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03x05 - The Berenstain Bears The In Crowd / Fly It

Posted: 09/29/22 13:16
by bunniefuu
♪ Somewhere deep
in bear country ♪

♪ Lives the berenstain
bear family ♪

♪ They're kind of furry
around the torso ♪

♪ They're a lot like people,
only more so ♪

♪ The bare fact is that ♪

♪ They're just like
you and me ♪

♪ The only difference
is they live ♪

♪ In a tree ♪

♪ The berenstain bears ♪

♪ When things go wrong,
as things might do ♪

♪ The berenstain bears
will find a way through ♪

♪ Mama, papa,
sister and brother ♪

♪ They'll always be there
for each other ♪

♪ The bare fact is that
they can be sweet as honey ♪

♪ Sometimes, you'll find,
they might be just plain funny ♪

♪ The berenstain bears ♪

♪ The berenstain bears ♪

[ Sister ]: going along to get

Along is not the thing to do.

So, always remember this:

To your own self be true.

Cinderella, dressed in yella,

Went upstairs to kiss her fella.

By mistake, she kissed a snake.

How many doctors did it take?

One, two, three. Hot pepper!

[ Panting and laughing ]

You call that pepper?

[ Laughing ]


[ Loud music playing ]

Who's that?

The new girl. She moved
here a few days ago.

She's got the coolest clothes
and the coolest bike.

And the coolest music.

And look, she even
has hoop earrings.

Let's go say hi.

Hi, my name is sister,
and this is

Queenie and millie and lizzy.

I'm hilary.

Would you like to jump
double-dutch with us, hilary?

Ha, you're
kidding, right?

Jumping rope is
for little cubs.

But then, looking at that pink

Ruffled jumper
and that hair bow,

I guess you are a little cub.

[ Hilary ]:
ha-ha, and

What kind of name
is "sister", anyway?



[ Papa ]: ha, ha, take that.

[ Brother ]:
en garde!


Now, boys.

Sorry, mama,

But your honey-glazed
carrots are so good!

Hey, what about my turkey loaf?

I thought that was
pretty good, too.

Best in bear country, papa.

Too bad sister doesn't think so.

Not hungry
tonight, sister?

Not really.

Is something
wrong, sweetie?

made fun of my clothes

And my name and said jumping
rope was for little cubs.

Who's hilary?

A new girl at school --
she wears cool clothes

And a headband and listens
to cool music on a boom box.

She even has hoop earrings.

Mama, do you think

Jumping rope is
just for little cubs?

No, I don't -- but more
important than what I or hilary

Or anybody else thinks
is what you think.

Do you think jumping rope
is just for little cubs?


Then that's all that matters.

Just be nurself and others
will accept you for who you are.

Thanks, mama.

Cinderella, dressed in yella,

Went upstairs to kiss her fella.

By mistake, she kissed a--

Hi, sister.

Do you like my new outfit?

Yeah, it's just like...

Lizzy's new outfit!


[ Loud music
playing ]
got to go.

Looking good, girls.

I love that colour on you,


I kind of like
the green one, too.

is obscene.

Green is gross.


[ Stammering ]

Uh, I mean, I didn't
like the green one.

Hi, queenie.

Hello, hilary. So...who
wants to be enders first?

Like I said

Jumping rope is for
little cubs, sister.

Anyone want to...jump rope?

Good, because I have
a better idea.

Let's ride our bikes
to the dairy bear

For some frozen
yogurt -- my treat.

Great idea!

Let's go.

But...i didn't bring my bike.

[ Girls laughing ]

It's only frozen yogurt.

Hey, wait for me!


You look like you just
lost your best friend.

I did. Lizzy and
millie and queenie.

They're hilary's friends now.

They're still your friends, too.

They all got matching outfits,
just like hilary.

Then she invited them
to the dairy bear

And treated everyone
to frozen yogurt...

Everyone except me.

Lizzy and millie and queenie
have always been my friends.

Why did they go
with hilary, mama?

Well, it looks like hilary
started an in-crowd,

And they want to be in it.

Try not to be
angry with them.

I'm not. It's just that
I don't like to be left out.

No one does, sweetie.

So, what can
I do, mama?

Be yourself. That's
the best thing to do.

If you like yourself,
others will, too.

[ Brother]:

I ripped my jeans
playing football.

Ha-ha-ha, again?

Can you sew them
for me, please?

Sure. Just leave them on
the sewing machine, okay?


Mama, do you think

Maybe you could make me
a new outfit?

But not a jumper.
And not frilly, either.

And no hairbow.

I need
a headband.

You mean like the other girls?

If that's what
you really want--

Ok, but I'll need a helper.

Well, what do
you think?

I love it, mama.


[ Loud music playing ]


I love your new outfit.

Really cool.

[ Gasping ]

But it's green. I mean,
green is obscene.

Uh-uh. Pinky is stinky.
Green makes the scene.

