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01x15 - 2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.

Posted: 09/27/22 13:26
by bunniefuu
(Jack) Right now, t*rrorists are plotting to assassinate a presidential candidate, my wife and daughter are in danger, and people that l work with may be involved in both.

l'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer, and this is the longest day of my life.

There's an ambulance waiting to take you to a clinic where a doctor will examine you.

- Can't we stay with you? - No, sweetheart, l've gotta stay at CTU.

l have to place you under house arrest.

You'll be held here until we hand you to the FBl.

Unfortunately, as you know, our procedures don't allow for any deviation from protocol.

l can't reinstate you, Jack.

l was r*ped.

- Excuse me, Dr Kent.

Teri, we need to go.

- l'm sorry, we're not finished here yet.

We need to move them to the safe house now, rather than wait.

They're leaving now.

We have to leave the state this afternoon.

They've done a threat assessment.

lt's too dangerous for us to stay.

- You asked me to check out Jack Bauer.

- Who is he? - He was in the Special Forces.

- That's what it was.

The Drazen Mission.

- Senator Palmer, can l help you? - l'm here to see Jack Bauer.

- Mr Drazen, l can fix it for you.

- l appreciate the offer, Kevin, but plan B is already in effect.

Can you get this to Mrs Palmer? l didn't have time to pack it.

- Aren't you coming? - No, l'm taking a later flight.

- Elizabeth.

- l can't stay long, Alexis.

Then we shouldn't waste any time.

l can go over your head, Mr Almeida.

And l assure you, there will be consequences.

l apologise, Senator, but we do have protocol.

Our director, Ryan Chapelle, is working on a clearance.

- But if l could tell him why you're here - All he needs to know is l need to see Bauer.

And l need to do it now.

- Can l get you anything while? - No.


l don't think l can stall him much longer.

He wants to know why he can't see Jack.

What did you tell him? Well, l told him you were workin' on it.

- And he still didn't say why he was here? - No.

He just wants to see Jack.

Well, until l know more, l don't wanna put those two together.

- l'm checking it out now.

- All right.

- So? You find out what Palmer's doin' here? - Not yet.

- Any new intel on the backup sh**t? - Yeah, uh, an Alexis Drazen.

Looks like he's connected to two other sh**t, but he stopped in DC for two days before landing in LAX on Saturday.

There's other inconsistencies.

l'm working on it.

- Where's the report? - l routed it to Nina's computer.

- Send me a copy, would ya? - Yeah.

Weren't we supposed to answer some questions at Jack's office? - We're gonna do that at the safe house now.

- ls my dad gonna be there? Not right away.

Maybe when he's done at CTU.

- Are we OK, Nina? - Everything's fine.

A small, controlled environment is the most secure place for you.

- Does Jack know you're taking us? - Of course.


We're moving Teri and Kim to the safe house now.

We should be there soon.

Mom you never told me what the doctor said.

(Nina) No, l'm not worried about that.

lt was a cyst that burst.

She said it wasn't serious.

- Then why did she? - There's nothing to worry about.

She said it would go away all by itself.

Gaines first contacted me on my cellphone, directing me to a car parked at St Mark's Hospital.

- The transmitter was in the car? - That's when he asked me to put it in my ear.

Can we take a break? Could you find out how my wife and daughter are doing at the clinic? - Teri and Kim have already left the clinic.

- What? They're fine.

Nina's moving them to a safe house.

You knew they were moving my wife and daughter and you didn't tell me? That's it.

This is over.

l don't say another word.

l wanna speak to Chapelle.

Now, Alberta! You're exhausting.

l was surprised you called last night.

l didn't think l'd see you again after DC.

l'm not really that easy, you know.

Will you have another break later in the day? The senator has to leave town this afternoon, and he's going to Nevada.

Only a few of us were told about it, and l am one of the ones who has to go with him.

- You have to hold his hand? - ln so many words.

Would it be too much to hope that you might have some free time in Nevada? You would wanna come? lf you want me.

This is a pretty big shower.

There's room enough for two.

l'm on my way.

- Alan.

- Senator Palmer, what can l do for you? l'm trying to talk to a CTU agent named Jack Bauer.

- Where are you? - CTU, Los Angeles.

They say l need clearance, but it's taking forever.

- Not a problem.

Who's in charge over there? - Ryan Chapelle.


OK, l'll take care of this right away.

Thank you, Alan.

l owe you.

Senator Palmer, Ryan Chapelle.

