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04x04 - Celebrations

Posted: 09/29/22 12:51
by bunniefuu
You're getting to be a big boy.

♪I'm just a kid who's four

♪Each day I grow some more

♪I like exploring - I'm Caillou

♪So many things to do

♪Each day is something new

♪I'll share them
with you - I'm Caillou

♪My world is turning,
changing each day

♪With mommy and daddy
I'm finding my way

♪Growing up is not so tough

♪'Cept when I've had enough

♪But there's lots
of fun stuff - I'm Caillou

♪Caillou, Caillou

♪I'm Caillou.

That's me!

And me!

And me!

And me!



-Ode to a daisy.

Oh! This is going to be good.

Now, what rhymes
with great elation?

That means terrific happiness.


that's tricky.

-I miss Caillou when he's gone.

Oh, well, I guess when
you're off doing exciting things

going to the beach, you don't
miss a tiny little dinosaur.

Oh, I'm so lonely.

I have nobody to play with.

One day, Caillou
got up extra early.

-Caillou! Breakfast!

-He was waiting for
the mail - because he was

expecting a letter
from his friend Xavier.

-Caillou, what
are you doing in here?

-I'm waiting for my letter!

-And your breakfast
is waiting for you!

Come on. I mean it.

Your letter
will come soon enough.


-Finished, Mommy!



-Almost finished, Daddy!

wanted to finish his breakfast
as quickly as possible.

so he could get his
letter as soon as it arrived.


-While Caillou was
finishing his breakfast,

Rosie was picking up his letter.

-Is my letter here?

-I'm sorry, Caillou.

It'll probably come tomorrow.

-I want it now, Mommy.

-Caillou was very disappointed
not to get Xavier's letter.

But just then...

Caillou was sure
that was his letter.

-Rosie, give me that!

What does it say?

-It's an invitation
to Xavier's birthday party,

only it's not just a
party, it's a Mexican fiesta!

-What's that?

-It's called a piñata.

-What's a piñata?

-Well. It's a kind of game.

It's got a surprise inside.

-What kind of surprise?

-Well, if Mommy
told you that, it wouldn't
be a surprise, would it?

-It's a very nice surprise.

-Tell me, Mommy!

-It'll be much more
fun to find out when you go

to the party, don't you think?

-It's time for
the piñata everybody!

-There's a big surprise
inside the piñata.

-What is the surprise?

-Well. If you hit the piñata
just right with this stick,

it will burst open
and you'll find out!

-Caillou wasn't sure
where the piñata was, but
he loved playing the game.


-It was Clementine's
turn next...

and then it's Xavier's.

-This is getting very exciting.

The piñata almost
broke that time!

-I can do it!


-Come on! GO!

-Caillou could hear
the sound of the surprise

and then he could
see the surprise!

The piñata was full
to bursting with candies!


They're going to love this!

-I can do this. I know I can.

Let's see, great elation?

Oh boy, this is
causing me frustration.


Elation, frustration.

They rhyme,

oh but then that doesn't go
with how I feel about the daisy.

Frustration is
kind of disappointment,

and well, I feel fabulous
about this little daisy.

Got to think.

-Nothing much to
do when Caillou's away.

Everybody has
something to do but me.

-Caillou and Rosie were
having breakfast one morning

and Rosie wanted her
tiger to have breakfast too.

-OK, Rosie.


Roar! Chomp,
chomp, chomp, chomp.

-Well, since you're
so good at feeding that tiger,

why don't you give our
big tiger his breakfast as well?

-Our big tiger?


-Caillou loved feeding Gilbert.


-I think he went outside.




-But it wasn't Gilbert!

It was Sarah's cat, Ollie.

-Ollie, that's Gilbert's food!

That's the second time
you've done that this week!

-Can you take
Ollie home, please?

And see if you can find Gilbert.


-Roar! Roar!



Gilbert came into our house
and tried to take Ollie's food.

We were bringing him home.

-Ollie tried
to take Gilbert's food!



Caillou, this
is my cousin Lee-Wun.



-Lee-Wun's staying
with us for Chinese New Year.

-Caillou had never heard
of Chinese New Years before.

-It's the Year of the Tiger!

-A tiger?

-We call the new
year the Year of the Tiger,

but there isn't really a tiger.
There is a dragon, though.

-A real dragon?

-Yes! We're going
to see it tomorrow!

Would you like to come
with us to see the dragon?

-At first, Caillou
wasn't sure if he wanted
to see a real dragon.


