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01x07 - Tree's Company/Now You See Me

Posted: 09/28/22 15:58
by bunniefuu

♪ Hey!

♪ What?

♪ Come over here,

♪ The Cat in the Hat
is about to appear. ♪

♪ He's whizzing over
to whisk you away ♪

♪ On a fabulous
journey today. ♪

♪ He's coming!

♪ And now he's arrived
In the Thingamajigger ♪

♪ the thing that
he drives ♪

♪ He's a Cat and
he's oodles of fun ♪

♪ With his hairy helpers
Thing Two and Thing One ♪

♪ Instrumental

♪ Instrumental

♪ It's the
Cat in the Hat! ♪

♪ All of our adventures
start like that. ♪

♪ Wherever you're going
Where ever you're at ♪

♪ The Cat in the Hat
Knows a lot about ... ♪

♪ He knows a lot about,
he knows a lot about, ♪

♪ He knows a lot about
....THAT! ♪


This is the
last piece, Sally.

We're done!


Hey! Let's do
another one, Nick!

Come on down,
you two!

almost ready!

But we're having
such so much fun!

I wonder what it would be
like to live in our tree

all the time?

You mean eat here
and sleep here?


And never ever
climb down.

Live in a tree?

That sounds fun to me.

Hey, it's the
Cat in the Hat!



The Cat in the Hat!

There's no
doubt about that!

Have you ever lived
in a tree, Cat?

No, but I've fallen
out of seventeen!


No one can live their
whole life in a tree.

It's impossible.


Is that so.

I've heard of
some creatures,

quite easily found, Who
live their whole lives

without touching
the ground.


The giant Kapok tree in
the Jimmer-Jammer Jungle!

You know it?

No. Never heard of it.

Well then let's go.

Your mother will not
mind at all if you do!

Mom, can Sally
and I go to the

Jimmer-Jammer Jungle
with the Cat?

Sure! As long as you're
back before your soup gets cold!

We can go!
We can go!
We can go! We can go!

I know!
I know!

To the

Are you ready?

Yes we are!

Are you steady?

Yes we are!

Are you sure you're
ready to explore...?

Yes, we, are!

Then buckle up!

Flick the


springs to life]

Isn't this fun?


♪ Here we go, go, go go!
On and Adventure. ♪

♪ The thingamajigger
is up and away! ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go!
On and Adventure. ♪

♪ We're flying with the
Cat in the Hat today! ♪

♪ We're off to find
a wonderful tree. ♪

♪ A life in a tree is
the best there can be! ♪

♪ Here we go, go, go,
go! On and adventure. ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go GO!

There it is!
The Jimmer-Jammer Jungle!

And the giant Kapok tree!

Oh what fun it will be,
living in a great big tree!

Wow, we're
really high up.

It's the tallest tree
in the whole jungle.

Time to make ourselves
at home in this tree.

Follow me.

Fish do not
belong in trees!

Hey! There are flowers
growing out of this tree!

It's like a
garden in the sky.

[sniff sniff]

Oh dear!
I'm a Cat with no hat!

I'll find it.

There it is
on that branch!

How are we going
to get down there?

Why, with the help of
this rope of course.

Hey! Keep Your handssss
to yourssself.

Goodness a
talking rope.

Oh! What does a
ssssnake have do

to get some ssssleep
around here?

Wow. A snake in a tree!

Thisssss isssss
where I live.


I'd like to
live here too.

Ah, but we're looking
for Cat's hat.

It fell down there and
we can't get to it.

That's easssssy.

You jussssst ssslide
and you ssssslip!

Like meeeee.

A snake in a tree, Now
that's rather neat.

Look how he slides with
no hands and no feet!

We can't slide down trees.

We're not slippy.

Then let's slide
on the slider!

Follow me!!!

Now that we can do!








I believe thisss
is your ssstop.




Wow, my first time
on a snake slide!

You use your body
just like a ladder.

Beats slithering
on the ground.

..and you have a
much better view

Sssee you sssoon.

There it is.
The Cat's hat!


That feels soooo
much better.

Hey. That hat belongs to
this here cat.


Ooo oo aaa aaa.
[jumping noises]


You have to catch
me first.


Oh, it's hat-tag
is it?

Coming to get
you ready or not!

Aww, now we'll have to go
all the way back up again.

No problem.

We can swing back up the monkey!


I can't
swing like him.

Or slide back up
like the snake.

Maybe there's an elevator
around here somewhere.

Hey, look at him go!

He's a great climber!

Mr Frog!

Wait up!

Oh, are you OK?

Perfectly well thank you.

You look like
you've been crying.


Oh no.