What seems to be the problem, Ryan? Why can't l get in to see Agent Bauer? Please forgive the wait.

When an agent is under internal investigation, procedure is to keep him isolated until he's been fully interrogated.

lt's really out of my hands.

Even if l can help you with your investigation? Mr Chapelle? Alan Optican from the Pentagon's on the line for you.

Excuse me.

- Chapelle.

- This is Optican, Department of Defense.

Yes, sir.

Senator Palmer is to be given carte blanche.

Make sure he gets whatever he needs.

- Yes, sir.

- Understood? - Of course, sir.

- Thank you.

Bring Jack Bauer down here right away.

Thanks for helping me cut through the red tape.


l want all your cameras and recording equipment shut down.

This is going to be a private conversation.

l understand.

l'll make sure the room is secure.

Thank you.

- Hey, Jack.

- Hey.

Listen, Nina called and wanted me to tell you that Teri and Kim are fine.

- Who's guardin' the house? - Paulson and Breeher.

OK, good.

Also, Chapelle wants to see you in the conference room.


- Thanks a lot, Tony.

- You got it.

Milo, l'm sorry l had to switch the cards on you last night.

l had no choice.

We understand what you were goin' through.

Thanks for your help.

Senator Palmer.

Leave us.

- l'll be outside.

- Thank you.

Close the door.


Yes, sir.

l wanna know who's working with you.

- ln which context, sir? l'm sorry, l don't - Right here, right now.

We're gonna end this.

- l don't know what they told you - l know why you want me dead.

- l don't know what you're talking about.

- Kosovo! - Kosovo? - l know you hold me responsible for the men you lost there two years ago today.

- You know about Operation Nightfall? - l authorised the mission.

l know you took out Victor Drazen and his inner circle.

And lost six men in the process.

- And you think l want revenge? - Yes, l do.

With all due respect, l almost died today trying to protect you.

And if l blame anyone for the death of my men in Kosovo, l blame myself.

- What were you doin' at the power plant? - l was trying to The reason l went for that agent's g*n, sir, was to try and get you out of the room without giving myself away.

The people that want you dead had kidnapped my family.

They threatened to k*ll them if l didn't assist them in the assassination attempt.

They didn't tell you any of this when you came in, did they, sir? No.

lt's the truth.

You can verify it with Chapelle.

- OK, they're just arriving at the safe house.

- (man) Copy that.

Show visual.

This way, Mrs Bauer.

These are Agents Paulson and Breeher.

They've worked with Jack for many years.

- This is Jack's wife, Teri, and daughter, Kim.

- (Kim) Hi.

Hi, Kim.

Where do you want us? One in and one out.

Well, it's not exactly home, but it's relatively comfortable.

There are motion detectors every ten yards.

- How long do we have to stay here? - We'll worry about that after we debrief you.

- Nina, where's the bathroom? - There's one in each bedroom, through there.

lf you'd both like to clean up before we get started, please do.

l was the head of the Special Defense Appropriations Committee in the Senate, which is just a euphemism for covert operations.

Three years ago, the ClA brought to my attention atrocities committed by Victor Drazen in Kosovo.

Massacres, t*rture, ethnic cleansing.

The man was a monster, and was gaining support.

l tried to go through the usual channels, but l couldn't get anyone to work quickly enough.

So l contacted the one person l knew who could get the job done, have him terminated, off the books.

- And that would be Robert Ellis.

- That's right.

Ellis was funded through a discretionary fund of my committee.

His job was to implement the covert missions and see to it that no names were leaked.

Now we're both on somebody's list.

So this is payback for what happened that day.

lt's the only thing that makes sense.

But if someone could put your name and my name on a list together, that means they should be able to find Robert Ellis, too.

You're right.

Four sixes.

Let's see 'em.

l knew it! l saw it in your eyes! lf you could read what's in my eyes, you'd crawl under a rock and cry.

Go again.

(phone rings) - Ellis.

- Bobby, it's David Palmer.

- You gotta be kidding.

- l'm not.

l'm here with Jack Bauer.

Get lost.

What are you doin' with Bauer? l went to a lot of trouble to make sure you two never met.

Someone close to Victor Drazen seems to have connected us.

- Explain.

- Someone wants me dead.

And it appears they want Bauer, too.


The two-year anniversary of Nightfall.

l'm the only one who knows you both were involved.

Apparently not.

And if we're on the list, it's likely you are, too.

- Let me talk to Bauer.

