's T-O-S-G-A-N-O

This one sucks Get a new one

It sucks, it sucks so friggin' much
It sucks so friggin' much

This one sucks Get a new one

I can't get rid of it fast enough
I can't get rid of it fast enough!

You don't need a license
to be a pet therapist, do you?

No, ma'am.

So, under what circumstances
would you recommend a TOSGANO?

Is it like, is it like
If it pees wherever it pleases?

Won't get a job and watches too much TV?

- What if it gives you a dumb, blank stare?
- Nope.

Or flashes his lipstick out of nowhere?

That does suck
But it's not enough

For a TOSGANO guarantee
An H-A-B is what you need

- Another acronym?
- Yes.

- Which stands for?
- "Hazardous Antisocial Behavior."

Which means...

Biting. But Shampagne's
never bitten anyone, right?

This therapist's breath is stinkin'
Like a dirty dog, but it's got me thinkin'

There's a plan cooking in my Helen melon
That could be fruitful

How to get rid of that shitzadoodle

All my dreams will come to pass
If I get Shampagne to bite Bitsy's ass

Oh, my God
My puppy's growling at me

And it's got me yellin'
Who's gonna save me? Helen!

This one sucks Get a new one

It sucks, it sucks so friggin' much
It sucks so friggin' much

This one sucks Get a new one

I can't get rid of it fast enough
I can't get rid of it fast enough!

Why are you laughing?
Is it because of my job?

Yes. Let's say yes.

Augustus, thank God you're here.
Shampagne's driving me crazy.

I can't deal with it. Not today.
There's too much going on.

Never fear, Augustus is here.

Your doggy troubles will be
in the rear... view mirror. Sorry.

What's going on
on the human side of the couch?

- You look ill. Are you very ill?
- No! I'm in the best shape of my life.

The problem is Shampagne
is peeing on my parade.

This was supposed to be a great day.

Today's the day The Manhattan Dispatch
published my full-page letter.

You haven't seen it? Show him, Helen.

My dear New Yorkers, do you remember
the Central Park that I remember?

A beautiful, leafy oasis. Now it's
an ugly blob of trash and graffiti.

Is it just me or is there
more horse poop than usual?

Where are all those horses coming from?

Central Park is an old girl like myself,
and she needs to be taken care of.

It's time to change its failing management

before it's so stinky that going there
makes you want to vomit.

I don't know about you,
but I don't like to vomit.

Let's do something about it, shall we?
Yours forever, Bitsy Brandenham.

She called the park
"an ugly blob of trash"?

It isn't an ugly blob of trash.

Yeah. Look who's talking, Bitsy!

And "failing management"? I work
my shorts off for this park, literally.

I've gone through three pairs
in the last six months!

- We need to do something.
- You thinking what I'm thinking?

We got you.

I can't believe you said we should
invite Brendan over for dinner.

I don't know teen things.
I thought you liked the guy.

I do! It's gonna be a nightmare.

Brendan's gonna come over
and see our weird house

and Dad doing his weird thing
and Mom doing her weird thing,

and it'll be weird,
and then he'll break up with me,

and I'll have to avoid him in the park,
which'll be hard,

because I live in the park
with my weird family.

- And your really cool brother.
- Wait, I know.

Since this is partly your fault,
you're gonna help me out tonight.

- I am?
- Yeah.

- That doesn't sound like me.
- No, no, it does.

When the conversation gets weird
or awkward, I'm gonna give you a signal,

and you're gonna help me
change the subject.

I do like signals.

How about you do a spit take
and drop an F-b*mb?

- Maybe something subtler.
- Chewbacca sound?

How about just when I clear my throat?

Boring. So boring. I'm dying.
Chewbacca throat clear?

- How's that?
- I'm in.

- Nice hairy mole.
- Thank you.

Your mom and I are declaring w*r
on Bitsy Brandenham's picture.

- Look at this thing she put in the paper.
- I can't read it. You drew all over it.

Yeah, 'cause when you mess with us,
this is what happens.

You end up with a drawing of a fart cloud
coming out of your butt?

The fart cloud is just the beginning.

Speaking of fart clouds,
who beefed in here?

What? That's just the new yeast
for my pizza dough.

Smells like a sweaty armpit
and a diaper did hot yoga together.