My eyes are
always like that.

I'm a red-eyed tree frog.

How do you climb
the tree so easily?

I guess I use these.

Suckers for feet.

Wow! That really is neat!

So, that's how you
stick to the tree.

I got them on all
four feet.

Oh, don't you
have them?



Can't see any.

You wanna climb this tree,
you're gonna need some suckers.

See ya!

If you need suckers that
stick tight as glue

Who better to call than
Thing One and Thing Two?


[whee-ah-oh - landing noise]

[struggling effort]


Hey, look at me.
I'm a tree frog!


Wow! It sure makes
climbing easier.

I'm such a sucker
for suckers.

We did it.

It's easy living in a
tree once you know how.

And it's fun too.


I'm up here.
Come and get it!

Now that is one
mischievous monkey.

Oh, we'll never
reach him up there!

I have an idea.

Hey, Monkey.

[confused noise]

Bet you can't do this!!

That's easy peezy!

[swinging noises]

Hey. No fair!


Good job Cat!

You have to be real smart
to outsmart the Cat.

The Cat in the Hat!


You know what?
You'd make a fine monkey!

The monkey
in the hat?

[giggles] Doesn't sound
quite right does it?

I wonder if there's anything
to eat here....I'm hungry.

To eat?
You're kidding me!

This tree's full
of stuff to eat.

How about a nice
yummy flower?

Yum yum.

Uhm, no thanks.

Don't mind if I do!

[Eating noise]

Crunchy bug anyone?

Uh, no thanks.


I was about to
catch a mouse!

Um, no thank-you!

No way!


Suit yourselves!

Don't you have
something we can eat?

You mean you don't
like crunchy bugs?

Uh, oh, they're not
really my favorite.

Living in
trees is great,

but there are some
things I really miss.

Like what, Nick?

Mom's cooking!

Yes a tree's a great home
if you like flowers and bugs.

But there's nothing like Moms,
For some real food and hugs!


We've had lots of fun in
the great Kapok tree...

With the tree frog, the
snake and the squirrel monkey.

High up in the branches
they do their own thing.

They climb using suckers.

They slide and they swing.

They've all got their own
way of getting around

So they eat here and sleep
here, high up above ground.

Goodbye everyone.



Ssseee you ssssooon!

Anyone for hot soup?


Much better than flowers!

And bugs...

And mice!


Where do you
two get these ideas?

From living in a
tree of course.


... ...

... ...

... !

Ready or not,
here I come!

I see you, Sally!

Aww, that's the
third time in a row!

I love this game!

Let's play again!

.. .. ... ... ...

... ...
I see you Sally!

And I see, huh?

The CAT!!?

The Cat?


The Cat in the Hat!
The Cat in the HAT!

Wow, you are GOOD, Nick!

You found me just like THAT!

He finds me every time.

Can you help me to
hide better, Cat?

I could!
I AM a great hider,

actually I'm the second-best
hider in the world,

and I'd be
happy to teach you if...

Who's the BEST hider?

The BEST hider in the
world is my friend Gecko.

He lives in the Jungle
of Bingle-Bungle boo.

Don't tell me you
want to meet him!


Great idea!

Your mother will not
mind at all if you do!


Can we go learn how to hide
from the Cat's friend Gecko?

He lives in the Jungle
of Bingle-bungle-boo!


Sure, Sally, as long as you
find your way home for lunch!

We can go!
We can go!
We can go! We can go!

I know!
I know!

To the


How are we going
to find Gecko?

He's the best hider

Hey! Don't worry.
I'm the best FINDER ever!

Buckle up!

Flick the


springs to life]

Isn't this fun?


♪ Here we go, go, go go!

♪ On an adventure.

♪ The Thingamajigger
is up and away! ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go!

♪ On an Adventure.

♪ We're flying with the
Cat in the Hat today! ♪

♪ We're off to find Gecko
and learn how to hide. ♪

♪ Hold on to your hats,
it will be quite a ride. ♪

♪ Here we go, go, go, go!

♪ On an adventure.

♪ Go, go, go, go GO!

We found the jungle
of Bingle-Bungle-Boo!

Now all we have to
do is find Gecko --

he's a lizard,
you know!

Oh, Geeeeckoooo!!!

I can't see him any...

Hey, Cat.

Lookin' for me.


Where did you come from?

You know me.

I'm usually around, but
you just can't FIND me!

Hi, Gecko!
I'm Nick.

And I'm Sally.

I hear you're a
really good hider.

Well, Sal, some
people say that.

Others say I am
the hiding MASTER!

Oh I love flies...

Let's play a little
hide and seek.

I'm IN!

I know some stupendous
hiding places.