- l'm right here, Bob.

- Jack.

You still at CTU? - Yeah.

To source this we need each other's help.

Unfortunately, over the last 12 hours, l've had to cut a few corners.

l'm being investigated right now.

My hands are tied.

Well, get them untied.

David can help you there.

lt has to be someone either connected to your team No.

No one on my team knew of the senator's involvement.

Well, then it has to be Drazen's group.

l'll retrieve the closed file on Nightfall.

lt'll contain the names of Drazen's associates.

That'll take a few minutes.

Meantime, you need to pick up a trail on the money.

Odds are it's funded through Belgium.

Can you get to your K-3 accounts from there? - Yes, if l get reinstated.

- All right, start there.

We'll compare names when we talk again.

Where can l reach you? CTU, Los Angeles office.

All right.

(knock at door) (Nina) Teri? - Yes? - l put some clean clothes on the bed.

Thank you.

They called me and said you decided not to fly out.

Aren't we going to Nevada? Apparently not.

The senator needed to do something.

He thought we'd be safest here.

- Are you taking a later flight? - l don't know.

l hope so.

Call the Times.

Tell them l'll do that phoner, 45 minutes.


(dials out) - Hello.

- You miss me yet? - Of course.

- l hope you didn't book your flight to Nevada.

l was just about to.

Why? We might not be going.

- When will you know? - ln about an hour.

lf you stay in town, will you remain at the hotel? l don't know.

They might switch us for security reasons.

Either way, l'll let you know where l am.

l can still smell your perfume on my skin.

l'll call you as soon as l know.

- ls that the girl? - Yes.

Palmer might not be leaving after all.

- Better for us.

- Mm-hm.

Was there any problem getting rid of Gaines's people? No.

You should never have used him.

l told you it was a mistake.


You fixed the mistake, now let's move on.

(girl giggles) She looks like Martina.

Our sister's dead, Andre.

Leave it alone.

- Have you spoken to Jovan and Mishko? - They have their targets in sight.

And as for Palmer, l give you my word he will be dead by midnight.

- Hey.

Do you have any toothpaste? - Yeah, it's right there.

That's nothing.

The doctor just wanted me to take it as a precaution.

You scared me.


What? You're pregnant.

l don't understand.

What happened today How is that possible? lt was Dad, of course, but a test like this, it takes time before You were trying to have a kid and didn't tell me? No, honey, it wasn't like that.


Kim! - What? - Please! This is just as much a shock to me as it is to you.

Dad and l use birth control.

lt's protection, but it's never 100%.


You don't need my permission.

l'm not asking for your permission, Kimberly.

Once in a while, you have to think about what another person is going through.

Honey, l just found out l'm pregnant.

You don't think that terrifies me? Well, it does.

Mom l'm sorry.

(Ellis) Are there any other names on the HK list that you recognise? - Rich Goen, Michael Redman.

That's it.

- No, they weren't cleared until after the op.

- l'll use what we have so far.

- l shouldn't be here.

- Green's got me on priority.

- l cleared it.

- OK, Bob, he's here.

- Milo.

- Yeah.

Who are you? - Don't worry about me.

Ah, l see you opened some sockets up to Ml5.

- How did you know that? - Doesn't matter.

We're tryin' to hook up some names.

l'm gonna help you.

Now, what's your login lD and password? Give it to him.

The login lD is LFN.

Password's foothill 94022.

Lower case.

OK, hang on.

OK, looks like we got some partial results.

- Partial? - Yeah.

Looks like there's something missing.

What do you mean, Bob? Something's been removed.

l'll look into it.

Meanwhile, Milo, l'm gonna l'm gonna send a file to your server.

Why don't you print out hard copies for Jack and David? - Yeah.


- Thanks, Milo.

All right, here we go.

Feels like l haven't eaten in years.

Feels good, doesn't it? Not being afraid any more.


l'm sorry, Mom, l was being really stupid before.

So, when are you gonna tell Dad? You know what? Right now.

Come on.

Um (phone rings) - CTU.


- Hi, Tony, it's Teri Bauer calling.

- Could l talk to Jack, please? - Hi, Teri.

Actually, it's a bad time.

- He's he's kinda busy right now.

- Could you tell him to call? lt's important.


- l really want to hear his reaction.

- l'm so lucky to have you.

Aw, baby.


Sorry, but we need to start the debrief.

CTU's eager to find out what you know.

- We're ready, huh? - Yeah.