That's how you know it's the good stuff.

Brendan's gonna be here soon!

Dad, is the pizza gonna taste
like the yeast smells?

No. I mean, kinda.

Tonight's already going well, I think.

All right, I'm gonna put my apron on,

and I'm gonna channel all this
Bitsy-fueled anger into a delicious pizza.

- I don't think it works that way.
- It's gonna work that way today.

Trust me, this pizza's gonna be so full
of rage and the best one I've ever made.

And you, remember. Tonight,
you're not a reporter. You're just a mom.

- A totally non-curious mom.
- Meaning?

Don't interview Brendan
like you're writing a book about him.

Who, what, why, where,
and when would I do that?

Molly, I hear you 100%.
I was once a budding young woman who...

- Don't say "budding."
- Okay, blossoming.

Worse! You're k*lling me.
I'm gonna go open windows.

Unrelated to the yeast smell.

It's just a thing that I do
so that birds can fly through.

- Cole? I need a favor.
- Mother.

If I'm not allowed to ask questions,
I will go crazy, because I have questions.


So what I'm gonna need you to do
is ask questions for me.

- Absolutely not.
- I'll give you five dollars.

Write down everything you want me to ask.

Use cool-kid talk though, so no one
will know they're old-person questions.

- Word.
- Nope.

We're almost out of time.

So, total TOSGANO situation,
or what are we thinking?

Not quite. Thank you, Helen.

Bitsy, let's finish up with a little
bonding exercise.

I call this "Tongue Talk."

- No.
- Okay.

Wait, what's Tongue Talk?

Shampagne's telling you how he feels
with his pee-pee messages.

You're going to tell Shampagne
how much you love him by licking the air.

Let's pretend for a moment
that I'm going to do that

and that I have any moisture left
on my tongue. What would that look like?

Oh, for heaven's sake.
Helen, moisten my tongue.

- Vodka or gin?
- Never mind. I think I can do it.

Is it like this?

- Oh, dear God.
- Yes, very much like that.

Do it again without any sound.
Also, I'm going to look away.

Oh, that's louder.

And that's our time.
I have to get to my next appointment.

No! We need to fix this now.

I'm so sorry.
I have an Oscar winner, a senator,

and someone whose name rhymes
with Shmady Shmaga this afternoon.

All of their pets need attention.

I'll pay you double what they're paying...
No, triple!

Look at that.
My schedule just suddenly opened up.

It won't k*ll Smokey to eat his own poops
for another day, unless it does.

You could've just given me
directions to your house.

I know my way around the city pretty well.

I don't really live
on a street or in a house.

- Is this a riddle?
- Kind of. You know that castle over there?

Where they used to store horse bones?

Yup, that's a myth about the horse bones,

- but yeah.
- All right.

Okay, there was one horse bone.
Anyway, I live there.

- Behind the castle?
- More in it.

- Really? Why?
- Yeah.

My dad's the manager of Central Park,
so that's where we live.

But we're not, like,
rich jerks or anything.

- People stick gum on our house.
- Right.

Why are we saying "right" like that?

It's just, I guess I should tell you,
my family is kind of rich.

- Oh.
- Yeah.

It's fine. Totally okay.

I mean, there's rich,
and then there's crazy rich.

You don't live on the top two floors

of one of those super-snobby
apartment buildings along the park, right?

Top three floors.

Well, I mean, you don't, like,
fly on private planes

to ski in Aspen and stuff, right,
or have a private island?

It's not totally private.

The horse trainer lives there,
and sometimes Bono.

When I said rich jerks,
I meant it as a compliment.

No, it's okay.
I'm sorry I didn't tell you.

It's just, it can be kind of embarrassing.

People sometimes get weirded out
when I tell them I'm a Brandenham.

Brandenham? Your last name is Brandenham?
Brendan Brandenham? Brandenham?

So you're not weirded out at all.
That's good.

Remember when I was foreshadowing?

This is the shadow that I was fore-ing.
Back to scene.

No, not weirded out.
It's just, I'm thinking about...

Hey, can you wait here for a sec?

I just wanna make sure
the house isn't on fire.


So I'll be right back.
You just stay wealthy.

- We have to cancel dinner.
- What?

