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01x02 - The Driving Force

Posted: 09/29/22 18:55
by bunniefuu
- ♪ On your mark

♪ Get ready to race

♪ One, two, three,
let's blaze ♪

♪ So buckle your seat belt,
we're gonna scream and yell ♪

♪ When blaze
goes saving the day ♪

♪ Blaze, blaze, blaze

♪ Gimme, gimme,
gimme some speed ♪

♪ Blaze
and the monster machines ♪

♪ Go, go

♪ Blaze
and the monster machines ♪

♪ Go, go

♪ Blaze
and the monster machines ♪

♪ Go, go,
let's blaze ♪

[Engines revving]

- Whoo-hoo!



- And crusher takes the lead,

But the other racers
are right behind him.

- The best way to win this race
is with a little cheating.


[All gasping and shouting]



- Well, it looks like no one's

Gonna beat crusher now,

Hold on.

Someone's making a move
from the back of the pack.

[Horn honking]

It's blaze!

- Oh, yeah!

[Crowd cheering]

Hey, I'm blaze,

And that's my driver
and best buddy, a.j.

- Uh-oh.

Crusher's almost
at the finish line.

- Ooh, yeah!
I'm finally gonna win!

- A.j., Give me some speed.

- Blaze needs our help
to go really fast

And use blazing speed.

To give him blazing speed,
we need to say,

"Let's blaze."

Come on.
Say it with me.

Both: let's blaze.

- Whoo-hoo-hoo!

- Yeah!

- Ooh, yeah.

I'm finally gonna win.

I'm finally--

[Crowd cheering]

All: blaze, blaze, blaze!

- Thank you.
Please. You're too kind.

- Nice racing, partner.

- You too, a.j.

High tire.

- Hang on, blaze.

You've got some mud
on your fender.

- [Giggling]
hey! Oh-ho!

- Come on.
Hold still.

- I can't.
That tickles.

- Hey, there they are.

- Blaze, a.j.,

- Zeg so happy you win race.

- Aw, thanks, you guys.

You were great out there too.

- Whoa!
What a race!

Can you believe how fast
blaze was going?

I mean, no wonder
everybody loves that guy.

He's just so...

So not as good as you,

- [Sighs]

Everyone thinks
blaze is the best

Because he's so fast
and is always winning races.

- Yeah, they do think
he's the best.

- Look, I want to be the best,

Me, me, me!


- Okay, I'll just
clean that right up.

- [Sighing and groaning]

- Look, it's starla.

- Something must be wrong.

- Yippee-ki...



- Starla,
you don't look too good.

What's the matter?

- Oh, I don't know, y'all.

I think there might be
something wrong with my engine.

It just ain't working right.

- Oh, no!

You can't drive
with a broken engine.

- This bad.
This very bad.

- Hey, look.
There's gabby.

- I bet she knows
how to fix you, starla.

- Gabby!

- Gabby, gabby!
- Over here!

- Hi, g*ng.
What's the problem?

- Something's wrong
with starla's engine.

- Hmm.
I'd better take a look.

- Uh, hey, gabby,
are them parts

Supposed to be
going up and down like that?

- Well, yeah.
Those are your pistons.

A piston
is a shiny piece of metal

That looks like this.

It pulls gas and air
into the engine.

And then there's a spark,

It makes power
so you can drive.

All: oh!

- So, gabby,
what's wrong with my engine?

- Uh-oh.

Starla, your engine is supposed
to have six pistons,

But right now,
you only have five.

One of your pistons is missing!

[All gasp]

- Oh, no!

It must have fallen out

And now it's lost!


[Snorting and honking]

- This is terrible.

- Poor starla.

- Hey, I know how we can find
starla's piston.

Switching to visor view.


My visor lets me see things
that nobody else can.

Check it out.

Now let's look for that piston.


It must be near that swamp.

Where's the piston?

Yeah, there it is!

Starla's piston
is in the mud pit.

And now we just have
to drive there and get it.

- A.j., You and blaze
get the piston.

I'll look after starla.

- Did you hear that, starla?

We're gonna get
your piston back.

- And then my engine
will be better again?

- You bet.

Once we get that piston,
you'll be good as new.

- Not if I get it first.

- You?
Get the piston?

- That's right, pickle.

If I get that piston,

It'll give my engine
extra power,

Enough to make me
the best monster machine

In the whole world.

- Actually, I don't think
that's how it works

Because you have to--

- See you later, slowpokes!


- Hoppin' hubcaps!

Crusher's gonna try
and get my piston.

- Don't worry, starla.

He won't get there before us.

A.j., Give me some speed.

- Good luck!