Isn't this great?
We're all together.

And I brought some tapes.
Britany bear.

She's my favourite.

Mine, too.


What's wrong with
the backstreet bears?

They're my favourite.

Um, mine,
too, ha-ha.

Uh, nothing is wrong with
the backstreet bears, hilary.

I just thought we might
want to listen--

We listen to the
backstreet bears.

Uh, that's fine with me.
I like the backstreet bears.

Uh, I mean, I don't even
like britany bear any more.

Me neither.

Uh-uh. Not me.

No, not cool.

[ Loud music playing ]

I'm thinking I'll
get a yellow top.

Mm-hmm, uh,
yellow is cool.

Oh, yeah,
my favourite.

Mine, too.

Um...yellow is pretty --
hey, how about riding our bikes

Over to the dairy bear
for some frozen yogurt?





Okay, then. How about--


If you don't like
hanging out with us,

You're perfectly free
to go yourself.

[ Sighing ]

Okay, then. Let's listen to
the backstreet bears again.

[ Loud music playing ]

[ Laughing ]

[ Laughing ]

[ Laughing ]

[ Mama ]:
oh, sister,

How did the girls
like your new outfit?

[ Sister ]:
okay, but
I found out

That getting dressed up
like hilary means

You have to act like her, too.

You can't do anything
unless she says so.

So, you just sit around all day

Listening to the same song
over and over and over.

You can't play ball or
jump rope or anything.

Maybe the other girls are
having fun, but I'm not.

There. That's the me that's not
trying to be like everyone else.

And that's the me
that I like best.

So, what about your new outfit?

Oh, I'll wear it again...
Sometime, but right now,

I just want to be me.

Welcome back.

Brother, I need a favour, and...

Have you seen my jump rope?

[ Sister ]:
cinderella, dressed in yella,

Went upstairs to kiss her fella.

By mistake, she kissed a snake,

How many doctors would it take?

Go ahead.

Anybody who wants to go play

With little miss hairbow
can be my guest.

[ Lizzy ]: she sure looks
like she's having fun.

I can't remember the last time
I had fun like that.

[ Giggling ]

[ Both ]:
one, hee-hee, two,

Three, ha-ha-ha...

One, two, three, four.

[ All ]:
cinderella, dressed in yella,

Went upstairs to--

[ Laughing ]

Come on, hilary, try it.
It'll be fun.


I'm sorry I said all
those mean things to you.

Sister is a nice name.
It's just...

I never learned
how to jump rope.

It's easy!

We'll show you.

Come on.

[ Laughing ]

[ Brother ]: all inventions,

You will find, happen first

In someone's mind.

[ Teacher bob ]:
everyone will have the
opportunity to demonstrate

Their invention in front
of the class.

Obviously, the more effort
you put into your project,

The higher your
science mark will be.

Hey, freddy, what do
you say we team up

And make an awesome volcano?

Great idea, brother. I'm in.

I ask that you please refrain
from the ever-popular "volcano."

[ All ]:

Lava stains from
the last big eruption

Are still on the ceiling.

Heh-heh, when you put
grape jelly under pressure,

You never know what's
going to happen.


Okay, volcanoes are out --
we'll come up

With something else
that's totally amazing.

Maybe we can get some ideas at
the bearsonian institution.

Perfect. We'll go
right after school.

[ Brother ]: wow, look at that!

Wouldn't it have been great to
be wilbear and orville wright?

Just imagine...
Being the two bears

Who invented
the first airplane.

I wish we could invent
something really neat.

Too bad for us all the good
inventions have been taken.

[ Professor ]:
quite the contrary,
my dear cubs.

Ideas for inventions
will never be used up.

Professor actual factual!

It's true that the wright
brothers invented the first

Airplane, but their
inspiration has led others

To develop faster,
more-improved designs.

Ha, I daresay that
orville and wilbear

Would hardly recognize
today's flying machines.

Instead of inventions
getting used up,

Each new invention paves
the way for others to follow.

Hey, freddy, maybe we can
invent a new kind of airplane.

Us? Invent a new airplane?

Sure! We'll call it
the brother and freddy special.

You mean the freddy
and brother special.

Whatever. Come on,
we'd better get to work.

Bye, professor.

See you later,

And thanks for your help.

Ha-ha, it was
a pleasure.

Good luck, lads.

Brother and freddy special
number seven, ready for takeoff.

Ohh, not again.

I bet this
one will fly.

That's not a new design.

It's the same one every cub
in bear country makes.

Not exactly.

I folded the corner of
each wing down a bit. See?

That doesn't count -- if
we're going to be inventors,

We need to design something
that's totally different.

How are we going to do that?

We've made every different
shape we can think of,

And they all crashed.


What if we make an airplane
that doesn't need to be thrown?

A paper airplane that
flies all by itself?

I bet nobody has ever
made one of those.

