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01x09 - Cake-tastrophe!

Posted: 09/29/22 19:02
by bunniefuu
- ♪ On your mark

♪ Get ready to race

♪ One, two, three,
let's blaze ♪

♪ So buckle your seat belt,
we're gonna scream and yell ♪

♪ When blaze
goes saving the day ♪

♪ Blaze, blaze, blaze

♪ Gimme, gimme,
gimme some speed ♪

♪ Blaze
and the monster machines ♪

♪ Go, go

♪ Blaze
and the monster machines ♪

♪ Go, go

♪ Blaze
and the monster machines ♪

♪ Go, go,
let's blaze ♪

[Tires squealing]

[Engine revving]

Both: whoo-hoo!

[Upbeat music]

[Both laughing]

- [Sniffing]


Something smells delicious!

- I smell it too, blaze.

It's coming from the bakery.

- Let's go check it out.

Hub caps!
Look at all these snacks.

- Mmm-mmm!

There are pies
and pretzels--ooh!

And cupcakes!

- Blaze, a.j., Welcome!

- That's clive!

He's the baker.

He makes all the food
in the bakery.

- Clive, how in the world do you
make all this delicious stuff?

- I'll show you.

Come on!

The kitchen is right back here.

[Lively music]

- Whoa!

What are those machines?

- These here robots make
all the snacks for my bakery!

I call them baker-bots.

- Gaskets!
Look at them go!

[Robots chattering]

- Let's see...

Today, my baker-bots
are making

Doughnuts and muffins
and pretzels.

Oh, and this giant baker-bot--

Wait till you see what it makes.

[Bell dings]

- What did it make?

Cake! Yeah!

A humongous cake!

- That's the biggest cake
I've ever seen!

- Okay, that's enough for now.

Time to press the big red button
and turn you off.

[Buzzer sounds]

[Electronic whirring]

- Hey, the baker-bots
have another button too!

- Oh, yeah!

What's this purple button
do, clive?

- Oh, careful!

You don't want to touch that.

That's the crazy cooking button.

Both: the crazy cooking button?

- Press that button
and the baker-bots go super fast

And start cooking like crazy!

- That sounds
like it could get messy.

- You said it!

That's why I never press
the purple button.


- Hey, we'll help you
with those, clive!

- Oh, well, thank you, blaze!

- Oh, I'm so hungry, pickle!

I need a snack!

- Don't worry, crusher.

More food will be coming out
any second.

You just have to be patient.

- [Whining]

I don't want to wait anymore.

Ooh, I bet these purple buttons
will speed things up!

- Um, are you sure you want
to do that, crusher?

We don't know
what those buttons do.


- There, see?

They're speeding up.

Okay, baker-bots.

I'm ready for my food.

Let me have it!

[Bells dinging]


These machines are working
too fast!

- I noticed!

Whoa! Ah!

Whoa! Ah! Eee!


- [Gasps]

My baker-bots!

Well, they're gone!

- Crusher, what happened?

- Uh, I don't know.

You know, you never can tell
with robots.

- Now, crusher, tell blaze
what you did.

- [Sighs]

I pressed all of the purple
buttons on the baker-bots.

- The purple buttons?

That makes them cook like crazy!

- Uh-oh.

We have to turn
those baker-bots off

Before they make a huge mess!

- Come on, a.j.

We can stop the baker-bots!

- Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

And then while you're gone,

Crusher and I can stay
and clean up this mess!

- [Groans]

Do we have to?



- A.j., Give me some speed.

We've got to catch
those baker-bots!

[Engine revving]

- ♪ Come on,
let's hit the road ♪

♪ Get ready,
here we go ♪

♪ One, two, three,
let's blaze! ♪

♪ Let's blaze

♪ Come on and follow me

- Whoo-hoo!

- ♪ Kick it
give me some speed ♪

♪ One, two, three
let's blaze! ♪

♪ Let's blaze

♪ One, two, three
and four ♪

♪ Kick the pedal to the floor

♪ Let's blaze!

[Horn honking]

[Tires squealing]

- All right, a.j.

We've got to stop
those baker-bots

Before they make a huge mess!

- Let's figure out how many
baker-bots we need to find.

Clive had this many baker-bots.

Count them with me.

One, two, three, four,

Five, six, seven!

- Whoa, that's a lot
of baker-bots!

I wonder where they could be.

- Blaze! A.j.!

- It's our friend gabby,
the mechanic!

[Engine revving]

[Tires squealing]

- What is it, gabby?

- I need your help.

Something really strange

Is happening in the garage.

- Huh.

We better go check it out.

- Oh, man!

There's food everywhere!

I bet we know
who's making this mess.

It's the baker-bots!

- [Gasps]
look out!