[Upbeat music]

- ♪ Here we go,
there's nothing to it ♪

♪ Rev it up,
yeah, we can do it ♪

♪ Moving at the speed of light

♪ Prepare to be amazed

- ♪ Let's blaze

- ♪ Come on

- ♪ Let's blaze

- It's time!
- ♪ Let's blaze

- We're picking up speed.
- ♪ Let's blaze

- We make a great team.
- ♪ Let's blaze

Both: give me some speed!

- ♪ Let's blaze

[Tires screech]

- Hey, let's go this way.

It's a shortcut
to catch up with crusher.

- But, blaze,
there's a giant box

Blocking the street.

- That's okay.
We can move it.

We just need to use
a little force.


Whenever you push or pull
on something,

You're using force.

- It's working, blaze.

Just a little more force.

- [Grunts]

All right!
- Way to go!

And look,
there's crusher and pickle.

Come on.

- Oh, I can't wait
to get that piston.

Then I'll be
the best monster machine,

Even better than blaze.

- Uh, you know, crusher,
speaking of blaze, he's, um...

Well, uh, he's kind of
catching up.

- What?

[Sighs angrily]

I can't let him beat me
to that piston.

He's always beating me.

- Yeah, but what can you do?

I mean, blaze is so fast.

- I'll just have to do something
to stop him,

Something really bad.

- Oh, crusher,
you really shouldn't.

- I've got it, pickle.

I know the perfect way
to stop blaze.

He'll never get past...

A bigfoot robot!

- Look out, blaze!

[Tires screech]

- Whoa!


That robot has some
really big feet.

Every time he stomps,
it makes a powerful force.

- We need a solution
to this problem

Before he stomps on us.

- Ooh, I have an idea.

Maybe the bigfoot robot
can't go up stairs

Because the steps are little
and his feet are big.

- Let's test our idea
and see what happens.

- Did the stairs stop the robot?

No, he got up the stairs
just fine.

- I've got another idea.

Maybe we can put something
big and heavy in his way.


Trash cans.

- Did trash cans stop the robot?


He stomps with so much force,

His big feet flattened them.

- We better think
of something else to try,

And fast!

- Hmm...

Maybe we can make him fall

If his big robot feet
step on something slippery.

- Look up ahead.

There's a dry road
and a wet road.

- Which road do you think
is slippery?

The wet road!

When the road's wet,
it can be really slippery.

- Let's test it
and see what happens.

[Tires screech]

Both: whoa!

- Did the wet road
stop the robot?


- All right!
We found a solution.

- And now we know:

Bigfoot robots fall
on wet, slippery roads.

- Now let's motor.

We've got to get that piston
before crusher gets it.

- Yeah!
- Whoo-hoo!

- Whoo-hoo-hoo!

[Upbeat music]

- ♪ When it's time to move

♪ You need a force
to make you go ♪

- ♪ It's a bump or a bash

- ♪ It's a push
when you're going slow ♪

♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh

♪ When you pull a friend

♪ Who's stuck
and needs a tow ♪

♪ That's force

♪ Yeah, yeah, that's force

♪ Force

- ♪ Moves you to me

- ♪ Force

♪ Moves you to me

- ♪ Up and down
and round and round ♪

♪ It gets you going
like a river flowing ♪

♪ Force

- ♪ When you hit the wall

- ♪ Force,
like a waterfall ♪

♪ Crashing, smashing

♪ Rocking, rolling

♪ Force!

[Horn honks]

[Horn honks]


- Hang on, blaze.

I'm getting a call.

It's gabby.
Hey, gabby.

How's starla doing?

- See for yourself.

- ♪ My engine's not working

♪ I'm broken so bad

♪ If I don't get that piston

♪ I'm gonna be sad


[Snorting and honking]

- Yeesh!

Well, tell starla
not to worry.

Blaze and I are gonna
get the piston.

- A.j., Give me some speed.

- Follow me, crusher.

- Ow.

- Yup, just stick
with your old pal pickle,

And everything will be a-okay.

Uh, hey, crusher,

You've got a little something
on your face.

- Pickle.

No! Yuck!
No, I don't want you to--

[Horn honking]

- Wait.
What's that sound?

- Hmm.

Maybe it's a bird.

- No, I know that sound.

Sounds like...

- Huh...

Looks like he's still trying
to get that piston.

Just like you, crusher.

- Oh, what am I gonna do?

I keep trying to stop blaze
with my dirty tricks,

But nothing's working.


- There, there, big fella.

- Wait a second.

I just thought of something
really bad that could stop him.

- Uh-oh.

- It's a giant
pineapple blaster!

Blaze will never get by

With big pineapples
dropping on him.

- Watch out, blaze!

[Pineapples splattering]

- Gaskets!
Where did those come from?

- [Gasps]

It's crusher.

- That piston's all mine now.



- Whoa, those pineapples
are crashing down

With a lot of force.

- Hmm.