- Why do you wanna cancel dinner?
- I have to poop.

Honey, if I canceled dinner every time
I had to poop, I'd never have dinner.

Wait, isn't that Brendan
standing right outside?

Yes. Thank you, Cole.
That's why we need to cancel now,

because asking him to leave
after he's inside is just plain rude.

I know you're nervous, Molly,
but you can't cancel now.

He's already here.
And he's adorable! I love him!

No face tattoos. That's good.

He's waving at us.
Should we wave back or just keep staring?

- I'm gonna wave.
- I'm waving too. Now we're all waving.

Molly, what are we doing here?

All right, fine.
Dinner's uncanceled, okay?

Just nobody talk about anything at all,
but not in a weird way.

Just don't be weird.



I found out something terrible
about Brendan.

- What is it? Does he say "noice"?
- No. He's a Brandenham.

What? That is not noice.

Mom and Dad can't know. They'll freak out.

They were drawing
on Bitsy Brandenham's face this morning.

We gotta find that and get rid of it.
And also, everything's ruined!

Brendan, here's a fun game.

I'll say some simple
declarative sentences about me,

and maybe you respond with some
simple declarative sentences about you.

- Are you okay?
- Yeah, just a tickle.

Oh, so, Brendan, you like this?

I like it.

Who wants a house tour?
Let's start with the basement.

Good. I'm sure it's clean.

And that's where we keep
all our best stuff.

Do you like indoor puddles?

Speaking of indoor puddles,
Owen, you wanna get started on your pizza?

My pizza's not an indoor puddle, Brendan.
You'll see! You'll all see!

Tension. So much tension and yeast.

Let's see how this pizza turns out...
Oh, God!

- Birdie?
- Owen.

- What are you doing?
- Nothing.

Just passing by your window.
Smells good. What you makin'? Food?


- See?
- Oh, it looks good.

Toppings on top.
Bottoms on the bottom like the best of us.

- Something burning?
- That's my oven.

I tricked it into going up
to about 800 or 900 degrees.

Oh, no! Oh, that's not good!

That might be too hot. Fire, fire, fire.

Put it out, put it out, put it out, or...
I mean, not to tell you how to cook.

So that's gonna stay like that.

I'm so sorry, oven.
We'll get you new knobs, beautiful knobs.

How am I gonna make this pizza?

By buying one? At a pizza store?

They would love that, wouldn't they?

I need a hot oven. Oh, my gosh!

Paige! I gotta run out for a sec!
I know that sounds weird!

No, we get it! We smell the burning!
Did something go wrong with the pizza?

- Should I order some chicken?
- No!

- This is fun.
- Hold on, baby. Hold on, baby.

- I love when you call me "baby."
- I was talking to the... Never mind.

Comin' through!

Okay, sometimes a dog can feel intimidated
that you're so much bigger than they are.

Or slightly bigger.

So, what I'd like you to do
is crouch down to Shampagne's level.

I haven't crouched since the '80s.
Helen, put me on the floor.

He looks a little aggressive to me.
Does he look aggressive to you, Augustus?

I mean, he's licking himself aggressively.

Come on, phone. Why do dogs bite?
Why do dogs bite?

"Fear, stress, feel threatened." Great.

It's T-O-S-G-A-N-O

- Helen, what are you doing?
- Wasn't me. It was him.

Augustus, stop it.

I think everyone's a little distracted.
How 'bout this? Bitsy, can you sit?

You want me to crouch
and sit in the same day?

What is this, the Olympics?

Is this sitting? It hurts.

Stay there. Stay there.
We're gonna get him on your lap.

I don't know if that's a good idea.
He seems agitated.

No, he's fine. He's perfectly fine.

- Does he have a favorite toy?
- He has an ivory chew.

- Elephant ivory?
- No.

Terrible storm coming through.
Hope we don't lose power.

Yep, there it is.

- Ow!
- Oh, my God. What happened?

Power's back on.

Shampagne bit me. I can't believe it.


Augustus, bag the dog.
Let's get him outta here.

Hold on. Let me see your hand.

That's not a dog bite.
That's a human bite.


- Augustus, did you bite Bitsy?
- No.

- Why on earth would you bite me?
- I didn't. Why would I bite you?

He told me earlier he wanted to bite you.