- Great.

l'd like to start with just you, Teri.

- Fine.

- l think l'm gonna go to my room.

- That's a good idea.

You should try and rest.

This is standard procedure.

We're gonna put you on videotape.


( ''Clocks Grow Old'' by lAm Spoonbender) (phone rings) - Yeah? - Hi, Rick? Hey.

- Kim.

- Are you OK? Yeah.

l just lost a little blood.

You need to see a doctor.

You don't sound good.

- l just need a few days' rest.

- Turn yourself in.

You can get medical help.

And l'll also get arrested.

- But you helped us escape.

l'll tell them that.

- No! Don't tell them anything about me.

Well, it's too late.

My mom's already being questioned.

They're gonna ask about you.

l'm next.

l can't lie.



Tell them that l didn't know anything about what was goin' on and that Dan threatened me, he had a g*n.

OK, but promise me you'll turn yourself in.

l gotta think this through.

l'm not like you, Kim.

l don't come from a good family.

- System's not gonna give me a break.

- lt's your only way out of this, Rick.

l brought you to Gaines.

That's kidnapping.

They could put me in jail for the rest of my life.

What's incredible is that none of this has anything to do with me running for president.

lt has nothing to do with the primary.

lt has nothing to do with my being black.

lt's just revenge for taking out Victor Drazen.

Yes, sir.

(phone rings) - Hello.

- David, it's Sherry.

- Oh, hi.

Are you back at the hotel? - Yes.

Where are you? l'm at CTU, a government agency.

Why? - There's some things l have to take care of.

- David, what's going on? l'm trying to find out who's attempting to k*ll me, Sherry.

- l've got to go.

Wait for me at the hotel.

OK? - OK.


Just doesn't stop.

l'm sorry this is happening to you, sir.

You've been detained.

Your family's been kidnapped.

And you're concerned about me.

That didn't have anything to do with the election.

That was about my son.

ls he OK? l just realised today that l haven't always been there for him.

And what's k*lling me is that he's always been there for me.

Being the son of a politician isn't easy.

Being a son or a daughter or a father none of it's easy.

Your wife and daughter OK? l don't know.

l hope so.

- OK.

Just try to be relaxed.

- OK.

l just have a few questions.

This just came in from Ellis.

l organised it into three sections.

Cross-references are in the first part.

Then there's a summary of Operation Nightfall.

Details that may not be important are at the end.

- Any word on the missing file? - No, not yet.

OK, thanks, Milo.

What is the Ambassador to Libya doing on this list? Probably kept Drazen's money separate from the government.

We've had our eye on him for quite some time.

Do you know a Rene Bonniere? - No.

Who's he? - He's out of North Africa.

A couple high-ups over at District thought he was trying to set up t*rror1st cells in the US.


Page four.

Second paragraph down.

Drazen's wife and daughter were in the bunker? Did you know about this? This wasn't in our initial report.

They died in the expl*si*n.

My God.

This is an eye for an eye.

We took out Drazen and his family.

Now someone wants mine.

Who's in charge of protecting your family? Jack! Who has the authority to add security to your wife and daughter? Chapelle.

- (woman) Yes, Senator? - Send in Mr Chapelle right away.

Yes, sir.

There was nothing else you saw or heard that gave you a glimpse into their operation? No, that's it.

They really didn't talk much in front of us.

- Tell me about this boy Rick.

He helped you? - Yeah.

How? Well, different ways, but mainly he gave us a g*n and he helped us escape.

- How'd he get a g*n? - l don't know.

- And you don't know his last name? - No.

- l don't think Kimberly knows either.

- How did she meet him? Through her friend, Janet York.

Everyone used to say ''Wait until she's a teenager, you'll finally understand the meaning of the word 'worry'.

'' l'm sure she'll grow out of it.

Jack says she's basically a level-headed kid.

Jack talks about Kim? Just the usual stuff.

lt surprises me.

Jack's work always seems so serious and secretive.

lt's hard to picture him sitting around the office talking about his family.

Sometimes at lunch he'll bring up something if something's on his mind.

So, do you think Rick had the confidence of lra Gaines, the leader of the group? l really couldn't tell you that.

- Nina, could l ask you a question? - Sure.

When Jack and l were separated did he ever talk about me? Jack never discussed his marriage.


Sometimes he would talk about Kim, you know.

We all knew he was going through a very hard time and that he missed you both very much.