-Caillou was excited
that he was going

to see a real dragon
with Sarah and Lee-Wun.

-What is it?

-It's to wish you lots
of happiness in the New Year!

-And that one is to
wish you a long, long life.

Do you want
to help me put it up?

Mom, Caillou said he wanted
to see the dragon tomorrow.

-Is that right?

Would you like to come
with us to Chinatown, Caillou?

-What's that?

-It's where the dragon lives!

-I'll give your Mommy a call
and ask her if it's OK, then.

Did you clean your room, Sarah?

-Yes, Mommy.

We have to clean
the whole house from top
to bottom for the new year.


-I don't know, we just do!

-Did you get a special
New Year coin today?

-Lee-Wun felt sorry
for Caillou because

he didn't get
a special new year coin

and asked Sarah if
they could give him one.


-Caillou had never seen
a special New Year coin before.

-Happy New Year!
Xin Nien kuai le!

Oh, no! It looks like
the Year of Two Tigers!

-Are you excited
about going to Chinatown
with your friends Caillou?

-Yes, Mommy.

-Caillou was excited
about going with his friends,

but he was also a bit
nervous about seeing a dragon.

He wasn't so sure
if he wanted to go anymore.

You must be a bit scared about
seeing a dragon, so I thought

you would like the story
about the big friendly dragon?

-That was one of
Caillou's favorite stories.

-Once upon a time
there was a big friendly

dragon who lived in a forest.

All of his friends would
gather around and they would...

-The next day, Caillou went
to Chinatown with his friends

for a special New Years meal.

-Would you pass
me the Jiaozi, please?

-Um... Could you
pass them again, please?

-How would you two
like some more Tang Yuan?


-Here it comes...

Go ahead, honey.
Here are your Jiaozi.

-That was pretty clever, Mom!

-I thought so too!

-You can use your fingers...

-What's that?

-That means the dragon's coming!

-The dragon's coming!
The dragon's coming!


-Caillou loved seeing the new
year dragon and he wasn't scared

at all because
it was a friendly dragon.

-Happy New Year!
Xin nien kuai le!

-Happy New Year!

celebrate, Celebrate,
celebrate Do something zany!

♪Celebrate, celebrate,
Celebrate, celebrate,
Who cares if it's rainy.

♪Wear your snazziest clothes,

♪Wear ribbons and bows,

♪Put your best
on, Dress yourself up. From
your head to your toes.

celebrate, Celebrate,
celebrate Do something zany!

♪Celebrate, celebrate,
Celebrate, celebrate,
Who cares if it's rainy.

♪Wear your snazziest clothes,

♪Wear ribbons and bows,

♪Put your best
on, Dress yourself up. From
your head to your toes.

celebrate, Celebrate,
celebrate Do something zany!

♪Celebrate, celebrate,
Celebrate, celebrate,
Who cares if it's rainy.

celebrate, Celebrate,
celebrate Do something zany!

♪Celebrate, celebrate,
Celebrate, celebrate,
Who cares if it's rainy.

♪Wear your snazziest clothes,

♪Wear ribbons and bows,

♪Put your best
on, Dress yourself up. From
your head to your toes.

celebrate, Celebrate,
celebrate, Do it up right!

♪Celebrate, celebrate,
Celebrate, celebrate,
We're celebrating tonight!

It was Caillou's
birthday, and his Mommy was
making his birthday cake.

-I don't suppose you want to
help me clean the bowl do you?

-Yes, please, Mommy.

-I thought you might.

-Birfday cake.

I want some. I
want some. I want some.

-Come on, Caillou.

You really should let Rosie
have a little of that frosting.


thought you said Caillou should
let Rosie have some frosting.


-Caillou had told
everyone he wanted a special
dinosaur as a birthday present.

But Grandma's
gift wasn't a dinosaur.

It was a sweater.

-Do you like it, Caillou?

-Of course he does.

Oh my. They're here already.


Leo. Clementine.

-Come on in, you two.

-Now just hold still
a little longer, Caillou.

I've almost finished.

-It feels funny, Daddy.


-Happy Birthday Caillou.

-Happy Birthday Caillou.
Happy Birthday. Yay.


-Happy Birthday.

-Are you going to blow
out the candles, Caillou?

-Make a wish, Caillou.

You're supposed to make a wish.

-He knew just what to wish for.

He wanted a special dinosaur.

Caillou was so
full, he just couldn't eat
any more birthday cake.

-Happy Birthday, Caillou.

-Wow. It's my special dinosaur.

Thank you.