- You probably bit her!
- Why would I bite Bitsy?

All right.
I'm going to bite her other hand,

and we'll compare the two bite marks.

All right. Both of you, out of the room.

Shampagne and I want to be alone.
You're creeping us out.

- There's my baby.
- Okay.

Look at that bonding.

Seems like we made a huge bark-through.
That's a breakthrough for dogs.

- I'm gonna bite you.
- What?

I said I'm gonna go wash my mouth out.
No reason.

So, that's it. Your basic everyday
faux castle/horse bone place

turned into a house.

I'm sad there's no drawbridge,
but other than that, five stars.

- Remember what you promised Mommy.
- Ask questions. Yes.

Here's a list. Try to get through them
all, but focus on the character ones.

"If you saw a turtle on its back,
would you flip it over?" Really, Mom?

Yes, go. Ask, but make it natural.

- Hey, Brendan. You into turtles?
- Turtles?

- Never mind.
- Okay.

- Cole!
- All right. I'll ask him a question.

What's taking my dad so long?

It's a question. It counts.
Good job, Cole.

You wanna put a pizza in the forge?

I wanna put a pizza in the forge.

I turned it off an hour ago.
It's probably 900 degrees.

- Hey, can I play with your sword?
- That's what it's there for.

Nine hundred degrees
is the perfect temperature.

You know there's, like,
bits of metal scrap in there?

There's stuff everywhere.
It just has to go in for a minute.

Okay, I'm putting your pizza in the forge.

Probably okay as long as you don't eat it.
You know, you can always just buy a pizza.

- You could just buy a sword.
- Touché.

So, any idea where I can
get some knobs for an oven?

I can make you some iron knobs.

You want them to get really hot
when you bake?

I guess maybe not. It's done.

It's beautiful.

- Jimmy, I... love you?
- I love you too?

- I gotta go.
- This was broken when I picked it up.

So, anyway, yeah. That's the entire plot
of the Harry Potter series.

Great. Great job.

- That was long.
- Yeah, did I mention that I read it?

I feel like I said that.
Also, sorry I fell asleep.

- Ask a question.
- "What school do you go to?"

Unless you're homeschooled,
which you seem kinda like you are

just 'cause you make
a lot of eye contact with grown-ups.

- Oh, I go to the Hickory Oak Pine School.
- Fancy.

Who wants to see me do a somersault?

I wonder how many you can do in a row.

Pizza guy. I'm a pizza guy.

Yeah, you are! You're my little pepperoni!

Look who made a perfect pi...
No! God, no!

No, no, no, no! No! Hot, hot, hot.

- Dinner!
- What a great normal meal we're having.

It's fine if no one wants to eat it.
Just know this.

Up until the moment I dropped it on the
floor, it was the best pizza I ever made.

- This pizza's delicious.
- Would you say it's "noice"?

- No.
- Correct.

That's very sweet of you, Brendan,
but we all know it's not.

No, really. Try it.

Dad. It's crunchy. It's chewy.
It looks gross, but it tastes perfect.

I never doubted you.

Guys, sympathy compliments
are just making it worse.

That's a good pizza. That's a good pizza!

This is the greatest day of my life!

Does anyone want another clump?

Nope. I guess that means
that's technically the end of dinner.

So much fun. So informative.
Should we call it? Let's call it.

- I'll walk Brendan out.
- It feels early.

Nope. Perfect time to stop.

Brendan, I can't let you go
without knowing something.

Your last name, your age, something!
Are you 30? A mother needs to know!

I'm not 30, I'm 13,

- and my last name is Brandenham.
- No, no, no...

I can't hear you 'cause Molly's screaming.

It's funny 'cause I thought
I heard you say Brandenham.

- I did.
- What?

- Oh, boy.
- Well, Brendan, it's been a great ride.

Sorry. Brandenham? As in Bitsy Brandenham?

Yeah, she's my great-aunt.
Sounds like you're not a fan.

Sorry, I don't know
if that's the right time to do that.

Also, not sure what to do right now.

I really thought I could keep this
a secret for, like, the next 70 years.

What they're about to find out
is that Brendan is a Brandenham.

They already know?

I can't hear very well
when they're in the dining room. Sorry.

Well, this has been
a really long, awkward silence.