[Robot chattering]

[All exclaiming]

- The only way to stop
those baker-bots

Is to press those big red
"off" buttons!

- Hey, I know how
we can do that.

Check it out.

I made a slingshot.

A slingshot can launch things
in the air.

- [Grunts]

Good thinking, gabby!

We can launch
these ball bearings,

And if we hit the red buttons
on the baker-bots,

They'll turn off.

- Switching to visor-view.


Visor, show us the trajectory.

- Check it out.

This line
is the ball's trajectory.

When we launch the ball,

It's going to follow this path
and land here.

- Uh-oh--but the trajectory
is too low.

If we launch the ball now,
it won't hit the "off" button.

[Robot chattering]

- Change the trajectory, blaze!

- [Grunts]

Now will the ball
hit the "off" button?


The line goes right to it.

Come on.

Help me launch the ball
at this trajectory.

Say, "trajectory!"


[Electronic whirring]

- Yeah!
- All right!

- We turned off the baker-bot!

- Way to go, blaze.

- [Gasps]

There's another baker-bot
up there!

- Quick, let's turn it off!

- [Grunts]

Here's the trajectory.

Will the ball
hit the "off" button?

No, it won't go far enough!

Now will the ball
hit the "off" button?

Let's launch it.

Say, "trajectory!"


[Electronic whirring]

- Whoo-hoo!
- Yeah! Nice shot.

[Robot chattering]

- Whoa! Look out!

- There's just one
baker-bot left,

And he's really cooking
like crazy!


Here's the trajectory.

Will the ball
hit the "off" button?

No, it'll go too high!

- Whoa!

- What about now?

Will the ball
hit the "off" button?

No, now it'll go too low!

- Whoa!

- [Grunts]

Now will the ball
hit the "off" button?

Let's do it.

Yell, "trajectory!"

Both: trajectory!

[Electronic whirring]

[All cheer]

- Great job, everyone!

We turned off
all three baker-bots.

- But, gabby,
what about the garage?

It's still covered in food!

- Don't worry.

I can use my blazing speed

To mop up this mess super-fast!

To give me the power
to go super-fast,

I need you to say,
"let's blaze!"

Say it with me.

Both: let's blaze!

[Upbeat music]

- Now, that's a fast cleanup!

Thanks, blaze.

- You're welcome, gabby.

- Check it out.

There were seven baker-bots,
and we just turned off three.

Let's see how many are left.

Count with me.

One, two, three, four.

Four baker-bots
still on the loose.

- A.j., Give me some speed!

We've got to stop
those baker-bots

Before they make
any more messes!

- You got it, blaze.

- See you, gabby!

- ♪ Trajectory

♪ Is the path
that something follows ♪

♪ Trajectory

♪ When it's flying
through the air ♪

- ♪ Will it go to the left

♪ Or will it go to the right

- ♪ Trajectory

- ♪ Will it go super low

♪ Or will it go really high

♪ Trajectory

♪ Is the path
that something follows ♪

♪ Trajectory

♪ When it's flying
through the air ♪

- [Groaning]

Pickle, how am I supposed
to clean this place?

I do not want to touch
this sticky mess.

- Oh, don't worry, crusher.

I'm gonna help you.

I'll clean up this one--ooh!

And these over here
and that one over there.


I'm cleaning up,
and no sticky food

Is getting on you--
oh, uh, oh, ahh!

[Food splattering]


- Oh...

- Mmm.


[Upbeat music]

- Baker-bots!

Oh, baker-bots!

- Baker-bots?

They've got
to be around here somewhere.

- Wait, I hear something.

It sounds like...

- Darrington!

- It's darrington.

- Blaze? A.j.?

Is that you?
I can't see anything.


- Darrington!

You have pie covering your eyes.

- Ah! That's better.

- Wait a second, darrington.

How did you get pie
on your face?

- It was the weirdest thing.

I was driving
when all of a sudden

I see these strange machines,
and the next thing I know,


They toss a pie
right at my face.

- [Gasps]

It had to be the baker-bots.

- Which way were they going,

- Hmm.

They were heading that way!

- [Gasps]

There they go!

- Come on, a.j.

Let's catch 'em!

Thanks, darrington!

- See you around!

- Look out!

- Whoa! Eee! Ah!

[Engine revving]

[Robots chattering]

- Oh, no!

They're cooking so fast

It's making giant walls of food!

[Tires squealing]

Aw, there's too many doughnuts!

I can't get through.

If only we had some way
to scoop all this food up!

- Hey, I know something
that could help us.

A front loader.

Front loaders have a big bucket
in front.

They can scoop up heavy stuff
and move it out of the way.

- Hey, let's build those parts
and turn me into a front loader!

First, I need the big bucket
to scoop up the food.