We need to knock them away

With something that makes
an even bigger force,

Like a crane
with a big, heavy wrecking ball.

- Yeah, we can build that.
Come on.

Let's make some parts
and turn me into a crane.

First, we've got to make

So our crane doesn't tip over.

To make the outriggers,
say, "outriggers!"


Now to swing the wrecking ball
so it has a lot of force,

We need a hydraulic boom.

To make one,
say, "hydraulic boom."

Hydraulic boom!

Next, we need a steel cable
to hold the wrecking ball.

Say, "steel cable."

Steel cable!

And last but not least,

We've got have
our big, heavy wrecking ball.

Shout, "wrecking ball!"

Wrecking ball!

All right, I'm ready
to be a wrecking crane

Monster machine!

- Looking good, blaze.

Better get ready.

Crusher's machine is about
to blast more pineapples.

- I need you to help me
knock the pineapples away.

Every time you see
a giant pineapple,

Yell, "pineapple!"


- Nice one.
- Keep going.

Whenever you see any more,
yell, "pineapple!"





So long,
giant pineapple blaster.

- Nice shot, blaze.

Now let's hurry
and get that piston

Before crusher finds it.

- A.j., Give me some speed.

[Horn honking]

- ♪ Da-da-da,
looking for a piston ♪

♪ It's a beautiful day
to find a piston ♪

♪ A-do-do-do-do

- Oh, I know that piston's
here somewhere,

But I can't find it.

[Leaves rustling]

- Crusher, over here!

I found it!

- Where? Where?
Where is it?

Give it to me.
- Ta-da!

- Pickle,
that's not a piston.

It's a toothbrush!

- A toothbrush?


Well, what about this?

- That's a stick.

- [Sighs]
and this?

- That's a strawberry.

- [Sighs]

What about this?

- That's the toothbrush again.
- [Sighs]

Then what exactly does
a piston look like?

- [Sighs]

It's a long, shiny
piece of metal.

- Oh!

You mean like that thing
over there.

- [Gasps]
that's it! The piston!

I finally found it.

- Well, technically,
I found it,

But, I mean, it's,
you know...

- With that piston,
I'll finally be

The best monster machine
in the whole world.

I just have to grab it
from that mud pit,

And it's all mine!

- Let it go, crusher!

- [Gasps]
it's blaze!

- Yes, pickle,
I know who it is.

- That piston belongs to starla,
not you.

- Ha!

Well, it's mine now,
and I'm not giving it back.

[Both grunting]

- We've got to help blaze
get that piston.

Switching to visor view.

[Electronic beeping]

Now we can figure out
who's pulling harder.

Blaze is at 5,
and crusher is at 4.

Which number's bigger,
5 or 4?


That means blaze is pulling
with more force.

- Crusher,
I think he's winning.

- Not for long.

- [Gasps]
crusher went up to 7.

Which number's bigger,
5 or 7?

- [Laughs]

- Oh, no.

Now crusher has more force.

- [Grunting]

- Come on, blaze.

You can do it.

Blaze needs to pull with a force
that's bigger than 7.

Which number is bigger than 7?


- Ho-ho-ho!

- [Mumbling]

- We got the piston!

- All right!

A.j., Give me some speed.

[Horn honking]

- Oh, blaze, a.j.,
You're back.

- And that's not all, starla.

- [Gasps]
you got my piston!

[All cheering]
- all right!

Way to go, you two!

[Metal clanking]

Well, that ought to do it.

- So, starla, how do you feel?

[Engine revving]

- Yee-haw!

I'm fixed!

[All cheering]

- High tire!

- Say, blaze,

I can't thank you and a.j.
Enough for helping me.

- Oh, you're welcome, starla.

- We're just glad you're better
and can race again.

- Oh, that's true.

I canrace again!

Hey, y'all,
who wants to race?

- I do.
I do.

- Zeg love to race.

- As do i.

- Yee-haw!

- What do you say, a.j.?

One more race?

- I'm ready to roll.

- Yeah!
- Whoo-hoo!

- All right!

- Whoo!
- Yeah!

All right!


- Yeah!

- Whoo-hoo!

- Whoa!

- Oh, I can't believe
blaze beat me again.

- Aw, I'm sure you'll get him
next time, crusher,

Or maybe the time after that
or maybe never or maybe--

- [Yelling]

- [Chuckles]

- Yuck.


- ♪ It's blaze
and the monster machines ♪

♪ It's blaze

♪ And the monster machines

♪ Buckle up, gonna roll

♪ Yeah, we're ready to go
with blaze ♪

♪ You'll be amazed

♪ It's blaze

♪ And the monster machines

♪ It's time

♪ For adventure extreme

♪ Gonna kick it in gear

♪ We'll be catching some air
with blaze ♪

♪ And the monster machines

♪ It's blaze

♪ And the monster machines