So I guess I'm gonna head out?

I'll walk you out.

Brendan, you didn't do anything wrong.

It's just, after your aunt's ad
in the paper today, we're super sensitive.

- What ad?
- The one where she trashed the park.

Oh, she did? Did she talk about
how she wants to buy it?

- What?
- I know. It sounds crazy.

Everyone in my family thinks she's nuts.

- Now it all makes sense.
- That's terrifying.

I guess it's over for us.
We're enemies forever.

You guys aren't enemies.

You can be friends,
or whatever you guys are.

I don't know if you've put a label on it.
Your generation is so fluid.

- Mom!
- Sorry.

But you can be friends with whomever
you wanna be friends with.

As long as they're not, like,
murderers or magicians.

I just wanted everything to go well.
And let's face it, this is not that.

Hey, things can be messy
and still go well.

- Like your pizza.
- Exactly.

It fell on the floor,
but it was still delicious.

When I started this journey
I had a single goal

I'd make a pizza so stunning
But I quickly lost control

Didn't stop me, didn't stop me

Nothing would've stopped me from making
This pizza-perfect masterpiece

Wouldn't give up, wouldn't shut down

Had to keep on keep a-kneadin'
This dough catastrophe

So like this piece of pizza
Like this piece of pizza

We know love can be imperfectly perfect
Oh, no!

Even if it falls apart or ends up messy

Yeah, your love can be imperfectly perfect

Who cares what it looks like, baby?

It's more important
That it cooks right, baby

So like this sloppy supper
Love can be imperfectly perfect

I like the metaphor. Let me try a verse.

When we mess up, when we mess up

That's when we can grow
Like the pizza dough

And learn how to flavor it

And we might find
Yeah, we might see

That we taste a topping we would never try
And find a new favorite

Like this piece of pizza topped with...
Are these prunes?

We know love can be imperfectly perfect

It might look like it's been
att*cked by wild raccoons

But we know love can be
Imperfectly perfect

Who cares what it looks like, baby?

It's more important
That it cooks right, baby

So like this ugly pizza
Love can be imperfectly perfect

You can have a perfect boyfriend
But you'd probably feel bored

You could run a perfect park
But tell me where is the reward?

If the world was picture-perfect
Then there'd never be a scoop

If you make a giant mess
Just blend it up and call it soup

- So, sometimes the imperfect's preferable?
- Yeah!

- Each flaw makes us more exceptional?
- Yeah

Like this piece of pizza
Like this piece of pizza

We know love can be imperfectly...
Perhaps you'd like to...

Pizza, pizza
Yeah, we all relate to pizza

We know love can be imperfectly perfect

Who cares what it looks like, baby?

It's more important
That it cooks right, baby

So like this piece of pizza
Love can be imperfectly


- Oh, guys.
- No? No.

- Maybe try again?
- That was not our best.


- Now I'm tasting floor.
- Doesn't bother me.

Brendan, you are welcome back anytime.

But how do you feel about wearing
a wire when you talk to Bitsy?

Just kidding. Kind of. Are you open to it?
Kidding. We'll talk about it later.

Mom, Dad, let's show him our dance.
Five, six, seven, eight.

So, that was fun,
I think I'm supposed to say.

Just, you know, hope this didn't
ruin pizza for you, or castles, or me.

Does this answer your question?

You kinda kissed my eye.

I wasn't gonna mention it
unless you mentioned it.

I'm so sorry. I was aiming for your lips,

and then I saw your parents
peeking through the window.

We have about ten seconds
till they peek again.

Okay, well, you've got my eye.

- We are terrible at this.
- I mean, not as bad as the first time.

You mean when I almost k*lled you?
Yeah, I guess the bar's pretty low.

- Let's try one more time.
- Teeth.

There's still a lot to learn about him
Our love is so complex

Perfect relationship

I know his name is Brendan something
And he likes to text

Even though I don't
I don't know her last name

- I think we're both, both in eighth grade
- Don't know

I know, I know
I am in a perfect relationship

Perfect relationship

Sometimes I think I am dreaming
Could this be real life?

So complex

And when she sent that shrimp emoji
I knew I found my wife

Even though we don't, we don't
Talk in person

- He is my everything
- She's my everything

I want the world to know I'm in a per...