To make the bucket,
say, "bucket!"



Next, we need two lifting arms
that attach to the bucket.

Say, "lifting arms!"

Lifting arms!

Now all we need
is a hydraulic cylinder

To give us enough force
to lift really heavy things.

Say, "hydraulic cylinder!"

Hydraulic cylinder!


We turned me into
a front-loading monster machine!

Hop in, a.j.

I'm ready
to scoop up some snacks.

[Mechanical whirring]

- Yay, blaze!

- Would you look at him go?

That blaze is amazing!

- Totally!

- Out of my way, cupcakes!

- All right!

- Phew! Almost there!

- There's just one wall
of food left:

The wall of pies.

- [Grunts]

All these pies
are super-heavy!

- We need to give
the front loader more force.

The front loader gets its force
from the hydraulic cylinder,

And to lift all those pies,
it needs a force of ten!

Come on!
Count to ten with me.

One, two, three, four, five,

Six, seven, eight, nine, ten!

- [Grunting]

I did it!


It's a good thing
I got all that extra force.

- Look, blaze!

There are the baker-bots.

- Quick!
Let's turn them off.

[Exciting music]

All right!

No more crazy cooking for you.

- Yeah!

Nice work, blaze,

But what are we gonna do
with all this food?


- Maybe I can help.

[Both gasp]

- It's debris!

- Whoa!
This is a big mess!

- Debris is a garbage truck.

He can help us get rid
of all this food, right, debris?

- That's what I do.

You load me up,
I haul it away.

[Upbeat music]

[Tires squealing]

[Horn honking]

Now, that's what I call
a cleanup!


Nice working with you, fellas.

- Bye, debris!

Thank you!

- Yuck!

That's it!

I'm done cleaning up this mess.

I'm going outside, where I won't
get any more food on me.




- Mmm.


- There were four
baker-bots left,

And we just turned off three.

How many baker-bots
do we still need to find?

One! Yeah!

Just one more.

- Gaskets, that's the giant
cake-making baker-bot!

We'd better start looking.

Let's see...

Is the giant baker-bot
by the flower shop?

No, it's not over there.

Is it by the restaurant?

Nope. It's not there, either.

Is the baker-bot in the park?

[Robot chattering]

Yeah! There it is!

- Uh-oh!

It's blasting cakes
all over the place!

- Ah!

- Ah!
- Hey, look out!

- We've got to turn off
that baker-bot, and fast!

- But how to we do that

Without getting hit
by giant cakes?

- I know!

Let's check their trajectories.

- Switching to visor-view.


- One cake's gonna land
on the pink blanket,

One on the purple blanket,

And one's gonna land
on the blue blanket.

That means we'll be safe

As long as we drive
onto the red blanket.

- All right!

- Let's keep moving.

- Look out, blaze!

The baker-bot
is about to launch more cakes.

- Look carefully
at the trajectory lines.

Which blanket
is not gonna be hit by a cake?

The purple one!


- Nice one!

[Engine revving]

Now hurry, blaze!

We're almost there.

More cakes on the way.

- Quick!

Which blanket
is not gonna be hit by a cake?

The blue one!


Not a crumb on us.

- Go, blaze!

Now's our chance
to hit the "off" button!

- Whoo-hoo!

[Engine revving]

[Electronic whirring]

All right!
- Yes!

We turned off
the last baker-bot.

[Honking and cheering]

- Blaze, a.j., That was amazing!

You stopped all the baker-bots.

How can I ever thank you?

- Oh, it was nothing.

- Yeah, it was a piece of cake.

[All laughing]

- Uh, blaze?

What are we gonna do
about all this cake in the park?

- I know!

With blazing speed,

We can sweep up this mess

To make me sweep up the cake

Say, "let's blaze!"

Both: let's blaze!

- Whoo-hoo!

[Upbeat music]

[All cheering]

- Way to go, blaze!
All right!

- ♪ Ya-dee-doo-doo, ba-pah-pah

And... There!

All done.

- [Gasps]

It's clean!

The kitchen is finally clean!


We did it!

- Whoa!
Hang on there, crusher.

The floor is still
kind of wet and slippery.

Better wait a minute.

- Oh, no! I'm not waiting.

I am out of he--oh!

[Clanking and splattering]



- ♪ It's blaze
and the monster machines ♪

♪ It's blaze

♪ And the monster machines

♪ Buckle up, gonna roll

♪ Yeah, we're ready to go
with blaze ♪

♪ You'll be amazed

♪ It's blaze

♪ And the monster machines

♪ It's time

♪ For adventure extreme

♪ Gonna kick it in gear

♪ We'll be catching some air
with blaze ♪

♪ And the monster machines

♪ It's blaze

♪ And the monster machines