Oh, can I be
the counter?!!!

I can count all the
way up to a ZILLION! I can!

A zillion?
I don't need a zillion!

Ten's enough for me.

And with the awesome
awesomeness of my awesome

hiding powers you'll
never find me.

[happy noises]

... ...

... ... ... ...

... ... ... ...

Ready or not
Here we come!!!

I see the CAT!

The Cat in the Lamp!

What? I'm stunned.

This is usually one
of my best spots.

Now where is that Gecko?


Oh I love flies..

But if I eat it,
they'll find me for sure.

[lunge effort]
[wobble noise]




Found you!

You were lucky that time --
you never would have found

me if it wasn't for that
pesky, but delicious, fly!

That's not real hiding.

Not hiding?

NOT real hiding???

Yeah, it was more...
hanging upside down.

Whoa. Tough crowd.

Okay, you want hiding,
I'll give you HIDING.

Close your eyes,
and give me TEN!



... ... ...
... ... ...

... ..
.. .. ..
No, No, No, cuuute, but no.

... !!!
Ready or Not, here we come!


I see you Cat!

Wow, Sally, you're getting
to be as good a finder as Nick!

Well, you don't see many
big colourful beach umbrellas

in the jungle.

Now, where is that Gecko?

He doesn't seem to
be around anywhere.

They'll never find me!!!
Ha! Ha! HA! Heheheh...

Where am I anyway?

I'm LOST!!



We're coming



Where ARE you!!


THERE you are!!

I was running and running
and running and then...


It's okay, Gecko.

And by the way,
I see you.

Yeah, well, I'm
not hiding - NOW!

But you didn't even hide!

You lost!

Nick's right, Gecko -

running away really
isn't real hiding.

Well, I've been saving my most
awesome hiding trick for last.

So have I!

You're NEVER
gonna find ME...

Close your eyes, and
don't bother counting.

[pushing bathtub]


We're reeeaaaady!!!

His voice came from
this direction.

But I don't see him.

But I do see...
The Cat!


You're kidding!

I thought you'd NEVER
find me in here!

Uh, but there aren't any
bathtubs in the jungle, Cat.

We saw you right away,

because your hiding place
sticks out!

Hey, maybe THAT's why
we can't see the Gecko.

He doesn't stick out
because he's brown!

It's true!

And his tail kinda
looks like a leaf.

So he looks just
like the jungle!

If only there was
some part of him

that DIDN'T look like
the jungle.

You mean like your
pink dress, Sally.

Oh, so THAT'S how
you kept finding me.



Ah, ya got me!

Now THAT is what I
call good hiding.

Yep, I blend right
in, thanks to my...





Huh, huh?

Hey! Are you

No just blending in
with my surroundings.

All part of
the camouflage.


I see now, or rather,
I DON'T see

---get it?

We get it Cat.

Hey Gecko, now that
we know how to hide --

it's time for YOU
to find US!!


I'm as good a finder
as I am a HIDER!

... ... ... ... ... ...

Now all we need
is camouflage.

This looks like a job for
Thing One and Thing Two!


[hello noise]

Listen up guys...

We need to be dressed
all leafy and green.

If look like the jungle
we'll never be seen.

[Understanding, 'got it'
- happy nods]

It's camouflage.
Get it.

[Understanding, 'got it'
- happy nods]

[behaving like
fashion designer; painting]

debate the colour, they agree]

[getting idea]

[happy working noises]

[getting idea]


Oh my!

.. .. !!

Coming! Ready or not!!

Wow! I can't
see them at all!

That camouflage
is really good.


I taught them my
best hiding trick.

[suppressed little giggles]

Oooh. Listen to that!

Giggling bushes.

There's something you
don't hear everday.

That's IT, FISH.



How did you hide so well!?

It's that clever camouflage
trick we told you about!

You dress up to look like
the stuff all around.

Then just like the Gecko,
you'll never be found.

Thanks, Gecko!!

That was the best
hiding trick EVER!

I know, I know...
I am the Master!


Take care and thank you!

Thank youuuuuu!

SEE you later!


Sally! Nick!

Hmm... Where are they?

[supressed giggles]


Oh, my!

You look just
like my plant.

You're all green.

Not just green, Mom!

We're camouflaged!

Yes, you are!

And now that
I've found you,

you can come inside
for your lunch....

[laughing] It's time to
eat your greens,

instead of wearing them!


We will.


Where did everybody go?

Psst, Hey kids!
Wanna find out more fun stuff

about animals,
plants, and well, fish?

Go to PBS kids online for fun
games, fascinating facts and

fin-tastic activities.
Ha ha ha ha ha!