-Just a little while
later, everyone found room
for some ice cream sundae.

-Rosie. Look what you did.

-Here's a clean sweater, dear.


It's another special dinosaur.

-Caillou certainly
had his special dinosaur now.

In fact, he had
two special dinosaurs.

-Oh wow!

-This is my best birthday.

Bye Mom! Bye Dad!

-Bye! Be good! Love you!

-Alright. What
are we going to do today?

-We're going to
make lots of surprises.

-Geez, I forgot my briefcase.


-Look at all those strawberries!

Wow! You guys are doing great!

-Hey look!

-Then after I do that,

you guys can help me
put the strawberries on, right?


-The ones that are sliced, okay?

-Yeah, the ones that are sliced.


You guys did a great job!

-What are you
doing? What is this?

-In the house!


Holy smokes!

We are the luckiest parents
in the whole wide world!

-Thank you mom and dad!

-Oh this is going
to be the perfect surprise!

I can't wait for Gilbert
and Rexy to see this.

-No! This is hopeless.

Odes are hard to write.

Poets have trouble
making rhymes sometimes.

-No Caillou.

No Rosie.

Gilbert writing an Ode

and Teddy had
to work on a project.

I haven't got any friends today.

It's enough to make me
feel like a sad little dinosaur.

-Mommy, Daddy and
Grandpa were out shopping,

so Caillou and Rosie
were spending a lovely
afternoon with Grandma.

-Come colour with me, Grandma.

-In a minute, Caillou.

Just as soon
as I finish ironing.

-Why are you ironing?

-To make this
shirt nice and smooth.

I gave it to Grandpa
for his birthday last week.

-I didn't go
to his birthday party.

-Grandpa didn't
have a party, Caillou.

-Caillou couldn't
imagine having a birthday
without a birthday party.

-Why not?

-Grandpa had a
bad cold and he wasn't up
to celebrating that day.

-I want to give
him a party today!

-I think that's a wonderful
idea. He'll be very surpised.

-I want hats. And
games. Pin the tail on the
donkey. And a birthday cake.

-Well then, we're
going to need some supplies.

-I want to use a lot of colours.

-I think I've got some
more crayons in here somewhere.

-I can't see.

-I guess it needs
a few adjustments.

-Grandma, I want to
hang the donkey somewhere.

Mmm, mmm.

-I knew you'd find
the perfect spot, Caillou.

-Caillou thought the
decorations looked nice,

but there was
still something missing.

-We need balloons, Grandma.

-I think I've got some
left from your birthday party.

-Caillou, maybe
you have to be a little
older to blow up balloons.

was disappointed that he wasn't
able to blow up the ballon yet.

But then he remembered
something fun that he could do.

-Look what I can do Grandma.

-Wow, that's
a neat trick Caillou.

Can you do another?

That's okay.

You just have
to remember to rub a little
more gently like before.


Is this enough for
all of Grandpa's birthdays?

-Oh, I don't think we
have enough candles for that!

How about we just
put one candle in the cake
for each guest at the party?

-Caillou could hardly wait
for Grandpa to get home so he

and Rosie could yell "surprise"
like Grandma had shown them.



Happy Birthday Grandpa!

-Isn't this wonderful!

Thank you so much!

-Why didn't you
let me in on the secret?

-It was all Caillou's idea.

Great elation, great elation.

Oh there must be something
that would rhyme with that?

Why did you that for?




-Celebration of what?


You need a reason to celebrate?

But I...

-What was I thinking
of when I walked in.

Oh yeah, a rhyme for great
elation and you said celebration

and I-

I said "great elation,"
you said "celebration.".

great elation, celebration.

Get it?

-Not really.

-They rhyme! They rhyme!

Listen, great elation,


Hear it?

-What's happening?

-We're having a celebration.

-We are?

-We are?

-But I thought you said-

-Now we have
a reason to celebrate!

You finished my rhyme. See?

It goes like this.

Ode to a daisy.

Daisy, daisy, daisy,

I feel great elation,

every time I look at you,

it's a celebration!

That rhymes!

-Well, I'm ready.

We've got decorations

we have food,

and friends!

Happy Celebration!

-Oh great! A celebration!

What's a celebration?

A party!

All right!

And I've got all
of you to celebrate with!

I'm not lonely anymore!

-Have a Caillourrific day!











My daddy shows me how
to do lots of neat stuff.

We like skating except
it's not that easy at first.

And sometimes daddy acts silly.

But he always knows
how to take care of us.

When I grow up I wanna
be just like my daddy.