When Jack and l got back together again he told me that he'd been with someone else.

l told him it didn't matter what l did, what he did when we were apart - that was in the past.

The only thing that mattered was what we did from that point on.

lt was you, wasn't it? Teri.

l saw it when we got off the helicopter.

l saw it when you looked at him.

After you were separated, yes, we saw each other.

But it didn't last long.

He realised it was a mistake and he went back to you.

- What about you? - What about me? Did you think it was a mistake? - Are you still sleeping with him? - No.

Teri it was over before he went back to you.

That is the truth.

Look, l realise this is a terrible time for you to discover all this.

When do you think a good time would be, Nina? l'm sorry.

lt's just we have to get through the rest of this.

l need to take a break.

Yeah, Mike, l know.

We'll be leaving in about five minutes.

l can't wait for Ellis.

l've got to go.

Senator, they're not gonna let me continue to work here.

l am technically still under arrest.

Come on.

Ryan! - Yes, Senator? - l understand you have Jack under arrest.

l told the senator l was being detained.

There is an ongoing crisis that supersedes any charges that might be filed against him.

- But Senator - l want him reinstated immediately.

Sir, you don't have the authority to make that decision.

Alberta, please.

Sir, what you are asking isn't possible.

The charges against Agent Bauer are serious.

We'd be in contempt of agency regulations if we reinstated him without a hearing.

Ryan, you don't have to reinstate me.

Not permanently.

Nobody here has as much information about this situation as l do.

Give me provisional status till the end of the day.

Then you can take me back into custody, do whatever you want.

Fine, Jack.

You work the case out of CTU, but you answer to me.

Good luck with your campaign, Senator.

Thank you.

Walk with me.

Secret Service wants me to leave the state.

They say it's not safe.

Well, l agree with them.

The one thing we know is that Drazen's people are here, and they want us today.

And it's almost three o'clock now.

The day is more than half over.

l'm going to stay.

Let's flush them out into the open and deal with them.

Otherwise you and l and our families will be looking over our shoulders for the rest of our lives.

l understand.

l'll follow up with Ellis.

l'll keep you posted.

- You know how to get in touch with me.

- Jack.

l'm sorry that l misjudged you.

Thank you, Senator.

Excuse me.

Before my mom came, nobody talked to me.

They put me in the room, l was locked in.

- What about Rick? - Rick? What about Rick? - Well, he was one of your kidnappers, right? - Not exactly.

l thought he and Dan brought you to Gaines? Well, it was mostly Dan.

l mean, not Rick.

l think he was actually just as surprised as we were about what was happening.

Really? Well, yeah.

He was fighting with Dan the entire time.

He actually helped us escape.

Hold on.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

(phone rings) Hold on.

- Myers.

- Hey, it's me.

Chapelle reinstated me to provisional status for the rest of the day, at Palmer's request.

- That's great, Jack.

- Yeah.

How's everything going over there? - Not bad.

- Look, we're sending over two more teams.

- Why? - Looks like Teri and Kim were targets as well.

Nina this is not information they need to know, OK? - No, of course.

- Good, thanks.

- Let me speak to Teri, OK? - Sure.

Teri? lt's Jack.

- Hi, Jack.

- Hey, sweetheart.

You OK? How you doin'? l'm OK.

- How's Kim? - She's fine.

Tony gave me a message that you wanted to tell me something important.

No, it's nothing important.

Are you sure? You sound funny.

lt's nothing, l just l just l'm so tired.

Why don't you try and get some rest, sweetheart? Listen, if if you need anything from the house, Nina will make sure - someone can go and get it for you, OK? - Yeah, OK.

l've gotta go.

l love you, OK? l'll call you as soon as l can.



Mom! l'll be right back.

- So, what did he say? - l didn't tell him.

- Why not? - lt wasn't the right time.

You should go back and finish with Nina, honey.

What's wrong? Nothing.

l just think you should finish answering Nina's questions.

(phone rings) Bauer.

- Jack, it's Bob.

- Hey, Bob.

Yeah, l shot over a few more things to Milo, but l still can't locate the missin' file.

- How can l help? - l gave Milo enough to try it on your end.

The more l look at this thing, the more l'm convinced the file was taken out deliberately.

Which leads me to believe it contains what we're lookin' for.

Can you give an estimate of when you think the file was stolen? Also a list of people you think could've had access to even get in there? Not yet, but you tell Milo l got some ideas on how to Urgh! Bob? Bob? Bob? Can you hear me? Bob?