Come on, orville.
We've got work to do.

Okay, wilbear.

[ Laughing ]

Ready, freddy?
Hah, I mean orville?

Ready, wilbear.

We're about to witness
aviation history in the making.

Maybe we need
a bigger propeller.

Maybe we need
two propellers!

Two propellers coming up.

My favourite.

Inventing airplanes
is fun and tasty.

[ Laughing ]

[ Brother ]: left and
right propellers ready?

Check. Centre propeller ready?


Freddy and brother special
number , cleared for takeoff.

Ohh, not again.

What are we
doing wrong?

I'll tell you what
we're doing wrong:

Trying to be inventors,
that's what.

I guess we should
have known better.

[ Sighing ] let's just
go over to your house

And make something with
magnets and paper clips.

That's not exactly
what you'd call

A totally awesome
science project.

It's better than getting a zero.

Good point.

My dad has a pretty big
magnet in his workshop.

Oh, good. Then all we need
are the paper clips.

And some kind of bright idea

To make our project
look interesting.

That could be the tricky part.

Hey, I wonder what professor
actual factual is working on.

[ Brother ]: hi, professor.
[ Freddy ]: hello.

Hello, boys.

You're just in time
for the unveiling

Of my latest invention.

It's going to
revolutionize lawn-cutting

In bear country.

That's a lawn mower?

How are you
supposed to

Push it without
a handle?

Ha-ha, well, why push it
when you can just

Tell it where to go instead?

You mean you can talk to it?

Indeed I can -- it's programmed
to respond to over

Separate voice commands
from anywhere in the yard.


Allow me to demonstrate.
Stand clear, cubs.

Ahem, voice-activated mower
prototype number ,

This is professor
actual factual.

Ahem, uh, power up all systems.

[ Lawn mower ]: all systems go.

Engage the blade.

Blade engaged.

Proceed forward.

Proceeding in forward

Wow, it really works!

How do you make sure it doesn't
cut through the flowers?

Cut through flowers.

Ohh! M-my petunias!

Proceeding through petunias.

Uh...back up! Stop!

Invalid commands.
Unable to process.

Halt! Uh, uh...power down.

Powering down.

Looks like it's back to the
drawing board, I'm afraid.

Sorry, professor. I guess I
shouldn't have said "flowers."

Oh, not at all.

It's best to get those
glitches ironed out now.

Maybe I'll have success with
prototype number , hmm?

Number ?

You've built others
that didn't work either?

Don't you ever feel
like giving up?

Dedicated inventors
never give up.

What would have happened if
orville and wilbear wright

Had given up on their airplane?

I don't think they
would have messed around

With magnets and paper clips.

No way.

That reminds me. How is your
flying invention coming along?

Um, we still have some...
Glitches to work out.

But we're not
giving up.

Excellent. We inventors have
to believe in what we're doing.

I'm sure that you'll get
those problems worked out.

Can you give us
any idea how long

That sort of thing could take,
professor factual?

Ah, well, you never know.

It could take a long time,

Or a solution to the
problem might suddenly

Appear in the blink of an eye.


When it happens, we'd better be
ready for it. Right, wilbear?

Right, orville.

professor factual.

See you later.

Bye, professor.

Goodbye, lads.

So much for a thicker elastic.

And a longer

Let's try two elastics.

That will give us
twice as much power,

So it should go twice as fast.

It went twice as fast,
all right...

Straight into the ground.

Maybe we should
try two propellers

With two elastics on each one.

Okay, but we'd better start

Recycling some
of our propellers.

I don't think my stomach can
take any more frosty pops.

same here.

What are you doing, sis?

I'm getting ready for angela's
birthday party tomorrow.

You're having a birthday
party for your doll?

Uh-huh. She's going
to be three years old.

Do you want to help me decorate?

Uh...maybe later.

Freddy and I are
kind of busy right now.

Hmm, okay.

[ Inhaling and blowing ]


That's it!

Thanks, sis. You just helped
invent a brand new airplane.

I did?

So then we tried a design
with the propeller on top,

Just like a helicopter.

When you're trying
to invent something,

It doesn't always work
the first or second time.

Ha, or even the th time,
right, brother?

Ha-ha, right -- and then
we came up with the idea

For a balloon-powered aircraft.


This balloon is just like
an airplane's jet engine,

Except it doesn't
need any fuel.

Control tower, this is
the captain speaking.

We are ready for takeoff.

[ Oohing and ahhing ]


[ Students cheering ]

Well done, freddy and brother.

The success of your
balloon-powered airplane

Demonstrates a well-known adage:

If at first you don't succeed,
try, try again.

That's good advice.

Maybe I'll try again to
get my invention working.

But I think I need a few
more bugs in the design.

Too-tall, I think
the most effective way

To make broccoli disappear

Is simply to eat it.


There's got to be an easier way.

[ Laughing ]